Authority: 40 U.S.C. 121(c); 41 U.S.C. 1702; and 48 CFR 1.301-1.304.

Source: 73 FR 2717, Jan. 15, 2008, unless otherwise noted.

      842.000 Scope of part.

      842.070 Definitions.

      Subpart 842.1 [Reserved]-

      Subpart 842.2 - Contract Administration Services

           842.270 Contracting Officer's Representatives' role in contract administration.

           842.271 Administrative Contracting Officer's role in contract administration and delegated functions.

           842.272 Contract clause for Government construction contract administration.

      Subpart 842.7 - Indirect Cost Rates

           842.705 Final indirect cost rates.

      Subpart 842.8 [Reserved]

      Subpart 842.12 - Novation and Change-of-Name Agreements

           842.1202 Responsibility for executing agreements.

842.000 Scope of part.

This part prescribes policies and procedures for contract administration and audit services for all Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) contracting activities.

842.070 Definitions.

As used in this part -

Contract administration means Government actions taken after contract award to obtain compliance with such contract requirements as timely delivery of supplies or services, acceptance, payment, and closing of the contract. These actions include, but are not limited to, technical, financial, audit, legal, administrative, and managerial services in support of the contracting officer. It may include additional tasks requested of designated contract administration offices within VA in support of pre-award activities for solicitations issued by or awarded by other contracting activities through Interagency Acquisitions.

Administrative Contracting Officer Letter of Delegation means a delegation of functions as set forth in FAR 42.202, 42.302 and 842.271, Administrative Contracting Officer's role in contract administration and delegated functions, that is issued by a contracting officer to delegate certain contract administration or specialized support services.

Subpart 842.1 [Reserved]-

Subpart 842.2 - Contract Administration Services

Source: 85 FR 60077, Sept. 24, 2020 and 85 FR 67463, Oct. 23, 2020, unless otherwise noted.

842.270 Contracting Officer's Representatives' role in contract administration.

(a) A contracting officer may designate a qualified person to be the Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) for the purpose of performing certain technical functions in administering a contract.

(b) The COR acts solely as a technical representative of the contracting officer and is not authorized to perform any function that results in a change in the scope, price, terms or conditions of the contract.

(c) A COR designation must be made in writing by the contracting officer. The designation shall identify the responsibilities and limitations of the COR. A copy of the designation must be furnished to the contractor and the Administrative Contracting Officer (ACO), if separately assigned.

842.271 Administrative Contracting Officer's role in contract administration and delegated functions.

(a) Contracting officers are authorized to delegate certain contract administration or specialized support services in accordance with FAR 42.202 and 42.302 to cognizant VA administrative contracting officers.

(b) The Administrative Contracting Officer's authority is limited to the actions detailed in the delegation.

(c) These delegations of authority shall be set forth in a written Administrative Contracting Officer (ACO) Letter of Delegation issued by the contracting officer to the accepting contract administration office and designated administrative contracting officer. The ACO Letter of Delegation shall contain the information required in FAR 42.202(a) through (c) and identify the responsibilities and limitations of the ACO. A copy of the delegation will be furnished to the contractor and the ACO.

(d) The contracting officer shall insert the clause at 852.242-71, Administrative Contracting Officer, in solicitations and contracts expected to exceed the micro-purchase threshold.

842.272 Contract clause for Government construction contract administration.

The contracting officer shall insert the clause at 852.242-70, Government Construction Contract Administration, in solicitations and contracts for construction expected to exceed the micro-purchase threshold, when contract administration is delegated.

Subpart 842.7 - Indirect Cost Rates

842.705 Final indirect cost rates.

Except when the quick-closeout procedures described in FAR 42.708 are used, contracting officers shall request contract audits on proposed final indirect cost rates and billing rates for use in cost reimbursement and fixed-price incentive contracts as prescribed in FAR subpart 42.7.

Subpart 842.8 [Reserved]

Subpart 842.12 - Novation and Change-of-Name Agreements

842.1202 Responsibility for executing agreements.

To avoid duplication of effort on the part of VA contracting offices in preparing and executing agreements to recognize a change of name or successor in interest involving multiple contracts issued by VA activities, only one agreement will be prepared and executed between the Government and the parties (transferor and transferee) and will be processed as forth in FAR 42.1203. The Office of Acquisition and Logistics, Risk Management and Compliance Service will, in each case, designate a cognizant HCA responsible for assigning a contracting officer. The designated contracting officer shall be responsible for taking all necessary and appropriate actions with respect to either recognizing or not recognizing a successor in interest or recognizing a change of name agreement and processing and executing the agreements as set forth in VA procedures.