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A parachute is a device used to slow the motion of an object through an atmosphere by creating drag (or in the case of ram-air parachutes, aerodynamic lift). Parachutes are usually made out of light, strong cloth, originally silk, now most commonly nylon. Depending on the situation, parachutes are used with a variety of loads, including people, food, equipment, space capsules, and bombs.

Drogue chutes are used to aid horizontal deceleration of a vehicle (a fixed-wing aircraft, or a drag racer), or to provide stability (certain types of light aircraft in distress; tandem free-fall).

Early Renaissance

The earliest evidence for the parachute dates back to the Renaissance period. The oldest parachute design appears in an anonymous manuscript from 1470s Renaissance Italy (British Museum Add. MSS 34,113, fol. 200v), showing a free-hanging man clutching a cross bar frame attached to a conical canopy. As a safety measure, four straps run from the ends of the rods to a waist belt. The design is a marked improvement over another folio (189v), which depicts a man trying to break the force of his fall by the means of two long cloth streamers fastened to two bars which he grips with his hands. Although the surface area of the parachute design appears to be too small to offer effective resistance to the friction of the air and the wooden base-frame is superfluous and potentially harmful, the revolutionary character of the new concept is obvious.

List of Game & Watch games

This is a list of Game & Watch games released by Nintendo, along with their format and date of release, if known. See lists of video games for related lists. Several of these games were collected and re-released as ports for the Game & Watch Gallery series for Game Boy, Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance. The games also were re-released as stand-alone titles for the Nintendo Mini Classics series in the late 1990s. Digital versions of the games were created as DSiWare which was released for Nintendo DSi in 2009 (2010 internationally) and for Nintendo 3DS in 2011.




Ball, also known as Toss-Up, is a Game & Watch game released as a part of the Silver series on April 28, 1980. It was the first Game & Watch game. It is a single-screen single-player Game & Watch.

It was rereleased exclusively via Club Nintendo to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Game & Watch, with the Club Nintendo logo on the back. Unlike the original release, this version includes a mute switch. For members of the Japanese Club Nintendo, after an announcement in November 2009, it was shipped in April 2010 to Platinum members. For members of the North American Club Nintendo, it was available for 1200 coins from February 2011. For members of the European Club Nintendo, it was available for 7500 stars from November 2011.

Parachute (Cheryl Cole song)

"Parachute" is a song by English recording artist Cheryl Cole. It was co-written by Marshall Altman and Ingrid Michaelson and recorded for Cole's debut studio album 3 Words (2009). The song was released on 11 March 2010 as the album's third and final single. "Parachute" became Cole's third consecutive solo UK top 5 hit, and her third Irish top 10 hit. It was nominated for a Brit Award in 2011.


"Parachute" is an up-tempo song written by Ingrid Michaelson and Marshall Altman which combines R&B rhythms with pop melodies. It also makes use of military percussion,strings and a big pop music-hook with quirky melodic verses that were compared to "3" by Britney Spears. The melody was said to resemble "beats from the Argentine Tango" whilst Cole makes use of auto-tuning for her vocals. It was initially put forward as one of the options for the lead single of the album but "Fight for This Love" was chosen instead.

Lyrically the song was criticised for being "mundane" but also well written enough to "get horribly stuck in everyone's heads". The song has an overall "tender and mourningful" theme. Critics noted that "Parachute" was one of several songs on the album where there "lurks a deeper undertow of paranoia". Cole also said that the song contains her favourite lyric from the album; "you are your own worst enemy, you'll never win the fight". Other lyrics such as "I don't need a parachute, baby if I got you" led to the song being labelled "sultry" as the subject of the lyrics appeared to be Cole's spouse Ashley though at the time the couple had announced their separation. The timing of the single release was described as "bittersweet" due to the "talk about being safe in the love of another person" in the lyrics.


  • Hotstar Specials | Parachute Trailer | Streaming From November 29 | Disney+ Hotstar

    Thrill! Fun and an emotional roller coaster! Parachute landing on November 29th on Disney+ Hotstar! #Parachute | #disneyplushotstartamil

    published: 14 Nov 2024
  • #HotstarSpecials Parachute | full episode 1 & 2 | all episodes out now on #DisneyPlusHotstar

    All Episodes out now on Disney+ Hotstar Watch Now: https://hotstar.com/1271336407 #Parachute #ParachutePayanangal #ParachuteOnHotstar

    published: 04 Dec 2024
  • Use garbage bags and drink bottle caps to make fun parachutes for children. Come and play with the

    Use garbage bags and drink bottle caps to make fun parachutes for children. Come and play with the

    published: 22 Mar 2024
  • Cheryl Cole - Parachute

    New album A Million Lights Out Now: http://smarturl.it/cherylmillionitunes New single Call My Name Out Now: http://bit.ly/CallMyNameiTunes STANDARD iTunes http://smarturl.it/cherylmillionitunes Amazon: http://smarturl.it/cherylmillionam Play: http://smarturl.it/CherylPlay HMV: http://smarturl.it/cherylmillionhmv Connect with Cheryl: http://www.cherylcole.com http://www.twitter.com/cherylcole http://www.facebook.com/cherylcole Music video by Cheryl Cole performing Parachute. (C) 2010 Polydor Ltd. (UK)

    published: 02 Feb 2010
  • Parachute

    Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group Parachute · Chris Stapleton Traveller ℗ 2015 Mercury Records, a Division of UMG Recordings, Inc. Released on: 2015-05-04 Producer, Associated Performer, Acoustic Guitar, Percussion: Dave Cobb Producer, Associated Performer, Vocals, Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Mandolin: Chris Stapleton Studio Personnel, Engineer, Mixer: Vance Powell Studio Personnel, Asst. Recording Engineer: Sorrel Brigman Studio Personnel, Asst. Recording Engineer: Steve Blackmon Studio Personnel, Asst. Recording Engineer, Assistant Mixer: Eddie Spear Studio Personnel, Asst. Recording Engineer: Drew Long Associated Performer, Drums, Percussion: Derek Mixon Associated Performer, Bass ( Vocal): J.T. Cure Associated Performer, Harmonica: Mickey Rap...

    published: 24 Jul 2018
  • John K - parachute (Official Audio)

    "love + everything else" available at: https://JohnK.lnk.to/love_everythingelse John K online: https://www.instagram.com/johnkmusic/ https://www.facebook.com/musicbyjohnk/ https://twitter.com/johnk Lyrics: Vibing We could talk all night or sit in silence Watching shitty movies Getting high and laughing about nothing much at all And that’s cool with me Losing control but I like it Whatcha doin to me, doin to me You got a hold of my psyche And that’s alright with me I don’t know what’s happening... Lately I’ve been someone and it ain’t myself I’m spending all my time on somebody else I’m feelin all these feelings I don’t understand You’re the one good thing I ain’t questioning Like oooh, if I knew that it would kill me I would still be there a thousand times over If that’s the cons...

    published: 13 Nov 2020
  • If Your Parachute Fails… 😨

    published: 22 Jun 2024
  • VOD - Parachute

    published: 17 Dec 2024
  • MINI Parachute Making Tutorial 🪂 #shorts

    published: 02 May 2023
Hotstar Specials | Parachute Trailer | Streaming From November 29 |  Disney+ Hotstar

Hotstar Specials | Parachute Trailer | Streaming From November 29 | Disney+ Hotstar

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:44
  • Uploaded Date: 14 Nov 2024
  • views: 3645626
Thrill! Fun and an emotional roller coaster! Parachute landing on November 29th on Disney+ Hotstar! #Parachute | #disneyplushotstartamil
#HotstarSpecials Parachute  | full episode 1 & 2 | all episodes out now on #DisneyPlusHotstar

#HotstarSpecials Parachute | full episode 1 & 2 | all episodes out now on #DisneyPlusHotstar

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:05:26
  • Uploaded Date: 04 Dec 2024
  • views: 249197
All Episodes out now on Disney+ Hotstar Watch Now: https://hotstar.com/1271336407 #Parachute #ParachutePayanangal #ParachuteOnHotstar
Use garbage bags and drink bottle caps to make fun parachutes for children. Come and play with the

Use garbage bags and drink bottle caps to make fun parachutes for children. Come and play with the

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:30
  • Uploaded Date: 22 Mar 2024
  • views: 149302221
Use garbage bags and drink bottle caps to make fun parachutes for children. Come and play with the
Cheryl Cole - Parachute

Cheryl Cole - Parachute

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:57
  • Uploaded Date: 02 Feb 2010
  • views: 51032090
New album A Million Lights Out Now: http://smarturl.it/cherylmillionitunes New single Call My Name Out Now: http://bit.ly/CallMyNameiTunes STANDARD iTunes http://smarturl.it/cherylmillionitunes Amazon: http://smarturl.it/cherylmillionam Play: http://smarturl.it/CherylPlay HMV: http://smarturl.it/cherylmillionhmv Connect with Cheryl: http://www.cherylcole.com http://www.twitter.com/cherylcole http://www.facebook.com/cherylcole Music video by Cheryl Cole performing Parachute. (C) 2010 Polydor Ltd. (UK)


  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:14
  • Uploaded Date: 24 Jul 2018
  • views: 47690057
Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group Parachute · Chris Stapleton Traveller ℗ 2015 Mercury Records, a Division of UMG Recordings, Inc. Released on: 2015-05-04 Producer, Associated Performer, Acoustic Guitar, Percussion: Dave Cobb Producer, Associated Performer, Vocals, Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Mandolin: Chris Stapleton Studio Personnel, Engineer, Mixer: Vance Powell Studio Personnel, Asst. Recording Engineer: Sorrel Brigman Studio Personnel, Asst. Recording Engineer: Steve Blackmon Studio Personnel, Asst. Recording Engineer, Assistant Mixer: Eddie Spear Studio Personnel, Asst. Recording Engineer: Drew Long Associated Performer, Drums, Percussion: Derek Mixon Associated Performer, Bass ( Vocal): J.T. Cure Associated Performer, Harmonica: Mickey Raphael Associated Performer, Pedal Steel: Robby Turner Associated Performer, Piano: Mike Webb Associated Performer, Background Vocalist: Morgane Stapleton Composer Lyricist: Chris Stapleton Composer Lyricist: Jim Beavers Auto-generated by YouTube.
John K - parachute (Official Audio)

John K - parachute (Official Audio)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:39
  • Uploaded Date: 13 Nov 2020
  • views: 2377515
"love + everything else" available at: https://JohnK.lnk.to/love_everythingelse John K online: https://www.instagram.com/johnkmusic/ https://www.facebook.com/musicbyjohnk/ https://twitter.com/johnk Lyrics: Vibing We could talk all night or sit in silence Watching shitty movies Getting high and laughing about nothing much at all And that’s cool with me Losing control but I like it Whatcha doin to me, doin to me You got a hold of my psyche And that’s alright with me I don’t know what’s happening... Lately I’ve been someone and it ain’t myself I’m spending all my time on somebody else I’m feelin all these feelings I don’t understand You’re the one good thing I ain’t questioning Like oooh, if I knew that it would kill me I would still be there a thousand times over If that’s the consequence of loving you Then I would fall without a parachute Da da, dadadada da da, dadadada da da Then I would fall without a parachute Da da, dadadada da da, dadadada da da Fingers wrapped around me And I’m thinkin three words Got me thinkin diamonds And I usually take my time I just can’t believe it All the ways that you blow my mind Everyone can see it Lately I’ve been someone and it ain’t myself I’m spending all my time on somebody else I’m feelin all these feelings I don’t understand You’re the one good thing I ain’t questioning Like oooh, if I knew that it would kill me I would still be there a thousand times over If that’s the consequence of loving you Then I would fall without a parachute Da da, dadadada da da, dadadada da da Then I would fall without a parachute Da da, dadadada da da, dadadada da da Then I would fall without a parachute (C) 2020 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment #JohnK #loveandeverythingelse #parachute
If Your Parachute Fails… 😨

If Your Parachute Fails… 😨

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:29
  • Uploaded Date: 22 Jun 2024
  • views: 24950146
VOD - Parachute

VOD - Parachute

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:16
  • Uploaded Date: 17 Dec 2024
  • views: 96
MINI Parachute Making Tutorial 🪂 #shorts

MINI Parachute Making Tutorial 🪂 #shorts

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:26
  • Uploaded Date: 02 May 2023
  • views: 2020746
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Hotstar Specials | Parachute Trailer | Streaming From November 29 | Disney+ Hotstar

Thrill! Fun and an emotional roller coaster! Parachute landing on November 29th on Disney+ Hotstar! #Parachute | #disneyplushotstartamil
Hotstar Specials | Parachute Trailer | Streaming From November 29 | Disney+ Hotstar
Thrill! Fun and an emotional roller coaster! Parachute landing on November 29th on Disney...
published: 14 Nov 2024
Play in Full Screen
#HotstarSpecials Parachute | full episode 1 & 2 | all episodes out now on #DisneyPlusHotstar
All Episodes out now on Disney+ Hotstar Watch Now: https://hotstar.com/1271336407 #Parach...
published: 04 Dec 2024
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Use garbage bags and drink bottle caps to make fun parachutes for children. Come and play with the
Use garbage bags and drink bottle caps to make fun parachutes for children. Come and play ...
published: 22 Mar 2024
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Cheryl Cole - Parachute
New album A Million Lights Out Now: http://smarturl.it/cherylmillionitunes New single Call...
published: 02 Feb 2010
Play in Full Screen
Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group Parachute · Chris Stapleton Traveller ℗ 20...
published: 24 Jul 2018
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John K - parachute (Official Audio)
"love + everything else" available at: https://JohnK.lnk.to/love_everythingelse John K on...
published: 13 Nov 2020
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If Your Parachute Fails… 😨
published: 22 Jun 2024
Play in Full Screen
VOD - Parachute
published: 17 Dec 2024
Play in Full Screen
MINI Parachute Making Tutorial 🪂 #shorts
published: 02 May 2023
Play in Full Screen


A parachute is a device used to slow the motion of an object through an atmosphere by creating drag (or in the case of ram-air parachutes, aerodynamic lift). Parachutes are usually made out of light, strong cloth, originally silk, now most commonly nylon. Depending on the situation, parachutes are used with a variety of loads, including people, food, equipment, space capsules, and bombs.

Drogue chutes are used to aid horizontal deceleration of a vehicle (a fixed-wing aircraft, or a drag racer), or to provide stability (certain types of light aircraft in distress; tandem free-fall).

Early Renaissance

The earliest evidence for the parachute dates back to the Renaissance period. The oldest parachute design appears in an anonymous manuscript from 1470s Renaissance Italy (British Museum Add. MSS 34,113, fol. 200v), showing a free-hanging man clutching a cross bar frame attached to a conical canopy. As a safety measure, four straps run from the ends of the rods to a waist belt. The design is a marked improvement over another folio (189v), which depicts a man trying to break the force of his fall by the means of two long cloth streamers fastened to two bars which he grips with his hands. Although the surface area of the parachute design appears to be too small to offer effective resistance to the friction of the air and the wooden base-frame is superfluous and potentially harmful, the revolutionary character of the new concept is obvious.

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