Old Catholic Theology in its Ecumenical Context

This course offers an introduction to Old Catholic theology in an ecumenical context. Old Catholic theology is understood as the main theological currents as they exist in Union of Utrecht of Old Catholic Churches. The topics covered by the course include the following aspects of Old Catholic theology and tradition: the history of Old Catholicism, spirituality, ecumenism, canon law and ecclesiology, liturgy, and systematic theology. In 2021, the course will be offered online for the first time. Students will be taught by experts in Old Catholic theology on the faculty of the Old Catholic Seminary, Utrecht. The topics covered by the course include the following: History of Old Catholicism, Old Catholic spirituality, Ecumenism and Old Catholicism, Old Catholic canon law and ecclesiology, Old Catholic liturgy, and Old Catholic systematic theology. The course includes an exploration of religious art in cooperation with the main Dutch museum on this topic, Museum Catharijneconvent. Participants will also (virtually) engage with Old Catholic liturgy and church music. Furthermore, attention will be given to the episcopal city of Utrecht, as a key site of the history of Dutch Christianity in general and of Old Catholicism in particular. At the end of the course, students will have a broad overview of main topics and themes in Old Catholic theology and spirituality and will be able to pursue further independent study of the subject. The course is at the introductory level of an M.Div. curriculum; good BA students may also apply, as well as others. Students may be expected to do advance reading for the course.

O L D C A T HO L I C T HE O L O G Y I N I T S ECUMENICAL CONTEXT PROGRAMME* 2 July 2022 – 8 July 2022 Old Catholic Seminary at Utrecht University *Tentative Dear visitor! I’m happy to welcome you to the summer school in Old Catholic theology. Since 2012, we have been inviting students to Utrecht to explore Old Catholic theology together. More than a course, the experience has been a real feast for all participants, students and professors alike. WELCOME Prof. Dr. Peter-Ben Smit Course director Following on the success of the now classical introductory course ‘Old Catholic Theology in its Ecumenical Context’, we offered an advanced course for the first time in 2021. ‘The Early Church as Ideal: Old Catholic Theology Beyond the Basics’ also proved to be a wonderful experience for all participants. For this reason, we will be offering both courses again in 2022. Also, the option to combine both courses in one ‘track’ will be back! As we enjoyed the benefits of online teaching in 2021, we will return to the benefits of physical classes again in 2022. We hope to create the best conditions for an intense community of learners and a direct encounter with the context of the Netherlands in this manner. Should the pandemic not permit this format, we will offer the courses online again. Therefore, I’d like to invite you to join us again in Utrecht in 2022! You can become part of a unique community of learners in Old Catholic theology. While you connect with participants from all over the globe, you will learn more about Old Catholic systematic theology, liturgy, history, spirituality, ecumenical relations, canon law, and praxis. I am glad that faculty members of the Old Catholic Seminary in Utrecht are offering their time and talent again. They include some of the brightest minds in Old Catholicism, such as Dr. Mattijs Ploeger in the field of liturgy and systematic theology, Prof. Andreas Krebs from the Old Catholic Institute in Bonn in dogmatics, Dr. Dick Schoon, Bishop of Haarlem in church history, and practical theologian Rev. Jutta Eilander – van Maaren on spirituality and praxis. As always, we’ll cooperate with the prime museum of religious art in the Netherlands, the Catharijneconvent. A new part of ‘Old Catholic Theology in its Ecumenical Context’ will be an excursion to Amsterdam, where (Old) Catholicism enjoyed a rich (and oftentimes illegal) existence. Feel free to explore the two course offerings at the Utrecht Summer School website, here for the classic introductory course ‘Old Catholic Theology in Its Ecumenical Context’ and here for the bright new advanced course, “The Early Church as Ideal: Old Catholic Theology Beyond the Basics”. And are you feeling ambitious? The two courses can be combined in the track “Old Catholic Theology: The Early Church as Charism and Challenge” (with a discount!) Should you ask yourself the question: is this for me? The answer is probably: yes, it is! Courses are suitable for theologians, clergy and interested lay persons alike. Please be in touch with Ms. Rieneke Brand, at [email protected] should you have any questions. With every good wish, Prof. Dr. Peter-Ben Smit, course director 2 P RO G R A M M E D E S C R I P T I O N This course offers an introduction to Old Catholic theology in an ecumenical context. Old Catholic theology is understood as the main theological currents as they exist in Union of Utrecht of Old Catholic Churches. The topics covered by the course include the following aspects of Old Catholic theology and tradition: the history of Old Catholicism, spirituality, ecumenism, canon law and ecclesiology, liturgy, and systematic theology. Students will be taught by experts in Old Catholic theology on the faculty of the Old Catholic Seminary, Utrecht. The topics covered by the course include the following: History of Old Catholicism, Old Catholic spirituality, Ecumenism and Old Catholicism, Old Catholic canon law and ecclesiology, Old Catholic liturgy, and Old Catholic systematic theology. The course includes an exploration of religious art in cooperation with the main Dutch museum on this topic, Museum Catharijneconvent. Participants will also engage with Old Catholic liturgy and church music. New in the course is an excursion to Amsterdam, where the participants will tour sites of (Old) Catholic history. Besides attending lectures and excursions there will also be the possibility to participate in social activities in which you can learn from the knowledge and background of your fellow students and have a good time together as well. At the end of the course, students will have a broad overview of main topics and themes in Old Catholic theology and spirituality and will be able to pursue further independent study of the subject. The course is at the introductory level of an M.Div. curriculum; good BA students may also apply, as well as others. Students may be expected to do advance reading for the course. This course can be combined with a second week of advanced studies: 'The Early Church as Ideal - Old Catholic Theology Beyond the Basics'. This course is offered in immediate connection with the introductory course. Target audience • Students of theology interested in Old Catholicism and ecumenism; • Clergy and theologians interested in Old Catholicism and ecumenism; • Laypersons with formal or informal theological training interesting in Old Catholicism and ecumenism. The course is of specific interest for students with Anglican, Orthodox, Lutheran, Old Catholic, and ecumenical backgrounds. Aim of the course The goals of the course are, the following; upon completing the course: 1. The student will be familiar with central aspects of Old Catholic identity and theology; 2. The student will be able to contextualize Old Catholic theology within the broader spectrum of theology and religious studies; 3. The student will be able to undertake further independent exploratory studies of aspects of Old Catholic theology. Study load 4 contact hours/day, about 40 hours of preparatory self-study will be required. Costs Course fee: € 425 Registration Application deadline: 01 May 2022 3 LECTURERS The Rev. prof. dr. PeterBen Smit The Rev. dr. Mattijs Ploeger The Rt. Rev. dr. Dirk Jan Schoon The Rev. Jutta Eilandervan Maaren, MA Mr. Adriaan Snijders, LL.M. Ecumenism Systematic Theology Church History Practical Theology and Spirituality Canon Law 4 PROGRAMME PART I Time 12.00-18.00 Location Key pick up Description Lecturer Saturday, 2 July You will find the exact key pick up location in the pre-departure information, which becomes available after you have paid the course fee. Sunday, 3 July 10.00 12.00 Mass at Gertrud's Cathedral, Willemsplantsoen 2, Utrecht Informal lunch and guided tour through Gertrud’s Cathedral 10.00-12.00 Course Introduction. Location t.b.d. 12.00-13.30 13.30-15.30 Lunch Break Lecture. Location t.b.d. 10.00-12.00 Lecture. Location t.b.d. 12.00-13.30 Lunch Break 13.30-15.30 Excursion. Amsterdam Attendance of Mass and subsequent coffee hour with the local priest and parishioners. The coffee hour will be followed by an informal lunch and tour through the cathedral and it’s predecessor. Lunch will be provided. Monday, 4 July Orientation on the course, introduction to sources and resources of Old Catholic theology in their ecumenical context; sharing of preparatory reflection papers on the motivation for the course. Old Catholic Approaches to Theology Tuesday, 5 July Prof. dr. Peter-Ben Smit Dr. Mattijs Ploeger Introduction to the History of the Old Catholic Church of the Netherlands. The Rt. Rev. dr. Dirk Jan Schoon Hidden churches - publicly known. A tour of (Old) Catholicism in Amsterdam. The Rt. Rev. dr. Dirk Jan Schoon 5 PROGRAMME PART II Time Location 10.00-12.00 12.00-13.30 Lecture. Location t.b.d. Lunch Break 15.15-17.00 Excursion. Museum Catharijneconvent Utrecht Description Lecturer Wednesday, 6 July Old Catholic Liturgy: An Introduction Dr. Mattijs Ploeger Excursion to National Museum Catharijneconvent (Utrecht) Mr. Richard de Beer, MA, curator of the Old Catholic collection Thursday, 7 July 10.00-12.00 Seminar. Location t.b.d. 12.00-13.30 Lunch Break 13.30-15.30 Seminar. Location t.b.d. Introduction to Old Catholic Canon Law in its Ecclesiological Context Mr. Adriaan Snijders, LL.M. Perspectives on Old Catholic praxis and spirituality Jutta Eilander-van Maaren, MA Friday, 8 July 10.00-12.00 Lecture. Location t.b.d. Concluding Seminar 12.00-13.30 Informal lunch. Location t.b.d. Lunch will be provided. t.b.a. 6 FURTHER INFORMATION For more INFORMATION or to APPLY for this course check: Old Catholic Theology in its Ecumenical Context Going BEYOND the basics? The Early Church as Ideal: Old Catholic Theology beyond the Basics Being very AMBITIOUS? Check the TRACK (with discount): Old Catholic Theology: The Early Church as Charism and Challenge Scholarships: For information regarding financial assistance, please contact the course director at [email protected]. Covid reservations: Due to the unpredictability of covid/travel restrictions the course organization will definitively decide whether the summerschool will take place offline in Utrecht on the 1st of June 2022. Keep this in mind when you need to book a flight or train. If it somehow will not be possible to organize the summerschool in Utrecht there will be a back-up plan to deliver the summerschool online like last year. There will be a possibility to cancel your application in the case you only want to attend the summerschool when it takes place in Utrecht. N.B. there won't be a recording or online livestream when the course will take place in Utrecht. Disclaimer: This programme is tentative and could (slightly) be changed due to unforeseen circumstances. 7