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Sexual attraction

Sexual attraction is attraction on the basis of sexual desire or the quality of arousing such interest.Sexual attractiveness or sex appeal is an individual's ability to attract the sexual or erotic interest of another person, and is a factor in sexual selection or mate choice. The attraction can be to the physical or other qualities or traits of a person, or to such qualities in the context in which they appear. The attraction may be to a person's aesthetics or movements or to their voice or smell, besides other factors. The attraction may be enhanced by a person's adornments, clothing, perfume or style. It can also be influenced by individual genetic, psychological, or cultural factors, or to other, more amorphous qualities of the person. Sexual attraction is also a response to another person that depends on a combination of the person possessing the traits and also on the criteria of the person who is attracted.

Though attempts have been made to devise objective criteria of sexual attractiveness, and measure it as one of several bodily forms of capital asset (see erotic capital), a person's sexual attractiveness is to a large extent a subjective measure dependent on another person's interest, perception, and sexual orientation. For example, a gay or lesbian person would typically find a person of the same sex to be more attractive than one of the other sex. A bisexual person would find either sex to be attractive. Asexuality refers to those who do not experience sexual attraction for either sex, though they may have romantic attraction (homoromantic, biromantic or heteroromantic) and/or a non-directed libido.Interpersonal attraction includes factors such as physical or psychological similarity, familiarity or possessing a preponderance of common or familiar features, similarity, complementarity, reciprocal liking, and reinforcement.


  • The science of attraction - Dawn Maslar

    View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/the-science-of-attraction-dawn-maslar Romantic chemistry is all about warm, gooey feelings that gush from the deepest depths of the heart...right? Not quite. Actually, the real boss behind attraction is your brain, which runs through a very quick, very complex series of calculations when assessing a potential partner. Dawn Maslar explores how our five senses contribute to this mating game, citing some pretty wild studies along the way. Lesson by Dawn Maslar, animation by TOGETHER.

    published: 08 May 2014

    ARE YOU READY FOR TRANSFORMATION OF YOUR LIFE ? LOOK NO FURTHER ! DHYAAANGURU DR. NIPUN AGGARWAL is a Humanitarian, Philanthropist, Mentor, Motivator, Doctor and a Spiritual Guide who has helped thousands over the years with Lectures and workshops on Self-Development, Meditation and Mantras. The healing mantras by Dhyaanguru are not just to provide spiritual benefits, but also to manifest in psycho-physiological healing. They work at the core level of the human system, DNA. The vibrations and frequencies of these powerful mantras have shown tremendous healing properties. Thousands of people have shared their success stories on Youtube. Let us join together to heal our Mind, Body and Soul with Dhyaanguru ! LEARN ABOUT DHYAANGURU DR. NIPUN AGGARWAL,MD : https://dhyaanguru.com/about-dhyaan...

    published: 31 Jan 2016
  • 4 Subtle Signs Someone Is Attracted To You Sexually

    Looking to crack the code on whether someone is sexually attracted to you? In "4 Subtle Signs Someone Is Attracted To You Sexually," we'll go over some of the most common yet subtle cues that indicate someone might be feeling a little more than friendly towards you. Whether you're single and on the prowl or simply looking to deepen a connection with someone you're interested in, these signs can help you better understand what's really going on beneath the surface. Don't miss out on this game-changing video that's sure to take your relationships to the next level. Speaking of crushes, we also made a video on 5 Things To Say To Your Crush To Make Them Like You: https://youtu.be/EyTBcSG3mK0 Official Discord: https://discord.gg/EsWEvrJ Writer: Caitlin McColl Editor: Brie Villanueva Script ...

    published: 12 Apr 2023
  • Is This Sexual Tension? How to Tell What They're Actually Feeling

    Are you caught in a web of mixed signals and uncertain emotions? Wondering if what you're experiencing is genuine sexual tension or something entirely different? In this video, we dive deep into the intricacies of human interactions and provide you with valuable insights and practical tips to decipher what they're truly feeling. Whether you're navigating a potential romantic connection, friendship, or professional relationship, understanding the underlying dynamics will empower you to navigate the situation with clarity and confidence. We also made a video on the signs you are suppressing your sexual needs: https://youtu.be/NagKB897EAY Writer/Researcher: Michal Mitchell Script Manager: Kelly Soong Voice Over  :Amanda Silvera (http://www.youtube.com/amandasilvera) Aniamtor: Sarimopi YouT...

    published: 23 May 2023
  • 10 Hidden Signs Someone’s Attracted To You (Sexually)

    10 Hidden Signs Someone’s Attracted To You (Sexually) Are you curious to understand the subtle signals that suggest someone may be sexually attracted to you? In this intriguing video, we delve deep into the realm of human interaction and psychology to uncover "10 Hidden Signs Someone’s Attracted To You (Sexually)." Whether you're navigating the early stages of a romantic relationship or just want to sharpen your ability to read people, this video is your ultimate guide. We will explore the power of body language. From lingering eye contact to suggestive gestures, body language can reveal a person's true desires. We'll break down the non-verbal cues that indicate a potential sexual attraction, shedding light on these subtle yet significant indicators. You'll learn about the words and phra...

    published: 02 Nov 2023
  • How to Spot Sexual Attraction in Eyes | Body Language

    Full PLaylist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL09BD3E11E677A3CC - - Watch more How to Read Body Language videos: http://www.howcast.com/videos/501674-How-to-Spot-Sexual-Attraction-in-Eyes-Body-Language Out of all the different non-verbal behaviors, I think that spotting attraction is without a doubt the easiest. We are very emotional creatures and when we're attracted to somebody, it's very, very difficult to hide. People think they're hiding it, but things always slip. One of the ways they slip are essentially the eyes. There are a lot of different ways you can use the eyes to determine whether or not someone's attracted to you. The first thing is essentially eye contact. For the most part, usually we make eye contact with people that we're interested in or people that we...

    published: 05 Jul 2012
  • The #1 Secret to SEXUAL ATTRACTION & Polarity!

    This one thing will make them CHASE YOU! Join The Magnetic Mastery Membership here: ➡️ http://www.magneticmastery.com In this video, I'm gonna show you the number one polarity secret to you embodying either the feminine energy so that you can attract the masculine, or the masculine energy so that you can attract the true feminine energy that you desire. This is what changed everything for me. And this is the missing key for so many people especially people that are on the spiritual path of awakening. Now, the first thing I'll say about this is that intention, intention, when you are intending to attract love, you're intending to attract a feminine or a masculine partner. I want you to look at that word intention, because intention has the words in it in intention and there lies the secr...

    published: 07 Sep 2022
  • Sexual Arousal, Desire and Attraction: What's the Difference?

    Time for another dive into the world of sexual arousal, desire, and attraction! 💦 What do all these terms mean? How do they interact? Science Hannah and Glamourous Gameshow Hannah are here to talk us all through it! (Is it weird referring to myself in the third person? Probably 😂) Let me know in the comments how you did in the quiz! VIDEO TIMESTAMPS 00:00 – introduction 01:39 – arousal definition 03:08 – sexual desire definition 04:54 – how arousal and desire function together 05:51 – attraction definition 06:50 – science Hannah explains how everything interacts 13:25 – game time! SIMILAR VIDEOS The Secret to Sexual Arousal: https://youtu.be/PP8mnQ2tln8 The Truth About Sexual Desire: https://youtu.be/XDOS6TwbPAc Sex Survey 2021 Results! 💕Pandemic Sex Edition💕: https://youtu.be/clE2aO5t67...

    published: 23 Mar 2021
  • Sexy Affirmations ‎️‍🔥 Manifest A Specific Person To Be Wildly Attracted To YOU {Sexual Meditation}

    Feel like a Sexy God with these affirmations to manifest your specific person to be incredibly attracted to YOU! Sexual Meditation binaural beats. Music written and produced by iAmMalachi (http://www.solomusiqbeats.com) Affirmations written and produced by Roxy Lee (https://www.roxytalks.com/albums) © 2021, Black Moon Records. All rights reserved Roxy Talks Copyright 2021 *All information in this video is intended for General information purposes only. By watching this you agree that all your decisions based on and application of the information contained in this video is by your own personal choice. By watching this video you agree that You do not hold Roxy Talks LLC or Roxy directly or indirectly liable for any claim or third party claim, death, injury, or personal/physical damage as ...

    published: 09 Feb 2021
  • Describe Sexual Attraction | Aces Asking Questions About Sexuality

    Hello lovely humans! Being the clueless and confused asexuals we are, we began to question what sexual attraction is REALLY like, and what is "normal" when it comes to sexual experiences and relationships. To answer our questions, we anonymously asked our friends, and here we share their responses to the following questions: 1) How many times a day is it "normal" to think about sex? 2) How many times a year is it "normal" to have sex in a relationship? 3) Describe sexual attraction. 4) What do you think is the average age to lose your virginity? 5) When do you first recall feeling sexual attraction? 6) When did you begin to feel like there was an expectation for you to think/ act sexually? 0:00 Introduction 1:41 How many times a day is it "normal" to think about sex? 4:34 How many time...

    published: 06 Dec 2021
developed with YouTube
The science of attraction - Dawn Maslar

The science of attraction - Dawn Maslar

  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:34
  • Uploaded Date: 08 May 2014
  • views: 7093692
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/the-science-of-attraction-dawn-maslar Romantic chemistry is all about warm, gooey feelings that gush from the deepest depths of the heart...right? Not quite. Actually, the real boss behind attraction is your brain, which runs through a very quick, very complex series of calculations when assessing a potential partner. Dawn Maslar explores how our five senses contribute to this mating game, citing some pretty wild studies along the way. Lesson by Dawn Maslar, animation by TOGETHER.


  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:00:40
  • Uploaded Date: 31 Jan 2016
  • views: 7836640
ARE YOU READY FOR TRANSFORMATION OF YOUR LIFE ? LOOK NO FURTHER ! DHYAAANGURU DR. NIPUN AGGARWAL is a Humanitarian, Philanthropist, Mentor, Motivator, Doctor and a Spiritual Guide who has helped thousands over the years with Lectures and workshops on Self-Development, Meditation and Mantras. The healing mantras by Dhyaanguru are not just to provide spiritual benefits, but also to manifest in psycho-physiological healing. They work at the core level of the human system, DNA. The vibrations and frequencies of these powerful mantras have shown tremendous healing properties. Thousands of people have shared their success stories on Youtube. Let us join together to heal our Mind, Body and Soul with Dhyaanguru ! LEARN ABOUT DHYAANGURU DR. NIPUN AGGARWAL,MD : https://dhyaanguru.com/about-dhyaanguru/ FOLLOW THE LINKS BELOW TO CONNECT WITH DHYAANGURU : YOUR GUIDE TO SPIRITUAL HEALING ! WEBSITE : https://dhyaanguru.com/ FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/dhyaanguru YOUTUBE : https://www.youtube.com/dhyaanguru LINKED-IN : https://www.linkedin.com/in/dhyaanguru PINTEREST : https://www.pinterest.com/dhyaanguru TWITTER : https://twitter.com/dhyaanguru DHYAANGURU CHARITY: https://dhyaanguru.com/dhyaanguru-charity/ SPEAKER/SINGER: DHYAANGURU DR. NIPUN AGGARWAL, MD, MBA, MHT ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT MANTRAS : https://dhyaanguru.com/all-you-need-to-know-about-mantras/ COMPLETE COLLECTION OF MANTRAS : https://dhyaanguru.com/complete-mantra-collection/ LINKS TO DOWNLOAD MANTRAS : CDBABY: http://www.cdbaby.com/Artist/NipunAggarwal ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/nipun-aggarwal/id638183274 Email: dhyaanguruji@gmail.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MANTRA : OM KROOM LINGAYA OM Kroom is one of the very powerful spiritual sound of sacral chakra which gives us the ability to make connections, physical and spiritual. Lingaya refers to the sexual energies that we hold in our bodies. With this mantra, we balance the sacral chakra and the sexual energies to give us the best sexual experience to connect spiritually. LOOK GOOD, TALK GOOD AND SMELL GOOD TO ENHANCE THE EFFECTS OF MANTRA ! You will see a glow on your face and the magnetism in your personality after each session. Best to do it for atleast 20 minutes. But more the better ! Feeling sexual is part of human nature. There is no need to shy away from sexuality. With a clean heart and soul, you should get the pleasures through your soulmate. Love is the main ingredient of any sexual encounter. Without true love, sex is said to be a devil's cave, which only brings demoralization of character. USE THIS MANTRA IF YOU FEEL SEXUALLY DEPRIVED OR SUFFER FROM LOW VITALITY. THIS WILL HELP WITH ENHANCING YOUR OVERALL SEXUAL EXPERIENCE ! FOCUS ON YOUR ROOT CHAKRA/GENITALIA AND FEEL THE RUSH OF ENERGY IN YOUR REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS ! Kroom is the beej sound for vital reproductive forces(Linga) Sexual attraction is attraction on the basis of sexual desire or the quality of arousing such interest. Sexual attractiveness or sex appeal is an individual's ability to attract the sexual or erotic interest of another person, and is a factor in sexual selection or mate choice. The attraction can be to the physical or other qualities or traits of a person, or to such qualities in the context in which they appear. The attraction may be to a person's aesthetics or movements or to their voice or smell, besides other factors. The attraction may be enhanced by a person's adornments, clothing, perfume or style. It can also be influenced by individual genetic,psychological, or cultural factors, or to other, more amorphous qualities of the person. Sexual attraction is also a response to another person that depends on a combination of the person possessing the traits and also on the criteria of the person who is attracted. Though attempts have been made to devise objective criteria of sexual attractiveness, and measure it as one of several bodily forms of capital asset (see erotic capital), a person's sexual attractiveness is to a large extent a subjective measure dependent on another person's interest, perception, and sexual orientation. A person's physical appearance has a critical impact on their sexual attractiveness. This involves the impact one's appearance has on the senses, especially in the beginning of a relationship: 1.Visual perception (how the other looks and acts or moves, for example while dancing); 2.Audition (how the other's voice and movements sound); 3.Olfaction (how the other smells, naturally or artificially; the wrong smell may be repellent).
4 Subtle Signs Someone Is Attracted To You Sexually

4 Subtle Signs Someone Is Attracted To You Sexually

  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:23
  • Uploaded Date: 12 Apr 2023
  • views: 367877
Looking to crack the code on whether someone is sexually attracted to you? In "4 Subtle Signs Someone Is Attracted To You Sexually," we'll go over some of the most common yet subtle cues that indicate someone might be feeling a little more than friendly towards you. Whether you're single and on the prowl or simply looking to deepen a connection with someone you're interested in, these signs can help you better understand what's really going on beneath the surface. Don't miss out on this game-changing video that's sure to take your relationships to the next level. Speaking of crushes, we also made a video on 5 Things To Say To Your Crush To Make Them Like You: https://youtu.be/EyTBcSG3mK0 Official Discord: https://discord.gg/EsWEvrJ Writer: Caitlin McColl Editor: Brie Villanueva Script Manager: Kelly Soong Voice over: Amanda Silvera (http://www.youtube.com/amandasilvera ) Animator: Sam Rain Youtube Manager: Cindy Cheong References Daniel, F. (2020, Dec 19) How To Know If Someone Likes You: 27 Signs Of Attraction Mind Body Green. www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/signs-of-attraction Pace, R (2021, Mar 17) www.marriage.com/advice/relationship/physical-signs-a-woman-is-interested-in-you/ Brito, J (2019, Aug 25) Do We Have Sexual Tension, or Is It Just Me? 22 Signs to Watch For. Healthline. www.healthline.com/health/healthy-sex/sexual-tension Van Edwards, V( 4 Ways to Instantly Tell When Someone is Attracted to You. Science of People. www.scienceofpeople.com/know-someone-attracted/ N.A.(2023, Feb 9)22 Examples Of Body Language Attraction Betterhelp. www.betterhelp.com/advice/body-language/22-examples-of-body-language-attraction/ Lamia, M( 2014, Dec 23) How Blushing Exposes You, and Benefits You. Psychology Today. www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/intense-emotions-and-strong-feelings/201412/how-blushing-exposes-you-and-benefits-you Brito, J (2020, Apr 27) Medical News Today. Dilated pupils meaning: is it a sign of love? www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/dilated-pupils-meaning#attraction Dador, D (2014, Sept 30) Voices change in pitch when people flirt, researchers say. ABC7.com. abc7.com/sexual-attraction-flirting-voice-changes-when-evolution-and-human-behavior-journal/331526/ (N.A., 2011, Feb 2). Gender affects body language reading. Frontiers in Psychology. doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2011.00016
Is This Sexual Tension? How to Tell What They're Actually Feeling

Is This Sexual Tension? How to Tell What They're Actually Feeling

  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:13
  • Uploaded Date: 23 May 2023
  • views: 405038
Are you caught in a web of mixed signals and uncertain emotions? Wondering if what you're experiencing is genuine sexual tension or something entirely different? In this video, we dive deep into the intricacies of human interactions and provide you with valuable insights and practical tips to decipher what they're truly feeling. Whether you're navigating a potential romantic connection, friendship, or professional relationship, understanding the underlying dynamics will empower you to navigate the situation with clarity and confidence. We also made a video on the signs you are suppressing your sexual needs: https://youtu.be/NagKB897EAY Writer/Researcher: Michal Mitchell Script Manager: Kelly Soong Voice Over  :Amanda Silvera (http://www.youtube.com/amandasilvera) Aniamtor: Sarimopi YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong Official Discord: https://discord.gg/EsWEvrJ References: Santos-Longhurst, A. (2019, August 26). Do we have sexual tension, or is it just me? Healthline. Retrieved from www.healthline.com/health/healthy-sex/sexual-tension#positive-tension Zane, Z. (2021, November 2). 8 telltale signs the sexual tension is mutual. Men's Health. Retrieved from www.menshealth.com/sex-women/a28635292/sexual-tension-signs/ Natale, N. (2018, November 29). 7 signs that you have sexual chemistry with someone. Insider. Retrieved from www.insider.com/sexual-chemistry-signs-2018-11 Kassel, G. (2022, October 13). Can you foster sexual chemistry if it isn't there from the beginning? Shape. Retrieved from www.shape.com/lifestyle/sex-and-love/what-is-sexual-chemistry#:~:text=%22Sexual%20chemistry%20is%20the%20very,also%20be%20intellectual%20or%20emotional Kassel, G. (2022, September 26). What does demisexual mean? Shape. Retrieved from www.shape.com/lifestyle/sex-and-love/what-is-demisexual-meaning Rosenfeld, J. (2019, February 14). When you feel "chemistry" with someone, what's actually going on? Mental Floss. Retrieved from www.mentalfloss.com/article/529854/when-you-feel-chemistry-someone-whats-actually-going Field, B. (2022, January 4). What is sexual chemistry? Verywell Mind. Retrieved from www.verywellmind.com/what-is-sexual-chemistry-all-about-5210910 Tepfenhart , O. (2021, November 10). 20 signs of serious sexual tension - and what to do about it. YourTango. Retrieved from www.yourtango.com/2017307743/13-signs-sexual-tension-between-you-and-him
10 Hidden Signs Someone’s Attracted To You (Sexually)

10 Hidden Signs Someone’s Attracted To You (Sexually)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:18
  • Uploaded Date: 02 Nov 2023
  • views: 75809
10 Hidden Signs Someone’s Attracted To You (Sexually) Are you curious to understand the subtle signals that suggest someone may be sexually attracted to you? In this intriguing video, we delve deep into the realm of human interaction and psychology to uncover "10 Hidden Signs Someone’s Attracted To You (Sexually)." Whether you're navigating the early stages of a romantic relationship or just want to sharpen your ability to read people, this video is your ultimate guide. We will explore the power of body language. From lingering eye contact to suggestive gestures, body language can reveal a person's true desires. We'll break down the non-verbal cues that indicate a potential sexual attraction, shedding light on these subtle yet significant indicators. You'll learn about the words and phrases people may use when they are sexually attracted to someone. Understanding the nuances of speech can provide invaluable insights into their intentions. We also dive into the realm of personal boundaries. Exploring how personal space and touch play a pivotal role in sexual attraction, we dissect the signs that signal a deeper, more intimate connection. From the art of subtle touching to respecting each other's personal space, this section unlocks the mysteries of attraction. Lastly, we discuss the emotional aspects of sexual attraction. Here, you'll discover how someone's emotions can betray their hidden desires. We'll explore the signs of emotional intimacy and vulnerability that often surface when someone is genuinely attracted to you. This comprehensive video is your key to understanding the intricate dance of sexual attraction. By the end, you'll be armed with the knowledge to decipher these 10 hidden signs, empowering you to navigate the complex world of human connections with confidence and insight. Don't miss out on this eye-opening exploration of attraction – watch now and unlock the secrets of human desire. #lovepsychology #lovesignals #relationshiptips ⭐️ Make ANY Man Fall In Love With You (Using Male Psychology) ➜ https://bit.ly/3p6UI70 ✅ FREE Checklist: How to Make ANY Man Fall In Love With You 👇🏼 https://bit.ly/3IIRMaX ✅ Get Our Positive Body Language Checklist For FREE 👇🏼 https://bit.ly/38UGhij ✅ Get Our Body Language eBook For FREE 👇🏼 https://bit.ly/3B4FLav ✅ NEW Channel Only For MEN: http://bit.ly/3A97FEc ________________________________________ Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1Uth0tgd4qeoa8IlWTK2cA/ _______________________________________ ---- WATCH MORE ---- : Psychology Videos ONLY For Women: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-vCgxazAe1vMChkutC1xBgfj9DsmKE1T Psychology Videos ONLY for Men: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-vCgxazAe1s3SihWnbh8_DJYcvAL2esn Psychology Videos For Everyone: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-vCgxazAe1vbRbO0dZ2EX23JdpZK5bAA Self Development Psychology: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-vCgxazAe1vaWeB-i6J3EGnrcIUhW5RG Personality Psychology Videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-vCgxazAe1uN3w8wLFpKd7f8A9-wwJK4 Interesting Psychology Videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-vCgxazAe1tIyRGJuiXKMfDabuVavwfu _____________________ DISCLAIMER: Links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that we provide, we may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! Thank you for supporting Social Psychology Masters so we can continue to provide you with free high quality content! __________________________ ⭐️IF YOU ARE NEW HERE⭐️ Welcome to the Social Psychology Masters YouTube channel! Social Psychology Masters is one of the fastest growing authorities in social psychology and self-development. With the power of self-improvement and mental health, we help people to become their best selves in all areas of life, from relationships to personal development and social skills. We also offer the best relationship advice and self-help provided by experts and backed by science. We are making social psychology accessible to everyone and helping people unlock the door to personal excellence. Our mission is to make a positive impact on as many people as possible, and we are excited to help you achieve your goals! Click the subscribe button and welcome to the family! ⭐️ Connect With Us ⭐️ _____________________ Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/socialpsychologymasters Instagram page: psychology_masters TikTok: psychology_masters Website: https://socialpsychologymasters.com Business email: team@socialpsychologymasters.com 🌟 Request a Sponsorship: team@socialpsychologymasters.com (Include “Sponsor” in Email Subject)
How to Spot Sexual Attraction in Eyes | Body Language

How to Spot Sexual Attraction in Eyes | Body Language

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  • Duration: 3:34
  • Uploaded Date: 05 Jul 2012
  • views: 2654949
Full PLaylist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL09BD3E11E677A3CC - - Watch more How to Read Body Language videos: http://www.howcast.com/videos/501674-How-to-Spot-Sexual-Attraction-in-Eyes-Body-Language Out of all the different non-verbal behaviors, I think that spotting attraction is without a doubt the easiest. We are very emotional creatures and when we're attracted to somebody, it's very, very difficult to hide. People think they're hiding it, but things always slip. One of the ways they slip are essentially the eyes. There are a lot of different ways you can use the eyes to determine whether or not someone's attracted to you. The first thing is essentially eye contact. For the most part, usually we make eye contact with people that we're interested in or people that we're attracted to. Right? But this is not entirely true. Some people are shy or anxious and they're not going to make eye contact. So what you're looking for essentially is a deviation in eye contact. So one of the ways you can use eye contact and there's a little trick that's very, very reliable. So what you're going to do is if you look at somebody in a bar or restaurant or on the street and they break eye contact vertically, so they look down. So you make eye contact with them and they break eye contact vertically and then within 20-30 seconds they reestablish eye contact, approach them. They like you. It's a very, very reliable thing. Essentially what they're doing. You stare at them. They're submitting to you and then they take a little second glance to see who you are. It's very, very, very reliable. The opposite of that would be if you look at somebody and they look at you and they immediately go and break eye contact. Nope, not interested. But what is reliable is they break eye contact and they come back. Break eye contact and then come back. Break eye contact and then come back. It's very interesting. And don't let it wait. If you see that, go right away because the more and more you wait. The more and more eye contact becomes very, very awkward. One of the things that I do in one of my classes is I have people stare each other in the eyes for three minutes without saying anything. They just stare each other in the eyes like this. Try that. Go out and try to stare somebody in the eyes for even 90 seconds. I guarantee you can't do it. It's awkward. It's so awkward because humans are not really at a level intimacy. When you stare somebody in the eyes is so awkward when you're doing it with a stranger. Studies will show that if you stare somebody in the eyes for 90 seconds to three minutes, all of a sudden you're going to like that person a lot better than everybody else in the room because you kind of shared this emotional connection. So eye contact is important in that respect. The second thing you can look for essentially is blink rate. Now, this is really cool. So blink rate correlate with emotional excitement. When we are emotionally excited, our blink rates tend to increase. Right? Average blink rates tend to be below 20 blinks per minute. For most people it really depends on where you are, but it's really hard to nail down what the average blink rate is. But in my experience, it seems to be around 10 blinks per minute. Right? So you see, whenever you see a sudden spike or a bunch of sudden spikes in somebody's blink rate in can be an indication of attraction. In my dating studies you see blink rates through the roof because the person across the table from you has an emotional response. You're attracted to them. The third way of kind of using the eyes to determine attraction is dilation. It's very interesting. Our eyes dilate when we're attracted to something. Right? Go out and find a Maxim magazine or a Playboy magazine or any cover that's predominately men focusing. Every single woman will have her eyes dilated. You never, ever see them constricted. The reason why is because men perceive women with dilated eyes more attractive than women with more constricted eyes. To the point of back in the day prostitutes used to put a specific toxin in their eyes to make them dilate.
The #1 Secret to SEXUAL ATTRACTION & Polarity!

The #1 Secret to SEXUAL ATTRACTION & Polarity!

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  • Duration: 15:51
  • Uploaded Date: 07 Sep 2022
  • views: 24625
This one thing will make them CHASE YOU! Join The Magnetic Mastery Membership here: ➡️ http://www.magneticmastery.com In this video, I'm gonna show you the number one polarity secret to you embodying either the feminine energy so that you can attract the masculine, or the masculine energy so that you can attract the true feminine energy that you desire. This is what changed everything for me. And this is the missing key for so many people especially people that are on the spiritual path of awakening. Now, the first thing I'll say about this is that intention, intention, when you are intending to attract love, you're intending to attract a feminine or a masculine partner. I want you to look at that word intention, because intention has the words in it in intention and there lies the secret to true magnetic energy. The answer is tension, it's tension. When you see, let's say you see something that sexually is attractive to you, it creates tension inside of your body. Imagine somebody that is assertive, someone that's really in their masculine frame, should be leading. That person should be directional. Imagine they go up to somebody. Normally the masculine will go up to the feminine and will maybe ask the feminine out or maybe show desire for the feminine and lead the feminine. If that is the case, what happens is that creates tension inside of the feminine. At the same time, it may create and it may have the masculine feel a level of tension to even go do that. And that is because that tension shows and reveals vulnerability. It reveals desire. Now lemme share with you a little bit of where I was to where I am now and how that completely changed and why tension completely changed my own level of being in my own masculinity, and why I think also that this is the most common problem or challenge within spiritual community. So first off, the way that I used to be is it was very hard for me to set boundaries. I was very hard for me to show interest in someone that I was dating, because I wouldn't want to be rejected. So what I would do is I would like, I'd like someone I'd hang out with them as a friend. And there were many times I can look back and see that there were like why isn't this guy making a move on me? Why isn't this guy showing that he's attracted to me? Sometimes they would then think that maybe I just wasn't interested. And it was because I was afraid to show my actual intent of wanting to get to know them or to go out with them. And because I wasn't showing that, it would then put me into what is called the friend zone. This is a very common of people that are people pleasers or nice guys. They get put into the friend zone because they aren't being vulnerable. They wanna be nice and they wanna be nice means they're also manipulative. It's I'm gonna be nice to you and you're gonna gimme validation approval or you're gonna feel good. You're not gonna feel any tension at all, no tension here. And what happens is because there's no tension, there's no sexual attraction. Tension is when you give the ability for someone to decide how they feel about you. When you put yourself out there vulnerably, that creates tension because yes, you could get rejected. However, when you put yourself out there like that, and you are vulnerable, it opens up something inside other people. So I went from it being very challenging for me to express myself in that way. For me also, it was hard for me to express what I really wanted to do. Cause I tuned my own frame to whoever I was dating. So when it comes to going to restaurants, it's like, "Well, what do they wanna do?" I only wanna do what they wanna do. I don't even know who I am or what I want. And then it was very hard or challenging for me to lead the feminine because I was so much tuning to them. And what this would lead to is this would lead to me being with people that a lot of times would not feel safe. The feminine would not still safe because I was not leading. I was not in my own masculine energy. I was not providing that tension. That healthy tension that creates that level of attraction. It's funny, there's a guy named Andrew Tate. I dunno if you've seen this guy, but super interesting guy. He's all over YouTube, but he has this. I wanted to eventually break down this video where he's talking about he's super… A lot of his perspectives are super toxic, but there's some level of truth in some of the things he says, lemme say that again. There's a little bit of truth. And some of the things he says, I'm not, cause he is very toxic, but one of the things he's saying, he's like the feminine or he is this woman. He's like, "Woman, they need drama. You have to constantly give your girl drama. You have to constantly give your girl drama because what she's gonna do, she's gonna go home at night and she's gonna watch serial killer documentaries just so she can relax so that she could fall asleep."
Sexual Arousal, Desire and Attraction: What's the Difference?

Sexual Arousal, Desire and Attraction: What's the Difference?

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  • Duration: 18:28
  • Uploaded Date: 23 Mar 2021
  • views: 149770
Time for another dive into the world of sexual arousal, desire, and attraction! 💦 What do all these terms mean? How do they interact? Science Hannah and Glamourous Gameshow Hannah are here to talk us all through it! (Is it weird referring to myself in the third person? Probably 😂) Let me know in the comments how you did in the quiz! VIDEO TIMESTAMPS 00:00 – introduction 01:39 – arousal definition 03:08 – sexual desire definition 04:54 – how arousal and desire function together 05:51 – attraction definition 06:50 – science Hannah explains how everything interacts 13:25 – game time! SIMILAR VIDEOS The Secret to Sexual Arousal: https://youtu.be/PP8mnQ2tln8 The Truth About Sexual Desire: https://youtu.be/XDOS6TwbPAc Sex Survey 2021 Results! 💕Pandemic Sex Edition💕: https://youtu.be/clE2aO5t67Y 💥MY CULTURE, LIFESTYLE & CAREER YOUTUBE CHANNEL💥 Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/morehannah?sub_confirmation=1 ✨WANT TO SUPPORT ME AND MY WORK?✨ Join The Common Room on Patreon! http://www.patreon.com/hannahwitton 📚MY BOOKS*📚 The Hormone Diaries: http://bit.ly/TheHormoneDiariesBook Doing It: http://bit.ly/DoingItBook Want to be the first to know about new projects & exclusive content? 📝SIGN UP TO MY NEWSLETTER📝 http://bit.ly/HannahWittonsNewsletter 🌻LET’S CONNECT🌻 Instagram: http://instagram.com/hannahwitton Twitter: https://twitter.com/hannahwitton Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/hannahwittonofficial 🎧LISTEN TO MY PODCAST🎧 https://pod.link/1464870183 💕JOIN THE HORMONE DIARIES COMMUNITY 💕 https://www.facebook.com/groups/451313315614742/ 💛MY WEBSITE💛 https://hannahwitton.com/ 🎮WATCH ME PLAY GAMES🎮 https://www.twitch.tv/hannahwitton ⭐CAPTIONS BY REV*⭐ https://www.rev.com/services?ref=hannahwitton 🎶MUSIC FOR YOUTUBE VIDEOS* 🎶 http://share.epidemicsound.com/hannah 🎥VIDEO EQUIPMENT*🎥 Main camera - Canon 80d: http://bit.ly/HannahsMainCamera Lens - Sigma 18-35mm f1.8: http://bit.ly/HannahsLens Microphone - H4n Zoom: http://bit.ly/HannahsMicrophone Vlog camera - Sony Sony ZV-1: https://bit.ly/HannahsNewVlogCamera Twitch camera - http://bit.ly/HannahsTwitchCamera 🎙PODCAST EQUIPMENT*🎙 Microphone - Samson Q2U: http://bit.ly/HannahsPodcastMicrophone Recorder - H6n Zoom: http://bit.ly/HannahsPodcastRecorder *Affiliate links #HannahWitton
Sexy Affirmations ‎️‍🔥 Manifest A Specific Person To Be Wildly Attracted To YOU {Sexual Meditation}

Sexy Affirmations ‎️‍🔥 Manifest A Specific Person To Be Wildly Attracted To YOU {Sexual Meditation}

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  • Duration: 12:00
  • Uploaded Date: 09 Feb 2021
  • views: 1599938
Feel like a Sexy God with these affirmations to manifest your specific person to be incredibly attracted to YOU! Sexual Meditation binaural beats. Music written and produced by iAmMalachi (http://www.solomusiqbeats.com) Affirmations written and produced by Roxy Lee (https://www.roxytalks.com/albums) © 2021, Black Moon Records. All rights reserved Roxy Talks Copyright 2021 *All information in this video is intended for General information purposes only. By watching this you agree that all your decisions based on and application of the information contained in this video is by your own personal choice. By watching this video you agree that You do not hold Roxy Talks LLC or Roxy directly or indirectly liable for any claim or third party claim, death, injury, or personal/physical damage as a result of the use, interpretation, or application of the information contained in this video. FREE RESOURCES: ❤︎Manifest your ideal relationship NOW! Join the *FREE* 😍 MANIFEST A SPECIFIC PERSON MASTERCLASS here: http://bit.ly/manifestspmasterclass ❤︎📆 One Year Manifestation Planner: https://bit.ly/oneyearplanner ❤︎Confidence Boosting Affirmations Builder: http://bit.ly/confidence_affirmations_builder Love yourself better 💗 ❤︎30 Days of Alignment Challenge at http://bit.ly/30daysofalignment Change your life in One month!🌈 ❤︎FREE MEDITATION GUIDE🙏🏼: http://bit.ly/bmsguidedmeditation Simple guide to meditation you can do in 10-15 minutes each day ❤︎JOIN MY COMMUNITY: Black Moon Society https://bit.ly/blackmoonsocietygroup ~ Banish negativity and beat self-limiting beliefs so you can bring love, clarity and joy back into your life! CLICK HERE for Courses, Workshops, and One-On-One coaching: https://www.roxytalks.com/ JOIN THE MANIFEST A SPECIFIC PERSON WORKSHOP: https://bit.ly/manifestspworkshop to address your specific limiting beliefs, release your doubts and create new habits that will lead you to success and personal fulfillment! EMBODY YOUR MOST CONFIDENT SELF🔥 Manifest confidence with my CONFIDENT AF Workshop: bit.ly/roxytalksmanifestconfidence FOLLOW MY STYLE CHANNEL: https://bit.ly/roxytalksstyle OFFICIAL #RoxyTalks MERCH!!! https://teespring.com/stores/roxytalks Get the EXTENDED cut of my Affirmations album "Frequencies" at my website http://www.RoxyTalks.com/frequencies (Available on all major streaming platforms) WATCH THE MANIFESTING PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... WATCH THE SPECIFIC PERSON PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... Subscribe and never miss a video! http://bit.ly/roxytalksyoutube Follow on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/roxytalks Check out my music: https://roxyleeheart.com/music
Describe Sexual Attraction |  Aces Asking Questions About Sexuality

Describe Sexual Attraction | Aces Asking Questions About Sexuality

  • Order:
  • Duration: 23:24
  • Uploaded Date: 06 Dec 2021
  • views: 18108
Hello lovely humans! Being the clueless and confused asexuals we are, we began to question what sexual attraction is REALLY like, and what is "normal" when it comes to sexual experiences and relationships. To answer our questions, we anonymously asked our friends, and here we share their responses to the following questions: 1) How many times a day is it "normal" to think about sex? 2) How many times a year is it "normal" to have sex in a relationship? 3) Describe sexual attraction. 4) What do you think is the average age to lose your virginity? 5) When do you first recall feeling sexual attraction? 6) When did you begin to feel like there was an expectation for you to think/ act sexually? 0:00 Introduction 1:41 How many times a day is it "normal" to think about sex? 4:34 How many times a year is it "normal" to have sex in a relationship? 7:56 Describe sexual attraction. 12:57 What do you think is the average age to lose your virginity? 14:59 When do you first recall feeling sexual attraction? 17:04 When did you first begin to feel like there was an expectation for you to think/ act sexually? 20:53 Additional thoughts 22:14 Byeee! Welcome, lovely humans and aliens! We are a trio consisting of an asexual, a greysexual, and a demisexual. On our channel we talk about queer things in addition to our other nerdy interests. Go check out our TikTok, too! Link is below. ____________________________________ My name is Elle (she/they) and I'm an enby and aro-space ace doing my queer thing here in the internet universe. Join me and let's be gay nerds. I'd really like that. Love you!! ____________________________________ My name is Lau (she/her) and I’m a biromantic grey-asexual. I consider myself a veteran queer because I’ve been involved with the LGBTQ+ community since middle school, but only came out as grey-ace recently. Come join me and talk about this community! ____________________________________ My name is Kaden, (any pronouns) and I'm a non-binary demisexual aromantic nerd! Stick around if you seek to trudge through my existential edginess here in this internet space.
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The science of attraction - Dawn Maslar

View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/the-science-of-attraction-dawn-maslar Romantic chemistry is all about warm, gooey feelings that gush from the deepest depths of the heart...right? Not quite. Actually, the real boss behind attraction is your brain, which runs through a very quick, very complex series of calculations when assessing a potential partner. Dawn Maslar explores how our five senses contribute to this mating game, citing some pretty wild studies along the way. Lesson by Dawn Maslar, animation by TOGETHER.
The science of attraction - Dawn Maslar
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Is This Sexual Tension? How to Tell What They're Actually Feeling
Are you caught in a web of mixed signals and uncertain emotions? Wondering if what you're ...
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10 Hidden Signs Someone’s Attracted To You (Sexually)
10 Hidden Signs Someone’s Attracted To You (Sexually) Are you curious to understand the su...
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How to Spot Sexual Attraction in Eyes | Body Language
Full PLaylist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL09BD3E11E677A3CC - - Watch more How...
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The #1 Secret to SEXUAL ATTRACTION & Polarity!
This one thing will make them CHASE YOU! Join The Magnetic Mastery Membership here: ➡️ htt...
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Sexual Arousal, Desire and Attraction: What's the Difference?
Time for another dive into the world of sexual arousal, desire, and attraction! 💦 What do ...
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Sexy Affirmations ‎️‍🔥 Manifest A Specific Person To Be Wildly Attracted To YOU {Sexual Meditation}
Feel like a Sexy God with these affirmations to manifest your specific person to be incred...
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Describe Sexual Attraction | Aces Asking Questions About Sexuality
Hello lovely humans! Being the clueless and confused asexuals we are, we began to questio...
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Sexual attraction

Sexual attraction is attraction on the basis of sexual desire or the quality of arousing such interest.Sexual attractiveness or sex appeal is an individual's ability to attract the sexual or erotic interest of another person, and is a factor in sexual selection or mate choice. The attraction can be to the physical or other qualities or traits of a person, or to such qualities in the context in which they appear. The attraction may be to a person's aesthetics or movements or to their voice or smell, besides other factors. The attraction may be enhanced by a person's adornments, clothing, perfume or style. It can also be influenced by individual genetic, psychological, or cultural factors, or to other, more amorphous qualities of the person. Sexual attraction is also a response to another person that depends on a combination of the person possessing the traits and also on the criteria of the person who is attracted.

Though attempts have been made to devise objective criteria of sexual attractiveness, and measure it as one of several bodily forms of capital asset (see erotic capital), a person's sexual attractiveness is to a large extent a subjective measure dependent on another person's interest, perception, and sexual orientation. For example, a gay or lesbian person would typically find a person of the same sex to be more attractive than one of the other sex. A bisexual person would find either sex to be attractive. Asexuality refers to those who do not experience sexual attraction for either sex, though they may have romantic attraction (homoromantic, biromantic or heteroromantic) and/or a non-directed libido.Interpersonal attraction includes factors such as physical or psychological similarity, familiarity or possessing a preponderance of common or familiar features, similarity, complementarity, reciprocal liking, and reinforcement.

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