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Underwater refers to the region below the surface of water where the water exists in a natural feature (called a body of water) such as an ocean, sea, lake, pond, or river.


Three quarters of the planet Earth is covered by water. A majority of the planet's solid surface is abyssal plain, at depths between 4,000 and 5,500 metres (13,100 and 18,000 ft) below the surface of the oceans. The solid surface location on the planet closest to the centre of the orb is the Challenger Deep, located in the Mariana Trench at a depth of 10,924 metres (35,840 ft). Although a number of human activities are conducted underwatersuch as research, scuba diving for work or recreation, or even underwater warfare with submarines, this very extensive environment on planet Earth is hostile to humans in many ways and therefore little explored. But it can be explored by sonar, or more directly via manned or autonomous submersibles. The ocean floors have been surveyed via sonar to at least a coarse resolution; particularly-strategic areas have been mapped in detail, in the name of detecting enemy submarines, or aiding friendly ones, though the resulting maps may still be classified.

Underwater (Delerium song)

"Underwater" is a single by Canadian electronic music group Delerium, featuring Australian singer Rani Kamal (daughter of Kamahl) on vocals. It was the second single released from the album, Poem, and reached number nine on the Billboard Hot Dance Club Play chart in the U.S.


The album version of the song has a slow, ambient arrangement focused primarily on strings performances. Like nearly all Delerium singles to date since "Silence", the single release put greater emphasis on a number of trance remixes commissioned by Nettwerk Music Group in order to promote the song through club play.

Notable remixers featured on the various releases of the single include Above & Beyond, Rank 1, Hydrogen Rockers (an alias of Dirty Vegas), and Peter Luts (of Ian Van Dahl and Lasgo).

The music video for the song was directed by directors collective Twobigeyes. It was aired in two different edits, which were set to the Above & Beyond remix (the more common version) and the Rank 1 remix.

Underwater (Mika song)

"Underwater" is a song by singer-songwriter Mika, released as the album's third single in France, and the second single in Europe from his third studio album, The Origin of Love.


The single peaked at #12 in France. The single will not be released in the United Kingdom, and instead, the single's artwork was adapted for the British equivalent single release, "Origin of Love".

The song was featured in a Swatch Scuba Libre Collection TV Commercial advert, becoming one of the most successful singles.

Music Video

The music video for the track was released on YouTube on 21 November 2012. It was filmed in Los Angeles during the third week of October, and premiered on 21 November 2012, just two days' before the single's official release.

The music video features Mika out in an ocean of cloth on a small makeshift boat, as he floats around as the waves slowly gets choppier over time, having a burlap sack filled with glowing orbs, however as the waves gets choppier, a rope snaps from the boat, forcing Mika to keep his mast up as it gets worse, some of his treasures fall into the ocean too, as the waves become unstable for the boat, the burlap sack and Mika fall into the ocean, as he then sees sea people who dance around him distracting him, however as they do, the ropes from the mast gets tangled around Mika's body as one of the sea people snatches the burlap sack from Mika, swimming away as Mika "drowns" from being underwater as he sinks downwards.

Low (Flo Rida song)

"Low" is the debut single by American rapper Flo Rida, featured on his debut studio album Mail on Sunday and also featured on the soundtrack to the 2008 film Step Up 2: The Streets. The song features fellow American rapper T-Pain and was co-written with T-Pain. There is also a remix in which the hook is sung by Flo Rida rather than T-Pain. An official remix was made which features Pitbull and T-Pain. With its catchy, up-tempo and club-oriented Southern hip hop rhythms, the song peaked at the summit of the U.S. Billboard Hot 100.

The song was a massive success worldwide and was the longest running number-one single of 2008 in the United States. With over 6 million digital downloads, it has been certified 7× Platinum by the RIAA, and was the most downloaded single of the 2000s decade, measured by paid digital downloads. The song was named 3rd on the Billboard Hot 100 Songs of the Decade. "Low" spent ten consecutive weeks on top of the Billboard Hot 100, the longest-running number-one single of 2008.

Low (Testament album)

Low is the sixth studio album by American heavy metal band Testament. It was released on September 30, 1994. It was the first Testament release not to feature two of its founding members Alex Skolnick (guitar) and Louie Clemente (drums).


Low would be Testament's last album with Atlantic Records, leading group members to create their own label Burnt Offerings Inc. as part of the change.

The record was recorded with original band members Chuck Billy (vocals), Eric Peterson (guitar) and Greg Christian (bass). It also saw the first of two Testament album appearances by artist John Tempesta (drums), and three for artist James Murphy (guitar). Long time Testament collaborator Del James is given composer and vocal credits on the album. Additionally, a music video was filmed for the title track.


Album cover artwork for Low was designed by Dave McKean. He would go on to do the next two Testament studio album covers Demonic (1997) and The Gathering (1999).

Reception and legacy

Low (David Bowie album)

Low is the eleventh studio album by British musician David Bowie, co-produced by Bowie and Tony Visconti. Widely regarded as one of Bowie's most influential releases, Low was the first of three collaborations with Brian Eno termed the "Berlin Trilogy" (though the album was mainly recorded in France and only mixed in West Berlin). The album marked a decisive shift in his musical style toward an electronic and avant-garde approach that would be further explored on the subsequent albums "Heroes" (1977) and Lodger (1979).


The genesis of Low lies in both the foundations laid by Bowie's previous album Station to Station, and music he intended for the soundtrack to The Man Who Fell to Earth. When Bowie presented his material for the film to Nicolas Roeg, the director decided that it would not be suitable. Roeg preferred a more folksy sound, although John Phillips (the chosen composer for the soundtrack) described Bowie's contributions as "haunting and beautiful". Elements from these pieces were incorporated into Low instead. The album's cover, like Station to Station, is a still from the movie: the photographic image, under the album's title, formed a deliberate pun on the phrase "low profile". The album's working title was New Music Night and Day.


  • 11 HOURS Stunning 4K Underwater footage + Music | Nature Relaxation™ Rare & Colorful Sea Life Video

    *NEW Rainbow Reef 2 11 Hour Film @ https://youtu.be/dqhVmYn4HF0 | 11HR "Underwater Wonders: Film @ https://youtu.be/843Rpqza_6o | BUY @ https://www.naturerelaxation.com/products/rainbow-reef-relaxation-3-hr-dynamic-underwater-film-w-music-hd | WATCH ON-DEMAND (No Watermark or Ads) @ https://watch.naturerelaxation.com/search?q=rainbow+reef | ABOUT: Sit back, relax and enjoy the dazzling world of coral reefs in 4K you embark on a journey through some of the most vibrant underwater reefs on our blue planet - including many scenes which no longer look like this due to coral bleaching. Thanks to the popularity of "Rainbow Reef Relaxation" (https://youtu.be/eSRj847AY8U), I decided to create you this 11 HOUR long version for all-day relaxation! MORE INFO: From the cinematographer: "The footage...

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  • Underwater | Official Trailer [HD] | 20th Century FOX

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  • 권은비(KWON EUN BI) 'Underwater' MV

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    published: 12 Oct 2022
  • 🎶 Nightcore ▶ 😿 UNDERWATER 😿 (Lyrics) | Nikki Flores

    Thank you for watching this video Subscribe For More Nightcore: https://www.youtube.com/NightcorePassage?sub_confirmation=1 Don't Forget to Like and Share ♥ • Track: Nikki Flores - Underwater • Picture byしろしろ : https://bit.ly/Miku-Wallpaper Support Me • Twitter: https://twitter.com/ncpassage • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ncpassage/ • PICTURES: Some pictures/artworks come from Free Download Websites which don't provide an Artist name/alias. If the picture is yours: Send me your social network links (ncpassage@gmail.com) and I'll credit you in the video within 24 hours. • COPYRIGHT / DISCLAIMER I don't own anything in the video, including the audio and picture. The credits go to the respective owners. If you don't want your artwork/song being uploaded contact me by em...

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  • Nikki Flores - Underwater (Lyrics)

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  • RÜFÜS DU SOL ●● Underwater [Official Audio]

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developed with YouTube
11 HOURS Stunning 4K Underwater footage + Music | Nature Relaxation™ Rare & Colorful Sea Life Video

11 HOURS Stunning 4K Underwater footage + Music | Nature Relaxation™ Rare & Colorful Sea Life Video

  • Order:
  • Duration: 11:11:12
  • Uploaded Date: 02 May 2019
  • views: 35731403
*NEW Rainbow Reef 2 11 Hour Film @ https://youtu.be/dqhVmYn4HF0 | 11HR "Underwater Wonders: Film @ https://youtu.be/843Rpqza_6o | BUY @ https://www.naturerelaxation.com/products/rainbow-reef-relaxation-3-hr-dynamic-underwater-film-w-music-hd | WATCH ON-DEMAND (No Watermark or Ads) @ https://watch.naturerelaxation.com/search?q=rainbow+reef | ABOUT: Sit back, relax and enjoy the dazzling world of coral reefs in 4K you embark on a journey through some of the most vibrant underwater reefs on our blue planet - including many scenes which no longer look like this due to coral bleaching. Thanks to the popularity of "Rainbow Reef Relaxation" (https://youtu.be/eSRj847AY8U), I decided to create you this 11 HOUR long version for all-day relaxation! MORE INFO: From the cinematographer: "The footage for this film was shot over a period of some years in French Polynesia, Micronesia, Indonesia and East Timor. Unfortunately there are not that vibrant anymore today. Coral reefs have suffered from the rise of water temperature, rise in acidity, destructive fishing methods and severe storms caused by climate change." - Peter Schneider. "Rainbow Reef Relaxation" is a 3-hour long, sweeping yet majestic & vibrant underwater journey to the world's most beautiful lagoons, as captured by Nature Relaxation collaborator Peter Schneider (Underwatercam) paired with ambient underwater sounds and brand new ambient music by the Cynic Project. Filmed in High Definition several years ago, thanks to its age this film offers magical glimpses of an underwater world that is bursting with life, color, and beauty. DOWNLOAD/LICENSE @ https://www.naturerelaxation.com/products/rainbow-reef-relaxation-3-hr-dynamic-underwater-film-w-music-hd | MORE INFO: Unfortunately, reefs today in most of the world are suffering from severe bleaching and so with this film we hope to raise awareness by showcasing the divine beauty that only pristine underwater reefs can present, in hopes that it will motivate the viewer to take action and help save them before its too late! (https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2018/01/coral-bleaching-reefs-climate-change-el-nino-environment/) NO MUSIC VERSION @ https://youtu.be/wJIbhSYteK0 | MUSIC INFORMATION: Ambient music written by Alex Smith AKA "Relax Moods", available exclusively to Nature Relaxation viewers. Learn more / view the rest of the Cynic Music collection @ https://www.NatureRelaxation.com/cynicmusic or listen at https://www.RelaxMoods.com *HEALING CONTENT NOTICE: THIS FILM OFFERS CLINICALLY PROVEN THERAPEUTIC HEALTH BENEFITS FOR BODY & MIND* Watching Nature films has been clinically proven to boost mood and mental focus, while simultaneously treating high anxiety & blood pressure, insomnia, depression, drug addiction, & other health problems - without doctors or pills.** Learn more about how Nature heals at https://www.NatureRelaxation.com/hownatureheals. That's why our tagline is "Replace Your Worries with Wonder!" ABOUT NATURE RELAXATION™ FILMS BY DAVID HUTING From soaring over majestic mountaintops in Patagonia to swimming underwater with dolphins in Tahiti, the Nature Relaxation™ On-Demand Apps + Access is your ticket to experiencing the world's most famous and hidden natural wonders in 4K UHD &HD. Learn more at https://www.NatureRelaxation.com/OnDemand or by visiting https://www.NatureRelaxation.com/about INTRODUCING NATURE RELAXATION™ ON-DEMAND + APPS FOR ALL PLATFORMS In case you wonder why I run ads on the videos, it's so that I can continue to develop better ways to bring Nature Relaxation™ into your world, allowing you to relax and connect with nature on demand - and benefit from reduced stress, blood pressure mental fog, and a more positive mood & mental outlook - just from simply watching. Isn't Nature amazing? To date I offer a super-simple and high quality web streaming service plus apps on SEVEN platforms - yes, that's a lucky number. TRY IT BEFORE YOU BUY IT at https://watch.naturerelaxation.com or on the app store link below: APP STORE LINKS (Free to download/try): iOS App: https://www.naturerelaxation.com/ios ANDROID App: https://www.naturerelaxation.com/Android ROKU App: https://www.naturerelaxation.com/Roku APPLETV: Search for Nature Relaxation on the Apple TV store ANDROIDTV app: https://www.naturerelaxation.com/AndroidTV AMAZON Fire TV App: https://www.naturerelaxation.com/AmazonFire SAMSUNG TV's (7 Series or Newer) Search for Nature Relaxation on the APPS section PC/MAC: https://watch.NatureRelaxation.com DISPLAY NATURE RELAXATION™ IN YOUR BUSINESS SETTING TO PUT YOUR CUSTOMERS IN A MORE POSITIVE MOOD, GUARANTEED• Designed for therapeutic relaxation in patient care settings, such as hospitals, high stress workplaces, nursing homes, and for individuals at home that love Nature and are seeking enhanced vitality through their digital devices. Learn more about Nature Relaxation at https://www.NatureRelaxation.com/about
Underwater | Official Trailer [HD] | 20th Century FOX

Underwater | Official Trailer [HD] | 20th Century FOX

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:19
  • Uploaded Date: 19 Aug 2019
  • views: 13402084
UNDERWATER is a film that follows a crew of underwater researchers who must scramble to safety after an earthquake devastates their subterranean laboratory. Directed by William Eubank, UNDERWATER stars Kristen Stewart, T.J. Miller, Vincent Cassel and John Gallagher Jr.. In Theaters January 10, 2020 Connect with Underwater Online: Visit the Underwater WEBSITE: http://www.UnderwaterMovie.com Like Underwater on FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Underwater2020 Follow Underwater on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/UnderwaterMovie Follow Underwater on INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/UnderwaterMovie #Underwater About 20th Century FOX: Official YouTube Channel for 20th Century Fox Movies. Home of Avatar, Aliens, X-Men, Die Hard, Deadpool, Ice Age, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Rio, Peanuts, Maze Runner, Planet of the Apes, Wolverine and many more. Connect with 20th Century FOX Online: Visit the 20th Century FOX WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/FOXMovie Like 20th Century FOX on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/FOXFacebook Follow 20th Century FOX on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/TwitterFOX Underwater | Official Trailer [HD] | 20th Century FOX http://www.youtube.com/user/FoxMovies
권은비(KWON EUN BI) 'Underwater' MV

권은비(KWON EUN BI) 'Underwater' MV

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:58
  • Uploaded Date: 12 Oct 2022
  • views: 21424007
권은비(KWON EUN BI) 'Underwater' MV iTunes/Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/lethality-ep/1648611076?l=ko&ls=1 Spotify: http://open.spotify.com/album/47TnhxiVVp5ZvvotLbFmKf Melon: https://bit.ly/3rPXCiQ KWON EUN BI Official https://www.youtube.com/c/KWONEUNBI https://www.vlive.tv/channel/843F5F https://twitter.com/KWONEUNBI http://www.instagram.com/official_kwon.eunbi https://www.tiktok.com/@official_kwoneunbi https://weibo.com/u/7661259195 http://www.woolliment.com/artists/main_eunbi.php #권은비 #KWONEUNBI #Underwater #Lethality #KWONEUNBI_Underwater #권은비_Underwater WOOLLIM Entertainment Official Website: http://www.woolliment.com Copyrightⓒ2022 WOOLLIM Entertainment all rights reserved.
🎶 Nightcore ▶ 😿 UNDERWATER 😿 (Lyrics) | Nikki Flores

🎶 Nightcore ▶ 😿 UNDERWATER 😿 (Lyrics) | Nikki Flores

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:01
  • Uploaded Date: 20 Apr 2018
  • views: 13178977
Thank you for watching this video Subscribe For More Nightcore: https://www.youtube.com/NightcorePassage?sub_confirmation=1 Don't Forget to Like and Share ♥ • Track: Nikki Flores - Underwater • Picture byしろしろ : https://bit.ly/Miku-Wallpaper Support Me • Twitter: https://twitter.com/ncpassage • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ncpassage/ • PICTURES: Some pictures/artworks come from Free Download Websites which don't provide an Artist name/alias. If the picture is yours: Send me your social network links (ncpassage@gmail.com) and I'll credit you in the video within 24 hours. • COPYRIGHT / DISCLAIMER I don't own anything in the video, including the audio and picture. The credits go to the respective owners. If you don't want your artwork/song being uploaded contact me by email (ncpassage@gmail.com) and I'll remove it. • Lyrics: If I could draw a line around myself If I could be invisible, no one could hurt me now And I would never need nobody else But it's too late You're everything I swore I'd never be You're making me want something I was doing fine without Like a wave, you're crashing over me And it's too late... it's too late I'm over my head and there's no way out It's like I'm underwater trying not to drown The harder I fight, the deeper I fall What am I so afraid to risk it all? I wish that I could hear, but I can't remember how And the tide can't save me now I'm underwater... You're reaching out your hand to pull me in I wish I didn't want to, but I'm helpless to resist I'm caught up in a struggle I can't win When it's too late... it's too late I'm over my head and there's no way out It's like I'm underwater trying not to drown The harder I fight, the deeper I fall What am I so afraid to risk it all? I wish that I could hear, but I can't remember how And the tide can't save me now I'm underwater... (x2) And the tide can't save me now...
Nikki Flores - Underwater (Lyrics)

Nikki Flores - Underwater (Lyrics)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:44
  • Uploaded Date: 08 Feb 2024
  • views: 166487
🎤 Nikki Flores - Underwater (Lyrics) ⏬ Get it here: 👉 Follow Nikki Flores: 📝 Underwater Lyrics: If I could draw a line around myself If I could be invisible, no one could hurt me now And I would never need nobody else But it's too late You're everything I swore I'd never be You're making me want something I was doing fine without Like a wave, you're crashing over me And it's too late... it's too late I'm over my head and there's no way out It's like I'm underwater trying not to drown The harder I fight, the deeper I fall What am I so afraid to risk it all? I wish that I could hear, but I can't remember how And the tide can't save me now I'm underwater... You're reaching out your hand to pull me in I wish I didn't want to, but I'm helpless to resist I'm caught up in a struggle I can't win When it's too late... it's too late I'm over my head and there's no way out It's like I'm underwater trying not to drown The harder I fight, the deeper I fall What am I so afraid to risk it all? I wish that I could hear, but I can't remember how And the tide can't save me now I'm underwater... I'm over my head and there's no way out It's like I'm underwater trying not to drown The harder I fight, the deeper I fall What am I so afraid to risk it all? I wish that I could hear, but I can't remember how And the tide can't save me now I'm underwater... I'm underwater... And the tide can't save me now... 👉 Tags: #NikkiFlores, #Underwater, #SongsWithLyrics
I Found $5,000+ Worth of iPhones Underwater!

I Found $5,000+ Worth of iPhones Underwater!

  • Order:
  • Duration: 11:55
  • Uploaded Date: 30 Jul 2024
  • views: 3493072
In this video, I share my perspective while scuba diving and collecting lost items I find at the bottom of the river! New here? Subscribe and join me on our next treasure hunt! 100,000 Likes and I'll wear those sunglasses lol Hey! I’m Jake, also known as DALLMYD or Scuba Jake. I enjoy exploring the world and searching for treasure! My journey started in Columbus, Georgia, where my friends and I shared our perspectives while scuba diving and discovering lost items. Over the years, we have found and returned countless lost iPhones, GoPros, wedding rings, and even potential murder weapons, artifacts, and super rare crystals! New here? Subscribe and join me on our next treasure hunt! Contact Information For any inquiries, please contact me at DALLMYDLLC@gmail.com 📱 Stay Connected https://facebook.com/DALLMYD https://instagram.com/DALLMYD https://tiktok.com/@DALLMYD https://twitter.com/DALLMYD My official Storefront: https://RiverTreasure.com/ My official Snapchat show: https://tinyurl.com/DALLMYDSnapchat 🔍 Lost Something? Let Me Help! If you have lost something valuable and require assistance in locating it, please do not hesitate to contact me at FindMyLostValuables@yahoo.com 📦 Send Mail If you want to send me something, here's my P.O. Box: DALLMYD P.O. Box 211 Phenix City, Alabama 36868-0211 Here are my top 25 most viewed videos of all time: Found Jewelry Underwater in River While Scuba Diving for Lost Valuables! (Unbelievable) https://youtu.be/-jSirHVQAOk?si=vbI6MHmtBxADjqE6 I Found 9 Wedding Rings Underwater in the Ocean While Metal Detecting! $10,000+ (Returned to Owner) https://youtu.be/a5vg_Yi42Ok?si=Uu1GrXtQ5BV9KtOS I Found 8 Guns, 7 iPhones, 6 GoPros, and 5 Apple Watches Underwater in the River! Best Finds of 2018 https://youtu.be/Rqctpam4o0o?si=nD_wWIQWsiAPyC14 I Found a Fidget Spinner, 5 Phones and a Bike Underwater in the River! (Scuba Diving) https://youtu.be/yOjmWlPMF9g?si=2sk0i7x2oYROVAY- Found Lost iPhone, Fishing Pole and Swimbaits Underwater in River! (Scuba Diving) | DALLMYD https://youtu.be/dPTglkp4Lpw?si=vkbR4UbK024DXZDq Found Rare Amethyst Crystal While Digging at a Private Mine! (Unbelievable Find) https://youtu.be/MwAMiddqytE?si=DKsvIOC6coYqEMEH "Found" Gold Coins While Scuba Diving Sunken Ship! (Explored for Treasure) https://youtu.be/V8D-hU-d2Dk?si=momv4VJO8nJ2N90w Found Lost iPhone 7 in River While Scuba Diving! (w/ Girlfriend) | DALLMYD https://youtu.be/Y3JE4_c_-PI?si=Y2vKqH4TJg0GxSKe I Found a Crashed Drone Underwater While Scuba Diving! (Returned to Owner) https://youtu.be/enQxo_fMZ8c?si=pTqwm_5_V9d15agE Found Possible Murder Weapon Underwater in River! (Police Called) | DALLMYD https://youtu.be/eAmn4pxIclc?si=a_mwaH4xXRF3bY3x I Found a Working iPhone X Underwater in the River! (Returned Lost iPhone to Owner) https://youtu.be/f-1BswuK6-8?si=1MF_tAOwJptMYEN- Found Rare $50,000 Amethyst Crystal While Digging at a Private Mine! (Unbelievable Find) https://youtu.be/VIjK-KXeNHY?si=GWkiSiizaUCnF87Q Found Possible Murder Weapon Underwater in a Shallow Urban Canal! (Police Called) https://youtu.be/-4Gx1KrH7R4?si=geta3uakI7JPsS1E Scuba Diving One of Hawaii's Most Dangerous Cliff Side for Sunken Treasure! (Spitting Caves) https://youtu.be/0dDZ1dLDfyg?si=6ULse4Vr4nhXlpAd Found Human Remains Underwater in River! (Police Called) | DALLMYD https://youtu.be/cQ8ia7PejfY?si=E_3F6F0vYZwW2_ts Found a Working iPhone X Underwater in the River! (Returned Lost iPhone to Owner) https://youtu.be/VfrsFd5NcCs?si=6zPWMDjr1W-unxPs This Pond Holds a Terrible Secret! - Police Called (Magnet Fishing) https://youtu.be/aBHbG7qWIeQ?si=5sNxexsP2gqvpzWy Found 3 GoPros, iPhone, Gun and Knives Underwater in River! - Best River Treasure Finds of 2016 https://youtu.be/UZHDwemAZ-k?si=g7mrIjSmUYi_Yehn Searching for Murder Weapons in a Shallow Canal! (7 Guns, 4 Knives and 3 Phones) https://youtu.be/Mk35GLC5Odw?si=indneaL62quJkg2G Found Macbook, Apple Watch and a GoPro Underwater in River! (Scuba Diving) https://youtu.be/RVaQFqzYn5s?si=tOpR4oOG3Env88qK Found iPad Underwater While Searching Drained River! VR180 (River Treasure) https://youtu.be/F11XRuHml-I?si=NbLIA4FQJKVk8qiu I Found 3 iPhone X's Underwater in the River at Waterpark! (Returned to Owners) https://youtu.be/7SxoaSKH3N4?si=Sno7qO9tFvNUiU8S Scuba Diving the Devil's Den for Lost Valuables! (Found 2 Prehistoric Bones) | DALLMYD https://youtu.be/GxS73Fuha24?si=uRfDiAwEs4meIvAU I Found 28 iPhones, 24 Rings, 18 Apple Watches, 7 Guns and 2 GoPros Underwater! (Best Finds of 2020) https://youtu.be/3TGdFTVv8_I?si=JqIXKBCbN-Q_51g8 Found Rare Amethyst Crystal While Digging at a Mine! (Unbelievable Find) https://youtu.be/GEzeVbGK2hU?si=zxkCP-XDV9aNdoe_ #scubadiving #rivertreasure #dallmyd #scubajake #treasurehunting #scuba #diving #florida
UNDERWATER | Cthulhu Appears (2020) Movie CLIP HD

UNDERWATER | Cthulhu Appears (2020) Movie CLIP HD

  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:32
  • Uploaded Date: 06 May 2024
  • views: 300498
SUBSCRIBE for more JOBLO HORROR TRAILERS here: https://goo.gl/WiC41U Disaster strikes more than six miles below the ocean surface when water crashes through the walls of a drilling station. Led by their captain, the survivors realize that their only hope is to walk across the sea floor to reach the main part of the facility. But they soon find themselves in a fight for their lives when they come under attack from mysterious and deadly creatures that no one has ever seen. CAST: Kristen Stewart, Vincent Cassel, Jessica Henwick, John Gallagher Jr., Mamoudou Athie, T.J. Miller DIRECTOR: William Eubank Wanna support us? Get your JoBlo Merch right here! https://joblo-merch.creator-spring.com/ #underwater #cthulhu #JoBloHorror SUBSCRIBE for more all the LATEST JoBlo Horror Trailers here: https://goo.gl/WiC41U
Exploring The Underwater World | 4K UHD | Blue Planet II | BBC Earth

Exploring The Underwater World | 4K UHD | Blue Planet II | BBC Earth

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:07:23
  • Uploaded Date: 06 Sep 2023
  • views: 17345149
Travel to the depths of our mysterious oceans to discover all kinds of curious creatures underwater – from fish that communicate by glowing to the deadly Portuguese Man O' War. Subscribe: http://bit.ly/BBCEarthSub Watch more: Planet Earth http://bit.ly/PlanetEarthPlaylist Blue Planet http://bit.ly/BluePlanetPlaylist Planet Earth II http://bit.ly/PlanetEarthIIPlaylist Planet Dinosaur https://bit.ly/PlanetDinosaurPlaylist Taken From Blue Planet II This bold cinematic experience takes viewers on a magical adventure across the greatest, yet least known, parts of our planet – our oceans. Since Blue Planet aired in 2001, our understanding of life beneath the waves has completely changed. Travelling from the icy polar seas to the vibrant blues of the coral atolls, this series shares these astonishing new discoveries. Meet the strange octopuses lurking in the depths of the Antarctic Ocean. Watch giant trevally fish leap to catch birds in mid-air. And ride on the back of a hammerhead shark as it attacks. Inspiring awe and wonder, Blue Planet II reveals surprising new places, charismatic new characters and extraordinary new behaviours. Welcome to BBC EARTH! The world is an amazing place full of stories, beauty and natural wonder. Here you'll find 50 years worth of entertaining and thought-provoking natural history content. Dramatic, rare, and exclusive, nature doesn't get more exciting than this. This is a commercial page from BBC Studios. Service information and feedback: http://bbcworldwide.com/vod-feedback--contact-details.aspx 00:00:00 The Deadly Portuguese Man O’War 00:05:14 Stingray Ambushes Army Of Crabs 00:11:05 Crab vs Eel vs Octopus 00:16:22 Cuttlefish Hypnotises Prey 00:20:13 Fish vs Bird 00:26:27 Amazing Clownfish Teamwork 00:32:48 Sharks Feast on Whale 00:36:53 Cuttlefish Mimics Being Female to Mate 00:41:53 The Sex-Shifting Fish 00:47:24 Puffin Hunts Fish To Feed Puffling 00:55:02 What Lurks In The Midnight Zone? 01:02:47 Eel Suffers Toxic Shock
ब्लू वाले की रहस्य में बातें#trending #diving #scubadiving #fish #alfa_fact #underwater #ocean

ब्लू वाले की रहस्य में बातें#trending #diving #scubadiving #fish #alfa_fact #underwater #ocean

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:45
  • Uploaded Date: 16 Jan 2025
  • views: 231
ब्लू वाले की रहस्य में बातें
RÜFÜS DU SOL ●● Underwater [Official Audio]

RÜFÜS DU SOL ●● Underwater [Official Audio]

  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:49
  • Uploaded Date: 10 Aug 2018
  • views: 31074482
RÜFÜS DU SOL ●● Underwater [Official Audio Visual] Get it here 🎶: https://rufusdusol.lnk.to/Underwater Visualiser by: Nick George & Katzki Follow RÜFÜS DU SOL: Website: https://rufusdusol.lnk.to/website Facebook: https://rufusdusol.lnk.to/facebook Twitter: https://rufusdusol.lnk.to/twitter Instagram: https://rufusdusol.lnk.to/instagram Lyrics: Seaside I'm running around, looking for peace of mind So come out and change me You were always around to make me smile Stuck underwater, I'm stuck underwater I just need some space, my friend It’s not what you wanted, it’s not what you wanted But I just need a change again Help me out, before I drown Save me now, before I give up Help me out, before I drown Yeah, I just need some Inside I'm drifting around, watching the birds fly by So come out and shake me I'm caught in the waves pulling me down Stuck underwater, I'm stuck underwater I just need some space, my friend It’s not what you wanted, it’s not what you wanted But I just need a change again Help me out, before I drown Save me now, before I give up Help me out, before I drown 'Cause I just need some space Stuck underwater, I'm stuck underwater I just need some space, my friend It’s not what you wanted, it’s not what you wanted But I just need a change again Help me out, before I drown Save me now, before I give up Help me out, before I drown 'Cause I just need some space Yeah, I just need some space
  • Delerium - Underwater [Official Music Video]

    "Underwater" by Delerium from Poem, available now. Download on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/8aencv Links: http://www.facebook.com/Delerium http://twitter.com/delerium "Underwater" Lyrics: Something fearless in your eyessomething careless about your smilesomething fragile when you hold your breathand when you moveyou move right through mefingertips so gently on my skini'm underwateri feel the flood beginfingertips so gently on my skinyou're taking over and over againshed your armourspin your webhypnotise me with the longest staremake your promiseor maybe it's a threat'cos when you lookyou look right through mewe're flesh and bonetogether and aloneand we're looking for a homesilver moonlight fills the skycalling gently to the evening tideyou're unfolding right before my eyesand when you mov...

    published: 13 Aug 2008
  • Underwater

    Provided to YouTube by Nettwerk Underwater · Delerium · Rani Poem ℗ Nettwerk Productions Released on: 2000-11-21 Music Publisher: Chrysalis Music Music Publisher: Sony/ATV Music Publishing Australia P/L Music Publisher: Kobalt Music Composer Lyricist: Bill Leeb Auto-generated by YouTube.

    published: 21 Apr 2022
  • Delerium - Underwater

    Music Video for "Underwater"

    published: 03 Nov 2011
  • Delerium Feat. Rani - Underwater (Above & Beyond's 21st Century Mix) (2001)

    Buy here: http://classic.beatport.com/track/underwater-feat-rani-above-and-beyonds-21st-century-mix/2752161 IF YOU ARE THE COPYRIGHT OWNER AND WANT ME TO REMOVE THE VIDEO, PLEASE CONTACT ME AND I WILL DELETE IT WITHIN 24HRS https://www.facebook.com/trance.classics.official Donate: https://paypal.me/tranceclassics

    published: 07 Jan 2020
  • UNDERWATER - Delerium ft Rani Kahmal (with lyrics)

    UNDERWATER Artist: Delerium Vocal: Rani Kamahl Album: Poem (2000) Songwriters: Kamahl Rani, Leeb Bill Genre: Electronica Copyrights: Sony/ATV Music Publishing , LLC Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd., Universal Music Publishing Group, BMG Rights Management US, LLC, Nettwerk Music Group (All audio and visual parts are the sole property of their respective owners (record labels and producers). This video is purely for entertainment and recreational purposes. No Copyright infringement intended!)

    published: 09 Nov 2016
  • Underwater (Above & Beyond's 21st Century Mix)

    Provided to YouTube by Nettwerk Underwater (Above & Beyond's 21st Century Mix) · Delerium · Rani Remixed: The Definitive Collection ℗ Nettwerk Productions Released on: 2010-03-30 Producer: Bill Leeb Remixer: Above & Beyond Music Publisher: Sony/ATV Music Publishing Australia P/L Music Publisher: Chrysalis Music Music Publisher: Kobalt Music Auto-generated by YouTube.

    published: 21 Apr 2022
  • Delerium - Underwater (Rank 1 Remix (Official Video))

    ***PLEASE*** SUPPORT ME! ------ http://americansinglesfacebook.blogspot.com/ ------ Visit and click a banner. I will upload more (75% of my library not uploaded yet. In the mean time share, sub, like, enjoy and have a good day friends!!! Delerium is a Canadian musical group that formed in 1987, originally as a side project of the influential industrial music act Front Line Assembly. Throughout the band's history, their musical style has encompassed a broad range, including dark ethereal ambient trance, voiceless industrial soundscapes, and electronic pop music. They are best known for their worldwide hit "Silence", which features vocals from Sarah McLachlan. The song has been hailed as one of the greatest trance songs of all time, over a decade after its initial release. Delerium has tra...

    published: 02 Jun 2013
  • Underwater (Above & Beyond's 21st Century Mix - Odyssey - The Remix Collection)

    Provided to YouTube by Nettwerk Underwater (Above & Beyond's 21st Century Mix - Odyssey - The Remix Collection) · Delerium Odyssey: The Remix Collection ℗ Nettwerk Productions Released on: 2007-07-02 Producer: Bill Leeb Remixer: Above & Beyond Music Publisher: Chrysalis Music Music Publisher: Kobalt Music Music Publisher: Sony/ATV Music Publishing Australia P/L Composer Lyricist: Bill Leeb, Rani Auto-generated by YouTube.

    published: 22 Apr 2022
  • Underwater (Rank 1 Remix)

    Provided to YouTube by Nettwerk Underwater (Rank 1 Remix) · Delerium · Rani Underwater ℗ Nettwerk Productions Released on: 2011-11-15 Producer: Bill Leeb Remixer: Piet Bervoets & Benno De Goeij Music Publisher: Sony/ATV Music Publishing Australia P/L Music Publisher: Kobalt Music Music Publisher: Chrysalis Music Auto-generated by YouTube.

    published: 22 Apr 2022
developed with YouTube
Delerium - Underwater [Official Music Video]

Delerium - Underwater [Official Music Video]

  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:18
  • Uploaded Date: 13 Aug 2008
  • views: 1583820
"Underwater" by Delerium from Poem, available now. Download on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/8aencv Links: http://www.facebook.com/Delerium http://twitter.com/delerium "Underwater" Lyrics: Something fearless in your eyessomething careless about your smilesomething fragile when you hold your breathand when you moveyou move right through mefingertips so gently on my skini'm underwateri feel the flood beginfingertips so gently on my skinyou're taking over and over againshed your armourspin your webhypnotise me with the longest staremake your promiseor maybe it's a threat'cos when you lookyou look right through mewe're flesh and bonetogether and aloneand we're looking for a homesilver moonlight fills the skycalling gently to the evening tideyou're unfolding right before my eyesand when you moveyou move right through me Subscribe to Nettwerk's YouTube channel: http://smarturl.it/nettwerkyoutube


  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:22
  • Uploaded Date: 21 Apr 2022
  • views: 15879
Provided to YouTube by Nettwerk Underwater · Delerium · Rani Poem ℗ Nettwerk Productions Released on: 2000-11-21 Music Publisher: Chrysalis Music Music Publisher: Sony/ATV Music Publishing Australia P/L Music Publisher: Kobalt Music Composer Lyricist: Bill Leeb Auto-generated by YouTube.
Delerium - Underwater

Delerium - Underwater

  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:13
  • Uploaded Date: 03 Nov 2011
  • views: 16429
Music Video for "Underwater"
Delerium Feat. Rani - Underwater (Above & Beyond's 21st Century Mix) (2001)

Delerium Feat. Rani - Underwater (Above & Beyond's 21st Century Mix) (2001)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:15
  • Uploaded Date: 07 Jan 2020
  • views: 26919
Buy here: http://classic.beatport.com/track/underwater-feat-rani-above-and-beyonds-21st-century-mix/2752161 IF YOU ARE THE COPYRIGHT OWNER AND WANT ME TO REMOVE THE VIDEO, PLEASE CONTACT ME AND I WILL DELETE IT WITHIN 24HRS https://www.facebook.com/trance.classics.official Donate: https://paypal.me/tranceclassics
UNDERWATER - Delerium ft Rani Kahmal (with lyrics)

UNDERWATER - Delerium ft Rani Kahmal (with lyrics)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:45
  • Uploaded Date: 09 Nov 2016
  • views: 1308
UNDERWATER Artist: Delerium Vocal: Rani Kamahl Album: Poem (2000) Songwriters: Kamahl Rani, Leeb Bill Genre: Electronica Copyrights: Sony/ATV Music Publishing , LLC Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd., Universal Music Publishing Group, BMG Rights Management US, LLC, Nettwerk Music Group (All audio and visual parts are the sole property of their respective owners (record labels and producers). This video is purely for entertainment and recreational purposes. No Copyright infringement intended!)
Underwater (Above & Beyond's 21st Century Mix)

Underwater (Above & Beyond's 21st Century Mix)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:19
  • Uploaded Date: 21 Apr 2022
  • views: 5783
Provided to YouTube by Nettwerk Underwater (Above & Beyond's 21st Century Mix) · Delerium · Rani Remixed: The Definitive Collection ℗ Nettwerk Productions Released on: 2010-03-30 Producer: Bill Leeb Remixer: Above & Beyond Music Publisher: Sony/ATV Music Publishing Australia P/L Music Publisher: Chrysalis Music Music Publisher: Kobalt Music Auto-generated by YouTube.
Delerium - Underwater (Rank 1 Remix (Official Video))

Delerium - Underwater (Rank 1 Remix (Official Video))

  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:05
  • Uploaded Date: 02 Jun 2013
  • views: 2939
***PLEASE*** SUPPORT ME! ------ http://americansinglesfacebook.blogspot.com/ ------ Visit and click a banner. I will upload more (75% of my library not uploaded yet. In the mean time share, sub, like, enjoy and have a good day friends!!! Delerium is a Canadian musical group that formed in 1987, originally as a side project of the influential industrial music act Front Line Assembly. Throughout the band's history, their musical style has encompassed a broad range, including dark ethereal ambient trance, voiceless industrial soundscapes, and electronic pop music. They are best known for their worldwide hit "Silence", which features vocals from Sarah McLachlan. The song has been hailed as one of the greatest trance songs of all time, over a decade after its initial release. Delerium has traditionally been a two-person project, but the only constant member throughout its history has been Bill Leeb. Leeb was a guest musician and early supporter of industrial dance pioneers Skinny Puppy, but after he left in 1986 he went on to create his own project, Front Line Assembly with collaborator Michael Balch. Later, the two worked on the side project Delerium and released their first album, Faces, Forms & Illusions. After Balch left both Front Line Assembly and Delerium, Leeb worked with Rhys Fulber, and the two released several albums under the Delerium moniker; these years saw a gradual stylistic change from darker ambient to a more danceable sound. After the release of Karma, Fulber left to pursue other interests, and Leeb teamed up with producer Chris Peterson to release Poem. 2003, however, saw the reunion of Leeb and Fulber for the release of Chimera, followed by Nuages du Monde in 2006. In contrast to Leeb and collaborators' other projects, Delerium has included several guest vocalists since the release of Semantic Spaces. These have included mostly women, such as Kristy Thirsk, Sarah McLachlan, Leigh Nash (of Sixpence None the Richer), Elsieanne Caplette (of Elsiane), Lisa Gerrard (sampled only), Jaël (of Swiss band Lunik), Camille Henderson, Nerina Pallot, Emily Haines (of Metric), Jacqui Hunt (of Single Gun Theory), Isabel Bayrakdarian and Shelley Harland. Other than Leeb, only three males have contributed vocals to a Delerium album: Matthew Sweet ("Daylight", on Poem), Greg Froese ("Apparition", on Nuages du Monde), and Michael Logen ("Days Turn Into Nights", on the newest release Music Box Opera); in addition, the noted griot Baaba Maal was sampled ("Awakenings, on "Spiritual Archives"). The Mediæval Bæbes provided the vocal track for, and starred in the video of, Aria; the vocals are an adapted version of the vocals from "All Turns to Yesterday" on the Bæbes' Worldes Blysse album. They are also featured on two tracks from Delerium's 2006 album, Nuages du Monde. Although it may be argued that Front Line Assembly has the largest cult following of all Leeb and associates projects, Delerium is undoubtedly the most financially successful. In addition to these two mainstays, related projects of the Leeb, Fulber, Peterson, Balch family include Equinox, Intermix, Noise Unit, Pro-Tech, and Synæsthesia, among others. In addition, in 2007 Leeb and Fulber collaborated with Leigh Nash under the name Fauxliage, also Rhys Fulber maintains his solo project Conjure One since his temporary exit from Delerium.
Underwater (Above & Beyond's 21st Century Mix - Odyssey - The Remix Collection)

Underwater (Above & Beyond's 21st Century Mix - Odyssey - The Remix Collection)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:40
  • Uploaded Date: 22 Apr 2022
  • views: 3187
Provided to YouTube by Nettwerk Underwater (Above & Beyond's 21st Century Mix - Odyssey - The Remix Collection) · Delerium Odyssey: The Remix Collection ℗ Nettwerk Productions Released on: 2007-07-02 Producer: Bill Leeb Remixer: Above & Beyond Music Publisher: Chrysalis Music Music Publisher: Kobalt Music Music Publisher: Sony/ATV Music Publishing Australia P/L Composer Lyricist: Bill Leeb, Rani Auto-generated by YouTube.
Underwater (Rank 1 Remix)

Underwater (Rank 1 Remix)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:16
  • Uploaded Date: 22 Apr 2022
  • views: 2142
Provided to YouTube by Nettwerk Underwater (Rank 1 Remix) · Delerium · Rani Underwater ℗ Nettwerk Productions Released on: 2011-11-15 Producer: Bill Leeb Remixer: Piet Bervoets & Benno De Goeij Music Publisher: Sony/ATV Music Publishing Australia P/L Music Publisher: Kobalt Music Music Publisher: Chrysalis Music Auto-generated by YouTube.
  • MIKA - Underwater

    Official Website: https://www.mikasounds.com/ Stream: https://lnk.to/L8GZG Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mikasounds Twitter: https://twitter.com/mikasounds Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikainstagram/ Music video by MIKA performing Underwater. ©: Casablanca Music, LLC, under exclusive license to Universal Republic Records, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc.

    published: 21 Nov 2012
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MIKA - Underwater

MIKA - Underwater

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:38
  • Uploaded Date: 21 Nov 2012
  • views: 19366996
Official Website: https://www.mikasounds.com/ Stream: https://lnk.to/L8GZG Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mikasounds Twitter: https://twitter.com/mikasounds Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikainstagram/ Music video by MIKA performing Underwater. ©: Casablanca Music, LLC, under exclusive license to Universal Republic Records, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc.
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  • 11 HOURS Stunning 4K Underwater footage + Music | Nature Relaxation™ Rare & Colorful Sea Life Video
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  • Underwater | Official Trailer [HD] | 20th Century FOX
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  • 권은비(KWON EUN BI) 'Underwater' MV
    권은비(KWON EUN BI) 'Underwater' MVremove from playlist
  • 🎶 Nightcore ▶ 😿 UNDERWATER 😿 (Lyrics) | Nikki Flores
    🎶 Nightcore ▶ 😿 UNDERWATER 😿 (Lyrics) | Nikki Floresremove from playlist
  • Nikki Flores - Underwater (Lyrics)
    Nikki Flores - Underwater (Lyrics)remove from playlist
  • I Found $5,000+ Worth of iPhones Underwater!
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  • UNDERWATER | Cthulhu Appears (2020) Movie CLIP HD
    UNDERWATER | Cthulhu Appears (2020) Movie CLIP HDremove from playlist
  • Exploring The Underwater World | 4K UHD | Blue Planet II | BBC Earth
    Exploring The Underwater World | 4K UHD | Blue Planet II | BBC Earthremove from playlist
  • RÜFÜS DU SOL ●● Underwater [Official Audio]
    RÜFÜS DU SOL ●● Underwater [Official Audio]remove from playlist
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11 HOURS Stunning 4K Underwater footage + Music | Nature Relaxation™ Rare & Colorful Sea Life Video

*NEW Rainbow Reef 2 11 Hour Film @ https://youtu.be/dqhVmYn4HF0 | 11HR "Underwater Wonders: Film @ https://youtu.be/843Rpqza_6o | BUY @ https://www.naturerelaxation.com/products/rainbow-reef-relaxation-3-hr-dynamic-underwater-film-w-music-hd | WATCH ON-DEMAND (No Watermark or Ads) @ https://watch.naturerelaxation.com/search?q=rainbow+reef | ABOUT: Sit back, relax and enjoy the dazzling world of coral reefs in 4K you embark on a journey through some of the most vibrant underwater reefs on our blue planet - including many scenes which no longer look like this due to coral bleaching. Thanks to the popularity of "Rainbow Reef Relaxation" (https://youtu.be/eSRj847AY8U), I decided to create you this 11 HOUR long version for all-day relaxation! MORE INFO: From the cinematographer: "The footage for this film was shot over a period of some years in French Polynesia, Micronesia, Indonesia and East Timor. Unfortunately there are not that vibrant anymore today. Coral reefs have suffered from the rise of water temperature, rise in acidity, destructive fishing methods and severe storms caused by climate change." - Peter Schneider. "Rainbow Reef Relaxation" is a 3-hour long, sweeping yet majestic & vibrant underwater journey to the world's most beautiful lagoons, as captured by Nature Relaxation collaborator Peter Schneider (Underwatercam) paired with ambient underwater sounds and brand new ambient music by the Cynic Project. Filmed in High Definition several years ago, thanks to its age this film offers magical glimpses of an underwater world that is bursting with life, color, and beauty. DOWNLOAD/LICENSE @ https://www.naturerelaxation.com/products/rainbow-reef-relaxation-3-hr-dynamic-underwater-film-w-music-hd | MORE INFO: Unfortunately, reefs today in most of the world are suffering from severe bleaching and so with this film we hope to raise awareness by showcasing the divine beauty that only pristine underwater reefs can present, in hopes that it will motivate the viewer to take action and help save them before its too late! (https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2018/01/coral-bleaching-reefs-climate-change-el-nino-environment/) NO MUSIC VERSION @ https://youtu.be/wJIbhSYteK0 | MUSIC INFORMATION: Ambient music written by Alex Smith AKA "Relax Moods", available exclusively to Nature Relaxation viewers. Learn more / view the rest of the Cynic Music collection @ https://www.NatureRelaxation.com/cynicmusic or listen at https://www.RelaxMoods.com *HEALING CONTENT NOTICE: THIS FILM OFFERS CLINICALLY PROVEN THERAPEUTIC HEALTH BENEFITS FOR BODY & MIND* Watching Nature films has been clinically proven to boost mood and mental focus, while simultaneously treating high anxiety & blood pressure, insomnia, depression, drug addiction, & other health problems - without doctors or pills.** Learn more about how Nature heals at https://www.NatureRelaxation.com/hownatureheals. That's why our tagline is "Replace Your Worries with Wonder!" ABOUT NATURE RELAXATION™ FILMS BY DAVID HUTING From soaring over majestic mountaintops in Patagonia to swimming underwater with dolphins in Tahiti, the Nature Relaxation™ On-Demand Apps + Access is your ticket to experiencing the world's most famous and hidden natural wonders in 4K UHD &HD. Learn more at https://www.NatureRelaxation.com/OnDemand or by visiting https://www.NatureRelaxation.com/about INTRODUCING NATURE RELAXATION™ ON-DEMAND + APPS FOR ALL PLATFORMS In case you wonder why I run ads on the videos, it's so that I can continue to develop better ways to bring Nature Relaxation™ into your world, allowing you to relax and connect with nature on demand - and benefit from reduced stress, blood pressure mental fog, and a more positive mood & mental outlook - just from simply watching. Isn't Nature amazing? To date I offer a super-simple and high quality web streaming service plus apps on SEVEN platforms - yes, that's a lucky number. TRY IT BEFORE YOU BUY IT at https://watch.naturerelaxation.com or on the app store link below: APP STORE LINKS (Free to download/try): iOS App: https://www.naturerelaxation.com/ios ANDROID App: https://www.naturerelaxation.com/Android ROKU App: https://www.naturerelaxation.com/Roku APPLETV: Search for Nature Relaxation on the Apple TV store ANDROIDTV app: https://www.naturerelaxation.com/AndroidTV AMAZON Fire TV App: https://www.naturerelaxation.com/AmazonFire SAMSUNG TV's (7 Series or Newer) Search for Nature Relaxation on the APPS section PC/MAC: https://watch.NatureRelaxation.com DISPLAY NATURE RELAXATION™ IN YOUR BUSINESS SETTING TO PUT YOUR CUSTOMERS IN A MORE POSITIVE MOOD, GUARANTEED• Designed for therapeutic relaxation in patient care settings, such as hospitals, high stress workplaces, nursing homes, and for individuals at home that love Nature and are seeking enhanced vitality through their digital devices. Learn more about Nature Relaxation at https://www.NatureRelaxation.com/about
11 HOURS Stunning 4K Underwater footage + Music | Nature Relaxation™ Rare & Colorful Sea Life Video
*NEW Rainbow Reef 2 11 Hour Film @ https://youtu.be/dqhVmYn4HF0 | 11HR "Underwater Wonders...
published: 02 May 2019
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Underwater | Official Trailer [HD] | 20th Century FOX
UNDERWATER is a film that follows a crew of underwater researchers who must scramble to sa...
published: 19 Aug 2019
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권은비(KWON EUN BI) 'Underwater' MV
권은비(KWON EUN BI) 'Underwater' MV iTunes/Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/let...
published: 12 Oct 2022
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🎶 Nightcore ▶ 😿 UNDERWATER 😿 (Lyrics) | Nikki Flores
Thank you for watching this video Subscribe For More Nightcore: https://www.youtube.com/Ni...
published: 20 Apr 2018
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Nikki Flores - Underwater (Lyrics)
🎤 Nikki Flores - Underwater (Lyrics) ⏬ Get it here: 👉 Follow Nikki Flores: 📝 Underwater ...
published: 08 Feb 2024
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I Found $5,000+ Worth of iPhones Underwater!
In this video, I share my perspective while scuba diving and collecting lost items I find ...
published: 30 Jul 2024
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UNDERWATER | Cthulhu Appears (2020) Movie CLIP HD
SUBSCRIBE for more JOBLO HORROR TRAILERS here: https://goo.gl/WiC41U Disaster strikes mor...
published: 06 May 2024
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Exploring The Underwater World | 4K UHD | Blue Planet II | BBC Earth
Travel to the depths of our mysterious oceans to discover all kinds of curious creatures u...
published: 06 Sep 2023
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ब्लू वाले की रहस्य में बातें#trending #diving #scubadiving #fish #alfa_fact #underwater #ocean
ब्लू वाले की रहस्य में बातें
published: 16 Jan 2025
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RÜFÜS DU SOL ●● Underwater [Official Audio]
RÜFÜS DU SOL ●● Underwater [Official Audio Visual] Get it here 🎶: https://rufusdusol.lnk.t...
published: 10 Aug 2018
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Underwater refers to the region below the surface of water where the water exists in a natural feature (called a body of water) such as an ocean, sea, lake, pond, or river.


Three quarters of the planet Earth is covered by water. A majority of the planet's solid surface is abyssal plain, at depths between 4,000 and 5,500 metres (13,100 and 18,000 ft) below the surface of the oceans. The solid surface location on the planet closest to the centre of the orb is the Challenger Deep, located in the Mariana Trench at a depth of 10,924 metres (35,840 ft). Although a number of human activities are conducted underwatersuch as research, scuba diving for work or recreation, or even underwater warfare with submarines, this very extensive environment on planet Earth is hostile to humans in many ways and therefore little explored. But it can be explored by sonar, or more directly via manned or autonomous submersibles. The ocean floors have been surveyed via sonar to at least a coarse resolution; particularly-strategic areas have been mapped in detail, in the name of detecting enemy submarines, or aiding friendly ones, though the resulting maps may still be classified.

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  • Underwater
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  • Delerium Feat. Rani - Underwater (Above & Beyond's 21st Century Mix) (2001)
    Delerium Feat. Rani - Underwater (Above & Beyond's 21st Century Mix) (2001)remove from playlist
  • UNDERWATER - Delerium ft Rani Kahmal (with lyrics)
    UNDERWATER - Delerium ft Rani Kahmal (with lyrics)remove from playlist
  • Underwater (Above & Beyond's 21st Century Mix)
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  • Delerium - Underwater (Rank 1 Remix (Official Video))
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  • Underwater (Above & Beyond's 21st Century Mix - Odyssey - The Remix Collection)
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  • Underwater (Rank 1 Remix)
    Underwater (Rank 1 Remix)remove from playlist
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Delerium - Underwater [Official Music Video]

"Underwater" by Delerium from Poem, available now. Download on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/8aencv Links: http://www.facebook.com/Delerium http://twitter.com/delerium "Underwater" Lyrics: Something fearless in your eyessomething careless about your smilesomething fragile when you hold your breathand when you moveyou move right through mefingertips so gently on my skini'm underwateri feel the flood beginfingertips so gently on my skinyou're taking over and over againshed your armourspin your webhypnotise me with the longest staremake your promiseor maybe it's a threat'cos when you lookyou look right through mewe're flesh and bonetogether and aloneand we're looking for a homesilver moonlight fills the skycalling gently to the evening tideyou're unfolding right before my eyesand when you moveyou move right through me Subscribe to Nettwerk's YouTube channel: http://smarturl.it/nettwerkyoutube
Delerium - Underwater [Official Music Video]
"Underwater" by Delerium from Poem, available now. Download on iTunes: http://smarturl.it...
published: 13 Aug 2008
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Provided to YouTube by Nettwerk Underwater · Delerium · Rani Poem ℗ Nettwerk Production...
published: 21 Apr 2022
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Delerium - Underwater
Music Video for "Underwater"
published: 03 Nov 2011
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Delerium Feat. Rani - Underwater (Above & Beyond's 21st Century Mix) (2001)
Buy here: http://classic.beatport.com/track/underwater-feat-rani-above-and-beyonds-21st-ce...
published: 07 Jan 2020
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UNDERWATER - Delerium ft Rani Kahmal (with lyrics)
UNDERWATER Artist: Delerium Vocal: Rani Kamahl Album: Poem (2000) Songwriters: Kamahl Rani...
published: 09 Nov 2016
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Underwater (Above & Beyond's 21st Century Mix)
Provided to YouTube by Nettwerk Underwater (Above & Beyond's 21st Century Mix) · Delerium...
published: 21 Apr 2022
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Delerium - Underwater (Rank 1 Remix (Official Video))
***PLEASE*** SUPPORT ME! ------ http://americansinglesfacebook.blogspot.com/ ------ Visit ...
published: 02 Jun 2013
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Underwater (Above & Beyond's 21st Century Mix - Odyssey - The Remix Collection)
Provided to YouTube by Nettwerk Underwater (Above & Beyond's 21st Century Mix - Odyssey -...
published: 22 Apr 2022
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Underwater (Rank 1 Remix)
Provided to YouTube by Nettwerk Underwater (Rank 1 Remix) · Delerium · Rani Underwater ...
published: 22 Apr 2022
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MIKA - Underwater

Official Website: https://www.mikasounds.com/ Stream: https://lnk.to/L8GZG Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mikasounds Twitter: https://twitter.com/mikasounds Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikainstagram/ Music video by MIKA performing Underwater. ©: Casablanca Music, LLC, under exclusive license to Universal Republic Records, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc.
MIKA - Underwater
Official Website: https://www.mikasounds.com/ Stream: https://lnk.to/L8GZG Facebook: https...
published: 21 Nov 2012
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