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Most characters in the Bible are men, yet they are hardly analysed as such. Masculinity and the Bible provides the first comprehensive survey of approaches that remedy this situation. These are studies that utilize insights from the field of masculinity studies to further biblical studies. The volume offers a representative overview of both fields and presents a new exegesis of a well-known biblical text (Mark 6) to show how this approach leads to new insights. By presenting the field of masculinity studies, the volume performs a service for those working in biblical studies and related disciplines, but have not explored this approach yet. At the same time, the volume shows, by surveying the past two decades of publications in the field, what results have been achieved so far and where open questions remain. In the exegesis of Mark 6, it becomes clear that one of these challenges, the often very specific and intersectional character of masculinity, can be addressed successfully when consciously combining approaches such as narrative and ritual analyses.
Septuagint Commentary Series. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2019
In Leviticus, Awabdy offers the first commentary on the Greek version of Leviticus according to Codex Vaticanus (4th century CE), which binds the Old and New Testaments into a single volume as Christian scripture. Distinct from other LXX Leviticus commentaries that employ a critical edition and focus on translation technique, Greco-Roman context and reception, this study interprets a single Greek manuscript on its own terms in solidarity with its early Byzantine users unversed in Hebrew. With a formal-equivalence English translation of a new, uncorrected edition, Awabdy illuminates Leueitikon in B as an aesthetic composition that not only exhibits inherited Hebraic syntax and Koine lexical forms, but its own structure and theology, paragraph (outdented) divisions, syntax and pragmatics, intertextuality, solecisms and textual variants. For an interview about this Leviticus LXX volume by William A. Ross on his blog, Septuaginta & C.:
Ałt‘amar est devenu, pour la postérité, le monument le plus célèbre d’un royaume du Vaspurakan, qui a existé, au sud de l’Arménie, entre 908 et 1021. Le Vaspurakan est consacré comme une entité territoriale distincte par le traité de 591, quand les conquêtes de Maurice entraînent la division de la province du Turuberan, en Tarawn, à l’Ouest, sous contrôle byzantin, et en Vaspurakan, à l’Est, sous domination sassanide. L’étymologie de Vaspurakan est heureusement assez transparente pour laisser entrevoir par quelle évolution un banal adjectif en -akan, a pu acquérir un sens toponymique localisé dans cette région. Il est clair en effet que le radical est composé de l’épithète vas- signifiant « précieux, de haute noblesse », et de – pur-, reposant sur un thème indo-iranien, qui désigne le « fils », comme c’est le cas par exemple dans le nom du fleuve Brahmapoutre. Le Vaspurakan est donc la terre qui appartient en propre aux « fils de haute noblesse ». Qui sont ces mystérieux personnages ? Tout simplement, les frères cadets ou les cousins du roi. Bref, tous les princes du sang, qu’il vaut mieux tenir à l’écart de la cour pour éviter les intrigues de palais, et autres rivalités fratricides. Movsēs Xorenac‘i nous apprend qu’à l’époque arsacide ces princes étaient consignés au Nord du lac de Van, près des pêcheries royales d’Aṙberani, et qu’ils ne pouvaient quitter ce secteur sans se rendre coupables de haute trahison. C’est ainsi que leur domaine princier fut qualifié de vaspurakan et que, par une sorte de métonymie, cet adjectif fut transformé en nom propre pour désigner des territoires de plus en plus étendus : au VIe siècle, l’Est du Turuberan puis, dès le VIIe siècle, presque tout le Sud-Est arménien, si l’on en croit la Géographie d’Anania Širakac‘i. ISBN: 9789004400382 Publisher: Brill
ASIES, 2017
Para evitar la sobrecarga gráfica que supondría utilizar o/a para marcar la existencia de ambos géneros, se opta por emplear el masculino genérico clásico, en el entendido de que todas las menciones en tal género representan siempre a hombres y mujeres. Imágenes de portada: El Financiero, Legal print, Soy 502 AVISO LEGAL Este documento fue reproducido gracias al apoyo generoso del pueblo Americano a
Palgrave Communications, 2017
In recent years, two apparently contradictory but, in fact, complementary socio-political phenomena have reinforced each other in the European urban realm: the rescaling of nation-states through "devolution" and the emergence of two opposed versions of "nationalism" (that is, ethnic, non-metropolitanised, state-centric, exclusive, and right-wing populist nationalism and civic, metropolitanized, stateless, inclusive and progressivistemancipatory-social democratic nationalism). In light of these intertwined phenomena, this article shows how an ongoing, pervasive and uneven "metropolitanisation effect" is increasingly shaping city-regional political responses by overlapping metropolitan, cityregional, and national political scales and agendas. This effect is clear in three European cases driven by "civic nationalism" that are altering their referential nation-states' uniformity through "devolution". This article compares three metropolitan (and city-regional) cases in the United Kingdom and in Spain, namely, Glasgow (Scotland), Barcelona (Catalonia) and Bilbao (Basque Country), by benchmarking their policy implementation and the tensions produced in reference to their nation-states. Fieldwork was conducted from January 2015 to June 2017 through in-depth interviews with stakeholders in the three locations. Despite the so-called pluri-national and federal dilemmas, this article contributes to the examination of the side effects of "metropolitanisation" by considering three arguments based on geoeconomics ("prosperous competitiveness"), geo-politics ("smart devolution"), and geodemocratics ("right to decide"). Finally, this article adds to the existing research on metropolitan and city-regional politics by demonstrating why "devolution" matters and why it must be considered seriously. The "metropolitanisation effect" is key to understanding and transforming the current configurations of nation-states, such as the United Kingdom and Spain (as we currently know them), beyond internal discord around pluri-nationality and quasi-federalism. This article concludes by suggesting the term "smart devolution" to promote more imaginative and entrepreneurial approaches to metropolitan and city-regional politics, policies, and experimental democracy within these nation-states. These approaches can identify and pursue "smart" avenues of timely, subtle and innovative political strategies for change in the ongoing re-scaling devolution processes occurring in the United Kingdom and in Spain and in the consequent changes in the prospects for the refoundational momentum in the EU.
Research is being conducted for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) to assess the effectiveness and reliability of advanced nondestructive examination (NDE) methods for the inspection of light water reactor components. The scope of this research encompasses primary system pressure boundary materials including cast austenitic stainless steels (CASS); dissimilar metal welds; piping with corrosion-resistant cladding; weld overlays, inlays and onlays; and far-side examinations of austenitic piping welds. A primary objective of this work is to evaluate various NDE methods to assess their ability to detect, localize, and size cracks in coarsegrained steel components. In this effort, PNNL supports cooperation with Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique (CEA) to assess reliable inspection of CASS materials. The NRC Project Manager has established a cooperative effort with the Institut de Radioprotection et de Surete Nucleaire (IRSN). CEA, under funding from IRSN, are supporting collaborative efforts with the NRC and PNNL. Regarding its work on the NDE of materials, CEA is providing its modeling software (CIVA) in exchange for PNNL offering expertise and data related to phased-array detection and sizing, acoustic attenuation, and back scattering on CASS materials. This collaboration benefits the NRC because CEA performs research and development on CASS for Électricité de France (EdF). This technical letter report provides a summary of a technical evaluation aimed at assessing the capabilities of phased-array (PA) ultrasonic testing (UT) methods as applied to the inspection of welds in CASS pressurizer (PZR) surge line nuclear reactor piping. A set of thermal fatigue cracks (TFCs) was implanted into three CASS PZR surge-line specimens (pipe-to-elbow welds) that were fabricated using vintage CASS materials formed in the 1970s, and flaw responses from these cracks were used to evaluate detection and sizing performance of the PA-UT methods applied. This effort was comprised of multiple elements that included use of microstructural knowledge (dimensional analysis, grain orientation, and grain type) as well as sound field modeling to more effectively modify inspection parameters and enhance the inspection outcomes. Advanced probe design and sound field simulations were employed to enhance detection and characterization of circumferentially oriented flaws, and an assessment of lateral (circumferential) flaw localization capability and performance was also conducted. An evaluation of flaw detection, length sizing, depth sizing, and signal-to-noise ratio was performed for all flaws in the subject specimens, as a function of various inspection parameters, and finally, measurements were made to quantify and assess the baseline CASS material noise and its potential impact on flaw detection.
Linguagens visuais: literatura, artes, cultura, 2018
A partir de la noción de gráfica expandida, este trabajo aborda algunos casos que articulan texto e imagen en su intervención en el espacio público; para ello, se consideran distintas instancias geográficas y temporales de la modernidad latinoamericana y, en especial, de la escena cultural argentina. Se analiza cómo los estarcidos, las revistas y los afiches forman parte de las exploraciones gráficas ampliadas que redefinen la canónica definición de grabado, concentrando la lectura en el caso de la obra Swift en Swift, del artista argentino Juan Carlos Romero.
Latin American Journal of Physics Education
We construct the parabolic trajectory of a projectile from the hidden curves associated with this motion. We show from these auxiliary curves how to derive the kinematic equations which describe the observed curve. The parabolic trajectory as a composition of a straight-line uniform motion and a free-fall one is also shown.
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La tecnología educativa en tiempos de pandemia, 2021
Miscellanea Oeconomicae, 2017
Iberoamericana. América Latina - España - Portugal, 2018
Bulletin of The School of Oriental and African Studies-university of London, 1995
Des pots dans la tombe (IXe-XVIIIe siècle) : regards croisés sur une pratique funéraire en Europe de l'Ouest. Actes du colloque de Caen (30 et 31 mai 2012), 2017
Coastal Structures 2007 - Proceedings of the 5th Coastal Structures International Conference, CST07, 2009
Frontiers in chemical engineering, 2021
Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia Cardiovascular, 1988
Journal of Public Health, 2019
Cognition & Emotion, 2016
Interfaces Científicas - Saúde e Ambiente, 2017
Scientific Data, 2023