Susya (Arabic:سوسية, Hebrew: סוּסְיָא) (Susiya, Susia) is an archaeological site in the southern Judaean Mountains of the West Bank that bears the archaeological remains both of a 5th-8th century CE synagogue and of a mosque that replaced it. The same name is applied to two separate communities existing in the present day: on the one hand it refers to Palestinian villagers, recently expelled from there, who are variously reported as living in caves for decades there during grazing time or said to belong to a unique southern Hebron cave-dwelling culture present in the area since the early 19th century, and, on the other, it also denotes a religiousIsraeli settlement under the jurisdiction of Har Hebron Regional Council established in 1983 about a mile away. In 1986, the site of Palestinian Susya was declared an archeological site by Israeli Defense Ministry's Civil Administration, (a body formally under the Ministry of Defence, but subordinate to the military) and the IDF expelled the Bedouin inhabitants, whom the UN says lived in houses at the time. The Palestinians then moved a few hundred meters southeast of the original village.
Sejarah Kyiv, Medan Pertempuran Ukraina-Rusia yang Berumur Puluhan Ribu Tahun
Invasi Rusia ke Ukraina masih menjadi pembicaraan dunia hingga saat ini. Akibat konflik ini, ratusan warga sipil menjadi korban, sementara 1,5 juta orang terpaksa melarikan diri dari Ukraina. Diketahui sebelumnya, Rusia telah melancarkan invasinya terhadap Ukraina sejak 24 Februari 2022, dengan tujuan demiliterisasi. Serangan ini juga telah mencapai Kyiv, ibu kota Ukraina dan pusat perekonomian negara.
Ternyata kota Kyiv telah berumur puluhan ribu tahun. Bagaimana sejarah lengkapnya? Simak penjelasnnya dalam video ini.
Penulis Artikel: Ahmad Naufal Dzulfaroh
Penulis Naskah: Annisa Nurmaulia Al Fajri
Narator: Annisa Nurmaulia Al Fajri
Video Editor: Ivan Khabibu Rochman
Produser: Deta Putri Setyanto
#Rusia #Ukraina #Kyiv #Sejarah #Invasi #SuaraKompas #JernihkanHarapan
published: 07 Mar 2022
TARRAGT - Lhoub igua lkhatar | اغنية امازيغية
TARRAGT - Lhoub igua lkhatar
اغنية امازيغية
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La langue amazighe, connue sous le nom de tamazight, est devenue une langue officielle en 2011. Ayant été préservée dans les enclaves amazighes, elle est parlée par environ un tiers de la population. De nombreux Imazighen parlent également l'arabe et le tamazight est enseigné dans les écoles. Le français est une langue secondaire importante et l'espagnol est largement parlé. Anglais…
published: 10 Oct 2013
Israel To Demolish Palestinian Village Of Susiya
The Palestinian village of Susiya is about to bulldozed after Israel's high court recently rejected an injunction to stop the demolition. People have been fighting the demolition for decades.
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published: 23 Jul 2015
Israeli settlers stone Palestinian shepherds in front of soldier, Khirbet Susiya, 30 June 2021
On 28 June 2021, settlers set out from the settlement of Susiya and hurled stones at a number of Palestinians grazing their flocks about 500 meters south of the village of Susiya. The shepherds were forced to move away from the area.
Two days later, on 30 June 2021, several masked settlers again came to the area and hurled stones at shepherds from the village. After about 20 minutes, soldiers came to the scene and drove the settlers away.
The military expelled the residents of Khirbet Susiya from their village in 1986 and they relocated to their farmland. Since then, the military and settlers have trying to drive them out of there, too.
For more information:
published: 09 Aug 2021
Inhabitants of Susiya fight to save village from Israeli demolition
On the February 5th, the Israeli High Court of Justice decided that seven structures in the village of Susiya, in the south Hebron Hills of the occupied West Bank, could be demolished by Israel without delay. These seven structures are home to 42 residents of the village, of which half are children. Susiya has become an international symbol of Palestinian villages resistance against displacement, and the villagers say more international solidarity is needed to prevent these demolitions.
published: 15 Feb 2018
PALESTINA. Susiya lotta per restare
Susiya, 14 maggio 2015, Nena News - Il villaggio di Susiya, baracche, tende e 250 anime, è di nuovo alle prese con i tentativi delle autorità israeliane - cominciati negli anni Ottanta - di trasferimento forzato della comunità. Dopo aver perso le proprie terre a favore di due colonie israeliane (di cui un sito archeologico), i residenti erano stati costretti a ricostruire le loro case in una piccola porzione del territorio originario. Dal 1986, anno della prima espulsione, ad oggi sono seguite demolizioni e distruzioni di case, tende, strutture agricole da parte dei bulldozer dell'esercito israeliano.
Ogni volta i residenti si sono rimboccati le maniche e sono ripartiti da zero. Alla tenacia hanno aggiunto la battaglia legale: documenti di proprietà alla mano hanno seguito l'intero iter g...
Invasi Rusia ke Ukraina masih menjadi pembicaraan dunia hingga saat ini. Akibat konflik ini, ratusan warga sipil menjadi korban, sementara 1,5 juta orang terpak...
Invasi Rusia ke Ukraina masih menjadi pembicaraan dunia hingga saat ini. Akibat konflik ini, ratusan warga sipil menjadi korban, sementara 1,5 juta orang terpaksa melarikan diri dari Ukraina. Diketahui sebelumnya, Rusia telah melancarkan invasinya terhadap Ukraina sejak 24 Februari 2022, dengan tujuan demiliterisasi. Serangan ini juga telah mencapai Kyiv, ibu kota Ukraina dan pusat perekonomian negara.
Ternyata kota Kyiv telah berumur puluhan ribu tahun. Bagaimana sejarah lengkapnya? Simak penjelasnnya dalam video ini.
Penulis Artikel: Ahmad Naufal Dzulfaroh
Penulis Naskah: Annisa Nurmaulia Al Fajri
Narator: Annisa Nurmaulia Al Fajri
Video Editor: Ivan Khabibu Rochman
Produser: Deta Putri Setyanto
#Rusia #Ukraina #Kyiv #Sejarah #Invasi #SuaraKompas #JernihkanHarapan
Invasi Rusia ke Ukraina masih menjadi pembicaraan dunia hingga saat ini. Akibat konflik ini, ratusan warga sipil menjadi korban, sementara 1,5 juta orang terpaksa melarikan diri dari Ukraina. Diketahui sebelumnya, Rusia telah melancarkan invasinya terhadap Ukraina sejak 24 Februari 2022, dengan tujuan demiliterisasi. Serangan ini juga telah mencapai Kyiv, ibu kota Ukraina dan pusat perekonomian negara.
Ternyata kota Kyiv telah berumur puluhan ribu tahun. Bagaimana sejarah lengkapnya? Simak penjelasnnya dalam video ini.
Penulis Artikel: Ahmad Naufal Dzulfaroh
Penulis Naskah: Annisa Nurmaulia Al Fajri
Narator: Annisa Nurmaulia Al Fajri
Video Editor: Ivan Khabibu Rochman
Produser: Deta Putri Setyanto
#Rusia #Ukraina #Kyiv #Sejarah #Invasi #SuaraKompas #JernihkanHarapan
TARRAGT - Lhoub igua lkhatar
اغنية امازيغية
Bienvenue sur la chaîne Provisound Officielle!
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TARRAGT - Lhoub igua lkhatar
اغنية امازيغية
Bienvenue sur la chaîne Provisound Officielle!
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La langue amazighe, connue sous le nom de tamazight, est devenue une langue officielle en 2011. Ayant été préservée dans les enclaves amazighes, elle est parlée par environ un tiers de la population. De nombreux Imazighen parlent également l'arabe et le tamazight est enseigné dans les écoles. Le français est une langue secondaire importante et l'espagnol est largement parlé. Anglais…
TARRAGT - Lhoub igua lkhatar
اغنية امازيغية
Bienvenue sur la chaîne Provisound Officielle!
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Abonnez-vous à la page FACEBOOK içi :
La langue amazighe, connue sous le nom de tamazight, est devenue une langue officielle en 2011. Ayant été préservée dans les enclaves amazighes, elle est parlée par environ un tiers de la population. De nombreux Imazighen parlent également l'arabe et le tamazight est enseigné dans les écoles. Le français est une langue secondaire importante et l'espagnol est largement parlé. Anglais…
The Palestinian village of Susiya is about to bulldozed after Israel's high court recently rejected an injunction to stop the demolition. People have been fight...
The Palestinian village of Susiya is about to bulldozed after Israel's high court recently rejected an injunction to stop the demolition. People have been fighting the demolition for decades.
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The Palestinian village of Susiya is about to bulldozed after Israel's high court recently rejected an injunction to stop the demolition. People have been fighting the demolition for decades.
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On 28 June 2021, settlers set out from the settlement of Susiya and hurled stones at a number of Palestinians grazing their flocks about 500 meters south of the...
On 28 June 2021, settlers set out from the settlement of Susiya and hurled stones at a number of Palestinians grazing their flocks about 500 meters south of the village of Susiya. The shepherds were forced to move away from the area.
Two days later, on 30 June 2021, several masked settlers again came to the area and hurled stones at shepherds from the village. After about 20 minutes, soldiers came to the scene and drove the settlers away.
The military expelled the residents of Khirbet Susiya from their village in 1986 and they relocated to their farmland. Since then, the military and settlers have trying to drive them out of there, too.
For more information:
ח'ירבת סוסיא, דרום הר חברון: מתנחלים יידו אבנים על רועי צאן פעמיים במהלך יומיים
ב-28.6.21 יצאו מתנחלים מההתנחלות סוסיא ויידו אבנים על מספר פלסטינים שרעו את צאנם במרחק של כ-500 מטרים מדרום לכפר. הרועים נאלצו להתרחק מהמקום.
יומיים לאחר מכן, ב-30.6.21, שוב הגיעו למקום כמה מתנחלים רעולי פנים, שיידו אבנים על רועי צאן מהכפר. לאחר כ-20 דקות הגיעו לאזור כמה חיילים והרחיקו את המתנחלים.
הצבא גרש את תושבי ח'ירבת סוסיא מכפרם ב-1986 והם עברו לגור על אדמותיהם החקלאיות. מאז מנסים הצבא והמתנחלים לסלקם גם משם.
למידע נוסף:
خربة سوسيا، تلال جنوب الخليل: مستوطنون يرشقون حجارة نحو رُعاة أغنام مرّتين خلال يومين
في 28.6.21 خرج عدد من الرّعاة مع أغنامهم إلى أرض تبعد عن القرية مسافة 500 متر جنوباً لكنّهم اضطرّوا إلى مغادرة الموقع حين خرج مستوطنون من مستوطنة "سوسيا" وأخذوا يرشقونهم بالحجارة.
بعد مرور يومين على هذه الحادثة، أي في 30.6.21، جاء مستوطنون ملثّمون إلى الموقع نفسه ورشقوا بالحجارة رُعاة أغنام من القرية. بعد مضيّ عشرين دقيقة حضر عدد من الجنود وأبعدوا المستوطنين.
هجّر الجيش سكان خربة سوسيا من قريتهم عام 1986 وقد انتقلوا للسكن في أراضيهم الزراعية. منذ ذلك الحين يحاول الجيش والمستوطنون طردهم من هناك أيضًا
للمزيد عن الموضوع:
On 28 June 2021, settlers set out from the settlement of Susiya and hurled stones at a number of Palestinians grazing their flocks about 500 meters south of the village of Susiya. The shepherds were forced to move away from the area.
Two days later, on 30 June 2021, several masked settlers again came to the area and hurled stones at shepherds from the village. After about 20 minutes, soldiers came to the scene and drove the settlers away.
The military expelled the residents of Khirbet Susiya from their village in 1986 and they relocated to their farmland. Since then, the military and settlers have trying to drive them out of there, too.
For more information:
ח'ירבת סוסיא, דרום הר חברון: מתנחלים יידו אבנים על רועי צאן פעמיים במהלך יומיים
ב-28.6.21 יצאו מתנחלים מההתנחלות סוסיא ויידו אבנים על מספר פלסטינים שרעו את צאנם במרחק של כ-500 מטרים מדרום לכפר. הרועים נאלצו להתרחק מהמקום.
יומיים לאחר מכן, ב-30.6.21, שוב הגיעו למקום כמה מתנחלים רעולי פנים, שיידו אבנים על רועי צאן מהכפר. לאחר כ-20 דקות הגיעו לאזור כמה חיילים והרחיקו את המתנחלים.
הצבא גרש את תושבי ח'ירבת סוסיא מכפרם ב-1986 והם עברו לגור על אדמותיהם החקלאיות. מאז מנסים הצבא והמתנחלים לסלקם גם משם.
למידע נוסף:
خربة سوسيا، تلال جنوب الخليل: مستوطنون يرشقون حجارة نحو رُعاة أغنام مرّتين خلال يومين
في 28.6.21 خرج عدد من الرّعاة مع أغنامهم إلى أرض تبعد عن القرية مسافة 500 متر جنوباً لكنّهم اضطرّوا إلى مغادرة الموقع حين خرج مستوطنون من مستوطنة "سوسيا" وأخذوا يرشقونهم بالحجارة.
بعد مرور يومين على هذه الحادثة، أي في 30.6.21، جاء مستوطنون ملثّمون إلى الموقع نفسه ورشقوا بالحجارة رُعاة أغنام من القرية. بعد مضيّ عشرين دقيقة حضر عدد من الجنود وأبعدوا المستوطنين.
هجّر الجيش سكان خربة سوسيا من قريتهم عام 1986 وقد انتقلوا للسكن في أراضيهم الزراعية. منذ ذلك الحين يحاول الجيش والمستوطنون طردهم من هناك أيضًا
للمزيد عن الموضوع:
On the February 5th, the Israeli High Court of Justice decided that seven structures in the village of Susiya, in the south Hebron Hills of the occupied West Ba...
On the February 5th, the Israeli High Court of Justice decided that seven structures in the village of Susiya, in the south Hebron Hills of the occupied West Bank, could be demolished by Israel without delay. These seven structures are home to 42 residents of the village, of which half are children. Susiya has become an international symbol of Palestinian villages resistance against displacement, and the villagers say more international solidarity is needed to prevent these demolitions.
On the February 5th, the Israeli High Court of Justice decided that seven structures in the village of Susiya, in the south Hebron Hills of the occupied West Bank, could be demolished by Israel without delay. These seven structures are home to 42 residents of the village, of which half are children. Susiya has become an international symbol of Palestinian villages resistance against displacement, and the villagers say more international solidarity is needed to prevent these demolitions.
Susiya, 14 maggio 2015, Nena News - Il villaggio di Susiya, baracche, tende e 250 anime, è di nuovo alle prese con i tentativi delle autorità israeliane - comin...
Susiya, 14 maggio 2015, Nena News - Il villaggio di Susiya, baracche, tende e 250 anime, è di nuovo alle prese con i tentativi delle autorità israeliane - cominciati negli anni Ottanta - di trasferimento forzato della comunità. Dopo aver perso le proprie terre a favore di due colonie israeliane (di cui un sito archeologico), i residenti erano stati costretti a ricostruire le loro case in una piccola porzione del territorio originario. Dal 1986, anno della prima espulsione, ad oggi sono seguite demolizioni e distruzioni di case, tende, strutture agricole da parte dei bulldozer dell'esercito israeliano.
Ogni volta i residenti si sono rimboccati le maniche e sono ripartiti da zero. Alla tenacia hanno aggiunto la battaglia legale: documenti di proprietà alla mano hanno seguito l'intero iter giudiziario israeliano. Fino a dieci giorni fa, quando a sentenziare e mettere la parola fine alla lotta di Susiya è stata la Corte Suprema israeliana. Che ha deciso di non decidere: il tribunale ha lasciato a esercito e Civil Administration (ente israeliano che si occupa di gestire gli affari civili in Area C della Cisgiordania) di decidere della sorte di Susiya. Non hanno perso tempo: domenica scorsa i funzionari israeliani si sono presentati alla comunità con altri due ordini di demolizione che si aggiungono a quelli che pesano già sull'intero villaggio.
Ma Susiya non si arrende: forte del sostegno dei comitati popolari delle colline a sud di Hebron e di numerose organizzazioni per i diritti umani palestinesi e israeliane, la comunità fa appello ai media e al mondo perché volgano lo sguardo alla loro battaglia. Ieri a far visita ai 250 residenti sono stati i consoli di Francia, Belgio e Gran Bretagna. Nena News
Susiya, 14 maggio 2015, Nena News - Il villaggio di Susiya, baracche, tende e 250 anime, è di nuovo alle prese con i tentativi delle autorità israeliane - cominciati negli anni Ottanta - di trasferimento forzato della comunità. Dopo aver perso le proprie terre a favore di due colonie israeliane (di cui un sito archeologico), i residenti erano stati costretti a ricostruire le loro case in una piccola porzione del territorio originario. Dal 1986, anno della prima espulsione, ad oggi sono seguite demolizioni e distruzioni di case, tende, strutture agricole da parte dei bulldozer dell'esercito israeliano.
Ogni volta i residenti si sono rimboccati le maniche e sono ripartiti da zero. Alla tenacia hanno aggiunto la battaglia legale: documenti di proprietà alla mano hanno seguito l'intero iter giudiziario israeliano. Fino a dieci giorni fa, quando a sentenziare e mettere la parola fine alla lotta di Susiya è stata la Corte Suprema israeliana. Che ha deciso di non decidere: il tribunale ha lasciato a esercito e Civil Administration (ente israeliano che si occupa di gestire gli affari civili in Area C della Cisgiordania) di decidere della sorte di Susiya. Non hanno perso tempo: domenica scorsa i funzionari israeliani si sono presentati alla comunità con altri due ordini di demolizione che si aggiungono a quelli che pesano già sull'intero villaggio.
Ma Susiya non si arrende: forte del sostegno dei comitati popolari delle colline a sud di Hebron e di numerose organizzazioni per i diritti umani palestinesi e israeliane, la comunità fa appello ai media e al mondo perché volgano lo sguardo alla loro battaglia. Ieri a far visita ai 250 residenti sono stati i consoli di Francia, Belgio e Gran Bretagna. Nena News
Invasi Rusia ke Ukraina masih menjadi pembicaraan dunia hingga saat ini. Akibat konflik ini, ratusan warga sipil menjadi korban, sementara 1,5 juta orang terpaksa melarikan diri dari Ukraina. Diketahui sebelumnya, Rusia telah melancarkan invasinya terhadap Ukraina sejak 24 Februari 2022, dengan tujuan demiliterisasi. Serangan ini juga telah mencapai Kyiv, ibu kota Ukraina dan pusat perekonomian negara.
Ternyata kota Kyiv telah berumur puluhan ribu tahun. Bagaimana sejarah lengkapnya? Simak penjelasnnya dalam video ini.
Penulis Artikel: Ahmad Naufal Dzulfaroh
Penulis Naskah: Annisa Nurmaulia Al Fajri
Narator: Annisa Nurmaulia Al Fajri
Video Editor: Ivan Khabibu Rochman
Produser: Deta Putri Setyanto
#Rusia #Ukraina #Kyiv #Sejarah #Invasi #SuaraKompas #JernihkanHarapan
TARRAGT - Lhoub igua lkhatar
اغنية امازيغية
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La langue amazighe, connue sous le nom de tamazight, est devenue une langue officielle en 2011. Ayant été préservée dans les enclaves amazighes, elle est parlée par environ un tiers de la population. De nombreux Imazighen parlent également l'arabe et le tamazight est enseigné dans les écoles. Le français est une langue secondaire importante et l'espagnol est largement parlé. Anglais…
The Palestinian village of Susiya is about to bulldozed after Israel's high court recently rejected an injunction to stop the demolition. People have been fighting the demolition for decades.
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On 28 June 2021, settlers set out from the settlement of Susiya and hurled stones at a number of Palestinians grazing their flocks about 500 meters south of the village of Susiya. The shepherds were forced to move away from the area.
Two days later, on 30 June 2021, several masked settlers again came to the area and hurled stones at shepherds from the village. After about 20 minutes, soldiers came to the scene and drove the settlers away.
The military expelled the residents of Khirbet Susiya from their village in 1986 and they relocated to their farmland. Since then, the military and settlers have trying to drive them out of there, too.
For more information:
ח'ירבת סוסיא, דרום הר חברון: מתנחלים יידו אבנים על רועי צאן פעמיים במהלך יומיים
ב-28.6.21 יצאו מתנחלים מההתנחלות סוסיא ויידו אבנים על מספר פלסטינים שרעו את צאנם במרחק של כ-500 מטרים מדרום לכפר. הרועים נאלצו להתרחק מהמקום.
יומיים לאחר מכן, ב-30.6.21, שוב הגיעו למקום כמה מתנחלים רעולי פנים, שיידו אבנים על רועי צאן מהכפר. לאחר כ-20 דקות הגיעו לאזור כמה חיילים והרחיקו את המתנחלים.
הצבא גרש את תושבי ח'ירבת סוסיא מכפרם ב-1986 והם עברו לגור על אדמותיהם החקלאיות. מאז מנסים הצבא והמתנחלים לסלקם גם משם.
למידע נוסף:
خربة سوسيا، تلال جنوب الخليل: مستوطنون يرشقون حجارة نحو رُعاة أغنام مرّتين خلال يومين
في 28.6.21 خرج عدد من الرّعاة مع أغنامهم إلى أرض تبعد عن القرية مسافة 500 متر جنوباً لكنّهم اضطرّوا إلى مغادرة الموقع حين خرج مستوطنون من مستوطنة "سوسيا" وأخذوا يرشقونهم بالحجارة.
بعد مرور يومين على هذه الحادثة، أي في 30.6.21، جاء مستوطنون ملثّمون إلى الموقع نفسه ورشقوا بالحجارة رُعاة أغنام من القرية. بعد مضيّ عشرين دقيقة حضر عدد من الجنود وأبعدوا المستوطنين.
هجّر الجيش سكان خربة سوسيا من قريتهم عام 1986 وقد انتقلوا للسكن في أراضيهم الزراعية. منذ ذلك الحين يحاول الجيش والمستوطنون طردهم من هناك أيضًا
للمزيد عن الموضوع:
On the February 5th, the Israeli High Court of Justice decided that seven structures in the village of Susiya, in the south Hebron Hills of the occupied West Bank, could be demolished by Israel without delay. These seven structures are home to 42 residents of the village, of which half are children. Susiya has become an international symbol of Palestinian villages resistance against displacement, and the villagers say more international solidarity is needed to prevent these demolitions.
Susiya, 14 maggio 2015, Nena News - Il villaggio di Susiya, baracche, tende e 250 anime, è di nuovo alle prese con i tentativi delle autorità israeliane - cominciati negli anni Ottanta - di trasferimento forzato della comunità. Dopo aver perso le proprie terre a favore di due colonie israeliane (di cui un sito archeologico), i residenti erano stati costretti a ricostruire le loro case in una piccola porzione del territorio originario. Dal 1986, anno della prima espulsione, ad oggi sono seguite demolizioni e distruzioni di case, tende, strutture agricole da parte dei bulldozer dell'esercito israeliano.
Ogni volta i residenti si sono rimboccati le maniche e sono ripartiti da zero. Alla tenacia hanno aggiunto la battaglia legale: documenti di proprietà alla mano hanno seguito l'intero iter giudiziario israeliano. Fino a dieci giorni fa, quando a sentenziare e mettere la parola fine alla lotta di Susiya è stata la Corte Suprema israeliana. Che ha deciso di non decidere: il tribunale ha lasciato a esercito e Civil Administration (ente israeliano che si occupa di gestire gli affari civili in Area C della Cisgiordania) di decidere della sorte di Susiya. Non hanno perso tempo: domenica scorsa i funzionari israeliani si sono presentati alla comunità con altri due ordini di demolizione che si aggiungono a quelli che pesano già sull'intero villaggio.
Ma Susiya non si arrende: forte del sostegno dei comitati popolari delle colline a sud di Hebron e di numerose organizzazioni per i diritti umani palestinesi e israeliane, la comunità fa appello ai media e al mondo perché volgano lo sguardo alla loro battaglia. Ieri a far visita ai 250 residenti sono stati i consoli di Francia, Belgio e Gran Bretagna. Nena News
Susya (Arabic:سوسية, Hebrew: סוּסְיָא) (Susiya, Susia) is an archaeological site in the southern Judaean Mountains of the West Bank that bears the archaeological remains both of a 5th-8th century CE synagogue and of a mosque that replaced it. The same name is applied to two separate communities existing in the present day: on the one hand it refers to Palestinian villagers, recently expelled from there, who are variously reported as living in caves for decades there during grazing time or said to belong to a unique southern Hebron cave-dwelling culture present in the area since the early 19th century, and, on the other, it also denotes a religiousIsraeli settlement under the jurisdiction of Har Hebron Regional Council established in 1983 about a mile away. In 1986, the site of Palestinian Susya was declared an archeological site by Israeli Defense Ministry's Civil Administration, (a body formally under the Ministry of Defence, but subordinate to the military) and the IDF expelled the Bedouin inhabitants, whom the UN says lived in houses at the time. The Palestinians then moved a few hundred meters southeast of the original village.
Mets-toi tout nu, si t'es un homme. Histoire de voir où nous en sommes. Qu'on me donne un primate. Sans cravate. Un Zorro. Sans rien sur le dos... t'es bien plus beau comme ça. Un point c'est tout. Un point c'est toi. Je t'aime comme ça. Un point c'est tout. Un point c'est toi. Sans artifice. Où est le vice... enlève la tenue. Si t'es un homme. Qui peut le plus. Peut le minimum. Et comme ça. Tu restes la faiblesse. De mon for intérieur. Et moi, maîtresse. En ta demeure... t'es bien plus mâle comme ça. Un point c'est tout. Un point c'est toi. Je t'aime comme ça. Un point c'est tout. Un point c'est toi. Sans dessus, ni dessous. Et puis c'est tout. Et c'est comme ça... gageons que tes états sauvages. Feront moins de ravages. Que tes plumes de paon. Quand toi Tarzan. Moi j'aime. Quand tu tiens d'Adam. Moi je tiens à toi. t'es bien plus beau comme ça. Un point c'est tout. Un point c'est toi... Je t'aime comme ça. Un point c'est tout. Un point c'est toi. Sans rien du tout. Sans rien que toi.