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Harris Tweed

Harris Tweed is a cloth handwoven by islanders at their homes in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland, finished in the Outer Hebrides, and made from pure virgin wool dyed and spun in the Outer Hebrides.

Harris Tweed is protected by the Harris Tweed Act 1993, which strictly outlines the conditions in which the cloth can genuinely be made.

Authentic Harris Tweed is issued with the Harris Tweed Orb Mark after inspection by the Harris Tweed Authority, the industry's governing body.


For centuries the islanders of Lewis and Harris, the Uists, Benbecula and Barra have woven cloth by hand calling it Clò Mór in the original Gaelic or 'The big cloth'.

As the Industrial Revolution reached Scotland, mainland manufacturers turned to mechanisation but the Outer Hebrides retained their traditional processes. Lewis and Harris had long been known for the excellence of the weaving done there, but up to the middle of the nineteenth century, the cloth was produced mainly for home use or for local market.

Harris Tweed (character)

Harris Tweed was a British comic strip series, fully named Harris Tweed, Special Agent, later retitled Harris Tweed - Super Sleuth, which appeared in the British comic strip magazine The Eagle (1950-1962) . The strip was drawn by John Ryan and centered on a monocled, rotund, bumbling secret agent, Harris Tweed, who, along with his far more capable boy sidekick, simply known as "Boy", managed to get into all manner of scrapes, somehow always managing to make good in the end.

Harris Tweed (disambiguation)

Harris Tweed is a textile, made on the Isle of Harris, Western Isles, Scotland.

Harris Tweed may also refer to:

  • Harris Tweed (character), a character in The Eagle comic
  • Harris Tweed, a character in The Well of Lost Plots by Jasper Fforde
  • The former name of the South African music group Dear Reader
  • See also

  • Tweed (disambiguation)
  • Twill
  • Podcasts:

    • Tweed Guide - How To Wear Harris Tweeds, Donegal, Cheviot, Saxony...

      More about #tweed: https://gentl.mn/the-story-of-tweed Tweed began as a handwoven fabric that was made on looms. The cloth was rough and thick and coarse. And the colors were earthy because they were inspired by nature. #tweedguide #notsponsored 00:00 Introduction 00:42 The Origin of Tweed Name Some people claim, it comes from the river tweed, which is in Scotland. Supposedly the cloth was first woven in the Tweed Valley. Other people claim, tweed is a twist of the Scottish word tweel. Now, tweed is usually quite heavy and warm. But believe it or not, it used to be the high-performance fabric of its time. The English gentry was quick to adopt tweed as the preferred fabric for golfing, hunting or fishing under country estates. Today, It is rarely used for sport activities anymore be...

      published: 07 Dec 2016
    • David Saxby Talking about Harris Tweed

      In this video David Saxby talks about Harris Tweed.

      published: 27 Dec 2022
    • Harris Tweed


      published: 17 Oct 2021
    • New Harris Tweed Collection | StudioSuits

      Harris Tweed Shop here: https://bit.ly/3hSggCw Handwoven in Scotland, by Islanders at their homes in the Outer Hebrides. Harris Tweed is warm, textured, durable cozy fabric which got a lot of popularity when worn by the royals. StudioSuits provides suits, jackets, pants, bows, coats made in the original fabric with its trademark label. Subscribe to our Channel Follow us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/studiosuits Follow us on Pinterest - https://in.pinterest.com/studiosuits/ Follow us on Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/studiosuits/

      published: 23 Jul 2021
    Tweed Guide -  How To Wear Harris Tweeds, Donegal, Cheviot, Saxony...

    Tweed Guide - How To Wear Harris Tweeds, Donegal, Cheviot, Saxony...

    • Order:
    • Duration: 13:26
    • Uploaded Date: 07 Dec 2016
    • views: 416154
    More about #tweed: https://gentl.mn/the-story-of-tweed Tweed began as a handwoven fabric that was made on looms. The cloth was rough and thick and coarse. And the colors were earthy because they were inspired by nature. #tweedguide #notsponsored 00:00 Introduction 00:42 The Origin of Tweed Name Some people claim, it comes from the river tweed, which is in Scotland. Supposedly the cloth was first woven in the Tweed Valley. Other people claim, tweed is a twist of the Scottish word tweel. Now, tweed is usually quite heavy and warm. But believe it or not, it used to be the high-performance fabric of its time. The English gentry was quick to adopt tweed as the preferred fabric for golfing, hunting or fishing under country estates. Today, It is rarely used for sport activities anymore because it is quite insulating and even though wool is quite absorbent when it comes to sweat it is simply too warm for most people. 02:22 Tweed Named After Varieties of Sheep Cheviot Tweed Cheviot is a breed of white faced sheep that were first kept in a cheviot hills in Northumberland near the Scottish border. Generally, it is a larger and rougher type of tweed. It is quite coarse to the touch, such as this one. Shetland Tweed The opposite of cheviot in the sense that it is much softer, it is finer and usually have a looser weave. 03:35 Geographically-named Tweeds Donegal Tweed The name of Donegal is derived from the Irish county of Donegal and the characteristic is a tweed with knobs as you can see here. Rather than having a plain fabric, you see like orange or red, gray speckle, sometimes you have pink or green or something very outlandish but overall it creates a very soft look. Saxony tweed In the middle ages, it was forbidden for the Christian areas of Spain to export sheep.Generally, it is made from a Merino wool today and it is another wonderful sport coat or a jacket fabric. 05:46 Functionally-named Tweeds Gamekeeper Tweed The heavier fabric usually starting at 700g, about 24 oz. It is made for cold weathers, so it is quite insulating and hard wearing. It really got its name from the people who use it outside all day in cold harsh conditions. Sporting Tweeds or Hunting Tweeds Developed specifically for hunting and the idea was that one hand, that the colors are chosen so you blend in with the environment. On the other hand, a hunting tweed jacket has a shoulder patch just like this one, so you could easily hold your rifle and it wouldn’t wear out your shoulder fabric so quickly. Thornproof Tweed Made of two-ply wool yarns which are supposed to be woven tightly and as a consequence if you go through a thorn it may poke through, but is then self-repairing. Supasax is a Saxony tweed used to be made by Bladen. It had been discontinued for a while. I think it is back now, though I really prefer the old stuff because it has a special color depth and wonderful patterns. 07:27 TWEED PATTERNS Plain twill weave tweed. It has these ridges that are quite wide they can be a little finer, but this is typical for a plain twill weave. Overcheck twill. It’s still a twill weave but not as pronounced as the one you can see here, but it has this overcheck. Herringbone. Herringbone is named that way because it’s supposed to resemble fish bones. Basically, a herringbone is a twill weave, so it’s the same twill weave you can see here but the rows are adjusted to go up and down right next to each other giving you this herringbone pattern. Barleycorn. it’s called that way because upon closer inspection it resembles a kernel of barley. How do you actually wear a tweed? It's particularly well suited for fall, winter outfits, because otherwise, you simply overheat. When not to wear tweed? If you are in a traditional white collar environment, tweed is not the fabric to wear. Stay away from formal events, especially evening events. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Most Popular videos: How to accept a compliment - https://youtu.be/_EKXNmM1PUo 101 things that change when you dress up - https://youtu.be/JyGDd_iYaCI How to tie a Bow Tie - https://youtu.be/2I3cfa0BOOc --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Want to stay updated? Sign up here for free: https://gentl.mn/2gG8RZ8 Want to see more videos? Subscribe to our channel! https://www.youtube.com/user/thegentlemansgazette --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #harristweed #notsponsored Gentleman's Gazette https://gentl.mn/2f2i3pw https://www.gentlemansgazette.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gentlemansgazette FREE EBOOK: https://gentl.mn/2gG8RZ8
    David Saxby Talking about Harris Tweed

    David Saxby Talking about Harris Tweed

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:05
    • Uploaded Date: 27 Dec 2022
    • views: 12411
    In this video David Saxby talks about Harris Tweed.
    Harris Tweed

    Harris Tweed

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:32
    • Uploaded Date: 17 Oct 2021
    • views: 2789
    New Harris Tweed Collection | StudioSuits

    New Harris Tweed Collection | StudioSuits

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:02
    • Uploaded Date: 23 Jul 2021
    • views: 7228
    Harris Tweed Shop here: https://bit.ly/3hSggCw Handwoven in Scotland, by Islanders at their homes in the Outer Hebrides. Harris Tweed is warm, textured, durable cozy fabric which got a lot of popularity when worn by the royals. StudioSuits provides suits, jackets, pants, bows, coats made in the original fabric with its trademark label. Subscribe to our Channel Follow us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/studiosuits Follow us on Pinterest - https://in.pinterest.com/studiosuits/ Follow us on Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/studiosuits/
    • Most Related
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    • Tweed Guide -  How To Wear Harris Tweeds, Donegal, Cheviot, Saxony...
      Tweed Guide - How To Wear Harris Tweeds, Donegal, Cheviot, Saxony...remove from playlist
    • New Harris Tweed Collection | StudioSuits
      New Harris Tweed Collection | StudioSuitsremove from playlist

    Tweed Guide - How To Wear Harris Tweeds, Donegal, Cheviot, Saxony...

    More about #tweed: https://gentl.mn/the-story-of-tweed Tweed began as a handwoven fabric that was made on looms. The cloth was rough and thick and coarse. And the colors were earthy because they were inspired by nature. #tweedguide #notsponsored 00:00 Introduction 00:42 The Origin of Tweed Name Some people claim, it comes from the river tweed, which is in Scotland. Supposedly the cloth was first woven in the Tweed Valley. Other people claim, tweed is a twist of the Scottish word tweel. Now, tweed is usually quite heavy and warm. But believe it or not, it used to be the high-performance fabric of its time. The English gentry was quick to adopt tweed as the preferred fabric for golfing, hunting or fishing under country estates. Today, It is rarely used for sport activities anymore because it is quite insulating and even though wool is quite absorbent when it comes to sweat it is simply too warm for most people. 02:22 Tweed Named After Varieties of Sheep Cheviot Tweed Cheviot is a breed of white faced sheep that were first kept in a cheviot hills in Northumberland near the Scottish border. Generally, it is a larger and rougher type of tweed. It is quite coarse to the touch, such as this one. Shetland Tweed The opposite of cheviot in the sense that it is much softer, it is finer and usually have a looser weave. 03:35 Geographically-named Tweeds Donegal Tweed The name of Donegal is derived from the Irish county of Donegal and the characteristic is a tweed with knobs as you can see here. Rather than having a plain fabric, you see like orange or red, gray speckle, sometimes you have pink or green or something very outlandish but overall it creates a very soft look. Saxony tweed In the middle ages, it was forbidden for the Christian areas of Spain to export sheep.Generally, it is made from a Merino wool today and it is another wonderful sport coat or a jacket fabric. 05:46 Functionally-named Tweeds Gamekeeper Tweed The heavier fabric usually starting at 700g, about 24 oz. It is made for cold weathers, so it is quite insulating and hard wearing. It really got its name from the people who use it outside all day in cold harsh conditions. Sporting Tweeds or Hunting Tweeds Developed specifically for hunting and the idea was that one hand, that the colors are chosen so you blend in with the environment. On the other hand, a hunting tweed jacket has a shoulder patch just like this one, so you could easily hold your rifle and it wouldn’t wear out your shoulder fabric so quickly. Thornproof Tweed Made of two-ply wool yarns which are supposed to be woven tightly and as a consequence if you go through a thorn it may poke through, but is then self-repairing. Supasax is a Saxony tweed used to be made by Bladen. It had been discontinued for a while. I think it is back now, though I really prefer the old stuff because it has a special color depth and wonderful patterns. 07:27 TWEED PATTERNS Plain twill weave tweed. It has these ridges that are quite wide they can be a little finer, but this is typical for a plain twill weave. Overcheck twill. It’s still a twill weave but not as pronounced as the one you can see here, but it has this overcheck. Herringbone. Herringbone is named that way because it’s supposed to resemble fish bones. Basically, a herringbone is a twill weave, so it’s the same twill weave you can see here but the rows are adjusted to go up and down right next to each other giving you this herringbone pattern. Barleycorn. it’s called that way because upon closer inspection it resembles a kernel of barley. How do you actually wear a tweed? It's particularly well suited for fall, winter outfits, because otherwise, you simply overheat. When not to wear tweed? If you are in a traditional white collar environment, tweed is not the fabric to wear. Stay away from formal events, especially evening events. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Most Popular videos: How to accept a compliment - https://youtu.be/_EKXNmM1PUo 101 things that change when you dress up - https://youtu.be/JyGDd_iYaCI How to tie a Bow Tie - https://youtu.be/2I3cfa0BOOc --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Want to stay updated? Sign up here for free: https://gentl.mn/2gG8RZ8 Want to see more videos? Subscribe to our channel! https://www.youtube.com/user/thegentlemansgazette --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #harristweed #notsponsored Gentleman's Gazette https://gentl.mn/2f2i3pw https://www.gentlemansgazette.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gentlemansgazette FREE EBOOK: https://gentl.mn/2gG8RZ8
    Tweed Guide - How To Wear Harris Tweeds, Donegal, Cheviot, Saxony...
    More about #tweed: https://gentl.mn/the-story-of-tweed Tweed began as a handwoven fabric ...
    published: 07 Dec 2016
    Play in Full Screen
    David Saxby Talking about Harris Tweed
    In this video David Saxby talks about Harris Tweed.
    published: 27 Dec 2022
    Play in Full Screen
    Harris Tweed
    published: 17 Oct 2021
    Play in Full Screen
    New Harris Tweed Collection | StudioSuits
    Harris Tweed Shop here: https://bit.ly/3hSggCw Handwoven in Scotland, by Islanders at the...
    published: 23 Jul 2021
    Play in Full Screen

    Harris Tweed

    Harris Tweed is a cloth handwoven by islanders at their homes in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland, finished in the Outer Hebrides, and made from pure virgin wool dyed and spun in the Outer Hebrides.

    Harris Tweed is protected by the Harris Tweed Act 1993, which strictly outlines the conditions in which the cloth can genuinely be made.

    Authentic Harris Tweed is issued with the Harris Tweed Orb Mark after inspection by the Harris Tweed Authority, the industry's governing body.


    For centuries the islanders of Lewis and Harris, the Uists, Benbecula and Barra have woven cloth by hand calling it Clò Mór in the original Gaelic or 'The big cloth'.

    As the Industrial Revolution reached Scotland, mainland manufacturers turned to mechanisation but the Outer Hebrides retained their traditional processes. Lewis and Harris had long been known for the excellence of the weaving done there, but up to the middle of the nineteenth century, the cloth was produced mainly for home use or for local market.

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