The Dead Man, The Dolly & More | Top 10 Poker Hand Nicknames | Poker Central
From presidents to interstate highways, actresses to airlines, and everything in between, poker players don’t lack creativity in nicknaming some of their favorite hands. Our Top Ten has a wide variety of nicknames, some funny, one dead serious and one that could have you flying towards a big win.
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published: 20 Dec 2016
Poker Hand Rankings | Poker Tutorials
Learn to Play Poker in no time: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLALQuK1NDrh8fn1zxL3e8i_fjYi0e_0_
Our poker tutorial is a great way to learn the card game loved by millions.
Hey, I'm Nicky Numbers, Professional Poker Player, and today, we're going to talk about poker hand rankings. What, beats what. Most of the time when you see hand rankings, you see them displayed for all forms of high card poker, rather than what you're really interested in seeing, which is Texas Hold Em. But really what they aren't showing you, is just the hand rankings for poker. They're showing you the hand rankings as if its for Five Card Draw. You know, the game where you see people on t.v. playing with five cards in front of them, like this. The old version of poker. Now, it's all Hold Em. So, ...
published: 07 Dec 2013
Learn English – Vocabulary & Expressions for POKER and other card games
Do you know how to play the game of poker? If so, can you play it in English? After watching this fun lesson, you will be able to play a game of poker or any other card game using English vocabulary. You might also be surprised to know that this vocabulary appears in movies a lot! I will teach you the card names, suits, and the names of some combinations to help you win! You will learn the meaning of "bluff", "royal flush", "full house", "poker face", "three of a kind", and more. So grab your best lucky charms, and get ready to play. Good luck!
Take the quiz on this lesson at: http://www.engvid.com/vocabulary-expressions-for-poker-and-other-card-games/
Oh, there we are. Hi there. Welcome to poker night with Ronnie. Do you know how to play poker? Maybe? Do you know how to play ...
published: 07 Jul 2016
Why is there a joker in playing card decks? - Big Questions - (Ep. 208)
A weekly show where we endeavor to answer one of your big questions. This week, Margaret asks, "Why is there a joker in playing card decks?"
Mental Floss Video on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/mf_video
Select Images and Footage provided by Shutterstock: www.shutterstock.com
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published: 26 Oct 2015
Vlad and Niki have fun with Mom - collection kids video with toys
Vlad and Niki have fun with Mom - collection kids video with toys
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published: 18 Jan 2021
What's Their Secret Nickname? (Match Game)
Today, we're trying to match the Mythical crew member to their secret nickname. Check it out on Good Mythical MORE, the show after the show! GMMORE # 1945
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published: 26 Apr 2021
TTC 254 - Ravnica Allegiance Nicknames
Graham, Cameron, and Nelson present all of YOUR nicknames for every card in RNA!
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published: 19 Feb 2019
The Dead Man, The Dolly & More | Top 10 Poker Hand Nicknames | Poker Central
From presidents to interstate highways, actresses to airlines, and everything in between, poker players don’t lack creativity in nicknaming some of their favori...
From presidents to interstate highways, actresses to airlines, and everything in between, poker players don’t lack creativity in nicknaming some of their favorite hands. Our Top Ten has a wide variety of nicknames, some funny, one dead serious and one that could have you flying towards a big win.
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From presidents to interstate highways, actresses to airlines, and everything in between, poker players don’t lack creativity in nicknaming some of their favorite hands. Our Top Ten has a wide variety of nicknames, some funny, one dead serious and one that could have you flying towards a big win.
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- published: 20 Dec 2016
- views: 1681
Poker Hand Rankings | Poker Tutorials
Learn to Play Poker in no time: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLALQuK1NDrh8fn1zxL3e8i_fjYi0e_0_
Our poker tutorial is a great way to learn the card ga...
Learn to Play Poker in no time: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLALQuK1NDrh8fn1zxL3e8i_fjYi0e_0_
Our poker tutorial is a great way to learn the card game loved by millions.
Hey, I'm Nicky Numbers, Professional Poker Player, and today, we're going to talk about poker hand rankings. What, beats what. Most of the time when you see hand rankings, you see them displayed for all forms of high card poker, rather than what you're really interested in seeing, which is Texas Hold Em. But really what they aren't showing you, is just the hand rankings for poker. They're showing you the hand rankings as if its for Five Card Draw. You know, the game where you see people on t.v. playing with five cards in front of them, like this. The old version of poker. Now, it's all Hold Em. So, in Texas Hold Em, each player has two down hole cards, and then there are five community cards. These are shared cards that can be used by any player. The best five card hand possible is a royal flush, which is not only cards in order, Ten, Jack, King, Queen, Ace, but also of the same exact suit.
This is the best hand possible in Hold Em. As for royal flushes, you really don't need to think about it, because it almost never happens. It's tens of thousands to one against happening. So, you're not going to see it very often. The next best possible hand, is a straight flush. Eight, Nine, Ten, Jack, Queen, all of diamonds. After a royal flush, and a straight flush, the next best hand, is four of a kind, also known as quads. In this case, we have quad Deuces. The next best hand, is a full house, which is three of a kind, along with a pair. In this case, we have a full house of Queens, Queens full of Deuces. After a full house, is a flush.
Five cards, all of the same suit. In this case, we have a diamond flush, Three, Four of diamonds, along with the Ten, Jack and Queen of diamonds that are already on the board. After flushes, are straights. In this case, we have the best straight possible, Ace, King, on a Ten, Jack, Queen board. Note, that this Ace, King, is not suited. However, this Ace, King, is suited of the same suit. Just that difference, is the difference between a strong hand, like a straight, and an amazing hand, like a royal flush. The next best hand, is three of a kind. In this case, because there's only four deuces in the deck, I'm going to steal the Deuce from the quads, and put it with the Deuce, Three, so, now I have one Deuce in my hand and two on the board, for three of a kind. There's also another kind of three of a kind, though.
And that's known as a set, which is where you have pocket pair in your hand, and just one card on the board. After three of a kind, is two pair. In this case, we have Queen, Jack, for top two pair on the board. Now, note there is already a pair on the board with Deuces, so, even if we just had a single Queen, we would still technically have two pair. However, that's kind of like a fake two pair, because everybody already has one. Using both hole cards to make two pair, is much stronger, than two pair with one on the board. After two pair, the next best hand, is just one pair. Here we have Four, Three. Note there is no pair on the board. However, because the Deuces are a pair on the board, we technically have one pair, however, we also have the worst hand possible.
A better one pair hand is when you're using one of your hole cards, to connect with the board. In this case, we have a Jack, Nine, which hits the Jack for one pair. However, because Deuces are already on the board, this Jack, Nine, is technically a two pair hand. If, instead of a Deuce, it was a Five, however, now this would be a true one pair hand. If no one has a pair, then it comes down to, who has the highest card. In this case, we have an Ace in our hand. So, we have Ace high. That's how to know your hand rankings in Hold Em, which is with regard for the board.
Learn to Play Poker in no time: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLALQuK1NDrh8fn1zxL3e8i_fjYi0e_0_
Our poker tutorial is a great way to learn the card game loved by millions.
Hey, I'm Nicky Numbers, Professional Poker Player, and today, we're going to talk about poker hand rankings. What, beats what. Most of the time when you see hand rankings, you see them displayed for all forms of high card poker, rather than what you're really interested in seeing, which is Texas Hold Em. But really what they aren't showing you, is just the hand rankings for poker. They're showing you the hand rankings as if its for Five Card Draw. You know, the game where you see people on t.v. playing with five cards in front of them, like this. The old version of poker. Now, it's all Hold Em. So, in Texas Hold Em, each player has two down hole cards, and then there are five community cards. These are shared cards that can be used by any player. The best five card hand possible is a royal flush, which is not only cards in order, Ten, Jack, King, Queen, Ace, but also of the same exact suit.
This is the best hand possible in Hold Em. As for royal flushes, you really don't need to think about it, because it almost never happens. It's tens of thousands to one against happening. So, you're not going to see it very often. The next best possible hand, is a straight flush. Eight, Nine, Ten, Jack, Queen, all of diamonds. After a royal flush, and a straight flush, the next best hand, is four of a kind, also known as quads. In this case, we have quad Deuces. The next best hand, is a full house, which is three of a kind, along with a pair. In this case, we have a full house of Queens, Queens full of Deuces. After a full house, is a flush.
Five cards, all of the same suit. In this case, we have a diamond flush, Three, Four of diamonds, along with the Ten, Jack and Queen of diamonds that are already on the board. After flushes, are straights. In this case, we have the best straight possible, Ace, King, on a Ten, Jack, Queen board. Note, that this Ace, King, is not suited. However, this Ace, King, is suited of the same suit. Just that difference, is the difference between a strong hand, like a straight, and an amazing hand, like a royal flush. The next best hand, is three of a kind. In this case, because there's only four deuces in the deck, I'm going to steal the Deuce from the quads, and put it with the Deuce, Three, so, now I have one Deuce in my hand and two on the board, for three of a kind. There's also another kind of three of a kind, though.
And that's known as a set, which is where you have pocket pair in your hand, and just one card on the board. After three of a kind, is two pair. In this case, we have Queen, Jack, for top two pair on the board. Now, note there is already a pair on the board with Deuces, so, even if we just had a single Queen, we would still technically have two pair. However, that's kind of like a fake two pair, because everybody already has one. Using both hole cards to make two pair, is much stronger, than two pair with one on the board. After two pair, the next best hand, is just one pair. Here we have Four, Three. Note there is no pair on the board. However, because the Deuces are a pair on the board, we technically have one pair, however, we also have the worst hand possible.
A better one pair hand is when you're using one of your hole cards, to connect with the board. In this case, we have a Jack, Nine, which hits the Jack for one pair. However, because Deuces are already on the board, this Jack, Nine, is technically a two pair hand. If, instead of a Deuce, it was a Five, however, now this would be a true one pair hand. If no one has a pair, then it comes down to, who has the highest card. In this case, we have an Ace in our hand. So, we have Ace high. That's how to know your hand rankings in Hold Em, which is with regard for the board.
- published: 07 Dec 2013
- views: 460446
Learn English – Vocabulary & Expressions for POKER and other card games
Do you know how to play the game of poker? If so, can you play it in English? After watching this fun lesson, you will be able to play a game of poker or any ot...
Do you know how to play the game of poker? If so, can you play it in English? After watching this fun lesson, you will be able to play a game of poker or any other card game using English vocabulary. You might also be surprised to know that this vocabulary appears in movies a lot! I will teach you the card names, suits, and the names of some combinations to help you win! You will learn the meaning of "bluff", "royal flush", "full house", "poker face", "three of a kind", and more. So grab your best lucky charms, and get ready to play. Good luck!
Take the quiz on this lesson at: http://www.engvid.com/vocabulary-expressions-for-poker-and-other-card-games/
Oh, there we are. Hi there. Welcome to poker night with Ronnie. Do you know how to play poker? Maybe? Do you know how to play poker in English? I'm going to teach you. I know how to play poker. I am not very good at playing poker; I always seem to get really terrible cards, no fault of my own. Very skilled in the game, just bad luck. Luck of the draw is not with me. I'm going to put my old-school video camera away, and we're going to learn how to play some poker in English.
So, the first thing that we need to know about poker is it's a game. Woo-hoo. It's become very, very, very popular online because you can get a lot of money. The way I learned to play poker was my father taught me, after many a grape soda, sitting around the kitchen table, betting matchsticks. So, welcome to my childhood. I learned how to play poker. What did you do?
The most important thing is to learn the name of the cards in English. So, probably you know: A, K, Q, J, 10, and the numbers, but these actually have names. The "A" is the Ace. The "K" is the King. The "Q" is the Queen. The Jack is the "J". Then it goes from 10 all the way down to 2. There is no 1. Sometimes the ace can be used as a 1, but that's too complicated, and I'm not going to tell you my tricks. Well, you're going to lose anyway, so might as well.
The other thing that we need to know is what to call the cards. So, these are suits. Not... Suit? Suit, suit, suits... Suits, they're called... I don't know why they're called suits, they're just suits. So, the suits means: Hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades. Now, when I was a child, I had a very stupid brother. Still do. Mm-hmm. And for some reason, he said shovels. Okay? It's a spade, buddy; not a shovel. Get it right. Okay? So, hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades are the proper names of these. So, now you know the vocabulary of the wor-... Of the cards. I'm going to teach you some verbs that you need.
The first one probably you know, is a bluff. "Bluff" means you have a face... Oh, Lady Gaga go away. Mm-hmm. Poker Face. Do you know what that means? "Poker face" means you are expressionless. Usually you have a baseball hat, so people can't see your eyes. But a bluff is when you do not let your face show your cards or what you're doing. So, if you're betting money or matchsticks and you want to bluff, you're going to pretend that you have a fabtabulous hand. Now, "the hand" means what cards you have. So, I'm going to pretend that I have the highest cards ever, called a "royal flush". So I would not make expressions with my face, and I would bet a lot of money. I would be bluffing, because maybe I have really, really bad cards. I always have bad cards. So, "bluff" means to, like, lie and pretend you have really, really good cards.
The most important word is "bet". "Bet" means you put in money that you're going to lose or win, depending. Before they even deal the cards-"deal the cards" means you give them to people- there's something called an "ante". An "ante", not your mother's sister, means a forced bet before the deal. So, if we were playing cards or playing poker, and I have lots of money, I would ante $100. I would never do that. And then everyone else that wants to play would have to put in, automatically, $100, even before we look at our cards. Scary.
What happens is we have the first bet is called "open". So, it would be my turn, I could open, which means I would put in money; or if I did not want to, I could "check" or "pass". This means I don't want to play with money. I'm just like: "No. Enh, we'll see what happens." If I have a really, really, really terrible hand, which means my cards are not good, I would do what's called "folding" or "fold". I would say: "Fold." Fold means: "This is terrible, I'm out. I end the game. I'm no longer playing this."
When you bet, you can "call", which means you match what the other person has bet. For example, if the person before me bet $10, I would call, and I also would put in $10. If I wanted to get more money from people, I would "raise the pot", which means I would put in my $10, and I would add more money. So, if I had a really good hand, I would say: "I call the 10, and I raise you 50." So the other people playing, if they wanted to stay in the game, would have to put in $50.
Do you know how to play the game of poker? If so, can you play it in English? After watching this fun lesson, you will be able to play a game of poker or any other card game using English vocabulary. You might also be surprised to know that this vocabulary appears in movies a lot! I will teach you the card names, suits, and the names of some combinations to help you win! You will learn the meaning of "bluff", "royal flush", "full house", "poker face", "three of a kind", and more. So grab your best lucky charms, and get ready to play. Good luck!
Take the quiz on this lesson at: http://www.engvid.com/vocabulary-expressions-for-poker-and-other-card-games/
Oh, there we are. Hi there. Welcome to poker night with Ronnie. Do you know how to play poker? Maybe? Do you know how to play poker in English? I'm going to teach you. I know how to play poker. I am not very good at playing poker; I always seem to get really terrible cards, no fault of my own. Very skilled in the game, just bad luck. Luck of the draw is not with me. I'm going to put my old-school video camera away, and we're going to learn how to play some poker in English.
So, the first thing that we need to know about poker is it's a game. Woo-hoo. It's become very, very, very popular online because you can get a lot of money. The way I learned to play poker was my father taught me, after many a grape soda, sitting around the kitchen table, betting matchsticks. So, welcome to my childhood. I learned how to play poker. What did you do?
The most important thing is to learn the name of the cards in English. So, probably you know: A, K, Q, J, 10, and the numbers, but these actually have names. The "A" is the Ace. The "K" is the King. The "Q" is the Queen. The Jack is the "J". Then it goes from 10 all the way down to 2. There is no 1. Sometimes the ace can be used as a 1, but that's too complicated, and I'm not going to tell you my tricks. Well, you're going to lose anyway, so might as well.
The other thing that we need to know is what to call the cards. So, these are suits. Not... Suit? Suit, suit, suits... Suits, they're called... I don't know why they're called suits, they're just suits. So, the suits means: Hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades. Now, when I was a child, I had a very stupid brother. Still do. Mm-hmm. And for some reason, he said shovels. Okay? It's a spade, buddy; not a shovel. Get it right. Okay? So, hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades are the proper names of these. So, now you know the vocabulary of the wor-... Of the cards. I'm going to teach you some verbs that you need.
The first one probably you know, is a bluff. "Bluff" means you have a face... Oh, Lady Gaga go away. Mm-hmm. Poker Face. Do you know what that means? "Poker face" means you are expressionless. Usually you have a baseball hat, so people can't see your eyes. But a bluff is when you do not let your face show your cards or what you're doing. So, if you're betting money or matchsticks and you want to bluff, you're going to pretend that you have a fabtabulous hand. Now, "the hand" means what cards you have. So, I'm going to pretend that I have the highest cards ever, called a "royal flush". So I would not make expressions with my face, and I would bet a lot of money. I would be bluffing, because maybe I have really, really bad cards. I always have bad cards. So, "bluff" means to, like, lie and pretend you have really, really good cards.
The most important word is "bet". "Bet" means you put in money that you're going to lose or win, depending. Before they even deal the cards-"deal the cards" means you give them to people- there's something called an "ante". An "ante", not your mother's sister, means a forced bet before the deal. So, if we were playing cards or playing poker, and I have lots of money, I would ante $100. I would never do that. And then everyone else that wants to play would have to put in, automatically, $100, even before we look at our cards. Scary.
What happens is we have the first bet is called "open". So, it would be my turn, I could open, which means I would put in money; or if I did not want to, I could "check" or "pass". This means I don't want to play with money. I'm just like: "No. Enh, we'll see what happens." If I have a really, really, really terrible hand, which means my cards are not good, I would do what's called "folding" or "fold". I would say: "Fold." Fold means: "This is terrible, I'm out. I end the game. I'm no longer playing this."
When you bet, you can "call", which means you match what the other person has bet. For example, if the person before me bet $10, I would call, and I also would put in $10. If I wanted to get more money from people, I would "raise the pot", which means I would put in my $10, and I would add more money. So, if I had a really good hand, I would say: "I call the 10, and I raise you 50." So the other people playing, if they wanted to stay in the game, would have to put in $50.
- published: 07 Jul 2016
- views: 155097
Why is there a joker in playing card decks? - Big Questions - (Ep. 208)
A weekly show where we endeavor to answer one of your big questions. This week, Margaret asks, "Why is there a joker in playing card decks?"
Mental Floss ...
A weekly show where we endeavor to answer one of your big questions. This week, Margaret asks, "Why is there a joker in playing card decks?"
Mental Floss Video on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/mf_video
Select Images and Footage provided by Shutterstock: www.shutterstock.com
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A weekly show where we endeavor to answer one of your big questions. This week, Margaret asks, "Why is there a joker in playing card decks?"
Mental Floss Video on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/mf_video
Select Images and Footage provided by Shutterstock: www.shutterstock.com
Want more of Craig?
Website: http://www.mentalfloss.com
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Store: http://store.mentalfloss.com/ (enter promo code: "YoutubeFlossers" for 15% off!)
- published: 26 Oct 2015
- views: 243503
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Vlad and Niki have fun with Mom - collection kids video with toys
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Vlad and Niki have fun with Mom - collection kids video with toys
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Vlad and Niki have fun with Mom - collection kids video with toys
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- published: 18 Jan 2021
- views: 328961785
What's Their Secret Nickname? (Match Game)
Today, we're trying to match the Mythical crew member to their secret nickname. Check it out on Good Mythical MORE, the show after the show! GMMORE # 1945
If y...
Today, we're trying to match the Mythical crew member to their secret nickname. Check it out on Good Mythical MORE, the show after the show! GMMORE # 1945
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* Apple AirPort Extreme: https://amzn.to/2NnIvvk
* Apple iPad Pro (12.9-inch, Wi-Fi, 64GB) - Space Gray (Latest Model) - MTEL2LL/A: https://amzn.to/2NnKXlw
* Guardian Industrial Products DH-CP-4 3 Channel Rubber Cable Ramp (Straight): https://amzn.to/2NdshoR
* Cartoni Focus HD Fluid Head with 3 Tube Ultra-Light Tripod, Mid-Level Spreader and Soft Case - Black: https://amzn.to/2X4i7X8
* ARRI SkyPanel S60-C LED Softlight (Blue/Silver, Edison): https://amzn.to/2YgM3km
* Chef-Master 90050 Professional Heat Lamp, Silver: https://amzn.to/2Xa1Wwr
* Samsung UN40H5003 40-Inch 1080p LED TV (2014 Model): https://amzn.to/2NdMU4e
* Sony LMDA170 17" Production Video LCD Monitor, 16:9 Native Aspect Ratio, 1080p Resolution: https://amzn.to/2YlB9tH
* Behringer Xenyx 1002 Premium 10-Input 2-Bus Mixer with XENYX Mic Preamps and British Eqs: https://amzn.to/2Yeeqzl
* Elgato Game Capture Card HD60 S - Stream and Record in 1080p60, for PlayStation 4, Xbox One & Xbox 360 (Renewed): https://amzn.to/2NdOBP6
* Pyle Universal Speaker Stand Mount Holder - Heavy Duty Tripod w/ Adjustable Height from 40” to 71” and 35mm Compatible Insert - Easy Mobility Safety PIN and Knob Tension Locking for Stability PSTND2: https://amzn.to/2JcCpce
* JBL EON612 Portable 12" 2-Way Multipurpose Self-Powered Sound Reinforcement: https://amzn.to/2Ndluvm
* Bolt 500 XT 3G-SDI/HDMI Wireless TX/RX: https://amzn.to/2J1OeSk
* Voigtlaender 17,5/0,95 Nokton 17.5 mm-17.5 mm Lens: https://amzn.to/2JjUCEP
* Blackmagic Design Micro Converter SDI to HDMI (with Power Supply) BMD-CONVCMIC/SH/WPSU: https://amzn.to/2J6iw6y
* Panasonic H-HSA35100 F2.8 II ASPH 35-100mm Mirrorless Micro Four Thirds Mount POWER Optical I.S. LUMIX G X VARIO Professional Lens: https://amzn.to/2RAhIul
* PANASONIC LUMIX Professional 12-35mm Camera Lens G X VARIO II, F2.8 ASPH, Dual I.S. 2.0 with Power O.I.S., Mirrorless Micro Four Thirds, H-HSA12035 (2017 Model, Black): https://amzn.to/2J9WH5S
* Decimator Design DMON-12S | 12 Channel Multi Viewer with HDMI SDI Outputs: https://amzn.to/2J9Xkwg
* Decimator MD-HX HDMI and SDI Cross Converter with Scaling & Frame Rate Conversion: https://amzn.to/2Ymj52c
* PANASONIC LUMIX GH4 Body 4K Mirrorless Camera, 16 Megapixels, 3 Inch Touch LCD, DMC-GH4KBODY (USA Black): https://amzn.to/2WZjlD6
* Blue Microphones Mouse Microphone Kc: https://amzn.to/2Ybu12I
Today, we're trying to match the Mythical crew member to their secret nickname. Check it out on Good Mythical MORE, the show after the show! GMMORE # 1945
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Season 17 - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9VBXk6S6HT9DCbS4zKfSGQyjDdtWz1fU
Season 16 - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9VBXk6S6HT8Ng7UBr0LhPJ85ZKScenf5
Good Mythical More | Summer 2019: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9VBXk6S6HT9FUKo3GyFP2gTwUhyBRD1K
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Submit your Wheel of Mythicality intro video here: http://bit.ly/GMMWheelIntroSUBMISSIONS
Intro Animation by:
Matthew Dwyer https://dwy.me
Mike Pasley https://DigitalTwigs.com
Intro & Outro Music by Mark Byers http://www.markaholic.com
Get the GMM Set Gear!
* Apple AirPort Extreme: https://amzn.to/2NnIvvk
* Apple iPad Pro (12.9-inch, Wi-Fi, 64GB) - Space Gray (Latest Model) - MTEL2LL/A: https://amzn.to/2NnKXlw
* Guardian Industrial Products DH-CP-4 3 Channel Rubber Cable Ramp (Straight): https://amzn.to/2NdshoR
* Cartoni Focus HD Fluid Head with 3 Tube Ultra-Light Tripod, Mid-Level Spreader and Soft Case - Black: https://amzn.to/2X4i7X8
* ARRI SkyPanel S60-C LED Softlight (Blue/Silver, Edison): https://amzn.to/2YgM3km
* Chef-Master 90050 Professional Heat Lamp, Silver: https://amzn.to/2Xa1Wwr
* Samsung UN40H5003 40-Inch 1080p LED TV (2014 Model): https://amzn.to/2NdMU4e
* Sony LMDA170 17" Production Video LCD Monitor, 16:9 Native Aspect Ratio, 1080p Resolution: https://amzn.to/2YlB9tH
* Behringer Xenyx 1002 Premium 10-Input 2-Bus Mixer with XENYX Mic Preamps and British Eqs: https://amzn.to/2Yeeqzl
* Elgato Game Capture Card HD60 S - Stream and Record in 1080p60, for PlayStation 4, Xbox One & Xbox 360 (Renewed): https://amzn.to/2NdOBP6
* Pyle Universal Speaker Stand Mount Holder - Heavy Duty Tripod w/ Adjustable Height from 40” to 71” and 35mm Compatible Insert - Easy Mobility Safety PIN and Knob Tension Locking for Stability PSTND2: https://amzn.to/2JcCpce
* JBL EON612 Portable 12" 2-Way Multipurpose Self-Powered Sound Reinforcement: https://amzn.to/2Ndluvm
* Bolt 500 XT 3G-SDI/HDMI Wireless TX/RX: https://amzn.to/2J1OeSk
* Voigtlaender 17,5/0,95 Nokton 17.5 mm-17.5 mm Lens: https://amzn.to/2JjUCEP
* Blackmagic Design Micro Converter SDI to HDMI (with Power Supply) BMD-CONVCMIC/SH/WPSU: https://amzn.to/2J6iw6y
* Panasonic H-HSA35100 F2.8 II ASPH 35-100mm Mirrorless Micro Four Thirds Mount POWER Optical I.S. LUMIX G X VARIO Professional Lens: https://amzn.to/2RAhIul
* PANASONIC LUMIX Professional 12-35mm Camera Lens G X VARIO II, F2.8 ASPH, Dual I.S. 2.0 with Power O.I.S., Mirrorless Micro Four Thirds, H-HSA12035 (2017 Model, Black): https://amzn.to/2J9WH5S
* Decimator Design DMON-12S | 12 Channel Multi Viewer with HDMI SDI Outputs: https://amzn.to/2J9Xkwg
* Decimator MD-HX HDMI and SDI Cross Converter with Scaling & Frame Rate Conversion: https://amzn.to/2Ymj52c
* PANASONIC LUMIX GH4 Body 4K Mirrorless Camera, 16 Megapixels, 3 Inch Touch LCD, DMC-GH4KBODY (USA Black): https://amzn.to/2WZjlD6
* Blue Microphones Mouse Microphone Kc: https://amzn.to/2Ybu12I
- published: 26 Apr 2021
- views: 325404
TTC 254 - Ravnica Allegiance Nicknames
Graham, Cameron, and Nelson present all of YOUR nicknames for every card in RNA!
Support LRR: http://Patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
Graham, Cameron, and Nelson present all of YOUR nicknames for every card in RNA!
Support LRR: http://Patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
Graham, Cameron, and Nelson present all of YOUR nicknames for every card in RNA!
Support LRR: http://Patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
- published: 19 Feb 2019
- views: 37328