Jet Engine Evolution - From Turbojets to Turbofans
Turbofan model from the video: https://www.enginediy.com/products/1-20-turbofan-engine-diy-assembly-turbofan-frighter-ws-15-engine-model-kit-150-pcs?ref=d4a
Turbojet model from the video: https://www.enginediy.com/products/1-3-turbojet-engine-model-kit-build-your-own-turbojet-engine-that-works-wp-85-turbojet-diy-aircraft-engine-model-100-pcs?ref=d4a
Use code "d4a" to get 10% off on anything here: https://www.enginediy.com/?ref=d4a
Support the channel by shopping through this link: https://amzn.to/3RIqU0u
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In our last video on jet engines, we have learned that just like piston engines jet engines do intake, compression, combustion, and exhaust but the big difference is that in...
published: 25 Feb 2024
How Does a Turbofan Engine Work?
Air is ingested, compressed, combusted and then expelled. Sounds simple, but it’s actually highly complex: modern aircraft engines are high-performance machines that must withstand extreme conditions. But how do they actually work?
published: 11 Oct 2021
Pratt & Whitney's Geared Turbofan Engine (PW1000G) How does it work
The Pratt & Whitney PW1000G is a high-bypass geared turbofan engine family, currently selected as the exclusive engine for the Airbus A220, Mitsubishi SpaceJet, and Embraer's second generation E-Jets, and as an option on the Irkut MC-21 and Airbus A320neo. The project was previously known as the Geared Turbofan (GTF), and originally the Advanced Technology Fan Integrator (ATFI). The engine is expected to deliver reductions in fuel use and ground noise when used in next-generation aircraft. The PW1000G engine first entered commercial use in January 2016 with Lufthansa's first commercial Airbus A320neo flight.
Credit PWC
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published: 01 Jan 2021
BEST FAN NOISE Turbo Fan with BLACK SCREEN | SLEEP FAST. 10 HOURS of turbo sound with BLACK SCREEN sound for you to enjoy.
These sounds help you stay focused while doing homework, working in the office, studying, reading, preparing for exams, writing essays, or any task that requires concentration. In order to focus, you need to be in a quiet environment. Noise, people talking, watching TV, other people's music, pets, and other sounds gradually disappear in the background. Enjoy a moment of peace and happiness.
Listening to our calming rain sounds and other wonderful nature sounds as you study or work makes focus, concentration, and absorption of materials effortless. These nature sounds are known to enhance creativity automatically as you slip into the alpha brain wave state while wo...
published: 25 Jun 2021
HOW DO JET ENGINES work and WHY do they get BIGGER Explained by CAPTAIN JOE
✈️WANT TO BECOME A PILOT?✈️ https://bit.ly/474j06T
📗📗📗GET MY NEW BOOK https://amzn.to/32TH4x7 📗📗📗
🌐MY WEBSITE: https://goo.gl/KGTSWK 🌐
🛒👕---► T-SHIRT SHOP goo.gl/Svrqmx ◄ --👕-🛒
📖👨 NEW FACEBOOK PAGE: https://goo.gl/heUKGb 👨📖
▼▼My FLIGHT-KIT I highly recommend for you guys▼▼
MY HEADSET: https://amzn.to/2CrTrzz
MY SUNGLASSES: https://amzn.to/2VY6FNo
MY PILOT BAG: https://amzn.to/2DiWKux
Company iPad: https://amzn.to/2W1zM2n
▼▼The VIDEO EQUIPMENT I use in my studio and outdoors▼▼
MY CAMERA: https://amzn.to/2T1VK3g
LIGHTING: https://amzn.to/2szSRv4
IN-FLIGHT RECORDINGS: https://amzn.to/2VY7A0g
00:00 Intro
01:24 Turbo Jet Engine how does it work?
03:15 Turbo Fan Engine how does it work?
05:10 What is the Bypass?
08:55 Size limitatio...
published: 07 Oct 2021
TR900 Turbofan engine model
Quality trust from 3 million subscribers
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There is a link to directly access our online store
Or directly visit: https://nikolatoy.com/?ref=jack
published: 29 Feb 2024
Turbojet, turbofan, turboprop, turboshaft engines explained in simplified way
Turbojet Engine Explained in lucid way.
published: 22 Jul 2015
Miniature Turbofan Engine Assembly & RUN!
In this video, we showcase the step-by-step process of assembling and running a miniature Turbofan engine. We take you through the intricate process of putting together this amazing engine and show you all the components and tools needed to get the job done. From setting up the engine block to installing and crankshaft, we cover it all.
to buy from here
Extra 200$ promo code: KR200
turbofan engine kits ➜ https://bit.ly/3QA2tQW
more jet engine diy kits ➜ https://bit.ly/462GCre
car engine model kits ➜ https://bit.ly/47oK5Bx
The Miniature Turbofan Engine Assembly & RUN is not only a masterpiece but also a perfect example of engineering marvel. This engine is designed to run smoothly and efficiently, making it ideal for a wide range of applications.
Our team of experts...
published: 29 Nov 2023
Turbofan Motoru Çalıştırıldı! KIZILELMA Ve ANKA-3 Platformlarına Güç Verecek | A Para
Turbofan Motoru Çalıştırıldı! KIZILELMA Ve ANKA-3 Platformlarına Güç Verecek | A Para
TEİ tarafından ANKA-3 ve Kızılelma insansız hava uçakları için geliştirilen, Türkiye’nin ilk yerli ve milli turbofan jet motoru ilk çalıştırma safhası başarı ile tamamlandı. Ayrıntıları Mert Hacıalioğlu aktardı. İşte detaylar...
🔔A Para'nın en güncel ekonomi haberlerini takip etmek için ;
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#apara #APara #Aparacanlı
published: 11 Mar 2024
How Jet Engine Works | Part 1 : Starting
Aircraft: Boeing 777-300ER
Engine: Turbofan | GE90-115B
Aircraft systems explained.
*APU starting, Electrical, pneumatic and fuel panel switch selections.
* Engine starting (Auto) system.
Major components covered.
* N1 and N2 rotor shafts.
* Engine fan, low pressure compressor, low pressure turbine, combustion chamber, High pressure compressor and high pressure turbine.
* Aircraft Battery, fuel tank, booster pumps, and spar valve.
* Electronic engine control and Alternator.
* Accessories gear box, transfer gear box, internal gear box, horizontal and radial drive shafts.
* Fuel pump, fuel-oil heat exchanger, fuel filter, hydro mechanical unit, fuel flow transmitter and fuel nozzles.
* Start valve, air starter, air swirlers, Ignition exciters and igniter plugs.
Software's used for makin...
published: 28 Sep 2021
Jet Engine Evolution - From Turbojets to Turbofans
Turbofan model from the video: https://www.enginediy.com/products/1-20-turbofan-engine-diy-assembly-turbofan-frighter-ws-15-engine-model-kit-150-pcs?ref=d4a
Turbofan model from the video: https://www.enginediy.com/products/1-20-turbofan-engine-diy-assembly-turbofan-frighter-ws-15-engine-model-kit-150-pcs?ref=d4a
Turbojet model from the video: https://www.enginediy.com/products/1-3-turbojet-engine-model-kit-build-your-own-turbojet-engine-that-works-wp-85-turbojet-diy-aircraft-engine-model-100-pcs?ref=d4a
Use code "d4a" to get 10% off on anything here: https://www.enginediy.com/?ref=d4a
Support the channel by shopping through this link: https://amzn.to/3RIqU0u
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/d4a
Become a member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwosUnVH6AINmxtqkNJ3Fbg/join
In our last video on jet engines, we have learned that just like piston engines jet engines do intake, compression, combustion, and exhaust but the big difference is that in piston engines these events occur one after the other in every cylinder whereas in a jet engine, these events occur continuously, all the time and they occur simultaneously with each other.
In this video, we will explore how jet engines have evolved to become much more powerful and much more efficient. Now this engine is called a turbojet and by modern standards, this is very much obsolete. This right here is a turbofan, or more specifically a low by-pass turbofan, and an engine like this is nowadays most commonly found on fighter jets and other military aircraft. As you can see, even upon first glance, the engine is pretty different from our turbojet.
Now the first, and most important difference is that in a turbojet, all the thrust generated by the engine comes from the exhaust stream, or the jet of expanding gasses coming out of the back. In other words, all the air that comes through the front of the engine ends up inside the core which houses all the key mechanical components of the engine.
But in a turbofan, this is not the case. Not all the air ends up in the core, some of the air is bypassed around the core and never contacts the internal parts of the engine. So why would we bypass some of the air around the engine?
Well to understand that we must remember that jet engines are also called reaction engines. Essentially they move incredible masses of air. This movement creates a force. And as we know for every force there is a reaction force in the opposite direction. This reaction force moves the engine and because the engine is attached to the aircraft the entire aircraft moves.
This tells us that to travel faster and/or to move a larger heavier aircraft we must move greater masses of air. To move a greater mass of air we can either move more air or we can move the air faster.
A turbofan engine exploits the first concept and that is to move more air. Now we have two kinds of turbofans, a high bypass and a low by-pass turbofan. When a civilian like you or me flies in a commercial aircraft we are propelled through the sky by a high by-pass turbofan. A high bypass turbofan takes the concept of moving more air to the extreme because at the very front of the engine, we will find a giant fan. This is where the name comes from, turbofan. We have a giant fan and gas turbines at the back which harness the energy of the combustion and thus power the fan. Now because the fan is so large it is capable of moving absolutely incredible amounts of air and about 80% of the thrust of the engine actually comes from the fan and only around 20% comes from the exhaust jet coming out of the back of the engine.
Because most of the thrust comes from the fan it means that we don’t have to burn ridiculous amounts of fuel to move the aircraft. Modern fans are designed to be extremely efficient at cruising speeds and altitudes of commercial aircraft. The added benefit of the is that the bypassed air creates a sheath of air around the exhaust jet and this greatly reduces the noise pollution created by modern commercial aircraft.
But unfortunately moving more air has its limits. You can’t make infinitely large fans because the greater the size of the fan the greater the difference in speed between the blade root and the blade tip, because the tip covers a much greater distance than the root. In other words, an overly large fan will inevitably achieve supersonic speeds at the blade tips and this leads to inadequate and inefficient operation.
This is where low bypass turbofan engines like this one come in. Their bypass ratio is around 0.5 to 1 compared to the bypass ratio of commercial turbofans which is usually 9:1 and above. A bypass ratio of 9:1 tells us that for every kilogram of air going through the engine core 9 kilograms of air go around it.
A special thank you to my patrons:
Brian Alvarez
Peter Della Flora
Dave Westwood
Joe C
Zwoa Meda Beda
Toma Marini
Cole Philips
#d4a #jetengine
00:00 Moving More Air or Moving it Faster
02:36 High Bypass vs Low Bypass
07:56 More Shafts More Efficiency
11:14 Gyros and Ducatis
Turbofan model from the video: https://www.enginediy.com/products/1-20-turbofan-engine-diy-assembly-turbofan-frighter-ws-15-engine-model-kit-150-pcs?ref=d4a
Turbojet model from the video: https://www.enginediy.com/products/1-3-turbojet-engine-model-kit-build-your-own-turbojet-engine-that-works-wp-85-turbojet-diy-aircraft-engine-model-100-pcs?ref=d4a
Use code "d4a" to get 10% off on anything here: https://www.enginediy.com/?ref=d4a
Support the channel by shopping through this link: https://amzn.to/3RIqU0u
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/d4a
Become a member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwosUnVH6AINmxtqkNJ3Fbg/join
In our last video on jet engines, we have learned that just like piston engines jet engines do intake, compression, combustion, and exhaust but the big difference is that in piston engines these events occur one after the other in every cylinder whereas in a jet engine, these events occur continuously, all the time and they occur simultaneously with each other.
In this video, we will explore how jet engines have evolved to become much more powerful and much more efficient. Now this engine is called a turbojet and by modern standards, this is very much obsolete. This right here is a turbofan, or more specifically a low by-pass turbofan, and an engine like this is nowadays most commonly found on fighter jets and other military aircraft. As you can see, even upon first glance, the engine is pretty different from our turbojet.
Now the first, and most important difference is that in a turbojet, all the thrust generated by the engine comes from the exhaust stream, or the jet of expanding gasses coming out of the back. In other words, all the air that comes through the front of the engine ends up inside the core which houses all the key mechanical components of the engine.
But in a turbofan, this is not the case. Not all the air ends up in the core, some of the air is bypassed around the core and never contacts the internal parts of the engine. So why would we bypass some of the air around the engine?
Well to understand that we must remember that jet engines are also called reaction engines. Essentially they move incredible masses of air. This movement creates a force. And as we know for every force there is a reaction force in the opposite direction. This reaction force moves the engine and because the engine is attached to the aircraft the entire aircraft moves.
This tells us that to travel faster and/or to move a larger heavier aircraft we must move greater masses of air. To move a greater mass of air we can either move more air or we can move the air faster.
A turbofan engine exploits the first concept and that is to move more air. Now we have two kinds of turbofans, a high bypass and a low by-pass turbofan. When a civilian like you or me flies in a commercial aircraft we are propelled through the sky by a high by-pass turbofan. A high bypass turbofan takes the concept of moving more air to the extreme because at the very front of the engine, we will find a giant fan. This is where the name comes from, turbofan. We have a giant fan and gas turbines at the back which harness the energy of the combustion and thus power the fan. Now because the fan is so large it is capable of moving absolutely incredible amounts of air and about 80% of the thrust of the engine actually comes from the fan and only around 20% comes from the exhaust jet coming out of the back of the engine.
Because most of the thrust comes from the fan it means that we don’t have to burn ridiculous amounts of fuel to move the aircraft. Modern fans are designed to be extremely efficient at cruising speeds and altitudes of commercial aircraft. The added benefit of the is that the bypassed air creates a sheath of air around the exhaust jet and this greatly reduces the noise pollution created by modern commercial aircraft.
But unfortunately moving more air has its limits. You can’t make infinitely large fans because the greater the size of the fan the greater the difference in speed between the blade root and the blade tip, because the tip covers a much greater distance than the root. In other words, an overly large fan will inevitably achieve supersonic speeds at the blade tips and this leads to inadequate and inefficient operation.
This is where low bypass turbofan engines like this one come in. Their bypass ratio is around 0.5 to 1 compared to the bypass ratio of commercial turbofans which is usually 9:1 and above. A bypass ratio of 9:1 tells us that for every kilogram of air going through the engine core 9 kilograms of air go around it.
A special thank you to my patrons:
Brian Alvarez
Peter Della Flora
Dave Westwood
Joe C
Zwoa Meda Beda
Toma Marini
Cole Philips
#d4a #jetengine
00:00 Moving More Air or Moving it Faster
02:36 High Bypass vs Low Bypass
07:56 More Shafts More Efficiency
11:14 Gyros and Ducatis
- published: 25 Feb 2024
- views: 939896
How Does a Turbofan Engine Work?
Air is ingested, compressed, combusted and then expelled. Sounds simple, but it’s actually highly complex: modern aircraft engines are high-performance machines...
Air is ingested, compressed, combusted and then expelled. Sounds simple, but it’s actually highly complex: modern aircraft engines are high-performance machines that must withstand extreme conditions. But how do they actually work?
Air is ingested, compressed, combusted and then expelled. Sounds simple, but it’s actually highly complex: modern aircraft engines are high-performance machines that must withstand extreme conditions. But how do they actually work?
- published: 11 Oct 2021
- views: 148143
Pratt & Whitney's Geared Turbofan Engine (PW1000G) How does it work
The Pratt & Whitney PW1000G is a high-bypass geared turbofan engine family, currently selected as the exclusive engine for the Airbus A220, Mitsubishi SpaceJet,...
The Pratt & Whitney PW1000G is a high-bypass geared turbofan engine family, currently selected as the exclusive engine for the Airbus A220, Mitsubishi SpaceJet, and Embraer's second generation E-Jets, and as an option on the Irkut MC-21 and Airbus A320neo. The project was previously known as the Geared Turbofan (GTF), and originally the Advanced Technology Fan Integrator (ATFI). The engine is expected to deliver reductions in fuel use and ground noise when used in next-generation aircraft. The PW1000G engine first entered commercial use in January 2016 with Lufthansa's first commercial Airbus A320neo flight.
Credit PWC
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The Pratt & Whitney PW1000G is a high-bypass geared turbofan engine family, currently selected as the exclusive engine for the Airbus A220, Mitsubishi SpaceJet, and Embraer's second generation E-Jets, and as an option on the Irkut MC-21 and Airbus A320neo. The project was previously known as the Geared Turbofan (GTF), and originally the Advanced Technology Fan Integrator (ATFI). The engine is expected to deliver reductions in fuel use and ground noise when used in next-generation aircraft. The PW1000G engine first entered commercial use in January 2016 with Lufthansa's first commercial Airbus A320neo flight.
Credit PWC
Please, don't forget to Subscribe my YouTube Channel🤝
✨follow me on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mzostudio/
✨follow me on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mzo_studio/
- published: 01 Jan 2021
- views: 51155
BEST FAN NOISE Turbo Fan with BLACK SCREEN | SLEEP FAST. 10 HOURS of turbo sound with BLACK SCREEN sound for you to enjoy.
These sounds help you stay focused...
BEST FAN NOISE Turbo Fan with BLACK SCREEN | SLEEP FAST. 10 HOURS of turbo sound with BLACK SCREEN sound for you to enjoy.
These sounds help you stay focused while doing homework, working in the office, studying, reading, preparing for exams, writing essays, or any task that requires concentration. In order to focus, you need to be in a quiet environment. Noise, people talking, watching TV, other people's music, pets, and other sounds gradually disappear in the background. Enjoy a moment of peace and happiness.
Listening to our calming rain sounds and other wonderful nature sounds as you study or work makes focus, concentration, and absorption of materials effortless. These nature sounds are known to enhance creativity automatically as you slip into the alpha brain wave state while working or studying.
❤️SUBSCRIBE TO Black Screen Ambience Channel @:
BEST FAN NOISE Turbo Fan with BLACK SCREEN | SLEEP FAST. 10 HOURS of turbo sound with BLACK SCREEN sound for you to enjoy.
These sounds help you stay focused while doing homework, working in the office, studying, reading, preparing for exams, writing essays, or any task that requires concentration. In order to focus, you need to be in a quiet environment. Noise, people talking, watching TV, other people's music, pets, and other sounds gradually disappear in the background. Enjoy a moment of peace and happiness.
Listening to our calming rain sounds and other wonderful nature sounds as you study or work makes focus, concentration, and absorption of materials effortless. These nature sounds are known to enhance creativity automatically as you slip into the alpha brain wave state while working or studying.
❤️SUBSCRIBE TO Black Screen Ambience Channel @:
- published: 25 Jun 2021
- views: 1007238
HOW DO JET ENGINES work and WHY do they get BIGGER Explained by CAPTAIN JOE
✈️WANT TO BECOME A PILOT?✈️ https://bit.ly/474j06T
📗📗📗GET MY NEW BOOK https://amzn.to/32TH4x7 📗📗📗
🌐MY W...
✈️WANT TO BECOME A PILOT?✈️ https://bit.ly/474j06T
📗📗📗GET MY NEW BOOK https://amzn.to/32TH4x7 📗📗📗
🌐MY WEBSITE: https://goo.gl/KGTSWK 🌐
🛒👕---► T-SHIRT SHOP goo.gl/Svrqmx ◄ --👕-🛒
📖👨 NEW FACEBOOK PAGE: https://goo.gl/heUKGb 👨📖
▼▼My FLIGHT-KIT I highly recommend for you guys▼▼
MY HEADSET: https://amzn.to/2CrTrzz
MY SUNGLASSES: https://amzn.to/2VY6FNo
MY PILOT BAG: https://amzn.to/2DiWKux
Company iPad: https://amzn.to/2W1zM2n
▼▼The VIDEO EQUIPMENT I use in my studio and outdoors▼▼
MY CAMERA: https://amzn.to/2T1VK3g
LIGHTING: https://amzn.to/2szSRv4
IN-FLIGHT RECORDINGS: https://amzn.to/2VY7A0g
00:00 Intro
01:24 Turbo Jet Engine how does it work?
03:15 Turbo Fan Engine how does it work?
05:10 What is the Bypass?
08:55 Size limitations?
10:47 Geared Turbofan Engine
11:47 Outro
Ever since the advent of the jet, engines have been getting bigger and bigger. It's not just to support large and larger aircraft, or because of some unfounded idea that bigger is better. When it comes to jet engines, bigger actually is better. At least up until a point.
This fantastically concise video by the incomparable MinutePhysics explains the cold, hard math of the matter which essentially boils down to one core point. The bigger a jet engine is, the more efficient it is, because it will waste less energy in the process of adding to a plane's momentum. At least until drag starts to be a factor.
According to some napkin math (which looks positively terrifying when MinutePhysics writes it out on screen), the optimal size for a jet engine is somewhere around 13 feet in diameter, a little bit bigger than the biggest jet engines we have right now. Of course there will always be other innovations that can make jet engines more efficient—like cleverly engineered gearboxes—and small-but-powerful engines will always make sense for fighter jets. But at some point the limiting factors are as simple as the laws of physics.
(Source: MinutePhysics)
I hope you enjoyed this video!
Thank you very much for your time! I hope you enjoy this video!
Wishing you all the best!
Your "Captain" Joe
Big thank you to all other youtubers who provided me with the video material to create this video. Your content is highly appreciated. Please follow their channels:
@JP Richard
@Shorts Video
@Ryan Nagai
@Warsaw Spotting
@Concorde SST
@Carsten Travels - 100% Pure Maritime World
@GE Aviation
@MT Aviation
@Pratt & Whitney PurePower Engine
Intro Song:
Lounge - Ehrling: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5ImN...
Outro Song:
Joakim Karud & Dyalla - Wish you were here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXrxB...
✈️WANT TO BECOME A PILOT?✈️ https://bit.ly/474j06T
📗📗📗GET MY NEW BOOK https://amzn.to/32TH4x7 📗📗📗
🌐MY WEBSITE: https://goo.gl/KGTSWK 🌐
🛒👕---► T-SHIRT SHOP goo.gl/Svrqmx ◄ --👕-🛒
📖👨 NEW FACEBOOK PAGE: https://goo.gl/heUKGb 👨📖
▼▼My FLIGHT-KIT I highly recommend for you guys▼▼
MY HEADSET: https://amzn.to/2CrTrzz
MY SUNGLASSES: https://amzn.to/2VY6FNo
MY PILOT BAG: https://amzn.to/2DiWKux
Company iPad: https://amzn.to/2W1zM2n
▼▼The VIDEO EQUIPMENT I use in my studio and outdoors▼▼
MY CAMERA: https://amzn.to/2T1VK3g
LIGHTING: https://amzn.to/2szSRv4
IN-FLIGHT RECORDINGS: https://amzn.to/2VY7A0g
00:00 Intro
01:24 Turbo Jet Engine how does it work?
03:15 Turbo Fan Engine how does it work?
05:10 What is the Bypass?
08:55 Size limitations?
10:47 Geared Turbofan Engine
11:47 Outro
Ever since the advent of the jet, engines have been getting bigger and bigger. It's not just to support large and larger aircraft, or because of some unfounded idea that bigger is better. When it comes to jet engines, bigger actually is better. At least up until a point.
This fantastically concise video by the incomparable MinutePhysics explains the cold, hard math of the matter which essentially boils down to one core point. The bigger a jet engine is, the more efficient it is, because it will waste less energy in the process of adding to a plane's momentum. At least until drag starts to be a factor.
According to some napkin math (which looks positively terrifying when MinutePhysics writes it out on screen), the optimal size for a jet engine is somewhere around 13 feet in diameter, a little bit bigger than the biggest jet engines we have right now. Of course there will always be other innovations that can make jet engines more efficient—like cleverly engineered gearboxes—and small-but-powerful engines will always make sense for fighter jets. But at some point the limiting factors are as simple as the laws of physics.
(Source: MinutePhysics)
I hope you enjoyed this video!
Thank you very much for your time! I hope you enjoy this video!
Wishing you all the best!
Your "Captain" Joe
Big thank you to all other youtubers who provided me with the video material to create this video. Your content is highly appreciated. Please follow their channels:
@JP Richard
@Shorts Video
@Ryan Nagai
@Warsaw Spotting
@Concorde SST
@Carsten Travels - 100% Pure Maritime World
@GE Aviation
@MT Aviation
@Pratt & Whitney PurePower Engine
Intro Song:
Lounge - Ehrling: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5ImN...
Outro Song:
Joakim Karud & Dyalla - Wish you were here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXrxB...
- published: 07 Oct 2021
- views: 537912
TR900 Turbofan engine model
Quality trust from 3 million subscribers
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Quality trust from 3 million subscribers
Click on my avatar to enter our homepage
There is a link to directly access our online store
Or directly visit: https://nikolatoy.com/?ref=jack
Quality trust from 3 million subscribers
Click on my avatar to enter our homepage
There is a link to directly access our online store
Or directly visit: https://nikolatoy.com/?ref=jack
- published: 29 Feb 2024
- views: 26542
Miniature Turbofan Engine Assembly & RUN!
In this video, we showcase the step-by-step process of assembling and running a miniature Turbofan engine. We take you through the intricate process of putting ...
In this video, we showcase the step-by-step process of assembling and running a miniature Turbofan engine. We take you through the intricate process of putting together this amazing engine and show you all the components and tools needed to get the job done. From setting up the engine block to installing and crankshaft, we cover it all.
to buy from here
Extra 200$ promo code: KR200
turbofan engine kits ➜ https://bit.ly/3QA2tQW
more jet engine diy kits ➜ https://bit.ly/462GCre
car engine model kits ➜ https://bit.ly/47oK5Bx
The Miniature Turbofan Engine Assembly & RUN is not only a masterpiece but also a perfect example of engineering marvel. This engine is designed to run smoothly and efficiently, making it ideal for a wide range of applications.
Our team of experts demonstrates the assembly process with great attention to detail to ensure that you can follow along with ease. We also show you the engine running, providing a detailed look at its performance and capabilities. You will be amazed at what this miniature engine can do!
So if you're looking for a detailed and informative guide on how to assemble and run a Miniature Turbofan Engine, then this video is definitely for you. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!
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JLCPCB 1-8 Layer PCB at $2. PCBA from $0 (Free Setup, Free Stencil)
Sign Up Here to Get $54 New User Coupons at - https://jlcpcb.com/?from=inventorKR
Circuits diagrams and code can be found on the blog
You can buy all electronic components for the product here
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In this video, we showcase the step-by-step process of assembling and running a miniature Turbofan engine. We take you through the intricate process of putting together this amazing engine and show you all the components and tools needed to get the job done. From setting up the engine block to installing and crankshaft, we cover it all.
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Extra 200$ promo code: KR200
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car engine model kits ➜ https://bit.ly/47oK5Bx
The Miniature Turbofan Engine Assembly & RUN is not only a masterpiece but also a perfect example of engineering marvel. This engine is designed to run smoothly and efficiently, making it ideal for a wide range of applications.
Our team of experts demonstrates the assembly process with great attention to detail to ensure that you can follow along with ease. We also show you the engine running, providing a detailed look at its performance and capabilities. You will be amazed at what this miniature engine can do!
So if you're looking for a detailed and informative guide on how to assemble and run a Miniature Turbofan Engine, then this video is definitely for you. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!
Get a free trial of Altium Designer
Free search engine for electronic parts
JLCPCB 1-8 Layer PCB at $2. PCBA from $0 (Free Setup, Free Stencil)
Sign Up Here to Get $54 New User Coupons at - https://jlcpcb.com/?from=inventorKR
Circuits diagrams and code can be found on the blog
You can buy all electronic components for the product here
For business enquiries
[email protected]
Support me on patreon here
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- published: 29 Nov 2023
- views: 1808492
Turbofan Motoru Çalıştırıldı! KIZILELMA Ve ANKA-3 Platformlarına Güç Verecek | A Para
Turbofan Motoru Çalıştırıldı! KIZILELMA Ve ANKA-3 Platformlarına Güç Verecek | A Para
TEİ tarafından ANKA-3 ve Kızılelma insansız hava uçakları için geliştiril...
Turbofan Motoru Çalıştırıldı! KIZILELMA Ve ANKA-3 Platformlarına Güç Verecek | A Para
TEİ tarafından ANKA-3 ve Kızılelma insansız hava uçakları için geliştirilen, Türkiye’nin ilk yerli ve milli turbofan jet motoru ilk çalıştırma safhası başarı ile tamamlandı. Ayrıntıları Mert Hacıalioğlu aktardı. İşte detaylar...
🔔A Para'nın en güncel ekonomi haberlerini takip etmek için ;
► https://bit.ly/3D2b3Td
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#apara #APara #Aparacanlı
Turbofan Motoru Çalıştırıldı! KIZILELMA Ve ANKA-3 Platformlarına Güç Verecek | A Para
TEİ tarafından ANKA-3 ve Kızılelma insansız hava uçakları için geliştirilen, Türkiye’nin ilk yerli ve milli turbofan jet motoru ilk çalıştırma safhası başarı ile tamamlandı. Ayrıntıları Mert Hacıalioğlu aktardı. İşte detaylar...
🔔A Para'nın en güncel ekonomi haberlerini takip etmek için ;
► https://bit.ly/3D2b3Td
A Para Resmi Web Sitesi
► https://www.apara.com.tr
Sosyal Medya Adreslerimiz
► https://facebook.com/apara
► https://twitter.com/apara_tv
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#apara #APara #Aparacanlı
- published: 11 Mar 2024
- views: 531
How Jet Engine Works | Part 1 : Starting
Aircraft: Boeing 777-300ER
Engine: Turbofan | GE90-115B
Aircraft systems explained.
*APU starting, Electrical, pneumatic and fuel panel switch selections.
* ...
Aircraft: Boeing 777-300ER
Engine: Turbofan | GE90-115B
Aircraft systems explained.
*APU starting, Electrical, pneumatic and fuel panel switch selections.
* Engine starting (Auto) system.
Major components covered.
* N1 and N2 rotor shafts.
* Engine fan, low pressure compressor, low pressure turbine, combustion chamber, High pressure compressor and high pressure turbine.
* Aircraft Battery, fuel tank, booster pumps, and spar valve.
* Electronic engine control and Alternator.
* Accessories gear box, transfer gear box, internal gear box, horizontal and radial drive shafts.
* Fuel pump, fuel-oil heat exchanger, fuel filter, hydro mechanical unit, fuel flow transmitter and fuel nozzles.
* Start valve, air starter, air swirlers, Ignition exciters and igniter plugs.
Software's used for making the video.
* Blender 2.93 and Filmora 10.
Background music used in the video.
* Go big or go home (Filmora stock library)
Aircraft: Boeing 777-300ER
Engine: Turbofan | GE90-115B
Aircraft systems explained.
*APU starting, Electrical, pneumatic and fuel panel switch selections.
* Engine starting (Auto) system.
Major components covered.
* N1 and N2 rotor shafts.
* Engine fan, low pressure compressor, low pressure turbine, combustion chamber, High pressure compressor and high pressure turbine.
* Aircraft Battery, fuel tank, booster pumps, and spar valve.
* Electronic engine control and Alternator.
* Accessories gear box, transfer gear box, internal gear box, horizontal and radial drive shafts.
* Fuel pump, fuel-oil heat exchanger, fuel filter, hydro mechanical unit, fuel flow transmitter and fuel nozzles.
* Start valve, air starter, air swirlers, Ignition exciters and igniter plugs.
Software's used for making the video.
* Blender 2.93 and Filmora 10.
Background music used in the video.
* Go big or go home (Filmora stock library)
- published: 28 Sep 2021
- views: 2165941