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A company is as good as its marketing strategies given other competitors which offer the same products to customers. Aldi's low-cost marketing strategy makes it a giant cost-leader and boosts its competitive advantage.
All brand names and product names used on the cover of or inside this book are trade names, trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Retailing in the 21st Century, 2006
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.
İstanbul Üniversitesi Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı/Journal of Turkish Language and Literature, 2024
The Old Uyghur literature is a translation literature in which texts have been translated from many languages. The majority of these are texts with religious content. Even though these religious texts are related to Buddhism, Manichaeism, and other religions, concepts and conceptual areas can be seen in these texts that reflect the Turkish mental structure. One of these conceptual areas involves anima-related vocabulary. This paper compares the animal names mentioned in the Old Uyghur Altun Yaruk Sudur text with the T0663 and T0665 versions of the Sutra of Golden Light, which has three versions in Chinese. When examined in general terms, the Old Uyghur Altun Yaruk Sudur text and the Chinese texts do not coincide exactly with one another, because while the Chinese texts are shorter, the Old Uyghur text is longer. This shows that translators had made some omissions while translating, and as a result, the Old Uyghur text has acquired the identity of a translation copyright rather than a translation. In addition, 39 animal names with Chinese equivalents have been identified in the Altun Yaruk Sudur text, and comparing them with the Chinese text reveals how many of the words are semantically equivalent or not. Thus, the article reveals how much the Uyghur translator adhered to or deviated from the text while translating, as well as how animal names were reflected in the Old Uyghur mental structure. Keywords: Altun Yaruk Sudur [Sutra of Golden Light], Old Uyghur, Chinese, animal names, semantic equivalence
L'algèbre de Joyce entre l'oeil d'Horus et la logique modale.
Este árbol en la acera de mi calle en medio del cemento crece solitario sin bosque sin pájaros sin insectos sin arroyo; pero verdea siempre en silencio sumiso entre sol o noche bajo el aire grueso de la urbe y es su vida estar allí transformando polución en frescura con tronco ramas hojas flores como un filtro de luz y un apuesto vigía. Óscar Gerardo Ramos 2 (1928 -) 1 . Patiño, Víctor Manuel. La flora en la poesía. Antología. Cali. 1976. 2 . Doctor en Filosofía y Letras. Magíster en Administración Industrial, Doctor Honoris Causa en Literatura y Gran Cruz, Universidad del Valle.
How did the idea of monarchy develop in Giovanni Botero's thinking? How did he use it in his largest work, Relazioni universali (1st edition 1591)? How did he redefine it at the beginning of the seventeenth century? Botero developed his idea of monarchy by reading the classics and traditional literature on the subject, as well as by travelling and observing different models of government: his diplomatic experience in France (1585) and his three years in Spain as tutor of the princes of Savoy (1603-1606) led to theories on the features of the 'best form of government'. Starting from Botero's first thinking on the subject (De regia sapientia, 1583), this chapter will focus on Relazioni universali as a kind of catalogue of comparative monarchy case studies from all over the world and pay particular attention to Discorso dell'eccellenza della monarchia (Discourse about the Excellence of Monarchy) published in Turin in 1607. Discorso has been translated into English in the Appendix.
Revista Palmas, 2012
Estados fenológicos de crecimiento de palma de aceite africana (Elaeis guineensis) Aut ores pa lm a de a ce it e a fr ica n a Phenological growt h st ages of African oil palm Palabras clave El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la fenología de los genotipos epresentativos cultivados comercialmente de la especie Elaeis guineensis Jacq. en dos zonas de producción en Colombia; la frecuencia de las observaciones fue diaria, semanal o mensual, dependiendo de la etapa de desarrollo durante la fase de evaluación, por un periodo de 18 meses. Estas observaciones se realizaron en plantas previvero y vivero, y en palmas de 3 a 5 años de edad a partir de la hoja cero (hoja flecha), a través del desarrollo de la inflorescencia y terminando con la madurez y la cosecha de los racimos de la fruta. Se observó el tallo de palmas de diferentes edades dentro de los mismos cultivos. La duración de cada etapa fenológica se midió en términos de días, y se codificaron según la escala BBCH (Biologische Bundesantalt, Bundessortenamt und Chemische Industrie), que consta de tres dígitos debido a la inclusión de etapas intermedias entre las principales y las secundarias, con el fin de proporcionar detalles más precisos sobre cada etapa del desarrollo.
BJU International, 2014
To investigate the possible association between circumcision and prostate cancer risk, to examine whether age at circumcision influences prostate cancer risk, and to determine whether race modifies the circumcision-prostate cancer relationship.
Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis, 2022
How can historians of the humanities do justice to the historical complexities of their subject matter while at the same time providing valuable input to current debates about the future of the humanities? This essay argues that a history of critical thinking, focused on the characteristics of a ‘critical thinker’, may meet both requirements. Drawing on case studies from the nineteenth century to the present, the article shows that critical thinking can take on a variety of forms, each of which makes different demands on the self. In most cases, critical thinking not only requires skills or virtues, but also normative attitudes (identifications, dissociations) and a certain ‘transformative capacity’. If such conceptual distinctions help historians understand what critical thinking meant in the past, they are equally applicable to the twenty-first century. The article therefore suggests that historians of the humanities may enrich current debates by showing that the tendency of reducing critical thinking to a set of easily learnable skills finds little support in the history of critical thinking. Moreover, if historical research shows that critical thinking has always been a contested ideal, historians may raise the question what politics or visions of a desirable future critical thinking supports or suppresses.
Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies, 2017
Revista Amazonía investiga, 2023
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 2018
Toxicological Sciences, 1999
Pharmaceutical Research, 2010
Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture
Jaffna medical journal, 2021
Journal of Cell Science
Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 2017