Most expensive sales

What does a rare ornithology book have in common with a first edition of The Hobbit? They are one of our most expensive sales at AbeBooks. Browse the archives of our most expensive sales featuring old books, rare manuscripts and stunning art and collectibles.

December 23, 2024
An iconic children’s book, the genesis of science fiction, Italian Futurist manifestos, and much more.
October 08, 2024
A collection of the first Harry Potter novel became the third most expensive sale on AbeBooks of all time. Plus: More iconic children's books, Shakespeare, Frankenstein, and more.
July 22, 2024
An iconic collection from Romantic poet Lord Byron, special editions from literary titans James Joyce and George Orwell, plus a handwritten manuscript from Salvador Dalí.
April 15, 2024
Classic literature, poetry, a bank check and more.
January 31, 2024
Literary masterpieces, fantasy, poetry, a comic strip, and more.
October 11, 2023
A spectacular, 1,200 year old manuscript, iconic works by Oscar Wilde, T. S. Eliot, Aldous Huxley, and George Orwell, and more fantastic books sold by expert sellers.
July 05, 2023
Welcome to our most expensive sales in April, May and June 2023. Our list features illustrated books, signed books, autographs, original art, a manuscript, and a rare facsimile.
April 14, 2023
Our list includes a first edition of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, which became AbeBooks’ second most expensive sale of all time.
November 28, 2022
The list includes a book about Italian architecture and a landmark book about the stock market. There is also an illustrated poetry book and a famous novel about time travel.
October 03, 2022
Welcome to AbeBooks' most expensive sales from July to September 2022. Our list is dominated by fine art and includes an illustrated book of poetry, surreal lithographs, a new luxury art book, and a complete set of influential French art magazines.
July 11, 2022
Welcome to AbeBooks' most expensive sales of April, May and June 2022. Our list of rare and collectible items sold during this period includes rare books about architecture, stock trading, cocktails and the Sistine Chapel. We also sold a book about book burning with a fire-resistant binding.
April 07, 2022
Our list of rare and collectible items includes J.M. Barrie's famous fictional island, a study of Egyptian tarot, several iconic 20th century first editions and books that span the globe.
November 03, 2021
Discover AbeBooks' most expensive sales in 2021. This list includes a rare illustrated book from the Wild West containing a grim reminder that crime doesn’t pay, an autograph letter from a German author whose writing inspired one of the great ballets, and life advice from Yoko Ono.
July 28, 2021
AbeBooks' list of most expensive sales in July, August and September 2020 features dinosaurs, the wife of a Beatle, a play that flopped, a piece of pop art, the definitive Beat Generation novel, a book signed by 124 movie stars, and a set of legal thrillers.
July 27, 2021
AbeBooks' list of most expensive sales in January, February and March 2020 features some eye-catching items and covers subjects such as surrealism, American politics, forestry, and spying. However, the ninth item on our list is truly special - the biggest, heaviest book that has ever sold on AbeBooks.
June 15, 2021
Discover AbeBooks' most expensive sales
June 15, 2021
This list features Roland Deschain's epic quest, Tom Sawyer and his fence, a mathematician, a mercenary in the New World, a queen consort of France, 007, Isaac Newton explaining gravity, and a physician. We also give our regards to Broadway.