Stefan Uroš IV Dušan Nemanjić - Car Dušan Silni (1308-1355)
Стефан Урош IV Душан (1308. — 20. децембар 1355; владао 1331—1355) је био српски средњовековни владар, први српски цар и девети владар из династије Немањића. Био је син Стефана Дечанског и отац последњег владара из династије Немањића, Стефана Уроша V, познатог још и као Урош Нејаки.
На власт је дошао 1331. године након што је свргао са престола свог оца, Стефана Дечанског. Подржавала га је властела која је тежила новим походима и освајањима, па је Душан већ исте 1331. године предузео први поход који, међутим, није довео до значајнијих територијалних промена. После тога извео је више освајачких похода на рачун Византије користећи се често унутрашњим немирима у Византији. Значајно је проширио државну територију ка југу. Поред Византије сукобљавао се са Угарском која је имала освајачке прете...
published: 21 Dec 2014
Copyright: Radio-televizija Srbije
Zabranjeno svako kopiranje video i/ili audio snimaka i postavljanje na druge kanale!
published: 14 Jun 2018
NEMANJIC 1166-1371 # Serbian Medieval Dynasty Rulers
With your donations I can get more time to create and upload new videos.
Please support my channel and subscribe. Thanks. :)
NEMANJIC 1166-1371 # Serbian Medieval Dynasty Rulers
Grand Prince Stefan Nemanja 1166–1196
King Stefan the First-Crowned 1196-1228
King Stefan Radoslav 1228–1233
King Stefan Vladislav 1233–1243
King Stefan Uroš I 1243–1276
King Stefan Dragutin 1276–1282
King Stefan Uroš II Milutin 1282–1321
King Stefan Uroš III Dečanski 1321–1331
Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan 1331–1355
Emperor Stefan Uroš V 1355–1371
Владари српске династије Немањић 1166-1371
Велики жупан Стефан Немања (1166-1196)
Краљ Стефан Првовенчани (1196-1228)
Краљ Радослав (1228-1233)
Краљ Владислав (1233...
published: 03 Nov 2016
Stefan Dušan
Video Software we use: https://amzn.to/2KpdCQF
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Stefan Uroš IV Dušan ), known as Stefan Dušan, the Mighty , was the King of Serbia from 8 September 1331 and Emperor of the Serbs and Greeks from 16 April 1346 until his death.Dušan conquered a large part of southeast Europe, becoming one of the most powerful monarchs of the era.He enacted the constitution of the Serbian Empire, known as Dušan's Code, perhaps the most important literary work of medieval Serbia.Dušan promoted the Serbian Church from an archbishopric to a patriarchate, finished the construction of the Visoki Dečani monastery , and founded the Saint Archangels Monastery, among others.
About the autho...
published: 08 Aug 2016
Stefan Uroš V
Video Software we use: https://amzn.to/2KpdCQF
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Saint Stefan Uroš V , known in historiography as Uroš the Weak , was king of the Serbian Empire as co-regent of his father Stefan Uroš IV Dušan Silni and then Emperor .
About the author(s): Unknown
License: Public domain
This channel is dedicated to make Wikipedia, one of the biggest knowledge databases in the world available to people with limited vision.
Article available under a Creative Commons license
Image source in video
published: 20 Aug 2016
Stefan Uroš II Milutin Nemanjić
published: 08 May 2016
Стефан Урош I Немањић (Веронаука у кући)
Аутор серијала "Веронаука у кући" је Јован Лазаревић, професор Богословије Светог Саве у Београду.
published: 02 Jul 2018
Stefan Dušan's Revenge - 1
The Lazarus achievement, as Serbia using patch 1.17
Pretty slow start, but in retrospect I've had slower. Either way, my standing advice not to watch my content applies.
-- Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/inasnum_mitis
published: 06 Jun 2016
Srpski polijelej 1deo Serbian Orthodox music 1
Srpski polijelej-Pavle Aksentijevic
Serbian Orthodox Church song
I maked this video using chant(Srpski-polijelej)-song wich lenght is 15min and for video I used fottos of Serbian king dinasty starting with King Mihailo and Stefan Nemanja I (sent-Simeon) becouse of lenght you-tube didnt aproove upload so I had to upload two parts to have wholl chant with all Serbian rullers dinastys with there Churches and monasteries that they builded
Firts ruller of Serbia was Viseslav Vlastimirovic -in year 780 followed by others from House of Vlastimirovic :
Višeslav, ( 780)
Radoslav, (8th.9th.century)
Prosigoj,(?822-?836),son of Radoslav
Vlastimir, (?836-862),son of Prosigoj
Mutimir, (862-891),son of Vlastimir
Pribislav Mutimirović,(891-892),son of Mutimir
published: 31 Aug 2008
The Serbs, all about us
Short Video History.
Dedicated to Serb-haters.
With love.
1. The Ruins of the Djurdjevi Stupovi Monastery, the endowment of the Great Zupan (ruler) Stefan Nemanja
2. Great Zupan (ruler) Stefan Nemanja (1109 13 February 1199) a Medieval Serb nobleman, descended from the Vukanović who was Grand Prince of the medieval Serb state of Rascia (Рашка) from 1166 to 1199
3. Kulin ban, (1163 1204), Ban (Viceroy) of Bosnia. He had a son, Stevan; who succeeded him as Ban of Bosnia.
4. Matej ban Ninoslav, son of Radivoj, (died 1250) - Edicts to Dubrovnik
Ban of Bosnia (Viceroy - 1232-1250), and Prince of Split. Ninoslav continually defended Bosnia from the western Crusaders.
5. Stephen II Kotromanić of Bosnia - Edicts to Dubrovnik, nicknamed the Devils Student was a Ban of Bosnia from 1314,...
published: 01 Nov 2008
Un dia como hoy Zar Dusan
En un día como hoy, 16 de abril de 1346, en domingo de resurrección, el gobernante serbio Stefan Dušan fue coronado como zar de los serbios y griegos en la fortaleza de Kale en Skopie, antigua capital de Serbia y hoy la capital de Macedonia.
published: 17 Apr 2018
Serbian Dynasty
Rulers of medieval Serbian states
Vlastimirović Dynasty or House of Vlastimirović(i) (ca. 640 - ca. 950)
Unknown archont/knez (prince), died in 680
Heraclius (610-41),
Svevlad (different dynasty?), ruled up to 660
Selimir (different dynasty?), ruled 679-680
Vladin, ruled up to 700
Ratimir, ruled until 730
Knez Višeslav (great grandson of unknown archont/knez who died in 680), around 780
Knez Radoslav (son of Višeslav)
Knez Prosigoj (son of Radoslav)
Knez Vlastimir (son of Prosigoj) ruled around 850 or only up to 825 according to some, founder of Vlastimirović dynasty. Vlastimir had three sons and one daughter. His daughter married knez Krajina, son of Beloje, župan of Travunija (Trabounia). Each son had his own domain, but Mutimir the eldest was the supreme ruler, his...
published: 13 Dec 2009
Stefan Uroš IV Dušan Nemanjić - Car Dušan Silni (1308-1355)
Стефан Урош IV Душан (1308. — 20. децембар 1355; владао 1331—1355) је био српски средњовековни владар, први српски цар и девети владар из династије Немањића. Би...
Стефан Урош IV Душан (1308. — 20. децембар 1355; владао 1331—1355) је био српски средњовековни владар, први српски цар и девети владар из династије Немањића. Био је син Стефана Дечанског и отац последњег владара из династије Немањића, Стефана Уроша V, познатог још и као Урош Нејаки.
На власт је дошао 1331. године након што је свргао са престола свог оца, Стефана Дечанског. Подржавала га је властела која је тежила новим походима и освајањима, па је Душан већ исте 1331. године предузео први поход који, међутим, није довео до значајнијих територијалних промена. После тога извео је више освајачких похода на рачун Византије користећи се често унутрашњим немирима у Византији. Значајно је проширио државну територију ка југу. Поред Византије сукобљавао се са Угарском која је имала освајачке претензије на српске територије али и са Босном око Захумља. Пошто је освојио добар део византијских територија крунисао се за цара а српску цркву је уздигао на ранг патријаршије што ће касније довести до црквеног сукоба између Цариграда и Србије.
Поред освајачке значајна је и његова законодавна делатност. Најзначајнији споменик ове делатности је Душанов законик који је решавао правну проблематику насталу у новим условима Српског царства и који се добром делом ослања на византијско право уз строго поштовање старијих законских аката. Стефан Душан је био и ктитор. Завршио је задужбину свога оца манастир Дечане а најзначајнија његова задужбина где је био и његов гроб био је манастир Светих Архангела код Призрена.
Стефан Урош IV Душан (1308. — 20. децембар 1355; владао 1331—1355) је био српски средњовековни владар, први српски цар и девети владар из династије Немањића. Био је син Стефана Дечанског и отац последњег владара из династије Немањића, Стефана Уроша V, познатог још и као Урош Нејаки.
На власт је дошао 1331. године након што је свргао са престола свог оца, Стефана Дечанског. Подржавала га је властела која је тежила новим походима и освајањима, па је Душан већ исте 1331. године предузео први поход који, међутим, није довео до значајнијих територијалних промена. После тога извео је више освајачких похода на рачун Византије користећи се често унутрашњим немирима у Византији. Значајно је проширио државну територију ка југу. Поред Византије сукобљавао се са Угарском која је имала освајачке претензије на српске територије али и са Босном око Захумља. Пошто је освојио добар део византијских територија крунисао се за цара а српску цркву је уздигао на ранг патријаршије што ће касније довести до црквеног сукоба између Цариграда и Србије.
Поред освајачке значајна је и његова законодавна делатност. Најзначајнији споменик ове делатности је Душанов законик који је решавао правну проблематику насталу у новим условима Српског царства и који се добром делом ослања на византијско право уз строго поштовање старијих законских аката. Стефан Душан је био и ктитор. Завршио је задужбину свога оца манастир Дечане а најзначајнија његова задужбина где је био и његов гроб био је манастир Светих Архангела код Призрена.
- published: 21 Dec 2014
- views: 11272
Copyright: Radio-televizija Srbije
Zabranjeno svako kopiranje video i/ili audio snimaka i postavljanje na druge kanale!
Copyright: Radio-televizija Srbije
Zabranjeno svako kopiranje video i/ili audio snimaka i postavljanje na druge kanale!
Copyright: Radio-televizija Srbije
Zabranjeno svako kopiranje video i/ili audio snimaka i postavljanje na druge kanale!
- published: 14 Jun 2018
- views: 59
NEMANJIC 1166-1371 # Serbian Medieval Dynasty Rulers
With your donations I can get more time to create and upload new videos.
Please support my channel and subscribe. Thanks. :)
With your donations I can get more time to create and upload new videos.
Please support my channel and subscribe. Thanks. :)
NEMANJIC 1166-1371 # Serbian Medieval Dynasty Rulers
Grand Prince Stefan Nemanja 1166–1196
King Stefan the First-Crowned 1196-1228
King Stefan Radoslav 1228–1233
King Stefan Vladislav 1233–1243
King Stefan Uroš I 1243–1276
King Stefan Dragutin 1276–1282
King Stefan Uroš II Milutin 1282–1321
King Stefan Uroš III Dečanski 1321–1331
Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan 1331–1355
Emperor Stefan Uroš V 1355–1371
Владари српске династије Немањић 1166-1371
Велики жупан Стефан Немања (1166-1196)
Краљ Стефан Првовенчани (1196-1228)
Краљ Радослав (1228-1233)
Краљ Владислав (1233-1243)
Краљ Стефан Урош I (1243-1276)
Краљ Стефан Драгутин (1276-1282)
Краљ Стефан Урош II Милутин (1282-1321)
Краљ Стефан Урош III Дечански (1321-1331)
Цар Стефан Урош IV Душан (1331-1355)
Цар Стефан Урош V (1355-1371)
With your donations I can get more time to create and upload new videos.
Please support my channel and subscribe. Thanks. :)
NEMANJIC 1166-1371 # Serbian Medieval Dynasty Rulers
Grand Prince Stefan Nemanja 1166–1196
King Stefan the First-Crowned 1196-1228
King Stefan Radoslav 1228–1233
King Stefan Vladislav 1233–1243
King Stefan Uroš I 1243–1276
King Stefan Dragutin 1276–1282
King Stefan Uroš II Milutin 1282–1321
King Stefan Uroš III Dečanski 1321–1331
Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan 1331–1355
Emperor Stefan Uroš V 1355–1371
Владари српске династије Немањић 1166-1371
Велики жупан Стефан Немања (1166-1196)
Краљ Стефан Првовенчани (1196-1228)
Краљ Радослав (1228-1233)
Краљ Владислав (1233-1243)
Краљ Стефан Урош I (1243-1276)
Краљ Стефан Драгутин (1276-1282)
Краљ Стефан Урош II Милутин (1282-1321)
Краљ Стефан Урош III Дечански (1321-1331)
Цар Стефан Урош IV Душан (1331-1355)
Цар Стефан Урош V (1355-1371)
- published: 03 Nov 2016
- views: 8603
Stefan Dušan
Video Software we use: https://amzn.to/2KpdCQF
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Stefan Uroš IV Duša...
Video Software we use: https://amzn.to/2KpdCQF
Ad-free videos.
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Stefan Uroš IV Dušan ), known as Stefan Dušan, the Mighty , was the King of Serbia from 8 September 1331 and Emperor of the Serbs and Greeks from 16 April 1346 until his death.Dušan conquered a large part of southeast Europe, becoming one of the most powerful monarchs of the era.He enacted the constitution of the Serbian Empire, known as Dušan's Code, perhaps the most important literary work of medieval Serbia.Dušan promoted the Serbian Church from an archbishopric to a patriarchate, finished the construction of the Visoki Dečani monastery , and founded the Saint Archangels Monastery, among others.
About the author(s): XIV century serbian painter
License: Public domain
This channel is dedicated to make Wikipedia, one of the biggest knowledge databases in the world available to people with limited vision.
Article available under a Creative Commons license
Image source in video
Video Software we use: https://amzn.to/2KpdCQF
Ad-free videos.
You can support us by purchasing something through our Amazon-Url, thanks :)
Stefan Uroš IV Dušan ), known as Stefan Dušan, the Mighty , was the King of Serbia from 8 September 1331 and Emperor of the Serbs and Greeks from 16 April 1346 until his death.Dušan conquered a large part of southeast Europe, becoming one of the most powerful monarchs of the era.He enacted the constitution of the Serbian Empire, known as Dušan's Code, perhaps the most important literary work of medieval Serbia.Dušan promoted the Serbian Church from an archbishopric to a patriarchate, finished the construction of the Visoki Dečani monastery , and founded the Saint Archangels Monastery, among others.
About the author(s): XIV century serbian painter
License: Public domain
This channel is dedicated to make Wikipedia, one of the biggest knowledge databases in the world available to people with limited vision.
Article available under a Creative Commons license
Image source in video
- published: 08 Aug 2016
- views: 516
Stefan Uroš V
Video Software we use: https://amzn.to/2KpdCQF
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Saint Stefan Uroš V...
Video Software we use: https://amzn.to/2KpdCQF
Ad-free videos.
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Saint Stefan Uroš V , known in historiography as Uroš the Weak , was king of the Serbian Empire as co-regent of his father Stefan Uroš IV Dušan Silni and then Emperor .
About the author(s): Unknown
License: Public domain
This channel is dedicated to make Wikipedia, one of the biggest knowledge databases in the world available to people with limited vision.
Article available under a Creative Commons license
Image source in video
Video Software we use: https://amzn.to/2KpdCQF
Ad-free videos.
You can support us by purchasing something through our Amazon-Url, thanks :)
Saint Stefan Uroš V , known in historiography as Uroš the Weak , was king of the Serbian Empire as co-regent of his father Stefan Uroš IV Dušan Silni and then Emperor .
About the author(s): Unknown
License: Public domain
This channel is dedicated to make Wikipedia, one of the biggest knowledge databases in the world available to people with limited vision.
Article available under a Creative Commons license
Image source in video
- published: 20 Aug 2016
- views: 138
Стефан Урош I Немањић (Веронаука у кући)
Аутор серијала "Веронаука у кући" је Јован Лазаревић, професор Богословије Светог Саве у Београду.
Аутор серијала "Веронаука у кући" је Јован Лазаревић, професор Богословије Светог Саве у Београду.
Аутор серијала "Веронаука у кући" је Јован Лазаревић, професор Богословије Светог Саве у Београду.
- published: 02 Jul 2018
- views: 6536
Stefan Dušan's Revenge - 1
The Lazarus achievement, as Serbia using patch 1.17
Pretty slow start, but in retrospect I've had slower. Either way, my standing advice not to watch my conte...
The Lazarus achievement, as Serbia using patch 1.17
Pretty slow start, but in retrospect I've had slower. Either way, my standing advice not to watch my content applies.
-- Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/inasnum_mitis
The Lazarus achievement, as Serbia using patch 1.17
Pretty slow start, but in retrospect I've had slower. Either way, my standing advice not to watch my content applies.
-- Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/inasnum_mitis
- published: 06 Jun 2016
- views: 641
Srpski polijelej 1deo Serbian Orthodox music 1
Srpski polijelej-Pavle Aksentijevic
Serbian Orthodox Church song
I maked this video using chant(Srpski-polijelej)-song wich lenght is 15min and for video I u...
Srpski polijelej-Pavle Aksentijevic
Serbian Orthodox Church song
I maked this video using chant(Srpski-polijelej)-song wich lenght is 15min and for video I used fottos of Serbian king dinasty starting with King Mihailo and Stefan Nemanja I (sent-Simeon) becouse of lenght you-tube didnt aproove upload so I had to upload two parts to have wholl chant with all Serbian rullers dinastys with there Churches and monasteries that they builded
Firts ruller of Serbia was Viseslav Vlastimirovic -in year 780 followed by others from House of Vlastimirovic :
Višeslav, ( 780)
Radoslav, (8th.9th.century)
Prosigoj,(?822-?836),son of Radoslav
Vlastimir, (?836-862),son of Prosigoj
Mutimir, (862-891),son of Vlastimir
Pribislav Mutimirović,(891-892),son of Mutimir
Petar Gojniković,(892-917), Mutimirs brother Gojnika
Pavle Branović,(917-923),grandson of Mutimir,son of Brana
Zaharija Pribislavljević,graeth-župan (923-924),son of Pribislav
Časlav Klonimirović,(927-950)
House of Vojisavjlevic(970-1081)
House of Vukanovic:
Vukan (1083/84 - 1112)
Marko (1083/84- ?)
Uroš I, (1112 -1145)moust-probablly son of Marko;
Uroš II Primislav (1145-1162),eldest son of Uroš I;
Beloš,midle son of Uroš I;
Desa,yongest son of Uroš I;
House of Nemanjic :
Stefan Nemanja also Stefan I, Nemanja (ca 1166-1199)
Vukan II Nemanjić (1196 - 1208)
Stefan Prvovenčani (Stefan the Firstcrowned) also Stefan II, Nemanja (1199- 1228), eldest son of Stefan Nemanja
Đorđe Nemanjić (1208 - 1243), Ruler of Zeta
Stefan Radoslav (1228 - 1233)
Stefan Vladislav I (1234 - 1243)
Stefan Uroš I (1243 - 1276)
Stefan Dragutin (1276 - 1282)
Stefan (Uroš II) Milutin (1282 - 1321)
Stefan Vladislav II (1321 - about 1325)
Stefan (Uroš III) Dečanski (1321 - 1331)
Stefan (Uroš IV) Dušan (Dušan the Mighty) (1331 - 1355), King of Serbia (1331 - 1346); Tsar of Serbs and Greeks (1346 - 1355)
Stefan Uroš V (Uroš the Weak) (1355 - 1371), tsar
Tsar Simeon-Siniša of Epirus (1359 -1370), son of Stefan Uroš III and the Greek Princess
Tsar Jovan Uroš of Epirus (1370 - 1373), son of Simeon-Siniša; is the very last ruler of Epirus
The current Royal House of Serbia, the Karađorđević dynasty, regards itself as the successor of the House of Nemanjić.
House of Hrebeljanovic:
Lazar Hrebeljanović (1371-1389)
Stefan Lazarević (1389-1427)
House of Brankovic:
Vuk Branković
Đurađ Branković (1427-1456)
Lazar Branković (1456-1458)
Stefan Branković (1458-1459)
Meny Churches and Monasteries that were billd by Nemanic dinasty on SERBIAN KOSOVO AND METOHIA are destroyed by albanians -one example is Monasery of Saint Mihail in Prizren build in time of Tsar Dusan (Uros-IV)
Srpski polijelej-Pavle Aksentijevic
Serbian Orthodox Church song
I maked this video using chant(Srpski-polijelej)-song wich lenght is 15min and for video I used fottos of Serbian king dinasty starting with King Mihailo and Stefan Nemanja I (sent-Simeon) becouse of lenght you-tube didnt aproove upload so I had to upload two parts to have wholl chant with all Serbian rullers dinastys with there Churches and monasteries that they builded
Firts ruller of Serbia was Viseslav Vlastimirovic -in year 780 followed by others from House of Vlastimirovic :
Višeslav, ( 780)
Radoslav, (8th.9th.century)
Prosigoj,(?822-?836),son of Radoslav
Vlastimir, (?836-862),son of Prosigoj
Mutimir, (862-891),son of Vlastimir
Pribislav Mutimirović,(891-892),son of Mutimir
Petar Gojniković,(892-917), Mutimirs brother Gojnika
Pavle Branović,(917-923),grandson of Mutimir,son of Brana
Zaharija Pribislavljević,graeth-župan (923-924),son of Pribislav
Časlav Klonimirović,(927-950)
House of Vojisavjlevic(970-1081)
House of Vukanovic:
Vukan (1083/84 - 1112)
Marko (1083/84- ?)
Uroš I, (1112 -1145)moust-probablly son of Marko;
Uroš II Primislav (1145-1162),eldest son of Uroš I;
Beloš,midle son of Uroš I;
Desa,yongest son of Uroš I;
House of Nemanjic :
Stefan Nemanja also Stefan I, Nemanja (ca 1166-1199)
Vukan II Nemanjić (1196 - 1208)
Stefan Prvovenčani (Stefan the Firstcrowned) also Stefan II, Nemanja (1199- 1228), eldest son of Stefan Nemanja
Đorđe Nemanjić (1208 - 1243), Ruler of Zeta
Stefan Radoslav (1228 - 1233)
Stefan Vladislav I (1234 - 1243)
Stefan Uroš I (1243 - 1276)
Stefan Dragutin (1276 - 1282)
Stefan (Uroš II) Milutin (1282 - 1321)
Stefan Vladislav II (1321 - about 1325)
Stefan (Uroš III) Dečanski (1321 - 1331)
Stefan (Uroš IV) Dušan (Dušan the Mighty) (1331 - 1355), King of Serbia (1331 - 1346); Tsar of Serbs and Greeks (1346 - 1355)
Stefan Uroš V (Uroš the Weak) (1355 - 1371), tsar
Tsar Simeon-Siniša of Epirus (1359 -1370), son of Stefan Uroš III and the Greek Princess
Tsar Jovan Uroš of Epirus (1370 - 1373), son of Simeon-Siniša; is the very last ruler of Epirus
The current Royal House of Serbia, the Karađorđević dynasty, regards itself as the successor of the House of Nemanjić.
House of Hrebeljanovic:
Lazar Hrebeljanović (1371-1389)
Stefan Lazarević (1389-1427)
House of Brankovic:
Vuk Branković
Đurađ Branković (1427-1456)
Lazar Branković (1456-1458)
Stefan Branković (1458-1459)
Meny Churches and Monasteries that were billd by Nemanic dinasty on SERBIAN KOSOVO AND METOHIA are destroyed by albanians -one example is Monasery of Saint Mihail in Prizren build in time of Tsar Dusan (Uros-IV)
- published: 31 Aug 2008
- views: 93246
The Serbs, all about us
Short Video History.
Dedicated to Serb-haters.
With love.
1. The Ruins of the Djurdjevi Stupovi Monastery, the endowment of the Great Zupan (ruler) Stefan ...
Short Video History.
Dedicated to Serb-haters.
With love.
1. The Ruins of the Djurdjevi Stupovi Monastery, the endowment of the Great Zupan (ruler) Stefan Nemanja
2. Great Zupan (ruler) Stefan Nemanja (1109 13 February 1199) a Medieval Serb nobleman, descended from the Vukanović who was Grand Prince of the medieval Serb state of Rascia (Рашка) from 1166 to 1199
3. Kulin ban, (1163 1204), Ban (Viceroy) of Bosnia. He had a son, Stevan; who succeeded him as Ban of Bosnia.
4. Matej ban Ninoslav, son of Radivoj, (died 1250) - Edicts to Dubrovnik
Ban of Bosnia (Viceroy - 1232-1250), and Prince of Split. Ninoslav continually defended Bosnia from the western Crusaders.
5. Stephen II Kotromanić of Bosnia - Edicts to Dubrovnik, nicknamed the Devils Student was a Ban of Bosnia from 1314, but in reality from 1322 to 1353 together with his brother, Prince Vladislav in 1326-1353.
6. Saint Archbishop Sava (1175 - January 14, 1235), originally the prince Rastko Nemanjić (son of the Serbian ruler and founder of the Serbian medieval state Stefan Nemanja and brother of Stefan Prvovenčani, first Serbian king), is the first Archbishop of Serbia (1219-1233), the most important saint in the Serbian Orthodox Church
7. Stefan IV Dušan (c.1308 20 December 1355), called Silni ("the Mighty"), was the King of Serbia (from 8 September 1331) and Emperor (Tsar) of the Serbs and Greeks (from 16 April 1345).
8. Stefan (Stephen) Tvrtko I,(1353 - 1391) "King of Serbs, Bosnia and the Seacoast"
9. Knez Lazar (Стефан Лазар), Tzar Lazar Hrebeljanović, or Knez Lazar (1329 June 28, 1389, Gregorian Calendar), also known as "Tsar Lazar", was a Serbian noble who fought and perished at the Battle of Kosovo, to which his name and life are inextricably tied. He is a heroic figure in Serbia, and a saint of the Serbian Orthodox Church.
10. "Kosovka devojka" (Kosovo Maiden), the famous painting by Uroš Predić (1857 - 1953)
11. "The Turks burned St. Sava's bones, Uroš Predić
12. "Refugees of Herzegovina", Uroš Predić
13. Karađorđe Petrović,(November 3, 1768? July 24, 1817) was the leader of the First Serbian Uprising against the Ottoman Empire, and the founder of the Serbian House of Karađorđević.
14. Petar II Petrović-Njegoš (1813-1851), was a Serb's Orthodox Prince-Bishop (Владика, Vladika) of Montenegro and a ruler who transformed Montenegro from a theocracy into a secular state. However, he is most famous as a poet and is considered by many to be among the greatest poets of the Serb's language.
15. Jovan Dučić (1871-1943), was a famous Serb's poet, writer and diplomat.
He was born in Trebinje in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
16. Aleksa Šantić,(1857-1953) Serb's poet from Bosnia and Herzegovina.
He was born, brought up, lived most his life, and died in Mostar.
17. Milutin Milanković (1879 - 1958), Serbian civil engineer and geophysicist, best known for his theory of ice ages, relating variations of the Earth's orbit and long-term climate change, now known as Milankovitch cycles. One planet, 1605 Milankovitch, named by him.
18. Mihajlo Idvorski Pupin (Michael I. Pupin, 1858-1935), Serbian physicist and physical chemist.
19. Stevan Stojanović Mokranjac (1856-1914), one of the most famous Serbian composers and music educators of the nineteenth century.
20. Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), scientist, inventor, mechanical and electrical engineer. Tesla was born to Serb's parents in the village of Smiljan, near the town of Gospić, Lika, Military Frontier (Vojna Krajina), Austrian Empire.
21. Živojin Mišić (1855-1921), was a Vojvoda (Field Marshal) and the most successful Serbian commander who participated in all Serbia's wars from 1876 to 1918.
22. Ivo Andrić (1892-1975) was a novelist, short story writer,
and the 1961 winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature ("The Bridge on the Drina" and "Bosnian Chronicle")
23. Meša Selimović (1910, Tuzla -1982, Beograd), one of the greatest 20th century novelists
24. Dragan Stojkovic Piksi (Nis, 1965), football legend.
25. Ana Ivanović (Beograd, 1987), Serbian tennis player.
26. Novak Djokovic (Beograd, 1987), Serbian tennis player.
27. Milorad Čavić (Anaheim, California, 1984), Serbian swimmer. A citizen of both, the United States and Serbia.
28. Nikola Grbić (Klek, 1973), volleyball legend
29. Emir Kusturica (Sarajevo, 1954), filmmaker, actor and musician
30. Zdravko Čolić (Sarajevo, 1951), famous singer, popular across the entire area of former Yugoslavia.
31. Goran Bregović (Sarajevo, 1950), musician and the most recognizable modern composers of the Balkans.
Short Video History.
Dedicated to Serb-haters.
With love.
1. The Ruins of the Djurdjevi Stupovi Monastery, the endowment of the Great Zupan (ruler) Stefan Nemanja
2. Great Zupan (ruler) Stefan Nemanja (1109 13 February 1199) a Medieval Serb nobleman, descended from the Vukanović who was Grand Prince of the medieval Serb state of Rascia (Рашка) from 1166 to 1199
3. Kulin ban, (1163 1204), Ban (Viceroy) of Bosnia. He had a son, Stevan; who succeeded him as Ban of Bosnia.
4. Matej ban Ninoslav, son of Radivoj, (died 1250) - Edicts to Dubrovnik
Ban of Bosnia (Viceroy - 1232-1250), and Prince of Split. Ninoslav continually defended Bosnia from the western Crusaders.
5. Stephen II Kotromanić of Bosnia - Edicts to Dubrovnik, nicknamed the Devils Student was a Ban of Bosnia from 1314, but in reality from 1322 to 1353 together with his brother, Prince Vladislav in 1326-1353.
6. Saint Archbishop Sava (1175 - January 14, 1235), originally the prince Rastko Nemanjić (son of the Serbian ruler and founder of the Serbian medieval state Stefan Nemanja and brother of Stefan Prvovenčani, first Serbian king), is the first Archbishop of Serbia (1219-1233), the most important saint in the Serbian Orthodox Church
7. Stefan IV Dušan (c.1308 20 December 1355), called Silni ("the Mighty"), was the King of Serbia (from 8 September 1331) and Emperor (Tsar) of the Serbs and Greeks (from 16 April 1345).
8. Stefan (Stephen) Tvrtko I,(1353 - 1391) "King of Serbs, Bosnia and the Seacoast"
9. Knez Lazar (Стефан Лазар), Tzar Lazar Hrebeljanović, or Knez Lazar (1329 June 28, 1389, Gregorian Calendar), also known as "Tsar Lazar", was a Serbian noble who fought and perished at the Battle of Kosovo, to which his name and life are inextricably tied. He is a heroic figure in Serbia, and a saint of the Serbian Orthodox Church.
10. "Kosovka devojka" (Kosovo Maiden), the famous painting by Uroš Predić (1857 - 1953)
11. "The Turks burned St. Sava's bones, Uroš Predić
12. "Refugees of Herzegovina", Uroš Predić
13. Karađorđe Petrović,(November 3, 1768? July 24, 1817) was the leader of the First Serbian Uprising against the Ottoman Empire, and the founder of the Serbian House of Karađorđević.
14. Petar II Petrović-Njegoš (1813-1851), was a Serb's Orthodox Prince-Bishop (Владика, Vladika) of Montenegro and a ruler who transformed Montenegro from a theocracy into a secular state. However, he is most famous as a poet and is considered by many to be among the greatest poets of the Serb's language.
15. Jovan Dučić (1871-1943), was a famous Serb's poet, writer and diplomat.
He was born in Trebinje in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
16. Aleksa Šantić,(1857-1953) Serb's poet from Bosnia and Herzegovina.
He was born, brought up, lived most his life, and died in Mostar.
17. Milutin Milanković (1879 - 1958), Serbian civil engineer and geophysicist, best known for his theory of ice ages, relating variations of the Earth's orbit and long-term climate change, now known as Milankovitch cycles. One planet, 1605 Milankovitch, named by him.
18. Mihajlo Idvorski Pupin (Michael I. Pupin, 1858-1935), Serbian physicist and physical chemist.
19. Stevan Stojanović Mokranjac (1856-1914), one of the most famous Serbian composers and music educators of the nineteenth century.
20. Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), scientist, inventor, mechanical and electrical engineer. Tesla was born to Serb's parents in the village of Smiljan, near the town of Gospić, Lika, Military Frontier (Vojna Krajina), Austrian Empire.
21. Živojin Mišić (1855-1921), was a Vojvoda (Field Marshal) and the most successful Serbian commander who participated in all Serbia's wars from 1876 to 1918.
22. Ivo Andrić (1892-1975) was a novelist, short story writer,
and the 1961 winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature ("The Bridge on the Drina" and "Bosnian Chronicle")
23. Meša Selimović (1910, Tuzla -1982, Beograd), one of the greatest 20th century novelists
24. Dragan Stojkovic Piksi (Nis, 1965), football legend.
25. Ana Ivanović (Beograd, 1987), Serbian tennis player.
26. Novak Djokovic (Beograd, 1987), Serbian tennis player.
27. Milorad Čavić (Anaheim, California, 1984), Serbian swimmer. A citizen of both, the United States and Serbia.
28. Nikola Grbić (Klek, 1973), volleyball legend
29. Emir Kusturica (Sarajevo, 1954), filmmaker, actor and musician
30. Zdravko Čolić (Sarajevo, 1951), famous singer, popular across the entire area of former Yugoslavia.
31. Goran Bregović (Sarajevo, 1950), musician and the most recognizable modern composers of the Balkans.
- published: 01 Nov 2008
- views: 72219
Un dia como hoy Zar Dusan
En un día como hoy, 16 de abril de 1346, en domingo de resurrección, el gobernante serbio Stefan Dušan fue coronado como zar de los serbios y griegos en la for...
En un día como hoy, 16 de abril de 1346, en domingo de resurrección, el gobernante serbio Stefan Dušan fue coronado como zar de los serbios y griegos en la fortaleza de Kale en Skopie, antigua capital de Serbia y hoy la capital de Macedonia.
En un día como hoy, 16 de abril de 1346, en domingo de resurrección, el gobernante serbio Stefan Dušan fue coronado como zar de los serbios y griegos en la fortaleza de Kale en Skopie, antigua capital de Serbia y hoy la capital de Macedonia.
- published: 17 Apr 2018
- views: 49
Serbian Dynasty
Rulers of medieval Serbian states
Vlastimirović Dynasty or House of Vlastimirović(i) (ca. 640 - ca. 950)
Unknown archont/knez (prince), died in 680
Rulers of medieval Serbian states
Vlastimirović Dynasty or House of Vlastimirović(i) (ca. 640 - ca. 950)
Unknown archont/knez (prince), died in 680
Heraclius (610-41),
Svevlad (different dynasty?), ruled up to 660
Selimir (different dynasty?), ruled 679-680
Vladin, ruled up to 700
Ratimir, ruled until 730
Knez Višeslav (great grandson of unknown archont/knez who died in 680), around 780
Knez Radoslav (son of Višeslav)
Knez Prosigoj (son of Radoslav)
Knez Vlastimir (son of Prosigoj) ruled around 850 or only up to 825 according to some, founder of Vlastimirović dynasty. Vlastimir had three sons and one daughter. His daughter married knez Krajina, son of Beloje, župan of Travunija (Trabounia). Each son had his own domain, but Mutimir the eldest was the supreme ruler, his two brothers being subjugated (vassals) to him. The brothers successfully fought off a Bulgar onslaught by khan Boris in 852. Later, the two youngest brother rebelled against Mutimir who as a punishment let Bulgar khan Boris subjugate them.
Knez Mutimir ruled from the second half of 9th century to his death in 891 or 892
Strojimir (vassal to elder brother Mutimir, later under Bulgar khan Boris)
Gojnik (vassal to brother Mutimir, later under khan Boris)
Knez Pribislav (son of Mutimir), born latest 867, ruled 891/2-892/3
Bran (Boren) (younger brother of Pribislav, son of Mutimir), born by 867, pretender to the thron 895/6
Stefan (youngest brother of Pribislav and Bran, son of Mutimir), born ca. 870
Knez Petar Gojniković (son of Gojnik, grandson of Vlastimir), born ca. 870, ruled 892/3-917/8, captured by Bulgars, died as their prisonner
Knez Pavle Branović (son of Bran/Boren, grandson of Mutimir), ruled 917/8-921, brought to the throne by the Bulgars, brought down by Byzantines
Knez Zaharije Pribisavljević (son of Pribislav, grandson of Mutimir), ruled 921-924 (brought to the throne by the Byzantines, removed by the Bulgars)
924-927 Serb throne held by Bulgars, period of Bulgar rule
Knez/Zupan Časlav Klonimirović (son of Klonimir, grandson of Strojimir), ruled 927/8-ca. 950: Liberated the central Serbian tribes from Bulgarian empire.
950-1050 Byzantine rule
Vojisavljević Dynasty or House of Vojislavljević(i) (ca 1050- ca 1160)
Grand Župan (possibly even king?) Mihajlo of Zeta (Michael) (1050/1155-1080), born after 1042: maintained Serb independence from Byzantine empire. Possibly received the title of king (and crown) from Pope Gregory VII though it is still an issue of debate.
King Konstantin Bodin, son of Mihajlo, ruled 1180-1101
King Dobroslav, younger brother of Konstantin Bodin
King Đorđe, son of Konstantin
Nemanjić Dynasty or House of Nemanjić(i) (ca 1166-1371)
Uros, Župan of Rassa from about 1120
Tihomir (ca 1166-1167)
joint rule of Tihomir, Stefan Nemanja (son of Uros), Stracimir and Miroslav (ca 1168-1171)
Vukan, son of Nemanja, ruled the coastal regions of cities Antivari (Bar) and Cattaro (Kotor), cf. Duklja
Stefan Nemanja also Stefan I, Nemanja (ca 1171-1196)
Stefan Prvovenčani also Stefan II, Nemanja (1196- 1228), eldest son of Stefan Nemanja
Stefan Radoslav (1228 - 1234)
Stefan Vladislav I (1234 - 1243)
Stefan Uros I (1243 - 1276)
Stefan Dragutin (1276 - 1282)
Stefan (Uros II) Milutin (1282 - 1321)
Stefan Vladislav II (1321 - about 1325)
Stefan (Uros III) Decanski (1321 - 1331)
Stefan (Uros IV) Dušan (1331 - 1355), self-proclaimed Tzar in 1346.
Stefan Uroš V (1355 - 1371)
House of Lazarević(i) (1371-1427)
Lazar Hrebeljanović (1371-1389)
Stefan Lazarević (1389-1427)
House of Branković(i) (1427-1459)
Djuradj Branković (1427-1456)
Lazar Branković (1456-1458)
Stefan Branković (1458-1459)
Stefan Tomašević (1459)
Rulers of modern Serbian states
House of Obrenović(i) (1815-1842, 1858-1903)
Miloš Obrenović (1815-1839, 1858-1860)
Milan I (III) (June 13 1839 - July 9 1839)
Michael (Mihailo) (july 9 1839 - September 6 1842, Sepetember 26 1860 - July 10 1868)
Milan II (IV) (July 11 1868 - Match 6 1889)
Aleksandar Obrenović (1889-1903)
House of Karadjordjevic (1842-1858, 1903-1945)
Aleksandar (I) Karageorgević (September 14 1842 - December 23 1858)
Petar I (July 2 1903 - November 30 1918)
See also
Rulers of Montenegro
Rulers of medieval Serbian states
Vlastimirović Dynasty or House of Vlastimirović(i) (ca. 640 - ca. 950)
Unknown archont/knez (prince), died in 680
Heraclius (610-41),
Svevlad (different dynasty?), ruled up to 660
Selimir (different dynasty?), ruled 679-680
Vladin, ruled up to 700
Ratimir, ruled until 730
Knez Višeslav (great grandson of unknown archont/knez who died in 680), around 780
Knez Radoslav (son of Višeslav)
Knez Prosigoj (son of Radoslav)
Knez Vlastimir (son of Prosigoj) ruled around 850 or only up to 825 according to some, founder of Vlastimirović dynasty. Vlastimir had three sons and one daughter. His daughter married knez Krajina, son of Beloje, župan of Travunija (Trabounia). Each son had his own domain, but Mutimir the eldest was the supreme ruler, his two brothers being subjugated (vassals) to him. The brothers successfully fought off a Bulgar onslaught by khan Boris in 852. Later, the two youngest brother rebelled against Mutimir who as a punishment let Bulgar khan Boris subjugate them.
Knez Mutimir ruled from the second half of 9th century to his death in 891 or 892
Strojimir (vassal to elder brother Mutimir, later under Bulgar khan Boris)
Gojnik (vassal to brother Mutimir, later under khan Boris)
Knez Pribislav (son of Mutimir), born latest 867, ruled 891/2-892/3
Bran (Boren) (younger brother of Pribislav, son of Mutimir), born by 867, pretender to the thron 895/6
Stefan (youngest brother of Pribislav and Bran, son of Mutimir), born ca. 870
Knez Petar Gojniković (son of Gojnik, grandson of Vlastimir), born ca. 870, ruled 892/3-917/8, captured by Bulgars, died as their prisonner
Knez Pavle Branović (son of Bran/Boren, grandson of Mutimir), ruled 917/8-921, brought to the throne by the Bulgars, brought down by Byzantines
Knez Zaharije Pribisavljević (son of Pribislav, grandson of Mutimir), ruled 921-924 (brought to the throne by the Byzantines, removed by the Bulgars)
924-927 Serb throne held by Bulgars, period of Bulgar rule
Knez/Zupan Časlav Klonimirović (son of Klonimir, grandson of Strojimir), ruled 927/8-ca. 950: Liberated the central Serbian tribes from Bulgarian empire.
950-1050 Byzantine rule
Vojisavljević Dynasty or House of Vojislavljević(i) (ca 1050- ca 1160)
Grand Župan (possibly even king?) Mihajlo of Zeta (Michael) (1050/1155-1080), born after 1042: maintained Serb independence from Byzantine empire. Possibly received the title of king (and crown) from Pope Gregory VII though it is still an issue of debate.
King Konstantin Bodin, son of Mihajlo, ruled 1180-1101
King Dobroslav, younger brother of Konstantin Bodin
King Đorđe, son of Konstantin
Nemanjić Dynasty or House of Nemanjić(i) (ca 1166-1371)
Uros, Župan of Rassa from about 1120
Tihomir (ca 1166-1167)
joint rule of Tihomir, Stefan Nemanja (son of Uros), Stracimir and Miroslav (ca 1168-1171)
Vukan, son of Nemanja, ruled the coastal regions of cities Antivari (Bar) and Cattaro (Kotor), cf. Duklja
Stefan Nemanja also Stefan I, Nemanja (ca 1171-1196)
Stefan Prvovenčani also Stefan II, Nemanja (1196- 1228), eldest son of Stefan Nemanja
Stefan Radoslav (1228 - 1234)
Stefan Vladislav I (1234 - 1243)
Stefan Uros I (1243 - 1276)
Stefan Dragutin (1276 - 1282)
Stefan (Uros II) Milutin (1282 - 1321)
Stefan Vladislav II (1321 - about 1325)
Stefan (Uros III) Decanski (1321 - 1331)
Stefan (Uros IV) Dušan (1331 - 1355), self-proclaimed Tzar in 1346.
Stefan Uroš V (1355 - 1371)
House of Lazarević(i) (1371-1427)
Lazar Hrebeljanović (1371-1389)
Stefan Lazarević (1389-1427)
House of Branković(i) (1427-1459)
Djuradj Branković (1427-1456)
Lazar Branković (1456-1458)
Stefan Branković (1458-1459)
Stefan Tomašević (1459)
Rulers of modern Serbian states
House of Obrenović(i) (1815-1842, 1858-1903)
Miloš Obrenović (1815-1839, 1858-1860)
Milan I (III) (June 13 1839 - July 9 1839)
Michael (Mihailo) (july 9 1839 - September 6 1842, Sepetember 26 1860 - July 10 1868)
Milan II (IV) (July 11 1868 - Match 6 1889)
Aleksandar Obrenović (1889-1903)
House of Karadjordjevic (1842-1858, 1903-1945)
Aleksandar (I) Karageorgević (September 14 1842 - December 23 1858)
Petar I (July 2 1903 - November 30 1918)
See also
Rulers of Montenegro
- published: 13 Dec 2009
- views: 5326