Hai semua nama gue Ewing dan terima kasih telah memberikan gue kesempatan untuk menemani malam jumat lo. Mulai dari penampakan wajah mengerikan sampai ke penampakan disaat live streaming, berikut adalah lima penampakan hantu yang paling mengerikan, bagian ke 37.
Daftar Isi :
00:27 Penampakan Wajah Mengerikan
02:48 Gangguan Paranormal Dirumah Kosong
07:58 Penampakan Rekaman CCTV
11:41 Penampakan Menabrak Hantu
14:15 Penampakan Saat Live Streaming
Join Anti Halu Halu Club dengan klik link ini
#ewinghd #malamjumat #penampakan
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EwingHD
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ewing_hd/
published: 11 Apr 2024
Hai semua nama gue Ewing dan ada sebuah keluarga bahagia yang kompak, mandiri dan dinamis banget. Mereka semua tiap pagi itu selalu aja mempunyai rutinitas dan saling membantu dalam kehidupannya. Sampai, pada suatu hari, sang ayah dan sang ibu menemukan keempat anaknya tertumpuk didalam kamar mandi dengan keadaan sudah tidak bernyawa. Yang lebih parahnya lagi adalah si pelaku sempat mengirim surat yang isinya tuh ngeledek sang ayah dan sang ibu. Ini adalah kasus misterius dari keluarga bapak Tan Kuen Chai dan ibu Lee Mei Ying.
Daftar Isi :
01:43 Keluarga Dinamis
06:31 Dipojok Kamar Mandi
16:34 Hehehe
Join Anti Halu Halu Club dengan klik link ini
#ewinghd #truecrime #unsolved
published: 13 Apr 2024
Patrick Ewing's Top 10 Career Plays
Check out the best career plays from Patrick Ewing, the backbone of the Knicks' franchise for over a decade.
published: 02 Nov 2011
Hai semua nama gue Ewing dan salah satu alasan utama yang membuat gue jarang membuat video penampakan hantu adalah ya, mohon maaf nih, jujur aja ya, kebanyakan video penampakan itu fake atau settingan. Walau pun begitu, gue nemu nih beberapa video penampakan yang menurut gue, besar kemungkinan, ini adalah foto penampakan hantu yang real. Gue mau lo coba tulis pendapat lo dikolom komentar apakah penampakan hantu ini adalah real, editan, settingan, atau halu.
Daftar Isi
01:36 Penampakan Hantu Anak Kecil
04:58 Penampakan Hantu Di Taxi
08:42 Penampakan Hantu Di Dekat Kambing
11:00 Penampakan Hantu Di Gedung Kosong
14:04 Penampakan Hantu Di Rumah Kosong
Join Anti Halu Halu Club dengan klik link ini
#ewinghd #malamjumat #penampaka...
published: 18 Jan 2024
Patrick Ewing SCHOOLS Young Shaq - GIANT Duel Highlights (1994.02.06) - Ewing with 32 Pts!
Patrick Ewing 32 Pts 9 reb, Shaquille O'Neal 22 Pts 13 reb 5 Blocks Full Highlights | Orlando Magic vs New York Knicks | February 6, 1994 | 1993-94 NBA Season | HOH Throwback
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published: 05 Aug 2018
ROTI ISI DAGING MANUSIA? | Dmitry Bhakseev dan Natalia Bhakseeva
Hai semua nama gue Ewing dan kisah nyata mengerikan kali ini, gue akan bercerita tentang seorang ibu ibu yang berjualan disebuah kantin yang terletak di pangkalan militer. Salah satu makanan yang menjadi best seller dari dagangan kantinya adalah roti isi. Roti isi ini rasanya itu enak banget, bahkan tiap hari, selalu aja laku terjual. Yang pembeli nya gak tau adalah roti isinya ini ternyata berisi daging manusia. Ini adalah cerita dari Dmitry Bhakseev dan Natalia Bhakseev.
Daftar Isi :
01:43 Handphone Misterius
06:39 Pasangan yang Sempurna
14:11 Bau Sangit
17:59 Roti Isi Manusia
Join Anti Halu Halu Club dengan klik link ini
#ewinghd #truecrime #kisahnyata
published: 14 Mar 2024
Bill & Gloria Gaither - He Saw Me [Live] ft. Murrell Ewing
Official video for “He Saw Me [Live]” feat. Murrel Ewing
Download on iTunes here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/gaither-gospel-series-rivers/id715598071
Subscribe to Gaither TV at http://www.gaither.tv
Subscribe to Homecoming Magazine at http://www.homecomingmagazine.com/magazine/
Subscribe to Gaither VEVO channel: https://www.youtube.com/GaitherVEVO
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gaithermusic/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Gaithermusic
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/11sAWrpIkFUPQlXoQqpeBV
published: 09 Nov 2012
Hai semua nama gue Ewing dan ada seorang pria yang hidup atau tinggal nya itu dijalanan. Walau pun hujan deras, panas terik, dingin menggigil atau angin menusuk, dia kekeuh gak mau tinggal didalam rumah… maunya tinggal dilubang tanah yang dia buat sendiri. Saking parahnya, dari berbagai macam sumber, dikabarkan ya, orang ini tuh belum mandi sejak 70 tahun terakhir. Anehnya adalah orang ini tuh sehat sehat aja… hmmm… Ini adalah cerita dari Amou Haji.
Daftar Isi :
01:11 Minimal Mandi
09:38 Sehat Walfiat
Join Anti Halu Halu Club dengan klik link ini
#ewinghd #kisahnyata #misteri
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ew...
published: 06 Apr 2024
Ewing High School vs Neptune High School Boys' Varsity Lacrosse
published: 19 Apr 2024
Hai semua nama gue Ewing dan ada seorang pramugari yang cantik yang sedang struggle dikehidupannya. Salah satu bagian dari perjuangan hidupnya adalah mencari jodoh. Yang dia tidak tau adalah salah satu calon jodohnya ini, bukannya membawa keharmonisan rumah tangga, melainkan malah membawa malapetaka. Sampai sampai, dia diakhir hembusan nafasnya yang terakhir, dia musti menuliskan satu petunjuk penting supaya kasusnya bisa terungkap. Ini adalah kisah kasus nyata mengerikan dari Karen Pannell.
Daftar Isi :
01:39 Pizza Delivery
10:17 Famous Last Word
19:03 Tahap Introgasi
30:44 Tebak Pelakunya
36:46 Apa yang Sebenarnya Terjadi
Join Anti Halu Halu Club dengan klik link ini
#ewinghd #truecrime #kisahnyata
published: 16 Mar 2024
Hai semua nama gue Ewing dan terima kasih telah memberikan gue kesempatan untuk menemani malam jumat lo. Mulai dari penampakan wajah mengerikan sampai ke penamp...
Hai semua nama gue Ewing dan terima kasih telah memberikan gue kesempatan untuk menemani malam jumat lo. Mulai dari penampakan wajah mengerikan sampai ke penampakan disaat live streaming, berikut adalah lima penampakan hantu yang paling mengerikan, bagian ke 37.
Daftar Isi :
00:27 Penampakan Wajah Mengerikan
02:48 Gangguan Paranormal Dirumah Kosong
07:58 Penampakan Rekaman CCTV
11:41 Penampakan Menabrak Hantu
14:15 Penampakan Saat Live Streaming
Join Anti Halu Halu Club dengan klik link ini
#ewinghd #malamjumat #penampakan
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EwingHD
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ewing_hd/
Tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@ewinghd
Email or phone me
(Ewing +6281266699959)
[email protected]
Hai semua nama gue Ewing dan terima kasih telah memberikan gue kesempatan untuk menemani malam jumat lo. Mulai dari penampakan wajah mengerikan sampai ke penampakan disaat live streaming, berikut adalah lima penampakan hantu yang paling mengerikan, bagian ke 37.
Daftar Isi :
00:27 Penampakan Wajah Mengerikan
02:48 Gangguan Paranormal Dirumah Kosong
07:58 Penampakan Rekaman CCTV
11:41 Penampakan Menabrak Hantu
14:15 Penampakan Saat Live Streaming
Join Anti Halu Halu Club dengan klik link ini
#ewinghd #malamjumat #penampakan
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EwingHD
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ewing_hd/
Tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@ewinghd
Email or phone me
(Ewing +6281266699959)
[email protected]
- published: 11 Apr 2024
- views: 310771
Hai semua nama gue Ewing dan ada sebuah keluarga bahagia yang kompak, mandiri dan dinamis banget. Mereka semua tiap pagi itu selalu aja mempunyai rutinitas dan ...
Hai semua nama gue Ewing dan ada sebuah keluarga bahagia yang kompak, mandiri dan dinamis banget. Mereka semua tiap pagi itu selalu aja mempunyai rutinitas dan saling membantu dalam kehidupannya. Sampai, pada suatu hari, sang ayah dan sang ibu menemukan keempat anaknya tertumpuk didalam kamar mandi dengan keadaan sudah tidak bernyawa. Yang lebih parahnya lagi adalah si pelaku sempat mengirim surat yang isinya tuh ngeledek sang ayah dan sang ibu. Ini adalah kasus misterius dari keluarga bapak Tan Kuen Chai dan ibu Lee Mei Ying.
Daftar Isi :
01:43 Keluarga Dinamis
06:31 Dipojok Kamar Mandi
16:34 Hehehe
Join Anti Halu Halu Club dengan klik link ini
#ewinghd #truecrime #unsolved
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EwingHD
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ewing_hd/
Tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@ewinghd
Email or phone me
(Ewing +6281266699959)
[email protected]
Hai semua nama gue Ewing dan ada sebuah keluarga bahagia yang kompak, mandiri dan dinamis banget. Mereka semua tiap pagi itu selalu aja mempunyai rutinitas dan saling membantu dalam kehidupannya. Sampai, pada suatu hari, sang ayah dan sang ibu menemukan keempat anaknya tertumpuk didalam kamar mandi dengan keadaan sudah tidak bernyawa. Yang lebih parahnya lagi adalah si pelaku sempat mengirim surat yang isinya tuh ngeledek sang ayah dan sang ibu. Ini adalah kasus misterius dari keluarga bapak Tan Kuen Chai dan ibu Lee Mei Ying.
Daftar Isi :
01:43 Keluarga Dinamis
06:31 Dipojok Kamar Mandi
16:34 Hehehe
Join Anti Halu Halu Club dengan klik link ini
#ewinghd #truecrime #unsolved
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EwingHD
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ewing_hd/
Tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@ewinghd
Email or phone me
(Ewing +6281266699959)
[email protected]
- published: 13 Apr 2024
- views: 228521
Patrick Ewing's Top 10 Career Plays
Check out the best career plays from Patrick Ewing, the backbone of the Knicks' franchise for over a decade.
Check out the best career plays from Patrick Ewing, the backbone of the Knicks' franchise for over a decade.
Check out the best career plays from Patrick Ewing, the backbone of the Knicks' franchise for over a decade.
- published: 02 Nov 2011
- views: 2267218
Hai semua nama gue Ewing dan salah satu alasan utama yang membuat gue jarang membuat video penampakan hantu adalah ya, mohon maaf nih, jujur aja ya, kebanyakan ...
Hai semua nama gue Ewing dan salah satu alasan utama yang membuat gue jarang membuat video penampakan hantu adalah ya, mohon maaf nih, jujur aja ya, kebanyakan video penampakan itu fake atau settingan. Walau pun begitu, gue nemu nih beberapa video penampakan yang menurut gue, besar kemungkinan, ini adalah foto penampakan hantu yang real. Gue mau lo coba tulis pendapat lo dikolom komentar apakah penampakan hantu ini adalah real, editan, settingan, atau halu.
Daftar Isi
01:36 Penampakan Hantu Anak Kecil
04:58 Penampakan Hantu Di Taxi
08:42 Penampakan Hantu Di Dekat Kambing
11:00 Penampakan Hantu Di Gedung Kosong
14:04 Penampakan Hantu Di Rumah Kosong
Join Anti Halu Halu Club dengan klik link ini
#ewinghd #malamjumat #penampakan
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EwingHD
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ewing_hd/
Tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@ewinghd
Email or phone me
(Ewing +6281266699959)
[email protected]
Hai semua nama gue Ewing dan salah satu alasan utama yang membuat gue jarang membuat video penampakan hantu adalah ya, mohon maaf nih, jujur aja ya, kebanyakan video penampakan itu fake atau settingan. Walau pun begitu, gue nemu nih beberapa video penampakan yang menurut gue, besar kemungkinan, ini adalah foto penampakan hantu yang real. Gue mau lo coba tulis pendapat lo dikolom komentar apakah penampakan hantu ini adalah real, editan, settingan, atau halu.
Daftar Isi
01:36 Penampakan Hantu Anak Kecil
04:58 Penampakan Hantu Di Taxi
08:42 Penampakan Hantu Di Dekat Kambing
11:00 Penampakan Hantu Di Gedung Kosong
14:04 Penampakan Hantu Di Rumah Kosong
Join Anti Halu Halu Club dengan klik link ini
#ewinghd #malamjumat #penampakan
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EwingHD
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ewing_hd/
Tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@ewinghd
Email or phone me
(Ewing +6281266699959)
[email protected]
- published: 18 Jan 2024
- views: 670540
Patrick Ewing SCHOOLS Young Shaq - GIANT Duel Highlights (1994.02.06) - Ewing with 32 Pts!
Patrick Ewing 32 Pts 9 reb, Shaquille O'Neal 22 Pts 13 reb 5 Blocks Full Highlights | Orlando Magic vs New York Knicks | February 6, 1994 | 1993-94 NBA Season ...
Patrick Ewing 32 Pts 9 reb, Shaquille O'Neal 22 Pts 13 reb 5 Blocks Full Highlights | Orlando Magic vs New York Knicks | February 6, 1994 | 1993-94 NBA Season | HOH Throwback
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Patrick Ewing 32 Pts 9 reb, Shaquille O'Neal 22 Pts 13 reb 5 Blocks Full Highlights | Orlando Magic vs New York Knicks | February 6, 1994 | 1993-94 NBA Season | HOH Throwback
✔️ Subscribe, Like & Comment for More! ✔️
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- published: 05 Aug 2018
- views: 1196349
ROTI ISI DAGING MANUSIA? | Dmitry Bhakseev dan Natalia Bhakseeva
Hai semua nama gue Ewing dan kisah nyata mengerikan kali ini, gue akan bercerita tentang seorang ibu ibu yang berjualan disebuah kantin yang terletak di pangkal...
Hai semua nama gue Ewing dan kisah nyata mengerikan kali ini, gue akan bercerita tentang seorang ibu ibu yang berjualan disebuah kantin yang terletak di pangkalan militer. Salah satu makanan yang menjadi best seller dari dagangan kantinya adalah roti isi. Roti isi ini rasanya itu enak banget, bahkan tiap hari, selalu aja laku terjual. Yang pembeli nya gak tau adalah roti isinya ini ternyata berisi daging manusia. Ini adalah cerita dari Dmitry Bhakseev dan Natalia Bhakseev.
Daftar Isi :
01:43 Handphone Misterius
06:39 Pasangan yang Sempurna
14:11 Bau Sangit
17:59 Roti Isi Manusia
Join Anti Halu Halu Club dengan klik link ini
#ewinghd #truecrime #kisahnyata
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EwingHD
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ewing_hd/
Tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@ewinghd
Email or phone me
(Ewing +6281266699959)
[email protected]
Hai semua nama gue Ewing dan kisah nyata mengerikan kali ini, gue akan bercerita tentang seorang ibu ibu yang berjualan disebuah kantin yang terletak di pangkalan militer. Salah satu makanan yang menjadi best seller dari dagangan kantinya adalah roti isi. Roti isi ini rasanya itu enak banget, bahkan tiap hari, selalu aja laku terjual. Yang pembeli nya gak tau adalah roti isinya ini ternyata berisi daging manusia. Ini adalah cerita dari Dmitry Bhakseev dan Natalia Bhakseev.
Daftar Isi :
01:43 Handphone Misterius
06:39 Pasangan yang Sempurna
14:11 Bau Sangit
17:59 Roti Isi Manusia
Join Anti Halu Halu Club dengan klik link ini
#ewinghd #truecrime #kisahnyata
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EwingHD
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ewing_hd/
Tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@ewinghd
Email or phone me
(Ewing +6281266699959)
[email protected]
- published: 14 Mar 2024
- views: 470743
Bill & Gloria Gaither - He Saw Me [Live] ft. Murrell Ewing
Official video for “He Saw Me [Live]” feat. Murrel Ewing
Download on iTunes here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/gaither-gospel-series-rivers/id715598071
Official video for “He Saw Me [Live]” feat. Murrel Ewing
Download on iTunes here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/gaither-gospel-series-rivers/id715598071
Subscribe to Gaither TV at http://www.gaither.tv
Subscribe to Homecoming Magazine at http://www.homecomingmagazine.com/magazine/
Subscribe to Gaither VEVO channel: https://www.youtube.com/GaitherVEVO
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gaithermusic/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Gaithermusic
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/11sAWrpIkFUPQlXoQqpeBV
Official video for “He Saw Me [Live]” feat. Murrel Ewing
Download on iTunes here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/gaither-gospel-series-rivers/id715598071
Subscribe to Gaither TV at http://www.gaither.tv
Subscribe to Homecoming Magazine at http://www.homecomingmagazine.com/magazine/
Subscribe to Gaither VEVO channel: https://www.youtube.com/GaitherVEVO
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gaithermusic/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Gaithermusic
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/11sAWrpIkFUPQlXoQqpeBV
- published: 09 Nov 2012
- views: 370854
Hai semua nama gue Ewing dan ada seorang pria yang hidup atau tinggal nya itu dijalanan. Walau pun hujan deras, panas terik, dingin menggigil atau angin menusuk...
Hai semua nama gue Ewing dan ada seorang pria yang hidup atau tinggal nya itu dijalanan. Walau pun hujan deras, panas terik, dingin menggigil atau angin menusuk, dia kekeuh gak mau tinggal didalam rumah… maunya tinggal dilubang tanah yang dia buat sendiri. Saking parahnya, dari berbagai macam sumber, dikabarkan ya, orang ini tuh belum mandi sejak 70 tahun terakhir. Anehnya adalah orang ini tuh sehat sehat aja… hmmm… Ini adalah cerita dari Amou Haji.
Daftar Isi :
01:11 Minimal Mandi
09:38 Sehat Walfiat
Join Anti Halu Halu Club dengan klik link ini
#ewinghd #kisahnyata #misteri
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EwingHD
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ewing_hd/
Tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@ewinghd
Email or phone me
(Ewing +6281266699959)
[email protected]
Hai semua nama gue Ewing dan ada seorang pria yang hidup atau tinggal nya itu dijalanan. Walau pun hujan deras, panas terik, dingin menggigil atau angin menusuk, dia kekeuh gak mau tinggal didalam rumah… maunya tinggal dilubang tanah yang dia buat sendiri. Saking parahnya, dari berbagai macam sumber, dikabarkan ya, orang ini tuh belum mandi sejak 70 tahun terakhir. Anehnya adalah orang ini tuh sehat sehat aja… hmmm… Ini adalah cerita dari Amou Haji.
Daftar Isi :
01:11 Minimal Mandi
09:38 Sehat Walfiat
Join Anti Halu Halu Club dengan klik link ini
#ewinghd #kisahnyata #misteri
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EwingHD
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ewing_hd/
Tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@ewinghd
Email or phone me
(Ewing +6281266699959)
[email protected]
- published: 06 Apr 2024
- views: 176129
Hai semua nama gue Ewing dan ada seorang pramugari yang cantik yang sedang struggle dikehidupannya. Salah satu bagian dari perjuangan hidupnya adalah mencari jo...
Hai semua nama gue Ewing dan ada seorang pramugari yang cantik yang sedang struggle dikehidupannya. Salah satu bagian dari perjuangan hidupnya adalah mencari jodoh. Yang dia tidak tau adalah salah satu calon jodohnya ini, bukannya membawa keharmonisan rumah tangga, melainkan malah membawa malapetaka. Sampai sampai, dia diakhir hembusan nafasnya yang terakhir, dia musti menuliskan satu petunjuk penting supaya kasusnya bisa terungkap. Ini adalah kisah kasus nyata mengerikan dari Karen Pannell.
Daftar Isi :
01:39 Pizza Delivery
10:17 Famous Last Word
19:03 Tahap Introgasi
30:44 Tebak Pelakunya
36:46 Apa yang Sebenarnya Terjadi
Join Anti Halu Halu Club dengan klik link ini
#ewinghd #truecrime #kisahnyata
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EwingHD
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ewing_hd/
Tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@ewinghd
Email or phone me
(Ewing +6281266699959)
[email protected]
Hai semua nama gue Ewing dan ada seorang pramugari yang cantik yang sedang struggle dikehidupannya. Salah satu bagian dari perjuangan hidupnya adalah mencari jodoh. Yang dia tidak tau adalah salah satu calon jodohnya ini, bukannya membawa keharmonisan rumah tangga, melainkan malah membawa malapetaka. Sampai sampai, dia diakhir hembusan nafasnya yang terakhir, dia musti menuliskan satu petunjuk penting supaya kasusnya bisa terungkap. Ini adalah kisah kasus nyata mengerikan dari Karen Pannell.
Daftar Isi :
01:39 Pizza Delivery
10:17 Famous Last Word
19:03 Tahap Introgasi
30:44 Tebak Pelakunya
36:46 Apa yang Sebenarnya Terjadi
Join Anti Halu Halu Club dengan klik link ini
#ewinghd #truecrime #kisahnyata
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EwingHD
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ewing_hd/
Tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@ewinghd
Email or phone me
(Ewing +6281266699959)
[email protected]
- published: 16 Mar 2024
- views: 476411
Ewing Family Farm | The Weekly Special
The Weekly Special travels to Vincennes to explore one of Indiana's oldest family farms. Owned by Mark Ewing, a sixth-generation descendant of the original builder, the farm has remained in the family for over 200 years.
published: 13 Sep 2012
Ewing v. California (2003) Overview | LSData Case Brief Video Summary
The legal case is about a law in California called the "Three Strikes and You're Out" law. This law gives a 25-year-to-life sentence to people who commit crimes multiple times. The case is about whether this law is fair when applied to "wobblers," which are crimes that can be charged as either a felony or a misdemeanor. The defendant, Gary Ewing, had four prior serious or violent felony convictions and was convicted of felony grand theft of personal property. He asked the court to reduce his conviction to a misdemeanor to avoid a three strikes sentence, but the court said no. The case is deciding whether this decision was fair or not.
Ewing v. California (2003)
Supreme Court of the United States
538 U.S. 11, 155 L. Ed. 2d 108, 123 S. Ct. 1179, 2003 U.S. LEXIS 1952, SCDB 2002-028
Learn mo...
published: 20 Jun 2023
Powerful Meta-Programming in C
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published: 06 Aug 2021
What If Physics IS NOT Describing Reality?
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Neils Bohr said, “It is wrong to think that the task of physics is to find out how Nature is. Physics concerns what we can say about Nature.” Well it turns out that if we pay attention to this subtle difference, some of the most mysterious aspects of nature make a lot more sense.
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published: 01 Jun 2022
Tim Burton's Eccentric Set Design and Art Direction Explained
The set design and art direction that make Tim Burton movies so breathtaking and iconic.
A Complete Tim Burton Style Analysis ►► https://bit.ly/burtons-bd
Mars Attacks Storyboard ►► https://bit.ly/ma-storyboard
00:00 - Intro - Tim Burton Movies
01:08 - Settings and Sets
01:48 - Edward Scissorhands Exercise
02:59 - Mise en scene - Naturalistic vs. Theatrical
03:36 - Tim Burton Early Works
04:15 - Tim Burton’s Influences
04:57 - Style vs Substance
05:34 - Hyperreal Suburbia
06:36 - Macabre Otherworld
08:18 - Tim Burton’s Singular Vision
09:29 - Use the StudioBinder App
09:43 - Tip for your own film
Tim Burton is a visionary director in every sense of the word. Watching Tim Burton movies, like Sleepy Hollow, Corpse Bride, Sweeney Todd, and Alice in Wonderland, the first thing you...
published: 23 Nov 2020
Let's Talk About: Dreams - Snakes
Recie Saunders talks more about dreams from a Christian perspective. In this video, he answers a few questions such as:
What should you do with dreams that go without interpretations for a long time?
What do snakes typically mean in dreams?
✦ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/streams_ministries/
✦ Website: https://streamsministries.com/
✦ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/streamsministriesintl/
✦ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@streamsministries
For live engagement and the possibility of having your dream interpreted, tune in to our Live At Five Dream Interpretations every 3rd Thursday of the month at 5 pm CST.
Want to start understanding your dreams better?
⭐ Our Dream Elements book might be for you! Where most dream dictionar...
published: 31 Oct 2015
Grill The Grid 2021: Teams A-Z
We asked the drivers to name an F1 team, past or present, for every letter of the alphabet. Some of the answers (or lack of them!) may surprise you.
For more F1® videos, visit http://www.Formula1.com
Follow F1®:
published: 28 May 2021
Biblical Meaning of Snakes In Dreams - Sign Meaning
Snakes. You might love or hate them, keep them as pets or be terrified of them. Most people are not simply indifferent towards them, and there might be a deeper meaning to humanity’s relationship with these creatures.
Why is it so predominantly featured in mythology and religion? What symbology does this animal hold, what does its presence in our subconscious mind represent? In this article, we’ll analyze the biblical meaning of snakes in our dreams and different interpretations of what our unconscious mind might be trying to tell us when featuring this slithering creature while we sleep.
See more: https://signmeaning.com/biblical-meaning-of-snakes-in-dreams/
Some of the footage used in this video is not original content produced by Sign Meaning. Portions of stock footage o...
published: 21 Feb 2022
Concrete And Stone House Design Blending Art, Landscape And Natural Comfort
This site is north orientated and virtually square in dimension with a tennis court doglegged at the rear. It resides amongst a neighbourhood of sizeable blocks within an eclectic mix of mostly detached houses. The positioning of the building on the site was dictated by a 10m frontage set back. In order to gain maximum northern exposure and to maximise the rear POS an east-west band is positioned as far forward as possible offering the most responsive footprint.
Designed to forge a direct relationship between inside and outside the house contains 2 longitudinal zones of space located to the north and south of an east-west spine -Living to the north and Sleeping to the south. These spaces are organised about a central entry corridor that bisects the front elevation almost symmetrically.
published: 15 Oct 2023
Is The Wave Function The Building Block of Reality?
Thank you to Wren for supporting PBS. To learn more, go to https://wren.co/start/spacetime
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Objective Collapse Theories offer a explanation of quantum mechanics that is at once brand new and based in classical mechanics. In the world of quantum mechanics, it’s no big deal for particles to be in multiple different states at the same time, or to teleport between locations, or to influence each other faster than light. But somehow, none of this strangeness makes its way to the familiar scale of human beings - ev...
published: 16 Feb 2022
Ewing Family Farm | The Weekly Special
The Weekly Special travels to Vincennes to explore one of Indiana's oldest family farms. Owned by Mark Ewing, a sixth-generation descendant of the original bui...
The Weekly Special travels to Vincennes to explore one of Indiana's oldest family farms. Owned by Mark Ewing, a sixth-generation descendant of the original builder, the farm has remained in the family for over 200 years.
The Weekly Special travels to Vincennes to explore one of Indiana's oldest family farms. Owned by Mark Ewing, a sixth-generation descendant of the original builder, the farm has remained in the family for over 200 years.
- published: 13 Sep 2012
- views: 1187
Ewing v. California (2003) Overview | LSData Case Brief Video Summary
The legal case is about a law in California called the "Three Strikes and You're Out" law. This law gives a 25-year-to-life sentence to people who commit crimes...
The legal case is about a law in California called the "Three Strikes and You're Out" law. This law gives a 25-year-to-life sentence to people who commit crimes multiple times. The case is about whether this law is fair when applied to "wobblers," which are crimes that can be charged as either a felony or a misdemeanor. The defendant, Gary Ewing, had four prior serious or violent felony convictions and was convicted of felony grand theft of personal property. He asked the court to reduce his conviction to a misdemeanor to avoid a three strikes sentence, but the court said no. The case is deciding whether this decision was fair or not.
Ewing v. California (2003)
Supreme Court of the United States
538 U.S. 11, 155 L. Ed. 2d 108, 123 S. Ct. 1179, 2003 U.S. LEXIS 1952, SCDB 2002-028
Learn more about this case at https://www.lsd.law/briefs/view/ewing-v-california-24937762
Law School Data has over 50,000 case briefs and a one-of-a-kind brief tool to instantly brief millions of US cases with just the name or case cite.
Check out all of our case briefs: https://www.lsd.law/briefs
Briefs come with built in LSDefine and DeepDive, which allow you to read as quickly or as deeply as you want. Each brief has a built in legal dictionary and recursive summaries that go into more and more detail, until you eventually hit the original case text.
Subscribe for new videos every week: https://www.youtube.com/@LSData?sub_confirmation=1
The legal case is about a law in California called the "Three Strikes and You're Out" law. This law gives a 25-year-to-life sentence to people who commit crimes multiple times. The case is about whether this law is fair when applied to "wobblers," which are crimes that can be charged as either a felony or a misdemeanor. The defendant, Gary Ewing, had four prior serious or violent felony convictions and was convicted of felony grand theft of personal property. He asked the court to reduce his conviction to a misdemeanor to avoid a three strikes sentence, but the court said no. The case is deciding whether this decision was fair or not.
Ewing v. California (2003)
Supreme Court of the United States
538 U.S. 11, 155 L. Ed. 2d 108, 123 S. Ct. 1179, 2003 U.S. LEXIS 1952, SCDB 2002-028
Learn more about this case at https://www.lsd.law/briefs/view/ewing-v-california-24937762
Law School Data has over 50,000 case briefs and a one-of-a-kind brief tool to instantly brief millions of US cases with just the name or case cite.
Check out all of our case briefs: https://www.lsd.law/briefs
Briefs come with built in LSDefine and DeepDive, which allow you to read as quickly or as deeply as you want. Each brief has a built in legal dictionary and recursive summaries that go into more and more detail, until you eventually hit the original case text.
Subscribe for new videos every week: https://www.youtube.com/@LSData?sub_confirmation=1
- published: 20 Jun 2023
- views: 101
Powerful Meta-Programming in C
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- Source Code: https://github.com/tsoding/la
- Handmade Hero Day 162 - Introduction to Fonts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZK7...
- Previous Episode
- Source Code: https://github.com/tsoding/la
- Handmade Hero Day 162 - Introduction to Fonts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZK7PezR1KgU
- STB library for fonce:
- C Programming Language Book: https://www.amazon.com/Programming-Language-2nd-Brian-Kernighan/dp/0131103628
- Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tsoding
- Twitch Subscription: https://www.twitch.tv/subs/tsoding
- Streamlabs Donations: https://streamlabs.com/tsoding/tip
Feel free to use this video to make highlights and upload them to YouTube (also please put the link to this channel in the description)
- Previous Episode
- Source Code: https://github.com/tsoding/la
- Handmade Hero Day 162 - Introduction to Fonts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZK7PezR1KgU
- STB library for fonce:
- C Programming Language Book: https://www.amazon.com/Programming-Language-2nd-Brian-Kernighan/dp/0131103628
- Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tsoding
- Twitch Subscription: https://www.twitch.tv/subs/tsoding
- Streamlabs Donations: https://streamlabs.com/tsoding/tip
Feel free to use this video to make highlights and upload them to YouTube (also please put the link to this channel in the description)
- published: 06 Aug 2021
- views: 22121
What If Physics IS NOT Describing Reality?
PBS Member Stations rely on viewers like you. To support your local station, go to:http://to.pbs.org/DonateSPACE
Get your t-shirt at the Space Time Merch Store...
PBS Member Stations rely on viewers like you. To support your local station, go to:http://to.pbs.org/DonateSPACE
Get your t-shirt at the Space Time Merch Store:
Neils Bohr said, “It is wrong to think that the task of physics is to find out how Nature is. Physics concerns what we can say about Nature.” Well it turns out that if we pay attention to this subtle difference, some of the most mysterious aspects of nature make a lot more sense.
Sign Up on Patreon to get access to the Space Time Discord!
Sign up for the mailing list to get episode notifications and hear special announcements!
Search the Entire Space Time Library Here: https://search.pbsspacetime.com/
Hosted by Matt O'Dowd
Written by Matt O'Dowd
Post Production by Leonardo Scholzer, Yago Ballarini, Pedro Osinski, Adriano Leal & Stephanie Faria
GFX Visualizations: Ajay Manuel
Directed by Andrew Kornhaber
Associate Producer: Bahar Gholipour
Executive Producers: Eric Brown & Andrew Kornhaber
Executives in Charge (PBS): Adam Dylewski, Maribel Lopez
Director of Programming (PBS): Gabrielle Ewing
Spacetime is produced by Kornhaber Brown for PBS Digital Studios.
This program is produced by Kornhaber Brown, which is solely responsible for its content.
© 2022 PBS. All rights reserved.
End Credits Music by J.R.S. Schattenberg: https://www.youtube.com/user/MultiDroideka
Special Thanks to Our Patreon Supporters
Big Bang Supporters
Adam Hillier
Bryce Fort
Peter Barrett
David Neumann
Leo Koguan
Ahmad Jodeh
Alexander Tamas
Morgan Hough
Juan Benet
Vinnie Falco
Fabrice Eap
Mark Rosenthal
David Nicklas
Quasar Supporters
Marty Sweetman
Alex Kern
Ethan Cohen
Stephen Wilcox
Christina Oegren
Mark Heising
Hank S
Hypernova Supporters
william bryan
Gregory Forfa
Kirk Honour
Mark Evans
Joe Moreira
Marc Armstrong
Scott Gorlick
Paul Stehr-Green
Russell Pope
Ben Delo
Scott Gray
Антон Кочков
John R. Slavik
Donal Botkin
John Pollock
Edmund Fokschaner
Joseph Salomone
chuck zegar
Jordan Young
Daniel Muzquiz
Gamma Ray Burst
Harsh Khandhadia
Thomas Tarler
Sean McCaul
Carsten Quinlan
Susan Albee
Frank Walker
Matt Q
Avi Yashchin
Kory Kirk
Terje Vold
Anatoliy Nagornyy
Brett Baker
Jonathan Conerly
Andre Stechert
Ross Bohner
Paul Wood
Kent Durham
jim bartosh
Scott R Calkins
The Mad Mechanic
Juan David Gil Wiedman
Ellis Hall
John H. Austin, Jr.
Diana S
Ben Campbell
Faraz Khan
Almog Cohen
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Ádám Kettinger
Endre Pech
Daniel Jennings
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Mirik Gogri
Mark Delagasse
Mark Daniel Cohen
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Martin Skans
The Art of Sin
Graydon Goss
Frederic Simon
John Robinson
David Neal
Kevin Lee
John Funai
Bradley Jenkins
Kyle Hofer
Daniel Stříbrný
Thomas Dougherty
King Zeckendorff
Scott Gossett
Dan Warren
Patrick Sutton
John Griffith
Daniel Lyons
Kevin Warne
PBS Member Stations rely on viewers like you. To support your local station, go to:http://to.pbs.org/DonateSPACE
Get your t-shirt at the Space Time Merch Store:
Neils Bohr said, “It is wrong to think that the task of physics is to find out how Nature is. Physics concerns what we can say about Nature.” Well it turns out that if we pay attention to this subtle difference, some of the most mysterious aspects of nature make a lot more sense.
Sign Up on Patreon to get access to the Space Time Discord!
Sign up for the mailing list to get episode notifications and hear special announcements!
Search the Entire Space Time Library Here: https://search.pbsspacetime.com/
Hosted by Matt O'Dowd
Written by Matt O'Dowd
Post Production by Leonardo Scholzer, Yago Ballarini, Pedro Osinski, Adriano Leal & Stephanie Faria
GFX Visualizations: Ajay Manuel
Directed by Andrew Kornhaber
Associate Producer: Bahar Gholipour
Executive Producers: Eric Brown & Andrew Kornhaber
Executives in Charge (PBS): Adam Dylewski, Maribel Lopez
Director of Programming (PBS): Gabrielle Ewing
Spacetime is produced by Kornhaber Brown for PBS Digital Studios.
This program is produced by Kornhaber Brown, which is solely responsible for its content.
© 2022 PBS. All rights reserved.
End Credits Music by J.R.S. Schattenberg: https://www.youtube.com/user/MultiDroideka
Special Thanks to Our Patreon Supporters
Big Bang Supporters
Adam Hillier
Bryce Fort
Peter Barrett
David Neumann
Leo Koguan
Ahmad Jodeh
Alexander Tamas
Morgan Hough
Juan Benet
Vinnie Falco
Fabrice Eap
Mark Rosenthal
David Nicklas
Quasar Supporters
Marty Sweetman
Alex Kern
Ethan Cohen
Stephen Wilcox
Christina Oegren
Mark Heising
Hank S
Hypernova Supporters
william bryan
Gregory Forfa
Kirk Honour
Mark Evans
Joe Moreira
Marc Armstrong
Scott Gorlick
Paul Stehr-Green
Russell Pope
Ben Delo
Scott Gray
Антон Кочков
John R. Slavik
Donal Botkin
John Pollock
Edmund Fokschaner
Joseph Salomone
chuck zegar
Jordan Young
Daniel Muzquiz
Gamma Ray Burst
Harsh Khandhadia
Thomas Tarler
Sean McCaul
Carsten Quinlan
Susan Albee
Frank Walker
Matt Q
Avi Yashchin
Kory Kirk
Terje Vold
Anatoliy Nagornyy
Brett Baker
Jonathan Conerly
Andre Stechert
Ross Bohner
Paul Wood
Kent Durham
jim bartosh
Scott R Calkins
The Mad Mechanic
Juan David Gil Wiedman
Ellis Hall
John H. Austin, Jr.
Diana S
Ben Campbell
Faraz Khan
Almog Cohen
Alex Edwards
Ádám Kettinger
Endre Pech
Daniel Jennings
Cameron Sampson
Geoffrey Clarion
Darren Duncan
Russ Creech
Jeremy Reed
Eric Webster
David Johnston
Web Browser
Michael Barton
Christopher Barron
James Ramsey
Mr T
Andrew Mann
Isaac Suttell
Devon Rosenthal
Oliver Flanagan
Bleys Goodson
Robert Walter
Bruce B
Simon Oliphant
Mirik Gogri
Mark Delagasse
Mark Daniel Cohen
Nickolas Andrew Freeman
Shane Calimlim
Tybie Fitzhugh
Robert Ilardi
Eric Kiebler
Craig Stonaha
Martin Skans
The Art of Sin
Graydon Goss
Frederic Simon
John Robinson
David Neal
Kevin Lee
John Funai
Bradley Jenkins
Kyle Hofer
Daniel Stříbrný
Thomas Dougherty
King Zeckendorff
Scott Gossett
Dan Warren
Patrick Sutton
John Griffith
Daniel Lyons
Kevin Warne
- published: 01 Jun 2022
- views: 1320001
Tim Burton's Eccentric Set Design and Art Direction Explained
The set design and art direction that make Tim Burton movies so breathtaking and iconic.
A Complete Tim Burton Style Analysis ►► https://bit.ly/burtons-bd
The set design and art direction that make Tim Burton movies so breathtaking and iconic.
A Complete Tim Burton Style Analysis ►► https://bit.ly/burtons-bd
Mars Attacks Storyboard ►► https://bit.ly/ma-storyboard
00:00 - Intro - Tim Burton Movies
01:08 - Settings and Sets
01:48 - Edward Scissorhands Exercise
02:59 - Mise en scene - Naturalistic vs. Theatrical
03:36 - Tim Burton Early Works
04:15 - Tim Burton’s Influences
04:57 - Style vs Substance
05:34 - Hyperreal Suburbia
06:36 - Macabre Otherworld
08:18 - Tim Burton’s Singular Vision
09:29 - Use the StudioBinder App
09:43 - Tip for your own film
Tim Burton is a visionary director in every sense of the word. Watching Tim Burton movies, like Sleepy Hollow, Corpse Bride, Sweeney Todd, and Alice in Wonderland, the first thing you notice is that every square inch of the frame is bursting with his personality and his sensibilities. In this video essay, as part of our mise en scene series, we’re going to take a guided tour through the work of Tim Burton. Specifically, his production design, set design, and art direction, which have remained consistently “Burtonesque” for the last 4 decades.
The term “world-building” gets thrown around a lot but in Tim Burton’s case, it’s quite literal. In fact, Burton often builds two worlds in each film — what we’ll call hyperreal suburbia and the macabre otherworld. In movies like Edward Scissorhands, Beetlejuice, and Big Fish, the real world collides with the fantasy world in juxtapositions that enhance the power of each. In Edward Scissorhands, consider the design of Edward’s ramshackle and neglected attic space against Kim’s bright and wholesome bedroom. Two characters from two vastly different worlds, making their eventual connection that much stronger.
Every director has their influences but few filmmakers pay homage to them quite like Tim Burton, The most recognizable influence is German Expressionism, which manifests in angles lines and exaggerated architecture — think of the graveyard in Frankenweenie. We can see Burton’s love of monster movies and the animation style of Ray Harryhausen. There’s also the throwback ‘60s science-fiction aesthetic all over Mars Attacks! And we can’t forget the cookie-cutter wholesomeness of his suburbs, directly referencing his own childhood in the domestic utopia of Burbank, California.
From a production design, set design, and art direction perspective, the mise en scene in Tim Burton movies is second to none. The whimsical and the macabre, the extra plain and the exaggerated, the ghoulish and the fantastic — Tim Burton is a true world-builder.
#FilmTheory #VideoEssay #Filmmaking
Music by Artlist ► http://bit.ly/2Ttdh8d
Music by Soundstripe ► http://bit.ly/2IXwomF
Music by Music Vine ► http://bit.ly/2IUE0pT
Music by MusicBed ► http://bit.ly/2Fnz9Zq
What’s This? - Danny Elfman
Endurance, Pt. 1, 2 & 3 - Alien Levi
The Basement - Makeup and Vanity Set
Best In Show (Album Version Instrumental) - Andrew Judah
Keep Moving - Makeup and Vanity Set
Vincent Score - Ken Hilton
To Die For Original Score - Danny Elfman
The Family Man Original Score - Danny Elfman
Stroller - Luke Atencio
Travel Music (Beetlejuice Score) - Danny Elfman
Obituaries (Beetlejuice Score) - Danny Elfman
Sold (Beetlejuice Score) - Danny Elfman
The Cookie Factory (Edward Scissorhands Score) - Danny Elfman
Tangle - Blake Ewing
Bring Your Own - Dexter Britain
Main Titles (Beetlejuice Score) - Danny Elfman
SUBSCRIBE to StudioBinder’s YouTube channel! ►► http://bit.ly/2hksYO0
Looking for a project management platform for your filmmaking? StudioBinder is an intuitive project management solution for video creatives; create shooting schedules, breakdowns, production calendars, shot lists, storyboards, call sheets and more.
Try StudioBinder for FREE today: https://studiobinder.com/pricing
— Join us on Social Media! —
Instagram ►► https://www.instagram.com/studiobinder
Facebook ►► https://www.facebook.com/studiobinderapp
Twitter ►► https://www.twitter.com/studiobinder
The set design and art direction that make Tim Burton movies so breathtaking and iconic.
A Complete Tim Burton Style Analysis ►► https://bit.ly/burtons-bd
Mars Attacks Storyboard ►► https://bit.ly/ma-storyboard
00:00 - Intro - Tim Burton Movies
01:08 - Settings and Sets
01:48 - Edward Scissorhands Exercise
02:59 - Mise en scene - Naturalistic vs. Theatrical
03:36 - Tim Burton Early Works
04:15 - Tim Burton’s Influences
04:57 - Style vs Substance
05:34 - Hyperreal Suburbia
06:36 - Macabre Otherworld
08:18 - Tim Burton’s Singular Vision
09:29 - Use the StudioBinder App
09:43 - Tip for your own film
Tim Burton is a visionary director in every sense of the word. Watching Tim Burton movies, like Sleepy Hollow, Corpse Bride, Sweeney Todd, and Alice in Wonderland, the first thing you notice is that every square inch of the frame is bursting with his personality and his sensibilities. In this video essay, as part of our mise en scene series, we’re going to take a guided tour through the work of Tim Burton. Specifically, his production design, set design, and art direction, which have remained consistently “Burtonesque” for the last 4 decades.
The term “world-building” gets thrown around a lot but in Tim Burton’s case, it’s quite literal. In fact, Burton often builds two worlds in each film — what we’ll call hyperreal suburbia and the macabre otherworld. In movies like Edward Scissorhands, Beetlejuice, and Big Fish, the real world collides with the fantasy world in juxtapositions that enhance the power of each. In Edward Scissorhands, consider the design of Edward’s ramshackle and neglected attic space against Kim’s bright and wholesome bedroom. Two characters from two vastly different worlds, making their eventual connection that much stronger.
Every director has their influences but few filmmakers pay homage to them quite like Tim Burton, The most recognizable influence is German Expressionism, which manifests in angles lines and exaggerated architecture — think of the graveyard in Frankenweenie. We can see Burton’s love of monster movies and the animation style of Ray Harryhausen. There’s also the throwback ‘60s science-fiction aesthetic all over Mars Attacks! And we can’t forget the cookie-cutter wholesomeness of his suburbs, directly referencing his own childhood in the domestic utopia of Burbank, California.
From a production design, set design, and art direction perspective, the mise en scene in Tim Burton movies is second to none. The whimsical and the macabre, the extra plain and the exaggerated, the ghoulish and the fantastic — Tim Burton is a true world-builder.
#FilmTheory #VideoEssay #Filmmaking
Music by Artlist ► http://bit.ly/2Ttdh8d
Music by Soundstripe ► http://bit.ly/2IXwomF
Music by Music Vine ► http://bit.ly/2IUE0pT
Music by MusicBed ► http://bit.ly/2Fnz9Zq
What’s This? - Danny Elfman
Endurance, Pt. 1, 2 & 3 - Alien Levi
The Basement - Makeup and Vanity Set
Best In Show (Album Version Instrumental) - Andrew Judah
Keep Moving - Makeup and Vanity Set
Vincent Score - Ken Hilton
To Die For Original Score - Danny Elfman
The Family Man Original Score - Danny Elfman
Stroller - Luke Atencio
Travel Music (Beetlejuice Score) - Danny Elfman
Obituaries (Beetlejuice Score) - Danny Elfman
Sold (Beetlejuice Score) - Danny Elfman
The Cookie Factory (Edward Scissorhands Score) - Danny Elfman
Tangle - Blake Ewing
Bring Your Own - Dexter Britain
Main Titles (Beetlejuice Score) - Danny Elfman
SUBSCRIBE to StudioBinder’s YouTube channel! ►► http://bit.ly/2hksYO0
Looking for a project management platform for your filmmaking? StudioBinder is an intuitive project management solution for video creatives; create shooting schedules, breakdowns, production calendars, shot lists, storyboards, call sheets and more.
Try StudioBinder for FREE today: https://studiobinder.com/pricing
— Join us on Social Media! —
Instagram ►► https://www.instagram.com/studiobinder
Facebook ►► https://www.facebook.com/studiobinderapp
Twitter ►► https://www.twitter.com/studiobinder
- published: 23 Nov 2020
- views: 148457
Let's Talk About: Dreams - Snakes
Recie Saunders talks more about dreams from a Christian perspective. In this video, he answers a few questions such as:
What should you do with dreams that go w...
Recie Saunders talks more about dreams from a Christian perspective. In this video, he answers a few questions such as:
What should you do with dreams that go without interpretations for a long time?
What do snakes typically mean in dreams?
✦ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/streams_ministries/
✦ Website: https://streamsministries.com/
✦ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/streamsministriesintl/
✦ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@streamsministries
For live engagement and the possibility of having your dream interpreted, tune in to our Live At Five Dream Interpretations every 3rd Thursday of the month at 5 pm CST.
Want to start understanding your dreams better?
⭐ Our Dream Elements book might be for you! Where most dream dictionaries tell you what to think about the different elements, Dream Elements by John E. Thomas tells you how to think about them. An element can change depending on the context, so learning how to think metaphorically is an important key, giving you a much better chance of determining what your dream means.
⭐ Check out The Dreams Elements Bundle.
⭐ For an in-depth exploration of dream interpretations, take our Understanding Dreams and Visions Course taught by Jon Paul Jackson. This eye-opening course reveals the biblical basis for interpreting dreams and offers foundational interpretive tools, allowing you to begin to understand what God is showing you.
Recie Saunders talks more about dreams from a Christian perspective. In this video, he answers a few questions such as:
What should you do with dreams that go without interpretations for a long time?
What do snakes typically mean in dreams?
✦ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/streams_ministries/
✦ Website: https://streamsministries.com/
✦ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/streamsministriesintl/
✦ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@streamsministries
For live engagement and the possibility of having your dream interpreted, tune in to our Live At Five Dream Interpretations every 3rd Thursday of the month at 5 pm CST.
Want to start understanding your dreams better?
⭐ Our Dream Elements book might be for you! Where most dream dictionaries tell you what to think about the different elements, Dream Elements by John E. Thomas tells you how to think about them. An element can change depending on the context, so learning how to think metaphorically is an important key, giving you a much better chance of determining what your dream means.
⭐ Check out The Dreams Elements Bundle.
⭐ For an in-depth exploration of dream interpretations, take our Understanding Dreams and Visions Course taught by Jon Paul Jackson. This eye-opening course reveals the biblical basis for interpreting dreams and offers foundational interpretive tools, allowing you to begin to understand what God is showing you.
- published: 31 Oct 2015
- views: 188487
Grill The Grid 2021: Teams A-Z
We asked the drivers to name an F1 team, past or present, for every letter of the alphabet. Some of the answers (or lack of them!) may surprise you.
For m...
We asked the drivers to name an F1 team, past or present, for every letter of the alphabet. Some of the answers (or lack of them!) may surprise you.
For more F1® videos, visit http://www.Formula1.com
Follow F1®:
We asked the drivers to name an F1 team, past or present, for every letter of the alphabet. Some of the answers (or lack of them!) may surprise you.
For more F1® videos, visit http://www.Formula1.com
Follow F1®:
- published: 28 May 2021
- views: 7480933
Biblical Meaning of Snakes In Dreams - Sign Meaning
Snakes. You might love or hate them, keep them as pets or be terrified of them. Most people are not simply indifferent towards them, and there might be a deeper...
Snakes. You might love or hate them, keep them as pets or be terrified of them. Most people are not simply indifferent towards them, and there might be a deeper meaning to humanity’s relationship with these creatures.
Why is it so predominantly featured in mythology and religion? What symbology does this animal hold, what does its presence in our subconscious mind represent? In this article, we’ll analyze the biblical meaning of snakes in our dreams and different interpretations of what our unconscious mind might be trying to tell us when featuring this slithering creature while we sleep.
See more: https://signmeaning.com/biblical-meaning-of-snakes-in-dreams/
Some of the footage used in this video is not original content produced by Sign Meaning. Portions of stock footage of products was gathered from multiple sources including, manufactures, fellow creators and various other sources. If something belongs to you, and you want it to be removed, please do not hesitate to contact us at paynecaitly[at]gmail.com
#signmeaning #dreammeaning #biblicalmeaningofsnakesindreams
Biblical Meaning of Snakes In Dreams
biblical meaning of snakes
snake biting in dream
biblical meaning of black snakes in dreams
biblical meaning of snake skin
biblical meaning of python in dream
prophetic dreams about snakes
blue snake dream biblical meaning
biblical meaning of killing a snake in a dream
cobra biblical meaning
biblical meaning of green snakes in dreams
Snakes. You might love or hate them, keep them as pets or be terrified of them. Most people are not simply indifferent towards them, and there might be a deeper meaning to humanity’s relationship with these creatures.
Why is it so predominantly featured in mythology and religion? What symbology does this animal hold, what does its presence in our subconscious mind represent? In this article, we’ll analyze the biblical meaning of snakes in our dreams and different interpretations of what our unconscious mind might be trying to tell us when featuring this slithering creature while we sleep.
See more: https://signmeaning.com/biblical-meaning-of-snakes-in-dreams/
Some of the footage used in this video is not original content produced by Sign Meaning. Portions of stock footage of products was gathered from multiple sources including, manufactures, fellow creators and various other sources. If something belongs to you, and you want it to be removed, please do not hesitate to contact us at paynecaitly[at]gmail.com
#signmeaning #dreammeaning #biblicalmeaningofsnakesindreams
Biblical Meaning of Snakes In Dreams
biblical meaning of snakes
snake biting in dream
biblical meaning of black snakes in dreams
biblical meaning of snake skin
biblical meaning of python in dream
prophetic dreams about snakes
blue snake dream biblical meaning
biblical meaning of killing a snake in a dream
cobra biblical meaning
biblical meaning of green snakes in dreams
- published: 21 Feb 2022
- views: 49366
Concrete And Stone House Design Blending Art, Landscape And Natural Comfort
This site is north orientated and virtually square in dimension with a tennis court doglegged at the rear. It resides amongst a neighbourhood of sizeable block...
This site is north orientated and virtually square in dimension with a tennis court doglegged at the rear. It resides amongst a neighbourhood of sizeable blocks within an eclectic mix of mostly detached houses. The positioning of the building on the site was dictated by a 10m frontage set back. In order to gain maximum northern exposure and to maximise the rear POS an east-west band is positioned as far forward as possible offering the most responsive footprint.
Designed to forge a direct relationship between inside and outside the house contains 2 longitudinal zones of space located to the north and south of an east-west spine -Living to the north and Sleeping to the south. These spaces are organised about a central entry corridor that bisects the front elevation almost symmetrically.
On the ground level whilst only a very small element of the building is located on the boundary, a decision was made to run an essentially opaque screen from boundary to boundary (aiding privacy) with a clearly designated steel ‘shrouded’ entry. This wall (just below street level) acts as a recessive platform over which the cantilevered first floor perches and takes prominence.
The tapered concrete form provides a lens to maximise views to both front (over the newly landscaped Rick Eckersley garden) and rear (toward the city) whilst east and west elevations are windowless and restrict sightlines to neighbours. At ground level the Kitchen and Master Bed on the east have views and access onto secluded garden breezeways. The rear elevation follows a similar story to the front albeit with an open ground plane and accentuated eave protection to both levels of the northern living spaces.
Internally, the house is designed to reveal a sequence of spaces combining compactness and expansiveness. From the confined aperture of the front door one immediately encounters a double height roof lit entry gallery with little indication of what’s beyond. A descent through a further compressed opening reveals an expansive Living area and a wall of concealable glazing that frames unadulterated access to the rear garden and pool.
The main living spaces are left formally simple -lofty and airy. Vertical and horizontal material connections are woven through the interiors and are composed (as is the exterior) with a purity of volume and form. White plaster is used for practical purposes interspersed amongst timber, stone, steel and concrete allowing a natural backdrop for the clients’ lifestyle, furniture and artwork. The more intimate rooms continue this haptic theme (leather in the Master Bed for example) meeting the clients need for honest, practical and comfort driven interiors.
With nods to the desired mid century modernist brief thecompositional palette, along with use of the clients specially sourced stone on the exterior, is designed specific to client needs. Whilst there is significant scale in some spaces, the house is highly organised and space efficient, with clear zoning that supports both family life and individual privacy. Of particular satisfaction for us is that this house is designed specifically as a beautiful backdrop to this family’s life - blending art, landscape and natural comfort.
Project name: Concrete House
Architects: Matt Gibson Architecture - http://mattgibson.com.au/
Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Year: 2015
Photographs: Derek Swalwell - https://www.derekswalwell.com/
Lead architect: Maziar Behrooz
Associate architect: Bruce Engel
Intern: Eudine Blancardi
Builder/general contractor: Charles Gallanti Inc
Structural engineer: Keith Ewing
Landscape design: MB Architecture
#homedesign #housedesign #concretehouse #modernhouse
This site is north orientated and virtually square in dimension with a tennis court doglegged at the rear. It resides amongst a neighbourhood of sizeable blocks within an eclectic mix of mostly detached houses. The positioning of the building on the site was dictated by a 10m frontage set back. In order to gain maximum northern exposure and to maximise the rear POS an east-west band is positioned as far forward as possible offering the most responsive footprint.
Designed to forge a direct relationship between inside and outside the house contains 2 longitudinal zones of space located to the north and south of an east-west spine -Living to the north and Sleeping to the south. These spaces are organised about a central entry corridor that bisects the front elevation almost symmetrically.
On the ground level whilst only a very small element of the building is located on the boundary, a decision was made to run an essentially opaque screen from boundary to boundary (aiding privacy) with a clearly designated steel ‘shrouded’ entry. This wall (just below street level) acts as a recessive platform over which the cantilevered first floor perches and takes prominence.
The tapered concrete form provides a lens to maximise views to both front (over the newly landscaped Rick Eckersley garden) and rear (toward the city) whilst east and west elevations are windowless and restrict sightlines to neighbours. At ground level the Kitchen and Master Bed on the east have views and access onto secluded garden breezeways. The rear elevation follows a similar story to the front albeit with an open ground plane and accentuated eave protection to both levels of the northern living spaces.
Internally, the house is designed to reveal a sequence of spaces combining compactness and expansiveness. From the confined aperture of the front door one immediately encounters a double height roof lit entry gallery with little indication of what’s beyond. A descent through a further compressed opening reveals an expansive Living area and a wall of concealable glazing that frames unadulterated access to the rear garden and pool.
The main living spaces are left formally simple -lofty and airy. Vertical and horizontal material connections are woven through the interiors and are composed (as is the exterior) with a purity of volume and form. White plaster is used for practical purposes interspersed amongst timber, stone, steel and concrete allowing a natural backdrop for the clients’ lifestyle, furniture and artwork. The more intimate rooms continue this haptic theme (leather in the Master Bed for example) meeting the clients need for honest, practical and comfort driven interiors.
With nods to the desired mid century modernist brief thecompositional palette, along with use of the clients specially sourced stone on the exterior, is designed specific to client needs. Whilst there is significant scale in some spaces, the house is highly organised and space efficient, with clear zoning that supports both family life and individual privacy. Of particular satisfaction for us is that this house is designed specifically as a beautiful backdrop to this family’s life - blending art, landscape and natural comfort.
Project name: Concrete House
Architects: Matt Gibson Architecture - http://mattgibson.com.au/
Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Year: 2015
Photographs: Derek Swalwell - https://www.derekswalwell.com/
Lead architect: Maziar Behrooz
Associate architect: Bruce Engel
Intern: Eudine Blancardi
Builder/general contractor: Charles Gallanti Inc
Structural engineer: Keith Ewing
Landscape design: MB Architecture
#homedesign #housedesign #concretehouse #modernhouse
- published: 15 Oct 2023
- views: 8550
Is The Wave Function The Building Block of Reality?
Thank you to Wren for supporting PBS. To learn more, go to https://wren.co/start/spacetime
Take the Space Time Fan Survey Here: https://forms.gle/wS4bj9o3rvyhf...
Thank you to Wren for supporting PBS. To learn more, go to https://wren.co/start/spacetime
Take the Space Time Fan Survey Here: https://forms.gle/wS4bj9o3rvyhfKzUA
PBS Member Stations rely on viewers like you. To support your local station, go to:http://to.pbs.org/DonateSPACE
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Objective Collapse Theories offer a explanation of quantum mechanics that is at once brand new and based in classical mechanics. In the world of quantum mechanics, it’s no big deal for particles to be in multiple different states at the same time, or to teleport between locations, or to influence each other faster than light. But somehow, none of this strangeness makes its way to the familiar scale of human beings - even though our world is made entirely of quantum-weird building blocks. The explanations of this transition range from the mystical influence of the conscious mind to the grandiose proposition of multiple realities. But Objective Collapse Theories feels as down to earth as the classical world that we’re trying to explain. Let’s see if it makes any sense.
Check out the Space Time Merch Store
Sign up for the mailing list to get episode notifications and hear special announcements!
Hosted by Matt O'Dowd
Written by Katie McCormick & Matt O'Dowd
Post Production by Leonardo Scholzer, Yago Ballarini, Pedro Osinski, Adriano Leal & Stephanie Faria
GFX Visualizations: Ajay Manuel
Directed by Andrew Kornhaber
Assistant Producer: Setare Gholipour
Executive Producers: Eric Brown & Andrew Kornhaber
Executives in Charge (PBS): Adam Dylewski, Maribel Lopez
Director of Programming (PBS): Gabrielle Ewing
Spacetime is produced by Kornhaber Brown for PBS Digital Studios.
This program is produced by Kornhaber Brown, which is solely responsible for its content.
© 2021 PBS. All rights reserved.
End Credits Music by J.R.S. Schattenberg: https://www.youtube.com/user/MultiDroideka
Special Thanks to Our Patreon Supporters
Big Bang Sponsors
David Taiclet
Ben Dimock
Daniel Alexiuc
Peter Barrett
Nils Anderson
David Neumann
Leo Koguan
Sandy Wu
Matthew Miller
Ahmad Jodeh
Alexander Tamas
Morgan Hough
Juan Benet
Vinnie Falco
Fabrice Eap
Mark Rosenthal
David Nicklas
Henry Van Styn
Quasar Sponsors
Alex Kern
Ethan Cohen
Stephen Wilcox
Christina Oegren
Mark Heising
Hank S
Hypernova Supporters
william bryan
Bryan Atkinson
Joe Moreira
Marc Armstrong
Scott Gorlick
Paul Stehr-Green
Adam Walters
Russell Pope
Ben Delo
Scott Gray
Антон Кочков
John R. Slavik
Donal Botkin
John Pollock
Edmund Fokschaner
Joseph Salomone
chuck zegar
Jordan Young
Daniel Muzquiz
Gamma Ray Burst Supporters
Justin Lloyd
Avi Yashchin
Kory Kirk
Terje Vold
Anatoliy Nagornyy
Brett Baker
Jeremy Soller
Jonathan Conerly
Andre Stechert
Ross Bohner
Paul Wood
Kent Durham
jim bartosh
Chris Navrides
Scott R Calkins
The Mad Mechanic
Ellis Hall
John H. Austin, Jr.
Diana S
Ben Campbell
Lawrence Tholl, DVM
Faraz Khan
Almog Cohen
Alex Edwards
Ádám Kettinger
Endre Pech
Daniel Jennings
Cameron Sampson
Pratik Mukherjee
Geoffrey Clarion
Darren Duncan
Russ Creech
Jeremy Reed
Eric Webster
David Johnston
J. King
Michael Barton
James Ramsey
Justin Jermyn
Mr T
Andrew Mann
Isaac Suttell
Devon Rosenthal
Oliver Flanagan
Bleys Goodson
Robert Walter
Bruce B
Simon Oliphant
Mirik Gogri
Mark Delagasse
Mark Daniel Cohen
Brandon Lattin
Nickolas Andrew Freeman
Shane Calimlim
Tybie Fitzhugh
Robert Ilardi
Eric Kiebler
Craig Stonaha
Martin Skans
The Art of Sin
Graydon Goss
Frederic Simon
John Robinson
David Neal
Kevin Lee
John Funai
Cass Costello
Bradley Jenkins
Kyle Hofer
Daniel Stříbrný
Vlad Shipulin
Malte Ubl
King Zeckendorff
Nick Virtue
Scott Gossett
Dan Warren
Patrick Sutton
Daniel Lyons
Kevin Warne
Thank you to Wren for supporting PBS. To learn more, go to https://wren.co/start/spacetime
Take the Space Time Fan Survey Here: https://forms.gle/wS4bj9o3rvyhfKzUA
PBS Member Stations rely on viewers like you. To support your local station, go to:http://to.pbs.org/DonateSPACE
Sign Up on Patreon to get access to the Space Time Discord!
Objective Collapse Theories offer a explanation of quantum mechanics that is at once brand new and based in classical mechanics. In the world of quantum mechanics, it’s no big deal for particles to be in multiple different states at the same time, or to teleport between locations, or to influence each other faster than light. But somehow, none of this strangeness makes its way to the familiar scale of human beings - even though our world is made entirely of quantum-weird building blocks. The explanations of this transition range from the mystical influence of the conscious mind to the grandiose proposition of multiple realities. But Objective Collapse Theories feels as down to earth as the classical world that we’re trying to explain. Let’s see if it makes any sense.
Check out the Space Time Merch Store
Sign up for the mailing list to get episode notifications and hear special announcements!
Hosted by Matt O'Dowd
Written by Katie McCormick & Matt O'Dowd
Post Production by Leonardo Scholzer, Yago Ballarini, Pedro Osinski, Adriano Leal & Stephanie Faria
GFX Visualizations: Ajay Manuel
Directed by Andrew Kornhaber
Assistant Producer: Setare Gholipour
Executive Producers: Eric Brown & Andrew Kornhaber
Executives in Charge (PBS): Adam Dylewski, Maribel Lopez
Director of Programming (PBS): Gabrielle Ewing
Spacetime is produced by Kornhaber Brown for PBS Digital Studios.
This program is produced by Kornhaber Brown, which is solely responsible for its content.
© 2021 PBS. All rights reserved.
End Credits Music by J.R.S. Schattenberg: https://www.youtube.com/user/MultiDroideka
Special Thanks to Our Patreon Supporters
Big Bang Sponsors
David Taiclet
Ben Dimock
Daniel Alexiuc
Peter Barrett
Nils Anderson
David Neumann
Leo Koguan
Sandy Wu
Matthew Miller
Ahmad Jodeh
Alexander Tamas
Morgan Hough
Juan Benet
Vinnie Falco
Fabrice Eap
Mark Rosenthal
David Nicklas
Henry Van Styn
Quasar Sponsors
Alex Kern
Ethan Cohen
Stephen Wilcox
Christina Oegren
Mark Heising
Hank S
Hypernova Supporters
william bryan
Bryan Atkinson
Joe Moreira
Marc Armstrong
Scott Gorlick
Paul Stehr-Green
Adam Walters
Russell Pope
Ben Delo
Scott Gray
Антон Кочков
John R. Slavik
Donal Botkin
John Pollock
Edmund Fokschaner
Joseph Salomone
chuck zegar
Jordan Young
Daniel Muzquiz
Gamma Ray Burst Supporters
Justin Lloyd
Avi Yashchin
Kory Kirk
Terje Vold
Anatoliy Nagornyy
Brett Baker
Jeremy Soller
Jonathan Conerly
Andre Stechert
Ross Bohner
Paul Wood
Kent Durham
jim bartosh
Chris Navrides
Scott R Calkins
The Mad Mechanic
Ellis Hall
John H. Austin, Jr.
Diana S
Ben Campbell
Lawrence Tholl, DVM
Faraz Khan
Almog Cohen
Alex Edwards
Ádám Kettinger
Endre Pech
Daniel Jennings
Cameron Sampson
Pratik Mukherjee
Geoffrey Clarion
Darren Duncan
Russ Creech
Jeremy Reed
Eric Webster
David Johnston
J. King
Michael Barton
James Ramsey
Justin Jermyn
Mr T
Andrew Mann
Isaac Suttell
Devon Rosenthal
Oliver Flanagan
Bleys Goodson
Robert Walter
Bruce B
Simon Oliphant
Mirik Gogri
Mark Delagasse
Mark Daniel Cohen
Brandon Lattin
Nickolas Andrew Freeman
Shane Calimlim
Tybie Fitzhugh
Robert Ilardi
Eric Kiebler
Craig Stonaha
Martin Skans
The Art of Sin
Graydon Goss
Frederic Simon
John Robinson
David Neal
Kevin Lee
John Funai
Cass Costello
Bradley Jenkins
Kyle Hofer
Daniel Stříbrný
Vlad Shipulin
Malte Ubl
King Zeckendorff
Nick Virtue
Scott Gossett
Dan Warren
Patrick Sutton
Daniel Lyons
Kevin Warne
- published: 16 Feb 2022
- views: 1488037