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The Seasons

The Seasons may refer to:

In literature:

  • The Seasons (poem), a Lithuanian poem by Kristijonas Donelaitis
  • The Seasons (Thomson poem), four long poems by James Thomson
  • In mythology:

  • The Seasons, also known as the Horae
  • In music and dance:

  • The Seasons (Haydn), an oratorio by Joseph Haydn
  • The Seasons (Tchaikovsky), a set of character pieces for piano by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
  • The Seasons (ballet), a ballet by Marius Petipa to the music of Alexander Glazunov
  • The Seasons (Cage), a ballet by Merce Cunningham to music of John Cage
  • Les Saisons (The Seasons), a ballet by Jean-Baptiste Lully
  • "The Seasons", a song on Skynyrd's First and... Last (1978) by Lynyrd Skynyrd
  • In television:

  • The Seasons (TVB Program), a Hong Kong television drama series
  • See also

  • Season (disambiguation)
  • The Four Seasons (disambiguation)
  • The Seasons (Thomson)

    The Seasons is a series of four poems written by the Scottish author James Thomson. The first part, Winter, was published in 1726, and the completed poem cycle appeared in 1730.

    The poem was extremely influential, and stimulated works by John Christopher Smith, Joseph Haydn, Thomas Gainsborough and J. M. W. Turner among many others.


    Thompson was educated at Jedburgh Grammar School and Edinburgh University where he was a member of "The Grotesques" literary club; some of his early poems were published in the Edinburgh Miscellany of 1720. Seeking a larger stage, he went to London in 1725, and became the tutor of Thomas Hamilton (who became the 7th Earl of Haddington) in Barnet. There he was able to begin Winter, the first of his four Seasons.

    Blank verse had been considered more of an interesting toy than anything useful to poetry, despite John Milton's epic-scale Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained half a century earlier.


    The poem was published one season at a time, Winter in 1726, Summer in 1727, Spring in 1728 and Autumn only in the complete edition of 1730. Thomson borrowed Milton's Latin-influenced vocabulary and inverted word order, with phrases like "in convolution swift". He extended Milton's narrative use of blank verse to use it for description and to give a meditative feeling. The critic Raymond Dexter Havens called Thomson's style pompous and contorted, remarking that Thompson seemed to have avoided "calling things by their right names and speaking simply, directly, and naturally".

    The Seasons (ballet)

    The Seasons (Russian: Времена года, Vremena goda; also French: Les saisons) is an allegorical ballet in one act, four scenes, by the choreographer Marius Petipa, with music by Alexander Glazunov, his Op. 67. The work was composed in 1899, and was first performed by the Imperial Ballet in 1900 in St. Petersburg, Russia.


    Composition history

    The score for Marius Petipa's Les Saisons (The Seasons) was originally intended to have been composed by the Italian composer and conductor Riccardo Drigo, who was Glazunov's colleague and close friend. Since 1886, Drigo held the posts of director of music and Chef d’orchestre to the Ballet of the St. Petersburg Imperial Theatres, while also serving as conductor for performances of the Italian operas in the repertory of the Imperial Opera. Petipa's Les Millions d’Arlequin (a.k.a. Harlequinade) was also in its preliminary stages at the same time as Les Saisons, and was originally intended to have had a score supplied by Glazunov. Since Drigo and Glazunov had an affinity towards each other's assigned ballet, the two composers agreed that Glazunov would compose Les Saisons and that Drigo would compose Les Millions d’Arlequin.

    Jackson Hill

    Jackson Hill may refer to:

  • Jackson Hill (composer), American composer
  • Jackson Hill, Indiana, an unincorporated settlement in the United States
  • Jackson Hill, Jersey City, a neighbourhood
  • Jackson Hill (Georgia), a summit in Georgia
  • Jackson Hill Park, a park in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
  • See also

  • Mount Jackson (disambiguation)
  • Jackson Hill (composer)

    Jackson Hill (born 1941 in Birmingham, Alabama), is an American composer primarily of symphonic, ensemble, and vocal music.


    Hill was a Morehead Scholar at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Ph.D. in musicology in 1970). A composer from the age of 14, he studied composition with Iain Hamilton at Duke University (1964–66) and Roger Hannay (1967-68). He has served as a visiting scholar and choral assistant at Exeter College, Oxford, and as a Visiting Fellow at Clare Hall, Cambridge University. He studied Buddhist chant as a Fulbright Fellow in Japan in the 1970s, and traditional Japanese music has been a strong influence in his work.

    He has received numerous awards and prizes for his music, which includes choral, solo, and chamber music, as well as a chamber opera and three symphonies. Hill’s music has been widely performed in Europe, Asia and the Americas, including performances at the Tanglewood, Ravinia, Chautauqua, and Edinburgh festivals. Recent commissions have come from The Fitzwilliam String Quartet (UK), Lichfield Cathedral, Chanticleer, the King's Singers, New York Polyphony, and the Three Choirs Festival (UK). His composition Voices of Autumn was part of Chanticleer’s Grammy nomination in 2003. He taught at Duke University (1966-1968) and 1968-2008 at Bucknell University, where he served as Associate Dean, Presidential Professor, and Chair of the Department of Music.

    Jackson Hill (Georgia)

    Jackson Hill is a summit in Floyd County, Georgia. With an elevation of 751 feet (229 m), Jackson Hill is the 905th highest summit in the state of Georgia.

    Jackson Hill was named for the local Jackson family, the original owners.



    • Seasons Song

      The Seasons Song is a Science song that teaches the seasons of the year. The Seasons Song teaches the Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. Get unlimited teaching resources: https://www.havefunteaching.com/ Seasons Worksheets: https://www.havefunteaching.com/resources/browse/product_cat/science+seasons+worksheets/ Seasons Activities: https://www.havefunteaching.com/resources/browse/product_cat/science+seasons+activities/ Science Songs: https://www.havefunteaching.com/resources/browse/product_cat/science+videos/ Seasons Song Lyrics: Here we go, oh, oh Seasons of the year Here comes the spring with the rain pouring down Here comes the spring with the flowers in the ground Here comes the spring with the rainbow in the sky Here comes the spring to bring new life Here comes the summer with ...

      published: 19 May 2015
    • 도경수(D.O.)X지코(ZICO) - SPOT! (Feat. JENNIE) [더 시즌즈-지코의 아티스트] | KBS 240510 방송

      도경수(D.O.)X지코(ZICO) - SPOT! (Feat. JENNIE) #더시즌즈 #도경수 #SPOT! #지코의아티스트 #지코 #ZICO #theseasons #아티스트 #토크쇼 #음악 ---------------------------------------------- ▶ Homepage : https://www.kbs.co.kr/ ▶ Wavve : https://www.wavve.com/ ▶ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/theseasons2023 ▶ Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/@KBSKpop ----------------------------------------------

      published: 10 May 2024
    • The Seasons Song | Kids Songs | Super Simple Songs

      Get the Super Simple App! ► http://bit.ly/TheSuperSimpleApp Let's celebrate all four seasons of the year while learning some seasonal vocabulary! 🎶 Winter and spring, summer and fall. No matter the season, I love them all. There’s always a reason to wake up and say, “What a lovely season it is today!” 🎶 PARENTS AND TEACHERS: Thank you so much for watching Super Simple Songs with your families and/or students. Here are some other places to find great Super Simple content: ► SUPER SIMPLE APP -- http://bit.ly/TheSuperSimpleApp Be the first to watch new Super Simple videos in the Super Simple App! Ad-free and designed for young learners. ► YOUTUBE KIDS -- http://bit.ly/You-Tube-Kids Designed to make it safer and simpler for young ones to watch online video, YouTube Kids includes a suite of ...

      published: 07 Apr 2022
    • [ENG/IND] D,O TALK & STAGE (The Seasons) | KBS WORLD TV 240517

      #TheSeasons #ZICO'sArtist #더시즌즈 #지코의아티스트 #zico #지코 #D.O #도경수 #EXO Sat 00:30 | Re-run : Sat 6:00,12:40 (Seoul, UTC+9) ➕ Music Bank 2023 : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMf7VY8La5RHGe90QRg_fH__B1NrbOcOb 2022 : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMf7VY8La5REOohUTNebLTtU4Je5V4vft 2021 : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMf7VY8La5RExE1YkVdBCHpaLsay2SnNa ➕ Song Festival 2022 : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMf7VY8La5RHbkr3Re0fXA38MVoyNI0R9 2021 : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMf7VY8La5REQ1HJ1KqjWsZ9tTDKM1fgI 2020 : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMf7VY8La5RGym7CKoCfDFz_qb_WxU8Ry ➕ Never Stop! Online Compilation Concert Season #2 : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMf7VY8La5RHtUcGjsT8qmRhfJG1ICQDo Season #1 : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMf7VY8La5RFFgnKp0iiXwKX39...

      published: 21 May 2024
    • the SEASON 4 battle pass is INSANE!

      Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 4 Battle Pass Trailer Full Showcase Official Skins, Leaks, Live Event, New Season Update in Fortnite Battle Royale (FORTNITE MARVEL SEASON) Fortnite Doctor Doom’s Nitro Attack Event (Season 4 Live Event): https://youtu.be/YVBRHZ6UICE?si=zOrlqFoR7JMtXvJl #fortnite #shorts #chapter5

      published: 10 Aug 2024
    • JENNIE & Lee Hyo Ri - Miss Korea (Lee Hyo Ri) | The Seasons: Red Carpet With Lee Hyo Ri | KOCOWA+

      Subscribe to KOCOWA+ and watch The Seasons: Red Carpet With Lee Hyo Ri with professional English, Portuguese, & Spanish SUBs now ✨😎 Web▶ https://bit.ly/41LwySK App▶ https://bit.ly/48mYcYY ABOUT The Seasons: Red Carpet With Lee Hyo Ri Following Jay Park, Choi Jung Hoon, and AKMU, Lee Hyo Ri became the fourth host of "The Seasons" series. Come join the red carpet and round off your Friday night with good music, flashy performances, and amusing talks between Hyo Ri and her guests! Check out Hyo Ri’s well-known sense of humor as well! #TheSeasonsRedCarpetWithLeeHyoRi #LeeHyoRi #TheSeasons #kpop #kvariety SUBSCRIBE TO KOCOWA’S YOUTUBE CHANNEL Click the link to subscribe to our channel for the latest shows & updates: https://www.youtube.com...

      published: 06 Jan 2024
    • If You Know All the Seasons - The Kiboomers Preschool Learning Videos for Circle Time

      Sing along and learn with The Kiboomers preschool songs & nursery rhymes! Here is our super fun four seasons dance song for kids. Clap your hands while learning about Autumn, Spring, Winter and Summer! 'SEASONS SONG LYRICS' If you know all the seasons, clap your hands If you know all the seasons, clap your hands If you know all the seasons You’ve got four terrific reasons To shout out and name the seasons Clap your hands If you really love the winter, go like this “BRRR” If you really love the winter, go like this “BRRR” Because winter is the season When your nose is always freezing And you’re shivering and sneezing Go like this “BRRR” In the spring you run and play and shout “HURRAY” In the spring you run and play and shout “HURRAY In the spring the grass is growing And a gentle ...

      published: 10 Jan 2017
    • The Seasons Song | Science Songs | Scratch Garden

      The Seasons Song is very helpful for learning the four seasons! Like our videos? Help support us on Patreon (and access over 50 member-only videos!) ►► https://www.patreon.com/scratchgarden ◄◄ This is a great introductory science song for kids or for anyone who wants to learn or teach the vocabulary of the seasons in English. We hope you 'fall' in love with the Winter Spring Summer and Fall Song! Watch many more fun Scratch Garden Educational Videos here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_ym6QHjS1szUhzH9URPbDflLczfPHF6P Scratch Garden makes entertaining educational videos for people that like to laugh and learn! Please Subscribe to see more great fun learning videos from Scratch Garden! https://goo.gl/1biPjA Website: https://www.scratchgarden.com Instagram: https://www.inst...

      published: 16 Dec 2014
    • Welcoming Autumn I Living with the seasons

      Following the seasons and being mindful of the changes around you, can help you to connect with yourself and your surrounding more. When you intertwine your life with the changing seasons, you may understand yourself and your life on a deeper, more profound level. 🌿 It's mushroom and berry season here in the North now, and nature has a bounty of treasures, looking to be found. 🫐 #slowliving #simpleliving #mindfulness - - - Music by Epidemic Sound

      published: 10 Aug 2024
    • [ENG/IND] DAY6 TALK & STAGE (The Seasons) | KBS WORLD TV 240329

      #TheSeasons #LeeHyorisRedCarpet #더시즌즈 #이효리의레드카펫 #LeeHyori #이효리 #李孝利 Sat 00:35 | Re-run : Sat 6:00,12:40 (Seoul, UTC+9) #DAY6 #데이식스 ➕ Music Bank 2023 : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMf7VY8La5RHGe90QRg_fH__B1NrbOcOb 2022 : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMf7VY8La5REOohUTNebLTtU4Je5V4vft 2021 : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMf7VY8La5RExE1YkVdBCHpaLsay2SnNa ➕ Song Festival 2022 : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMf7VY8La5RHbkr3Re0fXA38MVoyNI0R9 2021 : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMf7VY8La5REQ1HJ1KqjWsZ9tTDKM1fgI 2020 : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMf7VY8La5RGym7CKoCfDFz_qb_WxU8Ry ➕ Never Stop! Online Compilation Concert Season #2 : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMf7VY8La5RHtUcGjsT8qmRhfJG1ICQDo Season #1 : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMf7VY8La5RF...

      published: 02 Apr 2024
    Seasons Song

    Seasons Song

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:06
    • Uploaded Date: 19 May 2015
    • views: 173705189
    The Seasons Song is a Science song that teaches the seasons of the year. The Seasons Song teaches the Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. Get unlimited teaching resources: https://www.havefunteaching.com/ Seasons Worksheets: https://www.havefunteaching.com/resources/browse/product_cat/science+seasons+worksheets/ Seasons Activities: https://www.havefunteaching.com/resources/browse/product_cat/science+seasons+activities/ Science Songs: https://www.havefunteaching.com/resources/browse/product_cat/science+videos/ Seasons Song Lyrics: Here we go, oh, oh Seasons of the year Here comes the spring with the rain pouring down Here comes the spring with the flowers in the ground Here comes the spring with the rainbow in the sky Here comes the spring to bring new life Here comes the summer with the heat from the sun Here comes the summer with the kids having fun Here comes the summer with the warm breeze Here comes the summer with the trees so green Here comes the fall with the leaves changing color Here comes the fall with the climate getting cooler Here comes the fall with the leaves falling down Here comes the fall with the wind blowing loud Here comes the winter with the ice and the snow Here comes the winter with the freezing cold Here comes the winter with the days getting shorter Here comes the winter with the nights getting longer
    도경수(D.O.)X지코(ZICO) - SPOT! (Feat. JENNIE) [더 시즌즈-지코의 아티스트] | KBS 240510 방송

    도경수(D.O.)X지코(ZICO) - SPOT! (Feat. JENNIE) [더 시즌즈-지코의 아티스트] | KBS 240510 방송

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:34
    • Uploaded Date: 10 May 2024
    • views: 6779248
    도경수(D.O.)X지코(ZICO) - SPOT! (Feat. JENNIE) #더시즌즈 #도경수 #SPOT! #지코의아티스트 #지코 #ZICO #theseasons #아티스트 #토크쇼 #음악 ---------------------------------------------- ▶ Homepage : https://www.kbs.co.kr/ ▶ Wavve : https://www.wavve.com/ ▶ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/theseasons2023 ▶ Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/@KBSKpop ----------------------------------------------
    The Seasons Song | Kids Songs | Super Simple Songs

    The Seasons Song | Kids Songs | Super Simple Songs

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:59
    • Uploaded Date: 07 Apr 2022
    • views: 14440032
    Get the Super Simple App! ► http://bit.ly/TheSuperSimpleApp Let's celebrate all four seasons of the year while learning some seasonal vocabulary! 🎶 Winter and spring, summer and fall. No matter the season, I love them all. There’s always a reason to wake up and say, “What a lovely season it is today!” 🎶 PARENTS AND TEACHERS: Thank you so much for watching Super Simple Songs with your families and/or students. Here are some other places to find great Super Simple content: ► SUPER SIMPLE APP -- http://bit.ly/TheSuperSimpleApp Be the first to watch new Super Simple videos in the Super Simple App! Ad-free and designed for young learners. ► YOUTUBE KIDS -- http://bit.ly/You-Tube-Kids Designed to make it safer and simpler for young ones to watch online video, YouTube Kids includes a suite of parental controls so you can tailor the experience to suit your family’s needs. ► AMAZON VIDEO Are you an Amazon Prime member? Watch Super Simple videos ad-free on Amazon Prime Video. Just search for “Super Simple.” FREE SUPER SIMPLE TEACHING RESOURCES: http://bit.ly/SSFree-Resources SOCIAL MEDIA: Super Simple Newsletter Sign Up: http://bit.ly/SuperSimpleSignUp Facebook: http://bit.ly/SuperSimpleFacebook Instagram: http://bit.ly/SuperSimpleInsta Twitter: http://bit.ly/SuperSimpleTwitter Pinterest: http://bit.ly/SuperSimplePinterest ********* Lyrics: Winter and spring, summer and fall. No matter the season, I love them all. There’s always a reason to wake up and say, “What a lovely season it is today!” In the spring I love the flowers. In the summer I love the sun. In the fall I love the falling leaves. They keep falling, one by one. In the winter I love the flurries of snow. There’s a magic in the air. When you open your eyes and look around, there’s beauty everywhere. Winter and spring, summer and fall. No matter the season, I love them all. There’s always a reason to wake up and say, “What a lovely season it is today!” In the spring I love the flowers. In the summer I love the sun. In the fall I love the falling leaves. They keep falling, one by one. In the winter I love the flurries of snow. There’s a magic in the air. When you open your eyes and look around, there’s beauty everywhere. Winter and spring, summer and fall. No matter the season, I love them all. There’s always a reason to wake up and say, “What a lovely season it is today!” What a lovely season it is today! What a lovely season it is today! What a lovely season it is today! What a lovely season it is today! What a lovely season it is today! What a lovely season it is today! What a lovely season it is today! ********* © Skyship Entertainment Company. All rights reserved. Super Simple, Super Simple Songs, Noodle & Pals, Finny the Shark, Caitie’s Classroom, Rhymington Square, the Bumble Nums, Carl’s Car Wash and associated logos are trademarks of Skyship Entertainment Company. #supersimple #nurseryrhymes #kidssongs #childrensmusic #funlearningactivities
    [ENG/IND] D,O TALK & STAGE (The Seasons) | KBS WORLD TV 240517

    [ENG/IND] D,O TALK & STAGE (The Seasons) | KBS WORLD TV 240517

    • Order:
    • Duration: 21:21
    • Uploaded Date: 21 May 2024
    • views: 159609
    #TheSeasons #ZICO'sArtist #더시즌즈 #지코의아티스트 #zico #지코 #D.O #도경수 #EXO Sat 00:30 | Re-run : Sat 6:00,12:40 (Seoul, UTC+9) ➕ Music Bank 2023 : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMf7VY8La5RHGe90QRg_fH__B1NrbOcOb 2022 : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMf7VY8La5REOohUTNebLTtU4Je5V4vft 2021 : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMf7VY8La5RExE1YkVdBCHpaLsay2SnNa ➕ Song Festival 2022 : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMf7VY8La5RHbkr3Re0fXA38MVoyNI0R9 2021 : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMf7VY8La5REQ1HJ1KqjWsZ9tTDKM1fgI 2020 : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMf7VY8La5RGym7CKoCfDFz_qb_WxU8Ry ➕ Never Stop! Online Compilation Concert Season #2 : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMf7VY8La5RHtUcGjsT8qmRhfJG1ICQDo Season #1 : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMf7VY8La5RFFgnKp0iiXwKX39EGzhsDF ➕ Exclusive BTS Stage : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMf7VY8La5RFAM6Sgg4M9SkyGIusuhnac Editor's Pick! : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMf7VY8La5RG9xT3U4l0GAPuA4CdeIi3R ➕ LEGEND Video : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMf7VY8La5RFS0XWTWFycvquksqgPeQ80 ➕ Subscribe KBS WORLD TV Official Pages Youtube Subscribe:https://www.youtube.com/kbsworld Homepage : http://www.kbsworld.co.kr Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/kbsworld Twitter : http://twitter.com/kbsworldtv Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/kbsworldtv/ Line : https://goo.gl/g5iRQV Android Download : https://bit.ly/3Io5sri IOS Download : https://apple.co/3yQ0n7Z
    the SEASON 4 battle pass is INSANE!

    the SEASON 4 battle pass is INSANE!

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:00
    • Uploaded Date: 10 Aug 2024
    • views: 36967
    Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 4 Battle Pass Trailer Full Showcase Official Skins, Leaks, Live Event, New Season Update in Fortnite Battle Royale (FORTNITE MARVEL SEASON) Fortnite Doctor Doom’s Nitro Attack Event (Season 4 Live Event): https://youtu.be/YVBRHZ6UICE?si=zOrlqFoR7JMtXvJl #fortnite #shorts #chapter5
    JENNIE & Lee Hyo Ri - Miss Korea (Lee Hyo Ri) | The Seasons: Red Carpet With Lee Hyo Ri | KOCOWA+

    JENNIE & Lee Hyo Ri - Miss Korea (Lee Hyo Ri) | The Seasons: Red Carpet With Lee Hyo Ri | KOCOWA+

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:14
    • Uploaded Date: 06 Jan 2024
    • views: 3609309
    Subscribe to KOCOWA+ and watch The Seasons: Red Carpet With Lee Hyo Ri with professional English, Portuguese, & Spanish SUBs now ✨😎 Web▶ https://bit.ly/41LwySK App▶ https://bit.ly/48mYcYY ABOUT The Seasons: Red Carpet With Lee Hyo Ri Following Jay Park, Choi Jung Hoon, and AKMU, Lee Hyo Ri became the fourth host of "The Seasons" series. Come join the red carpet and round off your Friday night with good music, flashy performances, and amusing talks between Hyo Ri and her guests! Check out Hyo Ri’s well-known sense of humor as well! #TheSeasonsRedCarpetWithLeeHyoRi #LeeHyoRi #TheSeasons #kpop #kvariety SUBSCRIBE TO KOCOWA’S YOUTUBE CHANNEL Click the link to subscribe to our channel for the latest shows & updates: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAqlxq4Bs9PjI86M9lM18TA START YOUR FREE TRIAL https://www.kocowa.com/en_us/plan FOLLOW US Facebook ▶ https://www.facebook.com/kocowa/ Instagram ▶ https://www.instagram.com/kocowa.official/ TikTok ▶ https://www.tiktok.com/@kocowa.official Twitter ▶ https://twitter.com/kocowa_official Blog “Korean Entertainment for Everyone” ▶ https://blog.kocowa.com/ About #KOCOWA KOCOWA+ is a global entertainment streaming service where people can discover, watch, and fall in love with Korean programming across the Americas. KOCOWA+ offers thousands of hours of exclusive dramas, reality, and k-pop shows direct from Korea and all with multi-language subtitles for international ‘Hallyu’ fans. New shows are uploaded daily and within 6 hours after the Korean linear broadcast. KOCOWA+ is powered by the top three Korean broadcasting companies (KBS, MBC, & SBS) and many other partners from Korea.
    If You Know All the Seasons - The Kiboomers Preschool Learning Videos for Circle Time

    If You Know All the Seasons - The Kiboomers Preschool Learning Videos for Circle Time

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:47
    • Uploaded Date: 10 Jan 2017
    • views: 6163215
    Sing along and learn with The Kiboomers preschool songs & nursery rhymes! Here is our super fun four seasons dance song for kids. Clap your hands while learning about Autumn, Spring, Winter and Summer! 'SEASONS SONG LYRICS' If you know all the seasons, clap your hands If you know all the seasons, clap your hands If you know all the seasons You’ve got four terrific reasons To shout out and name the seasons Clap your hands If you really love the winter, go like this “BRRR” If you really love the winter, go like this “BRRR” Because winter is the season When your nose is always freezing And you’re shivering and sneezing Go like this “BRRR” In the spring you run and play and shout “HURRAY” In the spring you run and play and shout “HURRAY In the spring the grass is growing And a gentle breeze is blowing And a warmer sun is glowing Shout “HURRAY” If you really love the summer, stomp your feet If you really love the summer, stomp your feet In the summer you can play And swim and camp and fish all day Oh summer please don’t go away Stomp your feet If you really love the autumn, slap your knees If you really love the autumn, slap your knees When it’s beginning to get cold And the leaves turn red and gold Then it’s back to school you go Slap your knees #preschoolsongs #circletime #learningsongs
    The Seasons Song | Science Songs | Scratch Garden

    The Seasons Song | Science Songs | Scratch Garden

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:59
    • Uploaded Date: 16 Dec 2014
    • views: 5436435
    The Seasons Song is very helpful for learning the four seasons! Like our videos? Help support us on Patreon (and access over 50 member-only videos!) ►► https://www.patreon.com/scratchgarden ◄◄ This is a great introductory science song for kids or for anyone who wants to learn or teach the vocabulary of the seasons in English. We hope you 'fall' in love with the Winter Spring Summer and Fall Song! Watch many more fun Scratch Garden Educational Videos here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_ym6QHjS1szUhzH9URPbDflLczfPHF6P Scratch Garden makes entertaining educational videos for people that like to laugh and learn! Please Subscribe to see more great fun learning videos from Scratch Garden! https://goo.gl/1biPjA Website: https://www.scratchgarden.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/scratchgarden Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/scratchgarden 00:00 Introduction 00:47 Winter 01:09 Spring 01:29 Summer 01:50 Autumn #scratchgardensongs #sciencesongs #seasonsoftheyear
    Welcoming Autumn I Living with the seasons

    Welcoming Autumn I Living with the seasons

    • Order:
    • Duration: 9:29
    • Uploaded Date: 10 Aug 2024
    • views: 432
    Following the seasons and being mindful of the changes around you, can help you to connect with yourself and your surrounding more. When you intertwine your life with the changing seasons, you may understand yourself and your life on a deeper, more profound level. 🌿 It's mushroom and berry season here in the North now, and nature has a bounty of treasures, looking to be found. 🫐 #slowliving #simpleliving #mindfulness - - - Music by Epidemic Sound
    [ENG/IND]  DAY6 TALK & STAGE (The Seasons) | KBS WORLD TV 240329

    [ENG/IND] DAY6 TALK & STAGE (The Seasons) | KBS WORLD TV 240329

    • Order:
    • Duration: 21:00
    • Uploaded Date: 02 Apr 2024
    • views: 26905
    #TheSeasons #LeeHyorisRedCarpet #더시즌즈 #이효리의레드카펫 #LeeHyori #이효리 #李孝利 Sat 00:35 | Re-run : Sat 6:00,12:40 (Seoul, UTC+9) #DAY6 #데이식스 ➕ Music Bank 2023 : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMf7VY8La5RHGe90QRg_fH__B1NrbOcOb 2022 : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMf7VY8La5REOohUTNebLTtU4Je5V4vft 2021 : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMf7VY8La5RExE1YkVdBCHpaLsay2SnNa ➕ Song Festival 2022 : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMf7VY8La5RHbkr3Re0fXA38MVoyNI0R9 2021 : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMf7VY8La5REQ1HJ1KqjWsZ9tTDKM1fgI 2020 : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMf7VY8La5RGym7CKoCfDFz_qb_WxU8Ry ➕ Never Stop! Online Compilation Concert Season #2 : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMf7VY8La5RHtUcGjsT8qmRhfJG1ICQDo Season #1 : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMf7VY8La5RFFgnKp0iiXwKX39EGzhsDF ➕ Exclusive BTS Stage : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMf7VY8La5RFAM6Sgg4M9SkyGIusuhnac Editor's Pick! : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMf7VY8La5RG9xT3U4l0GAPuA4CdeIi3R ➕ LEGEND Video : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMf7VY8La5RFS0XWTWFycvquksqgPeQ80 ➕ Subscribe KBS WORLD TV Official Pages Youtube Subscribe:https://www.youtube.com/kbsworld Homepage : http://www.kbsworld.co.kr Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/kbsworld Twitter : http://twitter.com/kbsworldtv Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/kbsworldtv/ Line : https://goo.gl/g5iRQV Android Download : https://bit.ly/3Io5sri IOS Download : https://apple.co/3yQ0n7Z
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    • Seasons Song
      Seasons Songremove from playlist
    • 도경수(D.O.)X지코(ZICO) - SPOT! (Feat. JENNIE) [더 시즌즈-지코의 아티스트] | KBS 240510 방송
      도경수(D.O.)X지코(ZICO) - SPOT! (Feat. JENNIE) [더 시즌즈-지코의 아티스트] | KBS 240510 방송remove from playlist
    • The Seasons Song | Kids Songs | Super Simple Songs
      The Seasons Song | Kids Songs | Super Simple Songsremove from playlist
    • [ENG/IND] D,O TALK & STAGE (The Seasons) | KBS WORLD TV 240517
      [ENG/IND] D,O TALK & STAGE (The Seasons) | KBS WORLD TV 240517remove from playlist
    • the SEASON 4 battle pass is INSANE!
      the SEASON 4 battle pass is INSANE!remove from playlist
    • JENNIE & Lee Hyo Ri - Miss Korea (Lee Hyo Ri) | The Seasons: Red Carpet With Lee Hyo Ri | KOCOWA+
      JENNIE & Lee Hyo Ri - Miss Korea (Lee Hyo Ri) | The Seasons: Red Carpet With Lee Hyo Ri | KOCOWA+remove from playlist
    • If You Know All the Seasons - The Kiboomers Preschool Learning Videos for Circle Time
      If You Know All the Seasons - The Kiboomers Preschool Learning Videos for Circle Timeremove from playlist
    • The Seasons Song | Science Songs | Scratch Garden
      The Seasons Song | Science Songs | Scratch Gardenremove from playlist
    • Welcoming Autumn I Living with the seasons
      Welcoming Autumn I Living with the seasonsremove from playlist
    • [ENG/IND]  DAY6 TALK & STAGE (The Seasons) | KBS WORLD TV 240329
      [ENG/IND] DAY6 TALK & STAGE (The Seasons) | KBS WORLD TV 240329remove from playlist
    PLAYLIST TIME: 0:00 / 1:08:29

    Seasons Song

    The Seasons Song is a Science song that teaches the seasons of the year. The Seasons Song teaches the Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. Get unlimited teaching resources: https://www.havefunteaching.com/ Seasons Worksheets: https://www.havefunteaching.com/resources/browse/product_cat/science+seasons+worksheets/ Seasons Activities: https://www.havefunteaching.com/resources/browse/product_cat/science+seasons+activities/ Science Songs: https://www.havefunteaching.com/resources/browse/product_cat/science+videos/ Seasons Song Lyrics: Here we go, oh, oh Seasons of the year Here comes the spring with the rain pouring down Here comes the spring with the flowers in the ground Here comes the spring with the rainbow in the sky Here comes the spring to bring new life Here comes the summer with the heat from the sun Here comes the summer with the kids having fun Here comes the summer with the warm breeze Here comes the summer with the trees so green Here comes the fall with the leaves changing color Here comes the fall with the climate getting cooler Here comes the fall with the leaves falling down Here comes the fall with the wind blowing loud Here comes the winter with the ice and the snow Here comes the winter with the freezing cold Here comes the winter with the days getting shorter Here comes the winter with the nights getting longer
    Seasons Song
    The Seasons Song is a Science song that teaches the seasons of the year. The Seasons Song ...
    published: 19 May 2015
    Play in Full Screen
    도경수(D.O.)X지코(ZICO) - SPOT! (Feat. JENNIE) [더 시즌즈-지코의 아티스트] | KBS 240510 방송
    도경수(D.O.)X지코(ZICO) - SPOT! (Feat. JENNIE) #더시즌즈 #도경수 #SPOT! #지코의아티스트 #지코 #ZICO #theseason...
    published: 10 May 2024
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    The Seasons Song | Kids Songs | Super Simple Songs
    Get the Super Simple App! ► http://bit.ly/TheSuperSimpleApp Let's celebrate all four seas...
    published: 07 Apr 2022
    Play in Full Screen
    [ENG/IND] D,O TALK & STAGE (The Seasons) | KBS WORLD TV 240517
    #TheSeasons #ZICO'sArtist #더시즌즈 #지코의아티스트 #zico #지코 #D.O #도경수 #EXO Sat 00:30 | Re-run : S...
    published: 21 May 2024
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    the SEASON 4 battle pass is INSANE!
    Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 4 Battle Pass Trailer Full Showcase Official Skins, Leaks, Live ...
    published: 10 Aug 2024
    Play in Full Screen
    JENNIE & Lee Hyo Ri - Miss Korea (Lee Hyo Ri) | The Seasons: Red Carpet With Lee Hyo Ri | KOCOWA+
    Subscribe to KOCOWA+ and watch The Seasons: Red Carpet With Lee Hyo Ri with professional E...
    published: 06 Jan 2024
    Play in Full Screen
    If You Know All the Seasons - The Kiboomers Preschool Learning Videos for Circle Time
    Sing along and learn with The Kiboomers preschool songs & nursery rhymes! Here is our supe...
    published: 10 Jan 2017
    Play in Full Screen
    The Seasons Song | Science Songs | Scratch Garden
    The Seasons Song is very helpful for learning the four seasons! Like our videos? Help su...
    published: 16 Dec 2014
    Play in Full Screen
    Welcoming Autumn I Living with the seasons
    Following the seasons and being mindful of the changes around you, can help you to connect...
    published: 10 Aug 2024
    Play in Full Screen
    [ENG/IND] DAY6 TALK & STAGE (The Seasons) | KBS WORLD TV 240329
    #TheSeasons #LeeHyorisRedCarpet #더시즌즈 #이효리의레드카펫 #LeeHyori #이효리 #李孝利 Sat 00:35 | Re-run : ...
    published: 02 Apr 2024
    Play in Full Screen

    The Seasons

    The Seasons may refer to:

    In literature:

  • The Seasons (poem), a Lithuanian poem by Kristijonas Donelaitis
  • The Seasons (Thomson poem), four long poems by James Thomson
  • In mythology:

  • The Seasons, also known as the Horae
  • In music and dance:

  • The Seasons (Haydn), an oratorio by Joseph Haydn
  • The Seasons (Tchaikovsky), a set of character pieces for piano by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
  • The Seasons (ballet), a ballet by Marius Petipa to the music of Alexander Glazunov
  • The Seasons (Cage), a ballet by Merce Cunningham to music of John Cage
  • Les Saisons (The Seasons), a ballet by Jean-Baptiste Lully
  • "The Seasons", a song on Skynyrd's First and... Last (1978) by Lynyrd Skynyrd
  • In television:

  • The Seasons (TVB Program), a Hong Kong television drama series
  • See also

  • Season (disambiguation)
  • The Four Seasons (disambiguation)
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