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These Walls

"These Walls" is Teddy Geiger's second single. The single was released to radio in September 2006. The song was used by Australian television network, Seven, to promote the show Prison Break.

Official versions

  • "These Walls" (Album Version) - 3:43
  • Music video

    In the music video for this song, Geiger puts on earphones attached to his iPod shuffle, plays a piano in a house, throws playing cards into a fedora hat, and starts singing. Then as the video progesses, water comes out of nowhere, and the walls of the house come down and he's seen outside on a field with a girl who's perhaps the exact his age and then his piano goes on fire and Teddy is seen holding hands with the girl towards the ending describing a situation exactly similar to the song as having a broken heart.

    Chart performance

    External links

  • Lyrics of this song at MetroLyrics
  • Maria Lawson

    Maria Lawson (born 24 May 1979) is an English singer who finished in eighth place in the second UK series of television talent show The X Factor in 2005.

    Early life

    Lawson was born and raised in London. She is the youngest in a family of five, with three brothers and one sister.

    Lawson is of Jamaican, Chinese and Cuban descent, her mother being Jamaican and her father part-Cuban. Her grandfather is Chinese from the family descending from the name Chang.

    Before finding fame on The X Factor, Lawson was discovered by Active Music Management, who obtained her first record deal with President Records and her first publishing deal. Her first single was "A Night to Remember", which was used by the Gala Bingo advertisement after the producers of the advert thought that her version was better than the original.

    Lawson was signed to Peer Music Publishing from 2002 to 2005 and started her career as a published singer-songwriter. During that time, she worked with established producer David Brant, who produced three tracks for her – "Rush", "I Wanna Say Yes" and "Inferno". During her time as a singer-songwriter, she worked with recording artist Gabrielle and performed on Gabrielle's hit singles "Out of Reach" (as featured in the Bridget Jones' Diary soundtrack), "Don't Need the Sun to Shine (to Make Me Smile)" and the live version of "Rise". She has also provided backing vocals for many other artists, including Kelly Clarkson, Anita Baker and British soul singer Lemar.

    These Walls (Kendrick Lamar song)

    "These Walls" is a song by American rapper Kendrick Lamar. It was released on October 13, 2015, as the fifth single from his third album, To Pimp a Butterfly (2015). The track was written by Kendrick Lamar, Terrace Martin, Larrance Dopson, James Fauntleroy and Rose McKinney. It won Best Rap/Sung Collaboration at the 58th Grammy Awards.

    Lyrical interpretation

    Rolling Stone stated the song "teases the dark underbelly of sudden fame and offers a peek at the rapper's life when he hit his lowest points", while Billboard editor Kris Ex wrote that Lamar "is pondering sex and existence in equal measure; it's a yoni metaphor about the power of peace, with sugar walls being escape and real walls being obstacles."

    Music video

    The song's music video premiered on October 28, 2015, on Lamar's Vevo account. It was directed by Colin Tilley and The Little Homies. Entitled "Behind the Walls: A Black Comedy", the clip opens in a jail cell with Corey Holcomb and then flashes back to a wild night at an apartment complex − from strippers, to drugs, altercations, and skits. Lamar first appears in his room grinding with a girl while her girlfriends catch it all on camera. He then crashes the stage at a talent show and performs “Hit the Quan” alongside Terry Crews. Meanwhile, Isaiah Rashad gets tied up and seduced in his bedroom, and SZA finds Lamar crashing through her apartment wall. By the end of the night, the cops come calling and Holcomb’s character gets arrested. The video ends with "To be continued". For Rap-Up, "the Compton rapper shows his comedic side (and dance moves) in the cinematic clip."


    • These Walls

      Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group These Walls · Kendrick Lamar · Bilal · Anna Wise · Thundercat These Walls ℗ 2015 Aftermath/Interscope (Top Dawg Entertainment) Released on: 2015-10-16 Producer: Terrace Martin Producer: Larrance Dopson Composer Lyricist: Kendrick Lamar Composer Lyricist: T. Martin Composer Lyricist: L. Dopson Composer Lyricist: R. McKinney Composer Lyricist: J. Fauntleroy Auto-generated by YouTube.

      published: 15 Sep 2018
    • Kendrick Lamar - These Walls (Explicit) ft. Bilal, Anna Wise, Thundercat

      To Pimp A Butterfly album out now iTunes: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterfly Target: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyTG Google Play: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyGP Amazon CD: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyCD Amazon MP3: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyAmz Best Buy: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyBB http://vevo.ly/54eiyf Best of Kendrick Lamar: https://goo.gl/PTr3FF Subscribe here: https://goo.gl/XGVyCd

      published: 28 Oct 2015
    • These Walls

      Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group These Walls · Kendrick Lamar · Bilal · Anna Wise · Thundercat To Pimp A Butterfly ℗ 2015 Aftermath/Interscope (Top Dawg Entertainment) Released on: 2015-03-16 Producer: Terrace Martin Producer: Larrance Dopson Composer Lyricist: Kendrick Lamar Composer Lyricist: T. Martin Composer Lyricist: L. Dopson Composer Lyricist: R. McKinney Composer Lyricist: J. Fauntleroy Auto-generated by YouTube.

      published: 12 Dec 2018
    • These Walls

      Provided to YouTube by Warner Records These Walls · Dream Theater Octavarium ℗ 2005 Atlantic Recording Corp For the United States and WEA International Inc. for the world outside of the United States. Unknown: Bert Baldwin Unknown: Colleen Culhane Engineer: Doug Oberkircher Lead Vocals: James LaBrie Bass Guitar: John Myung Guitar: John Petrucci Producer: John Petrucci Backing Vocals: John Petrucci Lap Steel Guitar: Jordan Rudess Keyboards, Synthesizer: Jordan Rudess Unknown: Kaori Kinoshita Unknown: Keith Gary Pro- Tools Engineer: Keith Gary Unknown: Michael H.Brauer Drums: Mike Portnoy Producer: Mike Portnoy Backing Vocals: Mike Portnoy Unknown: Pyr Osh Unknown: Ryan Simms Unknown: Will Hensley Writer: James LaBrie Writer: John Myung Writer: John Petrucci Writer: Jordan Rudess ...

      published: 08 Apr 2017
    • These Walls ft. Anna Wise, Bilal, Thundercat - Kendrick Lamar (To Pimp a Butterfly)

      For Music Promotion, visit https://motionmarketingusa.com/music-promotion/ Instagram - http://bit.ly/KDotSpotlightIG Twitter - http://bit.ly/KDotSpotlightTwitter Facebook - http://bit.ly/KDotSpotlightFB For Business Inquiries, email us at kendricklamarspotlight@gmail.com Kendrick Lamar Spotlight - http://bit.ly/KDotSpotlightYT J Cole Spotlight - http://bit.ly/JColeSpotlightYT Logic Spotlight - http://bit.ly/LogicSpotlightYT Drake Spotlight - http://bit.ly/DrakeSpotlightYT The Kendrick Lamar Spotlight channel is the number one channel dedicated to uploading Kendrick Lamar Music and Videos. We have all of the K Dot mixtapes, albums, singles, and features. For the most part, we have a lot of Kendrick’s live performances as well. We have uploaded Hub City Threat: Minor of the Year...

      published: 04 Feb 2019
    • "These Walls" featuring Jason David

      Now available on iTunes! https://geo.itunes.apple.com/album/these-walls/id1293336305?app=itunes To help us make a full length worship album click here: https://www.gofundme.com/i-am-untitled-worship-album After a year-long fight with cancer that claimed much of his tongue, Pastor Jason David refuses to stop singing. "These Walls" is an original worship song he wrote that became his anthem as he fought through several surgeries, chemotherapy & radiation. We pray this song will bless you - no matter what walls or mountains you may face, God is greater & God is good!

      published: 08 Jul 2017
    • Kendrick Lamar - These Walls (Live on Ellen) ft. Bilal, Anna Wise, Thundercat

      To Pimp A Butterfly album out now iTunes: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterfly Target: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyTG Google Play: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyGP Amazon CD: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyCD Amazon MP3: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyAmz Best Buy: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyBB http://www.vevo.com/watch/USUV71501353

      published: 28 May 2015
    • Machine Gun Kelly - in these walls (feat. PVRIS)

      Lockdown Session Day 19. Vocal sample PVRIS - 'My House' 'lockdown sessions' available now: https://MGK.lnk.to/lockdownsessions Follow Machine Gun Kelly: https://tiktok.com/@machinegunkelly http://twitter.com/machinegunkelly http://instagram.com/machinegunkelly http://facebook.com/machinegunkelly http://machinegunkelly.com

      published: 14 Apr 2020
    • IF THESE WALLS COULD TALK with Wendy Stuart, Tym Moss, and guest Susan Campanaro AKA Lavinia Draper

      If These Walls Could Talk with Wendy Stuart & Tym Moss Hosts: WENDY STUART & TYM MOSS Special guest: SUSAN CAMPANARO AKA LAVINIA Wednesday, December 13th at 2pm EST LIVE from PANGEA Restaurant, NYC Watch live on YouTube at Wendy Stuart TV Who else but hosts Wendy Stuart and Tym Moss could “spill the tea” on their weekly show “If These Walls Could Talk” live from Pangea Restaurant on the Lower Eastside of NYC, with their unique style, of honest, and emotional interviews, sharing the fascinating backstories of celebrities, entertainers, recording artists, writers and artists and bringing their audience along for a fantastic ride. Wendy Stuart is an author, celebrity interviewer, model, filmmaker and hosts “Pandemic Cooking With Wendy,” a popular Youtube comedic cooking show bo...

      published: 14 Dec 2023
    These Walls

    These Walls

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:09
    • Uploaded Date: 15 Sep 2018
    • views: 942679
    Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group These Walls · Kendrick Lamar · Bilal · Anna Wise · Thundercat These Walls ℗ 2015 Aftermath/Interscope (Top Dawg Entertainment) Released on: 2015-10-16 Producer: Terrace Martin Producer: Larrance Dopson Composer Lyricist: Kendrick Lamar Composer Lyricist: T. Martin Composer Lyricist: L. Dopson Composer Lyricist: R. McKinney Composer Lyricist: J. Fauntleroy Auto-generated by YouTube.
    Kendrick Lamar - These Walls (Explicit) ft. Bilal, Anna Wise, Thundercat

    Kendrick Lamar - These Walls (Explicit) ft. Bilal, Anna Wise, Thundercat

    • Order:
    • Duration: 8:12
    • Uploaded Date: 28 Oct 2015
    • views: 24516956
    To Pimp A Butterfly album out now iTunes: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterfly Target: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyTG Google Play: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyGP Amazon CD: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyCD Amazon MP3: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyAmz Best Buy: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyBB http://vevo.ly/54eiyf Best of Kendrick Lamar: https://goo.gl/PTr3FF Subscribe here: https://goo.gl/XGVyCd
    These Walls

    These Walls

    • Order:
    • Duration: 5:01
    • Uploaded Date: 12 Dec 2018
    • views: 248293
    Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group These Walls · Kendrick Lamar · Bilal · Anna Wise · Thundercat To Pimp A Butterfly ℗ 2015 Aftermath/Interscope (Top Dawg Entertainment) Released on: 2015-03-16 Producer: Terrace Martin Producer: Larrance Dopson Composer Lyricist: Kendrick Lamar Composer Lyricist: T. Martin Composer Lyricist: L. Dopson Composer Lyricist: R. McKinney Composer Lyricist: J. Fauntleroy Auto-generated by YouTube.
    These Walls

    These Walls

    • Order:
    • Duration: 7:37
    • Uploaded Date: 08 Apr 2017
    • views: 844986
    Provided to YouTube by Warner Records These Walls · Dream Theater Octavarium ℗ 2005 Atlantic Recording Corp For the United States and WEA International Inc. for the world outside of the United States. Unknown: Bert Baldwin Unknown: Colleen Culhane Engineer: Doug Oberkircher Lead Vocals: James LaBrie Bass Guitar: John Myung Guitar: John Petrucci Producer: John Petrucci Backing Vocals: John Petrucci Lap Steel Guitar: Jordan Rudess Keyboards, Synthesizer: Jordan Rudess Unknown: Kaori Kinoshita Unknown: Keith Gary Pro- Tools Engineer: Keith Gary Unknown: Michael H.Brauer Drums: Mike Portnoy Producer: Mike Portnoy Backing Vocals: Mike Portnoy Unknown: Pyr Osh Unknown: Ryan Simms Unknown: Will Hensley Writer: James LaBrie Writer: John Myung Writer: John Petrucci Writer: Jordan Rudess Writer: Mike Portnoy Auto-generated by YouTube.
    These Walls ft. Anna Wise, Bilal, Thundercat - Kendrick Lamar (To Pimp a Butterfly)

    These Walls ft. Anna Wise, Bilal, Thundercat - Kendrick Lamar (To Pimp a Butterfly)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 5:02
    • Uploaded Date: 04 Feb 2019
    • views: 646545
    For Music Promotion, visit https://motionmarketingusa.com/music-promotion/ Instagram - http://bit.ly/KDotSpotlightIG Twitter - http://bit.ly/KDotSpotlightTwitter Facebook - http://bit.ly/KDotSpotlightFB For Business Inquiries, email us at kendricklamarspotlight@gmail.com Kendrick Lamar Spotlight - http://bit.ly/KDotSpotlightYT J Cole Spotlight - http://bit.ly/JColeSpotlightYT Logic Spotlight - http://bit.ly/LogicSpotlightYT Drake Spotlight - http://bit.ly/DrakeSpotlightYT The Kendrick Lamar Spotlight channel is the number one channel dedicated to uploading Kendrick Lamar Music and Videos. We have all of the K Dot mixtapes, albums, singles, and features. For the most part, we have a lot of Kendrick’s live performances as well. We have uploaded Hub City Threat: Minor of the Year, Training Day, Kendrick Lamar EP, No Sleep Til NYC, C4, Overly Dedicated, Section 80, Good Kid Maad City, To Pimp a Butterfly, Untitled Unmastered, and DAMN. DISCLAIMER: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." Copyright is not intended in any way whatsoever! All rights to the video go the creators of the music and content and all uploads are intended to be uploaded for promotional use to the respective artists and labels. Lyrics: [Intro: Kendrick Lamar & Anna Wise] I remember you was conflicted, misusing your influence Sometimes, I did the same (Woman moaning) If these walls could talk If these walls could talk If these walls could talk If these walls could talk If these walls could talk If these walls could talk- Sex [Bridge: Anna Wise & Kendrick Lamar] She just want to close her eyes and sway With you, with you, with you Exercise her right to work it out It's true, it's true, it's true Shout out to the birthday girls Say hey (Hey), say hey (Hey), (Ah, girl) Everyone deserves a night to play (Play) She plays, only when you tell her no [Hook: Anna Wise, Thundercat & Bilal] If these walls could talk I can feel your reign when it cries, gold lives inside of you If these walls could talk I love it when I’m in it, I love it when I’m in it [Verse 1: Kendrick Lamar] If these walls could talk, they’d tell me to swim good No boat, I float better than he would No life jacket, I’m not the God of Nazareth But your flood can be misunderstood Walls telling me they full of pain, resentment Need someone to live in them just to relieve tension Me, I’m just a tenant Landlord said these walls vacant more than a minute These walls are vulnerable, exclamation Interior pink, color coordinated I interrogated every nook and cranny I mean, it's still amazing, before they couldn’t stand me These walls want to cry tears These walls happier when I’m here These walls never could hold up Every time I come around, demolition might crush [Hook: Anna Wise, Thundercat & Bilal] If these walls could talk I can feel your reign when it cries, gold lives inside of you If these walls could talk I love it when I’m in it, I love it when I’m in it [Verse 2: Kendrick Lamar] If these walls could talk, they’d tell me to go deep Yelling at me continuously, I can see Your defense mechanism is my decision Knock these walls down, that’s my religion Walls feeling like they ready to close in I suffocate, then catch my second wind I resonate in these walls I don’t know how long I can wait in these walls I’ve been on the streets too long Looking at you from the outside in They sing the same old song About how they walls always the cleanest I beg to differ, I must’ve missed them I’m not involved, I’d rather diss 'em I’d rather call on you, put your wall up 'Cause when I come around, demolition gon’ crush #kendricklamar #kdot #topimpabutterfly
    "These Walls" featuring Jason David

    "These Walls" featuring Jason David

    • Order:
    • Duration: 8:27
    • Uploaded Date: 08 Jul 2017
    • views: 431577
    Now available on iTunes! https://geo.itunes.apple.com/album/these-walls/id1293336305?app=itunes To help us make a full length worship album click here: https://www.gofundme.com/i-am-untitled-worship-album After a year-long fight with cancer that claimed much of his tongue, Pastor Jason David refuses to stop singing. "These Walls" is an original worship song he wrote that became his anthem as he fought through several surgeries, chemotherapy & radiation. We pray this song will bless you - no matter what walls or mountains you may face, God is greater & God is good!
    Kendrick Lamar - These Walls (Live on Ellen) ft. Bilal, Anna Wise, Thundercat

    Kendrick Lamar - These Walls (Live on Ellen) ft. Bilal, Anna Wise, Thundercat

    • Order:
    • Duration: 6:39
    • Uploaded Date: 28 May 2015
    • views: 7869947
    To Pimp A Butterfly album out now iTunes: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterfly Target: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyTG Google Play: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyGP Amazon CD: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyCD Amazon MP3: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyAmz Best Buy: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyBB http://www.vevo.com/watch/USUV71501353
    Machine Gun Kelly - in these walls (feat. PVRIS)

    Machine Gun Kelly - in these walls (feat. PVRIS)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:46
    • Uploaded Date: 14 Apr 2020
    • views: 97108795
    Lockdown Session Day 19. Vocal sample PVRIS - 'My House' 'lockdown sessions' available now: https://MGK.lnk.to/lockdownsessions Follow Machine Gun Kelly: https://tiktok.com/@machinegunkelly http://twitter.com/machinegunkelly http://instagram.com/machinegunkelly http://facebook.com/machinegunkelly http://machinegunkelly.com
    IF THESE WALLS COULD TALK with Wendy Stuart, Tym Moss, and guest Susan Campanaro AKA Lavinia Draper

    IF THESE WALLS COULD TALK with Wendy Stuart, Tym Moss, and guest Susan Campanaro AKA Lavinia Draper

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:03:41
    • Uploaded Date: 14 Dec 2023
    • views: 24
    If These Walls Could Talk with Wendy Stuart & Tym Moss Hosts: WENDY STUART & TYM MOSS Special guest: SUSAN CAMPANARO AKA LAVINIA Wednesday, December 13th at 2pm EST LIVE from PANGEA Restaurant, NYC Watch live on YouTube at Wendy Stuart TV Who else but hosts Wendy Stuart and Tym Moss could “spill the tea” on their weekly show “If These Walls Could Talk” live from Pangea Restaurant on the Lower Eastside of NYC, with their unique style, of honest, and emotional interviews, sharing the fascinating backstories of celebrities, entertainers, recording artists, writers and artists and bringing their audience along for a fantastic ride. Wendy Stuart is an author, celebrity interviewer, model, filmmaker and hosts “Pandemic Cooking With Wendy,” a popular Youtube comedic cooking show born in the era of Covid-19, and TriVersity Talk, a weekly web series with featured guests discussing their lives, activism and pressing issues in the LGBTQ Community. Tym Moss is a popular NYC singer, actor, and radio/tv host who recently starred in the hit indie film “JUNK” to critical acclaim. Susan is an actor, director, writer, entertainer and performance coach. She won BEST MUSICAL at THE UNITED SOLO FESTIVAL 2022 for her original work DOING TIME WITH LAVINIA. She has recently traveled to the United Kingdom and performed her play and hosted comedy shows produced by WHOLELOTTACOMEDY.COM. She has a short film LAVINIA! produced by VIRTUAL ARTS ENTERTAINMENT. It screened at the STONEWALL INN where she has a residency and features various artists every Monday night. Lavinia has headlined in Cherry Grove, Fire Island, Denver Pridefest and hosted the Stonewall Float in the Pride parade.
    • Kendrick Lamar - These Walls (Explicit) ft. Bilal, Anna Wise, Thundercat

      To Pimp A Butterfly album out now iTunes: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterfly Target: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyTG Google Play: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyGP Amazon CD: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyCD Amazon MP3: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyAmz Best Buy: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyBB http://vevo.ly/54eiyf Best of Kendrick Lamar: https://goo.gl/PTr3FF Subscribe here: https://goo.gl/XGVyCd

      published: 28 Oct 2015
    • Kendrick Lamar - These Walls (Live on Ellen) ft. Bilal, Anna Wise, Thundercat

      To Pimp A Butterfly album out now iTunes: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterfly Target: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyTG Google Play: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyGP Amazon CD: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyCD Amazon MP3: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyAmz Best Buy: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyBB http://www.vevo.com/watch/USUV71501353

      published: 28 May 2015
    • These Walls

      Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group These Walls · Kendrick Lamar · Bilal · Anna Wise · Thundercat These Walls ℗ 2015 Aftermath/Interscope (Top Dawg Entertainment) Released on: 2015-10-16 Producer: Terrace Martin Producer: Larrance Dopson Composer Lyricist: Kendrick Lamar Composer Lyricist: T. Martin Composer Lyricist: L. Dopson Composer Lyricist: R. McKinney Composer Lyricist: J. Fauntleroy Auto-generated by YouTube.

      published: 15 Sep 2018
    • These Walls

      Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group These Walls · Kendrick Lamar · Bilal · Anna Wise · Thundercat To Pimp A Butterfly ℗ 2015 Aftermath/Interscope (Top Dawg Entertainment) Released on: 2015-03-16 Producer: Terrace Martin Producer: Larrance Dopson Composer Lyricist: Kendrick Lamar Composer Lyricist: T. Martin Composer Lyricist: L. Dopson Composer Lyricist: R. McKinney Composer Lyricist: J. Fauntleroy Auto-generated by YouTube.

      published: 12 Dec 2018
    • These Walls ft. Anna Wise, Bilal, Thundercat - Kendrick Lamar (To Pimp a Butterfly)

      For Music Promotion, visit https://motionmarketingusa.com/music-promotion/ Instagram - http://bit.ly/KDotSpotlightIG Twitter - http://bit.ly/KDotSpotlightTwitter Facebook - http://bit.ly/KDotSpotlightFB For Business Inquiries, email us at kendricklamarspotlight@gmail.com Kendrick Lamar Spotlight - http://bit.ly/KDotSpotlightYT J Cole Spotlight - http://bit.ly/JColeSpotlightYT Logic Spotlight - http://bit.ly/LogicSpotlightYT Drake Spotlight - http://bit.ly/DrakeSpotlightYT The Kendrick Lamar Spotlight channel is the number one channel dedicated to uploading Kendrick Lamar Music and Videos. We have all of the K Dot mixtapes, albums, singles, and features. For the most part, we have a lot of Kendrick’s live performances as well. We have uploaded Hub City Threat: Minor of the Year...

      published: 04 Feb 2019
    • Kendrick Lamar -These walls (Lyrics) HQ

      Kendrick Lamar -These walls lyrics on screen Song by : Kendrick lamar aka king kunta Album : To pimp a butterfly Buy the Album on iTunes : https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/to-pimp-a-butterfly/id974187289 I dont own this song and i dont got any profit from it only promoting this song and album by Kendrick lamar

      published: 23 Jan 2016
    • Kendrick Lamar - "These Walls" w/ the National Symphony Orchestra | The Kennedy Center

      On October 20, 2015, Kendrick Lamar and the NSO Pops delivered a one-night-only performance at The Kennedy Center featuring some of Lamar's biggest hits and cuts from his lyrical masterpiece “To Pimp a Butterfly." Subscribe to The Kennedy Center! http://bit.ly/2gNFrtb #kendricklamar #nsopops #digitalstage

      published: 21 Oct 2015
    • Kendrick Lamar Performs 'These Walls'

      Check out this awesome performance from his new album!

      published: 28 May 2015
    • Kendrick Lamar - These Walls (Moss Kena Rework)

      Amazing version of a masterpiece! Loving the picture too! ● Our playlist on Spotify → http://smarturl.it/majesticcspotify ● Subscribe → https://youtube.com/majesticcasual?sub_confirmation=1 ----------------------------------------­----------------------------------------­-------- Stream "These Walls" on Spotify: https://smarturl.it/TheseWalls ----------------------------------------­----------------------------------------­-------- FOLLOW US HERE ● Spotify - http://smarturl.it/majesticcspotify ● SoundCloud http://soundcloud.com/majesticcasual ● Facebook - https://facebook.com/majesticcasual ● Instagram - https://instagram.com/majesticcasual ● Twitter - https://twitter.com/majesticcasual ● Snapchat - 'majesticcasual' ----------------------------------------­---------------------------------...

      published: 31 May 2016
    • Kendrick Lamar - These Walls (Explicit) ft. Bilal, Anna Wise, Thundercat

      Apéro - Enfant Sauvage - 04/02/16 - Club Clandestin - Bruxelles ©UMG Au nom de : Top Dawg Entertainment / Aftermath Records / Interscope To Pimp A Butterfly album out now iTunes: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterfly Target: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyTG Google Play: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyGP Amazon CD: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyCD Amazon MP3: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyAmz Best Buy: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyBB http://vevo.ly/54eiyf

      published: 27 Jan 2016
    Kendrick Lamar - These Walls (Explicit) ft. Bilal, Anna Wise, Thundercat

    Kendrick Lamar - These Walls (Explicit) ft. Bilal, Anna Wise, Thundercat

    • Order:
    • Duration: 8:12
    • Uploaded Date: 28 Oct 2015
    • views: 24516956
    To Pimp A Butterfly album out now iTunes: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterfly Target: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyTG Google Play: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyGP Amazon CD: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyCD Amazon MP3: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyAmz Best Buy: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyBB http://vevo.ly/54eiyf Best of Kendrick Lamar: https://goo.gl/PTr3FF Subscribe here: https://goo.gl/XGVyCd
    Kendrick Lamar - These Walls (Live on Ellen) ft. Bilal, Anna Wise, Thundercat

    Kendrick Lamar - These Walls (Live on Ellen) ft. Bilal, Anna Wise, Thundercat

    • Order:
    • Duration: 6:39
    • Uploaded Date: 28 May 2015
    • views: 7869947
    To Pimp A Butterfly album out now iTunes: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterfly Target: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyTG Google Play: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyGP Amazon CD: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyCD Amazon MP3: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyAmz Best Buy: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyBB http://www.vevo.com/watch/USUV71501353
    These Walls

    These Walls

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:09
    • Uploaded Date: 15 Sep 2018
    • views: 942679
    Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group These Walls · Kendrick Lamar · Bilal · Anna Wise · Thundercat These Walls ℗ 2015 Aftermath/Interscope (Top Dawg Entertainment) Released on: 2015-10-16 Producer: Terrace Martin Producer: Larrance Dopson Composer Lyricist: Kendrick Lamar Composer Lyricist: T. Martin Composer Lyricist: L. Dopson Composer Lyricist: R. McKinney Composer Lyricist: J. Fauntleroy Auto-generated by YouTube.
    These Walls

    These Walls

    • Order:
    • Duration: 5:01
    • Uploaded Date: 12 Dec 2018
    • views: 248293
    Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group These Walls · Kendrick Lamar · Bilal · Anna Wise · Thundercat To Pimp A Butterfly ℗ 2015 Aftermath/Interscope (Top Dawg Entertainment) Released on: 2015-03-16 Producer: Terrace Martin Producer: Larrance Dopson Composer Lyricist: Kendrick Lamar Composer Lyricist: T. Martin Composer Lyricist: L. Dopson Composer Lyricist: R. McKinney Composer Lyricist: J. Fauntleroy Auto-generated by YouTube.
    These Walls ft. Anna Wise, Bilal, Thundercat - Kendrick Lamar (To Pimp a Butterfly)

    These Walls ft. Anna Wise, Bilal, Thundercat - Kendrick Lamar (To Pimp a Butterfly)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 5:02
    • Uploaded Date: 04 Feb 2019
    • views: 646545
    For Music Promotion, visit https://motionmarketingusa.com/music-promotion/ Instagram - http://bit.ly/KDotSpotlightIG Twitter - http://bit.ly/KDotSpotlightTwitter Facebook - http://bit.ly/KDotSpotlightFB For Business Inquiries, email us at kendricklamarspotlight@gmail.com Kendrick Lamar Spotlight - http://bit.ly/KDotSpotlightYT J Cole Spotlight - http://bit.ly/JColeSpotlightYT Logic Spotlight - http://bit.ly/LogicSpotlightYT Drake Spotlight - http://bit.ly/DrakeSpotlightYT The Kendrick Lamar Spotlight channel is the number one channel dedicated to uploading Kendrick Lamar Music and Videos. We have all of the K Dot mixtapes, albums, singles, and features. For the most part, we have a lot of Kendrick’s live performances as well. We have uploaded Hub City Threat: Minor of the Year, Training Day, Kendrick Lamar EP, No Sleep Til NYC, C4, Overly Dedicated, Section 80, Good Kid Maad City, To Pimp a Butterfly, Untitled Unmastered, and DAMN. DISCLAIMER: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." Copyright is not intended in any way whatsoever! All rights to the video go the creators of the music and content and all uploads are intended to be uploaded for promotional use to the respective artists and labels. Lyrics: [Intro: Kendrick Lamar & Anna Wise] I remember you was conflicted, misusing your influence Sometimes, I did the same (Woman moaning) If these walls could talk If these walls could talk If these walls could talk If these walls could talk If these walls could talk If these walls could talk- Sex [Bridge: Anna Wise & Kendrick Lamar] She just want to close her eyes and sway With you, with you, with you Exercise her right to work it out It's true, it's true, it's true Shout out to the birthday girls Say hey (Hey), say hey (Hey), (Ah, girl) Everyone deserves a night to play (Play) She plays, only when you tell her no [Hook: Anna Wise, Thundercat & Bilal] If these walls could talk I can feel your reign when it cries, gold lives inside of you If these walls could talk I love it when I’m in it, I love it when I’m in it [Verse 1: Kendrick Lamar] If these walls could talk, they’d tell me to swim good No boat, I float better than he would No life jacket, I’m not the God of Nazareth But your flood can be misunderstood Walls telling me they full of pain, resentment Need someone to live in them just to relieve tension Me, I’m just a tenant Landlord said these walls vacant more than a minute These walls are vulnerable, exclamation Interior pink, color coordinated I interrogated every nook and cranny I mean, it's still amazing, before they couldn’t stand me These walls want to cry tears These walls happier when I’m here These walls never could hold up Every time I come around, demolition might crush [Hook: Anna Wise, Thundercat & Bilal] If these walls could talk I can feel your reign when it cries, gold lives inside of you If these walls could talk I love it when I’m in it, I love it when I’m in it [Verse 2: Kendrick Lamar] If these walls could talk, they’d tell me to go deep Yelling at me continuously, I can see Your defense mechanism is my decision Knock these walls down, that’s my religion Walls feeling like they ready to close in I suffocate, then catch my second wind I resonate in these walls I don’t know how long I can wait in these walls I’ve been on the streets too long Looking at you from the outside in They sing the same old song About how they walls always the cleanest I beg to differ, I must’ve missed them I’m not involved, I’d rather diss 'em I’d rather call on you, put your wall up 'Cause when I come around, demolition gon’ crush #kendricklamar #kdot #topimpabutterfly
    Kendrick Lamar -These walls (Lyrics) HQ

    Kendrick Lamar -These walls (Lyrics) HQ

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:37
    • Uploaded Date: 23 Jan 2016
    • views: 94871
    Kendrick Lamar -These walls lyrics on screen Song by : Kendrick lamar aka king kunta Album : To pimp a butterfly Buy the Album on iTunes : https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/to-pimp-a-butterfly/id974187289 I dont own this song and i dont got any profit from it only promoting this song and album by Kendrick lamar
    Kendrick Lamar - "These Walls" w/ the National Symphony Orchestra | The Kennedy Center

    Kendrick Lamar - "These Walls" w/ the National Symphony Orchestra | The Kennedy Center

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:03
    • Uploaded Date: 21 Oct 2015
    • views: 797196
    On October 20, 2015, Kendrick Lamar and the NSO Pops delivered a one-night-only performance at The Kennedy Center featuring some of Lamar's biggest hits and cuts from his lyrical masterpiece “To Pimp a Butterfly." Subscribe to The Kennedy Center! http://bit.ly/2gNFrtb #kendricklamar #nsopops #digitalstage
    Kendrick Lamar Performs 'These Walls'

    Kendrick Lamar Performs 'These Walls'

    • Order:
    • Duration: 6:34
    • Uploaded Date: 28 May 2015
    • views: 980379
    Check out this awesome performance from his new album!
    Kendrick Lamar - These Walls (Moss Kena Rework)

    Kendrick Lamar - These Walls (Moss Kena Rework)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:34
    • Uploaded Date: 31 May 2016
    • views: 919208
    Amazing version of a masterpiece! Loving the picture too! ● Our playlist on Spotify → http://smarturl.it/majesticcspotify ● Subscribe → https://youtube.com/majesticcasual?sub_confirmation=1 ----------------------------------------­----------------------------------------­-------- Stream "These Walls" on Spotify: https://smarturl.it/TheseWalls ----------------------------------------­----------------------------------------­-------- FOLLOW US HERE ● Spotify - http://smarturl.it/majesticcspotify ● SoundCloud http://soundcloud.com/majesticcasual ● Facebook - https://facebook.com/majesticcasual ● Instagram - https://instagram.com/majesticcasual ● Twitter - https://twitter.com/majesticcasual ● Snapchat - 'majesticcasual' ----------------------------------------­----------------------------------------­-------- Follow Moss Kena ● https://www.facebook.com/MossKena ● https://soundcloud.com/mosskena ● https://twitter.com/MossKena ● https://instagram.com/mosskena/ ----------------------------------------­----------------------------------------­-------- Picture © Denis Pestov ● https://www.flickr.com/photos/tvixfox/ ----------------------------------------­----------------------------------------­-------- MLIVE - Majestic Casual events at a city near you! Berlin · Paris · London · New York · Los Angeles · Sydney ● Get your invite now: (http://smarturl.it/majesticliveYT)
    Kendrick Lamar - These Walls (Explicit) ft. Bilal, Anna Wise, Thundercat

    Kendrick Lamar - These Walls (Explicit) ft. Bilal, Anna Wise, Thundercat

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:25
    • Uploaded Date: 27 Jan 2016
    • views: 30756
    Apéro - Enfant Sauvage - 04/02/16 - Club Clandestin - Bruxelles ©UMG Au nom de : Top Dawg Entertainment / Aftermath Records / Interscope To Pimp A Butterfly album out now iTunes: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterfly Target: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyTG Google Play: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyGP Amazon CD: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyCD Amazon MP3: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyAmz Best Buy: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyBB http://vevo.ly/54eiyf
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    • These Walls
      These Wallsremove from playlist
    • Kendrick Lamar - These Walls (Explicit) ft. Bilal, Anna Wise, Thundercat
      Kendrick Lamar - These Walls (Explicit) ft. Bilal, Anna Wise, Thundercatremove from playlist
    • These Walls
      These Wallsremove from playlist
    • These Walls
      These Wallsremove from playlist
    • These Walls ft. Anna Wise, Bilal, Thundercat - Kendrick Lamar (To Pimp a Butterfly)
      These Walls ft. Anna Wise, Bilal, Thundercat - Kendrick Lamar (To Pimp a Butterfly)remove from playlist
    • 8:27
      "These Walls" featuring Jason Davidremove from playlist
    • Kendrick Lamar - These Walls (Live on Ellen) ft. Bilal, Anna Wise, Thundercat
      Kendrick Lamar - These Walls (Live on Ellen) ft. Bilal, Anna Wise, Thundercatremove from playlist
    • Machine Gun Kelly - in these walls (feat. PVRIS)
      Machine Gun Kelly - in these walls (feat. PVRIS)remove from playlist
    • IF THESE WALLS COULD TALK with Wendy Stuart, Tym Moss, and guest Susan Campanaro AKA Lavinia Draper
      IF THESE WALLS COULD TALK with Wendy Stuart, Tym Moss, and guest Susan Campanaro AKA Lavinia Draperremove from playlist
    PLAYLIST TIME: 0:00 / 1:51:34

    These Walls

    Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group These Walls · Kendrick Lamar · Bilal · Anna Wise · Thundercat These Walls ℗ 2015 Aftermath/Interscope (Top Dawg Entertainment) Released on: 2015-10-16 Producer: Terrace Martin Producer: Larrance Dopson Composer Lyricist: Kendrick Lamar Composer Lyricist: T. Martin Composer Lyricist: L. Dopson Composer Lyricist: R. McKinney Composer Lyricist: J. Fauntleroy Auto-generated by YouTube.
    These Walls
    Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group These Walls · Kendrick Lamar · Bilal · Anna ...
    published: 15 Sep 2018
    Play in Full Screen
    Kendrick Lamar - These Walls (Explicit) ft. Bilal, Anna Wise, Thundercat
    To Pimp A Butterfly album out now iTunes: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterfly Target: htt...
    published: 28 Oct 2015
    Play in Full Screen
    These Walls
    Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group These Walls · Kendrick Lamar · Bilal · Anna ...
    published: 12 Dec 2018
    Play in Full Screen
    These Walls
    Provided to YouTube by Warner Records These Walls · Dream Theater Octavarium ℗ 2005 Atl...
    published: 08 Apr 2017
    Play in Full Screen
    These Walls ft. Anna Wise, Bilal, Thundercat - Kendrick Lamar (To Pimp a Butterfly)
    For Music Promotion, visit https://motionmarketingusa.com/music-promotion/ Instagram - ht...
    published: 04 Feb 2019
    Play in Full Screen
    "These Walls" featuring Jason David
    Now available on iTunes! https://geo.itunes.apple.com/album/these-walls/id1293336305?app=i...
    published: 08 Jul 2017
    Play in Full Screen
    Kendrick Lamar - These Walls (Live on Ellen) ft. Bilal, Anna Wise, Thundercat
    To Pimp A Butterfly album out now iTunes: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterfly Target: htt...
    published: 28 May 2015
    Play in Full Screen
    Machine Gun Kelly - in these walls (feat. PVRIS)
    Lockdown Session Day 19. Vocal sample PVRIS - 'My House' 'lockdown sessions' available no...
    published: 14 Apr 2020
    Play in Full Screen
    IF THESE WALLS COULD TALK with Wendy Stuart, Tym Moss, and guest Susan Campanaro AKA Lavinia Draper
    If These Walls Could Talk with Wendy Stuart & Tym Moss Hosts: WENDY STUART & TYM MOSS ...
    published: 14 Dec 2023
    Play in Full Screen

    These Walls

    "These Walls" is Teddy Geiger's second single. The single was released to radio in September 2006. The song was used by Australian television network, Seven, to promote the show Prison Break.

    Official versions

  • "These Walls" (Album Version) - 3:43
  • Music video

    In the music video for this song, Geiger puts on earphones attached to his iPod shuffle, plays a piano in a house, throws playing cards into a fedora hat, and starts singing. Then as the video progesses, water comes out of nowhere, and the walls of the house come down and he's seen outside on a field with a girl who's perhaps the exact his age and then his piano goes on fire and Teddy is seen holding hands with the girl towards the ending describing a situation exactly similar to the song as having a broken heart.

    Chart performance

    External links

  • Lyrics of this song at MetroLyrics
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    • Kendrick Lamar - These Walls (Explicit) ft. Bilal, Anna Wise, Thundercat
      Kendrick Lamar - These Walls (Explicit) ft. Bilal, Anna Wise, Thundercatremove from playlist
    • Kendrick Lamar - These Walls (Live on Ellen) ft. Bilal, Anna Wise, Thundercat
      Kendrick Lamar - These Walls (Live on Ellen) ft. Bilal, Anna Wise, Thundercatremove from playlist
    • These Walls
      These Wallsremove from playlist
    • These Walls
      These Wallsremove from playlist
    • These Walls ft. Anna Wise, Bilal, Thundercat - Kendrick Lamar (To Pimp a Butterfly)
      These Walls ft. Anna Wise, Bilal, Thundercat - Kendrick Lamar (To Pimp a Butterfly)remove from playlist
    • Kendrick Lamar -These walls (Lyrics) HQ
      Kendrick Lamar -These walls (Lyrics) HQremove from playlist
    • Kendrick Lamar -
      Kendrick Lamar - "These Walls" w/ the National Symphony Orchestra | The Kennedy Centerremove from playlist
    • Kendrick Lamar - These Walls (Moss Kena Rework)
      Kendrick Lamar - These Walls (Moss Kena Rework)remove from playlist
    • Kendrick Lamar - These Walls (Explicit) ft. Bilal, Anna Wise, Thundercat
      Kendrick Lamar - These Walls (Explicit) ft. Bilal, Anna Wise, Thundercatremove from playlist
    PLAYLIST TIME: 0:00 / 52:16

    Kendrick Lamar - These Walls (Explicit) ft. Bilal, Anna Wise, Thundercat

    To Pimp A Butterfly album out now iTunes: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterfly Target: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyTG Google Play: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyGP Amazon CD: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyCD Amazon MP3: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyAmz Best Buy: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterflyBB http://vevo.ly/54eiyf Best of Kendrick Lamar: https://goo.gl/PTr3FF Subscribe here: https://goo.gl/XGVyCd
    Kendrick Lamar - These Walls (Explicit) ft. Bilal, Anna Wise, Thundercat
    To Pimp A Butterfly album out now iTunes: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterfly Target: htt...
    published: 28 Oct 2015
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    Kendrick Lamar - These Walls (Live on Ellen) ft. Bilal, Anna Wise, Thundercat
    To Pimp A Butterfly album out now iTunes: http://smarturl.it/ToPimpAButterfly Target: htt...
    published: 28 May 2015
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    These Walls
    Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group These Walls · Kendrick Lamar · Bilal · Anna ...
    published: 15 Sep 2018
    Play in Full Screen
    These Walls
    Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group These Walls · Kendrick Lamar · Bilal · Anna ...
    published: 12 Dec 2018
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    These Walls ft. Anna Wise, Bilal, Thundercat - Kendrick Lamar (To Pimp a Butterfly)
    For Music Promotion, visit https://motionmarketingusa.com/music-promotion/ Instagram - ht...
    published: 04 Feb 2019
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    Kendrick Lamar -These walls (Lyrics) HQ
    Kendrick Lamar -These walls lyrics on screen Song by : Kendrick lamar aka king kunta Albu...
    published: 23 Jan 2016
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    Kendrick Lamar - "These Walls" w/ the National Symphony Orchestra | The Kennedy Center
    On October 20, 2015, Kendrick Lamar and the NSO Pops delivered a one-night-only performanc...
    published: 21 Oct 2015
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    Kendrick Lamar Performs 'These Walls'
    Check out this awesome performance from his new album!
    published: 28 May 2015
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    Kendrick Lamar - These Walls (Moss Kena Rework)
    Amazing version of a masterpiece! Loving the picture too! ● Our playlist on Spotify → http...
    published: 31 May 2016
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    Kendrick Lamar - These Walls (Explicit) ft. Bilal, Anna Wise, Thundercat
    Apéro - Enfant Sauvage - 04/02/16 - Club Clandestin - Bruxelles ©UMG Au nom de : Top Dawg...
    published: 27 Jan 2016
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