Vera is a group typeface (font) with a liberal license.
It was designed by Jim Lyles from Bitstream, and it is closely based on Bitstream Prima, for which Lyles was also responsible. It is a TrueType font with full hinting instructions, which improve its rendering quality on low-resolution devices such as computer monitors. The font has also been repackaged as a Type 1 PostScript font, called Bera, for LaTeX users.
Vera consists of serif, sans-serif, and monospace fonts. The Bitstream Vera Sans Mono typeface in particular is suitable for technical work, as it clearly distinguishes 'l' (lowercase L) from '1' (one) and 'I' (uppercase i), and '0' (zero) from 'O'.
Unicode coverage
Bitstream Vera itself covers only common punctuation and the Latin alphabet with some diacritics. It comprises only 300 glyphs. Because of its liberal license, the DejaVu fonts project is expanding it with additional glyphs and styles, which it releases into the public domain.
With over 80% installation base, the DejaVu fonts have been gaining on the role as sans-serif default fonts in GNU/Linux. On Windows and Macintosh systems, DejaVu is practically unknown, whereas Bitstream Vera Sans has installation bases of 25% and 20%, and 79% on Unix, according to a survey.
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published: 23 Feb 2022
Durim Malaj - VERA (Prod by Nurteel)
🎵 @BareshaNetwork -
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Music Produced by : Nurteel
Lyrics by : Ghulo & Nurteel
Video by : Reci Films
Executive Producer : Nurteel
Solo : Faruk Luki
Publisher : Baresha Network
Licensing: [email protected]
Listen 'VERA' - on Spotify & All Digital Platforms
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published: 25 Jun 2024
Vera S10E01 Blood Will Tell
my playlists
published: 24 Feb 2022
Provided to YouTube by Pink Floyd
Vera · Pink Floyd
The Wall
℗ Pink Floyd Records
Released on: 1979-11-30
Auto-generated by YouTube.
published: 08 Jan 2016
Foreign Exchange campers episode but only when Vera is on screen | Camp Camp
Disabled the comments cause some of y’all can’t keep it to yourselves 💀
published: 07 Mar 2019
El Cumpleaños de Vera 🌈 Episodio Completo 🌈 Vera y el Reino Arcoíris 🌈
Todos preparan sorpresas deliciosas para el cumpleaños de Vera, ¡incluso Grizelda! Hasta que una situación muy pegajosa pone las cosas patas para arriba.
¡Vera y el Reino Arcoiris ahora se está transmitiendo en Netflix y Netflix Jr.!
Vera y el Reino Arcoiris es una serie preescolar animada para niños y niñas que sigue a Vera, una niña de 8 años, y a su divertido mejor amigo el gato Bartleby, mientras vienen al rescate de los juguetones ciudadanos de Ciudad Arcoiris.
Vera es la única que puede liberar el poder de los Deseos Mágicos del Árbol de los
Deseos para arreglar las cosas y mantener a salvo a todos los residentes del Reino.
Visita Nuestro Sitio Web:
Tienda de Amazon Merch:
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published: 15 Jan 2022
VERA 'Find No End' |Official Music Video [EN/JP/KR/TH]
➤VERA 數位專輯收聽 |
➤VERA Instagram |
➤VERA Facebook |
「卡在你世界Find No End」
VERA 全新單曲《Find No End》由隊長巴比親自操刀作詞作曲,
✨VERA粉絲回饋活動 之 號碼要有機會接通囉✨
在2024/8/11 23:59前於MV下方留言即有機會獲得【和VERA全員通話2分鐘資格】
*得獎名單將於8/18公布至下方留言區* *踢帕娛樂保有最終修改、變更、活動解釋及取消活動之權利,若有相關異動將會公告於官方 Instagram,謝謝*
出品 Presented by |踢帕娛樂 TPOP Entertainment CO., Ltd.
監製 Executive Producer|詹仁雄James、劉翊琪Josie Liu
藝人經紀 Artist Manager|張偉珉 Min Chang
執行經紀 Assistant Artist Manager|黃意婷 Haley Huang
企劃 Marketing|林瑞琳 ...
published: 07 Aug 2024
Il compleanno di Vera 🌈 Episodio Completo 🌈 Vera e il Regno dell'arcobaleno 🌈
Tutti sono indaffarati a preparare delle sorprese per il compleanno di Vera, e c'è anche Grizelda! Ma una situazione appiccicosa provoca il caos.
Iscriviti per altri video:
Vera e il Regno dell'arcobaleno è ora in streaming su Netflix e Netflix Jr.
Vera e il Regno dell'arcobaleno è una serie animata in età prescolare per ragazzi e ragazze che segue Vera di 8 anni e il suo esilarante migliore amico Bartleby il gatto, mentre vengono in soccorso degli stravaganti cittadini di Rainbow City. Vera è l'unico che può liberare il potere dei Desideri Magici dall'Albero dei Desideri per sistemare le cose e mantenere al sicuro tutti i residenti nel Regno.
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Negozio di merchandising Amazon:
Metti mi pi...
published: 19 Mar 2022
🎵 @BareshaNetwork -
🔔 Turn on notifications to stay updated with new uploads!
🎵 @BareshaNetwork -
🔔 Turn on notifications to stay updated with new uploads!
Music Produced by : Nurteel
Lyrics by : Ghulo & Nurteel
Video by : Reci Films
Executive Producer : Nurteel
Solo : Faruk Luki
Publisher : Baresha Network
Licensing: [email protected]
Listen 'VERA' - on Spotify & All Digital Platforms
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Baresha Network - All rights Reserved
Todos preparan sorpresas deliciosas para el cumpleaños de Vera, ¡incluso Grizelda! Hasta que una situación muy pegajosa pone las cosas patas para arriba.
Todos preparan sorpresas deliciosas para el cumpleaños de Vera, ¡incluso Grizelda! Hasta que una situación muy pegajosa pone las cosas patas para arriba.
¡Vera y el Reino Arcoiris ahora se está transmitiendo en Netflix y Netflix Jr.!
Vera y el Reino Arcoiris es una serie preescolar animada para niños y niñas que sigue a Vera, una niña de 8 años, y a su divertido mejor amigo el gato Bartleby, mientras vienen al rescate de los juguetones ciudadanos de Ciudad Arcoiris.
Vera es la única que puede liberar el poder de los Deseos Mágicos del Árbol de los
Deseos para arreglar las cosas y mantener a salvo a todos los residentes del Reino.
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Mira todos los episodios disponibles en Netflix!:
Todos preparan sorpresas deliciosas para el cumpleaños de Vera, ¡incluso Grizelda! Hasta que una situación muy pegajosa pone las cosas patas para arriba.
¡Vera y el Reino Arcoiris ahora se está transmitiendo en Netflix y Netflix Jr.!
Vera y el Reino Arcoiris es una serie preescolar animada para niños y niñas que sigue a Vera, una niña de 8 años, y a su divertido mejor amigo el gato Bartleby, mientras vienen al rescate de los juguetones ciudadanos de Ciudad Arcoiris.
Vera es la única que puede liberar el poder de los Deseos Mágicos del Árbol de los
Deseos para arreglar las cosas y mantener a salvo a todos los residentes del Reino.
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Mira todos los episodios disponibles en Netflix!:
Tutti sono indaffarati a preparare delle sorprese per il compleanno di Vera, e c'è anche Grizelda! Ma una situazione appiccicosa provoca il caos.
Iscriviti per...
Tutti sono indaffarati a preparare delle sorprese per il compleanno di Vera, e c'è anche Grizelda! Ma una situazione appiccicosa provoca il caos.
Iscriviti per altri video:
Vera e il Regno dell'arcobaleno è ora in streaming su Netflix e Netflix Jr.
Vera e il Regno dell'arcobaleno è una serie animata in età prescolare per ragazzi e ragazze che segue Vera di 8 anni e il suo esilarante migliore amico Bartleby il gatto, mentre vengono in soccorso degli stravaganti cittadini di Rainbow City. Vera è l'unico che può liberare il potere dei Desideri Magici dall'Albero dei Desideri per sistemare le cose e mantenere al sicuro tutti i residenti nel Regno.
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Guarda tutti gli episodi disponibili su Netflix!
Tutti sono indaffarati a preparare delle sorprese per il compleanno di Vera, e c'è anche Grizelda! Ma una situazione appiccicosa provoca il caos.
Iscriviti per altri video:
Vera e il Regno dell'arcobaleno è ora in streaming su Netflix e Netflix Jr.
Vera e il Regno dell'arcobaleno è una serie animata in età prescolare per ragazzi e ragazze che segue Vera di 8 anni e il suo esilarante migliore amico Bartleby il gatto, mentre vengono in soccorso degli stravaganti cittadini di Rainbow City. Vera è l'unico che può liberare il potere dei Desideri Magici dall'Albero dei Desideri per sistemare le cose e mantenere al sicuro tutti i residenti nel Regno.
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Guarda tutti gli episodi disponibili su Netflix!
Ubuntu: How do I get rid of the Bitstream Vera font in Google Chrome?
Ubuntu: How do I get rid of the Bitstream Vera font in Google Chrome?
Helpful? Please support me on Patreon:
With thanks & praise to God, and with thanks to the many people who have made this project possible! | Content (except music & images) licensed under cc by-sa 3.0 | Music: | Images: & others | With thanks to user sladen (, user Clay Smalley (, and the Stack Exchange Network ( Trademarks are property of their respective owners. Disclaimer: All information is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind. You are responsible for your own actions. Please contact me if anyt...
published: 04 Nov 2019
Bitstream Vera
Bitstream Vera, by Wikipedia / CC BY SA 3.0
Bitstream Vera (ビットストリーム ヴェラ)は自由なライセンスに基づく書体である。
ビットストリーム社のJim Lylesによってデザインされた。
TrueType形式で配布されているが、LaTeXユーザー向けにPostScript Type 1フォントに変換したものがBeraの名称で配布されている。
以下に示す: Veraは約物やいくつかのダイアクリティカルマークを含むラテン文字をカバーするにとどまるが、ライセンスがいくつかの制約付きで二次的著作物の作成と頒布を許容しており、DejaVuフォントプロジェクトが字体とスタイルをさらに加えて拡張している。
それに対して、Bitstream Veraはそれぞれ25%と20%、そしてUNIXでは79%のインストールベースがある。
Bitstream Veraフォントはまた、FontOOoウィザードでのダウンロードによってOpenOffice.orgユーザーも利用可能である。
published: 13 Sep 2021
Installing Arch Linux 2024 (And what to do post install)
Follow along as I install Arch using the archinstall script, also I will be showing you the things I do post installation.
The pacman command
sudo pacman -S ttf-liberation ttf-ubuntu-font-family ttf-anonymous-pro ttf-dejavu ttf-bitstream-vera adobe-source-sans-pro-fonts noto-fonts noto-fonts-cjk hunspell-en_US aspell-en icedtea-web gst-plugins-good gst-libav gufw dnscrypt-proxy p7zip tar rsync libreoffice-still xdg-user-dirs vlc keepassxc kdeconnect --needed
Music by
Artist name: Losstime Life
Composer: Ryuzaki Hajime
Lyricist: Shirai Mai
Tatsuzaki Hajime
Business email: [email protected]
#archlinux #linux #terminal #archinstall #kde
published: 07 Jul 2024
Hidden World
Done as part of coursework.
Tools: Blender, Krita, After Effects, and Logic X
Font: Bitstream Vera Sans by Jim Lyles
Texture: BrickJapanese0071 from
published: 20 Mar 2016
Any good way to get the new Menlo font on Windows?
Become or hire the top 3% of the developers on Toptal
Music by Eric Matyas
Track title: Over Ancient Waters Looping
00:00 Question
00:30 Accepted answer (Score 29)
00:42 Answer 2 (Score 33)
01:10 Answer 3 (Score 9)
01:27 Answer 4 (Score 4)
01:47 Thank you
Full question
Content licensed under CC BY-SA
#windows #maco...
published: 26 Aug 2023
inkscape font selection bug :(
inkscape 0.46 font selection bug on Fedora 10 :(
This is a really stupid bug, you need to have Bitstream Vera Sans fonts installed and then Inkscape works ok!
I have tested this on Fedora 11 with latest Inkscape and it is still an issue if bitstream-vera-sans-fonts package isn't installed :(
published: 18 Dec 2008
Colgate Logo Desgin No Logo
Font: Bitstream-Vera-Sans-Bold-Oblique
published: 17 Mar 2024
0x0036 - Questionably Legal Star Trek Font Pack
This Star Trek font pack is a curious thing. It feels kinda grey market to me.
I don't know if this thing is legitimate or not. I know I was a bit focused on the license but that would have made the thing feel a whole lot more authentic.
Fonts are very interesting from a copyright point of view. You can't just steal a font and use it without permission. But it you make such tiny changes that someone can't tell the difference and re-release as your own you are in the clear? It's so weird.
Playlists of more stuff like this:
Other Links
Thingiverse: https...
published: 04 Aug 2018
10 things to do AFTER Installing DEBIAN 9 Stretch XFCE
In this video, I show 10 essential things to do after installing Debian Testing (Stretch) with Xfce desktop environment.
In the previous video I showed how to install Debian testing in the right way, if you missed it here is the link
Here are my 10 essential things to do after installing Debian Testing (Stretch) Xfce:
1. Set up SUDO and install SYNAPTIC
sudo apt install sudo gksu synaptic apt-xapian-index policykit-1-gnome
sudo adduser yourusername sudo
2. Install WHISKER menu
sudo apt install xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin
3. Configure NON-FREE repositories
sudo sed -i 's/main/main contrib non-free/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
4. Install key applications and packages.
sudo apt install build-essential debian-keyring mousepad network-manager network-manager-gnom...
published: 01 Feb 2017
Alex Code - Bitstream (Loco-Volver Remix)
Alex Code - Bitstream (Loco-Volver Remix)
Limeroads Recordings 2013
buy it here:
movie cut by Euphorica Swiss
Ubuntu: How do I get rid of the Bitstream Vera font in Google Chrome?
Helpful? Please support me on Patreon:
With thank...
Ubuntu: How do I get rid of the Bitstream Vera font in Google Chrome?
Helpful? Please support me on Patreon:
With thanks & praise to God, and with thanks to the many people who have made this project possible! | Content (except music & images) licensed under cc by-sa 3.0 | Music: | Images: & others | With thanks to user sladen (, user Clay Smalley (, and the Stack Exchange Network ( Trademarks are property of their respective owners. Disclaimer: All information is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind. You are responsible for your own actions. Please contact me if anything is amiss at Roel D.OT VandePaar A.T
Ubuntu: How do I get rid of the Bitstream Vera font in Google Chrome?
Helpful? Please support me on Patreon:
With thanks & praise to God, and with thanks to the many people who have made this project possible! | Content (except music & images) licensed under cc by-sa 3.0 | Music: | Images: & others | With thanks to user sladen (, user Clay Smalley (, and the Stack Exchange Network ( Trademarks are property of their respective owners. Disclaimer: All information is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind. You are responsible for your own actions. Please contact me if anything is amiss at Roel D.OT VandePaar A.T
Bitstream Vera, by Wikipedia / CC BY SA 3.0
Bitstream Vera (ビットストリーム ヴェラ)は自由なライセンスに基づく書体である。
Bitstream Vera, by Wikipedia / CC BY SA 3.0
Bitstream Vera (ビットストリーム ヴェラ)は自由なライセンスに基づく書体である。
ビットストリーム社のJim Lylesによってデザインされた。
TrueType形式で配布されているが、LaTeXユーザー向けにPostScript Type 1フォントに変換したものがBeraの名称で配布されている。
以下に示す: Veraは約物やいくつかのダイアクリティカルマークを含むラテン文字をカバーするにとどまるが、ライセンスがいくつかの制約付きで二次的著作物の作成と頒布を許容しており、DejaVuフォントプロジェクトが字体とスタイルをさらに加えて拡張している。
それに対して、Bitstream Veraはそれぞれ25%と20%、そしてUNIXでは79%のインストールベースがある。
Bitstream Veraフォントはまた、FontOOoウィザードでのダウンロードによってOpenOffice.orgユーザーも利用可能である。
Bitstream Vera, by Wikipedia / CC BY SA 3.0
Bitstream Vera (ビットストリーム ヴェラ)は自由なライセンスに基づく書体である。
ビットストリーム社のJim Lylesによってデザインされた。
TrueType形式で配布されているが、LaTeXユーザー向けにPostScript Type 1フォントに変換したものがBeraの名称で配布されている。
以下に示す: Veraは約物やいくつかのダイアクリティカルマークを含むラテン文字をカバーするにとどまるが、ライセンスがいくつかの制約付きで二次的著作物の作成と頒布を許容しており、DejaVuフォントプロジェクトが字体とスタイルをさらに加えて拡張している。
それに対して、Bitstream Veraはそれぞれ25%と20%、そしてUNIXでは79%のインストールベースがある。
Bitstream Veraフォントはまた、FontOOoウィザードでのダウンロードによってOpenOffice.orgユーザーも利用可能である。
Follow along as I install Arch using the archinstall script, also I will be showing you the things I do post installation.
The pacman command
Follow along as I install Arch using the archinstall script, also I will be showing you the things I do post installation.
The pacman command
sudo pacman -S ttf-liberation ttf-ubuntu-font-family ttf-anonymous-pro ttf-dejavu ttf-bitstream-vera adobe-source-sans-pro-fonts noto-fonts noto-fonts-cjk hunspell-en_US aspell-en icedtea-web gst-plugins-good gst-libav gufw dnscrypt-proxy p7zip tar rsync libreoffice-still xdg-user-dirs vlc keepassxc kdeconnect --needed
Music by
Artist name: Losstime Life
Composer: Ryuzaki Hajime
Lyricist: Shirai Mai
Tatsuzaki Hajime
Business email: [email protected]
#archlinux #linux #terminal #archinstall #kde
Follow along as I install Arch using the archinstall script, also I will be showing you the things I do post installation.
The pacman command
sudo pacman -S ttf-liberation ttf-ubuntu-font-family ttf-anonymous-pro ttf-dejavu ttf-bitstream-vera adobe-source-sans-pro-fonts noto-fonts noto-fonts-cjk hunspell-en_US aspell-en icedtea-web gst-plugins-good gst-libav gufw dnscrypt-proxy p7zip tar rsync libreoffice-still xdg-user-dirs vlc keepassxc kdeconnect --needed
Music by
Artist name: Losstime Life
Composer: Ryuzaki Hajime
Lyricist: Shirai Mai
Tatsuzaki Hajime
Business email: [email protected]
#archlinux #linux #terminal #archinstall #kde
Done as part of coursework.
Tools: Blender, Krita, After Effects, and Logic X
Font: Bitstream Vera Sans by Jim Lyles
Texture: BrickJapanese0071 from textures.c...
Done as part of coursework.
Tools: Blender, Krita, After Effects, and Logic X
Font: Bitstream Vera Sans by Jim Lyles
Texture: BrickJapanese0071 from
Done as part of coursework.
Tools: Blender, Krita, After Effects, and Logic X
Font: Bitstream Vera Sans by Jim Lyles
Texture: BrickJapanese0071 from
Become or hire the top 3% of...
Become or hire the top 3% of the developers on Toptal
Music by Eric Matyas
Track title: Over Ancient Waters Looping
00:00 Question
00:30 Accepted answer (Score 29)
00:42 Answer 2 (Score 33)
01:10 Answer 3 (Score 9)
01:27 Answer 4 (Score 4)
01:47 Thank you
Full question
Content licensed under CC BY-SA
#windows #macos #fonts
Become or hire the top 3% of the developers on Toptal
Music by Eric Matyas
Track title: Over Ancient Waters Looping
00:00 Question
00:30 Accepted answer (Score 29)
00:42 Answer 2 (Score 33)
01:10 Answer 3 (Score 9)
01:27 Answer 4 (Score 4)
01:47 Thank you
Full question
Content licensed under CC BY-SA
#windows #macos #fonts
inkscape 0.46 font selection bug on Fedora 10 :(
This is a really stupid bug, you need to have Bitstream Vera Sans fonts installed and then Inkscape works o...
inkscape 0.46 font selection bug on Fedora 10 :(
This is a really stupid bug, you need to have Bitstream Vera Sans fonts installed and then Inkscape works ok!
I have tested this on Fedora 11 with latest Inkscape and it is still an issue if bitstream-vera-sans-fonts package isn't installed :(
inkscape 0.46 font selection bug on Fedora 10 :(
This is a really stupid bug, you need to have Bitstream Vera Sans fonts installed and then Inkscape works ok!
I have tested this on Fedora 11 with latest Inkscape and it is still an issue if bitstream-vera-sans-fonts package isn't installed :(
This Star Trek font pack is a curious thing. It feels kinda grey market to me.
I don't know if this thing is legitimate or not. I know I was a bit focused on t...
This Star Trek font pack is a curious thing. It feels kinda grey market to me.
I don't know if this thing is legitimate or not. I know I was a bit focused on the license but that would have made the thing feel a whole lot more authentic.
Fonts are very interesting from a copyright point of view. You can't just steal a font and use it without permission. But it you make such tiny changes that someone can't tell the difference and re-release as your own you are in the clear? It's so weird.
Playlists of more stuff like this:
Other Links
This Star Trek font pack is a curious thing. It feels kinda grey market to me.
I don't know if this thing is legitimate or not. I know I was a bit focused on the license but that would have made the thing feel a whole lot more authentic.
Fonts are very interesting from a copyright point of view. You can't just steal a font and use it without permission. But it you make such tiny changes that someone can't tell the difference and re-release as your own you are in the clear? It's so weird.
Playlists of more stuff like this:
Other Links
In this video, I show 10 essential things to do after installing Debian Testing (Stretch) with Xfce desktop environment.
In the previous video I showed how to ...
In this video, I show 10 essential things to do after installing Debian Testing (Stretch) with Xfce desktop environment.
In the previous video I showed how to install Debian testing in the right way, if you missed it here is the link
Here are my 10 essential things to do after installing Debian Testing (Stretch) Xfce:
1. Set up SUDO and install SYNAPTIC
sudo apt install sudo gksu synaptic apt-xapian-index policykit-1-gnome
sudo adduser yourusername sudo
2. Install WHISKER menu
sudo apt install xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin
3. Configure NON-FREE repositories
sudo sed -i 's/main/main contrib non-free/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
4. Install key applications and packages.
sudo apt install build-essential debian-keyring mousepad network-manager network-manager-gnome p7zip unzip policykit-1-gnome p7zip-full aspell aspell-en hunspell hunspell-en-us mythes-en-us ristretto rsync thunar-archive-plugin fonts-dejavu fonts-dejavu-extra fonts-droid-fallback fonts-freefont-ttf fonts-liberation fonts-noto-mono fonts-opensymbol libreoffice-writer libreoffice-calc libreoffice-impress ttf-bitstream-vera ttf-dejavu ttf-dejavu-core ttf-dejavu-extra ttf-freefont ttf-liberation ttf-mscorefonts-installer ufw vlc xarchiver xfce4-clipman xfce4-panel-dev xfce4-power-manager xfce4-screenshooter xfce4-taskmanager xfce4-terminal xfce4-xkb-plugin xserver-xorg-input-synaptics
5. Configure DRIVERS
Search for microcode in synaptic and select either amd64-microcode or intel-microcode, depending on what CPU model you have.
6. Configure FIREWALL
sudo ufw status
sudo ufw default deny incoming
sudo ufw default allow outgoing
sudo ufw status verbose
7. Speed up BOOT TIME
sudo nano /etc/default/grub
and set GRUB_TIMEOUT=0.
sudo update-grub
8. Configure lightDM
sudo nano /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/01_my.conf
and place the following into this file:
9. Tweak some SETTINGS: window manager, window buttons, window placement, mouse actions, xkill, auto-start.
10. Remove unneeded application and CLEAN the SYSTEM.
sudo apt autoremove xterm mutt
sudo apt autoremove
sudo apt clean
Please, live a comment if I missed some essential steps that you would do.
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In this video, I show 10 essential things to do after installing Debian Testing (Stretch) with Xfce desktop environment.
In the previous video I showed how to install Debian testing in the right way, if you missed it here is the link
Here are my 10 essential things to do after installing Debian Testing (Stretch) Xfce:
1. Set up SUDO and install SYNAPTIC
sudo apt install sudo gksu synaptic apt-xapian-index policykit-1-gnome
sudo adduser yourusername sudo
2. Install WHISKER menu
sudo apt install xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin
3. Configure NON-FREE repositories
sudo sed -i 's/main/main contrib non-free/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
4. Install key applications and packages.
sudo apt install build-essential debian-keyring mousepad network-manager network-manager-gnome p7zip unzip policykit-1-gnome p7zip-full aspell aspell-en hunspell hunspell-en-us mythes-en-us ristretto rsync thunar-archive-plugin fonts-dejavu fonts-dejavu-extra fonts-droid-fallback fonts-freefont-ttf fonts-liberation fonts-noto-mono fonts-opensymbol libreoffice-writer libreoffice-calc libreoffice-impress ttf-bitstream-vera ttf-dejavu ttf-dejavu-core ttf-dejavu-extra ttf-freefont ttf-liberation ttf-mscorefonts-installer ufw vlc xarchiver xfce4-clipman xfce4-panel-dev xfce4-power-manager xfce4-screenshooter xfce4-taskmanager xfce4-terminal xfce4-xkb-plugin xserver-xorg-input-synaptics
5. Configure DRIVERS
Search for microcode in synaptic and select either amd64-microcode or intel-microcode, depending on what CPU model you have.
6. Configure FIREWALL
sudo ufw status
sudo ufw default deny incoming
sudo ufw default allow outgoing
sudo ufw status verbose
7. Speed up BOOT TIME
sudo nano /etc/default/grub
and set GRUB_TIMEOUT=0.
sudo update-grub
8. Configure lightDM
sudo nano /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/01_my.conf
and place the following into this file:
9. Tweak some SETTINGS: window manager, window buttons, window placement, mouse actions, xkill, auto-start.
10. Remove unneeded application and CLEAN the SYSTEM.
sudo apt autoremove xterm mutt
sudo apt autoremove
sudo apt clean
Please, live a comment if I missed some essential steps that you would do.
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Alex Code - Bitstream (Loco-Volver Remix)
Limeroads Recordings 2013
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movie cut by Euphorica Swiss
Alex Code - Bitstream (Loco-Volver Remix)
Limeroads Recordings 2013
buy it here:
movie cut by Euphorica Swiss
Alex Code - Bitstream (Loco-Volver Remix)
Limeroads Recordings 2013
buy it here:
movie cut by Euphorica Swiss
Todos preparan sorpresas deliciosas para el cumpleaños de Vera, ¡incluso Grizelda! Hasta que una situación muy pegajosa pone las cosas patas para arriba.
¡Vera y el Reino Arcoiris ahora se está transmitiendo en Netflix y Netflix Jr.!
Vera y el Reino Arcoiris es una serie preescolar animada para niños y niñas que sigue a Vera, una niña de 8 años, y a su divertido mejor amigo el gato Bartleby, mientras vienen al rescate de los juguetones ciudadanos de Ciudad Arcoiris.
Vera es la única que puede liberar el poder de los Deseos Mágicos del Árbol de los
Deseos para arreglar las cosas y mantener a salvo a todos los residentes del Reino.
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Tutti sono indaffarati a preparare delle sorprese per il compleanno di Vera, e c'è anche Grizelda! Ma una situazione appiccicosa provoca il caos.
Iscriviti per altri video:
Vera e il Regno dell'arcobaleno è ora in streaming su Netflix e Netflix Jr.
Vera e il Regno dell'arcobaleno è una serie animata in età prescolare per ragazzi e ragazze che segue Vera di 8 anni e il suo esilarante migliore amico Bartleby il gatto, mentre vengono in soccorso degli stravaganti cittadini di Rainbow City. Vera è l'unico che può liberare il potere dei Desideri Magici dall'Albero dei Desideri per sistemare le cose e mantenere al sicuro tutti i residenti nel Regno.
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Ubuntu: How do I get rid of the Bitstream Vera font in Google Chrome?
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With thanks & praise to God, and with thanks to the many people who have made this project possible! | Content (except music & images) licensed under cc by-sa 3.0 | Music: | Images: & others | With thanks to user sladen (, user Clay Smalley (, and the Stack Exchange Network ( Trademarks are property of their respective owners. Disclaimer: All information is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind. You are responsible for your own actions. Please contact me if anything is amiss at Roel D.OT VandePaar A.T
Bitstream Vera, by Wikipedia / CC BY SA 3.0
Bitstream Vera (ビットストリーム ヴェラ)は自由なライセンスに基づく書体である。
ビットストリーム社のJim Lylesによってデザインされた。
TrueType形式で配布されているが、LaTeXユーザー向けにPostScript Type 1フォントに変換したものがBeraの名称で配布されている。
以下に示す: Veraは約物やいくつかのダイアクリティカルマークを含むラテン文字をカバーするにとどまるが、ライセンスがいくつかの制約付きで二次的著作物の作成と頒布を許容しており、DejaVuフォントプロジェクトが字体とスタイルをさらに加えて拡張している。
それに対して、Bitstream Veraはそれぞれ25%と20%、そしてUNIXでは79%のインストールベースがある。
Bitstream Veraフォントはまた、FontOOoウィザードでのダウンロードによってOpenOffice.orgユーザーも利用可能である。
Follow along as I install Arch using the archinstall script, also I will be showing you the things I do post installation.
The pacman command
sudo pacman -S ttf-liberation ttf-ubuntu-font-family ttf-anonymous-pro ttf-dejavu ttf-bitstream-vera adobe-source-sans-pro-fonts noto-fonts noto-fonts-cjk hunspell-en_US aspell-en icedtea-web gst-plugins-good gst-libav gufw dnscrypt-proxy p7zip tar rsync libreoffice-still xdg-user-dirs vlc keepassxc kdeconnect --needed
Music by
Artist name: Losstime Life
Composer: Ryuzaki Hajime
Lyricist: Shirai Mai
Tatsuzaki Hajime
Business email: [email protected]
#archlinux #linux #terminal #archinstall #kde
Done as part of coursework.
Tools: Blender, Krita, After Effects, and Logic X
Font: Bitstream Vera Sans by Jim Lyles
Texture: BrickJapanese0071 from
Become or hire the top 3% of the developers on Toptal
Music by Eric Matyas
Track title: Over Ancient Waters Looping
00:00 Question
00:30 Accepted answer (Score 29)
00:42 Answer 2 (Score 33)
01:10 Answer 3 (Score 9)
01:27 Answer 4 (Score 4)
01:47 Thank you
Full question
Content licensed under CC BY-SA
#windows #macos #fonts
inkscape 0.46 font selection bug on Fedora 10 :(
This is a really stupid bug, you need to have Bitstream Vera Sans fonts installed and then Inkscape works ok!
I have tested this on Fedora 11 with latest Inkscape and it is still an issue if bitstream-vera-sans-fonts package isn't installed :(
This Star Trek font pack is a curious thing. It feels kinda grey market to me.
I don't know if this thing is legitimate or not. I know I was a bit focused on the license but that would have made the thing feel a whole lot more authentic.
Fonts are very interesting from a copyright point of view. You can't just steal a font and use it without permission. But it you make such tiny changes that someone can't tell the difference and re-release as your own you are in the clear? It's so weird.
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In this video, I show 10 essential things to do after installing Debian Testing (Stretch) with Xfce desktop environment.
In the previous video I showed how to install Debian testing in the right way, if you missed it here is the link
Here are my 10 essential things to do after installing Debian Testing (Stretch) Xfce:
1. Set up SUDO and install SYNAPTIC
sudo apt install sudo gksu synaptic apt-xapian-index policykit-1-gnome
sudo adduser yourusername sudo
2. Install WHISKER menu
sudo apt install xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin
3. Configure NON-FREE repositories
sudo sed -i 's/main/main contrib non-free/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
4. Install key applications and packages.
sudo apt install build-essential debian-keyring mousepad network-manager network-manager-gnome p7zip unzip policykit-1-gnome p7zip-full aspell aspell-en hunspell hunspell-en-us mythes-en-us ristretto rsync thunar-archive-plugin fonts-dejavu fonts-dejavu-extra fonts-droid-fallback fonts-freefont-ttf fonts-liberation fonts-noto-mono fonts-opensymbol libreoffice-writer libreoffice-calc libreoffice-impress ttf-bitstream-vera ttf-dejavu ttf-dejavu-core ttf-dejavu-extra ttf-freefont ttf-liberation ttf-mscorefonts-installer ufw vlc xarchiver xfce4-clipman xfce4-panel-dev xfce4-power-manager xfce4-screenshooter xfce4-taskmanager xfce4-terminal xfce4-xkb-plugin xserver-xorg-input-synaptics
5. Configure DRIVERS
Search for microcode in synaptic and select either amd64-microcode or intel-microcode, depending on what CPU model you have.
6. Configure FIREWALL
sudo ufw status
sudo ufw default deny incoming
sudo ufw default allow outgoing
sudo ufw status verbose
7. Speed up BOOT TIME
sudo nano /etc/default/grub
and set GRUB_TIMEOUT=0.
sudo update-grub
8. Configure lightDM
sudo nano /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/01_my.conf
and place the following into this file:
9. Tweak some SETTINGS: window manager, window buttons, window placement, mouse actions, xkill, auto-start.
10. Remove unneeded application and CLEAN the SYSTEM.
sudo apt autoremove xterm mutt
sudo apt autoremove
sudo apt clean
Please, live a comment if I missed some essential steps that you would do.
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Alex Code - Bitstream (Loco-Volver Remix)
Limeroads Recordings 2013
buy it here:
movie cut by Euphorica Swiss
Parker Rowland struck out in a sacrifice fly situation against right-hander JordanVera before John Bolton grounded out to end the scoring threat. . Vera pitched the final 3 2/3 innings for the Rebels. .