S-K-O, originally known as Schuyler, Knobloch and Overstreet, was an American country music group composed of Thom Schuyler, Fred Knobloch and Paul Overstreet. The original lineup recorded one album for MTM Records and charted three country hits, including the Number One "Baby's Got a New Baby". After Overstreet departed in 1987 for a solo career, he was replaced with Craig Bickhardt, and the group was renamed S-K-B. S-K-B released one album and four singles before disbanding in 1989.
Thom Schuyler, Fred Knobloch and Paul Overstreet were three well-known songwriters who got together to form a band, Schuyler, Knobloch & Overstreet. After the release of their first single, they shortened their name simply to S-K-O. When Overstreet left the group in 1987 to pursue a solo career, he was replaced by Craig Bickhardt and they changed their name to Schuyler, Knobloch & Bickhardt. S-K-B disbanded when their record label, MTM Records, shut down in 1989. Since then, Thom Schuyler became the vice president of RCA Nashville (a position from which he retired in 1994), while Knobloch and Bickhardt continued their songwriting careers.
Schuyler Knobloch & Overstreet - Baby's Got A New Baby
Here's a track from (Thom) Schuyler, (Fred) Knobloch, & (Paul) Overstreet. It reached #1 on the Billboard Country chart in 1987 (MTM 73081) and was one of three singles released from an album titled "S-K-O". This trio only released one album before Paul Overstreet left to pursue a solo career.
published: 17 Apr 2009
Schuyler Knobloch & Overstreet - You Can't Stop Love
Here is the first single from S-K-O, which reached #9 on the Billboard Country chart in 1986 It stayed on the chart for 29 weeks, which is pretty rare for a country song back then. (MTM 72071)
published: 17 Apr 2009
Schuyler Knobloch & Overstreet - Somebody's Doin' Me Right
Here's a little gem from the S-K-O album that was not a single. This trio wrote the song, but it was made famous of course, by Keith Whitley.
published: 17 Apr 2009
Schuyler Knobloch & Overstreet - American Me
Here is the last charted single from the trio. It reached #16 on the Billboard Country chart in 1987 (MTM 72086).
published: 17 Apr 2009
Schuyler, Knobloch, & Overstreet - S-K-O
MTM ST-71058
Recorded using Audio Technica VM540ML
published: 05 Mar 2020
Schuyler, Knobloch and Overstreet - Trains Make Me Lonesome
KSMusicGeeks has already uploaded 4 songs from this album. I am uploading the other 6 songs because I think it's a great album. This is from an LP so please pardon the few skips and sound cutouts.
published: 10 Nov 2011
S-K-O (Schuyler, Knobloch & Overstreet) - Baby's Got a New Baby
music video.
published: 26 May 2017
Schuyler, Knobloch and Overstreet - I Go Back
KSMusicGeeks has already uploaded 4 songs from this album. I am uploading the other 6 songs because I think it's a great album. This is from an LP so please pardon the few skips and sound cutouts.
published: 09 Nov 2011
Schuyler, Knobloch and Overstreet - Bitter Pill To Swallow
KSMusicGeeks has already uploaded 4 songs from this album. I am uploading the other 6 songs because I think it's a great album. This is from an LP so please pardon the few skips and sound cutouts.
published: 09 Nov 2011
Schuyler, Knobloch and Overstreet - Country Heart
KSMusicGeeks has already uploaded 4 songs from this album. I am uploading the other 6 songs because I think it's a great album. This is from an LP so please pardon the few skips and sound cutouts.
Here's a track from (Thom) Schuyler, (Fred) Knobloch, & (Paul) Overstreet. It reached #1 on the Billboard Country chart in 1987 (MTM 73081) and was one of thre...
Here's a track from (Thom) Schuyler, (Fred) Knobloch, & (Paul) Overstreet. It reached #1 on the Billboard Country chart in 1987 (MTM 73081) and was one of three singles released from an album titled "S-K-O". This trio only released one album before Paul Overstreet left to pursue a solo career.
Here's a track from (Thom) Schuyler, (Fred) Knobloch, & (Paul) Overstreet. It reached #1 on the Billboard Country chart in 1987 (MTM 73081) and was one of three singles released from an album titled "S-K-O". This trio only released one album before Paul Overstreet left to pursue a solo career.
Here is the first single from S-K-O, which reached #9 on the Billboard Country chart in 1986 It stayed on the chart for 29 weeks, which is pretty rare for a co...
Here is the first single from S-K-O, which reached #9 on the Billboard Country chart in 1986 It stayed on the chart for 29 weeks, which is pretty rare for a country song back then. (MTM 72071)
Here is the first single from S-K-O, which reached #9 on the Billboard Country chart in 1986 It stayed on the chart for 29 weeks, which is pretty rare for a country song back then. (MTM 72071)
KSMusicGeeks has already uploaded 4 songs from this album. I am uploading the other 6 songs because I think it's a great album. This is from an LP so please p...
KSMusicGeeks has already uploaded 4 songs from this album. I am uploading the other 6 songs because I think it's a great album. This is from an LP so please pardon the few skips and sound cutouts.
KSMusicGeeks has already uploaded 4 songs from this album. I am uploading the other 6 songs because I think it's a great album. This is from an LP so please pardon the few skips and sound cutouts.
KSMusicGeeks has already uploaded 4 songs from this album. I am uploading the other 6 songs because I think it's a great album. This is from an LP so please p...
KSMusicGeeks has already uploaded 4 songs from this album. I am uploading the other 6 songs because I think it's a great album. This is from an LP so please pardon the few skips and sound cutouts.
KSMusicGeeks has already uploaded 4 songs from this album. I am uploading the other 6 songs because I think it's a great album. This is from an LP so please pardon the few skips and sound cutouts.
KSMusicGeeks has already uploaded 4 songs from this album. I am uploading the other 6 songs because I think it's a great album. This is from an LP so please p...
KSMusicGeeks has already uploaded 4 songs from this album. I am uploading the other 6 songs because I think it's a great album. This is from an LP so please pardon the few skips and sound cutouts.
KSMusicGeeks has already uploaded 4 songs from this album. I am uploading the other 6 songs because I think it's a great album. This is from an LP so please pardon the few skips and sound cutouts.
KSMusicGeeks has already uploaded 4 songs from this album. I am uploading the other 6 songs because I think it's a great album. This is from an LP so please p...
KSMusicGeeks has already uploaded 4 songs from this album. I am uploading the other 6 songs because I think it's a great album. This is from an LP so please pardon the few skips and sound cutouts.
KSMusicGeeks has already uploaded 4 songs from this album. I am uploading the other 6 songs because I think it's a great album. This is from an LP so please pardon the few skips and sound cutouts.
Here's a track from (Thom) Schuyler, (Fred) Knobloch, & (Paul) Overstreet. It reached #1 on the Billboard Country chart in 1987 (MTM 73081) and was one of three singles released from an album titled "S-K-O". This trio only released one album before Paul Overstreet left to pursue a solo career.
Here is the first single from S-K-O, which reached #9 on the Billboard Country chart in 1986 It stayed on the chart for 29 weeks, which is pretty rare for a country song back then. (MTM 72071)
KSMusicGeeks has already uploaded 4 songs from this album. I am uploading the other 6 songs because I think it's a great album. This is from an LP so please pardon the few skips and sound cutouts.
KSMusicGeeks has already uploaded 4 songs from this album. I am uploading the other 6 songs because I think it's a great album. This is from an LP so please pardon the few skips and sound cutouts.
KSMusicGeeks has already uploaded 4 songs from this album. I am uploading the other 6 songs because I think it's a great album. This is from an LP so please pardon the few skips and sound cutouts.
KSMusicGeeks has already uploaded 4 songs from this album. I am uploading the other 6 songs because I think it's a great album. This is from an LP so please pardon the few skips and sound cutouts.
S-K-O, originally known as Schuyler, Knobloch and Overstreet, was an American country music group composed of Thom Schuyler, Fred Knobloch and Paul Overstreet. The original lineup recorded one album for MTM Records and charted three country hits, including the Number One "Baby's Got a New Baby". After Overstreet departed in 1987 for a solo career, he was replaced with Craig Bickhardt, and the group was renamed S-K-B. S-K-B released one album and four singles before disbanding in 1989.
Thom Schuyler, Fred Knobloch and Paul Overstreet were three well-known songwriters who got together to form a band, Schuyler, Knobloch & Overstreet. After the release of their first single, they shortened their name simply to S-K-O. When Overstreet left the group in 1987 to pursue a solo career, he was replaced by Craig Bickhardt and they changed their name to Schuyler, Knobloch & Bickhardt. S-K-B disbanded when their record label, MTM Records, shut down in 1989. Since then, Thom Schuyler became the vice president of RCA Nashville (a position from which he retired in 1994), while Knobloch and Bickhardt continued their songwriting careers.