Hastings Center Report, July-August 1992
Carol M, age twenty-one, was
dropped off at a community hospital
by a trucker who promptly disap
peared. She had about thirty motel
keys fmm all overthe United States in
her possession. The staff desaibed
her behavior as bizarre, hostile, and
noncooperative. The diagnoses of
acute abdomen and schizophrenia
were made. As she refused s q m y ,
she was referred to a hospital with
better psychiatric facilities for evaluation of competency and further treatment.
Upon admission to the second
emergency room, Ms. M signed the
routine q u e s t for treatment with a
fictitiolls name. Such history as could
be obtaiued was notable in its mcom
sistencies. Physical findings and
laboratory data supported the diagne
sis of acute abdomen. Five surgical
and g~necobgicalspecialipts agreed
that appendicitis was the most likely
diagnosis and recommended surgical
exploration. Dr. S, the staff psychiatrist on duty, was called to decide
whether the patient was competent to
give permission for this procedure.
Ms. Mwas withdrawn and noncommunicative. She sat hunched over,
leaningon the examhhg table, a neat,
attractive young girl with blue jeans,
pea jacket, and duffel bag piled
nearby. When Dr. S brought up the
q d o n of surgery,Ms. M said, “If I
let them take everything out there
won’t be anything left in me by the end
of the year.” She claimed that she had
once been treated for similar symp
The Transplant Baby
from Outer Space
tion to allow the staff to locate her
scess was found and a n o d appem
family by phone in another stak.
Her mother confirmed the diagne
sis of schizophrenia. Ms. M had aL
ready had two prolonged psychiatric
hospitalizations involving treatment
by psychotropic a j p t s and psyche
therapy. In one hospitalization,she ap
pears to have been overdosed,with a
resultant phobia about hospitals and
doctors. She had disappeared at a
point when the family were trying
agaiu to obtaininpatient treatmentfor
~ the
her. With two physiciansa l w a on
line, Up. M’s medical condition was
explained to her mother, who requested that any indicated treatment
inciuding lapamtomy be carried out.
Dr. S decided there was now ade
quate evidence of a definable mental
disorder that impaired Ms. wsjudgment sufficiently to keep her from
making a rational decision about her
treatment He declared her to be incompetentandcalled the countyjudge
proceed with surgery. During the
seven hours it took to complete the
workup and obtainlegal clearance Ms.
M remained voluntarily m the emergencyroom.
At surgery a right t u b v a r i a a a b
diu removed.After surgeryMS.Mwas
cheerful, responsive, and f&ndly, although her thought processes were
disorganized and the content was
clearly d e l u s i o d e told Dr.S she
was a transplant baby from outer
space with 900siblingsin the Mideast.
She was started on a psychotropic
agent,andDr. S w a s r e d t h a t t h e
decision to declare! Ms. M incompetent had been jlrstified.
When she was ready for
from the GYN service Ms. M agreed
to look over the psychiatry unit, 4
though she indicated she did not want
further treatment. The psychiatrist
who saw her there decided not to mquest involuntary commitment since
she had demonstrated basic survival
iostinas by getting herself dropped
off at a hospital when she developed
her abdominal pain. In his opinion,
her plan to get m touch againwith the
life stylewas a viable option. When last
seen,Ms. Mwas headingfor the freeway with her bag on her shoulder.
How competent must a patient be
to refuse treatment? Should Ms.M’s
refusal of surgery have been
tom “withahypo,”andthatthatwas
the treatmentshewantednow.Shedid
k U Dr. S she could have surgery only
with her father‘s permission,and p
vided sufficient identifying informa-
he issue of marginal capacity
portrayed in this case puts
society on the horns of a dilemma. Unless society allows
physicians a relativelyfreehand in treating patients at the margins of competency, these patients may not receive
therapies they need without delay or
by Larry Gostin
ment The cost here is measured in
terms of patient autonomy and dignity.
As a civil libertarian (former head of
the British Civil Liberties Union), I
believe that recognition of a patient’s
right to autonomy and seKdetermination is critically important to preserve
her dignity. But, as former head of the
National Association for Mental
Health in Great Britain, I also believe
it does not always serve the person’s
interests to allow her to refuse treat-
Lmry Gastin is executivedir- American
Sot@ o f h &?Mediam, Baston,Mass.
encumbrance. The cost here is measured in terms of the health, perhaps
life, of the patient. On the other hand,
allowingphysicians such freedom shps
patients of their right to refuse treat-
Hastings Center Report, July-August 1992
ment that is essential to her health or
life. To deny a truly incompetent
patient the most beneficial treatment
isjust as wrong as imposing treatment
In each case the question must be put,
Can the patient understand the nature, purpose, and effects of the treatment?
Many of the reasons given ostensibly
to justify treatment without consent
are in&cient. The fact that Carol M
had a diagnosis of schizophrenia, or
any other major mental illness, does
not in itselfjustifya finding of incompetency. Even her delusional system
and need for psychotropicmedication
does not render her incompetent. A
person with a serious mental illness
may be competent for certain purposes or during certain times, but incompetent for other purposes or at
other times. A psychotic condition
with delusions, while it may impair a
person’s judgment about a variety of
decisions she must make in life, need
not deprive her of rationality in respect to medical treatment Nor does
the fact that her decision Wered from
the judgment of her doctors mean
that she is incompetent Finally, the
fact that she may have appreciatedthe
intervention after the fact and
thanked her physicians (Alan Stone’s
“thank you” theory) does not prove
that the decision to treat was the
proper decision.
Nevertheless, the facts of the case
suggest that Carol M’s refusal of
surgery was properly overridden. The
relevant facts are that there were serious questions about her capacity to
consent; her closest family member
requested treatment; five specialists
determinedthat treatmentwas important to her physical health; she was
assessed to be incompetent by mental
health professionalswho were not involved in her treatment; and a court
concurred that she was incompetent
and in need of treatment. These
authorities judged that she did not
truly understand the health risk she
faced, and we are given no facts with
which to conclude that they were incorrect
It may be that a more sensitive a p
proach, trying treatments more consistentwith Carol’swishes, would have
been preferable-always presuming
this ”less intrusive” approach would
not have resulted in an irreversible
deterioration in her health. It would,
however, be callously insensitive to
Carol’s humanity not to provide her
with treatment essentialfor her health
and well-being.
his is a case in which the behaviorsof the patient needed
interpretation as much as
her symptoms needed dmgnosis and treatment
First, it is evident that there was
never a question of whether to perform the surgery or select an alternative treatment more in keeping with
the patient’s expressed wishes. Had
the patient been prepared to agree to
surgery, the question of her competence to authorize itwould not have
been raised. It was her refusal of
surgery that initiated a search for
“other” evidence of incompetence,
and the discovery of previous diagne
sis of schizophrenia “permitted”Dr. S
to declare her incompetent and seek
the court order.
The confirmation of incompetence
to consentfound in the patient’s delusional postoperative state is another
disturbing aspect of this case. Many
patients, otherwise normal in mentation, who enter a hospital for surgical
treatmentexperiencewhat has earned
its own name-hospital psychosis. We
see no attempt to distinguish between
that possible diagnosisand the diagne
spectingher particularway ofmaking
decisionsinsteadof circumventingit.
Her attempt to choose an altemative therapy, based on her past experiences, does not seem to have been
seriously explored with the patient or
to have been considered by the medical staff. Dr. S’s dismissalof her request
to be treated medically rather than
surgically,finessed through the “finding“ of incompetence, renders moot
Ms. M’s own experience with her
medical history, her own wishes, her
own wisdom as to the events transpiring in her own body.
Could not a bargain-and a useful
one-have been struck by agreeing to
start Ms. M on a nonsurgical course of
treatment with antibiotics and ice
packs, closely monitoring her symp
toms and signs, provided that she
would seriously consider surgery? In
that way the long hours of waiting for
legal clearance could have been put to
good use, according this patient the
dignity of treatment that she was prepared to accept and perhaps thereby
strengthening her trust and confidence in the medical team. Instead,we
are left with a patient whose intermittent autonomy is further undermined
and whose trust in her ability ever to
exercise it authoritativelyin a medical
setting has once more been betrayed.
by Richard T. Hull
sis of underlying, persistent schize
phrenia of a degree that would render
the patient wholly incapable of a valid
consent Evidence obtained post hoc
and used to justify a decision before
skgery to deprive a patient of her
autonomy smacks of a kind of opportunism.
Her remark about obtaining her
father’s permission cries for interpretation, yet seems to have been
ignored. This remark was made
before incompetence was declared,
and so should have been viewed as
either a request for the counsel of a
trusted family member or as designating a proxy decisionmaker. Even
when the history of involuntary ass*
ciations with hospitals and physicians was discovered, the fact of her
voluntarily seeking medical help
despite a strong aversion to hospitals
and physicians, together with a reasonable interpretation of her remark
about her father’s permission,
should have been grounds for re-