The Powerpuff Girls is an American animated television series created by animator Craig McCracken for Cartoon Network. The show centers on Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup, three girls with superpowers, as well as their father, the brainy scientist Professor Utonium, who all live in the fictional city of Townsville, USA. The girls are frequently called upon by the town's childlike and naive mayor to help fight nearby criminals using their powers.
McCracken originally developed the show in 1992 as a cartoon short entitled Whoopass Stew! while in his second year at CalArts. Following a name change, Cartoon Network featured the first Powerpuff Girls pilots in its animation showcase program What a Cartoon! in 1995 and 1996. The series made its official debut as a Cartoon Cartoon on November 18, 1998, with the final episode airing on March 25, 2005. A total of 78 episodes were aired in addition to two pilot shorts, a Christmas special, and a feature film. In addition, a tenth anniversary special was made in 2008. A CGI special was also made in 2014 without McCracken's input.
The channel appeared for the first time in 1996 on the digital satellite platform TELE+ and Stream TV in English, but it was in early 1998 that the channel started transmitting in Italian. It became available on the Sky Italia platform in 2003 and in late 2008 became available on the Mediaset Premium platform.
First Cartoon Network logo used from 31 July 1996 to 11 September 2006
First Cartoon Network logo used from 31 July 1996 to 11 September 2006
Second Cartoon Network logo used from 11 September 2006 to 29 November 2010
Second Cartoon Network logo used from 11 September 2006 to 29 November 2010
Current Cartoon Network logo used from 29 November 2010 to present
Current Cartoon Network logo used from 29 November 2010 to present
Cartoon Network is a cable and satellitetelevision channel created by Turner International Pakistan, a unit of Time Warner which primarily shows animated programming. The channel officially launched on April 2, 2004. The channel has two feeds for Pakistan and Bangladesh. It is also available in Iran, Tajikistan, and Afghanistan. Cartoon Network Pakistan timings are according to Pakistan Standard Time (+5 GMT). It also has another time shift version (+6 GMT), which is available in Bangladesh.
The channel launched on April 2, 2004 as a separate feed dedicated for Pakistani viewers. Programs broadcast on this feed are almost identical to the programs broadcast on Cartoon Network India, with the exception of a few shows. It has a translation in some areas. The channel is basically a relay version of Cartoon Network (India). The major differences between the Indian version and the Pakistan version are timings, advertisements and contest addresses.
2005 - 2008
In 2005 the bumpers were replaced with 3-D animations of a 'city' that all the cartoon characters from the show lived in. Show-specific bumpers were replaced with 3-D animations of a well-known scene from the particular show. The retro, checkerboard logo was replaced with the 'CN' city-style logo of today. In 2006, several new Cartoon Network originals premiered, including Robotboy, The Life and Times of Juniper Lee, and Camp Lazlo. The channel kept this brand until 2008.
The channel primarily shows animated programming and was launched in the United Kingdom and Ireland as Cartoon Network UK/Europe on 17 September 1993.
The United Kingdom was the first country to have a Cartoon Network headquarters outside of the United States in 1993, serving Western Europe, but did not have a UK and Ireland only version until 1999. This was even though until 1999, the pan-European version only showed British advertisements, and a majority of its audience were British. All programmes on the pan-European version were dubbed in English, with different audio language channels when a translated programme is available, which were indicated as language symbols on Now/Next bumpers. Cartoon Network UK also serves as the English language feed for Europe, which is also used by Malta. Cartoon Network launched a high definition version of the channel on 14 September 2011.
FULL EPISODE: Moral Decay/Meet the Beat Alls | Powerpuff Girls | Cartoon Network
Money can't buy you happiness but another full episode to celebrate our 30th anniversary may just do the trick! The girls learn the value of money in this full episode of the Powerpuff Girls!
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Welcome to Cartoon Network's YouTube Channel, your destination for episode clips, behind the scenes footage, how to draw tutorials, toy videos, and more! Cartoon Network is home to your favorite shows and characters including Teen Titans Go!, Ben 10, Steven Universe, The Amazing World of Gumball, OK K.O.!, and much more! Want full episodes? Go to the CN APP where you can find new unlocked episodes updated every week!
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published: 27 Oct 2022
What's Up With Elmore Today? | LIVE | Gumball | Cartoon Network
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Gumball, the amusing blue cat with a giant head and his best buddy Darwin, a pet goldfish who sprouted legs, step up the hilarity and hijinks in Cartoon Network's comedy series, The Amazing World of Gumball. The BAFTA award-winning series tells the story of an extra-ordinary suburban family who just happen to live in an ordinary town. Along with Gumball and Darwin there's Dad, a 6'4" pink rabbit who stays at home while Mom works in the rainbow factory and Anais, a 4-year-old genius bunny. This season will bring to light to some tough questions such as; will Gumball ever win the aff...
Money can't buy you happiness but another full episode to celebrate our 30th anniversary may just do the trick! The girls learn the value of money in this full ...
Money can't buy you happiness but another full episode to celebrate our 30th anniversary may just do the trick! The girls learn the value of money in this full episode of the Powerpuff Girls!
About Cartoon Network:
Welcome to Cartoon Network's YouTube Channel, your destination for episode clips, behind the scenes footage, how to draw tutorials, toy videos, and more! Cartoon Network is home to your favorite shows and characters including Teen Titans Go!, Ben 10, Steven Universe, The Amazing World of Gumball, OK K.O.!, and much more! Want full episodes? Go to the CN APP where you can find new unlocked episodes updated every week!
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FULL EPISODE: Moral Decay/Meet the Beat Alls | Powerpuff Girls | Cartoon Network
#powerpuffgirls #blossom #buttercup #bubbles #mojojojo #powerpuffgirls #powerpuffgirlsclip #powerpuffgirlsshow #powerpuffgirlscartoonnetwork #cn #powerpuffgirlsfullepisodes #cartoonnetwork30thanniversary #cartoonnetwork30anniversary #cnanniversary #cn30thanniversary #cartoonnetworklegacyshows #cnlegacyshows #fullepisodemoraldecaymeetthebeatalls #moraldecay #meetthebeatalls
Money can't buy you happiness but another full episode to celebrate our 30th anniversary may just do the trick! The girls learn the value of money in this full episode of the Powerpuff Girls!
About Cartoon Network:
Welcome to Cartoon Network's YouTube Channel, your destination for episode clips, behind the scenes footage, how to draw tutorials, toy videos, and more! Cartoon Network is home to your favorite shows and characters including Teen Titans Go!, Ben 10, Steven Universe, The Amazing World of Gumball, OK K.O.!, and much more! Want full episodes? Go to the CN APP where you can find new unlocked episodes updated every week!
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FULL EPISODE: Moral Decay/Meet the Beat Alls | Powerpuff Girls | Cartoon Network
#powerpuffgirls #blossom #buttercup #bubbles #mojojojo #powerpuffgirls #powerpuffgirlsclip #powerpuffgirlsshow #powerpuffgirlscartoonnetwork #cn #powerpuffgirlsfullepisodes #cartoonnetwork30thanniversary #cartoonnetwork30anniversary #cnanniversary #cn30thanniversary #cartoonnetworklegacyshows #cnlegacyshows #fullepisodemoraldecaymeetthebeatalls #moraldecay #meetthebeatalls
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► Click to watch more of The Amazing World of Gumball -
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Gumball, the amusing blue cat with a giant head and his best buddy Darwin, a pet goldfish who sprouted legs, step up the hilarity and hijinks in Cartoon Network's comedy series, The Amazing World of Gumball. The BAFTA award-winning series tells the story of an extra-ordinary suburban family who just happen to live in an ordinary town. Along with Gumball and Darwin there's Dad, a 6'4" pink rabbit who stays at home while Mom works in the rainbow factory and Anais, a 4-year-old genius bunny. This season will bring to light to some tough questions such as; will Gumball ever win the affections of Penny? How will Darwin react when Banana Joe chews up his pen? And what happens when Gumball and Darwin get their first cell phone? All will be answered, well maybe not answered, but it sure will be entertaining to watch.
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#TheAmazingWorldofGumball #TAWOG #Gumball #Darwin #Carrie #Penny #TheWattersons #NicoleWatterson #RichardWatterson #GumballWatterson #DarwinWatterson #Elmore #GumballandDarwin #DarwinsYearbook
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Gumball, the amusing blue cat with a giant head and his best buddy Darwin, a pet goldfish who sprouted legs, step up the hilarity and hijinks in Cartoon Network's comedy series, The Amazing World of Gumball. The BAFTA award-winning series tells the story of an extra-ordinary suburban family who just happen to live in an ordinary town. Along with Gumball and Darwin there's Dad, a 6'4" pink rabbit who stays at home while Mom works in the rainbow factory and Anais, a 4-year-old genius bunny. This season will bring to light to some tough questions such as; will Gumball ever win the affections of Penny? How will Darwin react when Banana Joe chews up his pen? And what happens when Gumball and Darwin get their first cell phone? All will be answered, well maybe not answered, but it sure will be entertaining to watch.
► Click to watch more of The Amazing World of Gumball -
► Click to watch the best of Gumball -
#TheAmazingWorldofGumball #TAWOG #Gumball #Darwin #Carrie #Penny #TheWattersons #NicoleWatterson #RichardWatterson #GumballWatterson #DarwinWatterson #Elmore #GumballandDarwin #DarwinsYearbook
Money can't buy you happiness but another full episode to celebrate our 30th anniversary may just do the trick! The girls learn the value of money in this full episode of the Powerpuff Girls!
About Cartoon Network:
Welcome to Cartoon Network's YouTube Channel, your destination for episode clips, behind the scenes footage, how to draw tutorials, toy videos, and more! Cartoon Network is home to your favorite shows and characters including Teen Titans Go!, Ben 10, Steven Universe, The Amazing World of Gumball, OK K.O.!, and much more! Want full episodes? Go to the CN APP where you can find new unlocked episodes updated every week!
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FULL EPISODE: Moral Decay/Meet the Beat Alls | Powerpuff Girls | Cartoon Network
#powerpuffgirls #blossom #buttercup #bubbles #mojojojo #powerpuffgirls #powerpuffgirlsclip #powerpuffgirlsshow #powerpuffgirlscartoonnetwork #cn #powerpuffgirlsfullepisodes #cartoonnetwork30thanniversary #cartoonnetwork30anniversary #cnanniversary #cn30thanniversary #cartoonnetworklegacyshows #cnlegacyshows #fullepisodemoraldecaymeetthebeatalls #moraldecay #meetthebeatalls
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Gumball, the amusing blue cat with a giant head and his best buddy Darwin, a pet goldfish who sprouted legs, step up the hilarity and hijinks in Cartoon Network's comedy series, The Amazing World of Gumball. The BAFTA award-winning series tells the story of an extra-ordinary suburban family who just happen to live in an ordinary town. Along with Gumball and Darwin there's Dad, a 6'4" pink rabbit who stays at home while Mom works in the rainbow factory and Anais, a 4-year-old genius bunny. This season will bring to light to some tough questions such as; will Gumball ever win the affections of Penny? How will Darwin react when Banana Joe chews up his pen? And what happens when Gumball and Darwin get their first cell phone? All will be answered, well maybe not answered, but it sure will be entertaining to watch.
► Click to watch more of The Amazing World of Gumball -
► Click to watch the best of Gumball -
#TheAmazingWorldofGumball #TAWOG #Gumball #Darwin #Carrie #Penny #TheWattersons #NicoleWatterson #RichardWatterson #GumballWatterson #DarwinWatterson #Elmore #GumballandDarwin #DarwinsYearbook
The Powerpuff Girls is an American animated television series created by animator Craig McCracken for Cartoon Network. The show centers on Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup, three girls with superpowers, as well as their father, the brainy scientist Professor Utonium, who all live in the fictional city of Townsville, USA. The girls are frequently called upon by the town's childlike and naive mayor to help fight nearby criminals using their powers.
McCracken originally developed the show in 1992 as a cartoon short entitled Whoopass Stew! while in his second year at CalArts. Following a name change, Cartoon Network featured the first Powerpuff Girls pilots in its animation showcase program What a Cartoon! in 1995 and 1996. The series made its official debut as a Cartoon Cartoon on November 18, 1998, with the final episode airing on March 25, 2005. A total of 78 episodes were aired in addition to two pilot shorts, a Christmas special, and a feature film. In addition, a tenth anniversary special was made in 2008. A CGI special was also made in 2014 without McCracken's input.
Ooh ahh push em high Now i was just walking through cartoon land When all of a sudden i ran into sponge bob square pants He was chilling with the power puff girls and spiderman Driving down sesame street with scooby doo in a mini van He was rocking to the beat driving as fast as they can They almost ran over ren and stimpy and he man I yelled at them slow down but they didn't understand They said they heading over to a free hip hop jam Over in the park let me catch a ride then I got in picked up bart simpson kept driving Got to the spot and the party was live and At the open mic contest bevis and butthead was rhyming I was like them kids is wack give me just a try and Waited patiently till it was just my time and I told the crowd make noise get ya hands high and This is what i said when i grabbed on the mic i told em... Said to the crowd "my name's KJ-52" And i came to get down i got something to say to you Understand what i mean even if you're a cartoon Jesus reigns supreme that's how my team comes through And then all of a sudden these wannabe hard dudes From south park walk up just talking smack too And the smurfs backed them up i guess they was just a crew And said let's battle fool i said check it out duke Your five inch tall plus ya crew is all blue I'd probably step on ya'll if i just bettled you They said la la la la.... That's all you ever say dude Just right then just the crowd started to boo Them right off the stage but i knew just what to do I told d.j. voltron just on the ones and two's Man kick the beat check it out this is how im rocking your Well the crowd started cheering the party was slamming The thundercats and pokemon they was break dancing The transformers hopped in and started pop locking With g.i. joe and johnny bravo chilling and just watching I just stayed on the mic and kept the speakers knocking Letting them know that christ was the reason that i'm dropping I could go on all night and jsut keep on talking But just right then power rangers started walking Up on the stage and said i won the open mic and As i reached to get my trophy and just claim my prize and