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Load news page with ajax here } else if(num > 1900){ //FIX ME. 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Valley Brook, Oklahoma

Valley Brook is a town in Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, United States and is part of the Oklahoma City Metropolitan Area. The population was 817 at the 2000 census. The town is well known for its large number of adult entertainment businesses and corrupt police department.


Valley Brook is located at 35°24′13″N 97°28′55″W / 35.40361°N 97.48194°W / 35.40361; -97.48194 (35.403662, -97.482063).

According to the United States Census Bureau, the town has a total area of 0.3 square miles (0.78 km2), all of it land.


As of the census of 2000, there were 817 people, 298 households, and 204 families residing in the town. The population density was 3,037.6 people per square mile (1,168.3/km²). There were 337 housing units at an average density of 1,253.0 per square mile (481.9/km²). The racial makeup of the town was 77.48% White, 4.41% African American, 7.83% Native American, 0.37% Asian, 1.96% from other races, and 7.96% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 8.20% of the population.


  • Controversial club opens in Valley Brook

    A controversial club has opened in Valley Brook. Subscribe to KOCO on YouTube now for more: http://bit.ly/1lGfjIl Get more Oklahoma City news: http://koco.com Like us:http://facebook.com/koco5 Follow us: http://twitter.com/koconews Google+: https://plus.google.com/+KOCO/posts

    published: 23 Feb 2015
  • #JUSTLISTED 124 Valley Brook Road | Bridgwater Trails | Winnipeg | Manitoba | The Ed Dale Team

    Better than a SHOW HOME!!! You are going to love this gorgeous 2,776 sf 2-storey, loaded with upgrades and situated on one of the best streets in Bridgwater Trails. This home has a modern floor plan with a bedroom and full bathroom on the main floor. The eat-in kitchen has 2-tone cabinetry with a HUGE island, quartz countertops, SS appliances, backsplash and SPICE KITCHEN!! The adjoining family rm is spacious in size w/ a tray ceiling and a built-in entertainment centre w/ electric FP. Upstairs there are 3 large bedrooms plus a loft space with the primary having lots of room for furniture and is complete with a dlx ensuite bath and large walk-in closet. Downstairs the bsmt is fully finished with a large rec-room that has 9' ceiling height and big windows with a 5th bedroom and a 4th full b...

    published: 20 Sep 2024
  • Excessive force lawsuit filed in Valley Brook

    Excessive force lawsuit filed in Valley Brook Stay informed about Oklahoma news and weather! Follow KFOR News 4 on our website and social channels. https://kfor.com/ https://www.youtube.com/c/kfor4news https://www.facebook.com/kfor4 https://twitter.com/kfor https://www.instagram.com/kfortv4/

    published: 23 Jun 2023
  • Suspect arrested after 2 people stabbed at Valley Brook club

    Suspect arrested after 2 people stabbed at Valley Brook club Subscribe to KOCO on YouTube now for more: http://bit.ly/1lGfjIl Get more Oklahoma City news: http://www.koco.com Like us: http://facebook.com/koco5 Follow us: http://twitter.com/koconews Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/koco5news/

    published: 31 Aug 2023
  • Police search for gunman in Valley Brook shots fired incident

    Authorities say that no one was able to get a good look at a gunman who opened fire on two vehicles. Subscribe to KOCO on YouTube now for more: http://bit.ly/1lGfjIl Get more Oklahoma City news: http://koco.com Like us:http://facebook.com/koco5 Follow us: http://twitter.com/koconews Google+: https://plus.google.com/+KOCO/posts

    published: 29 Jul 2014
  • Valley Brook Crossing Apartments in Decatur, GA - ForRent.com

    Valley Brook Crossing Apartments for rent in Decatur, GA on ForRent.com: (470) 440-3764 - http://www.forrent.com/apartment-community-profile/1000331 Availability, pricing and special promotions subject to change daily. Spacious one and two bedroom floor plans for rent at Valley Brook Crossing with controlled access gates. Every apartment home has washer and dryer connections, walk-in closets and individual outdoor storage units. Residents enjoy the sparkling swimming pool, picnic area with BBQ Grills and tennis court. Our apartment community is just minutes to I-285, I-85, Hwy 78, Downtown Atlanta, Charming Downtown Decatur, Emory University, Little 5 Points, Dekalb Farmers Market, Stone Mountain Park, Fernbank Museum/IMAX and North DeKalb Mall. - 777 Valley Brook Xing

    published: 27 Mar 2017
  • Dashcam video shows suspect firing at Valley Brook police officers during chase

    The Valley Brook Police Department has released dashcam video of a suspect firing shots at officers involved in a chase Monday. Subscribe to KOCO on YouTube now for more: http://bit.ly/1lGfjIl Get more Oklahoma City news: http://www.koco.com Like us: http://facebook.com/koco5 Follow us: http://twitter.com/koconews Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/koco5news/

    published: 19 Feb 2019
  • Family, friends gather to celebrate life of fallen Valley Brook police officer

    Family, friends gather to celebrate life of fallen Valley Brook police officer Subscribe to KOCO on YouTube now for more: http://bit.ly/1lGfjIl Get more Oklahoma City news: http://www.koco.com Like us: http://facebook.com/koco5 Follow us: http://twitter.com/koconews Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/koco5news/

    published: 27 Jun 2023
  • Man accused of shooting Valley Brook officer apologized for ‘hurting one of you guys’

    The man accused of shooting a Valley Brook police officer over the weekend made his first court appearance by video Wednesday to hear the charges against him. SSubscribe to KOCO on YouTube now for more: http://bit.ly/1lGfjIl Get more Oklahoma City news: http://koco.com/ Like us:http://facebook.com/koco5 Follow us: http://twitter.com/koconews Google+: https://plus.google.com/+KOCO/posts

    published: 04 Jan 2017
  • Lawsuit filed against City of Valley Brook, police chief, and 3 others after 2018 aggressive arrest

    A traffic stop from over 2 and a half years ago is now leading to a lawsuit against the city of Valley Brook, its police chief, as well as three others.

    published: 16 Jul 2021
developed with YouTube
Controversial club opens in Valley Brook

Controversial club opens in Valley Brook

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:40
  • Uploaded Date: 23 Feb 2015
  • views: 753
A controversial club has opened in Valley Brook. Subscribe to KOCO on YouTube now for more: http://bit.ly/1lGfjIl Get more Oklahoma City news: http://koco.com Like us:http://facebook.com/koco5 Follow us: http://twitter.com/koconews Google+: https://plus.google.com/+KOCO/posts
#JUSTLISTED 124 Valley Brook Road | Bridgwater Trails | Winnipeg | Manitoba | The Ed Dale Team

#JUSTLISTED 124 Valley Brook Road | Bridgwater Trails | Winnipeg | Manitoba | The Ed Dale Team

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:01
  • Uploaded Date: 20 Sep 2024
  • views: 603
Better than a SHOW HOME!!! You are going to love this gorgeous 2,776 sf 2-storey, loaded with upgrades and situated on one of the best streets in Bridgwater Trails. This home has a modern floor plan with a bedroom and full bathroom on the main floor. The eat-in kitchen has 2-tone cabinetry with a HUGE island, quartz countertops, SS appliances, backsplash and SPICE KITCHEN!! The adjoining family rm is spacious in size w/ a tray ceiling and a built-in entertainment centre w/ electric FP. Upstairs there are 3 large bedrooms plus a loft space with the primary having lots of room for furniture and is complete with a dlx ensuite bath and large walk-in closet. Downstairs the bsmt is fully finished with a large rec-room that has 9' ceiling height and big windows with a 5th bedroom and a 4th full bathroom. Outside the yard is mostly finished and landscaped with a oversized garage and acrylic stucco. For more information and pictures visit: https://eddale.com/mylistings.html/listing.202422721-124-valley-brook-road-winnipeg-r3y-0z8.102892122 Trust Winnipeg’s top realtors with your real estate journey. Selling or buying a home can be a stressful milestone in your life, but partnering with the Ed Dale Team - RE/MAX Executives can transform your experience. With 40+ years of experience in real estate, the Ed Dale Team are experts in Winnipeg’s market. Have a house for sale? The realtors at the Ed Dale Team offer a quick and efficient sale that hits all digital and traditional marketing avenues. Purchasing a home? Work with a realtor that will listen to your needs, consider your lifestyle, and bring you researched facts, prices, and listings. Learn how the Ed Dale Team became some of the top realtors in Winnipeg: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eddaleteam/?ref=br_rs Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eddaleteam We love hearing your feedback! Comment your favourite feature :) Subscribe to our youtube channel to see the most desirable homes in Winnipeg: https://www.youtube.com/user/eddalejr #EdDaleTeam #WinnipegRealtor #WinnipegRealEstate #winnipegHouseforSale #Remaxexecutives #Winnipeg #Manitoba
Excessive force lawsuit filed in Valley Brook

Excessive force lawsuit filed in Valley Brook

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:16
  • Uploaded Date: 23 Jun 2023
  • views: 1078
Excessive force lawsuit filed in Valley Brook Stay informed about Oklahoma news and weather! Follow KFOR News 4 on our website and social channels. https://kfor.com/ https://www.youtube.com/c/kfor4news https://www.facebook.com/kfor4 https://twitter.com/kfor https://www.instagram.com/kfortv4/
Suspect arrested after 2 people stabbed at Valley Brook club

Suspect arrested after 2 people stabbed at Valley Brook club

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:18
  • Uploaded Date: 31 Aug 2023
  • views: 614
Suspect arrested after 2 people stabbed at Valley Brook club Subscribe to KOCO on YouTube now for more: http://bit.ly/1lGfjIl Get more Oklahoma City news: http://www.koco.com Like us: http://facebook.com/koco5 Follow us: http://twitter.com/koconews Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/koco5news/
Police search for gunman in Valley Brook shots fired incident

Police search for gunman in Valley Brook shots fired incident

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:43
  • Uploaded Date: 29 Jul 2014
  • views: 512
Authorities say that no one was able to get a good look at a gunman who opened fire on two vehicles. Subscribe to KOCO on YouTube now for more: http://bit.ly/1lGfjIl Get more Oklahoma City news: http://koco.com Like us:http://facebook.com/koco5 Follow us: http://twitter.com/koconews Google+: https://plus.google.com/+KOCO/posts
Valley Brook Crossing Apartments in Decatur, GA - ForRent.com

Valley Brook Crossing Apartments in Decatur, GA - ForRent.com

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:40
  • Uploaded Date: 27 Mar 2017
  • views: 1351
Valley Brook Crossing Apartments for rent in Decatur, GA on ForRent.com: (470) 440-3764 - http://www.forrent.com/apartment-community-profile/1000331 Availability, pricing and special promotions subject to change daily. Spacious one and two bedroom floor plans for rent at Valley Brook Crossing with controlled access gates. Every apartment home has washer and dryer connections, walk-in closets and individual outdoor storage units. Residents enjoy the sparkling swimming pool, picnic area with BBQ Grills and tennis court. Our apartment community is just minutes to I-285, I-85, Hwy 78, Downtown Atlanta, Charming Downtown Decatur, Emory University, Little 5 Points, Dekalb Farmers Market, Stone Mountain Park, Fernbank Museum/IMAX and North DeKalb Mall. - 777 Valley Brook Xing
Dashcam video shows suspect firing at Valley Brook police officers during chase

Dashcam video shows suspect firing at Valley Brook police officers during chase

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:43
  • Uploaded Date: 19 Feb 2019
  • views: 1085
The Valley Brook Police Department has released dashcam video of a suspect firing shots at officers involved in a chase Monday. Subscribe to KOCO on YouTube now for more: http://bit.ly/1lGfjIl Get more Oklahoma City news: http://www.koco.com Like us: http://facebook.com/koco5 Follow us: http://twitter.com/koconews Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/koco5news/
Family, friends gather to celebrate life of fallen Valley Brook police officer

Family, friends gather to celebrate life of fallen Valley Brook police officer

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:04
  • Uploaded Date: 27 Jun 2023
  • views: 293
Family, friends gather to celebrate life of fallen Valley Brook police officer Subscribe to KOCO on YouTube now for more: http://bit.ly/1lGfjIl Get more Oklahoma City news: http://www.koco.com Like us: http://facebook.com/koco5 Follow us: http://twitter.com/koconews Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/koco5news/
Man accused of shooting Valley Brook officer apologized for ‘hurting one of you guys’

Man accused of shooting Valley Brook officer apologized for ‘hurting one of you guys’

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:18
  • Uploaded Date: 04 Jan 2017
  • views: 716
The man accused of shooting a Valley Brook police officer over the weekend made his first court appearance by video Wednesday to hear the charges against him. SSubscribe to KOCO on YouTube now for more: http://bit.ly/1lGfjIl Get more Oklahoma City news: http://koco.com/ Like us:http://facebook.com/koco5 Follow us: http://twitter.com/koconews Google+: https://plus.google.com/+KOCO/posts
Lawsuit filed against City of Valley Brook, police chief, and 3 others after 2018 aggressive arrest

Lawsuit filed against City of Valley Brook, police chief, and 3 others after 2018 aggressive arrest

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:53
  • Uploaded Date: 16 Jul 2021
  • views: 4760
A traffic stop from over 2 and a half years ago is now leading to a lawsuit against the city of Valley Brook, its police chief, as well as three others.
developed with YouTube
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developed with YouTube

Controversial club opens in Valley Brook

A controversial club has opened in Valley Brook. Subscribe to KOCO on YouTube now for more: http://bit.ly/1lGfjIl Get more Oklahoma City news: http://koco.com Like us:http://facebook.com/koco5 Follow us: http://twitter.com/koconews Google+: https://plus.google.com/+KOCO/posts
Controversial club opens in Valley Brook
A controversial club has opened in Valley Brook. Subscribe to KOCO on YouTube now for more...
published: 23 Feb 2015
Play in Full Screen
#JUSTLISTED 124 Valley Brook Road | Bridgwater Trails | Winnipeg | Manitoba | The Ed Dale Team
Better than a SHOW HOME!!! You are going to love this gorgeous 2,776 sf 2-storey, loaded w...
published: 20 Sep 2024
Play in Full Screen
Excessive force lawsuit filed in Valley Brook
Excessive force lawsuit filed in Valley Brook Stay informed about Oklahoma news and weath...
published: 23 Jun 2023
Play in Full Screen
Suspect arrested after 2 people stabbed at Valley Brook club
Suspect arrested after 2 people stabbed at Valley Brook club Subscribe to KOCO on YouTube...
published: 31 Aug 2023
Play in Full Screen
Police search for gunman in Valley Brook shots fired incident
Authorities say that no one was able to get a good look at a gunman who opened fire on two...
published: 29 Jul 2014
Play in Full Screen
Valley Brook Crossing Apartments in Decatur, GA - ForRent.com
Valley Brook Crossing Apartments for rent in Decatur, GA on ForRent.com: (470) 440-3764 - ...
published: 27 Mar 2017
Play in Full Screen
Dashcam video shows suspect firing at Valley Brook police officers during chase
The Valley Brook Police Department has released dashcam video of a suspect firing shots at...
published: 19 Feb 2019
Play in Full Screen
Family, friends gather to celebrate life of fallen Valley Brook police officer
Family, friends gather to celebrate life of fallen Valley Brook police officer Subscribe ...
published: 27 Jun 2023
Play in Full Screen
Man accused of shooting Valley Brook officer apologized for ‘hurting one of you guys’
The man accused of shooting a Valley Brook police officer over the weekend made his first ...
published: 04 Jan 2017
Play in Full Screen
Lawsuit filed against City of Valley Brook, police chief, and 3 others after 2018 aggressive arrest
A traffic stop from over 2 and a half years ago is now leading to a lawsuit against the ci...
published: 16 Jul 2021
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Valley Brook, Oklahoma

Valley Brook is a town in Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, United States and is part of the Oklahoma City Metropolitan Area. The population was 817 at the 2000 census. The town is well known for its large number of adult entertainment businesses and corrupt police department.


Valley Brook is located at 35°24′13″N 97°28′55″W / 35.40361°N 97.48194°W / 35.40361; -97.48194 (35.403662, -97.482063).

According to the United States Census Bureau, the town has a total area of 0.3 square miles (0.78 km2), all of it land.


As of the census of 2000, there were 817 people, 298 households, and 204 families residing in the town. The population density was 3,037.6 people per square mile (1,168.3/km²). There were 337 housing units at an average density of 1,253.0 per square mile (481.9/km²). The racial makeup of the town was 77.48% White, 4.41% African American, 7.83% Native American, 0.37% Asian, 1.96% from other races, and 7.96% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 8.20% of the population.

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