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Arif Cemil (Denker) - Teşkilat-ı Mahsusa: Kafkasya ve Balkanlar'da Operasyonlar
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      Military HistoryOttoman HistoryIntelligenceBalkan Studies
A review of George Gawrych's The Young Atatürk: From Ottoman Soldier to Statesman of Turkey 2013 from H-net
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      Military HistoryStrategy (Military Science)Ottoman HistoryTurkish Nationalism
Öz Yeniçeri Ocağı kaldırıldıktan sonra askeri alanda yaşanan bir dizi köklü değişim, askerliğin yapılma şeklini tamamen değiştirmiştir. Osmanlı Devleti'nde askere alma usulü daha önce ocağa dayalıydı ve profesyonel anlamda paralı... more
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      Military HistoryStrategy (Military Science)Askeri TarihOttoman Army in 20th Century
Makedonya Meselesi’nin Şark Meselesi’nin bir uzantısı olarak değerlendirildiği bu makalede Osmanlı askerî ve siyasî idaresinin Makedonya’daki iç güvenlik sorunlarıyla ilgili tespitleri ve çözüm önerileri incelenmektedir. III. Ordu’da... more
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      Macedonian QuestionOttoman Army in 20th Century
The Caucasus Front was the area where combat operations between the Russian and Ottoman Empires were conducted from October 1914 until December 1917 as part of the Caucasus Campaign, one of the military campaigns in the Middle Eastern... more
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      Russian Studies (in Area Studies) and the CaucasusImperial Russian ArmyMiddle East Front (First World War)Armenian Genocide
Projemizin konusu; 1.Dünya Savaşı'nda, Mezopotamya'daki Filistin, Yemen, Kanal, Hicaz, Irak ve Suriye cephelerinde savaşan Osmanlı askerlerinin İngilizler tarafından esir alınıp Britanya Hindistanı'na bağlı olan Burma'daki (Günümüzdeki... more
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      HistoryOttoman StudiesOttoman EmpireBritish Empire
Özet Osmanlı Devleti’nin on yedinci yüzyıldan itibaren savaş alanlarında eski ihtişamını kaybetmesi devlet adamlarını ordu üzerinde düşünmeye sevk etmiştir. Askeri kurumların ihyası için 1600’lerden itibaren dönem dönem bazı yenilikler... more
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      Military HistoryOttoman Military HistoryTurkish StudiesOttoman Army in 20th Century
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      İttihat ve TerakkiOttoman Army in 20th CenturyCommittee of Union and ProgressErmeniler
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      First World WarHistory of Turkish RepublicOttoman Army in 20th Century
The Great War proved to be a traumatic experience for many Greek Orthodox citizen soldiers called to fight under the Ottoman banner. Although many served dutifully in arms or otherwise, i.e., in manufacturing, in labor battalions, etc.,... more
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      Military HistoryGreat WarForced LaborOttoman Army in 20th Century
Birinci Dünya Savaşı başladığında Faik (Tonguç) Londra'da bir üniversite öğrencisiydi. Fransız ve Alman arkadaşlar gibi Faik çok geç olmadan İstanbul'u ulaşmak için elinden geleni yaptı. Ona oldukça çok uzak görünen kolordudaki dört aylık... more
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      Ottoman Military HistoryEconomic and Social History of the Ottoman EmpireOttoman Army in 20th Century
Balkan Harbi’nde Osmanlı Ordusu hiç kimsenin beklemediği, çok hazin bir yenilgi almıştır. Bu yenilginin askeri sebepleri arasında en önde gelenlerden birisi de Osmanlı Ordusu’nun lojistik sisteminin temelini oluşturan Menzil Teşkilatı’nın... more
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      Balkan StudiesOttoman BalkansBalkan Wars 1912-1913Ottoman Army in 20th Century
This paper presents the issue of conscription within the tribal societies of 19th and early 20th century Iraq as an indicator of failures and successes of centralization and nation state building attempts, highlighting the importance of... more
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      Military HistoryOttoman HistoryMiddle East StudiesOttoman Empire
During the Cold War, the Zagros Mountain range assumed new significance, both as potential bulwark to “communist expansion” (as when the U.S. Strategic Air Command relocated to the region) and as an index of governance. Strategic... more
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      Military HistoryNATONuclear WeaponsCold War
Auja El-Hafir was an Ottoman Administrative center, built on the ruins of the Byzantine city of Nitzana, near the border line that was established at that time, between British rule Egypt and Ottoman Palestine. In 1915 and 1916, the place... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyFirst World WarOttoman Army in 20th CenturyArchaeology of the First World War
בשנים האחרונות גברה ההתעניינות המחקרית באירועי מלחמת העולם הראשונה לרגל שנת המאה לפריצתה. מרבית המחקרים שנכתבים אודות המלחמה עוסקים בהיבטים צבאיים, חברתיים, טכנולוגיים ותרבותיים של המלחמה מנקודת מבט מערכתית-נושאית. המאמר הנוכחי, לעומת... more
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      Local HistoryBattlefield ArchaeologyFirst World WarArab-Israeli conflict
The remembrances of an English intelligence officer, who served in the Caucasus and northern Iran during World War I, were published in an English magazine in 1925 and translated into Ottoman Turkish for inclusion in the November 1926... more
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      Russian RevolutionImperial Russian ArmyBritish Army (First World War)Ottoman Army in 20th Century
Muhterâ’t-ı Cedîdeden 7,63 Millimetre Çapında Paket Hazineli Mavzer Mesleğinde Kendi Kendine Ser’i Ateşli Osmânlı Mavzer Tabancası / The Recently Invented, 7.63 mm Diameter, Package Magazined, Working on Mauser Principle, Series Shooter... more
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      Military HistoryFirearmsOttoman Army in 20th Century
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      First World WarGerman-Ottoman RelationsWWIOttoman Army in 20th Century
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      Military HistoryWarfareTurkish ArmyOttoman Army in 20th Century
(1 Teşrin-i Evvel 1324/1908- 15 Haziran 1325/1909) tarihleri arasında yayınlanmıştır.
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      Military HistoryII. MeşrutiyetAskeri TarihOttoman Army in 20th Century
Short Book Review Ordered to Die: A History of the Ottoman Army in the First World War (Contributions in Military Studies) Hardcover – November 30, 2000 by Edward J. Erickson ALL BOOKS WILL BE PROMOTED AND CAN BE REVIEWED IN OUR... more
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      Military HistoryTurkeyFirst World WarBook Reviews
Background: The aim of this study, which evaluated historical data, was to delineate the probable impacts of infectious diseases on human populations under extraordinary circumstances. The second goal was to disclose the mortality rates... more
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman StudiesMortalityInfection
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      Ottoman HistoryOsmanlı OrduAskeri TarihOttoman Army in 20th Century
The Battle of Sarikamish (Sarıkamış), which took place from 22 December 1914 to 17 January 1915, was a major engagement between the Ottoman and Russian armies on the Caucasus Front. The outcome of the battle resulted in a decisive Russian... more
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      Russian Studies (in Area Studies) and the CaucasusImperial Russian ArmyArmenian GenocideOttoman Armenians
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      GlocalizationOttoman EmpireCollective MemoryFirst World War
Nikolaĭ Yudenich was one of the most successful Russian commanders of the First World War, who demonstrated admirable consistency in achieving victories on the Caucasus Front. During the Russian Civil War, Yudenich became a notable... more
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      First World WarImperial Russian ArmyOttoman Army in 20th CenturyLate Imperial Russia
Το όνομα του Χασάν Ταχσίν πασά δεν είναι άγνωστο στους Έλληνες και ειδικά στους Θεσσαλονικείς. Οι περισσότεροι φιλίστορες αναγνωρίζουν τη σκυθρωπή αλλά συνάμα ήρεμη και σεβάσμια φυσιογνωμία του στο γνωστό πίνακα -και όχι φωτογραφία όπως... more
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      MemoirOttoman Army in 20th CenturyOttoman MacedoniaModern and Contemporary Greek History