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Modul ini dibuat untuk membantu belajar dan memahami bagaimana proses terjadinya korosi (karat) pada logam, menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya korosi dan menjelaskan metode yang bisa digunakan untuk mencegah terjadinya korosi
Bertrand Russell Batı Felsefesi Tarihi 2/Ortaçağ, 1972
Journal of Law and Religion
In Buddhism, happiness is achieved when a person can perceive the true nature of reality, unmodified by the mental constructs we superimpose upon it. This authentic happiness comes from having an exceptionally healthy state of mind that underlies and suffuses all emotional states and that embraces all the joys and sorrows that come one's way. The mental states necessary for authentic happiness are not simply found or happened upon. Rather, happiness is achieved through mental training that purges the mind of afflictive emotions, such as hatred and compulsive desire, which literally poison the mind, and above all through the eradication of ignorance. This article discusses the Buddhist conception of happiness and its attainment. In particular, the article addresses the methods and practices that Buddhism employs to train the mind to achieve authentic happiness and the recent developments in contemplative neuroscience that complement and advance these methods.
Nova História do Mato Grosso Contemporâneo, 2018
Ani and Georgia. STUDIES • MATERIALS, 2020
ირაკლი ფაღავა, მაია პატარიძე, ჯიმშერ ჩხვიმიანი By Irakli Paghava, Maia Pataridze, Jimsher Chkhvimiani წიგნში: ანისი და საქართველო. ნარკვევები. მასალები. I რედაქტორი ზაზა სხირტლაძე In: Ani and Georgia. STUDIES • MATERIALS EDITED BY ZAZA SKHIRTLADZE volume I თბილისი / TBILISI გვ. p. 187-197 [ბეჭდურ ვერსიაში გაპარულია შეცდომა; თანაავტორები არასწორი თანმიმდევრობითაა ჩამოთვლილი]
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Journal of Advanced Research in Medical Science & Technology, 2020
Le métier de peintre en Europe au XVIe Siècle. Sous la direction de Michel Hochmann, Guy-Michel Leproux et Audrey Nassieu Maupas. Institut d’histoire de Paris, ISBN 978-2-490448-12-8, 2023
Introduction to Material Science (Undergraduate engineering), 2019
Memorias de la XXXVII Reunión Anual de Etnología, 2024
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021
Fuel Processing Technology, 2011
The Plant Cell, 2002
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 2015
Chromosome Research, 2007