Organizational Trust
Recent papers in Organizational Trust
Trust influences charitable-giving behavior. However, prevailing theoretical discussion and empirical study of the effects of trust suffer from confusion over different dimensions of trust. In addition to the distinction between... more
The integration of distributed renewable resources relies increasingly on 'smart' solutions, requiring data to schedule, control and plan the operation of distributed assets within future energy systems. Such data can include household... more
The intensity of competition emerging in each area with globalization directly affects businesses. In order to be able to sustain their continuity in this intense competitive environment, enterprises have to understand... more
Although principals are ultimately held accountable to student learning in their buildings, the most consistent research results have suggested that their impact on student achievement is largely indirect. Leithwood, Patten, and Jantzi... more
The relationship between two variables in a team - interpersonal trust and team performance – was examined. Working teams (N-26) comprising 181 persons (84 female, 97 male) of several organizations participated in this study. It was... more
This presentation is based on the Reputation Management Certificate Program of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) 2017 More info the PRSA Program:... more
This paper employs comparative longitudinal case study research to investigate why and how strong dyadic interfirm ties and two alternative network architectures (a ‘strong ties network’ and a ‘dual network’) impact the innovative... more
I diritti di riproduzione e di adattamento anche parziale della presente opera (compresi i microfilm, i CD e le fotocopie) sono riservati per tutti i Paesi. Le riproduzioni totali, o parziali che superino il 15% del volume, verranno... more
Volatile economic conditions are painful for most firms. Firms struggle to survive when market demand is sluggish, uncertainties are high, and credit conditions are tight. Therefore, maintaining and strengthening partnerships, retaining... more
The terms decentralized organization and distributed organization are often used interchangeably, despite describing two distinct phenomena. I propose distinguishing decentralization, as the dispersion of organizational communications,... more
This paper provides a general overview of different perspectives and studies on trust, offers a definition of trust, and provides factors that play a substantial role in developing social trust, and shows from which perspectives it can be... more
Calling All Business Leaders! Business strategy and information technology are not providing sustainable competitive advantage anymore! If You Want your Organizational Culture to be a Strategic Weapon You Must Read This Book! We are... more
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Urban schools are under significant pressure to change. Pressures to reduce dropout rates and improve student achievement, increase graduation and college eligibility rates, and revamp curricular offerings have intensified amid threats of... more
Der Text fasst die bisher vorliegende Forschung zu Transparenz im Journalismus zusammen: 1.) stelle ich eine Systematisierung der Instrumente vor, mit denen Journalisten ihre Arbeit transparent machen (können); 2.) diskutiere ich die... more
Introduction to the book chapter: Interest in trust amongst both human resource management (HRM) scholars and practitioners has grown significantly in recent decades. While studies have identified a range of benefits for both employees... more
Stakeholder paradigm has been gaining currency over the past few decades and technological breakthroughs have been influential in building its momentum. Hyper-Transparency is emerging as a building block and as an indispensable... more
Research has revealed service industries’ benefits from customer trust including positive effects on commitment, loyalty, sales effectiveness, and collaborative, cooperative, and successful exchange relationships. Yet, despite the... more
Les débats sur le lien entre la responsabilité sociale et la performance organisationnelle sont presque si vieux et trouvent leurs origines dans le champ « Business et Society ». En ce sens, cet article explore les différents mécanismes... more
There are frequent calls to enhance citizens' trust in government to pave the way towards a new paradigm of participatory governance and strong citizen support for government. In various realms, citizens may directly or indirectly engage... more
The purpose of this article is to investigate the impact of internal CSR on Employee Engagement through a mediation-moderation mechanism in a developing country, using social exchange theory. In this empirical study, 300 self-reported... more
Coaching as a form of professional development holds great promise for schools. Coaching is relatively new to education, but its growth has exploded over the last decade. The current study reviewed various approaches to coaching in... more
The aim of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is to restore one of the most critical resources for businesses’ sustainability: trust. However, the current practice of CSR begs the question whether CSR initiatives restore trust or... more
This article argues that the use of sexual infiltration by police and criminal collaborators represents a strategic deployment of surveillance technology by the state with the aim of creating Foucault’s “docile bodies” through the... more
Abstract 1. In research on trust in the organizational context, there is some agreement evolving that trust should be measured with respect to various foci. The Workplace Trust Survey (WTS) by Ferres (2002) provides reliable assessment of... more
This study attempts to understand job satisfaction (JS) and organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) in relation to procedural justice (PJ). It also studies the mechanism through which PJ is likely to influence the dependent variables.... more
The roles of organizational and relational factors in regard to professional learning communities (PLCs) have been investigated by many, yet none have considered enabling school structures, trust, and collective efficacy as variables. We... more
Public crisis communication aims to fill and solve very practical crisis management related tasks and issues, but also to uphold core democratic ideas and values. 2 The topic of this chapter, ethical crisis communication, centers on how... more
Bu çalışmanın amacı, dönüşümsel liderlik (DL) ve alt boyutlarının örgütsel güven (ÖG) ve örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı (ÖVD) üzerindeki etkisini ve DL ve alt boyutları ile ÖVD arasındaki ilişkide ÖG’nin aracı (mediator) rolünü... more
This study investigated the mediating effect of on-the-job embeddedness on the relationship between trust in supervisor and turnover. Survey data were collected among 471 employees of a restaurant chain in Indonesia. Results showed that... more
Trust and collective learning are useful features that are enabled by effective collaborative leadership of e-learning projects across higher and further education (HE/FE) institutions promoting lifelong learning. These features... more
The purpose of the present study is to determine the relationship between organizational support and organizational trust of teachers. Organizational support is recognizing the contribution of employees, appreciating and paying attention... more
Although cooperation between groups is not unusual, most forms of human cooperation are in-group bounded and, sometimes, motivated by the desire to ward-off and subordinate rivaling out-groups. Building on evolutionary perspectives and... more
The loss of trust within and between organizations has become serious worldwide, especially in China. In this study, we seek to explain why as well as how leaders at two different levels (i.e., the top management and the supervisory... more
This study aims to determine the effect of psychological contracts as a mediator in the relationship between supervisor support, organizational trust and workplace deviant behaviour. For this purpose, a total of 350 lecturers in seven... more
Researchers in the field of business ethics have assumed organizational trust as the connecting puzzle piece between organizational theory and philosophical ethics (Hosmer, 1995). Organizational identification has gained a lot of momentum... more