Don Camillo 1952
Don Camillo è un film del 1952 diretto da Julien Duvivier.
La pellicola è liberamente ispirata ai personaggi creati da Giovannino Guareschi in una serie di racconti (1946-47), poi riuniti in volume nel marzo 1948 dall'editore Rizzoli. Il protagonisti, Peppone e don Camillo, sono interpretati rispettivamente da Gino Cervi e Fernandel. Nel 1953 il film ha avuto il suo primo sequel, Il ritorno di don Camillo.
Il film è stato selezionato tra i 100 film italiani da salvare
D'ora in poi, la tua vita sarà piena solo delle tue emozioni.
Se ti piace questo video, condividilo con i tuoi amici e familiari,
metti mi piace e commenta il video e iscriviti al mio canale per aiutarci
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We've compiled the best tunes of all time. We hope our m...
published: 07 Mar 2024
Don Camillo, Monsignore ma non troppo
published: 28 Mar 2020
Little world of Don Camillo 1951 (English Version)
published: 05 Feb 2024
Cycle Fernandel: 1 Le Petit Monde de Don Camillo
Cycle Fernandel: 1 Le Petit Monde de Don Camillo
avec Gino Cerbi
film de Julien Duvivier
published: 05 Feb 2017
Il compagno Don Camillo 1965 - FILM COMPLETO FHD ITA - ed restaurata
Il compagno don Camillo è un film del 1965 diretto da Luigi Comencini. E' il quinto episodio della saga (penultimo) con protagonisti Don Camillo e Peppone e tratto dall'omonimo libro di Giovannino Guareschi.
Trama - 1964: il paese di Brescello sta per essere gemellato, fra mille polemiche, con una cittadina russa. Per favorire il gemellaggio, i sovietici hanno inviato in regalo un loro trattore, che però non si decide a mettersi in moto. Finita la cerimonia ufficiale fra l'ironia generale, Peppone fa appello a tutta la sua abilità di meccanico per tentare di aggiustare il trattore, senza molta fortuna, e quando arriverà all'ultimo tentativo, per essere più sicuro, deciderà addirittura di farlo benedire da don Camillo. Solo allora il mezzo agricolo si metterà finalmente in moto.
Don Camil...
published: 10 May 2021
Don Camillo scena indimenticabile
Nel Don Camillo del 1952 Don Camillo usa i suoi mezzi per ricattare bonariamente Peppone !
published: 04 Sep 2014
Don Camillo - The Procession
Excerpt from the movie "The Little World of Don Camillo", 1953
published: 28 Nov 2008
Don Camillo and the Return of Don Camillo
Internationally beloved actor Fernandel is Don Camillo, a Catholic priest trying to protect his poor village from the desires of its Communist mayor Peppone (Gino Cervi) in these two beloved comedy classics.
published: 24 Jul 2008
Risposte EPICHE nei quiz! Da morire dal ridere 😂 REACTION
Hai sempre desiderato imparare una nuova lingua ma non sapevi da dove iniziare? Scopri Langua, l'app rivoluzionaria per l'apprendimento delle lingue basata sull'intelligenza artificiale! 🌎✨
Con Langua, puoi esercitarti a parlare e scrivere in tempo reale con un sistema avanzato di IA che sembra di parlare con un madrelingua. Inoltre, puoi immergerti in video e podcast coinvolgenti, progettati per aiutarti a padroneggiare il vocabolario, la pronuncia e le sfumature culturali in pochissimo tempo.
👉 Pronto a iniziare? Ottieni il 20% di sconto sull'abbonamento annuale con il codice 20ANNUAL utilizzando questo link: https://languatalk.com/try-langua?via=mauro. Non perdere questa occasione per imparare in modo più intelligente fin da oggi! In questo video, reagisco alle risposte più EPICHE e d...
published: 19 Jan 2025
Don Camillo : "Je cède à la violence !"
Scène extraite du film Le Petit Monde de Don Camillo réalisé en 1952 par Julien Duvivier avec Fernandel et Gino Cervi.
published: 02 Jun 2016
Don Camillo 1952
Don Camillo è un film del 1952 diretto da Julien Duvivier.
La pellicola è liberamente ispirata ai personaggi creati da Giovannino Guareschi in una serie di rac...
Don Camillo è un film del 1952 diretto da Julien Duvivier.
La pellicola è liberamente ispirata ai personaggi creati da Giovannino Guareschi in una serie di racconti (1946-47), poi riuniti in volume nel marzo 1948 dall'editore Rizzoli. Il protagonisti, Peppone e don Camillo, sono interpretati rispettivamente da Gino Cervi e Fernandel. Nel 1953 il film ha avuto il suo primo sequel, Il ritorno di don Camillo.
Il film è stato selezionato tra i 100 film italiani da salvare
D'ora in poi, la tua vita sarà piena solo delle tue emozioni.
Se ti piace questo video, condividilo con i tuoi amici e familiari,
metti mi piace e commenta il video e iscriviti al mio canale per aiutarci
altri prodotti in arrivo.
We've compiled the best tunes of all time. We hope our music o films can give you
space to be more optimistic in life. Release all negative thoughts and relax
to continue being creative!
From now on, your life will be filled only with your emotions.
If you like this video, please share it with your friends and family,
like and comment on the video and subscribe to my channel to help us with
more upcoming products.
Wir haben die besten Songs aller Zeiten zusammengestellt. Wir hoffen, dass Ihnen unsere Musik oder Filme,SERIEN
etwas bieten können
Raum für mehr Optimismus im Leben. Lassen Sie alle negativen Gedanken los und entspannen Sie sich
um weiterhin kreativ zu sein!
Von nun an wird Ihr Leben nur noch von Ihren Emotionen erfüllt sein.
Wenn Ihnen dieses Video gefällt, teilen Sie es bitte mit Ihren Freunden und Ihrer Familie.
Like und kommentiere das Video und abonniere meinen Kanal,total kostenlos um uns zu helfen
weitere kommende Produkte.
Don Camillo è un film del 1952 diretto da Julien Duvivier.
La pellicola è liberamente ispirata ai personaggi creati da Giovannino Guareschi in una serie di racconti (1946-47), poi riuniti in volume nel marzo 1948 dall'editore Rizzoli. Il protagonisti, Peppone e don Camillo, sono interpretati rispettivamente da Gino Cervi e Fernandel. Nel 1953 il film ha avuto il suo primo sequel, Il ritorno di don Camillo.
Il film è stato selezionato tra i 100 film italiani da salvare
D'ora in poi, la tua vita sarà piena solo delle tue emozioni.
Se ti piace questo video, condividilo con i tuoi amici e familiari,
metti mi piace e commenta il video e iscriviti al mio canale per aiutarci
altri prodotti in arrivo.
We've compiled the best tunes of all time. We hope our music o films can give you
space to be more optimistic in life. Release all negative thoughts and relax
to continue being creative!
From now on, your life will be filled only with your emotions.
If you like this video, please share it with your friends and family,
like and comment on the video and subscribe to my channel to help us with
more upcoming products.
Wir haben die besten Songs aller Zeiten zusammengestellt. Wir hoffen, dass Ihnen unsere Musik oder Filme,SERIEN
etwas bieten können
Raum für mehr Optimismus im Leben. Lassen Sie alle negativen Gedanken los und entspannen Sie sich
um weiterhin kreativ zu sein!
Von nun an wird Ihr Leben nur noch von Ihren Emotionen erfüllt sein.
Wenn Ihnen dieses Video gefällt, teilen Sie es bitte mit Ihren Freunden und Ihrer Familie.
Like und kommentiere das Video und abonniere meinen Kanal,total kostenlos um uns zu helfen
weitere kommende Produkte.
- published: 07 Mar 2024
- views: 151224
Cycle Fernandel: 1 Le Petit Monde de Don Camillo
Cycle Fernandel: 1 Le Petit Monde de Don Camillo
avec Gino Cerbi
film de Julien Duvivier
Cycle Fernandel: 1 Le Petit Monde de Don Camillo
avec Gino Cerbi
film de Julien Duvivier
Cycle Fernandel: 1 Le Petit Monde de Don Camillo
avec Gino Cerbi
film de Julien Duvivier
- published: 05 Feb 2017
- views: 122301
Il compagno Don Camillo 1965 - FILM COMPLETO FHD ITA - ed restaurata
Il compagno don Camillo è un film del 1965 diretto da Luigi Comencini. E' il quinto episodio della saga (penultimo) con protagonisti Don Camillo e Peppone e tra...
Il compagno don Camillo è un film del 1965 diretto da Luigi Comencini. E' il quinto episodio della saga (penultimo) con protagonisti Don Camillo e Peppone e tratto dall'omonimo libro di Giovannino Guareschi.
Trama - 1964: il paese di Brescello sta per essere gemellato, fra mille polemiche, con una cittadina russa. Per favorire il gemellaggio, i sovietici hanno inviato in regalo un loro trattore, che però non si decide a mettersi in moto. Finita la cerimonia ufficiale fra l'ironia generale, Peppone fa appello a tutta la sua abilità di meccanico per tentare di aggiustare il trattore, senza molta fortuna, e quando arriverà all'ultimo tentativo, per essere più sicuro, deciderà addirittura di farlo benedire da don Camillo. Solo allora il mezzo agricolo si metterà finalmente in moto.
Don Camillo cerca di scoraggiare l'iniziativa di Peppone: riesce a fare in modo che l'approvazione del gemellaggio avvenga tramite una raccolta di firme, ma poi non sa cosa escogitare per scoraggiare i suoi concittadini dal mettere la propria firma. Ma un giorno giungono, apparentemente inviati dalla Provvidenza, due profughi russi, Sasha e Sonja, che raccontano di sevizie e privazioni subite in Unione Sovietica. Don Camillo favorisce la diffusione di questi racconti. Infatti i due vengono rifocillati in fattorie e case di contadini del circondario mentre raccontano, con dovizia di macabri particolari, la "loro Russia". Alla fine si scopre che i due sono truffatori italiani, che si fingevano profughi e questo convince i paesani di don Camillo a firmare per il gemellaggio.
In seguito, quando Peppone e i compagni decidono di viaggiare oltrecortina per le celebrazioni, don Camillo tenta di partire con loro. Riesce a raggiungere lo scopo solo minacciando di rendere pubblica una scappatella sentimentale del sindaco con una giostraia. Don Camillo si procura documenti falsi: sarà il compagno Tarocci. In Russia ad attenderli ci sono attività di interscambio culturale: balletto, opera, gara di pesca allo storione, feste. Appena la comitiva italiana arriva in Russia, Nikita Chruščёv viene deposto a favore di Aleksej Kosygin e loro vengono bloccati in albergo. Fortunatamente, tutto si risolve per il meglio. Il Brusco ha promesso all'anziana madre di accendere un cero sulla tomba del fratello caduto: sarà don Camillo ad aiutarlo a raggiungere il posto esatto. Il prete del posto vive in semi-clandestinità, poiché teme il sindaco comunista del paesino russo: la chiesa è stata trasformata in granaio.
Il compagno don Camillo è un film del 1965 diretto da Luigi Comencini. E' il quinto episodio della saga (penultimo) con protagonisti Don Camillo e Peppone e tratto dall'omonimo libro di Giovannino Guareschi.
Trama - 1964: il paese di Brescello sta per essere gemellato, fra mille polemiche, con una cittadina russa. Per favorire il gemellaggio, i sovietici hanno inviato in regalo un loro trattore, che però non si decide a mettersi in moto. Finita la cerimonia ufficiale fra l'ironia generale, Peppone fa appello a tutta la sua abilità di meccanico per tentare di aggiustare il trattore, senza molta fortuna, e quando arriverà all'ultimo tentativo, per essere più sicuro, deciderà addirittura di farlo benedire da don Camillo. Solo allora il mezzo agricolo si metterà finalmente in moto.
Don Camillo cerca di scoraggiare l'iniziativa di Peppone: riesce a fare in modo che l'approvazione del gemellaggio avvenga tramite una raccolta di firme, ma poi non sa cosa escogitare per scoraggiare i suoi concittadini dal mettere la propria firma. Ma un giorno giungono, apparentemente inviati dalla Provvidenza, due profughi russi, Sasha e Sonja, che raccontano di sevizie e privazioni subite in Unione Sovietica. Don Camillo favorisce la diffusione di questi racconti. Infatti i due vengono rifocillati in fattorie e case di contadini del circondario mentre raccontano, con dovizia di macabri particolari, la "loro Russia". Alla fine si scopre che i due sono truffatori italiani, che si fingevano profughi e questo convince i paesani di don Camillo a firmare per il gemellaggio.
In seguito, quando Peppone e i compagni decidono di viaggiare oltrecortina per le celebrazioni, don Camillo tenta di partire con loro. Riesce a raggiungere lo scopo solo minacciando di rendere pubblica una scappatella sentimentale del sindaco con una giostraia. Don Camillo si procura documenti falsi: sarà il compagno Tarocci. In Russia ad attenderli ci sono attività di interscambio culturale: balletto, opera, gara di pesca allo storione, feste. Appena la comitiva italiana arriva in Russia, Nikita Chruščёv viene deposto a favore di Aleksej Kosygin e loro vengono bloccati in albergo. Fortunatamente, tutto si risolve per il meglio. Il Brusco ha promesso all'anziana madre di accendere un cero sulla tomba del fratello caduto: sarà don Camillo ad aiutarlo a raggiungere il posto esatto. Il prete del posto vive in semi-clandestinità, poiché teme il sindaco comunista del paesino russo: la chiesa è stata trasformata in granaio.
- published: 10 May 2021
- views: 37619
Don Camillo scena indimenticabile
Nel Don Camillo del 1952 Don Camillo usa i suoi mezzi per ricattare bonariamente Peppone !
Nel Don Camillo del 1952 Don Camillo usa i suoi mezzi per ricattare bonariamente Peppone !
Nel Don Camillo del 1952 Don Camillo usa i suoi mezzi per ricattare bonariamente Peppone !
- published: 04 Sep 2014
- views: 322576
Don Camillo - The Procession
Excerpt from the movie "The Little World of Don Camillo", 1953
Excerpt from the movie "The Little World of Don Camillo", 1953
Excerpt from the movie "The Little World of Don Camillo", 1953
- published: 28 Nov 2008
- views: 382935
Don Camillo and the Return of Don Camillo
Internationally beloved actor Fernandel is Don Camillo, a Catholic priest trying to protect his poor village from the desires of its Communist mayor Peppone (Gi...
Internationally beloved actor Fernandel is Don Camillo, a Catholic priest trying to protect his poor village from the desires of its Communist mayor Peppone (Gino Cervi) in these two beloved comedy classics.
Internationally beloved actor Fernandel is Don Camillo, a Catholic priest trying to protect his poor village from the desires of its Communist mayor Peppone (Gino Cervi) in these two beloved comedy classics.
- published: 24 Jul 2008
- views: 146866
Risposte EPICHE nei quiz! Da morire dal ridere 😂 REACTION
Hai sempre desiderato imparare una nuova lingua ma non sapevi da dove iniziare? Scopri Langua, l'app rivoluzionaria per l'apprendimento delle lingue basata sull...
Hai sempre desiderato imparare una nuova lingua ma non sapevi da dove iniziare? Scopri Langua, l'app rivoluzionaria per l'apprendimento delle lingue basata sull'intelligenza artificiale! 🌎✨
Con Langua, puoi esercitarti a parlare e scrivere in tempo reale con un sistema avanzato di IA che sembra di parlare con un madrelingua. Inoltre, puoi immergerti in video e podcast coinvolgenti, progettati per aiutarti a padroneggiare il vocabolario, la pronuncia e le sfumature culturali in pochissimo tempo.
👉 Pronto a iniziare? Ottieni il 20% di sconto sull'abbonamento annuale con il codice 20ANNUAL utilizzando questo link: https://languatalk.com/try-langua?via=mauro. Non perdere questa occasione per imparare in modo più intelligente fin da oggi! In questo video, reagisco alle risposte più EPICHE e divertenti nei quiz! 😂 Preparati a ridere a crepapelle con queste risposte assurde, folli e completamente fuori di testa che sono diventate memorabili. Dai momenti più imbarazzanti alle figuracce epiche, scopri come questi partecipanti ai quiz hanno lasciato tutti senza parole!
Se ti piacciono le reazioni esilaranti, le scene divertenti e i video pieni di risate, questo è il contenuto che fa per te. Guarda fino alla fine per non perderti il meglio!
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** La PLAYLIST UFFICIALE:** Ascolta il meglio di rap, reggaeton e trap, selezionata dal vostro Mauro! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1jVCvzJ5OqXt127w67Ctdk?si=08c3e9ca8d814238
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Link del video originale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6v6ER7QnwKw
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Hai sempre desiderato imparare una nuova lingua ma non sapevi da dove iniziare? Scopri Langua, l'app rivoluzionaria per l'apprendimento delle lingue basata sull'intelligenza artificiale! 🌎✨
Con Langua, puoi esercitarti a parlare e scrivere in tempo reale con un sistema avanzato di IA che sembra di parlare con un madrelingua. Inoltre, puoi immergerti in video e podcast coinvolgenti, progettati per aiutarti a padroneggiare il vocabolario, la pronuncia e le sfumature culturali in pochissimo tempo.
👉 Pronto a iniziare? Ottieni il 20% di sconto sull'abbonamento annuale con il codice 20ANNUAL utilizzando questo link: https://languatalk.com/try-langua?via=mauro. Non perdere questa occasione per imparare in modo più intelligente fin da oggi! In questo video, reagisco alle risposte più EPICHE e divertenti nei quiz! 😂 Preparati a ridere a crepapelle con queste risposte assurde, folli e completamente fuori di testa che sono diventate memorabili. Dai momenti più imbarazzanti alle figuracce epiche, scopri come questi partecipanti ai quiz hanno lasciato tutti senza parole!
Se ti piacciono le reazioni esilaranti, le scene divertenti e i video pieni di risate, questo è il contenuto che fa per te. Guarda fino alla fine per non perderti il meglio!
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Richiedi la tua reaction qui: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ymTuW1EsItDw1EjZprIMNqE6uXlG8FW8r_a03gtOb6w/prefill
Entra nel mio server Discord: https://discord.gg/6R538ztQpN
** La PLAYLIST UFFICIALE:** Ascolta il meglio di rap, reggaeton e trap, selezionata dal vostro Mauro! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1jVCvzJ5OqXt127w67Ctdk?si=08c3e9ca8d814238
Sostienimi! Offrimi un caffè (o una birra, se preferisci!) ☕️
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☕ Ko-fi: (https://ko-fi.com/mauroreactions)
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Streamlabs: (https://www.streamlabs.com/Mauroreactions)
Link del video originale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6v6ER7QnwKw
Maurone sui social:
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** Gruppo Telegram:** https://t.me/mauroreaction
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- published: 19 Jan 2025
- views: 488
Don Camillo : "Je cède à la violence !"
Scène extraite du film Le Petit Monde de Don Camillo réalisé en 1952 par Julien Duvivier avec Fernandel et Gino Cervi.
Scène extraite du film Le Petit Monde de Don Camillo réalisé en 1952 par Julien Duvivier avec Fernandel et Gino Cervi.
Scène extraite du film Le Petit Monde de Don Camillo réalisé en 1952 par Julien Duvivier avec Fernandel et Gino Cervi.
- published: 02 Jun 2016
- views: 116445
The Return | Official Trailer | Bleecker Street
Watch the official trailer for The Return.
Only in Theaters December 6
After 20 years away, Odysseus (Fiennes) washes up on the shores of Ithaca, haggard and unrecognizable. The King has returned from the Trojan War, but much has changed in his kingdom. His beloved wife Penelope (Binoche) is a prisoner in her own home, hounded by suitors vying to be king. Their son Telemachus faces death at the hands of these suitors, who see him as merely an obstacle to their pursuit of the kingdom. Odysseus has also changed—scarred by his experience of the Trojan war, he is no longer the mighty warrior from years past— but he must rediscover his strength in order to win back all he has lost.
Official Bleecker Street Site: https://bleeckerstreetmedia.com/
FOLLOW us on Instagram: https://www.instagr...
published: 11 Nov 2024
THE RETURN Official Trailer (2024)
First movie trailer for The Return.
published: 11 Nov 2024
The Return (2024) - Official Trailer - HanWay Films
THE RETURN reunites two of the greatest actors of their generation, in a gritty retelling of Odysseus' return home from war.
After 20 years away, Odysseus (Fiennes) washes up on the shores of Ithaca, haggard and unrecognisable. The King has finally returned home but much has changed in his kingdom since he left to fight in the Trojan war.
His beloved wife Penelope (Binoche) is now a prisoner in her own home, hounded by her many ambitious suitors to choose a new husband, a new king. Their son Telemachus, who has grown up fatherless, is facing death at the hands of the suitors who see him as an obstacle in their relentless pursuit of Penelope and the kingdom.
Odysseus has changed too. Scarred by his experience of war, he is no longer the mighty warrior his people remember. But he is force...
published: 11 Nov 2024
THE RETURN Official Trailer (2024) Ralph Fiennes, Juliette Binoche Movie HD
After 20 years Odysseus finally returns to Ithaca, where he finds his wife held prisoner by suitors vying to be king and his son facing death at their hands. To win back his family and all he has lost, Odysseus must rediscover his strength
THE RETURN Official Trailer (2024) Ralph Fiennes, Juliette Binoche Movie HD
Subscribe to Rapid Trailer For All The Latest Movie Trailers! ▶ https://goo.gl/dAgvgK
© 2024 - Bleecker Street
#movie #trailer #movietrailers #movietrailer
published: 11 Nov 2024
The Return - Official Trailer (2024) Ralph Fiennes, Juliette Binoche
After 20 years away Odysseus (Fiennes) washes up on the shores of Ithaca, haggard and unrecognizable. The King has finally returned home but much has changed in his kingdom since he left to fight in the Trojan war. His beloved wife Penelope (Binoche) is now a prisoner in her own home, hounded by her many ambitious suitors to choose a new husband, a new king. Their son Telemachus (Plummer), who has grown up fatherless, is facing death at the hands of the suitors who see him as an obstacle in their relentless pursuit of Penelope and the kingdom. Odysseus has changed too. Scarred by his experience of war, he is no longer the mighty warrior his people remember. But he is forced to face his past in order to rediscover the strength needed to save his family and win back the love he has lost.
published: 12 Nov 2024
THE RETURN 1 - We were warned | FULL FILM
In the not too distant future, nations are in turmoil, some people are threatened and persecuted for believing in the unbelievable. Difficult times lie ahead for humanity. In the midst of this chaos, a man searches for his family, facing what could be the last crisis on earth.
published: 13 Dec 2024
THE RETURN Trailer (2024)
THE RETURN Trailer (2024) Ralph Fiennes, Juliette Binoche, Charlie Plummer
© 2024 - Bleecker Street
published: 11 Nov 2024
Episode 2 | The Return | Pocket FM
🎦 Watch More:
Next Episode👉 https://youtu.be/f3SzdK9n4r8
Previous Episode 👉 https://youtu.be/mBycbtLkVNg
📲To Listen to All Full Episodes for FREE 👉 https://click.pocketfm.in/2IE7/e7jwoy71
Playlist Link 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmDWHNbzM3cxd-_EbxzCX5t0ahDfZFl6f
Natalie, unaware of the impending danger, finds herself abducted and trapped in a secluded location. As she grapples with fear and uncertainty, she realizes she's been trapped by a powerful and influential figure. As she navigates this perilous situation, she encounters deceit and manipulation. She must outsmart her captors, figure out their motives, and strategize her escape. Every move she makes is fraught with risk, as her captors are relentless in their pursuit of their objectives. She must now expose the truth...
published: 28 Oct 2024
FNAF 4 Song: "The Return" (Animation Music Video)
FNAF Song: "The Return" (Animation Music Video)
Subscribe to Jaze Cinema on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3oPy4QGH5q9txrra13FjgQ?sub_confirmation=1
Track: NIVIRO - The Return [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: https://youtu.be/R0QkZOyuqIs
Animation & visuals - Macabre Void: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzZSQYRSy2nXlEwXybVUAsQ
Oh hi, it's me again
I missed you
You remember me, right?
I'm not only there at night
You seem a little nervous
And your head, it's like a creepy circus
Are you ready for the show?
Now tell me where did all your courage go
I'm back, boo!
I control you just as in a game
But don't try to fight me back
You can't break me. Try it?
And you shall see!
I'm back, boo!
You are unprepared, I would swear
You are pretty scar...
published: 26 Aug 2023
01 Ulysses, Telemachus, Penelope and the Suitors - The Return (2024)
published: 04 Jan 2025
The Return | Official Trailer | Bleecker Street
Watch the official trailer for The Return.
Only in Theaters December 6
After 20 years away, Odysseus (Fiennes) washes up on the shores of Ithaca, haggard and...
Watch the official trailer for The Return.
Only in Theaters December 6
After 20 years away, Odysseus (Fiennes) washes up on the shores of Ithaca, haggard and unrecognizable. The King has returned from the Trojan War, but much has changed in his kingdom. His beloved wife Penelope (Binoche) is a prisoner in her own home, hounded by suitors vying to be king. Their son Telemachus faces death at the hands of these suitors, who see him as merely an obstacle to their pursuit of the kingdom. Odysseus has also changed—scarred by his experience of the Trojan war, he is no longer the mighty warrior from years past— but he must rediscover his strength in order to win back all he has lost.
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Watch the official trailer for The Return.
Only in Theaters December 6
After 20 years away, Odysseus (Fiennes) washes up on the shores of Ithaca, haggard and unrecognizable. The King has returned from the Trojan War, but much has changed in his kingdom. His beloved wife Penelope (Binoche) is a prisoner in her own home, hounded by suitors vying to be king. Their son Telemachus faces death at the hands of these suitors, who see him as merely an obstacle to their pursuit of the kingdom. Odysseus has also changed—scarred by his experience of the Trojan war, he is no longer the mighty warrior from years past— but he must rediscover his strength in order to win back all he has lost.
Official Bleecker Street Site: https://bleeckerstreetmedia.com/
FOLLOW us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bleeckerstfilms/
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FOLLOW us on X: https://x.com/bleeckerstfilms
- published: 11 Nov 2024
- views: 1130611
The Return (2024) - Official Trailer - HanWay Films
THE RETURN reunites two of the greatest actors of their generation, in a gritty retelling of Odysseus' return home from war.
After 20 years away, Odysseus (Fie...
THE RETURN reunites two of the greatest actors of their generation, in a gritty retelling of Odysseus' return home from war.
After 20 years away, Odysseus (Fiennes) washes up on the shores of Ithaca, haggard and unrecognisable. The King has finally returned home but much has changed in his kingdom since he left to fight in the Trojan war.
His beloved wife Penelope (Binoche) is now a prisoner in her own home, hounded by her many ambitious suitors to choose a new husband, a new king. Their son Telemachus, who has grown up fatherless, is facing death at the hands of the suitors who see him as an obstacle in their relentless pursuit of Penelope and the kingdom.
Odysseus has changed too. Scarred by his experience of war, he is no longer the mighty warrior his people remember. But he is forced to face his past in order to rediscover the strength needed to save his family and win back the love he has lost.
Release Date: 6th December
Starring: Ralph Fiennes, Juliette Binoche, Charlie Plummer
Directed by: Uberto Pasolini
Follow HanWay Films on your favourite social channels
Twitter - https://twitter.com/HanWayFilms
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Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/hanway_films
#TheReturn #RalphFiennes #JulietteBinoche #OfficialTrailer
THE RETURN reunites two of the greatest actors of their generation, in a gritty retelling of Odysseus' return home from war.
After 20 years away, Odysseus (Fiennes) washes up on the shores of Ithaca, haggard and unrecognisable. The King has finally returned home but much has changed in his kingdom since he left to fight in the Trojan war.
His beloved wife Penelope (Binoche) is now a prisoner in her own home, hounded by her many ambitious suitors to choose a new husband, a new king. Their son Telemachus, who has grown up fatherless, is facing death at the hands of the suitors who see him as an obstacle in their relentless pursuit of Penelope and the kingdom.
Odysseus has changed too. Scarred by his experience of war, he is no longer the mighty warrior his people remember. But he is forced to face his past in order to rediscover the strength needed to save his family and win back the love he has lost.
Release Date: 6th December
Starring: Ralph Fiennes, Juliette Binoche, Charlie Plummer
Directed by: Uberto Pasolini
Follow HanWay Films on your favourite social channels
Twitter - https://twitter.com/HanWayFilms
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/HanWayUK
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/hanway_films
#TheReturn #RalphFiennes #JulietteBinoche #OfficialTrailer
- published: 11 Nov 2024
- views: 773077
THE RETURN Official Trailer (2024) Ralph Fiennes, Juliette Binoche Movie HD
After 20 years Odysseus finally returns to Ithaca, where he finds his wife held prisoner by suitors vying to be king and his son facing death at their hands. To...
After 20 years Odysseus finally returns to Ithaca, where he finds his wife held prisoner by suitors vying to be king and his son facing death at their hands. To win back his family and all he has lost, Odysseus must rediscover his strength
THE RETURN Official Trailer (2024) Ralph Fiennes, Juliette Binoche Movie HD
Subscribe to Rapid Trailer For All The Latest Movie Trailers! ▶ https://goo.gl/dAgvgK
© 2024 - Bleecker Street
#movie #trailer #movietrailers #movietrailer
After 20 years Odysseus finally returns to Ithaca, where he finds his wife held prisoner by suitors vying to be king and his son facing death at their hands. To win back his family and all he has lost, Odysseus must rediscover his strength
THE RETURN Official Trailer (2024) Ralph Fiennes, Juliette Binoche Movie HD
Subscribe to Rapid Trailer For All The Latest Movie Trailers! ▶ https://goo.gl/dAgvgK
© 2024 - Bleecker Street
#movie #trailer #movietrailers #movietrailer
- published: 11 Nov 2024
- views: 97881
The Return - Official Trailer (2024) Ralph Fiennes, Juliette Binoche
After 20 years away Odysseus (Fiennes) washes up on the shores of Ithaca, haggard and unrecognizable. The King has finally returned home but much has changed in...
After 20 years away Odysseus (Fiennes) washes up on the shores of Ithaca, haggard and unrecognizable. The King has finally returned home but much has changed in his kingdom since he left to fight in the Trojan war. His beloved wife Penelope (Binoche) is now a prisoner in her own home, hounded by her many ambitious suitors to choose a new husband, a new king. Their son Telemachus (Plummer), who has grown up fatherless, is facing death at the hands of the suitors who see him as an obstacle in their relentless pursuit of Penelope and the kingdom. Odysseus has changed too. Scarred by his experience of war, he is no longer the mighty warrior his people remember. But he is forced to face his past in order to rediscover the strength needed to save his family and win back the love he has lost.
After 20 years away Odysseus (Fiennes) washes up on the shores of Ithaca, haggard and unrecognizable. The King has finally returned home but much has changed in his kingdom since he left to fight in the Trojan war. His beloved wife Penelope (Binoche) is now a prisoner in her own home, hounded by her many ambitious suitors to choose a new husband, a new king. Their son Telemachus (Plummer), who has grown up fatherless, is facing death at the hands of the suitors who see him as an obstacle in their relentless pursuit of Penelope and the kingdom. Odysseus has changed too. Scarred by his experience of war, he is no longer the mighty warrior his people remember. But he is forced to face his past in order to rediscover the strength needed to save his family and win back the love he has lost.
- published: 12 Nov 2024
- views: 382376
THE RETURN 1 - We were warned | FULL FILM
In the not too distant future, nations are in turmoil, some people are threatened and persecuted for believing in the unbelievable. Difficult times lie ahead fo...
In the not too distant future, nations are in turmoil, some people are threatened and persecuted for believing in the unbelievable. Difficult times lie ahead for humanity. In the midst of this chaos, a man searches for his family, facing what could be the last crisis on earth.
In the not too distant future, nations are in turmoil, some people are threatened and persecuted for believing in the unbelievable. Difficult times lie ahead for humanity. In the midst of this chaos, a man searches for his family, facing what could be the last crisis on earth.
- published: 13 Dec 2024
- views: 81773
THE RETURN Trailer (2024)
THE RETURN Trailer (2024) Ralph Fiennes, Juliette Binoche, Charlie Plummer
© 2024 - Bleecker Street
THE RETURN Trailer (2024) Ralph Fiennes, Juliette Binoche, Charlie Plummer
© 2024 - Bleecker Street
THE RETURN Trailer (2024) Ralph Fiennes, Juliette Binoche, Charlie Plummer
© 2024 - Bleecker Street
- published: 11 Nov 2024
- views: 1704364
Episode 2 | The Return | Pocket FM
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Next Episode👉 https://youtu.be/f3SzdK9n4r8
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📲To Listen to All Full Episodes for FREE 👉 https://click.pocketfm.in/2IE7/e7jwoy71
Playlist Link 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmDWHNbzM3cxd-_EbxzCX5t0ahDfZFl6f
Natalie, unaware of the impending danger, finds herself abducted and trapped in a secluded location. As she grapples with fear and uncertainty, she realizes she's been trapped by a powerful and influential figure. As she navigates this perilous situation, she encounters deceit and manipulation. She must outsmart her captors, figure out their motives, and strategize her escape. Every move she makes is fraught with risk, as her captors are relentless in their pursuit of their objectives. She must now expose the truth behind her abduction and bring those responsible to justice.
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#TheReturn #CheatingBeforeWedding #RelationshipDrama #FamilyBetrayal #DramaAlert #HeartbreakStory #SecretRevealed #MysteryMan #LoveAndLoss#DramaUnfolds #TwistedLove #WeddingDrama #pocketfm #thereturn #audioseries #drama #revenge #betrayal #thereturnepisode #lovetriangle
🎦 Watch More:
Next Episode👉 https://youtu.be/f3SzdK9n4r8
Previous Episode 👉 https://youtu.be/mBycbtLkVNg
📲To Listen to All Full Episodes for FREE 👉 https://click.pocketfm.in/2IE7/e7jwoy71
Playlist Link 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmDWHNbzM3cxd-_EbxzCX5t0ahDfZFl6f
Natalie, unaware of the impending danger, finds herself abducted and trapped in a secluded location. As she grapples with fear and uncertainty, she realizes she's been trapped by a powerful and influential figure. As she navigates this perilous situation, she encounters deceit and manipulation. She must outsmart her captors, figure out their motives, and strategize her escape. Every move she makes is fraught with risk, as her captors are relentless in their pursuit of their objectives. She must now expose the truth behind her abduction and bring those responsible to justice.
👍If you enjoyed this video, please give it a thumbs up, share it with your friends and family, and don't forget to connect with us in the comments section below. Your support means the world to us, and we can't wait to hear from you! 😇
📲 ▶️ Watch more Pocket FM videos by clicking here:
#TheReturn #CheatingBeforeWedding #RelationshipDrama #FamilyBetrayal #DramaAlert #HeartbreakStory #SecretRevealed #MysteryMan #LoveAndLoss#DramaUnfolds #TwistedLove #WeddingDrama #pocketfm #thereturn #audioseries #drama #revenge #betrayal #thereturnepisode #lovetriangle
- published: 28 Oct 2024
- views: 55509
FNAF 4 Song: "The Return" (Animation Music Video)
FNAF Song: "The Return" (Animation Music Video)
Subscribe to Jaze Cinema on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3oPy4QGH5q9txrra13FjgQ?sub_confirmation=...
FNAF Song: "The Return" (Animation Music Video)
Subscribe to Jaze Cinema on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3oPy4QGH5q9txrra13FjgQ?sub_confirmation=1
Track: NIVIRO - The Return [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: https://youtu.be/R0QkZOyuqIs
Animation & visuals - Macabre Void: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzZSQYRSy2nXlEwXybVUAsQ
Oh hi, it's me again
I missed you
You remember me, right?
I'm not only there at night
You seem a little nervous
And your head, it's like a creepy circus
Are you ready for the show?
Now tell me where did all your courage go
I'm back, boo!
I control you just as in a game
But don't try to fight me back
You can't break me. Try it?
And you shall see!
I'm back, boo!
You are unprepared, I would swear
You are pretty scared
It is like a magic show,
A darker flow
I won't let you go
I'm here!
I control you just as in a game
But don't try to fight me back
You can't break me. Try it?
And you shall see
I'm back, boo!
Follow Jaze Cinema!
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This video is based on the game Five Nights at Freddy's 4 by Scott Cawthon.
FNAF Song: "The Return" (Animation Music Video)
Subscribe to Jaze Cinema on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3oPy4QGH5q9txrra13FjgQ?sub_confirmation=1
Track: NIVIRO - The Return [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: https://youtu.be/R0QkZOyuqIs
Animation & visuals - Macabre Void: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzZSQYRSy2nXlEwXybVUAsQ
Oh hi, it's me again
I missed you
You remember me, right?
I'm not only there at night
You seem a little nervous
And your head, it's like a creepy circus
Are you ready for the show?
Now tell me where did all your courage go
I'm back, boo!
I control you just as in a game
But don't try to fight me back
You can't break me. Try it?
And you shall see!
I'm back, boo!
You are unprepared, I would swear
You are pretty scared
It is like a magic show,
A darker flow
I won't let you go
I'm here!
I control you just as in a game
But don't try to fight me back
You can't break me. Try it?
And you shall see
I'm back, boo!
Follow Jaze Cinema!
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jazecinema
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/JazeCinema
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JazeCinema
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jazecinema
This video is based on the game Five Nights at Freddy's 4 by Scott Cawthon.
- published: 26 Aug 2023
- views: 2307852