ソスソスソスソス | ソスワゑソスソスノ奇ソスcソスソスソスソスニ話ソスソスソスソスソスニゑソスソスノ、 ソスuソスAソスCソスfソスAソスニゑソスソスソスソスフはなにゑソスソスHソスv ソスニゑソスソスソスソスbソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスネゑソスソスナゑソスソスソスソスB |
Itoi | Remember talking about the definition of "idea" before? | |
ソスソスc | ソス{ソス{ソスiソスホ)ソスソスソスソスフゑソスソスニばでゑソスソスヒ。 | Iwata | The words of Mr.(Shigeru) Miyamoto, right? | |
ソスソスソスソス | ソスソスソスソスソスナゑソスソスBソスツまゑソスAソス{ソス{ソスソスソスソスノゑソスソスホ、 ソスuソスAソスCソスfソスAソスニゑソスソスソスソスフゑソス ソス@ソスソスソスソスソスフ厄ソスソスソスソスソスCソスノ会ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスフでゑソスソスソスv ソスニゑソスソスソスソスソスソスニなゑソスナゑソスソスソスソスA ソスソスソスフ話ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスフみゑソスネにゑソスソスソスソスニゑソスソスソスA ソスソスソスフゑソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスSソスソスソスソスワゑソスソスト。 ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスcソスソスソスがゑソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソストるこソスニゑソスソスソスソスA ソスソスソスフ宮ソス{ソスソスソスソスフ費ソスソスソスソスフ意図ソスニ、ソスソスcソスソスソスソスフ包ソスソスヘゑソス ソスソスソスしソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソストゑソスソス轤ヲソスソスソスソスネと思ソスソスソスソスナゑソスソスソスソスB |
Itoi | He said that ideas are "something which solves multiple issues at once". This notion seemed eye-opening to my staffs. Can you explain us a bit more about the intention of his words, and your analysis of it? | |
ソスソスc | ソスソスソスソスヘ、ソスQソス[ソスソスソスソスソスツゑソスソスソスソストゑソスニゑソスソスノ、 ソス{ソス{ソスソスソスが鯉ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスナゑソスソスソスB ソスナゑソスソスソスソスソスAソス{ソス{ソスソスソスソスソス ソスQソス[ソスソスソスソスソスツゑソスソスソスニゑソスソスフひとつの包ソスソス@ソス_ソスニゑソスソスト、 ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソストゑソスソスソスナゑソスソスソスソスヌ、 ソスたソスソスソスヘ、ソスQソス[ソスソスソステゑソスソスソスノ鯉ソスソス轤ク ソスソスソス\ソスネ考ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスニ思ソスソスソスソスナゑソスソスソスヒ。 |
Iwata | Those words came out when we were designing a video game software. I think Mr.Miyamoto said it as an example of a method for designing video games. I actually perceive this as a very versatile concept, which can be applied to many aspects of life. | |
ソスソスソスソス | ソスソスソスソスソスナゑソスソスヒ。 | Itoi | Uh-huh. | |
ソスソスc | ソスヌゑソスネゑソスソスフでゑソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスニ思ソスソスソスソスナゑソスソスソスソスヌ、 ソスネにゑソスソスソスソスツゑソスソスソスニゑソスソスソスソスト、 ソスuソスソスソスソスソスソス立てゑソスホゑソスソスソスソス轤ェソスソスソスソスソスソスソスv ソスニゑソスソスソスソスソス閧ェソスツねにゑソスソスソスけソスナゑソスソスB ソスソスソスソスソスソスAソスネにゑソスソスフゑソスソスニに対ゑソスソスト、 ソスuソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソス謔ュソスナゑソスソスソスv ソスuソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソス辷ォソスソスソスネゑソスv ソスニゑソスソスソスソスIソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスけソスナゑソスソスソスソスA ソスソスソスソスソスノなにゑソスソスソスソスiソスソスソスツゑソスソスソスニゑソスソスノは、 ソスuソスミとつゑソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスニゑソスソスソスソスソスvソスニゑソスソスソス ソスbソスワれたソスソスヤになるこソスニなゑソストまゑソスソスネゑソスソスト、 ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスノ搾ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスニゑソスソスソスソスソスソスツゑソスソスソスソスソスソスナゑソスソスB |
Iwata | There's always the dilemma of "damned if you do, damned if you don't" when creating something. There are options that improve the product, and there are also options that work the other way. The thing is that you barely have cases in which there exists only a single problem. You usually have problems occurring everywhere, lots of them. | |
ソスソスソスソス | ソスヘゑソスソスAソスヘゑソスソスB | Itoi | Yes, yes. | |
ソスソスc | ソスソスソスソスヘ、ソスソスソスiソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスネゑソスソスト、 ソスgソスDソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスAソスホ人ソスヨ係ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスB ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスニに対ゑソスソスト、 ソスuソスソスソスソスヘ、ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスAソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソス轤「ソスソスソスソスナゑソスソスv ソスソスソスト、ソスミとつゑソスソスソスソスソスソスPソスソスソスソスソスニゑソスソストゑソス ソスSソスフゑソスOソスiソスソスソスソスソス驍アソスニはでゑソスソスネゑソスソスB ソスミとつ努ソスヘゑソスソストよくソスソスソスソスソスニゑソスソストゑソスソスA ソスネゑソス轤ゥソスフ包ソスソスソスpソスソスソスoソストゑソスソスワゑソスソスソスソスA ソスソスソスワまでゑソスソスワゑソスソスソスソスソスソストゑソスソスソスソスニゑソス ソスソスソスワゑソスソスソスソスソスソスネゑソスソスネゑソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスワゑソスソスB ソスソスソスソスソスソスAソスAソスCソスfソスAソスソスソスoソスソスソスソスcソスネどで、 ソスuソスソスソスフ厄ソスソスソスソスヌゑソスソスソスソス謔、ソスHソスv ソスニゑソスソスソスソスソスソスニゑソスbソスソスソスソスソスソスソストゑソスソスソスニゑソスソスノ、 ソスソスソスRソスソスソスソスソスネ人ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスネゑソスソスニ鯉ソスソスソスソスソスナゑソスソスソスソスヌ、 ソスソスソスソスソストゑソスソスソスソスソスヘ、ソスミとつの厄ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソス驍セソスソスソスナ、 ソスルゑソスソスフ厄ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスけソスナはなゑソスソスB ソスツまゑソスAソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスOソスiソスソスソスネゑソスソスソスナゑソスソスB |
Iwata | I'm not talking solely about designing a product. The same happens in organizations, or in personal relationships. Presenting a single antidote for a single problem doesn't get you anywhere. It always causes side effects. It sometimes even raises trouble to issues which were fine until then. People come up with many suggestions, but usually it only gives a solution to a single problem, and only that. A project doesn't advance much with a solution like that. | |
ソスソスソスソス | ソスソスソスソスソスAソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスニゑソスソスソスナゑソスソスヒ。 | Itoi | I know what you mean. | |
ソスソスc | ソスナ、ソスQソス[ソスソスソスフ話ソスノ戻ゑソスソストゑソスソスソスソスニ、ソスソスソスソスソスフ場合ソスA ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスさソスソスソスソスソスソスネゑソスソスト悩ソズわけソスナゑソスソスB ソスソスソスRソスlソス^ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスdソスソスソスワゑソストゑソスルど、 ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスいソスけソスソスソスソスソスAソスlソスヘ厄ソスソスソスソスソスソストゑソスソスソスソスB ソスナゑソスソスソスソスソスナ、ソスツゑソスソスソスフに奇ソスソス闢厄ソストゑソスソスソス ソスlソズの量や時ソスヤは有ソスソスソスナゑソスソスB ソスLソスソスソスフ抵ソスソスナ「ソスソスソスソスソスルどゑソスソスソスソスvソスソスソスト鯉ソスソスソス黷スソスソスソスト、 ソスソスソスソスソスナゑソスソスネゑソスソスけソスナゑソスソスソスヒ。 ソスナゑソスソスAソスニゑソスソスヌゑソスソスAソスソスソスソスソスソスソスミとつのゑソスソスニゑソスソスソスソスソスニ、 ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソス謔ュソスネゑソスソスト、ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソス謔ュソスネゑソスソスト、 ソスソスソスソスノ予ソスzソスソスソスソスソスネゑソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスワで会ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスA ソスニゑソスソスソスソスニゑソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスナゑソスソスソスB |
Iwata | Often times, the game not being entertaining enough are the problems you face when designing video games. The more ideas put in, the more fun it brings forth, and people enjoy the game more. However, the amount of time and human resources that can be put into creation is always limited. It's not realistic to simply propose "more" of something when you have limitations. Sometimes, one single idea solves one problem, then another, and even issues that were thought to be totally unrelated. | |
ソスソスソスソス | ソスヘゑソスソスAソスヘゑソスソスB ソスiソスソスソスヘのスソス^ソスbソスtソスノ鯉ソスソスソスソスソスソスト) ソスソスソスソスソスAソスソスソスソスソスソスソスいソスソスソスうソスH |
Itoi | That does happen sometimes. (to the staffs) Interesting, isn't it? | |
ソス齠ッ | ソスiソスホ) | All | (laugh) | |
ソスソスc | ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスuソスミとつのゑソスソスニ」ソスソスソスA ソス{ソス{ソスソスソスソスヘ「ソスネゑソスソスソスソスAソスネゑソスソスソスソスvソスソスソスソス ソスソスソスツゑソスソスlソスソスソストゑソスソスナゑソスソスB ソスソスソスフゑソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスツゑソスソスソスソスAソスソスソスXソスニ。 ソスフ、ソスたソスソスソスソスソスRソスソスソスノ住ソスソスナゑソスソスソスソスソス ソスiソスソスcソスソスソスが以前ソスミ抵ソスソス務めてゑソスソスソス ソス@ソスgソス`ソスkソスソスソスソスソスソスソスヘ山ソスソスソスソスソスノゑソスソスソスjソスノ、 ソスヒ然ソスAソス{ソス{ソスソスソスが電ソスbソスソス ソスソスソスソスソストゑソスソスソスソスソスソスニゑソスソスソスソスソスソスナゑソスソスソスソスヌ、 ソスソスソスフ托ソス齔コソスネんだと思ソスソスソスワゑソスソスH ソスuソスかソスソスソスソスソスソスAソスソスcソスソスソスソスvソスソスソスト鯉ソスソスソスソスソスナゑソスソスソスB ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスAソスたソスソスソスノゑソス ソスネにゑソスソスネんだゑソスソスかソスソスネゑソスソスソスナゑソスソスソスソスヌ(ソスホ)ソスB |
Iwata | Mr.Miyamoto is constantly trying to find that kind of "idea". I mean, constantly. Persistently. One day he called me up suddenly, it was when I used to live in Yamanashi. (Mr.Iwata had been president of HAL Laboratory, Inc., which is located in Yamanashi Prefecture) Do you know what the first thing he said was?
"I got it!" (laughing) I had no idea what he was talking about. |
ソスソスソスソス | ソスiソスホ) | Itoi | (laugh) | |
ソスソスc | ソス{ソス{ソスソスソスが「ソスかソスソスソスソスソスvソスニ鯉ソスソスソスソスソスソスフゑソス ソスソスソスフとゑソスソスノゑソスソスソスソスソスソスソスノつゑソスソスソスソストゑソスソスソスソスQソス[ソスソスソスソス ソスAソスCソスfソスAソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスナゑソスソスソスソスヌ、ソスワゑソスソスノ、 ソスuソスソスソスフアソスCソスfソスAソスナ、ソスYソスソスナゑソスソス閧ェソスA ソス@ソスOソスツ四ソスツゑソスソスソスソスリゑソスノゑソスソス黷「ソスノなゑソスv ソスニゑソスソスソスソスソスソスフゑソスソスソスソスソスソスソスナゑソスソスヒ。 |
Iwata | What he "got" was an idea for a game we were designing together. This idea was something that solved multiple issues, all at once. | |
ソスソスソスソス | ソスワゑソスソスノ、ソスソスソス黷ェソスuソスAソスCソスfソスAソスvソスソスソスニ。 | Itoi | That's what he called an "idea". | |
ソスソスc | ソスソスソスソスソスネゑソスナゑソスソスB ソスミとつ思ソスソスソスツゑソスソスソスソスソスソスニにゑソスソスソスト、 ソスソスソス黷ェソスソスソスワゑソスソスソスソスソスソスAソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスワゑソスソスソスソスソスソスdソスdソスB ソスソスソス黷ェソスuソスソスソスソスソスAソスCソスfソスAソスvソスナゑソスソスソスソスト、 ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスフゑソスソスソスソスツゑソスソス驍アソスニゑソスソスソスソスソスソスA ソスSソスフゑソスOソスiソスソスソスソスソスAソスSソス[ソスソスソスヨ近づゑソスソストゑソスソスソスソスB ソスfソスBソスソスソスNソス^ソス[ソスニ呼ばゑソスソスlソスフ仕ソスソスソスヘ、 ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスツゑソスソス驍アソスニなんだゑソスソスソス ソス{ソス{ソスソスソスソスヘ考ソスソスソストゑソスソスソスソスナゑソスソスヒ。 |
Iwata | Exactly. One single inspiration that makes so many things work. That's what you call a "great idea", and finding that moves things forward, moves it towards the goal. Mr. Miyamoto thinks that it's the game director's task to find those "ideas". | |
ソスソスソスソス | ソスソスソスソスヘ、ソス{ソス{ソスソスソスソス ソスソスソスソスソスワで撰ソスソスソスソスソスソスト鯉ソスソスソスソスソスソスけソスソスソスソスネゑソスソスト、 ソス{ソス{ソスソスソスソスフ仕ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスニ鯉ソスソストゑソスソスソス ソスソスcソスソスソスが奇ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスニでゑソスソスソスヒ。 |
Itoi | He didn't actually say this, right? You've picked this up working with him for a long time, observing his ways. | |
ソスソスc | ソスソスソスソスソスナゑソスソスヒ。 ソス{ソス{ソスソスソスソスニ仕ソスソスソスソスソスソスソストゑソスソスソスニ、 ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスuソスかソスソスソスソスソスソスvソスニ鯉ソスソスソスソスソスソスニゑソス ソスソスソスムゑソスソスム、ソスソスソスソスソスナゑソスソスB ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスxソスソスソスソスソストゑソスソス驍、ソスソスソスノ、 ソスヌゑソスソスソスソスAソスソスソスフ人ソスフ厄ソスソスソスソスソスソスフ包ソスソス@ソスニゑソスソスソスソスフは、 ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスニゑソスソスdソスvソスソスソスソスソス驍アソスニにゑソスソスソスソス ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスSソス[ソスソスソスノ難ソスソスソスソストゑソスだなゑソスソスト、 ソスかソスソスソストゑソスソスソスけソスナゑソスソスB |
Iwata | Yes. I've seen him "get it" many times. Through those instances, I've come to learn his emphasis on that method, and how he guides projects to goals using that method. | |
ソスソスソスソス | ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスいソスネゑソスソスiソスホ)ソスB | Itoi | That's really interesting. (laugh) | |
ソスソスc | ソスナ、ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスネゑソスノ受け止ソス゚ゑソスニ、 ソスソスソスソスヘ、ソスワゑソスソスソスソスソスソスQソス[ソスソスソスノ鯉ソスソスソスソスソスソスbソスソスソスソスネゑソスソスソスソスニ。 ソスソスソスフ抵ソスソスAソスソスソスソスソスソス立てゑソスソス ソスソスソスソスソス轤ェソスソスソスソスソスネゑソスソスソスソスニゑソスソス轤ッソスナゑソスソスB ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスヤゑソスソスuソスgソスソスソス[ソスhソスIソスtソスvソスニ呼ぶゑソスナゑソスソスソスソスA ソスソスソスフ抵ソスソスフゑソスソスソスソスソスlソスソスソスソスソスソス ソスgソスソスソス[ソスhソスIソスtソスフ厄ソスソスノ抵ソスソスハゑソスソストゑソスソスソスソスナゑソスソスヒ。 ソスソスソスソスソスヘゑソスソスソスソスソスソスソスgソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスB ソスlソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスいゑソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスB ソスソスソスソスソス骼橸ソスヤは抵ソスソスソスソスルゑソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスフゑソスソスナゑソスソスソスB ソスソスソスソスネゑソスソスニはわかソス閧ォソスソスソストまゑソスソスソスソスヌ、 ソスソスソスフわかソス閧ォソスソスソスソスソスソスソスニゑソスソスソスソストゑソスソス驍、ソスソスソスヘ、 ソスルゑソスソスフ人ソスニ難ソスソスソスソスソスソス@ソスナ進ソスソスナゑソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスナゑソスソスソスソスソス ソスソスソスソスソスヘゑソスソスネゑソスソスソスナゑソスソスソスB |
Iwata | This really isn't limited to game design. The world is full of "damned if you do, damned if you don'ts". You call it "trade-off". Everyone is confronted with trade-offs. The more budget, the better. The more human resource, the better. The more time, the better. That's obvious. However, doing the obvious means doing the same thing with everyone else. That doesn't nurture competitiveness. | |
ソスソスソスソス | ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスノなゑソスソスソスソス痰「ソスワゑソスソスソスソスソスヒ。 | Itoi | It becomes a matter of who does it more. | |
ソスソスc | ソスヘゑソスソスBソスナゑソスソスAソスソスソスソスニゑソスソスソスソスgソスン搾ソスソスせソスソスソス ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスニゑソスソスNソスソスソス驍シソスA ソスソスソストゑソスソスソスソスフゑソスソスソスソスツゑソスソスソスソスニゑソスソスヘ、 ソスソスソス黷ェソスモつゑソスソスフ人ソスソス ソスCソステゑソスソストなゑソスソスリゑソスソスソスナゑソスソスソスホゑソスソスソスルど、 ソスソスソスlソスソスソスoソストゑソスソスソスB ソスソスソスソスナ、ソス{ソス{ソスソスソスがなにゑソスソスフ会ソスcソスナ、 ソスuソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスフゑソスソスAソスCソスfソスAソスソスソストゑソスソスソスソスだゑソスv ソスソスソスト鯉ソスソスソスソスソスソスフを聞ゑソスソスソスソスニゑソスソスノ、 ソスソスソスソスヘ、ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスKソスソスソスヘ囲ゑソスソスLソスソスソスlソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスA ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスzソスナ包ソスソスソスソスソスソスlソスソスソス謔、ソスソス ソスソスソスだゑソスvソスソスソス謔、ソスノなゑソスソスト、 ソスソスソスフ間、ソスソスソス艪ウソスソスニゑソスソスbソスソスソスソスソスニゑソスソスソス ソスソスソスフとゑソスソスフゑソスソスニゑソスbソスソスソスソスソスソスナゑソスソスソスソスヌね。 |
Iwata | But when you find a solution by combining issues, the more unique it is, the more value it brings. When Mr.Miyamoto said "that's what you call an idea", it came to me. It's such a concept that applies to various aspects of life, so I really wanted to incorporate it into my way of thinking. I remember talking about this the other time we met. | |
ソスソスソスソス | ソスソスソスソスソスフ厄ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスじゑソスネゑソスソスト、 ソスソスツゑソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソストゑソスソスソスソスだゑソスソスソスソスソスA ソスソスソスソスヘ、ソスネ単ソスネゑソスナゑソスソスソスヒ。 |
Itoi | If you're looking for a solution that solves only a single issue, and not multiple issues, it's easy. | |
ソスソスc | ソスネ単ソスナゑソスソスB | Iwata | It really is. | |
ソスソスソスソス | ソスiソスラの席の搾ソスソスソスソスニ鯉ソスソスソスソスソスソスフ席の永ソスcソスソスソスwソスソスソスネゑソスソスソスj ソスツまゑソスAソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスフ厄ソスソスソスソスソスネゑソスソスニゑソスソスソスソスニゑソスソスノゑソスソスA ソスソスソスソスノ永ソスcソスソスソスが趣ソスソスじゃうソス謔、ソスネ包ソスソス@ソスネゑソス ソスソスソスニ簡単ソスノ思ソスソスソスツゑソスソスソスソスナゑソスソスソスB ソス]ソスTソスフゑソスソスソスソスニゑソスgソスDソスルど、 ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソス@ソスソスIソスソスナゑソスソスワゑソスソストダソスソスソスノなゑソスソスナゑソスソスB ソスソスツゑソスソスツは会ソスソスソスソスナゑソスソスソスソスソストゑソスソスソスソスニゑソスソスノ、 ソスソスソスソスンつぶゑソスソスノ会ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソス痰、ソスソスナゑソスソスソスB ソスワゑソスソスAソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスト、 ソスuソスソスソスAソスiソスcソスソスソスが奇ソスネゑソスソスvソスニゑソスソスソスソスフゑソス ソスソスソスxソスヘ永ソスcソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソストゑソスソストゑソスソスソスソスモゑソスソスノ‥ソスdソスB |
Itoi | (Pointing at Sato sitting next to him, and Nagata sitting across him)
See, if Sato's life is in danger, it's easy to find a way to save him at the cost of Nagata's life. The more leeway an enterprise or an organization has, the more they tend to choose such solutions. They solve issues one by one. First they save Sato, then they realize Nagata's in danger, so they choose to save Nagata, and on and on. |
ソスソスc | ソスソスソスソスソスノ趣ソスヤとエソスlソスソスソスMソス[ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソス痰、ソスソスナゑソスソスB | Iwata | By putting in an endless amount of time and energy. | |
ソスソスソスソス | ソスソスソスソスソスネゑソスナゑソスソスソスヒ。 | Itoi | Exactly. | |
ソスソスc | ソスuソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソス迴ュソスネゑソスソスソスソス謔、ソスv ソスuソスソスソスソスネゑソスソスソスソスソスソス迹晢ソス竄サソスソスソスvソスニゑソスソスソスソスモゑソスソスノ、 ソスソスソスワ起ソスソスソスソスソストる事ソスロゑソスソスソスソスフまゑソス ソスソスソスソスンつぶゑソスソスノ会ソスソスソスソスソスソストゑソスソスソスソスフは、 ソスNソスナゑソスソスナゑソスソス驍アソスニゑソスソスソスソスAソスHソスvソスソスソスソスソスソスネゑソスソスB ソスソスソスニゑソスソスホ、ソスソスソス髣ソソスソスソスXソスナ、ソスソスソスqソスソスソスソス ソスoソストゑソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスノつゑソスソスト「ソスソスソスソスソスvソスニ鯉ソスソスソスソストゑソスB ソスソスソスフとゑソスソスノ、ソスuソスソスソスソスソスvソスニ鯉ソスソスソスソストゑソスlソスヘ、 ソスネゑソスソスuソスソスソスソスソスvソスニ鯉ソスソスソスソストゑソスフゑソスソスB ソスソスソスフ搾ソスソスソスソスソスソスノゑソスソスソスソスソスフは、 ソスソスソスツは「ソスソスソスソスソスvソスソスソスニゑソスソスソス閧カソスソスネゑソスソスト、 ソスuソスワゑソスソスソスソスvソスソスソスニゑソスソスソス閧セソスソスソスソスソス閧キソスソスソスナゑソスソスB |
Iwata | Everyone can solve problems one by one. "If there's too much of something, just make it less", or the other way around. That's just responding to each issue. For example, if a customer complained at a restaurant that a dish is "too much", what is he/she really saying? Maybe the real problem may be how the dish tastes, and not the amount. | |
ソス齠ッ | ソスソスソス[ソス[ソス[ソスB | All | Ah.... | |
ソスソスc | ソスソスソスソスソスソスAソス{ソスソスソスヘゑソスソスソスソスソスソスト托ソスソスソスソスソスソスネゑソスソスフに、 ソスuソスソスソスソスソスvソスソスソスト鯉ソスソスソス黷スソスソス閧セソスソスソスソスソスソスソスト、 ソスuソスワゑソスソスソスソスvソスソスソスニに目ゑソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスネゑソスソスソスソスソスソスソスA ソスハゑソスソスソスソスネゑソスソスソスソスソスソスニゑソスソスソスナ会ソスソスソスソスノはなゑソスネゑソスソスソスナゑソスソスB ソス{ソスソスソスフ厄ソス閧ェソスuソスワゑソスソスソスソスvソスソスソスニゑソスソスニゑソスソスソスソスソスA ソスuソスワゑソスソスソスソスvソスソスソスニを直ゑソスソスネゑソスソスニ、 ソスuソスソスソスソスソスソスソス迴ュソスネゑソスソスソスソスワゑソスソスソスソスvソスニゑソスソスソスソスフは、 ソス鼬ゥソスソスソスソスソスソスソストゑソス謔、ソスナ、ソスソスソスツはなにゑソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソストなゑソスソスB |
Iwata | If the chef only sees the amount of his dish as the problem, changing the amount doesn't solve anything. He has to be able to find the real issue and improve the taste to truly solve this problem. | |
ソスソスソスソス | ソスソスソスフとゑソスソスソスナゑソスソスヒ。 | Itoi | That's true. | |
ソスソスc | ソスソスソスニなゑソスソストゑソスソス骼厄ソスロの搾ソスソスソスソスソスHソスソスソストゑソスソスソスソスニ、 ソスソスソスソスソスツゑソスソスフ別の症擾ソスノ鯉ソスソスソスソスソスソス閧ェ ソスソスソスツは搾ソスソスソスソスソスソスナつなゑソスソスソスソストるこソスニゑソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスA ソスミとつゑソスマゑソスソスソスニ、 ソス鼬ゥソスツなゑソスソス閧ェソスソスソスソスソスネゑソスソスソスソスソス ソスハのとゑソスソスソスノゑソスソスeソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスト、 ソスソスソスソスソスネ厄ソス閧ェソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスノなゑソスソスネゑソスソスソスソス閧キソスソスB ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスモゑソスソスノ、ソスミとつのアソスCソスfソスAソスソス ソスソスソスソスソスネ厄ソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスリゑソスノ会ソスソスソスソスソスソスト、 ソスSソスフゑソスソスソスCソスノ鯉ソスソスnソスソスソスソスソスソスソスフとゑソスソスノ、 ソス{ソス{ソスソスソスソスヘ「ソスかソスソスソスソスソスソスvソスソスソスト、 ソスlソスノ電ソスbソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスソスネゑソスソスナゑソスソス蛯、ソスヒ。 ソスiソスソスソスソスソスワゑソスソスIソスj |
Iwata | When you dig deep down until you hit the root of the problem, you sometimes find that what seems to be isolated matters are actually connected. A single change can have impact on matters that were thought having no relation. Different problems can be solved at once. When a single idea solves various matters, those are the times when Mr.Miyamoto "get it", and calls you up all of a sudden. You have a much clearer vision when you "get it". (Continued!) |
2007-08-31-FRI |