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World (Bee Gees song)

"World" is a song from the Bee Gees' fourth album Horizontal, released in 1967 in the United Kingdom. Though it was a big hit in Europe, Atco Records did not issue it as a single in the United States, having just issued a third single from Bee Gees' 1st, "Holiday".


The song's lyrics question the singer's purpose in life.


The song's first recording session was on 3 October 1967 along with "With the Sun in My Eyes" and "Words". The song's last recording session was on 28 October 1967. "World" was originally planned as having no orchestra, so all four tracks were filled with the band, including some mellotron or organ played by Robin. When it was decided to add an orchestra, the four tracks containing the band were mixed to one track and the orchestra was added to the other track. The stereo mix suffered since the second tape had to play as mono until the end when the orchestra comes in on one side. Barry adds: "'World' is one of those things we came up with in the studio, Everyone just having fun and saying, 'Let's just do something!' you know". Vince Melouney recalls: "I had this idea to play the melody right up in the top register of the guitar behind the chorus".

World (The Price of Love)

"World (The Price of Love)" is a 1993 single by New Order, taken from the album Republic. Simply listed as "World" on the album, the subtitle "The Price of Love" was added for the single release, as it is repeated during the chorus. A 7:34 dance remix of the track by Paul Oakenfold, called the "Perfecto mix", was included on many releases of the single and was used for an alternate edit of the video.


The same music video was used for both the original version and an edit of the Perfecto remix of the song. Shot in Cannes with only 5 long steadicam shots, the video features the camera slowly journeying from a pier into an expensive hotel, lingering on the faces of passers-by. It features the band only fleetingly - Peter Hook sits at a table on the seafront, Bernard Sumner stands overlooking the sea, and Stephen Morris and Gillian Gilbert pose for a photograph outside the Carlton Hotel. This would be the last time the band would appear in a video until 2005's "Jetstream".

World (band)

World is an experimental, psychedelic rock duo that features National Basketball Association player LeBron James playing bass guitar, Matthew Dellavedova on trumpet, J.R. Smith on the pipe and Honey Owens (of Valet, Nudge and Jackie-O Motherf***er). Their music is influenced by various flavours of folk music from across the globe. Their debut CD was released in late 2005 on Marriage Records.

Forkner and Owens also run the Yarnlazer record label.


External links

  • Yarnlazer Umbrella Site for several Forkner-related bands.
  • World @ Marriage Records

  • Illinois

    Illinois (i/ˌɪlˈnɔɪ/ IL-i-NOY) is a state in the midwestern region of the United States. It is the 5th most populous state and 25th largest state in terms of land area, and is often noted as a microcosm of the entire country. With Chicago in the northeast, small industrial cities and great agricultural productivity in central and northern Illinois, and natural resources like coal, timber, and petroleum in the south, Illinois has a diverse economic base and is a major transportation hub. The Port of Chicago connects the state to other global ports from the Great Lakes, via the Saint Lawrence Seaway, to the Atlantic Ocean, as well as the Great Lakes to the Mississippi River, via the Illinois River. For decades, O'Hare International Airport has been ranked as one of the world's busiest airports. Illinois has long had a reputation as a bellwether both in social and cultural terms and politics.

    Although today the state's largest population center is around Chicago in the northern part of the state, the state's European population grew first in the west, with French Canadians who settled along the Mississippi River, and gave the area the name, Illinois. After the American Revolutionary War established the United States, American settlers began arriving from Kentucky in the 1810s via the Ohio River, and the population grew from south to north. In 1818, Illinois achieved statehood. After construction of the Erie Canal increased traffic and trade through the Great Lakes, Chicago was founded in the 1830s on the banks of the Chicago River, at one of the few natural harbors on southern Lake Michigan.John Deere's invention of the self-scouring steel plow turned Illinois' rich prairie into some of the world's most productive and valuable farmlands, attracting immigrant farmers from Germany and Sweden. Railroads carried immigrants to new homes, as well as being used to ship their commodity crops out to markets.

    List of Daria episodes

    This is a list of episodes for the MTV animated series Daria.

    Series overview


    Unaired pilot

    Season 1 (1997)

    Season 2 (1998)

    Season 3 (1999)

    Season 4 (2000)

    Is It Fall Yet? (2000)

    Season 5 (2001)

    Is It College Yet? (2002)

    External links

  • List of Daria episodes at the Internet Movie Database
  • Is It Fall Yet? at the Internet Movie Database
  • Is It College Yet? at the Internet Movie Database
  • Daria at TV.com
  • List of Daria episodes at epguides.com
  • The Daria Webring
  • Episode Guide at Outpost Daria
  • List of Latin-script trigraphs

    A number of trigraphs are found in the Latin script, most of these used especially in Irish orthography.

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E
  • F
  • G
  • H
  • I
  • J–L
  • M
  • N
  • O
  • P–R
  • S
  • T
  • U–W
  • X–Z
  • other
  • See also
  • A

    aai is used in Dutch to write the sound /aːi̯/.

    abh is used in Irish to write the sound /əu̯/, or in Donegal, /oː/, between broad consonants.

    adh is used in Irish to write the sound /əi̯/, or in Donegal, /eː/, between broad consonants, or an unstressed /ə/ at the end of a word.

    aei is used in Irish to write the sound /eː/ between a broad and a slender consonant.

    agh is used in Irish to write the sound /əi̯/, or in Donegal, /eː/, between broad consonants.

    aim is used in French to write the sound /ɛ̃/ (/ɛm/ before a vowel).

    ain is used in French to write the sound /ɛ̃/ (/ɛn/ before a vowel). It also represents /ɛ̃/ in Tibetan Pinyin, where it is alternatively written än.

    aío is used in Irish to write the sound /iː/ between broad consonants.

    amh is used in Irish to write the sound /əu̯/, or in Donegal, /oː/, between broad consonants.

    War (painting)

    War is a painting created by Portuguese-British visual artist Paula Rego in 2003.


    War is a large pastel on paper composition measuring 1600mm x 1200mm. A rabbit-headed woman stands prominently in the center carrying a wounded child, surrounded by several realistic and fantastic figures recalling a style Rego describes as "beautiful grotesque".

    For The Telegraph's Alastair Sooke, "The more you look at War, the curiouser and curiouser it becomes. Rego's white rabbits owe more to Richard Kelly's film Donnie Darko than Lewis Carroll's Wonderland."


    The painting first appeared as part of Rego's "Jane Eyre and Other Stories" exhibition at Marlborough Fine Art in London in 2003. It was inspired by a photograph that appeared in The Guardian near the beginning of the Iraq War, in which a girl in a white dress is seen running from an explosion, with a woman and her baby unmoving behind her. In an interview conducted in relation to the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía's 2007 exhibition, Rego said of this painting, "I thought I would do a picture about these children getting hurt, but I turned them into rabbits' heads, like masks. It’s very difficult to do it with humans, it doesn’t get the same kind of feel at all. It seemed more real to transform them into creatures."


    • BEE GEES - World

      Musicvideo of "World" by the "Bee Gees

      published: 28 Feb 2012
    • The Bee Gees - World (1967)

      The Bee Gees were a pop music group formed in 1958. Their lineup consisted of brothers Barry, Robin, and Maurice Gibb. The trio were successful for most of their decades of recording music, but they had two distinct periods of exceptional success: as a popular music act in the late 1960s and early 1970s, and as prominent performers of the disco music era in the mid-to-late 1970s. The group sang recognisable three-part tight harmonies; Robin's clear vibrato lead vocals were a hallmark of their earlier hits, while Barry's R&B falsetto became their signature sound during the mid-to-late 1970s and 1980s. The Bee Gees wrote all of their own hits, as well as writing and producing several major hits for other artists. Born on the Isle of Man to English parents, the Gibb brothers lived in Chorlto...

      published: 31 Mar 2020
    • Bee Gees — World (Live at National Tennis Center 1989 - One For All)

      The Bee Gees performing live at the National Tennis Center in Melbourne, Australia. This song has always been one of my favourites.

      published: 05 Nov 2022
    • Bee Gees - Words (Live in Las Vegas, 1997 - One Night Only)

      Join the Bee Gees on Facebook - http://facebook.com/beegees Twitter - http://twitter.com/beegees Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/beegees/ From the album & film 'BEE GEES - ONE NIGHT ONLY' BUY THE FILM ON BLURAY Amazon USA http://amzn.to/17nlV6O Amazon Canada http://amzn.to/1dGNfyd Amazon UK http://amzn.to/1aulCJ4 Amazon France http://amzn.to/194GPLG Amazon Germany http://amzn.to/18pHtUN Amazon Spain http://amzn.to/13A4U4K Amazon Japan http://amzn.to/16Lf30N BUY THE FILM ON DVD Amazon USA http://amzn.to/1dGMK7v Amazon Canada http://amzn.to/15KjZUf Amazon UK http://amzn.to/1bL0i3y Amazon France http://amzn.to/1brrg1G Amazon Germany http://amzn.to/1aun0eU Amazon Spain http://amzn.to/15oR9ZL Amazon Japan http://amzn.to/18pHPL6 BUY THE CD Amazon USA http://amzn.to/18myobU Amazon Ca...

      published: 08 Jul 2013
    • WORLD bee gees karaoke

      bee gees cover song

      published: 09 May 2023
    • WORDS - Bee Gees (HD Karaoke)

      This song is written by the Gibb brothers namely Barry, Robin and Maurice Gibb of the Bee Gees as their single that was released in January 1968 under Ploydor. The song peaked at number in Canada, Switzerland, Netherlands and Germany. The song had other recording from different artist namely Rita Collidge in 1978 and Boyzone in 1996. It was Boyzone's first number one hit in the UK. According to Barry Gibb, during an interview, the song was written for their manager, Robert Stigwood. Thanks for watching ATOMIC Karaoke! ➤SUBSCRIBE to our Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/AtomicKaraoke ➤ LIKE us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Atomic-Karaoke-243776199533810/ ⚠ Please DO NOT Re-upload our video/instrumentals Click the SUBSCRIBE BUTTON and NOTIFICATION BELL...

      published: 15 Apr 2018
    • World

      Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group World · Bee Gees The Ultimate Bee Gees ℗ 1967 Barry Gibb, The Estate of Robin Gibb and Yvonne Gibb, under exclusive license to Capitol Music Group Released on: 2009-11-03 Producer: Robert Stigwood Producer: Bee Gees Composer Lyricist: Maurice Gibb Composer Lyricist: Robin Gibb Composer Lyricist: Barry Gibb Auto-generated by YouTube.

      published: 31 Jul 2018
    • Rod Stewart, Elton John, Bee Gees, Phil Collins, Elton John 📀 Old Love Songs 70s,80s,90s

      Rod Stewart, Elton John, Bee Gees, Phil Collins, Elton John 📀 Old Love Songs 70s,80s,90s Embark on a captivating journey through the harmonious blend of soft rock melodies and breathtaking visuals. This video is a celebration of life's most peaceful and serene moments, captured through stunning imagery of vibrant landscapes and idyllic surroundings. Begin your experience with the gentle strumming of soft rock tunes, perfectly paired with visuals of picturesque Mediterranean-style villas. Crisp white walls and sky-blue accents reflect the warmth of the sun, while lush greenery and blooming flowers add a touch of natural charm. The serene pool invites you to take a moment of relaxation, while the calming music carries you away to a world of peace. As the video unfolds, immerse yourself in...

      published: 25 Jan 2025
    • Words - Bee Gees lyrics

      #wordsbeegees #wordsbeegeeslyrics #wordsbybeegees #beegeeswordslyrics

      published: 11 May 2021
    • BEE GEES - World LIVE @ Soundstage, Chicago 1975 Song 6/19

      #jivetubin #BeeGees #BarryGibb #TheBeeGees #RobinGibb #MauriceGibb #BrothersGibb #TheBrothersGibb

      published: 24 Nov 2013
    • World ♦ Bee Gees ♦ Karaoke ♦ Instrumental ♦ Cover Song

      BEE GEES List of Karaoke Songs https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMfwTlgomgCYcjP1VQ9LwNz9wDjGR58lQ __ DO NOT RE-UPLOAD MY KARAOKE VIDEO's __ DISCLAMER: The credits goes to the respective owners / composer / recording company / and artist. __ No Copyright Motion Graphics Motion Graphics provided by https://www.youtubestock.com YouTube Channel: https://goo.gl/aayJRf __ Tags ; Bee gees, Carpenters, Bee gees Karaoke, Carpenter , best of Bee gees ,Karaoke, karaoke video, lyric video, english songs, classic song, old karaoke songs, karaoke hits, karaoke latest, karaoke english, song with lyrics, karaoke song collection,video lyrics. ♦ Cover Song

      published: 11 Dec 2018
    • Words - Bee Gees ( with lyrics )

      Smile, an everlasting smile. A smile can bring you near to me. Don't ever let me find you gone. 'Cause that would bring a tear to me ...

      published: 26 Mar 2012
    • Bee Gees My World (1972)

      "My World" fue grabado y lanzado mientras que The Bee Gees estaban grabando su nuevo álbum To Whom It May Concern durante el invierno de 1972. Este single alcanzó el puesto # 16 en las listas de EE.UU. y # 16 y # 41 en el Reino Unido y Alemania gráficos, respectivamente. https://www.facebook.com/pages/CONOCE-A-LOS-BEE-GEES/442833490450

      published: 28 Mar 2013
    BEE GEES - World

    BEE GEES - World

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:13
    • Uploaded Date: 28 Feb 2012
    • views: 463458
    Musicvideo of "World" by the "Bee Gees
    The Bee Gees - World (1967)

    The Bee Gees - World (1967)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:07
    • Uploaded Date: 31 Mar 2020
    • views: 215257
    The Bee Gees were a pop music group formed in 1958. Their lineup consisted of brothers Barry, Robin, and Maurice Gibb. The trio were successful for most of their decades of recording music, but they had two distinct periods of exceptional success: as a popular music act in the late 1960s and early 1970s, and as prominent performers of the disco music era in the mid-to-late 1970s. The group sang recognisable three-part tight harmonies; Robin's clear vibrato lead vocals were a hallmark of their earlier hits, while Barry's R&B falsetto became their signature sound during the mid-to-late 1970s and 1980s. The Bee Gees wrote all of their own hits, as well as writing and producing several major hits for other artists. Born on the Isle of Man to English parents, the Gibb brothers lived in Chorlton, Manchester, England, until the late 1950s. There, in 1955, they formed the Rattlesnakes. The family then moved to Redcliffe, in Queensland, Australia, and then to Cribb Island. After achieving their first chart success in Australia as the Bee Gees with "Spicks and Specks" (their 12th single), they returned to the UK in January 1967, when producer Robert Stigwood began promoting them to a worldwide audience. The Bee Gees have sold more than 220 million records worldwide, making them one of the world's best-selling artists of all time. They were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1997; the presenter of the award to "Britain's first family of harmony" was Brian Wilson, historical leader of The Beach Boys, another "family act" featuring three harmonising brothers. The Bee Gees' Hall of Fame citation says, "Only Elvis Presley, the Beatles, Michael Jackson, Garth Brooks and Paul McCartney have outsold the Bee Gees." Following Maurice's death in January 2003, at the age of 53, Barry and Robin retired the group's name after 45 years of activity. In 2009, Robin announced that he and Barry had agreed the Bee Gees would re-form and perform again. Robin died in May 2012, aged 62, after a prolonged struggle with cancer and other health problems, leaving Barry as the only surviving member of the group's final line-up.
    Bee Gees — World (Live at National Tennis Center 1989 - One For All)

    Bee Gees — World (Live at National Tennis Center 1989 - One For All)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:33
    • Uploaded Date: 05 Nov 2022
    • views: 16164
    The Bee Gees performing live at the National Tennis Center in Melbourne, Australia. This song has always been one of my favourites.
    Bee Gees - Words (Live in Las Vegas, 1997 - One Night Only)

    Bee Gees - Words (Live in Las Vegas, 1997 - One Night Only)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:05
    • Uploaded Date: 08 Jul 2013
    • views: 24944103
    Join the Bee Gees on Facebook - http://facebook.com/beegees Twitter - http://twitter.com/beegees Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/beegees/ From the album & film 'BEE GEES - ONE NIGHT ONLY' BUY THE FILM ON BLURAY Amazon USA http://amzn.to/17nlV6O Amazon Canada http://amzn.to/1dGNfyd Amazon UK http://amzn.to/1aulCJ4 Amazon France http://amzn.to/194GPLG Amazon Germany http://amzn.to/18pHtUN Amazon Spain http://amzn.to/13A4U4K Amazon Japan http://amzn.to/16Lf30N BUY THE FILM ON DVD Amazon USA http://amzn.to/1dGMK7v Amazon Canada http://amzn.to/15KjZUf Amazon UK http://amzn.to/1bL0i3y Amazon France http://amzn.to/1brrg1G Amazon Germany http://amzn.to/1aun0eU Amazon Spain http://amzn.to/15oR9ZL Amazon Japan http://amzn.to/18pHPL6 BUY THE CD Amazon USA http://amzn.to/18myobU Amazon Canada http://amzn.to/1aTaDN4 Amazon UK http://amzn.to/14hyWAw Amazon France http://amzn.to/18myyjC Amazon Germany http://amzn.to/14hBcIf Amazon Spain http://amzn.to/18pHEPX Amazon Japan http://amzn.to/18mzbcU DOWNLOAD THE ALBUM iTunes http://itunes.apple.com/album/one-night-only-live/id270899149 Amazon USA http://amzn.to/1bL0zn7 Amazon UK http://amzn.to/15KiCoE Amazon France http://amzn.to/1bL0K1Y Amazon Germany http://amzn.to/13maMTA Amazon Spain http://amzn.to/13mblN6 Amazon Japan http://amzn.to/11ZzsD1 STREAMING ONLINE Deezer http://www.deezer.com/en/album/86483 Grooveshark http://grooveshark.com/#!/album/One+Night+Only/1103805 Last.FM http://www.last.fm/music/Bee+Gees/One+Night+Only MySpace https://myspace.com/beegees/music/album/one-night-only-15 Rdio http://www.rdio.com/artist/Bee_Gees/album/One_Night_Only/ Rhapsody http://www.rhapsody.com/artist/bee-gees/album/one-night-only Slacker http://www.slacker.com/album/bee-gees/one-night-only Spotify http://open.spotify.com/album/20030AOcjgZjECycW40NzZ © Manx Productions Inc. 1997 ℗ Barry Gibb, The Estate of Robin Gibb and The Estate of Maurice Gibb, under exclusive license to Warner Strategic Marketing Inc., a Warner Music Group Company
    WORLD bee gees karaoke

    WORLD bee gees karaoke

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:59
    • Uploaded Date: 09 May 2023
    • views: 13446
    bee gees cover song
    WORDS - Bee Gees (HD Karaoke)

    WORDS - Bee Gees (HD Karaoke)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:18
    • Uploaded Date: 15 Apr 2018
    • views: 7477551
    This song is written by the Gibb brothers namely Barry, Robin and Maurice Gibb of the Bee Gees as their single that was released in January 1968 under Ploydor. The song peaked at number in Canada, Switzerland, Netherlands and Germany. The song had other recording from different artist namely Rita Collidge in 1978 and Boyzone in 1996. It was Boyzone's first number one hit in the UK. According to Barry Gibb, during an interview, the song was written for their manager, Robert Stigwood. Thanks for watching ATOMIC Karaoke! ➤SUBSCRIBE to our Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/AtomicKaraoke ➤ LIKE us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Atomic-Karaoke-243776199533810/ ⚠ Please DO NOT Re-upload our video/instrumentals Click the SUBSCRIBE BUTTON and NOTIFICATION BELL to receive updates on our latest videos. _______________DETAILS:__________________ Music artist: Bee Gees Released: 1968 Album: Single by Bee Gees Video created by: Atomic Karaoke Layout and Design created by: Atomic Karaoke


    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:18
    • Uploaded Date: 31 Jul 2018
    • views: 51874
    Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group World · Bee Gees The Ultimate Bee Gees ℗ 1967 Barry Gibb, The Estate of Robin Gibb and Yvonne Gibb, under exclusive license to Capitol Music Group Released on: 2009-11-03 Producer: Robert Stigwood Producer: Bee Gees Composer Lyricist: Maurice Gibb Composer Lyricist: Robin Gibb Composer Lyricist: Barry Gibb Auto-generated by YouTube.
    Rod Stewart, Elton John, Bee Gees, Phil Collins, Elton John 📀 Old Love Songs 70s,80s,90s

    Rod Stewart, Elton John, Bee Gees, Phil Collins, Elton John 📀 Old Love Songs 70s,80s,90s

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:03:56
    • Uploaded Date: 25 Jan 2025
    • views: 381
    Rod Stewart, Elton John, Bee Gees, Phil Collins, Elton John 📀 Old Love Songs 70s,80s,90s Embark on a captivating journey through the harmonious blend of soft rock melodies and breathtaking visuals. This video is a celebration of life's most peaceful and serene moments, captured through stunning imagery of vibrant landscapes and idyllic surroundings. Begin your experience with the gentle strumming of soft rock tunes, perfectly paired with visuals of picturesque Mediterranean-style villas. Crisp white walls and sky-blue accents reflect the warmth of the sun, while lush greenery and blooming flowers add a touch of natural charm. The serene pool invites you to take a moment of relaxation, while the calming music carries you away to a world of peace. As the video unfolds, immerse yourself in a variety of mesmerizing scenes — from tranquil waterfalls hidden in lush green forests to dreamy countryside houses surrounded by vibrant foliage. Feel the soothing rhythm of the music as it complements the golden sunlight dancing on rivers and streams. Witness the beauty of untouched nature and charming villages, where every frame tells a story of harmony, balance, and tranquility. This soft rock collection is more than just music; it’s a retreat for the mind and soul. Perfect for unwinding after a long day, working on creative projects, or simply finding inspiration in the beauty of life. Let the melodies and visuals take you to a place where time slows down, and every moment feels like a dream. Relax, enjoy, and let this video be your escape into a world of soft rock and natural splendor ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🎸 Welcome to Soft Rock Songs! 🎶 Discover timeless soft rock hits and soothing tunes that make every moment more memorable. Whether you're relaxing at home, working, or on a road trip, our collection sets the perfect vibe. 💡 Subscribe to stay updated with new uploads and curated playlists. 📜 Share your favorite songs or suggestions in the comments—we’d love to hear from you! Thank you for listening and supporting our channel. Enjoy the music! 🎵" Let me know if you'd like it edited further!© #SoftRock #BestSoftRock #softrocksongs All rights belong to Soft Rock Songs. Copyright © 2025 Soft Rock Songs. All rights reserved.
    Words - Bee Gees lyrics

    Words - Bee Gees lyrics

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:21
    • Uploaded Date: 11 May 2021
    • views: 798052
    #wordsbeegees #wordsbeegeeslyrics #wordsbybeegees #beegeeswordslyrics
    BEE GEES - World  LIVE @ Soundstage, Chicago 1975  Song 6/19

    BEE GEES - World LIVE @ Soundstage, Chicago 1975 Song 6/19

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:24
    • Uploaded Date: 24 Nov 2013
    • views: 108277
    #jivetubin #BeeGees #BarryGibb #TheBeeGees #RobinGibb #MauriceGibb #BrothersGibb #TheBrothersGibb
    World ♦ Bee Gees ♦ Karaoke ♦ Instrumental ♦ Cover Song

    World ♦ Bee Gees ♦ Karaoke ♦ Instrumental ♦ Cover Song

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:59
    • Uploaded Date: 11 Dec 2018
    • views: 108122
    BEE GEES List of Karaoke Songs https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMfwTlgomgCYcjP1VQ9LwNz9wDjGR58lQ __ DO NOT RE-UPLOAD MY KARAOKE VIDEO's __ DISCLAMER: The credits goes to the respective owners / composer / recording company / and artist. __ No Copyright Motion Graphics Motion Graphics provided by https://www.youtubestock.com YouTube Channel: https://goo.gl/aayJRf __ Tags ; Bee gees, Carpenters, Bee gees Karaoke, Carpenter , best of Bee gees ,Karaoke, karaoke video, lyric video, english songs, classic song, old karaoke songs, karaoke hits, karaoke latest, karaoke english, song with lyrics, karaoke song collection,video lyrics. ♦ Cover Song
    Words - Bee Gees ( with lyrics )

    Words - Bee Gees ( with lyrics )

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:25
    • Uploaded Date: 26 Mar 2012
    • views: 7753341
    Smile, an everlasting smile. A smile can bring you near to me. Don't ever let me find you gone. 'Cause that would bring a tear to me ...
    Bee Gees   My World (1972)

    Bee Gees My World (1972)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:27
    • Uploaded Date: 28 Mar 2013
    • views: 2070888
    "My World" fue grabado y lanzado mientras que The Bee Gees estaban grabando su nuevo álbum To Whom It May Concern durante el invierno de 1972. Este single alcanzó el puesto # 16 en las listas de EE.UU. y # 16 y # 41 en el Reino Unido y Alemania gráficos, respectivamente. https://www.facebook.com/pages/CONOCE-A-LOS-BEE-GEES/442833490450
    • New Order - World (The Price of Love) (Official Music Video)

      The Official Video for 'World (The Price of Love)' by New Order. Stream New Order's greatest hits here ▶https://lnk.to/StreamNewOrder Subscribe here ▶ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpScI40fW6rKkPPnUVDGkyw?sub_confirmation=1 Watch New Order's other official music videos ▶ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQevjdGcwa3lPNVDgA_GWjXvKblTr1eGu "World (The Price of Love)" is a 1993 single by New Order, taken from the album Republic. Lyrics I turn sideways to the sun keep my thoughts from everyone It's a jungle, I'm a freak Hear me talk, but never speak So I'm stepping out of time because breaking is a crime And it may all be too late but I've no passion for this hate That's the price of love (that's the price of love) Can you feel it (can you feel it) If we could buy it now (tha...

      published: 15 Oct 2013
    • World (Price of Love)

      Provided to YouTube by London Records World (Price of Love) · New Order The Best of New Order ℗ 1993 Warner Music UK Ltd Additional Programmer: Andy Duncan Strings Arranger: Audrey Riley Cello: Audrey Riley Unknown: Ben Findlay Guitar, Programmer, Synthesizer, Vocals: Bernard Sumner Producer: Bernard Sumner Additional Guitar: David Rhodes Backing Vocals: Dee Lewis Guitar, Programmer, Synthesizer: Gillian Gilbert Producer: Gillian Gilbert Engineer: Mike 'Spike Drake Engineer: Owen Morris Bass Guitar: Peter Hook Producer: Peter Hook Programmer: Peter Hook Engineer: Richard Chappell Unknown: Sam Hardaker Engineer: Simon Gogerly Producer: Stephen Hague Drums, Programmer, Synthesizer: Stephen Morris Producer: Stephen Morris Writer: Bernard Sumner Writer: Gillian Gilbert Writer: Peter H...

      published: 08 Nov 2014

      Watch Best Of Nigerian Nollywood Movies ,Watch Best of Nigerian actress,Best Of Nigerian Actors, Best Of Mercy Johnson, Best Of Fredrick Leonard, Best Of Destiny Etiko, Best Of Zubby Micheal, Best Of Ken Ericks, Best Of Yul Edochie in 2021 Latest Nigerian Nollywood movies, action, Romance, Drama, epic, Only on Nollywood RealnollyTV youtube Best Of Nollywood Channel, see clips, trailer's and exclusives on Nollywood Movies. This Youtube channel brings you the best on Trending Nigerian Nollywood movies free, Hot, watch movies online here on this channel SYNOPSIS : Love they say can't be seen, after five years of waiting for her true love he eventually comes back with an unknown expectation, watch and find the "PRICE OF TRUE LOVE" Mike Ezuruonye, Luchi Donald, Ajanigo Simeon. Nollywood Movi...

      published: 13 Nov 2021
    • New Order - World (The Price Of Love) - Top Of The Pops - Thursday 9th September 1993

      Taken from TOTP (BBC1) on Thursday 9th September 1993

      published: 12 Dec 2014
    • New Order - World (The Price Of Love - S. Hauger Radio Edit Remix Video) [OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO]

      The Official Video for 'World (The Price of Love - S. Hauger Radio Edit Remix)'' by New Order. Stream New Order's greatest hits here ▶https://lnk.to/StreamNewOrder Subscribe here ▶ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpScI40fW6rKkPPnUVDGkyw?sub_confirmation=1 Watch New Order's other official music videos ▶ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQevjdGcwa3lPNVDgA_GWjXvKblTr1eGu "World (The Price of Love)" is a 1993 single by New Order, taken from the album Republic.' Lyrics I turn sideways to the sun keep my thoughts from everyone It's a jungle, I'm a freak Hear me talk, but never speak So I'm stepping out of time because breaking is a crime And it may all be too late but I've no passion for this hate That's the price of love (that's the price of love) Can you feel it (can you feel...

      published: 18 Oct 2013
    • new order - World (The Price of Love) - legendas pt tradução

      "World (The Price of Love)" é um single de 1993 do New Order, retirado do álbum Republic. Simplesmente listado como "World" no álbum, a legenda "The Price of Love" foi adicionada ao lançamento do single, como é repetido durante o refrão. Um remix dance 7:34 minutos da faixa de Paul Oakenfold, chamado "Perfecto mix", foi incluído em muitos lançamentos do single e foi usado para uma edição alternativa do vídeo.

      published: 16 Apr 2020
    • World (Price Of Love) - NEW ORDER

      Essa eu sei que você gosta! "Meu dia-a-dia é mais tranquilo até o momento em que minha cabeça me leva até você. Minha cabeça me trai, o coração aperta, a atenção esvanece o frio na barriga. Com tantos sintomas a saudade até parece doença, mas sei que a cura é a sua presença..." T ♥ Nádia!

      published: 13 Jul 2010

      Watch Best Of Nigerian Nollywood Movies ,Watch Best of Nigerian actress,Best Of Nigerian Actors, Best Of Mercy Johnson, Best Of Fredrick Leonard, Best Of Destiny Etiko, Best Of Zubby Micheal, Best Of Ken Ericks, Best Of Yul Edochie in 2021 Latest Nigerian Nollywood movies, action, Romance, Drama, epic, Only on Nollywood RealnollyTV youtube Best Of Nollywood Channel, see clips, trailer's and exclusives on Nollywood Movies. This Youtube channel brings you the best on Trending Nigerian Nollywood movies free, Hot, watch movies online here on this channel SYNOPSIS : Love they say can't be seen, after five years of waiting for her true love he eventually comes back with an unknown expectation, watch and find the "PRICE OF TRUE LOVE" Mike Ezuruonye, Luchi Donald, Ajanigo Simeon. Nollywood Movi...

      published: 09 Nov 2021
    • New Order - World (The Price Of Love)

      (c) London Records 1993 1. The Perfecto Mix 2. The Brothers In Rhythm Mix 3. World In Action Mix 4. The Pharmacy Dub 5. The Sexy Disco Dub

      published: 03 Feb 2018
    New Order - World (The Price of Love) (Official Music Video)

    New Order - World (The Price of Love) (Official Music Video)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:23
    • Uploaded Date: 15 Oct 2013
    • views: 2220080
    The Official Video for 'World (The Price of Love)' by New Order. Stream New Order's greatest hits here ▶https://lnk.to/StreamNewOrder Subscribe here ▶ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpScI40fW6rKkPPnUVDGkyw?sub_confirmation=1 Watch New Order's other official music videos ▶ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQevjdGcwa3lPNVDgA_GWjXvKblTr1eGu "World (The Price of Love)" is a 1993 single by New Order, taken from the album Republic. Lyrics I turn sideways to the sun keep my thoughts from everyone It's a jungle, I'm a freak Hear me talk, but never speak So I'm stepping out of time because breaking is a crime And it may all be too late but I've no passion for this hate That's the price of love (that's the price of love) Can you feel it (can you feel it) If we could buy it now (that's the price of love) how long would it last (that's the price of love) And when this building is on fire these flames can't burn any higher I turn sideways to the sun and in a moment I am gone That's the price of love (that's the price of love) Can you feel it (can you feel it) If we could buy it now (that's the price of love) how long would it last (that's the price of love) That's the price of love (that's the price of love) Can you feel it (can you feel it) If we could buy it now (that's the price of love) How long would it last (that's the price of love) #NewOrder #World #Republic
    World (Price of Love)

    World (Price of Love)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:40
    • Uploaded Date: 08 Nov 2014
    • views: 151880
    Provided to YouTube by London Records World (Price of Love) · New Order The Best of New Order ℗ 1993 Warner Music UK Ltd Additional Programmer: Andy Duncan Strings Arranger: Audrey Riley Cello: Audrey Riley Unknown: Ben Findlay Guitar, Programmer, Synthesizer, Vocals: Bernard Sumner Producer: Bernard Sumner Additional Guitar: David Rhodes Backing Vocals: Dee Lewis Guitar, Programmer, Synthesizer: Gillian Gilbert Producer: Gillian Gilbert Engineer: Mike 'Spike Drake Engineer: Owen Morris Bass Guitar: Peter Hook Producer: Peter Hook Programmer: Peter Hook Engineer: Richard Chappell Unknown: Sam Hardaker Engineer: Simon Gogerly Producer: Stephen Hague Drums, Programmer, Synthesizer: Stephen Morris Producer: Stephen Morris Writer: Bernard Sumner Writer: Gillian Gilbert Writer: Peter Hook Writer: Stephen Hague Writer: Stephen Morris Auto-generated by YouTube.


    • Order:
    • Duration: 28:42
    • Uploaded Date: 13 Nov 2021
    • views: 53129
    Watch Best Of Nigerian Nollywood Movies ,Watch Best of Nigerian actress,Best Of Nigerian Actors, Best Of Mercy Johnson, Best Of Fredrick Leonard, Best Of Destiny Etiko, Best Of Zubby Micheal, Best Of Ken Ericks, Best Of Yul Edochie in 2021 Latest Nigerian Nollywood movies, action, Romance, Drama, epic, Only on Nollywood RealnollyTV youtube Best Of Nollywood Channel, see clips, trailer's and exclusives on Nollywood Movies. This Youtube channel brings you the best on Trending Nigerian Nollywood movies free, Hot, watch movies online here on this channel SYNOPSIS : Love they say can't be seen, after five years of waiting for her true love he eventually comes back with an unknown expectation, watch and find the "PRICE OF TRUE LOVE" Mike Ezuruonye, Luchi Donald, Ajanigo Simeon. Nollywood Movies brings you the best of entertainment on YouTube channel, FREE movies is all you get here each time you visit the Nollywood Romance Youtube Channel, for new and Latest 2021 Nigerian films, just subscribe to this channel on Youtube Watch Nollywood movies on Nollywood Romance, FREE African movies, Nigerian FREE Movies on Youtube. Our passion for Movie making is to produce thousands of free Nollywood Movies, Nigerian movies, Ghana movies, Watch exciting youtube movies on Nollywood channels Enjoy free Nigerian movies here, #Nigerianmovies #Ghanamovies Nollywoodmovies
    New Order - World (The Price Of Love) - Top Of The Pops - Thursday 9th September 1993

    New Order - World (The Price Of Love) - Top Of The Pops - Thursday 9th September 1993

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:10
    • Uploaded Date: 12 Dec 2014
    • views: 26588
    Taken from TOTP (BBC1) on Thursday 9th September 1993
    New Order - World (The Price Of Love - S. Hauger Radio Edit Remix Video) [OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO]

    New Order - World (The Price Of Love - S. Hauger Radio Edit Remix Video) [OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO]

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:54
    • Uploaded Date: 18 Oct 2013
    • views: 59136
    The Official Video for 'World (The Price of Love - S. Hauger Radio Edit Remix)'' by New Order. Stream New Order's greatest hits here ▶https://lnk.to/StreamNewOrder Subscribe here ▶ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpScI40fW6rKkPPnUVDGkyw?sub_confirmation=1 Watch New Order's other official music videos ▶ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQevjdGcwa3lPNVDgA_GWjXvKblTr1eGu "World (The Price of Love)" is a 1993 single by New Order, taken from the album Republic.' Lyrics I turn sideways to the sun keep my thoughts from everyone It's a jungle, I'm a freak Hear me talk, but never speak So I'm stepping out of time because breaking is a crime And it may all be too late but I've no passion for this hate That's the price of love (that's the price of love) Can you feel it (can you feel it) If we could buy it now (that's the price of love) how long would it last (that's the price of love) And when this building is on fire these flames can't burn any higher I turn sideways to the sun and in a moment I am gone That's the price of love (that's the price of love) Can you feel it (can you feel it) If we could buy it now (that's the price of love) how long would it last (that's the price of love) That's the price of love (that's the price of love) Can you feel it (can you feel it) If we could buy it now (that's the price of love) How long would it last (that's the price of love) #NewOrder #World #Republic
    new order - World (The Price of Love) - legendas pt tradução

    new order - World (The Price of Love) - legendas pt tradução

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:43
    • Uploaded Date: 16 Apr 2020
    • views: 9174
    "World (The Price of Love)" é um single de 1993 do New Order, retirado do álbum Republic. Simplesmente listado como "World" no álbum, a legenda "The Price of Love" foi adicionada ao lançamento do single, como é repetido durante o refrão. Um remix dance 7:34 minutos da faixa de Paul Oakenfold, chamado "Perfecto mix", foi incluído em muitos lançamentos do single e foi usado para uma edição alternativa do vídeo.
    World (Price Of Love) - NEW ORDER

    World (Price Of Love) - NEW ORDER

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:57
    • Uploaded Date: 13 Jul 2010
    • views: 71053
    Essa eu sei que você gosta! "Meu dia-a-dia é mais tranquilo até o momento em que minha cabeça me leva até você. Minha cabeça me trai, o coração aperta, a atenção esvanece o frio na barriga. Com tantos sintomas a saudade até parece doença, mas sei que a cura é a sua presença..." T ♥ Nádia!


    • Order:
    • Duration: 25:55
    • Uploaded Date: 09 Nov 2021
    • views: 66289
    Watch Best Of Nigerian Nollywood Movies ,Watch Best of Nigerian actress,Best Of Nigerian Actors, Best Of Mercy Johnson, Best Of Fredrick Leonard, Best Of Destiny Etiko, Best Of Zubby Micheal, Best Of Ken Ericks, Best Of Yul Edochie in 2021 Latest Nigerian Nollywood movies, action, Romance, Drama, epic, Only on Nollywood RealnollyTV youtube Best Of Nollywood Channel, see clips, trailer's and exclusives on Nollywood Movies. This Youtube channel brings you the best on Trending Nigerian Nollywood movies free, Hot, watch movies online here on this channel SYNOPSIS : Love they say can't be seen, after five years of waiting for her true love he eventually comes back with an unknown expectation, watch and find the "PRICE OF TRUE LOVE" Mike Ezuruonye, Luchi Donald, Ajanigo Simeon. Nollywood Movies brings you the best of entertainment on YouTube channel, FREE movies is all you get here each time you visit the Nollywood Romance Youtube Channel, for new and Latest 2021 Nigerian films, just subscribe to this channel on Youtube Watch Nollywood movies on Nollywood Romance, FREE African movies, Nigerian FREE Movies on Youtube. Our passion for Movie making is to produce thousands of free Nollywood Movies, Nigerian movies, Ghana movies, Watch exciting youtube movies on Nollywood channels Enjoy free Nigerian movies here, #Nigerianmovies #Ghanamovies Nollywoodmovies
    New Order - World (The Price Of Love)

    New Order - World (The Price Of Love)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 34:47
    • Uploaded Date: 03 Feb 2018
    • views: 423
    (c) London Records 1993 1. The Perfecto Mix 2. The Brothers In Rhythm Mix 3. World In Action Mix 4. The Pharmacy Dub 5. The Sexy Disco Dub
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    • BEE GEES - World
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    • The Bee Gees - World (1967)
      The Bee Gees - World (1967)remove from playlist
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      Bee Gees — World (Live at National Tennis Center 1989 - One For All)remove from playlist
    • Bee Gees - Words (Live in Las Vegas, 1997 - One Night Only)
      Bee Gees - Words (Live in Las Vegas, 1997 - One Night Only)remove from playlist
    • WORDS - Bee Gees (HD Karaoke)
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    • Rod Stewart, Elton John, Bee Gees, Phil Collins, Elton John 📀 Old Love Songs 70s,80s,90s
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    • Words - Bee Gees lyrics
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    • BEE GEES - World  LIVE @ Soundstage, Chicago 1975  Song 6/19
      BEE GEES - World LIVE @ Soundstage, Chicago 1975 Song 6/19remove from playlist
    • World ♦ Bee Gees ♦ Karaoke ♦ Instrumental ♦ Cover Song
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    • Words - Bee Gees ( with lyrics )
      Words - Bee Gees ( with lyrics )remove from playlist
    • Bee Gees   My World (1972)
      Bee Gees My World (1972)remove from playlist
    PLAYLIST TIME: 0:00 / 3:40:05

    BEE GEES - World

    Musicvideo of "World" by the "Bee Gees
    BEE GEES - World
    Musicvideo of "World" by the "Bee Gees
    published: 28 Feb 2012
    Play in Full Screen
    The Bee Gees - World (1967)
    The Bee Gees were a pop music group formed in 1958. Their lineup consisted of brothers Bar...
    published: 31 Mar 2020
    Play in Full Screen
    Bee Gees — World (Live at National Tennis Center 1989 - One For All)
    The Bee Gees performing live at the National Tennis Center in Melbourne, Australia. This s...
    published: 05 Nov 2022
    Play in Full Screen
    Bee Gees - Words (Live in Las Vegas, 1997 - One Night Only)
    Join the Bee Gees on Facebook - http://facebook.com/beegees Twitter - http://twitter.com...
    published: 08 Jul 2013
    Play in Full Screen
    WORLD bee gees karaoke
    bee gees cover song
    published: 09 May 2023
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    WORDS - Bee Gees (HD Karaoke)
    This song is written by the Gibb brothers namely Barry, Robin and Maurice Gibb of the Bee ...
    published: 15 Apr 2018
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    Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group World · Bee Gees The Ultimate Bee Gees ℗ 1...
    published: 31 Jul 2018
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    Rod Stewart, Elton John, Bee Gees, Phil Collins, Elton John 📀 Old Love Songs 70s,80s,90s
    Rod Stewart, Elton John, Bee Gees, Phil Collins, Elton John 📀 Old Love Songs 70s,80s,90s ...
    published: 25 Jan 2025
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    Words - Bee Gees lyrics
    #wordsbeegees #wordsbeegeeslyrics #wordsbybeegees #beegeeswordslyrics
    published: 11 May 2021
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    BEE GEES - World LIVE @ Soundstage, Chicago 1975 Song 6/19
    #jivetubin #BeeGees #BarryGibb #TheBeeGees #RobinGibb #MauriceGibb #BrothersGibb #TheBroth...
    published: 24 Nov 2013
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    World ♦ Bee Gees ♦ Karaoke ♦ Instrumental ♦ Cover Song
    BEE GEES List of Karaoke Songs https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMfwTlgomgCYcjP1VQ9L...
    published: 11 Dec 2018
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    Words - Bee Gees ( with lyrics )
    Smile, an everlasting smile. A smile can bring you near to me. Don't ever let me find you ...
    published: 26 Mar 2012
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    Bee Gees My World (1972)
    "My World" fue grabado y lanzado mientras que The Bee Gees estaban grabando su nuevo álbum...
    published: 28 Mar 2013
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    World (Bee Gees song)

    "World" is a song from the Bee Gees' fourth album Horizontal, released in 1967 in the United Kingdom. Though it was a big hit in Europe, Atco Records did not issue it as a single in the United States, having just issued a third single from Bee Gees' 1st, "Holiday".


    The song's lyrics question the singer's purpose in life.


    The song's first recording session was on 3 October 1967 along with "With the Sun in My Eyes" and "Words". The song's last recording session was on 28 October 1967. "World" was originally planned as having no orchestra, so all four tracks were filled with the band, including some mellotron or organ played by Robin. When it was decided to add an orchestra, the four tracks containing the band were mixed to one track and the orchestra was added to the other track. The stereo mix suffered since the second tape had to play as mono until the end when the orchestra comes in on one side. Barry adds: "'World' is one of those things we came up with in the studio, Everyone just having fun and saying, 'Let's just do something!' you know". Vince Melouney recalls: "I had this idea to play the melody right up in the top register of the guitar behind the chorus".

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    New Order - World (The Price of Love) (Official Music Video)

    The Official Video for 'World (The Price of Love)' by New Order. Stream New Order's greatest hits here ▶https://lnk.to/StreamNewOrder Subscribe here ▶ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpScI40fW6rKkPPnUVDGkyw?sub_confirmation=1 Watch New Order's other official music videos ▶ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQevjdGcwa3lPNVDgA_GWjXvKblTr1eGu "World (The Price of Love)" is a 1993 single by New Order, taken from the album Republic. Lyrics I turn sideways to the sun keep my thoughts from everyone It's a jungle, I'm a freak Hear me talk, but never speak So I'm stepping out of time because breaking is a crime And it may all be too late but I've no passion for this hate That's the price of love (that's the price of love) Can you feel it (can you feel it) If we could buy it now (that's the price of love) how long would it last (that's the price of love) And when this building is on fire these flames can't burn any higher I turn sideways to the sun and in a moment I am gone That's the price of love (that's the price of love) Can you feel it (can you feel it) If we could buy it now (that's the price of love) how long would it last (that's the price of love) That's the price of love (that's the price of love) Can you feel it (can you feel it) If we could buy it now (that's the price of love) How long would it last (that's the price of love) #NewOrder #World #Republic
    New Order - World (The Price of Love) (Official Music Video)
    The Official Video for 'World (The Price of Love)' by New Order. Stream New Order's great...
    published: 15 Oct 2013
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    World (Price of Love)
    Provided to YouTube by London Records World (Price of Love) · New Order The Best of New ...
    published: 08 Nov 2014
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    Watch Best Of Nigerian Nollywood Movies ,Watch Best of Nigerian actress,Best Of Nigerian A...
    published: 13 Nov 2021
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    New Order - World (The Price Of Love) - Top Of The Pops - Thursday 9th September 1993
    Taken from TOTP (BBC1) on Thursday 9th September 1993
    published: 12 Dec 2014
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    New Order - World (The Price Of Love - S. Hauger Radio Edit Remix Video) [OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO]
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    published: 18 Oct 2013
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    new order - World (The Price of Love) - legendas pt tradução
    "World (The Price of Love)" é um single de 1993 do New Order, retirado do álbum Republic. ...
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    World (Price Of Love) - NEW ORDER
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    published: 09 Nov 2021
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    New Order - World (The Price Of Love)
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    published: 03 Feb 2018
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