Vegetable Soup is an American educational children's television program produced by the New York State Education Department that originally ran on PBS from September 22, 1975 to December 14, 1978. (NBC concurrently broadcast the series on Sunday mornings, with at least some affiliates showing it along with NBC's regular Saturday morning cartoon lineup; this was a rare instance of a television program seen on both commercial and public television at the same time).
The purpose of the program was to be a television series for children to help counter the negative, destructive effects of racial prejudice and racial isolation and to reinforce and dramatize the positive, life-enhancing value of human diversity in entertaining and affective
presentations that children could understand and relate to. Vegetable Soup used an interdisciplinary approach to entertain and educate elementary age children in the value of human diversity.
Children's television show produced by the New York State Education Department. Features voice talent of Bette Midler as Woody the Spoon.
published: 30 Nov 2018
Vegetable Soup Theme
New York Public Television from the mid 70's. The show featured early performances from Bette Midler, James Earl Jones & Daniel Stern.
published: 03 Jul 2014
Vegetable Soup: Season 2 Episodes 31 & 32, 1978
Children's television show produced by the New York State Education Department. Features the voice talent of Bette Midler as Woody the Spoon and James Earl Jones as Lord John Spoilsport.
Date: 1978
Identifier: NYSA_B2623-18_umatic_4524
published: 30 Nov 2018
Vegetable Soup: Season 1 Episodes 3 & 4, 1975
Children's television show produced by the New York State Education Department. Features the voice talent of Bette Midler as Woody the Spoon. Pat Suzuki stars in the "Storytelling Time" segment.
Date: 1975
Identifier: NYSA_B2623-18_umatic_2492
published: 30 Nov 2018
Vegetable Soup: Season 1 Episodes 13 & 14, 1975
Children's television show produced by the New York State Education Department. Features the voice talent of Bette Midler as Woody the Spoon.
Date: 1975
Identifier: NYSA_B2623-18_umatic_4400
published: 30 Nov 2018
Vegetable Soup: Season 2 Episodes 1 & 2, 1978
Children's television show produced by the New York State Education Department. Features voice talent of Bette Midler as Woody the Spoon.
Date: 1978
Identifier: NYSA_B2623-18_umatic_1993
published: 30 Nov 2018
Vegetable Soup: Season 1 Episodes 5 & 6, 1975
Children's television show produced by the New York State Education Department. Features the voice talent of Bette Midler as Woody the Spoon.
Date: 1975
Identifier: NYSA_B2623-18_umatic_4405
published: 30 Nov 2018
countryside cook b fish recipe with ripe tomatoes and eat - Cooking With Sreyda
Hello friends. Let’s enjoy with my new video
countryside cook b fish recipe with ripe tomatoes and eat - Cooking With Sreyda
published: 28 Dec 2023
Vegetable Soup (TV Series 3)
The Wiggles: Vegetable Soup (TV Series 3) from Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles! (TV Series)
No copyright infringement intended. All rights go to The Wiggles Pty Ltd. & the Australian Broadcasting Corporation or ABC.
Children's television show produced by the New York State Education Department. Features the voice talent of Bette Midler as Woody the Spoon and James Earl Jone...
Children's television show produced by the New York State Education Department. Features the voice talent of Bette Midler as Woody the Spoon and James Earl Jones as Lord John Spoilsport.
Date: 1978
Identifier: NYSA_B2623-18_umatic_4524
Children's television show produced by the New York State Education Department. Features the voice talent of Bette Midler as Woody the Spoon and James Earl Jones as Lord John Spoilsport.
Date: 1978
Identifier: NYSA_B2623-18_umatic_4524
Children's television show produced by the New York State Education Department. Features the voice talent of Bette Midler as Woody the Spoon. Pat Suzuki stars i...
Children's television show produced by the New York State Education Department. Features the voice talent of Bette Midler as Woody the Spoon. Pat Suzuki stars in the "Storytelling Time" segment.
Date: 1975
Identifier: NYSA_B2623-18_umatic_2492
Children's television show produced by the New York State Education Department. Features the voice talent of Bette Midler as Woody the Spoon. Pat Suzuki stars in the "Storytelling Time" segment.
Date: 1975
Identifier: NYSA_B2623-18_umatic_2492
Children's television show produced by the New York State Education Department. Features the voice talent of Bette Midler as Woody the Spoon.
Date: 1975
Children's television show produced by the New York State Education Department. Features the voice talent of Bette Midler as Woody the Spoon.
Date: 1975
Identifier: NYSA_B2623-18_umatic_4400
Children's television show produced by the New York State Education Department. Features the voice talent of Bette Midler as Woody the Spoon.
Date: 1975
Identifier: NYSA_B2623-18_umatic_4400
Children's television show produced by the New York State Education Department. Features voice talent of Bette Midler as Woody the Spoon.
Date: 1978
Children's television show produced by the New York State Education Department. Features voice talent of Bette Midler as Woody the Spoon.
Date: 1978
Identifier: NYSA_B2623-18_umatic_1993
Children's television show produced by the New York State Education Department. Features voice talent of Bette Midler as Woody the Spoon.
Date: 1978
Identifier: NYSA_B2623-18_umatic_1993
Children's television show produced by the New York State Education Department. Features the voice talent of Bette Midler as Woody the Spoon.
Date: 1975
Children's television show produced by the New York State Education Department. Features the voice talent of Bette Midler as Woody the Spoon.
Date: 1975
Identifier: NYSA_B2623-18_umatic_4405
Children's television show produced by the New York State Education Department. Features the voice talent of Bette Midler as Woody the Spoon.
Date: 1975
Identifier: NYSA_B2623-18_umatic_4405
The Wiggles: Vegetable Soup (TV Series 3) from Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles! (TV Series)
No copyright infringement intended. All rights go to The Wiggles Pt...
The Wiggles: Vegetable Soup (TV Series 3) from Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles! (TV Series)
No copyright infringement intended. All rights go to The Wiggles Pty Ltd. & the Australian Broadcasting Corporation or ABC.
The Wiggles: Vegetable Soup (TV Series 3) from Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles! (TV Series)
No copyright infringement intended. All rights go to The Wiggles Pty Ltd. & the Australian Broadcasting Corporation or ABC.
Children's television show produced by the New York State Education Department. Features the voice talent of Bette Midler as Woody the Spoon and James Earl Jones as Lord John Spoilsport.
Date: 1978
Identifier: NYSA_B2623-18_umatic_4524
Children's television show produced by the New York State Education Department. Features the voice talent of Bette Midler as Woody the Spoon. Pat Suzuki stars in the "Storytelling Time" segment.
Date: 1975
Identifier: NYSA_B2623-18_umatic_2492
Children's television show produced by the New York State Education Department. Features the voice talent of Bette Midler as Woody the Spoon.
Date: 1975
Identifier: NYSA_B2623-18_umatic_4400
Children's television show produced by the New York State Education Department. Features voice talent of Bette Midler as Woody the Spoon.
Date: 1978
Identifier: NYSA_B2623-18_umatic_1993
Children's television show produced by the New York State Education Department. Features the voice talent of Bette Midler as Woody the Spoon.
Date: 1975
Identifier: NYSA_B2623-18_umatic_4405
The Wiggles: Vegetable Soup (TV Series 3) from Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles! (TV Series)
No copyright infringement intended. All rights go to The Wiggles Pty Ltd. & the Australian Broadcasting Corporation or ABC.
Vegetable Soup is an American educational children's television program produced by the New York State Education Department that originally ran on PBS from September 22, 1975 to December 14, 1978. (NBC concurrently broadcast the series on Sunday mornings, with at least some affiliates showing it along with NBC's regular Saturday morning cartoon lineup; this was a rare instance of a television program seen on both commercial and public television at the same time).
The purpose of the program was to be a television series for children to help counter the negative, destructive effects of racial prejudice and racial isolation and to reinforce and dramatize the positive, life-enhancing value of human diversity in entertaining and affective
presentations that children could understand and relate to. Vegetable Soup used an interdisciplinary approach to entertain and educate elementary age children in the value of human diversity.