The Six-Country Fight Over These Tiny, Terrible Islands
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Writing by Sam Denby and Tristan Purdy
Editing by Viki Lewis, Alexander Williard
Lead Motion Design by Max Moser
Motion Design by Derek Brown, Mikaila Blackburn
Audio and Music by Manni Simon, Donovan Bullen
Thumbnail by Simon Buckmaster
Supervising Producers Graham Haerther, Travis Southerland
published: 17 May 2024
🇵🇭 Pictures show China militarisation of Spratly islands
Photos released by the Philippine Daily Inquirer show China has built several multi-story concrete buildings on one of the artificial islands, adding to several, already completed facilities.
China has previously said the construction is intended to improve peace and maritime security.
Al Jazeera's Jamela Alindogan reports from Manila.
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published: 06 Feb 2018
Who Really Owns the South China Sea?
The main events and escalations of the South China Sea dispute, told from the perspectives of the main regional actors.
Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/HindsightYT (starting at $2 per month)
0:00 Introduction
1:18 WWII
4:21 The Historical Claims from China & Vietnam
7:16 Free Territory of Freedomland
10:03 The Discovery of Oil
11:05 The Vietnam War
11:39 Escalation: China - South Vietnam
12:28 Escalation: South Vietnam - the Philippines
13:30 Escalation: North Vietnam - South Vietnam
15:12 Malaysia and Brunei
15:57 UNCLOS
17:08 China's Claim, explained
19:24 Escalation: China - Vietnam
22:10 1990s
23:04 2000s
23:47 2011
26:56 The United States
28:14 Escalation: China - The Philippines
30:05 Escalation: China - Vietnam
31:19 China's Artificial Islands
35:15 Escalation: Uni...
published: 14 Jul 2023
Philippines tries to strengthen its claim on contested South China Sea Spratly Islands | DW News
Tensions in the South China Sea are real and one can see them if one visits any of the islands that are disputed. A case in point is the Spratly Islands. They are claimed in their entirety by China, Taiwan, and Vietnam and in part by Malaysia and the Philippines. In order to strengthen its claim, the Philippines has opened part of the Spratlys to tourism.
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published: 13 Jul 2023
The Spratly Islands: Flashpoint for WWIII? I Crazy Borders I ARTE.tv
Paradise islands synonymous with hell? Welcome to the Spratlys archipelago, at the heart of a regional power struggle with global implications. #China, #Taiwan, the #Philippines, #Vietnam and #Brunei all lay claim to these islands... but the question is far from settled. If major conflict does break out, this is where it could start. A clear case of Crazy Borders!
The Spratly Islands: Flashpoint for WWIII? I ARTE.tv Documentary
🗓 Available until the 25/05/2027
ARTE.tv Documentary is here to tell you more about what’s going on in the world of culture, news and current affairs with powerful, refreshing and entertaining docs subtitled in English for our international fans.
Discover a whole world on ARTE.tv
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published: 09 Aug 2022
Vietnam calls on China to withdraw missiles from Spratlys
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More videos on Rappler: https://www.rappler.com/video Follow Rappler for the latest news in the Philippines and across the globe. Vietnam has asked China to cease activities and withdraw military equipment installed on artificial reefs in the Spratlys. Full story: https://www.rappler.com/nation/202109-oscar-albayalde-facebook-bashers-reassigned-mindanao?utm_source=YouTube&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=Inhouse_video&utm_campaign=nation Follow Rappler for the latest news in the Philippines and around the world.
Support independent journalism. Help us stay free and independent of political pressure and commercial interests: https://r3.rappler.com/crowdfunding Follow Rappler for the latest news in the Philippines and around the world.
published: 09 May 2018
Perebutan Kepulauan Spratly Sampai Hantar Kapal Perang
Mak ai jauh gila China nak claim.
Layan video ni sambil makan Snek Bising by ML Studios https://s.shopee.com.my/8A9yk0SjA7
#danielo_25 #antarabangsa
published: 24 Sep 2024
Is China building on disputed Spratly Islands reefs? BBC News
Subscribe to BBC News www.youtube.com/bbcnews
Rupert Wingfield-Hayes reports on China's unusual tactic to secure ownership of disputed territory in the South China Sea.
Subscribe to BBC News HERE http://bit.ly/1rbfUog
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published: 09 Sep 2014
How China is Secretly Expanding its Territory
The first 1,000 people to use this link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare:
China is continuously breaking International Law and trying to Expand its Territory. In this video, we go over China's Artificial Islands and the conflict in the South China Sea! For more Megaproject content be sure to subscribe to Top Luxury. Thanks for watching this video: How China is Secretly Expanding its Territory
Check Out These Videos:
How Dubai Builds its Artificial Islands
The Biggest Megaprojects Never Finished
Most Insane Megaprojects Under Construction
#Megaprojects #Construction #China
0:00 How China is Secretly Expanding its Territory
0:43 The Conflict in the South ...
published: 11 Jul 2021
Why China is building islands in the South China Sea
China claims they aren't military bases, but their actions say otherwise.
Join the Vox Video Lab: http://bit.ly/video-lab
Since 2014, China has been building islands in the middle of the South China Sea. What were once underwater reefs are now sandy islands complete with airfields, roads, buildings, and missile systems. In less than two years, China has turned seven reefs into seven military bases in the South China Sea, one of the most contentious bodies of water in the world.
The sea is one of the most important areas of ocean in the world. It’s estimated to hold 11 billion barrels of oil, 109 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, and 10 percent of the world’s fisheries. Most importantly, 30 percent of the world’s shipping trade flows through the South China Sea to the busy ports of So...
published: 17 Feb 2017
The Six-Country Fight Over These Tiny, Terrible Islands
Sign up for Nebula for 40% off at http://nebula.tv/wendover
Instagram: http://Instagram.com/sam.from.wendover
Twitter: http://www.Twitter.com/WendoverPro
Sign up for Nebula for 40% off at http://nebula.tv/wendover
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[email protected]
Reddit: http://Reddit.com/r/WendoverProductions
Writing by Sam Denby and Tristan Purdy
Editing by Viki Lewis, Alexander Williard
Lead Motion Design by Max Moser
Motion Design by Derek Brown, Mikaila Blackburn
Audio and Music by Manni Simon, Donovan Bullen
Thumbnail by Simon Buckmaster
Supervising Producers Graham Haerther, Travis Southerland
Sign up for Nebula for 40% off at http://nebula.tv/wendover
Instagram: http://Instagram.com/sam.from.wendover
Twitter: http://www.Twitter.com/WendoverPro
Sponsorship Enquiries:
[email protected]
Other emails:
[email protected]
Reddit: http://Reddit.com/r/WendoverProductions
Writing by Sam Denby and Tristan Purdy
Editing by Viki Lewis, Alexander Williard
Lead Motion Design by Max Moser
Motion Design by Derek Brown, Mikaila Blackburn
Audio and Music by Manni Simon, Donovan Bullen
Thumbnail by Simon Buckmaster
Supervising Producers Graham Haerther, Travis Southerland
- published: 17 May 2024
- views: 1235149
🇵🇭 Pictures show China militarisation of Spratly islands
Photos released by the Philippine Daily Inquirer show China has built several multi-story concrete buildings on one of the artificial islands, adding to several...
Photos released by the Philippine Daily Inquirer show China has built several multi-story concrete buildings on one of the artificial islands, adding to several, already completed facilities.
China has previously said the construction is intended to improve peace and maritime security.
Al Jazeera's Jamela Alindogan reports from Manila.
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Photos released by the Philippine Daily Inquirer show China has built several multi-story concrete buildings on one of the artificial islands, adding to several, already completed facilities.
China has previously said the construction is intended to improve peace and maritime security.
Al Jazeera's Jamela Alindogan reports from Manila.
- Subscribe to our channel: http://aje.io/AJSubscribe
- Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AJEnglish
- Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aljazeera
- Check our website: http://www.aljazeera.com/
- published: 06 Feb 2018
- views: 443487
Who Really Owns the South China Sea?
The main events and escalations of the South China Sea dispute, told from the perspectives of the main regional actors.
Support me on Patreon: https://www.patr...
The main events and escalations of the South China Sea dispute, told from the perspectives of the main regional actors.
Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/HindsightYT (starting at $2 per month)
0:00 Introduction
1:18 WWII
4:21 The Historical Claims from China & Vietnam
7:16 Free Territory of Freedomland
10:03 The Discovery of Oil
11:05 The Vietnam War
11:39 Escalation: China - South Vietnam
12:28 Escalation: South Vietnam - the Philippines
13:30 Escalation: North Vietnam - South Vietnam
15:12 Malaysia and Brunei
15:57 UNCLOS
17:08 China's Claim, explained
19:24 Escalation: China - Vietnam
22:10 1990s
23:04 2000s
23:47 2011
26:56 The United States
28:14 Escalation: China - The Philippines
30:05 Escalation: China - Vietnam
31:19 China's Artificial Islands
35:15 Escalation: United States - China
36:20 Escalation: United States - China
37:36 The Dispute Today
The tiny islands that could explode the China-Vietnam relationship Brad Lendon (CNN):
China 's Claim of Sovereignty over Spratly and Paracel Islands: A Historical and Legal Perspective (School of Law: Case Western Reserve University):
Understanding the South China Sea Dispute (China US Focus):
China’s Maritime Disputes (Council on Foreign Relations):
Asian Waters:
In the Dragon's Shadow: Southeast Asia in the Chinese Century:
#southchinaseadispute #southchinasea
The main events and escalations of the South China Sea dispute, told from the perspectives of the main regional actors.
Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/HindsightYT (starting at $2 per month)
0:00 Introduction
1:18 WWII
4:21 The Historical Claims from China & Vietnam
7:16 Free Territory of Freedomland
10:03 The Discovery of Oil
11:05 The Vietnam War
11:39 Escalation: China - South Vietnam
12:28 Escalation: South Vietnam - the Philippines
13:30 Escalation: North Vietnam - South Vietnam
15:12 Malaysia and Brunei
15:57 UNCLOS
17:08 China's Claim, explained
19:24 Escalation: China - Vietnam
22:10 1990s
23:04 2000s
23:47 2011
26:56 The United States
28:14 Escalation: China - The Philippines
30:05 Escalation: China - Vietnam
31:19 China's Artificial Islands
35:15 Escalation: United States - China
36:20 Escalation: United States - China
37:36 The Dispute Today
The tiny islands that could explode the China-Vietnam relationship Brad Lendon (CNN):
China 's Claim of Sovereignty over Spratly and Paracel Islands: A Historical and Legal Perspective (School of Law: Case Western Reserve University):
Understanding the South China Sea Dispute (China US Focus):
China’s Maritime Disputes (Council on Foreign Relations):
Asian Waters:
In the Dragon's Shadow: Southeast Asia in the Chinese Century:
#southchinaseadispute #southchinasea
- published: 14 Jul 2023
- views: 844727
Philippines tries to strengthen its claim on contested South China Sea Spratly Islands | DW News
Tensions in the South China Sea are real and one can see them if one visits any of the islands that are disputed. A case in point is the Spratly Islands. They a...
Tensions in the South China Sea are real and one can see them if one visits any of the islands that are disputed. A case in point is the Spratly Islands. They are claimed in their entirety by China, Taiwan, and Vietnam and in part by Malaysia and the Philippines. In order to strengthen its claim, the Philippines has opened part of the Spratlys to tourism.
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Tensions in the South China Sea are real and one can see them if one visits any of the islands that are disputed. A case in point is the Spratly Islands. They are claimed in their entirety by China, Taiwan, and Vietnam and in part by Malaysia and the Philippines. In order to strengthen its claim, the Philippines has opened part of the Spratlys to tourism.
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Für Videos in deutscher Sprache besuchen Sie: https://www.youtube.com/dwdeutsch
- published: 13 Jul 2023
- views: 90930
The Spratly Islands: Flashpoint for WWIII? I Crazy Borders I ARTE.tv
Paradise islands synonymous with hell? Welcome to the Spratlys archipelago, at the heart of a regional power struggle with global implications. #China, #Taiwan,...
Paradise islands synonymous with hell? Welcome to the Spratlys archipelago, at the heart of a regional power struggle with global implications. #China, #Taiwan, the #Philippines, #Vietnam and #Brunei all lay claim to these islands... but the question is far from settled. If major conflict does break out, this is where it could start. A clear case of Crazy Borders!
The Spratly Islands: Flashpoint for WWIII? I ARTE.tv Documentary
🗓 Available until the 25/05/2027
ARTE.tv Documentary is here to tell you more about what’s going on in the world of culture, news and current affairs with powerful, refreshing and entertaining docs subtitled in English for our international fans.
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#Spratly #documentary #crazyborders
Paradise islands synonymous with hell? Welcome to the Spratlys archipelago, at the heart of a regional power struggle with global implications. #China, #Taiwan, the #Philippines, #Vietnam and #Brunei all lay claim to these islands... but the question is far from settled. If major conflict does break out, this is where it could start. A clear case of Crazy Borders!
The Spratly Islands: Flashpoint for WWIII? I ARTE.tv Documentary
🗓 Available until the 25/05/2027
ARTE.tv Documentary is here to tell you more about what’s going on in the world of culture, news and current affairs with powerful, refreshing and entertaining docs subtitled in English for our international fans.
Discover a whole world on ARTE.tv
Subscribe to our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVogAsASqbceBmQMi1WA39g
#Spratly #documentary #crazyborders
- published: 09 Aug 2022
- views: 9920
Vietnam calls on China to withdraw missiles from Spratlys
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/@Rappler/
More videos on Rappler: https://www.rappler.com/video Follow Rappler for the latest news in the Philippines and ac...
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/@Rappler/
More videos on Rappler: https://www.rappler.com/video Follow Rappler for the latest news in the Philippines and across the globe. Vietnam has asked China to cease activities and withdraw military equipment installed on artificial reefs in the Spratlys. Full story: https://www.rappler.com/nation/202109-oscar-albayalde-facebook-bashers-reassigned-mindanao?utm_source=YouTube&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=Inhouse_video&utm_campaign=nation Follow Rappler for the latest news in the Philippines and around the world.
Support independent journalism. Help us stay free and independent of political pressure and commercial interests: https://r3.rappler.com/crowdfunding Follow Rappler for the latest news in the Philippines and around the world.
Support independent journalism. You can help power our investigative fund by donating to our crowdfunding: https://donate.rappler.com/
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/@Rappler/
More videos on Rappler: https://www.rappler.com/video Follow Rappler for the latest news in the Philippines and across the globe. Vietnam has asked China to cease activities and withdraw military equipment installed on artificial reefs in the Spratlys. Full story: https://www.rappler.com/nation/202109-oscar-albayalde-facebook-bashers-reassigned-mindanao?utm_source=YouTube&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=Inhouse_video&utm_campaign=nation Follow Rappler for the latest news in the Philippines and around the world.
Support independent journalism. Help us stay free and independent of political pressure and commercial interests: https://r3.rappler.com/crowdfunding Follow Rappler for the latest news in the Philippines and around the world.
Support independent journalism. You can help power our investigative fund by donating to our crowdfunding: https://donate.rappler.com/
- published: 09 May 2018
- views: 2688
Perebutan Kepulauan Spratly Sampai Hantar Kapal Perang
Mak ai jauh gila China nak claim.
Layan video ni sambil makan Snek Bising by ML Studios https://s.shopee.com.my/8A9yk0SjA7
#danielo_25 #antarabangsa
Mak ai jauh gila China nak claim.
Layan video ni sambil makan Snek Bising by ML Studios https://s.shopee.com.my/8A9yk0SjA7
#danielo_25 #antarabangsa
Mak ai jauh gila China nak claim.
Layan video ni sambil makan Snek Bising by ML Studios https://s.shopee.com.my/8A9yk0SjA7
#danielo_25 #antarabangsa
- published: 24 Sep 2024
- views: 197800
Is China building on disputed Spratly Islands reefs? BBC News
Subscribe to BBC News www.youtube.com/bbcnews
Rupert Wingfield-Hayes reports on China's unusual tactic to secure ownership of disputed territory in the South Ch...
Subscribe to BBC News www.youtube.com/bbcnews
Rupert Wingfield-Hayes reports on China's unusual tactic to secure ownership of disputed territory in the South China Sea.
Subscribe to BBC News HERE http://bit.ly/1rbfUog
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Rupert Wingfield-Hayes reports on China's unusual tactic to secure ownership of disputed territory in the South China Sea.
Subscribe to BBC News HERE http://bit.ly/1rbfUog
Check out our website: http://www.bbc.com/news
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- published: 09 Sep 2014
- views: 489347
How China is Secretly Expanding its Territory
The first 1,000 people to use this link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare:
China is continuously breaking Internat...
The first 1,000 people to use this link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare:
China is continuously breaking International Law and trying to Expand its Territory. In this video, we go over China's Artificial Islands and the conflict in the South China Sea! For more Megaproject content be sure to subscribe to Top Luxury. Thanks for watching this video: How China is Secretly Expanding its Territory
Check Out These Videos:
How Dubai Builds its Artificial Islands
The Biggest Megaprojects Never Finished
Most Insane Megaprojects Under Construction
#Megaprojects #Construction #China
0:00 How China is Secretly Expanding its Territory
0:43 The Conflict in the South China Sea
3:15 The Controversial 9-Dash-Line
4:17 The Spratly Islands
5:05 China is Building Artificial Islands
6:24 How the Artificial Islands are Built
8:27 Skillshare
Contact us:
The first 1,000 people to use this link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare:
China is continuously breaking International Law and trying to Expand its Territory. In this video, we go over China's Artificial Islands and the conflict in the South China Sea! For more Megaproject content be sure to subscribe to Top Luxury. Thanks for watching this video: How China is Secretly Expanding its Territory
Check Out These Videos:
How Dubai Builds its Artificial Islands
The Biggest Megaprojects Never Finished
Most Insane Megaprojects Under Construction
#Megaprojects #Construction #China
0:00 How China is Secretly Expanding its Territory
0:43 The Conflict in the South China Sea
3:15 The Controversial 9-Dash-Line
4:17 The Spratly Islands
5:05 China is Building Artificial Islands
6:24 How the Artificial Islands are Built
8:27 Skillshare
Contact us:
- published: 11 Jul 2021
- views: 109947
Why China is building islands in the South China Sea
China claims they aren't military bases, but their actions say otherwise.
Join the Vox Video Lab: http://bit.ly/video-lab
Since 2014, China has been building...
China claims they aren't military bases, but their actions say otherwise.
Join the Vox Video Lab: http://bit.ly/video-lab
Since 2014, China has been building islands in the middle of the South China Sea. What were once underwater reefs are now sandy islands complete with airfields, roads, buildings, and missile systems. In less than two years, China has turned seven reefs into seven military bases in the South China Sea, one of the most contentious bodies of water in the world.
The sea is one of the most important areas of ocean in the world. It’s estimated to hold 11 billion barrels of oil, 109 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, and 10 percent of the world’s fisheries. Most importantly, 30 percent of the world’s shipping trade flows through the South China Sea to the busy ports of Southeast Asia. It’s an incredibly important strategic area, and five countries currently claim some part of it.
Most countries base their claims off the United Nations Law of the Seas, which says a country’s territory extends 200 miles off its shores, an area called the exclusive economic zone, or EEZ. Any trade or resources that fall in a country’s EEZ belong to that country; they’re its sovereign territory. Any area that is not in an EEZ is considered international waters and subject to UN maritime law, meaning it’s shared by everyone. Every country in the region, which includes Malaysia, the Philippines, Brunei, and Vietnam, bases its claim to the South China Sea on the UN’s EEZ laws — except China.
China argues it has a historical claim to the South China Sea, dating back to naval expeditions in the 15th century. After World War II, the Japanese Empire lost control of the South China Sea, and China took advantage of the moment to reclaim it. On maps, it started drawing a dashed line that encompassed most of the South China Sea. This line became its official claim and is known today as the Nine-Dash Line, because it always has nine dashes. In 1973, when the UN law established EEZs, China reaffirmed its Nine-Dash Line, refusing to clarify the line’s boundaries and rejecting other countries’ claims.
Since then, tensions have built around who rightfully owns the South China Sea. The dispute has centered on the Spratly Islands, an archipelago at the heart of the South China Sea. Currently, China, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Vietnam claim some part of the Spratly Island chain. They’ve asserted their claims by putting small buildings, ports, and even some people on what are essentially rocks in the middle of the ocean.
But the Spratlys are very important, because whichever country can successfully claim them can extend its EEZ to include them, thus gaining miles of precious sovereign territory. This is why China began building up islands in 2014. By turning these rocks into military bases, the Chinese are now able to support hundreds of ships, bolstering their presence in the region. They are using fishing boats, surveillance ships, and navy destroyers to set up blockades around other countries’ islands and defend their own. This is all done very cautiously and in small steps in order to avoid sparking a wider conflict.
Since China began building islands, the disputes have not become violent. But tensions are building in the region. As China deploys more of its military to the Spratlys, other countries are getting nervous and building up their own islands. It’s a complex situation that will continue to gain international attention, for better or for worse.
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China claims they aren't military bases, but their actions say otherwise.
Join the Vox Video Lab: http://bit.ly/video-lab
Since 2014, China has been building islands in the middle of the South China Sea. What were once underwater reefs are now sandy islands complete with airfields, roads, buildings, and missile systems. In less than two years, China has turned seven reefs into seven military bases in the South China Sea, one of the most contentious bodies of water in the world.
The sea is one of the most important areas of ocean in the world. It’s estimated to hold 11 billion barrels of oil, 109 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, and 10 percent of the world’s fisheries. Most importantly, 30 percent of the world’s shipping trade flows through the South China Sea to the busy ports of Southeast Asia. It’s an incredibly important strategic area, and five countries currently claim some part of it.
Most countries base their claims off the United Nations Law of the Seas, which says a country’s territory extends 200 miles off its shores, an area called the exclusive economic zone, or EEZ. Any trade or resources that fall in a country’s EEZ belong to that country; they’re its sovereign territory. Any area that is not in an EEZ is considered international waters and subject to UN maritime law, meaning it’s shared by everyone. Every country in the region, which includes Malaysia, the Philippines, Brunei, and Vietnam, bases its claim to the South China Sea on the UN’s EEZ laws — except China.
China argues it has a historical claim to the South China Sea, dating back to naval expeditions in the 15th century. After World War II, the Japanese Empire lost control of the South China Sea, and China took advantage of the moment to reclaim it. On maps, it started drawing a dashed line that encompassed most of the South China Sea. This line became its official claim and is known today as the Nine-Dash Line, because it always has nine dashes. In 1973, when the UN law established EEZs, China reaffirmed its Nine-Dash Line, refusing to clarify the line’s boundaries and rejecting other countries’ claims.
Since then, tensions have built around who rightfully owns the South China Sea. The dispute has centered on the Spratly Islands, an archipelago at the heart of the South China Sea. Currently, China, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Vietnam claim some part of the Spratly Island chain. They’ve asserted their claims by putting small buildings, ports, and even some people on what are essentially rocks in the middle of the ocean.
But the Spratlys are very important, because whichever country can successfully claim them can extend its EEZ to include them, thus gaining miles of precious sovereign territory. This is why China began building up islands in 2014. By turning these rocks into military bases, the Chinese are now able to support hundreds of ships, bolstering their presence in the region. They are using fishing boats, surveillance ships, and navy destroyers to set up blockades around other countries’ islands and defend their own. This is all done very cautiously and in small steps in order to avoid sparking a wider conflict.
Since China began building islands, the disputes have not become violent. But tensions are building in the region. As China deploys more of its military to the Spratlys, other countries are getting nervous and building up their own islands. It’s a complex situation that will continue to gain international attention, for better or for worse.
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- published: 17 Feb 2017
- views: 13405396