The seventh-day Sabbath, observed from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset, is an important part of the beliefs and practices of seventh-day churches. These churches emphasize biblical references such as the ancient Hebrew practice of beginning a day at sundown, and the Genesis creation narrative wherein an "evening and morning" established a day, predating the giving of the Ten Commandments (thus the command to "remember" the sabbath). The seventh day of the week is recognized as Sabbath in many languages, calendars, and doctrines, including those of Catholic and Orthodox churches. It is still observed in modern Judaism in relation to Mosaic Law.
Catholic, Orthodox, and most Protestant denominations believe the Mosaic Law to be superseded. Yet it is only in the west that some Christians describe the sabbath as being transferred to Sunday, the first day of the week, merged with the Lord's Day and the day of Christ's resurrection, forming (in some traditions) a "Christian Sabbath".
100% Proof Christians Don't Have To Keep The Sabbath | Seventh Day Adventists Exposed
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Did Adam Keep The Sabbath?
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Should Christians keep the Sabbath Day? This is a question that Seventh Day Adventists and other Sabbath keeping groups frequently ask Christians and they insist that Christians must observe the Sabbath Day. But is this true? The answer to that question is "no". Christians are not required to keep the Sabbath Day Commandment. The Sabbath Day Commandment was a shadow of things to come, the substance of which is Christ.
published: 29 Jan 2023
Why I go to Church on SATURDAY - (Sabbath explained)
Why do I go to church on Saturday? And what does the bible say about keeping the Sabbath holy? In this video I will explain from the bible and history the reason for worshiping the sabbath and how the Catholic Church has changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday.
Catholic Quotes about Sunday worship:
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published: 13 Nov 2022
Why I LEFT the Seventh-Day Adventist Church and You Should Too! | Part 1
Isn't the Adventist Church the Remnant? Don't they strictly just follow the Bible? Why would someone leave? These are the 3 main reasons why I left the Seventh-Day Adventist Church.
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Part 2:
0:00 - Introduction
0:44 - Ellen G. White's Role
1:56 - Adventist Jesus
3:39 - Sabbath = Seal of God
#testimonial #jesustestimony #seventhdayadventist #sda #sdachurch #answeringadventism
published: 05 Dec 2022
Seventh-day Adventists Explained in 2 Minutes
The Seventh-day Adventist Church is a large and fast-growing group. This video discusses what they believe.
published: 16 Oct 2022
Why Christians worship on Sunday if Sabbath is on Saturday? Understanding Sabbath
published: 08 Sep 2022
Why Is The Sabbath Day Still Important? | Seventh-day Adventist Beliefs Explained
Frank Hasel and Keldie Paroshi invite Mathilde Frey for a captivating exploration of the Sabbath Day and it’s role in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Together, they delve deep into the 20th fundamental belief, discussing the relevance, meanings, and implications of the Sabbath from a biblical perspective.
This is the 20th video in our enlightening series that probes into the 28 fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Joined by biblical scholars, we seek to clarify and apply these doctrines, fostering a better understanding of the Bible, and nurturing our faith in God’s word.
The trio discusses the Sabbath day's unique position as a symbol of God's redemptive work, a reminder of His divine creation, and a special day of communion with the Creator. They illustrate the Sa...
published: 08 Oct 2023
Why Seventh-Day Adventists Are Wrong about the Sabbath
Do Christians need to keep the Sabbath on Saturday? Ray Comfort expands on this question and then shows a witnessing clip where someone believes that keeping the Sabbath on a Saturday is so important, that he's worried about Ray's salvation.
Get our award-winning Evidence Study Bible while they're still in stock here:
Visit to view more free Christian videos, articles, and to get tracts and other resources by Ray Comfort and the Living Waters team.
Living Waters:
Ray Comfort:
Living Waters:
Living Waters:
Ray Comfort...
published: 20 Mar 2021
How to Keep the Sabbath [BIBLICAL TIPS]
Simple, Biblical tips on how to keep the Sabbath. Experience a deeper relationship with God and get closer to your family and friends by honoring God's Holy Day.
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published: 08 Jul 2022
Amazing Grace Seventh Day Adventist Church 🙏BIG Sabbath Worship Service PART 2🙏 🙏👏 10th AUG2024
Amazing Grace Seventh Day Adventist Church 🙏BIG Sabbath Worship Service PART 2🙏 🙏👏 10th AUG2024
@Namibia South Conference SDA Church
💶💷💲 Stewardship Revival Program
AG@STUDY - Sabbath School Lesson Study
Divine Service Worship
Children Worship Service
#sabbathday #sda #sabbathschool #sabbathservice #seventhdayadventist #adventist #churchservices #adventistyouth #ambassadorsclub #forgiveness #amazinggraceyouth #sdayouth #youthclub #forgiveness #love #family #youthnamibia #southnamibiayouth #sdayouth #youthministires #sdayouthministries #mid-week #happySabbathday #happySabbath #childrenministry #childrensda #agsdachildren #agwomen #AdventistWomen #adventistwomenministries #Amazinggraceadventistwomenministries
published: 10 Aug 2024
Sabbath-Keeping Christian Denominations Compared
Comparing Eight Seventh-day Sabbath-Keeping Denominations:
Seventh-day Adventist Church
Church of God (Seventh Day)
United Church of God
Seventh Day Baptists
Assemblies of Yahweh
Twelve Tribes
True Jesus Church
Church of God (Jerusalem Acres)
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Did Adam Keep The Sabbath?
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Get all my notes:
Did Adam Keep The Sabbath?
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Should Christians keep the Sabbath Day? This is a question that Seventh Day Adventists and other Sabbath keeping groups frequently ask Christians and they insist that Christians must observe the Sabbath Day. But is this true? The answer to that question is "no". Christians are not required to keep the Sabbath Day Commandment. The Sabbath Day Commandment was a shadow of things to come, the substance of which is Christ.
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Did Adam Keep The Sabbath?
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Should Christians keep the Sabbath Day? This is a question that Seventh Day Adventists and other Sabbath keeping groups frequently ask Christians and they insist that Christians must observe the Sabbath Day. But is this true? The answer to that question is "no". Christians are not required to keep the Sabbath Day Commandment. The Sabbath Day Commandment was a shadow of things to come, the substance of which is Christ.
Why do I go to church on Saturday? And what does the bible say about keeping the Sabbath holy? In this video I will explain from the bible and history the reaso...
Why do I go to church on Saturday? And what does the bible say about keeping the Sabbath holy? In this video I will explain from the bible and history the reason for worshiping the sabbath and how the Catholic Church has changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday.
Catholic Quotes about Sunday worship:
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Why do I go to church on Saturday? And what does the bible say about keeping the Sabbath holy? In this video I will explain from the bible and history the reason for worshiping the sabbath and how the Catholic Church has changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday.
Catholic Quotes about Sunday worship:
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Isn't the Adventist Church the Remnant? Don't they strictly just follow the Bible? Why would someone leave? These are the 3 main reasons why I left the Seventh-...
Isn't the Adventist Church the Remnant? Don't they strictly just follow the Bible? Why would someone leave? These are the 3 main reasons why I left the Seventh-Day Adventist Church.
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Part 2:
0:00 - Introduction
0:44 - Ellen G. White's Role
1:56 - Adventist Jesus
3:39 - Sabbath = Seal of God
#testimonial #jesustestimony #seventhdayadventist #sda #sdachurch #answeringadventism
Isn't the Adventist Church the Remnant? Don't they strictly just follow the Bible? Why would someone leave? These are the 3 main reasons why I left the Seventh-Day Adventist Church.
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Part 2:
0:00 - Introduction
0:44 - Ellen G. White's Role
1:56 - Adventist Jesus
3:39 - Sabbath = Seal of God
#testimonial #jesustestimony #seventhdayadventist #sda #sdachurch #answeringadventism
Frank Hasel and Keldie Paroshi invite Mathilde Frey for a captivating exploration of the Sabbath Day and it’s role in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Together...
Frank Hasel and Keldie Paroshi invite Mathilde Frey for a captivating exploration of the Sabbath Day and it’s role in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Together, they delve deep into the 20th fundamental belief, discussing the relevance, meanings, and implications of the Sabbath from a biblical perspective.
This is the 20th video in our enlightening series that probes into the 28 fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Joined by biblical scholars, we seek to clarify and apply these doctrines, fostering a better understanding of the Bible, and nurturing our faith in God’s word.
The trio discusses the Sabbath day's unique position as a symbol of God's redemptive work, a reminder of His divine creation, and a special day of communion with the Creator. They illustrate the Sabbath's significance as a gift of grace and freedom, drawing from the story of the Israelites' liberation from Egypt.
The conversation with Frank Hasel, Mathilde Frey, and Keldie Paroshi underlines the Sabbath's universal appeal, highlighting it as a timeless blessing open to all. How does the Sabbath encourage equality, inclusivity, and a deep spiritual renewal? How can observing the Sabbath be a joyful response to God’s salvation and a way of life that uplifts our spiritual journey?
The discussion culminates in an inviting exploration of the Sabbath as a feature of early Christian communities, with Jesus himself honoring this day of rest and healing. They contemplate the theological significance of the Sabbath in terms of creation, redemption, and God's enduring love for humanity.
Join us on this remarkable journey as we uncover the profound depth of the Seventh-day Adventist Church beliefs. Come, be inspired to rekindle your faith, embrace the gift of the Sabbath, and find spiritual rejuvenation in God's grace. Our ultimate goal? To see you experience the Sabbath firsthand - perhaps by attending a local Adventist church service, or joining an Adventist family in welcoming the Sabbath on a peaceful Friday evening.
Frank Hasel and Keldie Paroshi invite Mathilde Frey for a captivating exploration of the Sabbath Day and it’s role in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Together, they delve deep into the 20th fundamental belief, discussing the relevance, meanings, and implications of the Sabbath from a biblical perspective.
This is the 20th video in our enlightening series that probes into the 28 fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Joined by biblical scholars, we seek to clarify and apply these doctrines, fostering a better understanding of the Bible, and nurturing our faith in God’s word.
The trio discusses the Sabbath day's unique position as a symbol of God's redemptive work, a reminder of His divine creation, and a special day of communion with the Creator. They illustrate the Sabbath's significance as a gift of grace and freedom, drawing from the story of the Israelites' liberation from Egypt.
The conversation with Frank Hasel, Mathilde Frey, and Keldie Paroshi underlines the Sabbath's universal appeal, highlighting it as a timeless blessing open to all. How does the Sabbath encourage equality, inclusivity, and a deep spiritual renewal? How can observing the Sabbath be a joyful response to God’s salvation and a way of life that uplifts our spiritual journey?
The discussion culminates in an inviting exploration of the Sabbath as a feature of early Christian communities, with Jesus himself honoring this day of rest and healing. They contemplate the theological significance of the Sabbath in terms of creation, redemption, and God's enduring love for humanity.
Join us on this remarkable journey as we uncover the profound depth of the Seventh-day Adventist Church beliefs. Come, be inspired to rekindle your faith, embrace the gift of the Sabbath, and find spiritual rejuvenation in God's grace. Our ultimate goal? To see you experience the Sabbath firsthand - perhaps by attending a local Adventist church service, or joining an Adventist family in welcoming the Sabbath on a peaceful Friday evening.
Do Christians need to keep the Sabbath on Saturday? Ray Comfort expands on this question and then shows a witnessing clip where someone believes that keeping th...
Do Christians need to keep the Sabbath on Saturday? Ray Comfort expands on this question and then shows a witnessing clip where someone believes that keeping the Sabbath on a Saturday is so important, that he's worried about Ray's salvation.
Get our award-winning Evidence Study Bible while they're still in stock here:
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Ray Comfort:
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Do Christians need to keep the Sabbath on Saturday? Ray Comfort expands on this question and then shows a witnessing clip where someone believes that keeping the Sabbath on a Saturday is so important, that he's worried about Ray's salvation.
Get our award-winning Evidence Study Bible while they're still in stock here:
Visit to view more free Christian videos, articles, and to get tracts and other resources by Ray Comfort and the Living Waters team.
Living Waters:
Ray Comfort:
Living Waters:
Living Waters:
Ray Comfort:
Receive weekly updates about fresh articles, videos, and audios, as well as new resources, special discounts, and upcoming events:
Simple, Biblical tips on how to keep the Sabbath. Experience a deeper relationship with God and get closer to your family and friends by honoring God's Holy Day...
Amazing Grace Seventh Day Adventist Church 🙏BIG Sabbath Worship Service PART 2🙏 🙏👏 10th AUG2024
@Namibia South Conference SDA Church
💶💷💲 Stewardship Reviv...
Amazing Grace Seventh Day Adventist Church 🙏BIG Sabbath Worship Service PART 2🙏 🙏👏 10th AUG2024
@Namibia South Conference SDA Church
💶💷💲 Stewardship Revival Program
AG@STUDY - Sabbath School Lesson Study
Divine Service Worship
Children Worship Service
#sabbathday #sda #sabbathschool #sabbathservice #seventhdayadventist #adventist #churchservices #adventistyouth #ambassadorsclub #forgiveness #amazinggraceyouth #sdayouth #youthclub #forgiveness #love #family #youthnamibia #southnamibiayouth #sdayouth #youthministires #sdayouthministries #mid-week #happySabbathday #happySabbath #childrenministry #childrensda #agsdachildren #agwomen #AdventistWomen #adventistwomenministries #Amazinggraceadventistwomenministries
Comparing Eight Seventh-day Sabbath-Keeping Denominations:
Seventh-day Adventist Church
Church of God (Seventh Day)
United Church of God
Seventh Day Baptists
Comparing Eight Seventh-day Sabbath-Keeping Denominations:
Seventh-day Adventist Church
Church of God (Seventh Day)
United Church of God
Seventh Day Baptists
Assemblies of Yahweh
Twelve Tribes
True Jesus Church
Church of God (Jerusalem Acres)
Comparing Eight Seventh-day Sabbath-Keeping Denominations:
Seventh-day Adventist Church
Church of God (Seventh Day)
United Church of God
Seventh Day Baptists
Assemblies of Yahweh
Twelve Tribes
True Jesus Church
Church of God (Jerusalem Acres)
Get all my notes:
Did Adam Keep The Sabbath?
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Should Christians keep the Sabbath Day? This is a question that Seventh Day Adventists and other Sabbath keeping groups frequently ask Christians and they insist that Christians must observe the Sabbath Day. But is this true? The answer to that question is "no". Christians are not required to keep the Sabbath Day Commandment. The Sabbath Day Commandment was a shadow of things to come, the substance of which is Christ.
Why do I go to church on Saturday? And what does the bible say about keeping the Sabbath holy? In this video I will explain from the bible and history the reason for worshiping the sabbath and how the Catholic Church has changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday.
Catholic Quotes about Sunday worship:
Like and Subscribe to not miss out on future videos!
Isn't the Adventist Church the Remnant? Don't they strictly just follow the Bible? Why would someone leave? These are the 3 main reasons why I left the Seventh-Day Adventist Church.
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Part 2:
0:00 - Introduction
0:44 - Ellen G. White's Role
1:56 - Adventist Jesus
3:39 - Sabbath = Seal of God
#testimonial #jesustestimony #seventhdayadventist #sda #sdachurch #answeringadventism
Frank Hasel and Keldie Paroshi invite Mathilde Frey for a captivating exploration of the Sabbath Day and it’s role in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Together, they delve deep into the 20th fundamental belief, discussing the relevance, meanings, and implications of the Sabbath from a biblical perspective.
This is the 20th video in our enlightening series that probes into the 28 fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Joined by biblical scholars, we seek to clarify and apply these doctrines, fostering a better understanding of the Bible, and nurturing our faith in God’s word.
The trio discusses the Sabbath day's unique position as a symbol of God's redemptive work, a reminder of His divine creation, and a special day of communion with the Creator. They illustrate the Sabbath's significance as a gift of grace and freedom, drawing from the story of the Israelites' liberation from Egypt.
The conversation with Frank Hasel, Mathilde Frey, and Keldie Paroshi underlines the Sabbath's universal appeal, highlighting it as a timeless blessing open to all. How does the Sabbath encourage equality, inclusivity, and a deep spiritual renewal? How can observing the Sabbath be a joyful response to God’s salvation and a way of life that uplifts our spiritual journey?
The discussion culminates in an inviting exploration of the Sabbath as a feature of early Christian communities, with Jesus himself honoring this day of rest and healing. They contemplate the theological significance of the Sabbath in terms of creation, redemption, and God's enduring love for humanity.
Join us on this remarkable journey as we uncover the profound depth of the Seventh-day Adventist Church beliefs. Come, be inspired to rekindle your faith, embrace the gift of the Sabbath, and find spiritual rejuvenation in God's grace. Our ultimate goal? To see you experience the Sabbath firsthand - perhaps by attending a local Adventist church service, or joining an Adventist family in welcoming the Sabbath on a peaceful Friday evening.
Do Christians need to keep the Sabbath on Saturday? Ray Comfort expands on this question and then shows a witnessing clip where someone believes that keeping the Sabbath on a Saturday is so important, that he's worried about Ray's salvation.
Get our award-winning Evidence Study Bible while they're still in stock here:
Visit to view more free Christian videos, articles, and to get tracts and other resources by Ray Comfort and the Living Waters team.
Living Waters:
Ray Comfort:
Living Waters:
Living Waters:
Ray Comfort:
Receive weekly updates about fresh articles, videos, and audios, as well as new resources, special discounts, and upcoming events:
Comparing Eight Seventh-day Sabbath-Keeping Denominations:
Seventh-day Adventist Church
Church of God (Seventh Day)
United Church of God
Seventh Day Baptists
Assemblies of Yahweh
Twelve Tribes
True Jesus Church
Church of God (Jerusalem Acres)
The seventh-day Sabbath, observed from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset, is an important part of the beliefs and practices of seventh-day churches. These churches emphasize biblical references such as the ancient Hebrew practice of beginning a day at sundown, and the Genesis creation narrative wherein an "evening and morning" established a day, predating the giving of the Ten Commandments (thus the command to "remember" the sabbath). The seventh day of the week is recognized as Sabbath in many languages, calendars, and doctrines, including those of Catholic and Orthodox churches. It is still observed in modern Judaism in relation to Mosaic Law.
Catholic, Orthodox, and most Protestant denominations believe the Mosaic Law to be superseded. Yet it is only in the west that some Christians describe the sabbath as being transferred to Sunday, the first day of the week, merged with the Lord's Day and the day of Christ's resurrection, forming (in some traditions) a "Christian Sabbath".