Industry 4.0
Recent papers in Industry 4.0
Il Coordinamento del “Forum per la Promozione dello Sviluppo Equo e Sostenibile” ha attivato un Gruppo di lavoro per analizzare le trasformazioni sui sistemi professionali che generano la transizione verso lo sviluppo sostenibile. Gli... more
Recent studies advocate that digital technologies are key enabling factors for the introduction of servitized business models. At the same time, these technologies support the implementation of the circular economy (CE) paradigm into... more
Circular Economy has been usually indicated as a promising approach to promote economic development and sustainability. Despite this general agreement, the Circular Economy paradigm is still little adopted by companies, as they need to... more
Since it first appeared in literature in the early nineties, the Circular Economy (CE) has grown in significance amongst academic, policymaking, and industry groups. The latest developments in the CE field have included the interrogation... more
The 21st century has witnessed precipitous changes spanning from the way of life to the technologies that emerged. We have entered anascent paradigmshift(industry 4.0) where sciencefictions have becomescience facts, and technologyfusion... more
A major drawback to Industry 4.0 that few write about is maintenance of an industry 4.0 plant. The maintenance aspect is a much greater and immediate drawback than even the commonly known major concern of security, and the lesser concern... more
Several economies are implementing the concept of the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) which is an inevitable trend of businesses in the context of digital transformation. In the current situation, the COVID-19 pandemic is... more
Each industrial revolution caused changes in several fields, including the human resources in organisations. The aim of the paper is to theoretically summarize the main findings about changes in the requirements on human resources from... more
In the world, there is a constant change and development in the economy, industry and politics. The fact that this change and development, especially in the industrial field, has an impact on other areas, is an important factor in shaping... more
Increased collaborative production and dynamic selection of production partners within industry 4.0 manufacturing leads to ever-increasing automatic data exchange between companies. Automatic and unsupervised data exchange creates new... more
This article presents the context of the industrial revolution 4.0, the opportunities and challenges posed for Vietnamese enterprises. The article emphasizes the importance of knowledge management and related areas and isues of... more
Fab Lab é um laboratório de fabricação digital (o nome deriva do inglês Fabrication Laboratory), cuja ideia surgiu como uma proposta de plataforma de prototipagem, inovação e invenção, integrando, além destas características, uma... more
The manner in which cyber-physical systems are being developed, and will be developed, is coupled strongly with the nature of the ambient economy. Currently, there is a mismatch between enthusiasm for technological change and caution... more
Construction Industry 4.0 in Malaysia
(BIM, IBS, Drone Technology, Green Building)
Newspaper Article (Letters)
Published by The Star (Newspaper) on 6 Feb 2020
(BIM, IBS, Drone Technology, Green Building)
Newspaper Article (Letters)
Published by The Star (Newspaper) on 6 Feb 2020
La Legge di Bilancio 2018 ha confermato ulteriormente l’intenzione del governo uscente e, in generale, delle forze politiche di proseguire il cammino verso l’implementazione di politiche pubbliche favorevoli all’Industria 4.0. Fino ad... more
Within a globalized scientific community, sciences are changing to worldwide perspectives and multidisciplinary approaches. The authors of this book illustrate this trend by looking at different study areas of the social sciences. They... more
Purpose: This paper is aimed at investigating how much the Italian manufacturing companies are ready to be concretely involved in the so-called ‘Industry 4.0’ journey. In particular, this paper focuses on analyzing the knowledge and... more
Studium kompetencji przyszłości niezbędnych do życia i pracy w środowisku rozwijającego się Przemysłu 4.0 oraz otoczeniu nasyconym nowoczesnymi technologiami cyfrowymi ( sztuczną inteligencją, blockchain, VR/AR, chmurą). Diagnoza... more
Today's manufacturing enterprises have faced with rapid changes in their product demands. These changes are grown as challenges by the introduction of Industry 4.0 paradigm. Real-time interaction of data by Internet of Things (IoT) in... more
On-line monitoring of Total Oil and Grease (TOG) in produced water of offshore platforms has been a challenge over the past decades. There are difficulties imposed by the sensitivity to various factors (e.g., fluid temperature, pressure,... more
A competitive company should possess the ability to rapidly adopt to changes and the new era of the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) puts forward an incredible reshaping of the entire manufacturing sector. The primary goal of... more
Cybersecurity and traditional operational IT security matters are of extreme importance in the development towards Industrie 4.0 / Industry 4.0, Industrial Internet, Industrial IoT and Smart Manufacturing alltogether. This paper studies... more
Siamo davanti a profondi e radicali cambiamenti che ci suggeriscono di risvegliare una volontà assopita di cambiare dentro, come individui, diventando più maturi, più consapevoli e conseguentemente più liberi. Questo è l'unico modo per... more
This document explains the process of design, implementation and testing of a camera that reduces the drying time of sausage and pigskin, without affecting the quality of them. For this purpose it was designed and implemented a drying... more
FMS and its adoption is a nuanced cradle technology in India and sees a limited implementation of its innovative technology and concepts. Our world today is a technologically sophisticated world, only characterized as fictional a few... more
The digital transformation of biopharmaceutical manufacturing is continuing at a rapid pace as companies attempt to mine the sources of data available. Innovations include predictive analytics, big data analytics, and creating the digital... more
Presentation of the respective paper, held in Modena, during the 15th International Conference in commemoration of Prof. Marco Biagi, on 21 March 2017.
History of work in Modern Age. Luddite, Charlotte Brontë, 'Shirley', Elizabeth Gaskell, 'North and South', Mary Shelley, 'Frankenstein', Ada Lovelace, 'Sketch of the analytical engine', European Parliament resolution of 16 February 2017... more
Industry 4.0 (I4.0) is creating a paradigm shift within the current industrial context. The study presented in this paper involved identifying and proposing the managerial competencies needed for a successful I4.0 environment. I4.0 is a... more
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) skills comprise a crucial meta-discipline for success in the 21 st century. Education in the industry 4.0 era can be enhanced by adopting Virtual (VR), Mixed (MR), and Augmented... more
As it was the case of all preceding revolutions Industry 4.0 brings changes to the organisational systems which result in the changes of requirements related to relevant human resources. Historically anchored organisational systems have... more
Download: The automotive sector represents more than a simple industry. Since the late nineteenth century, it has embodied the economic and technological power of nations, the lifestyle, the dynamics of... more
Future of Banking ( Interest free banking, robotics in banking, Omni channel, open banking and FinTech and Blockchain), and Advantages and disadvantages of Banking 4.0. The purpose of the present paper is to provide an advanced overview... more
Maszyny, przetwarzające gigantyczne ilości informacji w czasie krótszym od mgnienia oka, wyposażane z naszej własnej woli w moduły, które pozwalają na autonomię działania, w tym wybór celu ataku, zmieniają nie tylko przebieg działań... more
The autonomous industrial automation using Edge computing describes the collection and processing of machinery data from the sensors attached to the huge industrial plants without the need of cloud or remote computers involved. The... more
Digitalisation and sustainability are by far the two most dominant megatrends in the latest decades. The business implications of these two areas and the relationship between the two trends are popular research topics among both academics... more
В настоящей работе исследуются аспекты применения современной технологии цифровой экономики – Интернета вещей. Целью работы является научное обобщение и систематизация знаний о технологии Интернета вещей, исследование основных элементов... more
The idea of the future has always emerged as a major concept for humanity. Each and every period of the civilizations, there has been always a motivation for people to manifest their ideal futures. In the context of urbanism, the... more