The Naked Brothers Band is an American musical comedy series created by Polly Draper. The show depicts the daily lives of Draper's sons, who lead a fictional world-renowned rock band in New York City. As a mockumentary, the storyline is an embellishment of their real lives, and the fictional presence of a camera is often acknowledged. Lead vocals and instrumentation are contributed by the siblings; they wrote the lyrics themselves. The show stars Nat Wolff and Alex Wolff, the lead singer-songwriter, and drummer, respectively. Nat's fictional female admirer and real life friends—including the guitarist who had no prior acquaintance with the family—feature as the supporting band members, with the siblings' genuine father and Draper's husband as their accordion-playing dad and Draper's niece as the group's babysitter.
The series is a spin-off of Draper's film of the same name that was picked up by Nickelodeon, premiering in January 2007. Draper, star of Thirtysomething and her writing The Tic Code, is the executive producer of the series, and often writer and director. Albie Hecht, former Nickelodeon chief and founder of Spike TV, is the executive producer, under his Worldwide Biggies tag. Draper's jazz musician husband Michael Wolff, bandleader of The Arsenio Hall Show, serves as the music supervisor and co-executive producer with Draper's brother, Tim, as the consulting producer.
The Naked Brothers Band is an American musicalcomedy film written and directed by Polly Draper which stars her sons, Nat Wolff and Alex Wolff, who portray members of a fictional rock group. It tells of the boys' struggles with their fame and an internal dispute that causes the band to split before reuniting in the end. The film was emboldened by Nat's genuine band, The Silver Boulders, which he created in preschool with his friends who all portray themselves alongside Nat's faux female interest, the siblings' real life cousin as the babysitter, and their real life father as their inept accordion-playing dad.
Draper shot the film in the style of a mockumentary—a parody in documentary format—that depicts the daily activities of the characters. Nat composed and performed the music, though one song had been written by Alex. Principal photography took place in mid-2004 on location in New York City, and the interior scenes were vastly filmed in the family's Manhattan apartment. Draper's brother, Tim, a venture capitalist, provided financial incentives for the shoot.
The Naked Brothers Band - If That's Not Love (Video)
The Naked Brothers Band's official music video for 'If That's Not Love'. Click to listen to The Naked Brothers Band on Spotify:
As featured on The Naked Brothers Band. Click to buy the track or album via iTunes:
Google Play:
Subscribe to The Naked Brothers Band on YouTube:
More great Ultimate Noughties videos here:
If that's not love then what is?
If that's not friendship then what is?
If that's not music then what is?
We've got the music in our blood
Magic seasons and then we're done
Magical feelin...
published: 03 Oct 2009
Mystery Girl Episode!!! Season 3!! Premiere OCTOBER 18th, 2008 on NICK!!!
published: 10 Oct 2008
My Opinion On The Naked Brothers Band (TV Series)
- The jokes are not funny. In fact, they are very disgusting.
- There are many of those disgusting jokes. And it’s kids show for godsake
- The Naked Brothers name and title is a stupid and inappropriate name for a band name for a kids show!
- Overall, the show should had not been on Nickelodeon since it does not fit on Nickelodeon at all
published: 03 Dec 2020
Allie DiMeco (Rosalina) Shares Uncomfortable Experience on 'Naked Brothers Band' Set 😳
#quietonset #rosalina #nickelodeon
published: 24 Mar 2024
The Naked Brothers Band: Did Anyone Else Not Know This? #nickelodeon #nostalgia
published: 28 Apr 2023
part 2 continued of the naked brothers band
published: 28 Apr 2009
The Naked Brothers Band Theme Song (TV Show Cut)
This channel and I do not claim any right over any of the graphics, images, songs used in this video. All rights reserved to the respective copyright owners.
published: 10 Nov 2023
naked brothers band
published: 09 Apr 2021
the naked brothers band-nat wolff and khristina flirting
The Naked Brothers Band's official music video for 'If That's Not Love'. Click to listen to The Naked Brothers Band on Spotify:
The Naked Brothers Band's official music video for 'If That's Not Love'. Click to listen to The Naked Brothers Band on Spotify:
As featured on The Naked Brothers Band. Click to buy the track or album via iTunes:
Google Play:
Subscribe to The Naked Brothers Band on YouTube:
More great Ultimate Noughties videos here:
If that's not love then what is?
If that's not friendship then what is?
If that's not music then what is?
We've got the music in our blood
Magic seasons and then we're done
Magical feeling has begun
Magical feeling has begun
Before you know it we are there
On top of the world it seems
I don't know who or why or where
But I can still hear the music
If that's not love then what is?
If that's not friendship then what is?
If that not music then what is?
The Naked Brothers Band's official music video for 'If That's Not Love'. Click to listen to The Naked Brothers Band on Spotify:
As featured on The Naked Brothers Band. Click to buy the track or album via iTunes:
Google Play:
Subscribe to The Naked Brothers Band on YouTube:
More great Ultimate Noughties videos here:
If that's not love then what is?
If that's not friendship then what is?
If that's not music then what is?
We've got the music in our blood
Magic seasons and then we're done
Magical feeling has begun
Magical feeling has begun
Before you know it we are there
On top of the world it seems
I don't know who or why or where
But I can still hear the music
If that's not love then what is?
If that's not friendship then what is?
If that not music then what is?
- The jokes are not funny. In fact, they are very disgusting.
- There are many of those disgusting jokes. And it’s kids show for godsake
- The Naked ...
- The jokes are not funny. In fact, they are very disgusting.
- There are many of those disgusting jokes. And it’s kids show for godsake
- The Naked Brothers name and title is a stupid and inappropriate name for a band name for a kids show!
- Overall, the show should had not been on Nickelodeon since it does not fit on Nickelodeon at all
- The jokes are not funny. In fact, they are very disgusting.
- There are many of those disgusting jokes. And it’s kids show for godsake
- The Naked Brothers name and title is a stupid and inappropriate name for a band name for a kids show!
- Overall, the show should had not been on Nickelodeon since it does not fit on Nickelodeon at all
This channel and I do not claim any right over any of the graphics, images, songs used in this video. All rights reserved to the respective copyright owners.
This channel and I do not claim any right over any of the graphics, images, songs used in this video. All rights reserved to the respective copyright owners.
This channel and I do not claim any right over any of the graphics, images, songs used in this video. All rights reserved to the respective copyright owners.
The Naked Brothers Band's official music video for 'If That's Not Love'. Click to listen to The Naked Brothers Band on Spotify:
As featured on The Naked Brothers Band. Click to buy the track or album via iTunes:
Google Play:
Subscribe to The Naked Brothers Band on YouTube:
More great Ultimate Noughties videos here:
If that's not love then what is?
If that's not friendship then what is?
If that's not music then what is?
We've got the music in our blood
Magic seasons and then we're done
Magical feeling has begun
Magical feeling has begun
Before you know it we are there
On top of the world it seems
I don't know who or why or where
But I can still hear the music
If that's not love then what is?
If that's not friendship then what is?
If that not music then what is?
- The jokes are not funny. In fact, they are very disgusting.
- There are many of those disgusting jokes. And it’s kids show for godsake
- The Naked Brothers name and title is a stupid and inappropriate name for a band name for a kids show!
- Overall, the show should had not been on Nickelodeon since it does not fit on Nickelodeon at all
This channel and I do not claim any right over any of the graphics, images, songs used in this video. All rights reserved to the respective copyright owners.
Got to remind myself that this is what I wanna do My options are to go to school, get a job, break the rules, Get up early, go to work, say “hello boss, you fuckin jerk” Go back home, eat some food, Sleep, wake up in a bad mood and Why, why why why am I making things so hard on me, Oh why, why why why, this is what I want to do I'm playing music for a living, that's has always been a dream of mine And although I’d make more money flipping burgers on an assembly line, Traveling ‘round the world, seeing things I'd never see or be Secure at home with honey sipping mandarin herbal tea Why, why why why am I making things so hard on me,