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Ola (album)

Ola is the third album released by Swedish pop singer Ola.

The self-titled album Ola was released in Sweden in September 2010, and debuted at #3 in the official Swedish album chart. It is the first release on Ola's own label Oliniho Records, after buying himself out of his deal with Universal Music. It spawned three hit singles, "Unstoppable", "Overdrive" and "All Over The World", which was Ola's first international single release. The similarity between "All Over The World" and "Somebody To Love" by Justin Bieber is often noted, but believed to be coincidence, as the two were released at the same time.

The album also contained a track, "Let It Hit You", composed by Ola with regular collaborator Alexander Kronlund and British artist Labrinth.

Track listing

  • "All Over the World" (3:53)
  • "Unstoppable (The Return of Natalie)" (3:01)
  • "You're That Girl (YTG)" 3:23)
  • "Riot" (3:22)
  • "Overdrive" (3:39)
  • "Beautiful Rain" (3:49)
  • "Busy Doing Nothing" (3:40)
  • "Still Remember" (3:45)
  • "Let It Hit You" (3:36)
  • Referee

    A referee is the person of authority in a variety of sports who is responsible for presiding over the game from a neutral point of view and making on-the-fly decisions that enforce the rules of the sport, including sportsmanship decisions such as ejection. The official tasked with this job may be known, in addition to referee, by a variety of other titles as well (often depending on the sport), including umpire, judge, arbiter, arbitrator, linesman, commissaire, timekeeper, touch judge or Technical Official (by the International Olympic Committee).


    The term referee originated in association football. Originally the team captains would consult with each other in order to resolve any dispute on the pitch. Eventually this role was delegated to an umpire. Each team would bring their own partisan umpire allowing the team captains to concentrate on the game. Later, the referee, a third "neutral" official was added, this referee would be "referred to" if the umpires could not resolve a dispute. The referee did not take his place on the pitch until 1891, when the umpires became linesmen (now assistant referees). Today, in many amateur football matches, each side will still supply their own partisan assistant referees (still commonly called club linesmen) to assist the neutral referee appointed by the governing football association if one or both assistant referees are not provided. In this case, the role of the linesmen is limited to indicating out of play and cannot decide off side.


    Gunge as it is known in the British Isles, or slime as it is known in America and most English-speaking areas of the world, is a thick, gooey, yet runny substance with a consistency somewhere between that of paint and custard. It has been a feature on many children's programmes for many years around the world and has made appearances in game shows as well as other programming. While gunge mostly appears on television, it can also be used as a fundraising tool for charities, youth and religious groups. Gunge tanks have appeared at nightclubs and Fun Days. The British charities Comic Relief and Children in Need, supported by the BBC, have used gunge for fundraising in the past. In America, slime is sometimes associated with Nickelodeon, even having several game shows revolving around it, such as Slime Time Live. In most countries, being gunged is seen as a forfeit with the aim to cause embarrassment. In contrast, being slimed in America can be a good thing as well as a bad thing. Overall the main point of being gunged or slimed is to cause mess.

    Slime (brand)

    Slime is a publicly owned American business known for its tire sealant and other tire care products. Its headquarters are in the Central Coast of California.


    In 1989 on the central coast of California, Steve Cegelski began blending and bottling tire sealants by hand with a power drill and drywall blade in his garage. Focused on aiding local mountain bikers and off-roaders, the sealant was often referred to as “that green slimy stuff.” The Slime name stuck and the green color became an intentional statement of the company's commitment to creating an environmentally safe product. The product line developed to include automotive applications and tire care accessories, and now comprises a wide variety of products.

    In 2010, Friend Skoler & Company sold their majority share of Slime to Illinois Tool Works. Slime is now managed under ITW's Accessories Marketing business unit. Along with Genuine Innovations, Slime is the only bicycle related business that ITW owns.


    Slime is primarily known for their green tire sealant, composed of fibers, binders, and proprietary clogging agents that build up and intertwine to seal punctures in inner tubes and tires. Fibro-Seal Technology is the basis of the sealant. When a puncture occurs, sealant is carried to the puncture site by the escaping air, forming a plug that stops air loss.

    Slime mold

    Slime mold or slime mould is an informal name given to several kinds of unrelated eukaryotic organisms that can live freely as single cells, but aggregate together to form multicellular reproductive structures. Slime molds were formerly classified as fungi but are no longer considered part of that kingdom. Although not related to one another, they are still sometimes grouped for convenience within the paraphyletic group referred to as kingdom Protista.

    More than 900 species of slime mold occur all over the world. Their common name refers to part of some of these organisms' life cycles where they can appear as gelatinous "slime". This is mostly seen with the myxogastria, which are the only macroscopic slime molds. Most slime molds are smaller than a few centimeters, but some species may reach sizes of up to several square meters and masses of up to 30 grams.

    Many slime molds, namely the "cellular" slime molds, actually do not spend most of their time in this state. As long as food is abundant, these slime molds exist as single-celled organisms. When food is in short supply, many of these single-celled organisms will congregate and start moving as a single body. In this state they are sensitive to airborne chemicals and can detect food sources. They can readily change the shape and function of parts and may form stalks that produce fruiting bodies, releasing countless spores, light enough to be carried on the wind or hitch a ride on passing animals.

    Music (Erick Sermon and Marvin Gaye song)

    "Music" is a 2001 hit single by Erick Sermon featuring archived vocals from Marvin Gaye.

    The song was thought of by Sermon after buying a copy of Gaye's Midnight Love and the Sexual Healing Sessions album, which overlook some of the original album's earlier mixes. After listening to an outtake of Gaye's 1982 album track, "Turn On Some Music" (titled "I've Got My Music" in its initial version), Sermon decided to mix the vocals (done in a cappella) and add it into his own song. The result was similar to Natalie Cole's interpolation of her father, jazz great Nat "King" Cole's hit, "Unforgettable" revisioned as a duet. The hip hop and soul duet featuring the two veteran performers was released as the leading song of the soundtrack to the Martin Lawrence & Danny DeVito comedy, "What's the Worst That Could Happen?" The song became a runaway success rising to #2 on Billboard's R&B chart and was #1 on the rap charts. It also registered at #21 pop giving Sermon his highest-charted single on the pop charts as a solo artist and giving Gaye his first posthumous hit in 10 years following 1991's R&B-charted single, "My Last Chance" also bringing Gaye his 41st top 40 pop hit. There is also a version that's played on Adult R&B stations that removes Erick Sermon's rap verses. The song was featured in the 2011 Matthew McConaughey film The Lincoln Lawyer.

    Music (Erick Sermon album)

    Music is the fourth album and first album on J Records by hip hop artist Erick Sermon. It was received well critically and commercially. Its success was fueled by its title track "Music" which sampled vocals from Marvin Gaye and in terms of chart position is Sermon's most popular song, peaking at #22, along with inclusion on the soundtrack of the Martin Lawrence/Danny DeVito film What's the Worst That Could Happen?; the music video for the song featured scenes from the film intermixed with clips of Gaye performing in archived music videos and music programs. "Music" propelled the album to reach #33 on The Billboard 200 chart making it Sermon's second most popular solo album.

    Track listing


    Come Thru

  • "Freddie's Dead" by Curtis Mayfield
  • Music

  • "I've Got My Music" (Original Vocal Version of "Turn On Some Music") from Midnight Love and the Sexual Healing Sessions by Marvin Gaye
  • I'm That Nigga

  • "(Don't Worry) If There's a Hell Below, We're All Going to Go" by Curtis Mayfield
  • Podcasts:

    • Referees vs Players in Football 😳

      published: 17 Dec 2023
    • Referees now vs... #shorts

      published: 06 Jun 2022
    • Timeline of Jurgen Klopp's controversy with referee Paul Tierney EXPLAINED

      We took a look back at each of the controversial incidents that have taken place when Paul Tierney has officiated Liverpool. With comments from Jurgen Klopp, we explain why Liverpool's manager and the referee have the prickly relationship they do. 📺 Subscribe to This Is Anfield on YouTube to watch every #LFC press conference in full, for free: https://goo.gl/Lh7zfK 📱 Download the #ThisIsAnfield App for #Liverpool FC news, opinion, video and analysis: http://www.thisisanfield.com/app/

      published: 28 Dec 2023
    • Turkish Super Lig referee punched to the ground by club president - then kicked in the head

      A Turkish football club’s president has punched a referee in the face at the end of a Super Lig match. Ankaragucu president Faruk Koca struck Halil Umut Meler at the end of the match at the Eryaman Stadium. Ankaragucu appeared on course to beat Rizespor before an equaliser for the visitors in injury time. Subscribe to The Telegraph with our special offer: just £1 for 3 months. Start your free trial now: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/customer/subscribe/digitalsub/3for1/?WT.mc_id=tmgoff_pvid_conversion-subscription_editorial-iniative_03-22_EGW-13_organic_youtube Get the latest headlines: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/ Telegraph.co.uk and YouTube.com/TelegraphTV are websites of The Telegraph, the UK's best-selling quality daily newspaper providing news and analysis on UK and world events, bu...

      published: 11 Dec 2023
    • Turkish football leagues suspended after team president punches referee

      A Turkish Super Lig game erupted in chaos when the match referee was punched by the president of one of the teams before being kicked as he lay on the ground. Subscribe to Guardian News on YouTube ► http://bit.ly/guardianwiressub Ankaragucu’s president, Faruk Koca, struck the referee, Halil Umut Meler, at the end of their home match after Rizespor scored a 97th-minute equaliser. Koca walked on to the pitch and hit the referee when the final whistle blew in the 1-1 draw at Eryaman Stadium. The president of Turkey's football association, Mehmet Buyukeksi, condemned the event as an "inhumane attack" and announced an indefinite suspension to matches in all Turkish leagues. Koca and two others have been arrested for "injuring a public official". The Guardian publishes independent journalism, ...

      published: 12 Dec 2023
    • Pierluigi Collina's Inspiring Story 👏📖

      👀🎮 The story of Pierluigi Collina, the best referee ever! From a scandal to his iconic bald head, find out why he's a legend! ⚽️🏆 #PierluigiCollina #RefereeLegend #FootballIcon #ScandalToSuccess #BaldHeadedReferee #FIFA #FootballHistory

      published: 05 Nov 2023
    • Soccer Referee Signals Guide

      In this video we will be talking about referee signals and what are soccer referee signals. We will be covering the top 7 referee signals and giving you tips on how you can improve yourself as a referee. Follow us on other platforms: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/refereepov/ TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/G1Tdko/ TAGS (ignore): referee, soccer referee, referee signals, referee training, how to referee soccer, referee tips, what are the referee signals, how to referee

      published: 26 Mar 2020
    • the story behind the uno reverse card

      published: 11 Sep 2023
    • Re-uploaded The Greatest REFEREE of all time🔥😳

      published: 24 Aug 2023
    • Players vs Referees

      Players vs Referees 🔔TURN NOTIFICATIONS ON🔔 https://www.instagram.com/player.3r Forever by MusicbyAden https://soundcloud.com/musicbyaden Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0 Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/forever-musicbyaden Music promoted by Audio Library: https://youtu.be/CRknG2QC2mc

      published: 18 Feb 2022
    Referees vs Players in Football 😳

    Referees vs Players in Football 😳

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:46
    • Uploaded Date: 17 Dec 2023
    • views: 53859705
    Referees now vs... #shorts

    Referees now vs... #shorts

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:48
    • Uploaded Date: 06 Jun 2022
    • views: 24324395
    Timeline of Jurgen Klopp's controversy with referee Paul Tierney EXPLAINED

    Timeline of Jurgen Klopp's controversy with referee Paul Tierney EXPLAINED

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:04
    • Uploaded Date: 28 Dec 2023
    • views: 68581
    We took a look back at each of the controversial incidents that have taken place when Paul Tierney has officiated Liverpool. With comments from Jurgen Klopp, we explain why Liverpool's manager and the referee have the prickly relationship they do. 📺 Subscribe to This Is Anfield on YouTube to watch every #LFC press conference in full, for free: https://goo.gl/Lh7zfK 📱 Download the #ThisIsAnfield App for #Liverpool FC news, opinion, video and analysis: http://www.thisisanfield.com/app/
    Turkish Super Lig referee punched to the ground by club president - then kicked in the head

    Turkish Super Lig referee punched to the ground by club president - then kicked in the head

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:41
    • Uploaded Date: 11 Dec 2023
    • views: 669631
    A Turkish football club’s president has punched a referee in the face at the end of a Super Lig match. Ankaragucu president Faruk Koca struck Halil Umut Meler at the end of the match at the Eryaman Stadium. Ankaragucu appeared on course to beat Rizespor before an equaliser for the visitors in injury time. Subscribe to The Telegraph with our special offer: just £1 for 3 months. Start your free trial now: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/customer/subscribe/digitalsub/3for1/?WT.mc_id=tmgoff_pvid_conversion-subscription_editorial-iniative_03-22_EGW-13_organic_youtube Get the latest headlines: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/ Telegraph.co.uk and YouTube.com/TelegraphTV are websites of The Telegraph, the UK's best-selling quality daily newspaper providing news and analysis on UK and world events, business, sport, lifestyle and culture.
    Turkish football leagues suspended after team president punches referee

    Turkish football leagues suspended after team president punches referee

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:02
    • Uploaded Date: 12 Dec 2023
    • views: 728859
    A Turkish Super Lig game erupted in chaos when the match referee was punched by the president of one of the teams before being kicked as he lay on the ground. Subscribe to Guardian News on YouTube ► http://bit.ly/guardianwiressub Ankaragucu’s president, Faruk Koca, struck the referee, Halil Umut Meler, at the end of their home match after Rizespor scored a 97th-minute equaliser. Koca walked on to the pitch and hit the referee when the final whistle blew in the 1-1 draw at Eryaman Stadium. The president of Turkey's football association, Mehmet Buyukeksi, condemned the event as an "inhumane attack" and announced an indefinite suspension to matches in all Turkish leagues. Koca and two others have been arrested for "injuring a public official". The Guardian publishes independent journalism, made possible by supporters. Contribute to The Guardian today ► https://bit.ly/3uhA7zg Sign up to the Guardian's free new daily newsletter, First Edition ► http://theguardian.com/first-edition Website ► https://www.theguardian.com Facebook ►https://www.facebook.com/theguardian Twitter ► https://twitter.com/guardian Instagram ► https://instagram.com/guardian The Guardian on YouTube: The Guardian ► https://bit.ly/guardiannewssubs Guardian Australia ► https://bit.ly/guardianaussubs Guardian Football ► https://bit.ly/gdnfootballsubs Guardian Sport ► https://bit.ly/gdnsportsubs Guardian Live ► https://bit.ly/guardianlivesubs #Football #Rizespor #Ankaragucu #SuperLig #FarukKoca #Turkey #News
    Pierluigi Collina's Inspiring Story 👏📖

    Pierluigi Collina's Inspiring Story 👏📖

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:01
    • Uploaded Date: 05 Nov 2023
    • views: 5029184
    👀🎮 The story of Pierluigi Collina, the best referee ever! From a scandal to his iconic bald head, find out why he's a legend! ⚽️🏆 #PierluigiCollina #RefereeLegend #FootballIcon #ScandalToSuccess #BaldHeadedReferee #FIFA #FootballHistory
    Soccer Referee Signals Guide

    Soccer Referee Signals Guide

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:33
    • Uploaded Date: 26 Mar 2020
    • views: 684935
    In this video we will be talking about referee signals and what are soccer referee signals. We will be covering the top 7 referee signals and giving you tips on how you can improve yourself as a referee. Follow us on other platforms: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/refereepov/ TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/G1Tdko/ TAGS (ignore): referee, soccer referee, referee signals, referee training, how to referee soccer, referee tips, what are the referee signals, how to referee
    the story behind the uno reverse card

    the story behind the uno reverse card

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:42
    • Uploaded Date: 11 Sep 2023
    • views: 78408711
    Re-uploaded The Greatest REFEREE of all time🔥😳

    Re-uploaded The Greatest REFEREE of all time🔥😳

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:35
    • Uploaded Date: 24 Aug 2023
    • views: 957611
    Players vs Referees

    Players vs Referees

    • Order:
    • Duration: 8:09
    • Uploaded Date: 18 Feb 2022
    • views: 20600833
    Players vs Referees 🔔TURN NOTIFICATIONS ON🔔 https://www.instagram.com/player.3r Forever by MusicbyAden https://soundcloud.com/musicbyaden Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0 Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/forever-musicbyaden Music promoted by Audio Library: https://youtu.be/CRknG2QC2mc
    • Jenna Ortega Gunged in Black Slime #jennaortega #gunge #slime

      published: 15 Sep 2024
    • Beautiful Teacher get GUNGED! #gunge #slime #messy

      A beautiful teacher gets gunged and slimed with green slime!

      published: 30 Aug 2024
    • Wheel of Misfortune • Louisa vs Bethanie

      Watch in Full ► https://MessyWorld.net Louisa & Bethanie play Wheel of Misfortune in which a spin of the wheel can decide many things. One contestant will be in the gunge tank and the other sat outside of it. The options on the wheel include, safe, pie, swap & gunge. Landing on pie means they receive a pie to their face, swap means swap and gunge is the ultimate demise for whoever is (or isn't) sat in the tank.

      published: 06 Dec 2024
    • Georgie Grasso gets the GUNGING!

      published: 07 Dec 2024
    • Cute blond gets a great gunging on get your own back

      Cute blond gets a great gunging on get your own back #gunge #gunging #gunged #slimed #sliming #slime #gungetank

      published: 07 Dec 2024
    • Our Friends Charity Gunge (re upload)

      Re uploaded, was taken down to music! This was one of our challenges 2 years ago!

      published: 03 Dec 2024
    • The 90s kid in me loves anything gunge #DoctorWho #iPlayer

      Subscribe and 🔔 to the BBC 👉 https://bit.ly/BBCYouTubeSub Watch the BBC first on iPlayer 👉 https://bbc.in/iPlayer-Home All our TV channels and S4C are available to watch live through BBC iPlayer, although some programmes may not be available to stream online due to rights. If you would like to read more on what types of programmes are available to watch live, check the 'Are all programmes that are broadcast available on BBC iPlayer?' FAQ 👉 https://bbc.in/2m8ks6v.

      published: 06 Jun 2024
    • Another great gunging in the gunge tank on Get Your Own Back

      Another great gunging in the gunge tank on Get Your Own Back GYOB #gunge #gunging #slime #gunged #slimed #sliming #gungetank

      published: 07 Dec 2024
    • matt gunged

      published: 08 Dec 2024
    • Molly Marsh gets the GUNGING!

      published: 30 Nov 2024
    Jenna Ortega Gunged in Black Slime #jennaortega #gunge #slime

    Jenna Ortega Gunged in Black Slime #jennaortega #gunge #slime

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:10
    • Uploaded Date: 15 Sep 2024
    • views: 3721
    Beautiful Teacher get GUNGED! #gunge #slime #messy

    Beautiful Teacher get GUNGED! #gunge #slime #messy

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:46
    • Uploaded Date: 30 Aug 2024
    • views: 14528
    A beautiful teacher gets gunged and slimed with green slime!
    Wheel of Misfortune • Louisa vs Bethanie

    Wheel of Misfortune • Louisa vs Bethanie

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:36
    • Uploaded Date: 06 Dec 2024
    • views: 3432
    Watch in Full ► https://MessyWorld.net Louisa & Bethanie play Wheel of Misfortune in which a spin of the wheel can decide many things. One contestant will be in the gunge tank and the other sat outside of it. The options on the wheel include, safe, pie, swap & gunge. Landing on pie means they receive a pie to their face, swap means swap and gunge is the ultimate demise for whoever is (or isn't) sat in the tank.
    Georgie Grasso gets the GUNGING!

    Georgie Grasso gets the GUNGING!

    • Order:
    • Duration: 5:15
    • Uploaded Date: 07 Dec 2024
    • views: 3622
    Cute blond gets a great gunging on get your own back

    Cute blond gets a great gunging on get your own back

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:56
    • Uploaded Date: 07 Dec 2024
    • views: 1112
    Cute blond gets a great gunging on get your own back #gunge #gunging #gunged #slimed #sliming #slime #gungetank
    Our Friends Charity Gunge (re upload)

    Our Friends Charity Gunge (re upload)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:32
    • Uploaded Date: 03 Dec 2024
    • views: 3466
    Re uploaded, was taken down to music! This was one of our challenges 2 years ago!
    The 90s kid in me loves anything gunge #DoctorWho #iPlayer

    The 90s kid in me loves anything gunge #DoctorWho #iPlayer

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:39
    • Uploaded Date: 06 Jun 2024
    • views: 8534
    Subscribe and 🔔 to the BBC 👉 https://bit.ly/BBCYouTubeSub Watch the BBC first on iPlayer 👉 https://bbc.in/iPlayer-Home All our TV channels and S4C are available to watch live through BBC iPlayer, although some programmes may not be available to stream online due to rights. If you would like to read more on what types of programmes are available to watch live, check the 'Are all programmes that are broadcast available on BBC iPlayer?' FAQ 👉 https://bbc.in/2m8ks6v.
    Another great gunging in the gunge tank on Get Your Own Back

    Another great gunging in the gunge tank on Get Your Own Back

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:36
    • Uploaded Date: 07 Dec 2024
    • views: 1230
    Another great gunging in the gunge tank on Get Your Own Back GYOB #gunge #gunging #slime #gunged #slimed #sliming #gungetank
    matt gunged

    matt gunged

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:07
    • Uploaded Date: 08 Dec 2024
    • views: 70
    Molly Marsh gets the GUNGING!

    Molly Marsh gets the GUNGING!

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:55
    • Uploaded Date: 30 Nov 2024
    • views: 7919
    • Most Related
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    PLAYLIST TIME: 0:00 / 20:21

    Referees vs Players in Football 😳

    Referees vs Players in Football 😳
    published: 17 Dec 2023
    Play in Full Screen
    Referees now vs... #shorts
    published: 06 Jun 2022
    Play in Full Screen
    Timeline of Jurgen Klopp's controversy with referee Paul Tierney EXPLAINED
    We took a look back at each of the controversial incidents that have taken place when Paul...
    published: 28 Dec 2023
    Play in Full Screen
    Turkish Super Lig referee punched to the ground by club president - then kicked in the head
    A Turkish football club’s president has punched a referee in the face at the end of a Supe...
    published: 11 Dec 2023
    Play in Full Screen
    Turkish football leagues suspended after team president punches referee
    A Turkish Super Lig game erupted in chaos when the match referee was punched by the presid...
    published: 12 Dec 2023
    Play in Full Screen
    Pierluigi Collina's Inspiring Story 👏📖
    👀🎮 The story of Pierluigi Collina, the best referee ever! From a scandal to his iconic bal...
    published: 05 Nov 2023
    Play in Full Screen
    Soccer Referee Signals Guide
    In this video we will be talking about referee signals and what are soccer referee signals...
    published: 26 Mar 2020
    Play in Full Screen
    the story behind the uno reverse card
    published: 11 Sep 2023
    Play in Full Screen
    Re-uploaded The Greatest REFEREE of all time🔥😳
    published: 24 Aug 2023
    Play in Full Screen
    Players vs Referees
    Players vs Referees 🔔TURN NOTIFICATIONS ON🔔 https://www.instagram.com/player.3r Forever...
    published: 18 Feb 2022
    Play in Full Screen

    Ola (album)

    Ola is the third album released by Swedish pop singer Ola.

    The self-titled album Ola was released in Sweden in September 2010, and debuted at #3 in the official Swedish album chart. It is the first release on Ola's own label Oliniho Records, after buying himself out of his deal with Universal Music. It spawned three hit singles, "Unstoppable", "Overdrive" and "All Over The World", which was Ola's first international single release. The similarity between "All Over The World" and "Somebody To Love" by Justin Bieber is often noted, but believed to be coincidence, as the two were released at the same time.

    The album also contained a track, "Let It Hit You", composed by Ola with regular collaborator Alexander Kronlund and British artist Labrinth.

    Track listing

  • "All Over the World" (3:53)
  • "Unstoppable (The Return of Natalie)" (3:01)
  • "You're That Girl (YTG)" 3:23)
  • "Riot" (3:22)
  • "Overdrive" (3:39)
  • "Beautiful Rain" (3:49)
  • "Busy Doing Nothing" (3:40)
  • "Still Remember" (3:45)
  • "Let It Hit You" (3:36)
    • Most Related
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    Jenna Ortega Gunged in Black Slime #jennaortega #gunge #slime

    Jenna Ortega Gunged in Black Slime #jennaortega #gunge #slime
    published: 15 Sep 2024
    Play in Full Screen
    Beautiful Teacher get GUNGED! #gunge #slime #messy
    A beautiful teacher gets gunged and slimed with green slime!
    published: 30 Aug 2024
    Play in Full Screen
    Wheel of Misfortune • Louisa vs Bethanie
    Watch in Full ► https://MessyWorld.net Louisa & Bethanie play Wheel of Misfortune in whic...
    published: 06 Dec 2024
    Play in Full Screen
    Georgie Grasso gets the GUNGING!
    published: 07 Dec 2024
    Play in Full Screen
    Cute blond gets a great gunging on get your own back
    Cute blond gets a great gunging on get your own back #gunge #gunging #gunged #slimed #sli...
    published: 07 Dec 2024
    Play in Full Screen
    Our Friends Charity Gunge (re upload)
    Re uploaded, was taken down to music! This was one of our challenges 2 years ago!
    published: 03 Dec 2024
    Play in Full Screen
    The 90s kid in me loves anything gunge #DoctorWho #iPlayer
    Subscribe and 🔔 to the BBC 👉 https://bit.ly/BBCYouTubeSub Watch the BBC first on iPlayer 👉...
    published: 06 Jun 2024
    Play in Full Screen
    Another great gunging in the gunge tank on Get Your Own Back
    Another great gunging in the gunge tank on Get Your Own Back GYOB #gunge #gunging #slime ...
    published: 07 Dec 2024
    Play in Full Screen
    matt gunged
    published: 08 Dec 2024
    Play in Full Screen
    Molly Marsh gets the GUNGING!
    published: 30 Nov 2024
    Play in Full Screen
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