Set in a dystopian future during the year 2048, the game centers around a secret organization of hi-tech ninja-like operatives known as "Striders", who specializes in various kinds of wetworks such as smuggling, kidnapping, demolitions, and disruption. The player takes control of Hiryu, the youngest ever elite-class Strider in the organization. Hiryu is summoned by the organization's second-in-command, Vice Director Matic, to assassinate his friend Kain, who has been captured by hostile forces and has become a liability to the Striders. Instead of killing him, Hiryu decides to rescue Kain from his captors; he is successful, and also recovers a recording from Kain concerning a suspected criminal plot. With the help of his fellow Strider Sheena, Hiryu uncovers a conspiracy between a certain faction of the Strider organization and an unknown organization known simply as the "Enterprise" (headed by a man named Faceas Clay) which involves the development of a mind-control weapon codenamed "Zain". In the course of finding and destroying these Zain units, Hiryu learns that the faction of conspirators is headed by Vice Director Matic himself. Hiryu eventually tracks Matic to an orbiting space station where the two Striders face off; after a brief battle Hiryu bests Matic and kills him. Afterwards Hiryu locates and destroys the last of the Zain units.
The Strider organization sends their best assassin, Strider Hiryu, to kill the villain, Grandmaster Meio, in the metropolis of Kazakh City.
The game is a retelling of the "core Strider story" and its common theme which centers around Hiryu's battle against Grandmaster Meio. The game mixes together elements from the first arcade Strider game, the NES console game, Strider 2, his fighting game appearances, and the original manga.
The player control the series' main character, Strider Hiryu. The environment is freely explorable in search for weapons and items. Strider Hiryu's main weapon is his Cypher, a plasma weapon that can take several properties. Upgrades for the Cypher can be obtained by exploring Kazakh.
A2Z is a 2006 USA-German action film by Daryush Shokof. The film is shot entirely in Berlin, Germany in 2004.
The old man (Jack Taylor) and his lolita (Narges Rashidi) are lovers. They have decided to end it all by a dramatic "shoot-out" finale this very day. As they know one of them will definitely die before the day is over, they decide to have a wild ride through the last day of their lives. They rob banks, fight the Nazis, do drugs, laugh and dance, kiss, feed the poor, and finally have sex for the last time before starting up the ritual to shoot each other to death. However, as each one holds the revolver against the other, neither one knows if the other's revolver is loaded, but the ritual has to go on.
Narges Rashidi won the Best Breakthrough actress award as the lead actress in the film at the New York International Film and Video Festival NYIIFVF in 2007.
Autoconhecimento, positividade, nutrição, biohacking e alta performance. O Positive-se Bootcamp é um fim de semana para dar uma pausa e exercitar a positividade na sua vida. Voltado ao autoconhecimento, essa imersão é repleta de práticas terapêuticas tem o objetivo de aumentar os níveis de energia e permitir que os participantes possam atingir alta performance e descobrir o seu potencial de co-criação.
Além disso, o Positive-se tem o objetivo de permitir que se tenha uma vida mais próspera e abundante, com estratégias de monetização de lifestyle através das ferramentas digitais.
P.S.: Garanta sua vaga na 8ª turma do meu treinamento de autoconhecimento e desbloqueio de padrões negativos e ressignificação de comportamentos, com uma oferta única e especial:
Played By: ScHlAuChi
Originally i wanted to do a run without helper robots, but that was to hard, so i deciced to do one without ever losing health or getting hit.
Thats also the reason why i stay so long at the big metalballs, cause when you attack them right away they hurl you around, smash you into walls and you lose health. -
Disclaimer: Most videos by World of Longplays use SaveStates!
published: 07 May 2009
MEMBA - Strider
⬙ MrSuicideSheep Links ⬙
⧩ Download/Stream ⧩
Artwork by Z eD
published: 22 Aug 2020
Half-Life: The Lore Behind Striders
Striders are extremely terrifying to look at, and deadlier than they look. I went to a post-Combine Earth to find out what I could about them.
I started Skyrionn to go back and look at easter eggs and the little details in classic video games. From that, I’ve moved on to looking at timelines and lore in video games.
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Thanks to my Patrons!
-The Realm-
Mathias Croqvist
Sheev Palpatine
ZeroXP Podcast
-The Void-
Brunette Jnas
Imaginary Holly
Subscribe today!
published: 14 Aug 2020
Last to Stop Riding Strider Wins!
Follow My Twitter - @Skeppy
Follow My Instagram - @Skeppy
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published: 24 Jun 2023
HOW TO IMPROVE - Strider | Wild rift
This is by far the fastest way to improve in wildrift to rank up to grand-master, and challenger if you’re serious about getting good. Try it once and you will fall in love with this method.
Support my work on patreon and for early access to the next guide
Wildrift guides. I’m planning on covering everything about baron lane, mid lane, jungle, bot lane and support.
If my videos do well then I will put more time into my channel. Still trying to figure out what type of content I want to specialise in. Hit me with some feedback lads. Thank you
published: 08 Jul 2022
Strider World Cup at USA BMX Great Lake Nationals - 6/9/12 - Davison, MI
Ready...Set...Stride! The STRIDER racers were small in number, but huge in skill, speed and enthusiasm! Thanks for coming out to the track in Davison!
published: 23 Aug 2012
Evolution of Strider - Minecraft Animation
Evolution of Strider - Minecraft Animation
#minecraft #animation #shorts
Autoconhecimento, positividade, nutrição, biohacking e alta performance. O Positive-se Bootcamp é um fim de semana para dar uma pausa e exercitar a positividade...
Autoconhecimento, positividade, nutrição, biohacking e alta performance. O Positive-se Bootcamp é um fim de semana para dar uma pausa e exercitar a positividade na sua vida. Voltado ao autoconhecimento, essa imersão é repleta de práticas terapêuticas tem o objetivo de aumentar os níveis de energia e permitir que os participantes possam atingir alta performance e descobrir o seu potencial de co-criação.
Além disso, o Positive-se tem o objetivo de permitir que se tenha uma vida mais próspera e abundante, com estratégias de monetização de lifestyle através das ferramentas digitais.
P.S.: Garanta sua vaga na 8ª turma do meu treinamento de autoconhecimento e desbloqueio de padrões negativos e ressignificação de comportamentos, com uma oferta única e especial:
Autoconhecimento, positividade, nutrição, biohacking e alta performance. O Positive-se Bootcamp é um fim de semana para dar uma pausa e exercitar a positividade na sua vida. Voltado ao autoconhecimento, essa imersão é repleta de práticas terapêuticas tem o objetivo de aumentar os níveis de energia e permitir que os participantes possam atingir alta performance e descobrir o seu potencial de co-criação.
Além disso, o Positive-se tem o objetivo de permitir que se tenha uma vida mais próspera e abundante, com estratégias de monetização de lifestyle através das ferramentas digitais.
P.S.: Garanta sua vaga na 8ª turma do meu treinamento de autoconhecimento e desbloqueio de padrões negativos e ressignificação de comportamentos, com uma oferta única e especial:
Played By: ScHlAuChi
Originally i wanted to do a run without helper robots, but that was to hard, so i deciced to do one without ...
Played By: ScHlAuChi
Originally i wanted to do a run without helper robots, but that was to hard, so i deciced to do one without ever losing health or getting hit.
Thats also the reason why i stay so long at the big metalballs, cause when you attack them right away they hurl you around, smash you into walls and you lose health. -
Disclaimer: Most videos by World of Longplays use SaveStates!
Played By: ScHlAuChi
Originally i wanted to do a run without helper robots, but that was to hard, so i deciced to do one without ever losing health or getting hit.
Thats also the reason why i stay so long at the big metalballs, cause when you attack them right away they hurl you around, smash you into walls and you lose health. -
Disclaimer: Most videos by World of Longplays use SaveStates!
Striders are extremely terrifying to look at, and deadlier than they look. I went to a post-Combine Earth to find out what I could about them.
I started Skyrio...
Striders are extremely terrifying to look at, and deadlier than they look. I went to a post-Combine Earth to find out what I could about them.
I started Skyrionn to go back and look at easter eggs and the little details in classic video games. From that, I’ve moved on to looking at timelines and lore in video games.
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Thanks to my Patrons!
-The Realm-
Mathias Croqvist
Sheev Palpatine
ZeroXP Podcast
-The Void-
Brunette Jnas
Imaginary Holly
Subscribe today!
Check out the playlist of episodes here to find out more interesting facts about the games you love!
Check out the timeline and lore episodes here!
Half-Life 2 OST - Lab Practicum
#HalfLife #Striders #Lore
Striders are extremely terrifying to look at, and deadlier than they look. I went to a post-Combine Earth to find out what I could about them.
I started Skyrionn to go back and look at easter eggs and the little details in classic video games. From that, I’ve moved on to looking at timelines and lore in video games.
Join the Discord Server!
Want to help support the channel on Patreon?
Thanks to my Patrons!
-The Realm-
Mathias Croqvist
Sheev Palpatine
ZeroXP Podcast
-The Void-
Brunette Jnas
Imaginary Holly
Subscribe today!
Check out the playlist of episodes here to find out more interesting facts about the games you love!
Check out the timeline and lore episodes here!
Half-Life 2 OST - Lab Practicum
#HalfLife #Striders #Lore
This is by far the fastest way to improve in wildrift to rank up to grand-master, and challenger if you’re serious about getting good. Try it once and you will ...
This is by far the fastest way to improve in wildrift to rank up to grand-master, and challenger if you’re serious about getting good. Try it once and you will fall in love with this method.
Support my work on patreon and for early access to the next guide
Wildrift guides. I’m planning on covering everything about baron lane, mid lane, jungle, bot lane and support.
If my videos do well then I will put more time into my channel. Still trying to figure out what type of content I want to specialise in. Hit me with some feedback lads. Thank you
This is by far the fastest way to improve in wildrift to rank up to grand-master, and challenger if you’re serious about getting good. Try it once and you will fall in love with this method.
Support my work on patreon and for early access to the next guide
Wildrift guides. I’m planning on covering everything about baron lane, mid lane, jungle, bot lane and support.
If my videos do well then I will put more time into my channel. Still trying to figure out what type of content I want to specialise in. Hit me with some feedback lads. Thank you
Ready...Set...Stride! The STRIDER racers were small in number, but huge in skill, speed and enthusiasm! Thanks for coming...
Ready...Set...Stride! The STRIDER racers were small in number, but huge in skill, speed and enthusiasm! Thanks for coming out to the track in Davison!
Ready...Set...Stride! The STRIDER racers were small in number, but huge in skill, speed and enthusiasm! Thanks for coming out to the track in Davison!
Autoconhecimento, positividade, nutrição, biohacking e alta performance. O Positive-se Bootcamp é um fim de semana para dar uma pausa e exercitar a positividade na sua vida. Voltado ao autoconhecimento, essa imersão é repleta de práticas terapêuticas tem o objetivo de aumentar os níveis de energia e permitir que os participantes possam atingir alta performance e descobrir o seu potencial de co-criação.
Além disso, o Positive-se tem o objetivo de permitir que se tenha uma vida mais próspera e abundante, com estratégias de monetização de lifestyle através das ferramentas digitais.
P.S.: Garanta sua vaga na 8ª turma do meu treinamento de autoconhecimento e desbloqueio de padrões negativos e ressignificação de comportamentos, com uma oferta única e especial:
Played By: ScHlAuChi
Originally i wanted to do a run without helper robots, but that was to hard, so i deciced to do one without ever losing health or getting hit.
Thats also the reason why i stay so long at the big metalballs, cause when you attack them right away they hurl you around, smash you into walls and you lose health. -
Disclaimer: Most videos by World of Longplays use SaveStates!
Striders are extremely terrifying to look at, and deadlier than they look. I went to a post-Combine Earth to find out what I could about them.
I started Skyrionn to go back and look at easter eggs and the little details in classic video games. From that, I’ve moved on to looking at timelines and lore in video games.
Join the Discord Server!
Want to help support the channel on Patreon?
Thanks to my Patrons!
-The Realm-
Mathias Croqvist
Sheev Palpatine
ZeroXP Podcast
-The Void-
Brunette Jnas
Imaginary Holly
Subscribe today!
Check out the playlist of episodes here to find out more interesting facts about the games you love!
Check out the timeline and lore episodes here!
Half-Life 2 OST - Lab Practicum
#HalfLife #Striders #Lore
This is by far the fastest way to improve in wildrift to rank up to grand-master, and challenger if you’re serious about getting good. Try it once and you will fall in love with this method.
Support my work on patreon and for early access to the next guide
Wildrift guides. I’m planning on covering everything about baron lane, mid lane, jungle, bot lane and support.
If my videos do well then I will put more time into my channel. Still trying to figure out what type of content I want to specialise in. Hit me with some feedback lads. Thank you
Ready...Set...Stride! The STRIDER racers were small in number, but huge in skill, speed and enthusiasm! Thanks for coming out to the track in Davison!