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Track or Tracks may refer to:

  • Trail
  • Animal tracks, imprints left on surfaces that an animal walk across
  • A conference track is a group of talks on a certain topic that are usually made in parallel with others
  • Trackway, an ancient route of travel or track used by animals
  • A vineyard track is a land estate (defined by law) meant for growing of vine grapes
  • Electronics and computing

  • Track (CD), consecutive set of sectors on the disc containing a block of data
  • Track (disk drive), a circular path on the surface of a disk or diskette on which information is recorded and read
  • Entertainment

  • Separate audio signals recorded in a recording studio
  • Tracks (1977 film), an American film starring Dennis Hopper
  • Tracks (2003 film), a 2003 animated short film
  • Tracks, a 2010 short drama action film
  • Tracks (2013 film), an Australian film starring Mia Wasikowska
  • Tracks (Oscar Peterson album), 1970
  • Tracks (Liverpool Express album), 1976
  • Tracks (Bruce Springsteen album), 1998
  • Tracks (Bomb the Bass and Jack Dangers album), 1998
  • Tracks (2003 film)

    "Tracks" is a 2003 animated short film by Corrie Francis Parks. The film is created with sand animation on a colored background, making it unique in the genre of sand animation films. The film features music from the group Iguewa Ni Mbia from Cameroon and is an impressionistic journey through the African savannah. The film has been shown at the Hiroshima International Animation Festival,Anima Mundi,Melbourne International Animation Festival and Tehran International Animation Festival


    Corrie Francis Parks studied animation at University of Southern California and is a freelance artist.

    External links

  • Tracks at the Internet Movie Database
  • Watch Tracks at AVNtv.com
  • Tracks (Oscar Peterson album)

    Tracks is a 1970 album by Oscar Peterson.

    Track listing

  • "Give Me the Simple Life" (Rube Bloom, Harry Ruby) – 3:59
  • "Basin Street Blues" (Spencer Williams) – 4:14
  • "Honeysuckle Rose" (Andy Razaf, Fats Waller) – 3:05
  • "Dancing on the Ceiling" (Lorenz Hart, Richard Rodgers) – 5:07
  • "A Child Is Born" (Thad Jones) – 2:35
  • "If I Should Lose You" (Ralph Rainger, Leo Robin) – 5:19
  • "A Little Jazz Exercise" (Oscar Peterson) – 2:43
  • "Django" (John Lewis) – 5:16
  • "Ja-Da" (Bob Carlton) – 4:17
  • "Just a Gigolo" (Julius Brammer, Irving Caesar, Leonello Casucci) – 5:27
  • Analysis

  • "Give Me the Simple Life" starts the album with a [block chord] technique.
  • "Basin Street Blues" is a slow stride addition to the album
  • "Honeysuckle Rose" utilizes an up-tempo rendition of the original song
  • "Dancing on the Ceiling" is the second slow-stride addition to the album,
  • "A Child Is Born" is a slow ballade-style setting, stating the melody, then improvising slightly on that melody.
  • If I Should Lose You" the improvisation is approached in a similar way to Basin Street Blues
  • Podcasts:

    • A lesson on how to pronounce 'guacamole'

      At Magic we play more of the songs you love. We keep the UK in a good mood whenever and wherever they listen by playing the best tracks from Elton John, Stevie Wonder, Ed Sheeran, Aretha Franklin, Whitney Houston, Take That, Motown and more. Tune in online at Magic.co.uk, with our App for iPhone, iPad and Android, on 105.4FM in London, across the UK on DAB Digital Radio, and on Freeview, Sky and Virgin Media. Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/magicradio/ Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/magicfm Follow us on Instagram: https://instagram.com/magicfm

      published: 05 Mar 2019
    • Bedouin - Set The Control For The Heart Of The Sun

      Out now on vinyl and digital release - https://lnk.to/CRM186 Bedouin is the Brooklyn-based production and DJ partnership between nomads Rami Abousabe and Tamer Malki. Bringing their unique spell of melodies and rhythms to Crosstown Rebels, they deliver their cover version of the famous Pink Floyd classic, Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun. Guy Gerber also steps in to deliver a deeply mystical dance floor remix. Sharing an eclectic sonic vision that pulls from diverse influences owing to their Middle Eastern heritage, Western upbringing, and world travels, here Bedouin deliver some of their best productions to date. “Getting the chance to play the song to Pink Floyd’s drummer Nick Mason personally and him liking it was very exciting for us. We're also happy to have the very talent...

      published: 25 Aug 2017
    • Swae Lee, Slim Jxmmi, Rae Sremmurd - Guatemala

      The video for “Guatemala” was shot a month before the country was hit by a devastating eruption. Interscope Records, on behalf of itself, EarDruma Records and Rae Sremmurd, will be donating $10,000 to the American Red Cross to provide relief, assistance, and care to all of those affected by this tragic event . If you would like to help, please click on the link below . Our hearts and prayers are with the people of Guatemala. http://www.redcross.org/donate/ The American Red Cross name and emblem are used with its permission, which in no way constitutes an endorsement, express or implied, of any product, service, company, opinion or political position. The American Red Cross logo is a registered trademark owned by the American National Red Cross. Subscribe for more: http://smarturl.it/...

      published: 21 Jun 2018
    • Lee Sahir - Guacamole

      Lee Sahir - Guacamole Artwork; le collectionneur de papillons by phantomderlust https://www.instagram.com/leesahir/ https://twitter.com/leesahir lyrics: hey yeh oh guacamole holy moley got the lean drippin [chorus] got the gas upon me pack upon me hey back up off me i got all the guap apon me guacamole holy moly got the lean dripping got the fees sippin the team trippin over all the competition got the gas upon me the pack upon me back up off me i got all the guap upon me guacamole holy moly got the lean dripping got the fees sipping the teams tripping over all the competition hey ballin' like im larry flyer than a bird of magic as a farie from different planet see the move i make ya'll can never plan it lately i been learning meditating medicating educating this a public service serv...

      published: 10 Apr 2018
    • Dr. Morse's Guacamole - Happy Birthday Dr. Morse! | Rawmunchies.org | Raw Vegan Recipes

      Happy Birthday Dr. Morse! This amazing guacamole is my favorite! It's a recipe by Dr. Robert Morse, ND, whose diet has inspired me to this amazing lifestyle. Thank you for writing The Detox Miracle Sourcebook and happy birthday! Right are given to Dr. Morse's Herbal Health Club to repost this video and use its content in any way they see fit. Link to book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Detox-Miracle-Sourcebook-Complete-Regeneration-x/dp/189077233X *Music Rights: The intro music is a fully owned product of Rawmunchies.org, and may not be distributed without permission. Music tracks within video may vary and are purchased under full Youtube license. This video's music track information: "Inspiring Uplifting Happy Acoustic" by ArtHaiz under Music Standard License. Books: http://rawmunchies.org...

      published: 12 Apr 2017
    • thank you, brent - ARIANA GRANDE PARODY | Brent Rivera

      LIKE THIS VIDEO if you're FOREVER SINGLE ! AND, If you're new here, don't forget to subscribe for weekly videos! Welcome to the fam! if you see this, COMMENT 'thank you, brent" hang out with me on social media: SnapChat, Add me: TheBrentRivera Instagram: @BrentRivera Twitter: @BrentRivera Facebook: @BrentRivera TikTok: @BrentRivera Subscribe to my friends: Lexi Hensler: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-O9o5coq8iFSVthivq__tw Ben Azelart: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwVg9btOceLQuNCdoQk9CXg/featured Stokes Twins: https://www.youtube.com/user/alanalan9635 Music Production by LEX I have all rights to use this audio in this video according to Final Cut Pro's/YouTube's "terms of use."

      published: 15 Dec 2018
    A lesson on how to pronounce 'guacamole'

    A lesson on how to pronounce 'guacamole'

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:59
    • Uploaded Date: 05 Mar 2019
    • views: 969
    At Magic we play more of the songs you love. We keep the UK in a good mood whenever and wherever they listen by playing the best tracks from Elton John, Stevie Wonder, Ed Sheeran, Aretha Franklin, Whitney Houston, Take That, Motown and more. Tune in online at Magic.co.uk, with our App for iPhone, iPad and Android, on 105.4FM in London, across the UK on DAB Digital Radio, and on Freeview, Sky and Virgin Media. Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/magicradio/ Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/magicfm Follow us on Instagram: https://instagram.com/magicfm
    Bedouin - Set The Control For The Heart Of The Sun

    Bedouin - Set The Control For The Heart Of The Sun

    • Order:
    • Duration: 7:36
    • Uploaded Date: 25 Aug 2017
    • views: 469218
    Out now on vinyl and digital release - https://lnk.to/CRM186 Bedouin is the Brooklyn-based production and DJ partnership between nomads Rami Abousabe and Tamer Malki. Bringing their unique spell of melodies and rhythms to Crosstown Rebels, they deliver their cover version of the famous Pink Floyd classic, Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun. Guy Gerber also steps in to deliver a deeply mystical dance floor remix. Sharing an eclectic sonic vision that pulls from diverse influences owing to their Middle Eastern heritage, Western upbringing, and world travels, here Bedouin deliver some of their best productions to date. “Getting the chance to play the song to Pink Floyd’s drummer Nick Mason personally and him liking it was very exciting for us. We're also happy to have the very talented and our good friend Guy Gerber to be the first ever to remix one of our tracks. The b-side, ‘Guacamole’, is an original track conceived in Mexico and made for the dance floor.” In 2016, as well as touring the world extensively, Bedouin curated a compilation entitled Kindisch Stories and had the honour of recording an Essential Mix for Pete Tong’s BBC Radio 1 show. 2017 saw the launch of their brand SAGA at Heart Ibiza, where they turn Ibiza Sundays into a mirage of musical odysseys. Guy Gerber also runs his highly successful Rumors party in Ibiza on Sundays, which takes the same name as his acclaimed record label.
    Swae Lee, Slim Jxmmi, Rae Sremmurd - Guatemala

    Swae Lee, Slim Jxmmi, Rae Sremmurd - Guatemala

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:45
    • Uploaded Date: 21 Jun 2018
    • views: 111344207
    The video for “Guatemala” was shot a month before the country was hit by a devastating eruption. Interscope Records, on behalf of itself, EarDruma Records and Rae Sremmurd, will be donating $10,000 to the American Red Cross to provide relief, assistance, and care to all of those affected by this tragic event . If you would like to help, please click on the link below . Our hearts and prayers are with the people of Guatemala. http://www.redcross.org/donate/ The American Red Cross name and emblem are used with its permission, which in no way constitutes an endorsement, express or implied, of any product, service, company, opinion or political position. The American Red Cross logo is a registered trademark owned by the American National Red Cross. Subscribe for more: http://smarturl.it/RaeSremmurdYT "SR3MM" out now http://smarturl.it/SR3MM Music video by Swae Lee, Slim Jxmmi, Rae Sremmurd performing Guatemala. © 2018 Eardruma Records/Interscope Records http://vevo.ly/HnsVZw
    Lee Sahir - Guacamole

    Lee Sahir - Guacamole

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:01
    • Uploaded Date: 10 Apr 2018
    • views: 185
    Lee Sahir - Guacamole Artwork; le collectionneur de papillons by phantomderlust https://www.instagram.com/leesahir/ https://twitter.com/leesahir lyrics: hey yeh oh guacamole holy moley got the lean drippin [chorus] got the gas upon me pack upon me hey back up off me i got all the guap apon me guacamole holy moly got the lean dripping got the fees sippin the team trippin over all the competition got the gas upon me the pack upon me back up off me i got all the guap upon me guacamole holy moly got the lean dripping got the fees sipping the teams tripping over all the competition hey ballin' like im larry flyer than a bird of magic as a farie from different planet see the move i make ya'll can never plan it lately i been learning meditating medicating educating this a public service service in the reverse im swerving in and out the lane you claim you occupying aiming brave as david i could stop goliath in the path in which you walk fuck that shit you talking i could leave a body in the line you chalking im macaulay culkin hey i been home alone the studio been jumping bet the trunk is thumpin death to someone coming for my title you arrival no discussion me no conversation ey all my shooters get to dumpin if i tell em thought that it was basic ey now that you know it aint nobody that aint my target im a magic carpet ey i can see i new world in the distance if you got the juice then you bet im drinking bitch cos my existance dont need no assistance [chorus] promised mama ill be living immaculate hang no vacancy signs on the cabinet soon im eating and peepin this average is scaveraging after the last fucking crumb in the package and trapped in the patterin i finese and [?] your faculty feeling fly as aladin and [?] you lyin you lyin im living the life of a legend i know that you mad a me call me your majesty ey never ball driving people im travelling this is a travesty ey runnin the track like an actual athelete ey charged up and i never run out of batteries come through the door like a battering ram i need my commas dont care for your compliments truthfully not with the flattery fam woah keep the fuck shit that aint how we function that aint no discussion thats just so disgusting i can cause concussions kinda like confusious hold my robe [?] your too pint size im a whole leader and i dont need a riff to hold me fuss you cant show me nothing how you in the back and your homies fronting pardon me im stuntin. [chorus] BLACKHAND MUSIC 🕷 Does this warm your cold, cold heart? Like it/dislike it. Don’t forget to subscribe. BLACKHAND MUSIC; Hundreds of tracks, hundreds of hours of underground and alternative music. Only interested in listening to something that’s got an edge to it. A rawness. no care for what genre…dubstep, dub, electro, house, future house, trap, drum & bass, alternative, hip hop, as long as it's got depth, an edge. The grittiest, trippy-est darkest playlists and mixes going. If it's offensive, raw and pure. Close your eyes and let the deep bass seep in. Listen to playlists for prolongued exposure and more carefully extracted lyrical venom. Get recognition. Stand out. Music uploaded is Copyrighted and advertisments (if any) shown here pay the artist who has claimed the copyrights. Love, hate and objections to this exposure, get in touch; YTblackhandmusic@gmail.com Please don’t flag the channel. Your requests will be respected. Genre focus: Anger, pain, drugs, trip, music, women, gang, dark, grit, venom, anger, bass, glitch, slew, beats, bass, money, mulla, shorty, bussin, ballin, rapper, bit, rich, dftwk. Tweet: https://twitter.com/BLACKHAND_ML SUBMIT/REQUEST MUSIC: YTblackhandmusic@gmail.com
    Dr. Morse's Guacamole - Happy Birthday Dr. Morse! | Rawmunchies.org | Raw Vegan Recipes

    Dr. Morse's Guacamole - Happy Birthday Dr. Morse! | Rawmunchies.org | Raw Vegan Recipes

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:05
    • Uploaded Date: 12 Apr 2017
    • views: 1926
    Happy Birthday Dr. Morse! This amazing guacamole is my favorite! It's a recipe by Dr. Robert Morse, ND, whose diet has inspired me to this amazing lifestyle. Thank you for writing The Detox Miracle Sourcebook and happy birthday! Right are given to Dr. Morse's Herbal Health Club to repost this video and use its content in any way they see fit. Link to book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Detox-Miracle-Sourcebook-Complete-Regeneration-x/dp/189077233X *Music Rights: The intro music is a fully owned product of Rawmunchies.org, and may not be distributed without permission. Music tracks within video may vary and are purchased under full Youtube license. This video's music track information: "Inspiring Uplifting Happy Acoustic" by ArtHaiz under Music Standard License. Books: http://rawmunchies.org/books/ http://reutbarak.com/books Website: http://www.rawmunchies.org Twitter: https://twitter.com/RawMunchies Pinterest: https://uk.pinterest.com/rawmunchies/raw-munchies-mission-raw Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RawMMunchies/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raw_munchies/ #Raw #Vegan #RECIPE #Youtube #Video #Rawmunchies #rawvegan #glutenfree #youtubevideo #youtuberecipe #youtuber references: Dr. Morse Diet: https://www.amazon.com/Detox-Miracle-Sourcebook-Complete-Regeneration/dp/1935826190/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1468406788&sr=8-1&keywords=detox+miracle+sourcebook+dr+robert+morse+n.d https://www.drmorsesherbalhealthclub.com http://www.rawfigs.com/ #youtubevideo #youtuber #rawmunchies #rawveganrecipe #recipe #guacamole #drmorse
    thank you, brent - ARIANA GRANDE PARODY | Brent Rivera

    thank you, brent - ARIANA GRANDE PARODY | Brent Rivera

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:06
    • Uploaded Date: 15 Dec 2018
    • views: 30216404
    LIKE THIS VIDEO if you're FOREVER SINGLE ! AND, If you're new here, don't forget to subscribe for weekly videos! Welcome to the fam! if you see this, COMMENT 'thank you, brent" hang out with me on social media: SnapChat, Add me: TheBrentRivera Instagram: @BrentRivera Twitter: @BrentRivera Facebook: @BrentRivera TikTok: @BrentRivera Subscribe to my friends: Lexi Hensler: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-O9o5coq8iFSVthivq__tw Ben Azelart: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwVg9btOceLQuNCdoQk9CXg/featured Stokes Twins: https://www.youtube.com/user/alanalan9635 Music Production by LEX I have all rights to use this audio in this video according to Final Cut Pro's/YouTube's "terms of use."
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    Track or Tracks may refer to:

  • Trail
  • Animal tracks, imprints left on surfaces that an animal walk across
  • A conference track is a group of talks on a certain topic that are usually made in parallel with others
  • Trackway, an ancient route of travel or track used by animals
  • A vineyard track is a land estate (defined by law) meant for growing of vine grapes
  • Electronics and computing

  • Track (CD), consecutive set of sectors on the disc containing a block of data
  • Track (disk drive), a circular path on the surface of a disk or diskette on which information is recorded and read
  • Entertainment

  • Separate audio signals recorded in a recording studio
  • Tracks (1977 film), an American film starring Dennis Hopper
  • Tracks (2003 film), a 2003 animated short film
  • Tracks, a 2010 short drama action film
  • Tracks (2013 film), an Australian film starring Mia Wasikowska
  • Tracks (Oscar Peterson album), 1970
  • Tracks (Liverpool Express album), 1976
  • Tracks (Bruce Springsteen album), 1998
  • Tracks (Bomb the Bass and Jack Dangers album), 1998
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