The story of Stargate Atlantis follows the events of Stargate SG-1's seventh season finale episode "Lost City" and eighth season premiere episode "New Order", in which the cast of that series discovered an Antarctic outpost created by the alien race known as the Ancients. In the pilot episode "Rising", Stargate Command sends an international team to investigate the outpost, where Dr. Daniel Jackson discovers the location of Atlantis, the legendary city created by the Ancients, and Colonel Jack O'Neill visits the outpost after having been put in stasis and retrieved from it.
After watching all of the five Stargate Atlantis seasons I started working on this video. It is some sort of pre-trailer for the movie Extinction, which was originally said to be produced as a finale of the Atlantis story.
The video contains material of all five seasons. The overall idea was to make a little story line in the video what I did by taking out important, impressive or special scenes from all seasons. Some important scenes are missing, I did not have all episodes avaible for this video.
Enjoy the video in HD!
I lost the song file so I don't know what it is called. Lost the original saved video file as well.
published: 15 Feb 2011
Stargate Extinction - Fan Trailer
Это трейлер, завершающий общею трилогию трейлеров, открывающий двери к полнометражному фильму.
by Shep
published: 17 Aug 2012
What Came AFTER Stargate Atlantis' Final Season? (Dial the Gate)
STARGATE ATLANTIS was never meant to end with that final episode, "Enemy at the Gate," with the Ancient city on the surface of Earth. Producers hoped for a sixth season, and after the show was cancelled a script was written for a direct-to-DVD movie called "Stargate: Extinction."
In this conversation with "Dial the Gate," ATLANTIS writer and executive producer Joseph Mallozzi talks about what was in the works for the show's future during the fifth season – which ended up surprisingly being the show's last. There was a suggestion to tack "Extinction" onto the production of Season 5, which if the show was cancelled would give them a movie already in the can. Or, if it was renewed by Syfy Channel, "Extinction" would become a 2-parter to kick off another year.
Joe also shares some of the st...
published: 27 Apr 2022
Stargate Extinction * Atlantis Movie * (in lieu of a Season 6 ) Teaser Trailer
This is a preview of the upcoming Stargate Atlantis Movie.
published: 22 Sep 2007
Stargate SG1 - The Asgard Give Humanity All Their Technology (10-20)
From The Episode "Unending"
Description From IMDB - General Landry accompanies SG-1 on a mission to collect the knowledge of the Asgard. When the Ori show up however, Sam is forced to evacuate the crew and Landry and SG-1 stay aboard, but are stuck helpless in a time dilation field for decades.
The rights to Stargate SG-1 are held by MGM
published: 26 Sep 2016
Stargate Atlantis - The Asgards are not extinct
The Asgards are survived by an offshoot of their race, and they will do anything to survive.
published: 27 Aug 2018
Stargate REMAKE Details REVEALED..
Stargate REMAKE Details REVEALED..
Welcome back to Film Dock, today on the channel we're going to be talking about Stargate REMAKE Details REVEALED.. if you're excited to learn more about this then make sure you watch the whole way through because you don't want to miss the details we have for you!
Also make sure to subscribe to the channel because we post some of the best content online!
#FilmDock #stargate #remake
published: 10 May 2023
Stargate Extinction Générique
générique pour une fan fiction
published: 02 Mar 2013
stargate extinction .wmv
video sur l'histoire de stargate atlantis
musique: requiem for a dream
published: 14 Jun 2010
Stargate Origins Trailer
Here is the final trailer for Stargate Origins, which will be available to stream on February 15th on the Stargate Command website. In 1939, Professor Paul Langford and his daughter Catherine are still grappling with the mysteries of the ancient relic they discovered in the Egyptian desert more than ten years ago. With war looming in Europe and funding running out, these brilliant minds are approaching their lowest ebb. Little do they know, answers are about to present themselves in a dangerous form, when the Nazi Occultist Dr. Wilhelm Brücke approaches their facility with a sinister motive.
Stargate Origins Teaser Trailer - Comic-Con 2017
Catch up with the latest game and movie trailers here!
After watching all of the five Stargate Atlantis seasons I started working on this video. It is some sort of pre-trailer for the movie Extinction, which was ori...
After watching all of the five Stargate Atlantis seasons I started working on this video. It is some sort of pre-trailer for the movie Extinction, which was originally said to be produced as a finale of the Atlantis story.
The video contains material of all five seasons. The overall idea was to make a little story line in the video what I did by taking out important, impressive or special scenes from all seasons. Some important scenes are missing, I did not have all episodes avaible for this video.
Enjoy the video in HD!
I lost the song file so I don't know what it is called. Lost the original saved video file as well.
After watching all of the five Stargate Atlantis seasons I started working on this video. It is some sort of pre-trailer for the movie Extinction, which was originally said to be produced as a finale of the Atlantis story.
The video contains material of all five seasons. The overall idea was to make a little story line in the video what I did by taking out important, impressive or special scenes from all seasons. Some important scenes are missing, I did not have all episodes avaible for this video.
Enjoy the video in HD!
I lost the song file so I don't know what it is called. Lost the original saved video file as well.
STARGATE ATLANTIS was never meant to end with that final episode, "Enemy at the Gate," with the Ancient city on the surface of Earth. Producers hoped for a sixt...
STARGATE ATLANTIS was never meant to end with that final episode, "Enemy at the Gate," with the Ancient city on the surface of Earth. Producers hoped for a sixth season, and after the show was cancelled a script was written for a direct-to-DVD movie called "Stargate: Extinction."
In this conversation with "Dial the Gate," ATLANTIS writer and executive producer Joseph Mallozzi talks about what was in the works for the show's future during the fifth season – which ended up surprisingly being the show's last. There was a suggestion to tack "Extinction" onto the production of Season 5, which if the show was cancelled would give them a movie already in the can. Or, if it was renewed by Syfy Channel, "Extinction" would become a 2-parter to kick off another year.
Joe also shares some of the storyline for "Extinction," which would have seen Atlantis on a wild, time-travel trip back to the Pegasus Galaxy. And he explores another story he hoped to tackle in a sixth season, which would have brought back another villain in a big way.
This clip is from Dial the Gate's full-length, 75-minute conversation with Joe. Watch the full interview here:
★ "Stargate: Extinction":
★ Atlantis Season 5:
★ Todd (Stargate Omnipedia):
★ Michael (Stargate Omnipedia):
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"Stargate," "Stargate Atlantis," and all related materials are owned by MGM Studios and MGM Television. The "Dial the Gate" theme is composed by Neal Acree.
POST a comment below or find us on Twitter! @GateWorld
DIAL THE GATE is also on Twitter: @dial_the_gate
STARGATE ATLANTIS was never meant to end with that final episode, "Enemy at the Gate," with the Ancient city on the surface of Earth. Producers hoped for a sixth season, and after the show was cancelled a script was written for a direct-to-DVD movie called "Stargate: Extinction."
In this conversation with "Dial the Gate," ATLANTIS writer and executive producer Joseph Mallozzi talks about what was in the works for the show's future during the fifth season – which ended up surprisingly being the show's last. There was a suggestion to tack "Extinction" onto the production of Season 5, which if the show was cancelled would give them a movie already in the can. Or, if it was renewed by Syfy Channel, "Extinction" would become a 2-parter to kick off another year.
Joe also shares some of the storyline for "Extinction," which would have seen Atlantis on a wild, time-travel trip back to the Pegasus Galaxy. And he explores another story he hoped to tackle in a sixth season, which would have brought back another villain in a big way.
This clip is from Dial the Gate's full-length, 75-minute conversation with Joe. Watch the full interview here:
★ "Stargate: Extinction":
★ Atlantis Season 5:
★ Todd (Stargate Omnipedia):
★ Michael (Stargate Omnipedia):
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"Stargate," "Stargate Atlantis," and all related materials are owned by MGM Studios and MGM Television. The "Dial the Gate" theme is composed by Neal Acree.
POST a comment below or find us on Twitter! @GateWorld
DIAL THE GATE is also on Twitter: @dial_the_gate
From The Episode "Unending"
Description From IMDB - General Landry accompanies SG-1 on a mission to collect the knowledge of the Asgard. When the Ori show up ho...
From The Episode "Unending"
Description From IMDB - General Landry accompanies SG-1 on a mission to collect the knowledge of the Asgard. When the Ori show up however, Sam is forced to evacuate the crew and Landry and SG-1 stay aboard, but are stuck helpless in a time dilation field for decades.
The rights to Stargate SG-1 are held by MGM
From The Episode "Unending"
Description From IMDB - General Landry accompanies SG-1 on a mission to collect the knowledge of the Asgard. When the Ori show up however, Sam is forced to evacuate the crew and Landry and SG-1 stay aboard, but are stuck helpless in a time dilation field for decades.
The rights to Stargate SG-1 are held by MGM
Stargate REMAKE Details REVEALED..
Welcome back to Film Dock, today on the channel we're going to be talking about Stargate REMAKE Details REVEALED.. if you're...
Stargate REMAKE Details REVEALED..
Welcome back to Film Dock, today on the channel we're going to be talking about Stargate REMAKE Details REVEALED.. if you're excited to learn more about this then make sure you watch the whole way through because you don't want to miss the details we have for you!
Also make sure to subscribe to the channel because we post some of the best content online!
#FilmDock #stargate #remake
Stargate REMAKE Details REVEALED..
Welcome back to Film Dock, today on the channel we're going to be talking about Stargate REMAKE Details REVEALED.. if you're excited to learn more about this then make sure you watch the whole way through because you don't want to miss the details we have for you!
Also make sure to subscribe to the channel because we post some of the best content online!
#FilmDock #stargate #remake
Here is the final trailer for Stargate Origins, which will be available to stream on February 15th on the Stargate Command website. In 1939, Professor Paul Lang...
Here is the final trailer for Stargate Origins, which will be available to stream on February 15th on the Stargate Command website. In 1939, Professor Paul Langford and his daughter Catherine are still grappling with the mysteries of the ancient relic they discovered in the Egyptian desert more than ten years ago. With war looming in Europe and funding running out, these brilliant minds are approaching their lowest ebb. Little do they know, answers are about to present themselves in a dangerous form, when the Nazi Occultist Dr. Wilhelm Brücke approaches their facility with a sinister motive.
Stargate Origins Teaser Trailer - Comic-Con 2017
Catch up with the latest game and movie trailers here!
Final Fantasy 14 - Stormblood Cinematic Official Trailer
The First 15 Minutes of Star Wars: The Old Republic - Knights of the Eternal Throne
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Here is the final trailer for Stargate Origins, which will be available to stream on February 15th on the Stargate Command website. In 1939, Professor Paul Langford and his daughter Catherine are still grappling with the mysteries of the ancient relic they discovered in the Egyptian desert more than ten years ago. With war looming in Europe and funding running out, these brilliant minds are approaching their lowest ebb. Little do they know, answers are about to present themselves in a dangerous form, when the Nazi Occultist Dr. Wilhelm Brücke approaches their facility with a sinister motive.
Stargate Origins Teaser Trailer - Comic-Con 2017
Catch up with the latest game and movie trailers here!
Final Fantasy 14 - Stormblood Cinematic Official Trailer
The First 15 Minutes of Star Wars: The Old Republic - Knights of the Eternal Throne
Follow IGN for more!
After watching all of the five Stargate Atlantis seasons I started working on this video. It is some sort of pre-trailer for the movie Extinction, which was originally said to be produced as a finale of the Atlantis story.
The video contains material of all five seasons. The overall idea was to make a little story line in the video what I did by taking out important, impressive or special scenes from all seasons. Some important scenes are missing, I did not have all episodes avaible for this video.
Enjoy the video in HD!
I lost the song file so I don't know what it is called. Lost the original saved video file as well.
STARGATE ATLANTIS was never meant to end with that final episode, "Enemy at the Gate," with the Ancient city on the surface of Earth. Producers hoped for a sixth season, and after the show was cancelled a script was written for a direct-to-DVD movie called "Stargate: Extinction."
In this conversation with "Dial the Gate," ATLANTIS writer and executive producer Joseph Mallozzi talks about what was in the works for the show's future during the fifth season – which ended up surprisingly being the show's last. There was a suggestion to tack "Extinction" onto the production of Season 5, which if the show was cancelled would give them a movie already in the can. Or, if it was renewed by Syfy Channel, "Extinction" would become a 2-parter to kick off another year.
Joe also shares some of the storyline for "Extinction," which would have seen Atlantis on a wild, time-travel trip back to the Pegasus Galaxy. And he explores another story he hoped to tackle in a sixth season, which would have brought back another villain in a big way.
This clip is from Dial the Gate's full-length, 75-minute conversation with Joe. Watch the full interview here:
★ "Stargate: Extinction":
★ Atlantis Season 5:
★ Todd (Stargate Omnipedia):
★ Michael (Stargate Omnipedia):
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"Stargate," "Stargate Atlantis," and all related materials are owned by MGM Studios and MGM Television. The "Dial the Gate" theme is composed by Neal Acree.
POST a comment below or find us on Twitter! @GateWorld
DIAL THE GATE is also on Twitter: @dial_the_gate
From The Episode "Unending"
Description From IMDB - General Landry accompanies SG-1 on a mission to collect the knowledge of the Asgard. When the Ori show up however, Sam is forced to evacuate the crew and Landry and SG-1 stay aboard, but are stuck helpless in a time dilation field for decades.
The rights to Stargate SG-1 are held by MGM
Stargate REMAKE Details REVEALED..
Welcome back to Film Dock, today on the channel we're going to be talking about Stargate REMAKE Details REVEALED.. if you're excited to learn more about this then make sure you watch the whole way through because you don't want to miss the details we have for you!
Also make sure to subscribe to the channel because we post some of the best content online!
#FilmDock #stargate #remake
Here is the final trailer for Stargate Origins, which will be available to stream on February 15th on the Stargate Command website. In 1939, Professor Paul Langford and his daughter Catherine are still grappling with the mysteries of the ancient relic they discovered in the Egyptian desert more than ten years ago. With war looming in Europe and funding running out, these brilliant minds are approaching their lowest ebb. Little do they know, answers are about to present themselves in a dangerous form, when the Nazi Occultist Dr. Wilhelm Brücke approaches their facility with a sinister motive.
Stargate Origins Teaser Trailer - Comic-Con 2017
Catch up with the latest game and movie trailers here!
Final Fantasy 14 - Stormblood Cinematic Official Trailer
The First 15 Minutes of Star Wars: The Old Republic - Knights of the Eternal Throne
Follow IGN for more!
The story of Stargate Atlantis follows the events of Stargate SG-1's seventh season finale episode "Lost City" and eighth season premiere episode "New Order", in which the cast of that series discovered an Antarctic outpost created by the alien race known as the Ancients. In the pilot episode "Rising", Stargate Command sends an international team to investigate the outpost, where Dr. Daniel Jackson discovers the location of Atlantis, the legendary city created by the Ancients, and Colonel Jack O'Neill visits the outpost after having been put in stasis and retrieved from it.