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Alcohol by volume

Alcohol by volume (abbreviated as ABV, abv, or alc/vol) is a standard measure of how much alcohol (ethanol) is contained in a given volume of an alcoholic beverage (expressed as a volume percent). It is defined as the number of millilitres of pure ethanol present in 100 millilitres of solution at 20°C. The number of millilitres of pure ethanol is the mass of the ethanol divided by its density at 20°C, which is 0.78924 g/ml. The ABV standard is used worldwide. The International Organization of Legal Metrology has tables of density of water–ethanol mixtures at different concentrations and temperatures.

In some countries, alcohol by volume is referred to as degrees Gay-Lussac (after the French chemist Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac), although there is a slight difference since Gay-Lussac used 15 °C.

Mixing two solutions of alcohol of different strengths usually causes a change in volume. Mixing pure water with a solution less than 24% by mass causes a slight increase in total volume, whereas the mixing of two solutions above 24% causes a decrease in volume. More information on the phenomenon of volume changes due to mixing dissimilar solutions is discussed in the article on partial molar volume.


  • Alcohol by Volume Explained

    If you buy a beer that is 5% ABV that does NOT mean there are 5 mL of ethanol to ever 95 mL of water. In this video we look at why that is the case and how we convert Alcohol By Volume to a mass and mole fraction. I also think I've spotted some mistakes in Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, if I am to be so bold...! 00:00 I hate volume 00:35 Mixing water and ethanol demo 02:05 Volume fraction vs volume concentration 03:28 Excess molar volume 05:10 The calculation sheet for ABV 07:22 Plotting excess molar volume 08:30 Mental masturbation Link to ABV calculation sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kJZ6_nsnud1m-lNsAYSqJFq7JmNFGvInUSCFvDwXdj0/edit?usp=sharing Wikipedia ethanol data page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethanol_(data_page)#Properties_of_aqueous_ethanol_solution...

    published: 19 Jan 2022
  • Alcohol by volume and the mash

    barleyandhopsbrewing.com Another video describing some very good basic information on measuring the ABV of a mash

    published: 19 Jul 2016

    This channel is designed to offer insight and background on the science, art and practice of making alcohol based products at home.

    published: 25 Jun 2019
  • Volume Percent - Alcohol by Volume Examples (ABV) - Concentrations - Straight Science

    In this video we go through 2 examples of volume percent calculations to see how much alcohol is in a 12.0 oz beer and a 2.0 oz pour of liquor. The equation for volume percent is: Volume percent = (solute volume) / (total volume) x 100 Just be sure to watch your units. If the solute volume is in mL and the total solution volume is in L, you'll have to convert so that they are BOTH in the same units before calculating. Good luck!

    published: 06 Dec 2019
  • How to Calculate Alcohol By Volume (ABV)

    Love making wine. Want to know how much alcohol by volume is in your wines. Then tune in. You'll need a hydrometer in order to calculate ABV. When you are making a wine and are about to pitch your yeast, get a sample into the beaker and drop the hydrometer into the beaker. Make sure everything is sanitized. get the reading from the hydrometer that is your OG or SG original or starting gravity. After fermentation stops take another reading that's your FG final gravity. Plug readings into this formula ABV=(SG-FG) x 131.25. Before I didn't care about alcohol content. When asked how strong is it I'd reply "I drank three and Suicide Squad was a good movie." Now I can tell exactly how much alcohol is in my wines. And you can to! Join Wine Maker TV Facebook Group and share in the fun: https://w...

    published: 05 Nov 2018
  • Turn Up The Alcohol By Volume

    Find out how yeast and brewers work together to beef up a beer's alcohol content. To learn more about Avery and Renegade, visit their websites: http://averybrewing.com/age-verification/?referrer=/ http://renegadebrewing.com/ Photo credits Yeast micrograph: J. Cell. Biol. 192: 615-629 http://www.cellimagelibrary.org/images/13901 Mash tun interior: Erik Charlton https://www.flickr.com/photos/erikcharlton/2812431871/in/photolist-5hws1F-4ZJgce

    published: 20 Apr 2015
  • Alcohol by Volume How to Calculate It.

    How to calculate ABV for your home brews. I use online calculator (link below) More over the why to calculate your alcohol by volume. ABV Calculator: https://bit.ly/2WABSFS Help support this channel click links below. Even is you do not need a racking cane. Any purchase goes towards keeping this channel going. And help buy more equipment and ingredients. -------------Amazon Affiliate Links --------- Hydrometer that I use: https://amzn.to/2I3Yt9O Join Wine Maker TV Facebook Group and share in the fun: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1381799648593108/

    published: 01 Apr 2019
  • Beer Wine Alcohol - Alcohol by Volume explained in Detail

    Beer Wine Alcohol - Alcohol by Volume explained in Detail

    published: 12 May 2021
  • 5070 PAPER-42 WINTER#2022

    Hi, Welcome to an educational channel. Here you will find educational videos by Sir Ayaz and co-teachers that will help you to excel and do better in the exams. Sir Ayaz got a license in education and is a certified O/A level and IB Diploma Program Chemistry Teacher.

    published: 31 Jul 2023
  • Highest Alcohol Content Drink | Alcohol by Volume Comparasion

    Can you name drink that has highest alcohol content before watching this video? I'm sure that you can't. It is not vodka, not beer or wine it is... Watch this video to find out ! DISCLAIMER: Comparasion video is based on community discussions and relevant sources, numbers and facts listed might not be up to date, valid or any specific order. Source: https://wikipedia.org/ I hope you enjoyed this #DataINFrames video !

    published: 26 Apr 2020
Alcohol by Volume Explained

Alcohol by Volume Explained

  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:28
  • Uploaded Date: 19 Jan 2022
  • views: 1664
If you buy a beer that is 5% ABV that does NOT mean there are 5 mL of ethanol to ever 95 mL of water. In this video we look at why that is the case and how we convert Alcohol By Volume to a mass and mole fraction. I also think I've spotted some mistakes in Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, if I am to be so bold...! 00:00 I hate volume 00:35 Mixing water and ethanol demo 02:05 Volume fraction vs volume concentration 03:28 Excess molar volume 05:10 The calculation sheet for ABV 07:22 Plotting excess molar volume 08:30 Mental masturbation Link to ABV calculation sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kJZ6_nsnud1m-lNsAYSqJFq7JmNFGvInUSCFvDwXdj0/edit?usp=sharing Wikipedia ethanol data page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethanol_(data_page)#Properties_of_aqueous_ethanol_solutions Dortmund Data Bank excess volume for water/ethanol: http://www.ddbst.com/en/EED/VE/VE0%20Ethanol%3BWater.php Density data from Perry's: Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th edition. 2008. New York : McGraw-Hill. Table 2-112, pp. 2-117. -- Process with Pat is the place to come for perspective and to ask stupid questions. I want you to leave more knowledgeable, confident, motivated, and most importantly, curious. I also want to invigorate a field that seems tired and uninspiring, at least if you get your perspective from internet forums. These are not lectures. This is a place for you to leave thinking “Oh! That’s why...” This channel is not only for chemical engineers - anyone who works with processes should be able to find something of value here. #AlcoholCalculation #ABV #AlchoholByVolume
Alcohol by volume and the mash

Alcohol by volume and the mash

  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:17
  • Uploaded Date: 19 Jul 2016
  • views: 30433
barleyandhopsbrewing.com Another video describing some very good basic information on measuring the ABV of a mash


  • Order:
  • Duration: 18:52
  • Uploaded Date: 25 Jun 2019
  • views: 36873
This channel is designed to offer insight and background on the science, art and practice of making alcohol based products at home.
Volume Percent - Alcohol by Volume Examples (ABV) - Concentrations - Straight Science

Volume Percent - Alcohol by Volume Examples (ABV) - Concentrations - Straight Science

  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:56
  • Uploaded Date: 06 Dec 2019
  • views: 21414
In this video we go through 2 examples of volume percent calculations to see how much alcohol is in a 12.0 oz beer and a 2.0 oz pour of liquor. The equation for volume percent is: Volume percent = (solute volume) / (total volume) x 100 Just be sure to watch your units. If the solute volume is in mL and the total solution volume is in L, you'll have to convert so that they are BOTH in the same units before calculating. Good luck!
How to Calculate Alcohol By Volume (ABV)

How to Calculate Alcohol By Volume (ABV)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:50
  • Uploaded Date: 05 Nov 2018
  • views: 15226
Love making wine. Want to know how much alcohol by volume is in your wines. Then tune in. You'll need a hydrometer in order to calculate ABV. When you are making a wine and are about to pitch your yeast, get a sample into the beaker and drop the hydrometer into the beaker. Make sure everything is sanitized. get the reading from the hydrometer that is your OG or SG original or starting gravity. After fermentation stops take another reading that's your FG final gravity. Plug readings into this formula ABV=(SG-FG) x 131.25. Before I didn't care about alcohol content. When asked how strong is it I'd reply "I drank three and Suicide Squad was a good movie." Now I can tell exactly how much alcohol is in my wines. And you can to! Join Wine Maker TV Facebook Group and share in the fun: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1381799648593108/ -------------Amazon Affiliate Links --------- hydrometer https://amzn.to/2AOLcxQ wine t shirt https://amzn.to/2DnrETO Wine kit http://amzn.to/2ibbMXp Starter Wine kit http://amzn.to/2zVf8FV Wine tannin http://amzn.to/2y9bcmf Peptic enzyme http://amzn.to/2y5tDXl 750ml bottles http://amzn.to/2zTvLlw Corks http://amzn.to/2zU4vDx Racking cane http://amzn.to/2iF4j6Y Star San : http://amzn.to/2FHbLJi
Turn Up The Alcohol By Volume

Turn Up The Alcohol By Volume

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:07
  • Uploaded Date: 20 Apr 2015
  • views: 11153
Find out how yeast and brewers work together to beef up a beer's alcohol content. To learn more about Avery and Renegade, visit their websites: http://averybrewing.com/age-verification/?referrer=/ http://renegadebrewing.com/ Photo credits Yeast micrograph: J. Cell. Biol. 192: 615-629 http://www.cellimagelibrary.org/images/13901 Mash tun interior: Erik Charlton https://www.flickr.com/photos/erikcharlton/2812431871/in/photolist-5hws1F-4ZJgce
Alcohol by Volume How to Calculate It.

Alcohol by Volume How to Calculate It.

  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:28
  • Uploaded Date: 01 Apr 2019
  • views: 2347
How to calculate ABV for your home brews. I use online calculator (link below) More over the why to calculate your alcohol by volume. ABV Calculator: https://bit.ly/2WABSFS Help support this channel click links below. Even is you do not need a racking cane. Any purchase goes towards keeping this channel going. And help buy more equipment and ingredients. -------------Amazon Affiliate Links --------- Hydrometer that I use: https://amzn.to/2I3Yt9O Join Wine Maker TV Facebook Group and share in the fun: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1381799648593108/
Beer Wine Alcohol - Alcohol by Volume explained in Detail

Beer Wine Alcohol - Alcohol by Volume explained in Detail

  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:18
  • Uploaded Date: 12 May 2021
  • views: 2272
Beer Wine Alcohol - Alcohol by Volume explained in Detail
5070 PAPER-42 WINTER#2022

5070 PAPER-42 WINTER#2022

  • Order:
  • Duration: 38:35
  • Uploaded Date: 31 Jul 2023
  • views: 19
Hi, Welcome to an educational channel. Here you will find educational videos by Sir Ayaz and co-teachers that will help you to excel and do better in the exams. Sir Ayaz got a license in education and is a certified O/A level and IB Diploma Program Chemistry Teacher.
Highest Alcohol Content Drink | Alcohol by Volume Comparasion

Highest Alcohol Content Drink | Alcohol by Volume Comparasion

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:21
  • Uploaded Date: 26 Apr 2020
  • views: 259056
Can you name drink that has highest alcohol content before watching this video? I'm sure that you can't. It is not vodka, not beer or wine it is... Watch this video to find out ! DISCLAIMER: Comparasion video is based on community discussions and relevant sources, numbers and facts listed might not be up to date, valid or any specific order. Source: https://wikipedia.org/ I hope you enjoyed this #DataINFrames video !
  • Most Related
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PLAYLIST TIME: 0:00 / 1:45:12

Alcohol by Volume Explained

If you buy a beer that is 5% ABV that does NOT mean there are 5 mL of ethanol to ever 95 mL of water. In this video we look at why that is the case and how we convert Alcohol By Volume to a mass and mole fraction. I also think I've spotted some mistakes in Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, if I am to be so bold...! 00:00 I hate volume 00:35 Mixing water and ethanol demo 02:05 Volume fraction vs volume concentration 03:28 Excess molar volume 05:10 The calculation sheet for ABV 07:22 Plotting excess molar volume 08:30 Mental masturbation Link to ABV calculation sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kJZ6_nsnud1m-lNsAYSqJFq7JmNFGvInUSCFvDwXdj0/edit?usp=sharing Wikipedia ethanol data page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethanol_(data_page)#Properties_of_aqueous_ethanol_solutions Dortmund Data Bank excess volume for water/ethanol: http://www.ddbst.com/en/EED/VE/VE0%20Ethanol%3BWater.php Density data from Perry's: Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th edition. 2008. New York : McGraw-Hill. Table 2-112, pp. 2-117. -- Process with Pat is the place to come for perspective and to ask stupid questions. I want you to leave more knowledgeable, confident, motivated, and most importantly, curious. I also want to invigorate a field that seems tired and uninspiring, at least if you get your perspective from internet forums. These are not lectures. This is a place for you to leave thinking “Oh! That’s why...” This channel is not only for chemical engineers - anyone who works with processes should be able to find something of value here. #AlcoholCalculation #ABV #AlchoholByVolume
Alcohol by Volume Explained
If you buy a beer that is 5% ABV that does NOT mean there are 5 mL of ethanol to ever 95 m...
published: 19 Jan 2022
Play in Full Screen
Alcohol by volume and the mash
barleyandhopsbrewing.com Another video describing some very good basic information on meas...
published: 19 Jul 2016
Play in Full Screen
This channel is designed to offer insight and background on the science, art and practice ...
published: 25 Jun 2019
Play in Full Screen
Volume Percent - Alcohol by Volume Examples (ABV) - Concentrations - Straight Science
In this video we go through 2 examples of volume percent calculations to see how much alco...
published: 06 Dec 2019
Play in Full Screen
How to Calculate Alcohol By Volume (ABV)
Love making wine. Want to know how much alcohol by volume is in your wines. Then tune in. ...
published: 05 Nov 2018
Play in Full Screen
Turn Up The Alcohol By Volume
Find out how yeast and brewers work together to beef up a beer's alcohol content. To lear...
published: 20 Apr 2015
Play in Full Screen
Alcohol by Volume How to Calculate It.
How to calculate ABV for your home brews. I use online calculator (link below) More over t...
published: 01 Apr 2019
Play in Full Screen
Beer Wine Alcohol - Alcohol by Volume explained in Detail
Beer Wine Alcohol - Alcohol by Volume explained in Detail
published: 12 May 2021
Play in Full Screen
5070 PAPER-42 WINTER#2022
Hi, Welcome to an educational channel. Here you will find educational videos by Sir Ayaz ...
published: 31 Jul 2023
Play in Full Screen
Highest Alcohol Content Drink | Alcohol by Volume Comparasion
Can you name drink that has highest alcohol content before watching this video? I'm sure t...
published: 26 Apr 2020
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Alcohol by volume

Alcohol by volume (abbreviated as ABV, abv, or alc/vol) is a standard measure of how much alcohol (ethanol) is contained in a given volume of an alcoholic beverage (expressed as a volume percent). It is defined as the number of millilitres of pure ethanol present in 100 millilitres of solution at 20°C. The number of millilitres of pure ethanol is the mass of the ethanol divided by its density at 20°C, which is 0.78924 g/ml. The ABV standard is used worldwide. The International Organization of Legal Metrology has tables of density of water–ethanol mixtures at different concentrations and temperatures.

In some countries, alcohol by volume is referred to as degrees Gay-Lussac (after the French chemist Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac), although there is a slight difference since Gay-Lussac used 15 °C.

Mixing two solutions of alcohol of different strengths usually causes a change in volume. Mixing pure water with a solution less than 24% by mass causes a slight increase in total volume, whereas the mixing of two solutions above 24% causes a decrease in volume. More information on the phenomenon of volume changes due to mixing dissimilar solutions is discussed in the article on partial molar volume.

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Latest News for: alcohol level


Why alcohol's suddenly making middle-aged women sick. I used to love to drink... now I ...

The Daily Mail 13 Feb 2025
Miracle of the Ozempic for alcohol ...Levels of ADH and ALDH [aldehyde dehydrogenase, another enzyme involved in the breakdown of alcohol] can dip, leading to reduced tolerance and increased propensity to hangover symptoms.’.

How invoking section on culpable homicide may prove a deterrent

The Times of India 13 Feb 2025
Breath analysers are crucial for determining the alcohol levels of drivers. However, he stressed the importance of conducting tests immediately after an accident, as delays can make it difficult to accurately assess alcohol consumption levels.

CBD, THC, WTF? A guide to all the confusing nonalcoholic, buzz-promising drinks taking over your ...

New York Post 13 Feb 2025
As an alcohol alternative, “since they do not contain any alcohol, they are automatically better for you,” Shapiro told The Post, noting that “there is no safe level of alcohol ...

Some sexual assault victims asked to waive rights, despite Md. law banning the practice

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In one case, police asked a 21-year-old Towson University student to sign a waiver while she was in the hospital, with a blood alcohol level higher than allowable to drive, waiting for a sexual assault forensic exam.

Having this mouthwatering snack before drinking can help prevent hangovers, says expert

The Times of India 12 Feb 2025
... alcohol.While no level of alcohol consumption is safe for health and your drinking habit can raise risk of seven different types of cancers ranging from breast cancer, bowel cancer, to mouth cancer.

Should alcoholic beverages feature a warning about cancer risk?

Fort Madison Daily Democrat 12 Feb 2025
Surgeon General Vivek Murthy recently issued a new report on alcohol and cancer, which emphasizes the risk of cancer in connection with drinking alcohol ... It is unclear whether there is a “safe” level of drinking.

Inside the sordid world of university rugby initiations

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Toxicology reports showed the student had a blood alcohol level more than four times the legal drink-drive limit, and a coroner recorded that he died an “alcohol-related death”.

Injecting tiny doses of Ozempic could help those with mental health problem, researchers find | ...

The Daily Mail 12 Feb 2025
It marked the fourth consecutive year alcohol-related deaths have increased ... However, they noted the study had 'several limitations', including only involving volunteers whose alcohol consumption levels were 'below those' who often seek treatment.

Jenna Marie Cooper: Nonalcoholic wine is not valid matter

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... “mustum.” Mustum is the juice of grapes which have been crushed in the manner of wine-making, but which has not yet fermented to the point where it would have the alcohol level of normal table wine.

Andrea McNeely: Washington’s tax system for alcohol needs an update

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Our tax code for alcohol is broken ... Popular canned cocktails with the identical amount of alcohol levels can cost nearly three times as much depending on your personal preference for one type of alcohol over another.

Eating this tasty snack before drinking alcohol can lower your chance of a hangover

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Alcohol consumption tends to increase in Wet February — the month ushered in by Dry January — and so does the likelihood of hangovers ... Cheese can also help replenish nutrients lost to alcohol, such as B vitamins and calcium, Chandrasekaran said.

Weight-Loss Drugs Like Ozempic Can Help Alcohol Addiction

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12 in JAMA Psychiatry, researchers report that semaglutide, better known as Ozempic or Wegovy, helped people with alcohol addiction reduce their craving and drink less ... Why, Exactly, Is Alcohol So Bad for You?.

Inside the dangerous and sordid world of university rugby initiations

The Daily Telegraph 12 Feb 2025
Toxicology reports showed the student had a blood alcohol level more than four times the legal drink-drive limit, and a coroner recorded that he died an “alcohol-related death”.

Man tells police he swerved to miss pothole in fatal crash. IMPD thinks he was drunk

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At 1.47 a.m ... While Henderson was speaking with police an officer noticed his breath smelled like alcohol, he had slurred speech and his eyes were bloodshot ... The test showed his blood alcohol level was 0.08, which is the legal limit in Indiana ...

GlenOak High teacher facing OVI, other charges after traffic crash injures man's spine

The Independent (inde) 12 Feb 2025
Benjamin M ... 11 collision in Perry Township. His 7-year-old son was a passenger. Perry police allege Hughes had a blood-alcohol level of 0.281%, more than three times Ohio's legal driving limit of 0.08% ... Both live in Perry Township ... 14 ... 25 ... @nmolnarTR.