Publication of FAC 2024-06
Federal Acquisition Circular (FAC) 2024-06 was published in the Federal Register today, July 30, 2024.
The list of documents included in this FAC are as follows:
- Introduction;
- FAR Case 2015-038, Reverse Auction Guidance, Final Rule, Effective: August 29, 2024;
- FAR Case 2021-009, Protests of Orders Set Aside for Small Business, Final Rule, Effective: August 29, 2024;
- FAR Case 2023-007, Limitation of Authority Regarding Extraordinary Contractual Actions, Final Rule, Effective: August 29, 2024;
- Technical Amendment, Final Rule, Effective: August 29, 2024;
- Small Entity Compliance Guide (SECG).
To view and download the latest version of the FAR, please visit
Don't hesitate to get in touch with us at [email protected] if you have any questions.