Mr. Robot - Linux Desktop Environment Wars
these actors have no idea what they are talking about
published: 14 Jan 2022
Ranking Linux Desktop Environments for 2023
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And o...
published: 03 Jan 2023
Linux Crash Course - Desktop Environments
In the Linux Crash Course series, you'll learn all about a Linux-related topic - one video at a time. In this episode, we explore desktop environments. What are they? How do they differ from Window Managers? Why are there so many of these? Answers to those questions (and more) in this episode of the Linux Crash Course!
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published: 03 Feb 2023
The Desktop Environment Tier List
What is the best Desktop in Linux? Let's look at the options!
00:00 Overview
00:47 Cinnamon
01:33 Deepin
02:00 Pantheon (Elementary OS)
02:45 LXDE
03:30 Budgie (Solus)
03:50 GNOME
05:09 KDE
05:55 MATE
06:18 Unity
06:53 XFCE
07:30 Nothing is the best? .
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published: 28 Jul 2023
Desktop Environments Vs Window Managers
In this video I discuss some of the differences between desktop environments and window managers, and some of my advantages by using a window manager.
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published: 23 Jan 2020
Meet Cosmic Desktop: Pop!_OS's Revolutionary New Desktop Environment! (NEW) 🔥
Get My Course Linux Mastery Express:
In this video, we’ll be having a look at the all new Cosmic desktop environment, created by the fan favourite Linux distro Pop!_OS.
Cosmic desktop is a new Linux desktop created for high performance delivery, while being modern and feature rich at the same time. Cosmic desktop is an absolutely new desktop created from scratch, and it’s not based on any other desktop. It’s completely new. And it’s written in RUST, which is an advanced programming language specifically known for its high performance.
While cosmic desktop has a familiar desktop layout, it nonetheless brings many new things and many redesigns to the world of desktop linux. Thanks to RUST, it has a noticeably faster performance compared to other modern deskt...
published: 31 May 2024
My Tier List For Linux Desktop Environments
It's time for another one of my tier list rankings. This time, I'm going to give my tier list ranking for desktop environments available on Linux. Two things to note are (1) I'm not a desktop environment user myself, and (2) these kinds of tier list videos are all subjective opinion.
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published: 02 Dec 2022
Desktop Environment | Linux Basics for New Users
This video takes you through the basics of a Desktop Environment. I breakdown what all your options are and make it easier for you to choose a Linux Distribution or modify your existing distribution. .
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published: 26 Aug 2019
Desktop icon not moving in Windows 11 | Laptop me icon drag nahi ho raha hai
Desktop icon not moving in Windows 11 | Laptop me icon drag nahi ho raha hai
Desktop me icon move nahi ho raha hai
Desktop me app move nahi ho raha hai
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can't move desktop icon in windows 11
desktop auto arrange turn off
Talk soon,
Abid Akay
PS : Want my help? So here is my Instagram .
Send Screenshot & video of problem Here 👇👇
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/abid_akay/
published: 14 Jun 2024
Turn Your Window Manager Into A Desktop Environment
So you installed a stand-alone window manager, but a window manager is not a desktop environment. It's just window manager. It manages windows. It DOES NOT manage notifications, clipboards, volume controls, bluetooth, etc. You have to install programs to do those tasks.
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published: 19 Dec 2020
Mr. Robot - Linux Desktop Environment Wars
these actors have no idea what they are talking about
these actors have no idea what they are talking about
these actors have no idea what they are talking about
- published: 14 Jan 2022
- views: 677223
Ranking Linux Desktop Environments for 2023
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Get 100$ credit for your own Linux and gaming server: https://www.linode.com/linuxexperiment
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And on PEERTUBE: https://tilvids.com/c/thelinuxexperiment_channel/videos
This video is distributed under the Creative Commons Share Alike license.
#linux #desktop #tierlist
00:00 Intro
00:33 Sponsor: 100$ Free Credit for your Linux or Gaming server
01:33 GNOME
03:25 KDE
05:07 BUDGIE
06:27 XFCE
07:14 MATE
09:50 DEEPIN
13:13 UNITY
15:24 Others I didn't try as much
16:00 Sponsor: Get a device that runs Linux perfectly
16:53 Support the channel
GNOME is the one the most. It's extendable with extensions, it's customizable, and it's also themable. Now GNOME as a desktop, I find really nice to use, but there are things that bug me, like the rigidity and lack of basic options, and that means it will be in Good, not in Great.
KDE has simple defaults, powerful options, plenty of customization and a large ecosystem of applications. I used KDE a TON, I always have a laptop with it installed, and it was my main DE for more than a year of running this youtube channel. It used to have a lot of bugs and stability issues, but in my experience, that's not the case anymore. I'm going to put KDE in the Great category.
Budgie, I used for a while on Manjaro, as my main desktop environment. At the time, I would have put it in Good. Nowadays? It's a No, Thanks for me. Budgie is basically GNOME + some interesting addons. You can replicate it in seconds on GNOME and have a better underlying platform.
XFCE, on the surface, looks very old and ugly, it doesn't really support most of the new Linux stack, like Wayland, it's not a complete experience, without its own app center for example, and it seems stuck in the past. On the other hand, it's extremely fast and responsive, it's customizable with themes, layouts, panel applets, and it can use most other DEs apps to fill in the gaps. I'm going to put it in Decent.
Mate is another hard one. I loved GNOME 2 back in the day, and MATE is exactly that. That layout was wonderful, but nowadays, it suffers from the same problems as XFCE: no real wayland support, no 1:1 touchpad gestures, not a complete experience, without its own app store, or design philosophy or guidelines. MATE is going in the Decent category.
Cinnamon is what Linux Mint uses, and it's pretty damn complete. It has applications for basically everything out of the box, you can do everything graphically without needing to turn to a third party app, whether it's managing software sources, installing applications, installing packages, changing every setting, you name it.
So, Cinnamon goes in the GOOD category. It's a really nice choice, but compared to KDE? I can't place them on the same level.
Deepin Desktop is one that looks phenomenal on the surface, but that I could never use day to day. Sure, it's beautiful, and it has a design flair and fluidity that is quite remarkable. But the default apps are way too simple and can do in most cases even less than GNOME's, which are already pretty barebones, their appstore is completely useless, and even translations are quite hesitant
I just can't see why you'd pick Deepin. It's a No Thanks for me.
Pantheon, elementary OS's desktop had the edge over any other GTK based desktop, 2 or 3 years ago, but it has lost every advantage it had during this time period. The team just doesn't feel like it's big enough to tackle a whole distro + desktop + suite of apps anymore, and GNOME has caught up to everything. It's a No, thanks.
Unity is only Decent for me, because it looks pretty dated. The panel and its applets are straight from the GNOME 2 era, there isn't much customization to be had either, the dash isn't as useful as it once was, because using filters at the bottom isn't super intuitive or ergonomic with a mouse, and while it's a fun trip down memory lane for me, it doesn't really appeal to me all that much.
And now there's Cutefish, the it was dead but apparently it's not dead, sort of desktop. And it's another one that looks great on screenshots, but it's still going to be a No Way.
Get 100$ credit for your own Linux and gaming server: https://www.linode.com/linuxexperiment
Grab a brand new laptop or desktop running Linux:https://www.tuxedocomputers.com/en#
Get access to a weekly podcast, vote on the next topics I cover, and get your name in the credits:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5UAwBUum7CPN5buc-_N1Fw/join
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I'm also on ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/$/invite/@TheLinuxExperiment:e
And on PEERTUBE: https://tilvids.com/c/thelinuxexperiment_channel/videos
This video is distributed under the Creative Commons Share Alike license.
#linux #desktop #tierlist
00:00 Intro
00:33 Sponsor: 100$ Free Credit for your Linux or Gaming server
01:33 GNOME
03:25 KDE
05:07 BUDGIE
06:27 XFCE
07:14 MATE
09:50 DEEPIN
13:13 UNITY
15:24 Others I didn't try as much
16:00 Sponsor: Get a device that runs Linux perfectly
16:53 Support the channel
GNOME is the one the most. It's extendable with extensions, it's customizable, and it's also themable. Now GNOME as a desktop, I find really nice to use, but there are things that bug me, like the rigidity and lack of basic options, and that means it will be in Good, not in Great.
KDE has simple defaults, powerful options, plenty of customization and a large ecosystem of applications. I used KDE a TON, I always have a laptop with it installed, and it was my main DE for more than a year of running this youtube channel. It used to have a lot of bugs and stability issues, but in my experience, that's not the case anymore. I'm going to put KDE in the Great category.
Budgie, I used for a while on Manjaro, as my main desktop environment. At the time, I would have put it in Good. Nowadays? It's a No, Thanks for me. Budgie is basically GNOME + some interesting addons. You can replicate it in seconds on GNOME and have a better underlying platform.
XFCE, on the surface, looks very old and ugly, it doesn't really support most of the new Linux stack, like Wayland, it's not a complete experience, without its own app center for example, and it seems stuck in the past. On the other hand, it's extremely fast and responsive, it's customizable with themes, layouts, panel applets, and it can use most other DEs apps to fill in the gaps. I'm going to put it in Decent.
Mate is another hard one. I loved GNOME 2 back in the day, and MATE is exactly that. That layout was wonderful, but nowadays, it suffers from the same problems as XFCE: no real wayland support, no 1:1 touchpad gestures, not a complete experience, without its own app store, or design philosophy or guidelines. MATE is going in the Decent category.
Cinnamon is what Linux Mint uses, and it's pretty damn complete. It has applications for basically everything out of the box, you can do everything graphically without needing to turn to a third party app, whether it's managing software sources, installing applications, installing packages, changing every setting, you name it.
So, Cinnamon goes in the GOOD category. It's a really nice choice, but compared to KDE? I can't place them on the same level.
Deepin Desktop is one that looks phenomenal on the surface, but that I could never use day to day. Sure, it's beautiful, and it has a design flair and fluidity that is quite remarkable. But the default apps are way too simple and can do in most cases even less than GNOME's, which are already pretty barebones, their appstore is completely useless, and even translations are quite hesitant
I just can't see why you'd pick Deepin. It's a No Thanks for me.
Pantheon, elementary OS's desktop had the edge over any other GTK based desktop, 2 or 3 years ago, but it has lost every advantage it had during this time period. The team just doesn't feel like it's big enough to tackle a whole distro + desktop + suite of apps anymore, and GNOME has caught up to everything. It's a No, thanks.
Unity is only Decent for me, because it looks pretty dated. The panel and its applets are straight from the GNOME 2 era, there isn't much customization to be had either, the dash isn't as useful as it once was, because using filters at the bottom isn't super intuitive or ergonomic with a mouse, and while it's a fun trip down memory lane for me, it doesn't really appeal to me all that much.
And now there's Cutefish, the it was dead but apparently it's not dead, sort of desktop. And it's another one that looks great on screenshots, but it's still going to be a No Way.
- published: 03 Jan 2023
- views: 530571
Linux Crash Course - Desktop Environments
In the Linux Crash Course series, you'll learn all about a Linux-related topic - one video at a time. In this episode, we explore desktop environments. What are...
In the Linux Crash Course series, you'll learn all about a Linux-related topic - one video at a time. In this episode, we explore desktop environments. What are they? How do they differ from Window Managers? Why are there so many of these? Answers to those questions (and more) in this episode of the Linux Crash Course!
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*Time Codes*
00:00 - Intro
00:57 - Set up your very own Linux server in the cloud with Linode (Sponsor)➜ https://learnlinux.link/akamai
02:41 - What exactly is a "Desktop Environment" in Linux?
04:16 - What is a "Window Manager" and how does it differ from a desktop environment?
08:21 - Exploring the GNOME Desktop Environment
12:42 - Installing applications via GNOME Software
14:52 - Checking out dynamic workspaces in GNOME
18:49 - Customization options within GNOME
20:50 - How GNOME can differ from one implementation to the next
23:11 - Exploring the Plasma Desktop Environment
25:22 - Checking out Plasma's default file manager (Dolphin)
28:14 - Plasma has a really neat system tray setup
30:56 - Taking a look at Plasma's "Discover" app
32:43 - Customizing the Plasma desktop
34:58 - The Cinnamon Desktop Environment
38:41 - A quick look at the Nemo file manager in Cinnamon
41:22 - How workspaces are implemented in Cinnamon
45:37 - Customizing the Cinnamon desktop environment
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• The following article covers the rules and guidelines Learn Linux TV abides by ➜ https://www.learnlinux.tv/content-ethics
LearnLinuxTV produces technical content that will hopefully be helpful to you and teach you something new. However, this content is provided without any warranty (expressed or implied). LearnLinuxTV is not responsible for any damages that may arise from any use of the content and information that's being provided. The viewer is expected to follow best judgement and to make his/her/their best decisions while working with production or non-production software, systems and hardware.
#Linux #LinuxTutorial #LinuxDesktop
In the Linux Crash Course series, you'll learn all about a Linux-related topic - one video at a time. In this episode, we explore desktop environments. What are they? How do they differ from Window Managers? Why are there so many of these? Answers to those questions (and more) in this episode of the Linux Crash Course!
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• Affiliate store for Linux compatible hardware/accessories ➜ https://learnlinux.link/amazon
• Awesome KVM for your Homelab ➜ https://learnlinux.link/tinypilot
• How to create a bootable flash drive for installing Linux ➜ https://linux.video/flash-usb
• Understanding Linux permissions ➜ https://linux.video/perms
• OpenSSH Guide ➜ https://linux.video/ssh
• How to better secure OpenSSH ➜ https://linux.video/secure-ssh
VISIT *Learn Linux TV on the Web*
• Main site ➜ https://www.learnlinux.tv
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*Time Codes*
00:00 - Intro
00:57 - Set up your very own Linux server in the cloud with Linode (Sponsor)➜ https://learnlinux.link/akamai
02:41 - What exactly is a "Desktop Environment" in Linux?
04:16 - What is a "Window Manager" and how does it differ from a desktop environment?
08:21 - Exploring the GNOME Desktop Environment
12:42 - Installing applications via GNOME Software
14:52 - Checking out dynamic workspaces in GNOME
18:49 - Customization options within GNOME
20:50 - How GNOME can differ from one implementation to the next
23:11 - Exploring the Plasma Desktop Environment
25:22 - Checking out Plasma's default file manager (Dolphin)
28:14 - Plasma has a really neat system tray setup
30:56 - Taking a look at Plasma's "Discover" app
32:43 - Customizing the Plasma desktop
34:58 - The Cinnamon Desktop Environment
38:41 - A quick look at the Nemo file manager in Cinnamon
41:22 - How workspaces are implemented in Cinnamon
45:37 - Customizing the Cinnamon desktop environment
• Personal blog ➜ https://www.jaylacroix.com
• Twitter ➜ https://learnlinux.link/twitter
-- Content Ethics --
• The following article covers the rules and guidelines Learn Linux TV abides by ➜ https://www.learnlinux.tv/content-ethics
LearnLinuxTV produces technical content that will hopefully be helpful to you and teach you something new. However, this content is provided without any warranty (expressed or implied). LearnLinuxTV is not responsible for any damages that may arise from any use of the content and information that's being provided. The viewer is expected to follow best judgement and to make his/her/their best decisions while working with production or non-production software, systems and hardware.
#Linux #LinuxTutorial #LinuxDesktop
- published: 03 Feb 2023
- views: 53369
The Desktop Environment Tier List
What is the best Desktop in Linux? Let's look at the options!
00:00 Overview
00:47 Cinnamon
01:33 Deepin
02:00 Pantheon (Elementary OS)
02:45 LXDE
What is the best Desktop in Linux? Let's look at the options!
00:00 Overview
00:47 Cinnamon
01:33 Deepin
02:00 Pantheon (Elementary OS)
02:45 LXDE
03:30 Budgie (Solus)
03:50 GNOME
05:09 KDE
05:55 MATE
06:18 Unity
06:53 XFCE
07:30 Nothing is the best? .
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What is the best Desktop in Linux? Let's look at the options!
00:00 Overview
00:47 Cinnamon
01:33 Deepin
02:00 Pantheon (Elementary OS)
02:45 LXDE
03:30 Budgie (Solus)
03:50 GNOME
05:09 KDE
05:55 MATE
06:18 Unity
06:53 XFCE
07:30 Nothing is the best? .
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►► Reddit ➜ https://www.reddit.com/r/ChrisTitusTech/
►► Titus Tech Talk ➜ https://www.youtube.com/c/TitusTechTalk
►► Twitch ➜ https://www.twitch.tv/christitustech
- published: 28 Jul 2023
- views: 334737
Desktop Environments Vs Window Managers
In this video I discuss some of the differences between desktop environments and window managers, and some of my advantages by using a window manager.
In this video I discuss some of the differences between desktop environments and window managers, and some of my advantages by using a window manager.
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In this video I discuss some of the differences between desktop environments and window managers, and some of my advantages by using a window manager.
download dwm
Subscribe to my YouTube channel http://goo.gl/9U10Wz
and be sure to click that notification bell so you know when new videos are released. ₿💰💵💲Help Support the Channel by Donating Crypto💲💵💰₿
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- published: 23 Jan 2020
- views: 179018
Meet Cosmic Desktop: Pop!_OS's Revolutionary New Desktop Environment! (NEW) 🔥
Get My Course Linux Mastery Express:
In this video, we’ll be having a look at the all new Cosmic desktop environment, created by...
Get My Course Linux Mastery Express:
In this video, we’ll be having a look at the all new Cosmic desktop environment, created by the fan favourite Linux distro Pop!_OS.
Cosmic desktop is a new Linux desktop created for high performance delivery, while being modern and feature rich at the same time. Cosmic desktop is an absolutely new desktop created from scratch, and it’s not based on any other desktop. It’s completely new. And it’s written in RUST, which is an advanced programming language specifically known for its high performance.
While cosmic desktop has a familiar desktop layout, it nonetheless brings many new things and many redesigns to the world of desktop linux. Thanks to RUST, it has a noticeably faster performance compared to other modern desktops we have today.
It also has advanced features like tiling and a nice set of customisation options baked into it. You’ll actually love the tiling feature here if you’re into it.
There’s a lot to get excited for here, so let’s dive right into the all new cosmic desktop.
Get My Course Linux Mastery Express:
In this video, we’ll be having a look at the all new Cosmic desktop environment, created by the fan favourite Linux distro Pop!_OS.
Cosmic desktop is a new Linux desktop created for high performance delivery, while being modern and feature rich at the same time. Cosmic desktop is an absolutely new desktop created from scratch, and it’s not based on any other desktop. It’s completely new. And it’s written in RUST, which is an advanced programming language specifically known for its high performance.
While cosmic desktop has a familiar desktop layout, it nonetheless brings many new things and many redesigns to the world of desktop linux. Thanks to RUST, it has a noticeably faster performance compared to other modern desktops we have today.
It also has advanced features like tiling and a nice set of customisation options baked into it. You’ll actually love the tiling feature here if you’re into it.
There’s a lot to get excited for here, so let’s dive right into the all new cosmic desktop.
- published: 31 May 2024
- views: 23931
My Tier List For Linux Desktop Environments
It's time for another one of my tier list rankings. This time, I'm going to give my tier list ranking for desktop environments available on Linux. Two things ...
It's time for another one of my tier list rankings. This time, I'm going to give my tier list ranking for desktop environments available on Linux. Two things to note are (1) I'm not a desktop environment user myself, and (2) these kinds of tier list videos are all subjective opinion.
💰 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/distrotube
💳 Paypal: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=channel_banner&redir_token=QUFFLUhqazNocEhiaGFBT1l1MnRHbnlIcHFKbXJWVnpQd3xBQ3Jtc0tsLVZJc19YeFlwZ2JqbXVOa3g0Skw4TVhTV2otNm1tM3A1bUNnamh3S2V6OGQtLTBnSjBxYTlvUXMxeEVIS3o4US10NENHMUQ3STk2a01FOFBhUnZjZFctMEhFUTg1TVctQmFfVUdxZXJ4TDl0azlYNA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.paypal.com%2Fcgi-bin%2Fwebscr%3Fcmd%3D_donations%26business%3Dderek%2540distrotube%252ecom%26lc%3DUS%26item_name%3DDistroTube%26no_note%3D0%26currency_code%3DUSD%26bn%3DPP%252dDonationsBF%253abtn_donateCC_LG%252egif%253aNonHostedGuest
🛍️ Amazon: https://amzn.to/2RotFFi
👕 Teespring: https://teespring.com/stores/distrotube
💰 Bitcoin: 1Mp6ebz5bNcjNFW7XWHVht36SkiLoxPKoX
🐶 Dogecoin: D5fpRD1JRoBFPDXSBocRTp8W9uKzfwLFAu
📕 LBC: bMfA2c3zmcLxPCpyPcrykLvMhZ7A5mQuhJ
🕸️ Website: http://distrotube.com/
📁 GitLab: https://gitlab.com/dwt1
🗨️ Mastodon: https://fosstodon.org/@distrotube
👫 Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/DistroTube/
📽️ LBRY/Odysee: https://odysee.com/@DistroTube:2
🌐 Brave Browser - https://brave.com/dis872
📽️ Open Broadcaster Software: https://obsproject.com/
🎬 Kdenlive: https://kdenlive.org
🎨 GIMP: https://www.gimp.org/
🎵 Tenacity: https://github.com/tenacityteam/tenacity
💻 VirtualBox: https://www.virtualbox.org/
🗒️ Doom Emacs: https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs
Your support is very much appreciated. Thanks, guys!
It's time for another one of my tier list rankings. This time, I'm going to give my tier list ranking for desktop environments available on Linux. Two things to note are (1) I'm not a desktop environment user myself, and (2) these kinds of tier list videos are all subjective opinion.
💰 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/distrotube
💳 Paypal: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=channel_banner&redir_token=QUFFLUhqazNocEhiaGFBT1l1MnRHbnlIcHFKbXJWVnpQd3xBQ3Jtc0tsLVZJc19YeFlwZ2JqbXVOa3g0Skw4TVhTV2otNm1tM3A1bUNnamh3S2V6OGQtLTBnSjBxYTlvUXMxeEVIS3o4US10NENHMUQ3STk2a01FOFBhUnZjZFctMEhFUTg1TVctQmFfVUdxZXJ4TDl0azlYNA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.paypal.com%2Fcgi-bin%2Fwebscr%3Fcmd%3D_donations%26business%3Dderek%2540distrotube%252ecom%26lc%3DUS%26item_name%3DDistroTube%26no_note%3D0%26currency_code%3DUSD%26bn%3DPP%252dDonationsBF%253abtn_donateCC_LG%252egif%253aNonHostedGuest
🛍️ Amazon: https://amzn.to/2RotFFi
👕 Teespring: https://teespring.com/stores/distrotube
💰 Bitcoin: 1Mp6ebz5bNcjNFW7XWHVht36SkiLoxPKoX
🐶 Dogecoin: D5fpRD1JRoBFPDXSBocRTp8W9uKzfwLFAu
📕 LBC: bMfA2c3zmcLxPCpyPcrykLvMhZ7A5mQuhJ
🕸️ Website: http://distrotube.com/
📁 GitLab: https://gitlab.com/dwt1
🗨️ Mastodon: https://fosstodon.org/@distrotube
👫 Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/DistroTube/
📽️ LBRY/Odysee: https://odysee.com/@DistroTube:2
🌐 Brave Browser - https://brave.com/dis872
📽️ Open Broadcaster Software: https://obsproject.com/
🎬 Kdenlive: https://kdenlive.org
🎨 GIMP: https://www.gimp.org/
🎵 Tenacity: https://github.com/tenacityteam/tenacity
💻 VirtualBox: https://www.virtualbox.org/
🗒️ Doom Emacs: https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs
Your support is very much appreciated. Thanks, guys!
- published: 02 Dec 2022
- views: 126919
Desktop Environment | Linux Basics for New Users
This video takes you through the basics of a Desktop Environment. I breakdown what all your options are and make it easier for you to choose a Linux Distributio...
This video takes you through the basics of a Desktop Environment. I breakdown what all your options are and make it easier for you to choose a Linux Distribution or modify your existing distribution. .
►► Digital Downloads ➜ https://www.cttstore.com
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►► Titus Tech Talk ➜ https://www.youtube.com/c/TitusTechTalk
►► Twitch ➜ https://www.twitch.tv/christitustech
This video takes you through the basics of a Desktop Environment. I breakdown what all your options are and make it easier for you to choose a Linux Distribution or modify your existing distribution. .
►► Digital Downloads ➜ https://www.cttstore.com
►► Reddit ➜ https://www.reddit.com/r/ChrisTitusTech/
►► Titus Tech Talk ➜ https://www.youtube.com/c/TitusTechTalk
►► Twitch ➜ https://www.twitch.tv/christitustech
- published: 26 Aug 2019
- views: 115506
Desktop icon not moving in Windows 11 | Laptop me icon drag nahi ho raha hai
Desktop icon not moving in Windows 11 | Laptop me icon drag nahi ho raha hai
Desktop me icon move nahi ho raha hai
Desktop me app move nahi ho raha hai
Desktop icon not moving in Windows 11 | Laptop me icon drag nahi ho raha hai
Desktop me icon move nahi ho raha hai
Desktop me app move nahi ho raha hai
computer pc laptop
can't move desktop icon in windows 11
desktop auto arrange turn off
Talk soon,
Abid Akay
PS : Want my help? So here is my Instagram .
Send Screenshot & video of problem Here 👇👇
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/abid_akay/
Desktop icon not moving in Windows 11 | Laptop me icon drag nahi ho raha hai
Desktop me icon move nahi ho raha hai
Desktop me app move nahi ho raha hai
computer pc laptop
can't move desktop icon in windows 11
desktop auto arrange turn off
Talk soon,
Abid Akay
PS : Want my help? So here is my Instagram .
Send Screenshot & video of problem Here 👇👇
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/abid_akay/
- published: 14 Jun 2024
- views: 56
Turn Your Window Manager Into A Desktop Environment
So you installed a stand-alone window manager, but a window manager is not a desktop environment. It's just window manager. It manages windows. It DOES NOT m...
So you installed a stand-alone window manager, but a window manager is not a desktop environment. It's just window manager. It manages windows. It DOES NOT manage notifications, clipboards, volume controls, bluetooth, etc. You have to install programs to do those tasks.
► https://wiki.archlinux.org/ - Arch Wiki
💰 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/distrotube
💳 Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=derek%40distrotube%2ecom&lc=US&item_name=DistroTube&no_note=0¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHostedGuest
🛍️ Amazon: https://amzn.to/2RotFFi
👕 Teespring: https://teespring.com/stores/distrotube
🗨️ Mastodon: https://mastodon.technology/@distrotube
💬 IRC: irc://freenode #distrotube
👫 Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/DistroTube/
📽️ LBRY: https://lbry.tv/$/invite/@DistroTube:2
🕸️ Website: http://distrotube.com/
🐿️ Gopherhole: gopher://distro.tube
📁 GitLab: https://gitlab.com/dwt1
🔊 Audio Podcasts: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1263722
🌐 Brave Browser - https://brave.com/dis872
📽️ Open Broadcaster Software: https://obsproject.com/
🎬 Kdenlive: https://kdenlive.org
🎨 GIMP: https://www.gimp.org/
🎵 Audacity: https://www.audacityteam.org/
💻 VirtualBox: https://www.virtualbox.org/
🗒️ Doom Emacs: https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs
Your support is very much appreciated. Thanks, guys!
So you installed a stand-alone window manager, but a window manager is not a desktop environment. It's just window manager. It manages windows. It DOES NOT manage notifications, clipboards, volume controls, bluetooth, etc. You have to install programs to do those tasks.
► https://wiki.archlinux.org/ - Arch Wiki
💰 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/distrotube
💳 Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=derek%40distrotube%2ecom&lc=US&item_name=DistroTube&no_note=0¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHostedGuest
🛍️ Amazon: https://amzn.to/2RotFFi
👕 Teespring: https://teespring.com/stores/distrotube
🗨️ Mastodon: https://mastodon.technology/@distrotube
💬 IRC: irc://freenode #distrotube
👫 Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/DistroTube/
📽️ LBRY: https://lbry.tv/$/invite/@DistroTube:2
🕸️ Website: http://distrotube.com/
🐿️ Gopherhole: gopher://distro.tube
📁 GitLab: https://gitlab.com/dwt1
🔊 Audio Podcasts: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1263722
🌐 Brave Browser - https://brave.com/dis872
📽️ Open Broadcaster Software: https://obsproject.com/
🎬 Kdenlive: https://kdenlive.org
🎨 GIMP: https://www.gimp.org/
🎵 Audacity: https://www.audacityteam.org/
💻 VirtualBox: https://www.virtualbox.org/
🗒️ Doom Emacs: https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs
Your support is very much appreciated. Thanks, guys!
- published: 19 Dec 2020
- views: 138179