What is Trotskyism? | Ideology explained
This video is an explanation of the ideology of Trotskyism. I go into all major aspects of the ideology while remaining as brief as possible. I explain Marxism and Leninism along with concepts like proletarian internationalism, the permanent revolution and the vanguardist belief.
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The song in the outro was produced by 08 (who gave me no way to credit them), you can listen to the whole remix on my second channel: https://youtu.be/jZOrMsIOZh0
0:00 Intro
0:33 Marxism and Leninism
1:43 History
2:39 Trotskyism
11:48 Outro
Hello everybody, what is Trotskyism? A complicated question but I’ll try my best...
published: 21 Feb 2021
Trotskyism in 5 Minutes
In which we explain the political ideology of Leon Trotsky...poorly.
published: 15 Oct 2016
Understanding Trotskyism
Alex Grant is editor of the Canadian Marxist journal Fightback and a member of the International Marxist Tendency. In this interview he provides a primer on Trotskyism from the perspective of his own group, while tackling subjects such as the need for a transitionary period after the revolution, Cliffism, Permanent Revolution and why the working class has yet to emancipate itself.
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Zero Books Manifesto:
The modern world is at an impasse. Disasters scroll across our smartphone screens and we’re invited to like, follow or upvote, but critical thinking is harder and harder to find. Rather than connecting ...
published: 25 Nov 2020
Leon Trotsky: Communism's True Believer
Check out Brilliant: http://brilliant.org/biographics
Check out my other channel TopTenz! https://www.youtube.com/user/toptenznet
→Subscribe for new videos four times per week.
This video is sponsored by Brilliant.
Visit our companion website for more: http://biographics.org
Host - Simon Whistler
Author - Steve Theunissen
Producer - Jennifer Da Silva
Executive Producer - Shell Harris
Business inquiries to [email protected]
Other Biographics Videos:
Napoleon Bonaparte: The Strategic Genius
Toussaint L’Ouverture: the Black Napoleon who Freed Haiti’s Slaves
Source/Further reading:
Isaac Deutscher: The Prophet: The Life of Leon Trotsky
Charles River ...
published: 17 Apr 2019
What is Trotskyism? What do Trotskyite groups hold in common? How to Trotskyists seek to influence politics? What are their common methods of working, recruiting, educating and indoctrinating well-defined and near-sacred shibboleths into members and new recruits?
John Kelly, author of "Contemporary Trotskyism: Parties, Sects and Social Movements in Britain", launched his critically acclaimed new book in Scotland at a Communist Party of Britain hosted public event. This was filmed on Friday 31st August 2018 at Unity Office, 72 Waterloo Street, Glasgow.
John Kelly teaches at the Department of Management, Birkbeck College, University of London. He has published widely on trade unions and the labour movement. Years of meticulous research and academic rigour are combined with a sympathetic a...
published: 01 Sep 2018
What if Trotsky Came To Power Instead Of Stalin? (Ft: Cypher the Cynical Historian)
Get your first audiobook and access to a monthly selection of Audible Originals for free when you try Audible for 30 days visit https://www.audible.com/althistory or text "althistory" to 500 500!
Its often wondered what the Soviet Union could have become if just one man had taken over, instead of Stalin. A surprisingly long-lasting mythos of Trotsky. So what would actually had happened if he had taken over after Lenin? Here is one scenario.
Check Out Cyphers Myths of the USSR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97qO3g5MGmc&feature=youtu.be
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AltHistoryHub
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/AlternateHistoryHub
published: 31 Jul 2020
Leon Trotsky - Soviet Politician | Minin Bio | BIO
Born Lev Davidovich Bronshtein on November 7, 1879, Leon Trotsky's revolutionary activity as a young man spurred his first of several ordered exiles to Siberia. He waged Russia's 1917 revolution alongside Vladimir Lenin. As commissar of war in the new Soviet government, he helped defeat forces opposed to Bolshevik control. As the Soviet government developed, he engaged in a power struggle against Joseph Stalin, which he lost, leading to his exile again and, eventually, his murder. #Biography
Subscribe for more Biography: http://aetv.us/2AsWMPH
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Follow Biography for more surprising stories from fascinating lives:
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published: 26 Dec 2013
Why Christopher Hitchens Called Himself a Trotskyist
Complete video at: http://fora.tv/2009/07/28/Uncommon_Knowledge_Christopher_Hitchens__Robert_Service
Author and journalist Christopher Hitchens defends calling himself a Trotskyist. Hitchens says Trotsky "combined in himself the role of man of action and man of ideas," and admires his opposition to Stalin and Hitler as "a person of immense emotional and physical courage."
Leon Trotsky, one of the leading figures of the Russian October Revolution, remains a controversial figure. For many, Trotsky's assassination in Mexico marked a tragedy in Soviet history, cutting off the possibility of a humane version of communism taking hold in Russia, with Trotsky himself arguing that he would have held back the tides of arbitrary rule and terror. But is that so? In answering this questi...
published: 11 Aug 2009
Slavoj Zizek — Trotsky VS Lenin: How to Organise a Revolution
Zizek discusses the different approaches that Lenin and Trotsky took to setting in motion the Russian October Revolution, arguing that Trotsky's strategy focused on gaining control over basic cornerstones of society such as the food and water supplies. Zizek then argues that in our day and age, an effective revolution must also secure the existence of the commons, including new ones, such as the Internet.
published: 08 Jun 2020
What is Trotskyism? | Ideology explained
This video is an explanation of the ideology of Trotskyism. I go into all major aspects of the ideology while remaining as brief as possible. I explain Marxism ...
This video is an explanation of the ideology of Trotskyism. I go into all major aspects of the ideology while remaining as brief as possible. I explain Marxism and Leninism along with concepts like proletarian internationalism, the permanent revolution and the vanguardist belief.
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[email protected]
The song in the outro was produced by 08 (who gave me no way to credit them), you can listen to the whole remix on my second channel: https://youtu.be/jZOrMsIOZh0
0:00 Intro
0:33 Marxism and Leninism
1:43 History
2:39 Trotskyism
11:48 Outro
Hello everybody, what is Trotskyism? A complicated question but I’ll try my best to give you an overview of the important parts. Essentially Trotskyism is the ideology of Leon Trotsky who was one of the leaders of the Russian revolution in 1917 and one of the two most likely candidates to succeed Lenin, the other one being Stalin who ended up ruling the USSR.
To understand Trotskyism, you need to understand what it builds on and that is both Marxism and Leninism. I went over this in that video already but for the sake of making this video be understandable on it’s own I will briefly go over both of them again.
Marxism essentially says that for a variety of reasons our capitalist industrialized society is divided among class lines, with the working class being exploited and oppressed by the capitalist class. When the economy and society become industrialized enough the workers will begin to overthrow the capitalists in a French revolution style takeover. After which they share everything and establish socialism.
Leninism on the other hand recognised the fact that in the country they were in, Russia in 1917, there was no large industrial worker’s army to lead a revolution. So, Lenin adapted Marxism to the reality he was experiencing. Now a party would be formed with all people who are educated on Marx and they would lead a revolution and take over the state on behalf of the working class. They would then keep the revolution safe and develop the industry until the workers were educated enough to take over and reach socialism.
Trotsky was a revolutionary along with other Bolsheviks. He was a strong supporter of Lenin and not a fan of Stalin. When Stalin came to power in the Soviet Union Trotsky began to criticise everything Stalin was doing. Eventually Stalin would exile Trotsky who ended up on Mexico were his ideas cemented and he formulated his beliefs in the ideology of Trotskyism. Trotsky was also assassinated on the order of Stalin a few years later.
Also, there are people who say Lenin wanted Trotsky to take over instead of Stalin, but this is based on the Lenin testament of which historians aren’t even sure if it’s real. Either way because Trotsky was still a socialist revolutionary while living outside of the USSR, he handily held a lot of speeches talking to people, so he made a 5-step explanation of what his ideology is supposed to be.
Trotskyism is an evolution of Leninism which itself is an evolution of Marxism. That’s why I summed both of those systems up before. Trotskyism keeps the belief in a vanguard party. The logic is that the people in non-industrial countries can’t lead their own revolution because they lack the experiences of an industrialized working class and the understanding of Marxist theory, so the party does it instead.
Trotsky supported the council system of the early USSR. Essentially all workers in one job and one region would form a council, called soviet which would send representatives to the parliament .I have a video that goes in depth about the democratic system of the USSR and how it changed over time.
This is of course a democratic system but the people who stood for election had to be members of the communist party. The idea was that this way only workers and educated Marxists could be elected, because if they allowed the people to vote for capitalist populist parties then they may lose the one socialist country in the world. This was justified as dictatorship of the proletariat.
According to Trotsky these are the 5 points which set his ideology apart from other Marxist theories. Let’s go over them and what they mean one by one.
Support for the strategy of permanent revolution, in opposition to the two-stage theory of his opponents.
So, the two-stage theory says that to achieve communism you need a lot of industry, famers can’t reach communism because the productivity is too low to create superabundance in which there is so much of everything that nobody has to work.
This video is an explanation of the ideology of Trotskyism. I go into all major aspects of the ideology while remaining as brief as possible. I explain Marxism and Leninism along with concepts like proletarian internationalism, the permanent revolution and the vanguardist belief.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/viki1999
Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/viki1999
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/Viki1999Yt
E-Mail Address:
[email protected]
The song in the outro was produced by 08 (who gave me no way to credit them), you can listen to the whole remix on my second channel: https://youtu.be/jZOrMsIOZh0
0:00 Intro
0:33 Marxism and Leninism
1:43 History
2:39 Trotskyism
11:48 Outro
Hello everybody, what is Trotskyism? A complicated question but I’ll try my best to give you an overview of the important parts. Essentially Trotskyism is the ideology of Leon Trotsky who was one of the leaders of the Russian revolution in 1917 and one of the two most likely candidates to succeed Lenin, the other one being Stalin who ended up ruling the USSR.
To understand Trotskyism, you need to understand what it builds on and that is both Marxism and Leninism. I went over this in that video already but for the sake of making this video be understandable on it’s own I will briefly go over both of them again.
Marxism essentially says that for a variety of reasons our capitalist industrialized society is divided among class lines, with the working class being exploited and oppressed by the capitalist class. When the economy and society become industrialized enough the workers will begin to overthrow the capitalists in a French revolution style takeover. After which they share everything and establish socialism.
Leninism on the other hand recognised the fact that in the country they were in, Russia in 1917, there was no large industrial worker’s army to lead a revolution. So, Lenin adapted Marxism to the reality he was experiencing. Now a party would be formed with all people who are educated on Marx and they would lead a revolution and take over the state on behalf of the working class. They would then keep the revolution safe and develop the industry until the workers were educated enough to take over and reach socialism.
Trotsky was a revolutionary along with other Bolsheviks. He was a strong supporter of Lenin and not a fan of Stalin. When Stalin came to power in the Soviet Union Trotsky began to criticise everything Stalin was doing. Eventually Stalin would exile Trotsky who ended up on Mexico were his ideas cemented and he formulated his beliefs in the ideology of Trotskyism. Trotsky was also assassinated on the order of Stalin a few years later.
Also, there are people who say Lenin wanted Trotsky to take over instead of Stalin, but this is based on the Lenin testament of which historians aren’t even sure if it’s real. Either way because Trotsky was still a socialist revolutionary while living outside of the USSR, he handily held a lot of speeches talking to people, so he made a 5-step explanation of what his ideology is supposed to be.
Trotskyism is an evolution of Leninism which itself is an evolution of Marxism. That’s why I summed both of those systems up before. Trotskyism keeps the belief in a vanguard party. The logic is that the people in non-industrial countries can’t lead their own revolution because they lack the experiences of an industrialized working class and the understanding of Marxist theory, so the party does it instead.
Trotsky supported the council system of the early USSR. Essentially all workers in one job and one region would form a council, called soviet which would send representatives to the parliament .I have a video that goes in depth about the democratic system of the USSR and how it changed over time.
This is of course a democratic system but the people who stood for election had to be members of the communist party. The idea was that this way only workers and educated Marxists could be elected, because if they allowed the people to vote for capitalist populist parties then they may lose the one socialist country in the world. This was justified as dictatorship of the proletariat.
According to Trotsky these are the 5 points which set his ideology apart from other Marxist theories. Let’s go over them and what they mean one by one.
Support for the strategy of permanent revolution, in opposition to the two-stage theory of his opponents.
So, the two-stage theory says that to achieve communism you need a lot of industry, famers can’t reach communism because the productivity is too low to create superabundance in which there is so much of everything that nobody has to work.
- published: 21 Feb 2021
- views: 152842
Trotskyism in 5 Minutes
In which we explain the political ideology of Leon Trotsky...poorly.
In which we explain the political ideology of Leon Trotsky...poorly.
In which we explain the political ideology of Leon Trotsky...poorly.
- published: 15 Oct 2016
- views: 145508
Understanding Trotskyism
Alex Grant is editor of the Canadian Marxist journal Fightback and a member of the International Marxist Tendency. In this interview he provides a primer on Tro...
Alex Grant is editor of the Canadian Marxist journal Fightback and a member of the International Marxist Tendency. In this interview he provides a primer on Trotskyism from the perspective of his own group, while tackling subjects such as the need for a transitionary period after the revolution, Cliffism, Permanent Revolution and why the working class has yet to emancipate itself.
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Zero Books Manifesto:
The modern world is at an impasse. Disasters scroll across our smartphone screens and we’re invited to like, follow or upvote, but critical thinking is harder and harder to find. Rather than connecting us in common struggle and debate, the internet has sped up and deepened a long-standing process of alienation and atomization.
Zer0 Books wants to work against this trend.
Alex Grant is editor of the Canadian Marxist journal Fightback and a member of the International Marxist Tendency. In this interview he provides a primer on Trotskyism from the perspective of his own group, while tackling subjects such as the need for a transitionary period after the revolution, Cliffism, Permanent Revolution and why the working class has yet to emancipate itself.
Support Zero Books on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/zerobooks
Subscribe: http://bit.ly/SubZeroBooks
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Zero Books Manifesto:
The modern world is at an impasse. Disasters scroll across our smartphone screens and we’re invited to like, follow or upvote, but critical thinking is harder and harder to find. Rather than connecting us in common struggle and debate, the internet has sped up and deepened a long-standing process of alienation and atomization.
Zer0 Books wants to work against this trend.
- published: 25 Nov 2020
- views: 11682
Leon Trotsky: Communism's True Believer
Check out Brilliant: http://brilliant.org/biographics
Check out my other channel TopTenz! https://www.youtube.com/user/toptenznet
→Subscribe for new videos fo...
Check out Brilliant: http://brilliant.org/biographics
Check out my other channel TopTenz! https://www.youtube.com/user/toptenznet
→Subscribe for new videos four times per week.
This video is sponsored by Brilliant.
Visit our companion website for more: http://biographics.org
Host - Simon Whistler
Author - Steve Theunissen
Producer - Jennifer Da Silva
Executive Producer - Shell Harris
Business inquiries to
[email protected]
Other Biographics Videos:
Napoleon Bonaparte: The Strategic Genius
Toussaint L’Ouverture: the Black Napoleon who Freed Haiti’s Slaves
Source/Further reading:
Isaac Deutscher: The Prophet: The Life of Leon Trotsky
Charles River Editors: Russian Legends: The Life and Legend of Leon Trotsky
Hourly History: Leon Trotsky: A Life from beginning to End
Check out Brilliant: http://brilliant.org/biographics
Check out my other channel TopTenz! https://www.youtube.com/user/toptenznet
→Subscribe for new videos four times per week.
This video is sponsored by Brilliant.
Visit our companion website for more: http://biographics.org
Host - Simon Whistler
Author - Steve Theunissen
Producer - Jennifer Da Silva
Executive Producer - Shell Harris
Business inquiries to
[email protected]
Other Biographics Videos:
Napoleon Bonaparte: The Strategic Genius
Toussaint L’Ouverture: the Black Napoleon who Freed Haiti’s Slaves
Source/Further reading:
Isaac Deutscher: The Prophet: The Life of Leon Trotsky
Charles River Editors: Russian Legends: The Life and Legend of Leon Trotsky
Hourly History: Leon Trotsky: A Life from beginning to End
- published: 17 Apr 2019
- views: 995868
What is Trotskyism? What do Trotskyite groups hold in common? How to Trotskyists seek to influence politics? What are their common methods of working, recruitin...
What is Trotskyism? What do Trotskyite groups hold in common? How to Trotskyists seek to influence politics? What are their common methods of working, recruiting, educating and indoctrinating well-defined and near-sacred shibboleths into members and new recruits?
John Kelly, author of "Contemporary Trotskyism: Parties, Sects and Social Movements in Britain", launched his critically acclaimed new book in Scotland at a Communist Party of Britain hosted public event. This was filmed on Friday 31st August 2018 at Unity Office, 72 Waterloo Street, Glasgow.
John Kelly teaches at the Department of Management, Birkbeck College, University of London. He has published widely on trade unions and the labour movement. Years of meticulous research and academic rigour are combined with a sympathetic and passionate Marxist outlook.
This live filmed presentation is a "tour de force", mirroring the unique and more detailed analysis of his new book. What is the structure and influence of modern British Trotskyism, and why is it so far so resilient?
What is Trotskyism? What do Trotskyite groups hold in common? How to Trotskyists seek to influence politics? What are their common methods of working, recruiting, educating and indoctrinating well-defined and near-sacred shibboleths into members and new recruits?
John Kelly, author of "Contemporary Trotskyism: Parties, Sects and Social Movements in Britain", launched his critically acclaimed new book in Scotland at a Communist Party of Britain hosted public event. This was filmed on Friday 31st August 2018 at Unity Office, 72 Waterloo Street, Glasgow.
John Kelly teaches at the Department of Management, Birkbeck College, University of London. He has published widely on trade unions and the labour movement. Years of meticulous research and academic rigour are combined with a sympathetic and passionate Marxist outlook.
This live filmed presentation is a "tour de force", mirroring the unique and more detailed analysis of his new book. What is the structure and influence of modern British Trotskyism, and why is it so far so resilient?
- published: 01 Sep 2018
- views: 26868
What if Trotsky Came To Power Instead Of Stalin? (Ft: Cypher the Cynical Historian)
Get your first audiobook and access to a monthly selection of Audible Originals for free when you try Audible for 30 days visit https://www.audible.com/althisto...
Get your first audiobook and access to a monthly selection of Audible Originals for free when you try Audible for 30 days visit https://www.audible.com/althistory or text "althistory" to 500 500!
Its often wondered what the Soviet Union could have become if just one man had taken over, instead of Stalin. A surprisingly long-lasting mythos of Trotsky. So what would actually had happened if he had taken over after Lenin? Here is one scenario.
Check Out Cyphers Myths of the USSR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97qO3g5MGmc&feature=youtu.be
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AltHistoryHub
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/AlternateHistoryHub
Get your first audiobook and access to a monthly selection of Audible Originals for free when you try Audible for 30 days visit https://www.audible.com/althistory or text "althistory" to 500 500!
Its often wondered what the Soviet Union could have become if just one man had taken over, instead of Stalin. A surprisingly long-lasting mythos of Trotsky. So what would actually had happened if he had taken over after Lenin? Here is one scenario.
Check Out Cyphers Myths of the USSR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97qO3g5MGmc&feature=youtu.be
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AltHistoryHub
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/AlternateHistoryHub
- published: 31 Jul 2020
- views: 1820733
Leon Trotsky - Soviet Politician | Minin Bio | BIO
Born Lev Davidovich Bronshtein on November 7, 1879, Leon Trotsky's revolutionary activity as a young man spurred his first of several ordered exiles to Siberia....
Born Lev Davidovich Bronshtein on November 7, 1879, Leon Trotsky's revolutionary activity as a young man spurred his first of several ordered exiles to Siberia. He waged Russia's 1917 revolution alongside Vladimir Lenin. As commissar of war in the new Soviet government, he helped defeat forces opposed to Bolshevik control. As the Soviet government developed, he engaged in a power struggle against Joseph Stalin, which he lost, leading to his exile again and, eventually, his murder. #Biography
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Biography.com captures the most gripping, surprising, and fascinating stories about famous people: The biggest break. The defining opportunity. The most shattering failure. The unexpected connection. The decision that changed everything. With over 7,000 biographies and daily features that highlight newsworthy and compelling points-of-view, we are the digital source for true stories about people that matter.
Leon Trotsky - Soviet Politician | Minin Bio | BIO
Born Lev Davidovich Bronshtein on November 7, 1879, Leon Trotsky's revolutionary activity as a young man spurred his first of several ordered exiles to Siberia. He waged Russia's 1917 revolution alongside Vladimir Lenin. As commissar of war in the new Soviet government, he helped defeat forces opposed to Bolshevik control. As the Soviet government developed, he engaged in a power struggle against Joseph Stalin, which he lost, leading to his exile again and, eventually, his murder. #Biography
Subscribe for more Biography: http://aetv.us/2AsWMPH
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Biography.com captures the most gripping, surprising, and fascinating stories about famous people: The biggest break. The defining opportunity. The most shattering failure. The unexpected connection. The decision that changed everything. With over 7,000 biographies and daily features that highlight newsworthy and compelling points-of-view, we are the digital source for true stories about people that matter.
Leon Trotsky - Soviet Politician | Minin Bio | BIO
- published: 26 Dec 2013
- views: 272569
Why Christopher Hitchens Called Himself a Trotskyist
Complete video at: http://fora.tv/2009/07/28/Uncommon_Knowledge_Christopher_Hitchens__Robert_Service
Author and journalist Christopher Hitchens defends calli...
Complete video at: http://fora.tv/2009/07/28/Uncommon_Knowledge_Christopher_Hitchens__Robert_Service
Author and journalist Christopher Hitchens defends calling himself a Trotskyist. Hitchens says Trotsky "combined in himself the role of man of action and man of ideas," and admires his opposition to Stalin and Hitler as "a person of immense emotional and physical courage."
Leon Trotsky, one of the leading figures of the Russian October Revolution, remains a controversial figure. For many, Trotsky's assassination in Mexico marked a tragedy in Soviet history, cutting off the possibility of a humane version of communism taking hold in Russia, with Trotsky himself arguing that he would have held back the tides of arbitrary rule and terror. But is that so? In answering this question and others about Trotsky's ideas, political defeat, and exile, Hitchens and Service speak to the very nature of communist ideology. - Hoover Institution
Christopher Hitchens is an author, journalist and literary critic. Now living in Washington, D.C., he has been a columnist at Vanity Fair, The Nation and Slate; additionally, he is an occasional contributor to many other publications.
Peter M. Robinson is a research fellow at the Hoover Institution, where he writes about business and politics, edits Hoover's quarterly journal, the Hoover Digest, and hosts Hoover's television program, Uncommon Knowledge.
Complete video at: http://fora.tv/2009/07/28/Uncommon_Knowledge_Christopher_Hitchens__Robert_Service
Author and journalist Christopher Hitchens defends calling himself a Trotskyist. Hitchens says Trotsky "combined in himself the role of man of action and man of ideas," and admires his opposition to Stalin and Hitler as "a person of immense emotional and physical courage."
Leon Trotsky, one of the leading figures of the Russian October Revolution, remains a controversial figure. For many, Trotsky's assassination in Mexico marked a tragedy in Soviet history, cutting off the possibility of a humane version of communism taking hold in Russia, with Trotsky himself arguing that he would have held back the tides of arbitrary rule and terror. But is that so? In answering this question and others about Trotsky's ideas, political defeat, and exile, Hitchens and Service speak to the very nature of communist ideology. - Hoover Institution
Christopher Hitchens is an author, journalist and literary critic. Now living in Washington, D.C., he has been a columnist at Vanity Fair, The Nation and Slate; additionally, he is an occasional contributor to many other publications.
Peter M. Robinson is a research fellow at the Hoover Institution, where he writes about business and politics, edits Hoover's quarterly journal, the Hoover Digest, and hosts Hoover's television program, Uncommon Knowledge.
- published: 11 Aug 2009
- views: 199720
Slavoj Zizek — Trotsky VS Lenin: How to Organise a Revolution
Zizek discusses the different approaches that Lenin and Trotsky took to setting in motion the Russian October Revolution, arguing that Trotsky's strategy focuse...
Zizek discusses the different approaches that Lenin and Trotsky took to setting in motion the Russian October Revolution, arguing that Trotsky's strategy focused on gaining control over basic cornerstones of society such as the food and water supplies. Zizek then argues that in our day and age, an effective revolution must also secure the existence of the commons, including new ones, such as the Internet.
Zizek discusses the different approaches that Lenin and Trotsky took to setting in motion the Russian October Revolution, arguing that Trotsky's strategy focused on gaining control over basic cornerstones of society such as the food and water supplies. Zizek then argues that in our day and age, an effective revolution must also secure the existence of the commons, including new ones, such as the Internet.
- published: 08 Jun 2020
- views: 62661