SR 63 begins in the city of Tulare at an intersection with SR 137. It travels due north as Mooney Boulevard before leaving the Tulare city limits. The highway soon enters Visalia, intersecting CR J30 and passing through to the SR 198 freeway, where SR 63 merges with the freeway heading eastbound until the next exit. Following this, SR 63 turns north as a one-way couplet with Locust Street for southbound traffic and Court Street for northbound traffic. SR 63 intersects with CR J32 in downtown Visalia before turning northwest on NW 2nd Avenue and NW 3rd Avenue. The northbound traffic intersects SR 216 (CA) at this turn around Lincoln Oval Park. North of downtown, NW 2nd Avenue and NW 3rd Avenue merge and become Dinuba Boulevard, and SR 63 continues north out of Visalia.
SR 226 begins at an intersection with US 460 east of Sutherland; the U.S. Highway heads west as Cox Road and southeast as Airport Street, which serves Dinwiddie County Airport on its way to junction with Interstate 85 and US 1. The state highway heads east as a two-lane road that crosses over Norfolk Southern Railway's Norfolk District rail line. SR 226's surroundings gradually transition from farmland to suburban residential subdivisions and commercial strips. The state highway reaches its eastern terminus at US 1 and US 460 Business (Boydton Plank Road) a short distance west of the independent city of Petersburg.
The Japan Pavilion is one of the original World Showcase pavilions and had been in planning since the late 1970s. Many attractions have been proposed for the pavilion and one show building was built, but left unused. Meet the World was one planned attraction and was a clone of the attraction Meet the World that was once at Tokyo Disneyland. But because management thought that the Japanese film's omission of World War II might upset many Veterans, it was dropped. The show was so close to opening that the show building and rotating platform was built, but not used.
For years, Imagineers have considered building an indoor roller coaster attraction based on Matterhorn Bobsleds from Disneyland but themed to Japan's Mount Fuji inside a replica of Mount Fuji. At one point, Godzilla or a large lizard attacking guests in their cars was considered. Fujifilm originally wanted to sponsor the ride in the early 1990s, but Kodak, a major Epcot sponsor, convinced Disney to decline the sponsorship. Luckily, the Matterhorn derived design elements survived to be incorporated into Expedition Everest at Disney's Animal Kingdom Park. Another proposed attraction was a walk-through version of "Circle-Vision", in which guests would board and walk through a Shinkansen (bullet train) and look through windows (actually film screens) that showcase Japan's changing landscapes. The train would have shaken and moved like a train traveling through the countryside.
Part III of the book has the account of Lemuel Gulliver's visit to Japan, the only real location visited by him. It is used as a venue for Swift's satire on the actions of Dutch traders to that land. His description reflects the state of European knowledge of the country in the 17th and early 18th centuries, and the tensions due to commercial rivalry between the English and the Dutch at that time.
Japan is shown on the map at the beginning of part III, which also shows the island of "Yesso" (i.e. Hokkaido), "Stats island" (Iturup) and "Companys Land" (Urup) to the north. The map also marks the Vries Strait and Cape Patience, though this is shown on the northeast coast of Yesso, rather than as part of Sakhalin, which was little known in Swift’s time.
On the island of Japan itself the map shows "Nivato" (Nagato), Yedo, "Meaco" (Kyoto), Inaba and "Osacca" (Osaka)
The text describes Gulliver's journey from Luggnagg, which took fifteen days, and his landing at "Xamoschi" (i.e. Shimosa} which lies "on the western part of a narrow strait leading northward into a long arm of the sea, on the northwest part of which Yedo, the metropolis stands".
This description matches the geography of Tokyo Bay, except that Shimosa is on the north, rather than the western shore of the bay.
Although viticulture and the cultivation of grapes for table consumption has a long history in Japan, domestic wine production using locally produced grapes only really began with the adoption of Western culture during the Meiji restoration in the second half of the 19th century.
According to data from the Japan Wineries Association, approximately 365,000 kiloliters of wine was purchased in Japan in 2013 of which two-thirds was imported wine. Of the 110,000 kiloliters of domestically produced wine only a quarter, or 26,400 kiloliters, came from domestically grown and harvested grapes.
The main region for winemaking in Japan is in Yamanashi Prefecture which accounts for 40% of domestic production, although grapes are cultivated and wine is also produced in more limited quantities by vintners from Hokkaido in the North to Miyazaki Prefecture on the Southern island of Kyushu.
Early History
Legend has it that grape-growing in Japan began in 718 AD, in Katsunuma, Yamanashi Prefecture. The first regularly documented wine consumption in Japan was however in the 16th century, with the arrival of Jesuit missionaries from Portugal. Saint Francis Xavier brought wines as gifts for the feudal lords of Kyūshū, and other missionaries continued the practice, resulting in locals acquiring taste for wine and importing it regularly. They called the Portuguese winechintashu(珍陀酒), combining the Portuguese word tinto (chinta in Japanese) meaning red and shu(酒) meaning liquor.
【Driving in Japan】
Route 254 from Nerima to Ikebukuro, Tokyo.
Video Camera : Canon iVIS HF G10
Wide-converter : Canon WD-H58W
published: 04 Oct 2013
4K Japan Scenic Road Highlights in 2020
The highlights of scenic road videos posted in 2020 or will be posted later.
Please refer to the following links to see the respective videos.
1) Nagoya Low Water Bridge, Kochi / 名越屋沈下橋(高知)
Video not yet created / 動画未作成
Google Maps:
2) Akashi Kaikyo Bridge, Hyogo / 明石海峡大橋(兵庫)
Video not yet created / 動画未作成
Google Maps:
4K SUKAYU The Snowiest Place in Japan/ 青森市街→酸ヶ湯温泉 2020年2月厳冬期雪道
4K Japan Snowy Drive: Sukayu to Goshogawara 60km / 酸ヶ湯→五所川原 60km 厳冬期雪道 国道394号-津軽自動車道
4) 4K Japan Scenic Road Tarumizu to Sakurajima / 垂水→桜島
5) Route 265 & 325 in Minami Aso, Kumamoto / 南阿蘇国道265 & 325号(熊本)
Video not yet created / 動画未作成
Mt. Kaimon is a volcano that towers high from the sea at the southernmost part of the Satsuma Peninsula, Kagoshima.
The drive starts in the tea fields in the Chiran district and heads to Mt. Kaimon Trailhead. Chiran is a famous tea production area in Japan. The fans above tea fields are to sweep out cold air near the ground to prevent tea plants from damaging by frost.
Google Maps route:
00:00 Pref. Rd. 29 to Route 226
12:21 Route 226 to Sebira Nature Park (Thumbnail)
24:57 Sebira Nature Park to Mt. Kaimon Trailhead
Date: 2023/5/2
Camera: GH6 + HSA12035 & iPhone 13
Music: Swans In Flight - Asher Fulero from YouTube Audio Library
published: 01 Jul 2023
Cornell student rescues man from NYC subway tracks seconds before train arrives
Early Thursday morning, Cornell University student Bryce Demopoulos pulled a man off of the tracks at the Third Ave, 138 St. subway station shortly before a No. 6 train arrived.
Read the full story:
published: 05 Aug 2022
Shocking! Japan Is Hollowing Out a Mountain—and You Won’t Believe Why!
Shocking! Japan Is HOLLOWING OUT a Mountain! What’s Hidden Inside Could Redefine the Universe!
Welcome to GlobeGo, your go-to spot for thrilling travel documentaries! In today’s documentary, we uncover something mind-blowing: Japan is hollowing out a mountain, and what’s hidden inside could redefine the universe! This documentary takes you deep into the heart of this shocking discovery, revealing secrets that have the potential to change everything we know. Get ready for an eye-opening journey as we dive into this fascinating documentary, filled with jaw-dropping facts and incredible visuals. Stay tuned, because what we uncover in this documentary could just blow your mind!
Please Subscribe to Our Channel💪
Key Moments:
00:39 Introducin...
published: 05 Feb 2025
【DRIVE】National Route 51 - Chiba-shi Chiba to Mito Ibaraki JAPAN / ドライブ 国道51号線 - 千葉県千葉市~茨城県水戸市
I drive on the national highway of Japan from the starting point to the ending point.
This is National Route 51.
Length: 127.6km (79.3mi)
Starting point: Chiba-shi Chiba
Ending point: Mito Ibaraki
総延長: 127.6km
起点: 千葉県千葉市
終点: 茨城県水戸市
Shooting date: 2021.4
Please note that there...
published: 27 May 2021
国道226号 野間池 海沿い
国道226号 野間池 海沿い
published: 21 Jul 2014
Saudi Arabia vs. Japan | Full Match | AFC Asian Qualifiers™ Road to 26
Watch the full match between Saudi Arabia and Japan from the AFC Asian Qualifiers™ Road to 26 .
Follow all the AFC Asian Qualifier™ action on the official platforms:
X Arabic:
X Japanese:
published: 10 Oct 2024
観光バスとひまわり畑続 指宿市山川徳光Sightseeing buses and sunflower field Tokko Yamakawa T Ibusuki city,JAPAN #2
観光バスとひまわり畑(続) 指宿市山川徳光
Sightseeing buses and sunflower field Tokko Yamakawa T. Ibusuki city,JAPAN #2
Prefectural road Kaimon-Nagasakibana line
国道226号 開聞脇入口付近
Near National Route 226 Kaimon,Waki Entrance
the JR Nishi-Oyama station,Ibusuki city
Tosenkyo Somen Noodles Sink Restaurant Parking lot
Tosenkyo Ibusuki City Kaimon
Ikeda lakeside in Ibusuki city
Tourist buses recorded (in no particular order)
Nansatu Kanko bus(from Minami-kyusyu city)
Kagoshima Kotsu Bus(from Kagoshima city)
Shin-Kagoshima sight-seeing Bus(from Kirishima city)
Azuma Kotsu bus(from Kagoshima-city)
Miyazaki Kotsu bus(from Miyazaki-city)
published: 04 Sep 2019
【Driving in Japan】Route 254 vol.224(1640)
【Driving in Japan】
Route 254 from Nerima to Ikebukuro, Tokyo.
Video Camera : Canon iVIS HF G10
Wide-converter : Canon WD-H58W
The highlights of scenic road videos posted in 2020 or will be posted later.
Please refer to the following links to see the respective videos.
1) Nagoya Low W...
The highlights of scenic road videos posted in 2020 or will be posted later.
Please refer to the following links to see the respective videos.
1) Nagoya Low Water Bridge, Kochi / 名越屋沈下橋(高知)
Video not yet created / 動画未作成
Google Maps:
2) Akashi Kaikyo Bridge, Hyogo / 明石海峡大橋(兵庫)
Video not yet created / 動画未作成
Google Maps:
4K SUKAYU The Snowiest Place in Japan/ 青森市街→酸ヶ湯温泉 2020年2月厳冬期雪道
4K Japan Snowy Drive: Sukayu to Goshogawara 60km / 酸ヶ湯→五所川原 60km 厳冬期雪道 国道394号-津軽自動車道
4) 4K Japan Scenic Road Tarumizu to Sakurajima / 垂水→桜島
5) Route 265 & 325 in Minami Aso, Kumamoto / 南阿蘇国道265 & 325号(熊本)
Video not yet created / 動画未作成
Google Maps:
Vol.1 / 前編
4K Shikoku Karst Vol.1 / 愛媛県道303号線→四国カルスト 15.6km
Vol.2 / 後編
4K Shikoku Karst Vol.2 / 四国カルストから愛媛県道36号線→R440
7) Route 135 & Atami Beach Line / 国道135号&熱海ビーチライン
4K IZU Drive / 伊豆半島ドライブ
8) Hirayu to Norikura 雪の平湯から紅葉の乗鞍へ 33km/ 4K Japan Scenic Drive
9) 4K Japan Drive: Myoko to Nozawa Hot spring 39km / 妙高→野沢温泉 39km 国道292号線経由
10) Yamanami Highway in Yufuin, Oita / 由布院やまなみハイウェイ(大分)
Video not yet created / 動画未作成
Google Maps:
11) 4K Japan Snowy Drive Matsumoto to Hirayu Hot spring 55km/ 松本IC→平湯温泉 冬の国道158号線 55km
12) 4K Mt. ASO Drive to The Active Volcanic Crater / 阿蘇パノラマライン&阿蘇山公園道路
13)UFO Line Full ver. UFOライン【瓶ヶ森林道全線フルver】/ 4K Japan Scenic Drive
14) Ikuchi Island, Hiroshima / 生口島(広島)
Video not yet created / 動画未作成
Google Maps:
15) 4K Nikko to Konsei Tunnel / 日光清滝IC→中禅寺湖→金精トンネル 37km
16) Route 226 to Mt. Kaimon, Kagoshima / 開聞岳国道226号(鹿児島)
Video not yet created / 動画未作成
Google Maps:
17) 4K Drive Tokyo to Hakone 116km / 東京→箱根峠(東名、西湘バイパス経由)
18) 4K Japan Scenic Drive Shibu-Toge Mt. Pass [2172m] / 日本国道最高点渋峠(草津→渋峠往復)41km
19) 4K Japan Drive: Joetsu to Myoko 30km: 名立→上越市街→妙高 30km 朝(国道8号→18号上新バイパス→292号)
20) 4K Japan Snowy Drive Fukaura to Noshiro 85km thru Route 101/国道101号五能線沿線②冬季 深浦→能代 85km【4K車載動画】
21) Yuyake-Koyake Line, Ehime / 夕やけこやけライン(愛媛)
Video not yet created / 動画未作成
Google Maps:
22) Shimanami Kaido EXPWY しまなみ海道 尾道→今治北IC 54km / 4K Sunset Drive
Date: 2020
Camera: GoPo8&9
'The Miracle of Flight' [Uplifting Orchestral CC-BY] - Scott Buckley
The highlights of scenic road videos posted in 2020 or will be posted later.
Please refer to the following links to see the respective videos.
1) Nagoya Low Water Bridge, Kochi / 名越屋沈下橋(高知)
Video not yet created / 動画未作成
Google Maps:
2) Akashi Kaikyo Bridge, Hyogo / 明石海峡大橋(兵庫)
Video not yet created / 動画未作成
Google Maps:
4K SUKAYU The Snowiest Place in Japan/ 青森市街→酸ヶ湯温泉 2020年2月厳冬期雪道
4K Japan Snowy Drive: Sukayu to Goshogawara 60km / 酸ヶ湯→五所川原 60km 厳冬期雪道 国道394号-津軽自動車道
4) 4K Japan Scenic Road Tarumizu to Sakurajima / 垂水→桜島
5) Route 265 & 325 in Minami Aso, Kumamoto / 南阿蘇国道265 & 325号(熊本)
Video not yet created / 動画未作成
Google Maps:
Vol.1 / 前編
4K Shikoku Karst Vol.1 / 愛媛県道303号線→四国カルスト 15.6km
Vol.2 / 後編
4K Shikoku Karst Vol.2 / 四国カルストから愛媛県道36号線→R440
7) Route 135 & Atami Beach Line / 国道135号&熱海ビーチライン
4K IZU Drive / 伊豆半島ドライブ
8) Hirayu to Norikura 雪の平湯から紅葉の乗鞍へ 33km/ 4K Japan Scenic Drive
9) 4K Japan Drive: Myoko to Nozawa Hot spring 39km / 妙高→野沢温泉 39km 国道292号線経由
10) Yamanami Highway in Yufuin, Oita / 由布院やまなみハイウェイ(大分)
Video not yet created / 動画未作成
Google Maps:
11) 4K Japan Snowy Drive Matsumoto to Hirayu Hot spring 55km/ 松本IC→平湯温泉 冬の国道158号線 55km
12) 4K Mt. ASO Drive to The Active Volcanic Crater / 阿蘇パノラマライン&阿蘇山公園道路
13)UFO Line Full ver. UFOライン【瓶ヶ森林道全線フルver】/ 4K Japan Scenic Drive
14) Ikuchi Island, Hiroshima / 生口島(広島)
Video not yet created / 動画未作成
Google Maps:
15) 4K Nikko to Konsei Tunnel / 日光清滝IC→中禅寺湖→金精トンネル 37km
16) Route 226 to Mt. Kaimon, Kagoshima / 開聞岳国道226号(鹿児島)
Video not yet created / 動画未作成
Google Maps:
17) 4K Drive Tokyo to Hakone 116km / 東京→箱根峠(東名、西湘バイパス経由)
18) 4K Japan Scenic Drive Shibu-Toge Mt. Pass [2172m] / 日本国道最高点渋峠(草津→渋峠往復)41km
19) 4K Japan Drive: Joetsu to Myoko 30km: 名立→上越市街→妙高 30km 朝(国道8号→18号上新バイパス→292号)
20) 4K Japan Snowy Drive Fukaura to Noshiro 85km thru Route 101/国道101号五能線沿線②冬季 深浦→能代 85km【4K車載動画】
21) Yuyake-Koyake Line, Ehime / 夕やけこやけライン(愛媛)
Video not yet created / 動画未作成
Google Maps:
22) Shimanami Kaido EXPWY しまなみ海道 尾道→今治北IC 54km / 4K Sunset Drive
Date: 2020
Camera: GoPo8&9
'The Miracle of Flight' [Uplifting Orchestral CC-BY] - Scott Buckley
Mt. Kaimon is a volcano that towers high from the sea at the southernmost part of the Satsuma Peninsula, Kagoshima.
The drive starts in the tea fields in the Ch...
Mt. Kaimon is a volcano that towers high from the sea at the southernmost part of the Satsuma Peninsula, Kagoshima.
The drive starts in the tea fields in the Chiran district and heads to Mt. Kaimon Trailhead. Chiran is a famous tea production area in Japan. The fans above tea fields are to sweep out cold air near the ground to prevent tea plants from damaging by frost.
Google Maps route:
00:00 Pref. Rd. 29 to Route 226
12:21 Route 226 to Sebira Nature Park (Thumbnail)
24:57 Sebira Nature Park to Mt. Kaimon Trailhead
Date: 2023/5/2
Camera: GH6 + HSA12035 & iPhone 13
Music: Swans In Flight - Asher Fulero from YouTube Audio Library
Mt. Kaimon is a volcano that towers high from the sea at the southernmost part of the Satsuma Peninsula, Kagoshima.
The drive starts in the tea fields in the Chiran district and heads to Mt. Kaimon Trailhead. Chiran is a famous tea production area in Japan. The fans above tea fields are to sweep out cold air near the ground to prevent tea plants from damaging by frost.
Google Maps route:
00:00 Pref. Rd. 29 to Route 226
12:21 Route 226 to Sebira Nature Park (Thumbnail)
24:57 Sebira Nature Park to Mt. Kaimon Trailhead
Date: 2023/5/2
Camera: GH6 + HSA12035 & iPhone 13
Music: Swans In Flight - Asher Fulero from YouTube Audio Library
Early Thursday morning, Cornell University student Bryce Demopoulos pulled a man off of the tracks at the Third Ave, 138 St. subway station shortly before a No....
Early Thursday morning, Cornell University student Bryce Demopoulos pulled a man off of the tracks at the Third Ave, 138 St. subway station shortly before a No. 6 train arrived.
Read the full story:
Early Thursday morning, Cornell University student Bryce Demopoulos pulled a man off of the tracks at the Third Ave, 138 St. subway station shortly before a No. 6 train arrived.
Read the full story:
Shocking! Japan Is HOLLOWING OUT a Mountain! What’s Hidden Inside Could Redefine the Universe!
Welcome to GlobeGo, your go-to spot for thrilling travel document...
Shocking! Japan Is HOLLOWING OUT a Mountain! What’s Hidden Inside Could Redefine the Universe!
Welcome to GlobeGo, your go-to spot for thrilling travel documentaries! In today’s documentary, we uncover something mind-blowing: Japan is hollowing out a mountain, and what’s hidden inside could redefine the universe! This documentary takes you deep into the heart of this shocking discovery, revealing secrets that have the potential to change everything we know. Get ready for an eye-opening journey as we dive into this fascinating documentary, filled with jaw-dropping facts and incredible visuals. Stay tuned, because what we uncover in this documentary could just blow your mind!
Please Subscribe to Our Channel💪
Key Moments:
00:39 Introducing the Setting and Problem, travel documentary.
03:05 The Scale of the Project, documentaries.
05:27 The Journey of Excavation, travel documentary.
08:03 The Main Cave and Dome Construction.
10:27 The Purpose of Ultra-Pure Water, travel documentary.
12:16 The Neutrino Connection, documentary.
15:28 How the Detector Works.
17:59 Global Implications & Ongoing Work.
👇 Watch more fascinating videos about cultures and people around the world: 👇
Everyone Who Saw THEM DISAPPEARED WITHOUT A TRACE! Most D4ngerous Tribes Defy Modern Civilization:
These Village Trying to Survive the PLANET’S COLDEST HELL Where Coldest and Most Freezing at -71°c:
Even RUSSIA in Shock! Kim Jong-Un Lost Control and UNLEASH New Madness - Travel Documentary:
IT'S HARD TO BELIEVE, But What Norway Is Doing Will Make It the Richest Country - Travel Documentary:
MONGOLIA - Where Hosts Have Their Daughters Warm Guests Throughout The Night! - Travel Documentary:
Scientists Are STUNNED by the Drone’s HAUNTING Find in These Mountains – You Won’t Believe Exist!:
#traveldocumentary #documentaries #documentary #GlobeGo
Shocking! Japan Is HOLLOWING OUT a Mountain! What’s Hidden Inside Could Redefine the Universe!
Welcome to GlobeGo, your go-to spot for thrilling travel documentaries! In today’s documentary, we uncover something mind-blowing: Japan is hollowing out a mountain, and what’s hidden inside could redefine the universe! This documentary takes you deep into the heart of this shocking discovery, revealing secrets that have the potential to change everything we know. Get ready for an eye-opening journey as we dive into this fascinating documentary, filled with jaw-dropping facts and incredible visuals. Stay tuned, because what we uncover in this documentary could just blow your mind!
Please Subscribe to Our Channel💪
Key Moments:
00:39 Introducing the Setting and Problem, travel documentary.
03:05 The Scale of the Project, documentaries.
05:27 The Journey of Excavation, travel documentary.
08:03 The Main Cave and Dome Construction.
10:27 The Purpose of Ultra-Pure Water, travel documentary.
12:16 The Neutrino Connection, documentary.
15:28 How the Detector Works.
17:59 Global Implications & Ongoing Work.
👇 Watch more fascinating videos about cultures and people around the world: 👇
Everyone Who Saw THEM DISAPPEARED WITHOUT A TRACE! Most D4ngerous Tribes Defy Modern Civilization:
These Village Trying to Survive the PLANET’S COLDEST HELL Where Coldest and Most Freezing at -71°c:
Even RUSSIA in Shock! Kim Jong-Un Lost Control and UNLEASH New Madness - Travel Documentary:
IT'S HARD TO BELIEVE, But What Norway Is Doing Will Make It the Richest Country - Travel Documentary:
MONGOLIA - Where Hosts Have Their Daughters Warm Guests Throughout The Night! - Travel Documentary:
Scientists Are STUNNED by the Drone’s HAUNTING Find in These Mountains – You Won’t Believe Exist!:
#traveldocumentary #documentaries #documentary #GlobeGo
I drive on the national highway of Japan from the starting point to the ending point.
This is National Route 51.
Length: 127.6km (79.3mi)
I drive on the national highway of Japan from the starting point to the ending point.
This is National Route 51.
Length: 127.6km (79.3mi)
Starting point: Chiba-shi Chiba
Ending point: Mito Ibaraki
総延長: 127.6km
起点: 千葉県千葉市
終点: 茨城県水戸市
Shooting date: 2021.4
Please note that there may be dirt and scratches on the windshield, and noise inside the car.
If you enjoy the video, please subscribe to grow my channel.
I drive on the national highway of Japan from the starting point to the ending point.
This is National Route 51.
Length: 127.6km (79.3mi)
Starting point: Chiba-shi Chiba
Ending point: Mito Ibaraki
総延長: 127.6km
起点: 千葉県千葉市
終点: 茨城県水戸市
Shooting date: 2021.4
Please note that there may be dirt and scratches on the windshield, and noise inside the car.
If you enjoy the video, please subscribe to grow my channel.
Watch the full match between Saudi Arabia and Japan from the AFC Asian Qualifiers™ Road to 26 .
Follow all the AFC Asian Qualifier™ action on the official plat...
Watch the full match between Saudi Arabia and Japan from the AFC Asian Qualifiers™ Road to 26 .
Follow all the AFC Asian Qualifier™ action on the official platforms:
X Arabic:
X Japanese:
Watch the full match between Saudi Arabia and Japan from the AFC Asian Qualifiers™ Road to 26 .
Follow all the AFC Asian Qualifier™ action on the official platforms:
X Arabic:
X Japanese:
観光バスとひまわり畑(続) 指宿市山川徳光
Sightseeing buses and sunflower field Tokko Yamakawa T. Ibusuki city,JAPAN #2
Prefectural road Kaimon-Nagasakibana line
観光バスとひまわり畑(続) 指宿市山川徳光
Sightseeing buses and sunflower field Tokko Yamakawa T. Ibusuki city,JAPAN #2
Prefectural road Kaimon-Nagasakibana line
国道226号 開聞脇入口付近
Near National Route 226 Kaimon,Waki Entrance
the JR Nishi-Oyama station,Ibusuki city
Tosenkyo Somen Noodles Sink Restaurant Parking lot
Tosenkyo Ibusuki City Kaimon
Ikeda lakeside in Ibusuki city
Tourist buses recorded (in no particular order)
Nansatu Kanko bus(from Minami-kyusyu city)
Kagoshima Kotsu Bus(from Kagoshima city)
Shin-Kagoshima sight-seeing Bus(from Kirishima city)
Azuma Kotsu bus(from Kagoshima-city)
Miyazaki Kotsu bus(from Miyazaki-city)
Fuji Bus (from Fukuoka pref.)
Hana Bus(from Tarumizu city)
Chuo Kanko bus(from Kagoshima-city)
JR Kyushu Ibusuki Makurazaki Line local train
The highlights of scenic road videos posted in 2020 or will be posted later.
Please refer to the following links to see the respective videos.
1) Nagoya Low Water Bridge, Kochi / 名越屋沈下橋(高知)
Video not yet created / 動画未作成
Google Maps:
2) Akashi Kaikyo Bridge, Hyogo / 明石海峡大橋(兵庫)
Video not yet created / 動画未作成
Google Maps:
4K SUKAYU The Snowiest Place in Japan/ 青森市街→酸ヶ湯温泉 2020年2月厳冬期雪道
4K Japan Snowy Drive: Sukayu to Goshogawara 60km / 酸ヶ湯→五所川原 60km 厳冬期雪道 国道394号-津軽自動車道
4) 4K Japan Scenic Road Tarumizu to Sakurajima / 垂水→桜島
5) Route 265 & 325 in Minami Aso, Kumamoto / 南阿蘇国道265 & 325号(熊本)
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Google Maps:
Vol.1 / 前編
4K Shikoku Karst Vol.1 / 愛媛県道303号線→四国カルスト 15.6km
Vol.2 / 後編
4K Shikoku Karst Vol.2 / 四国カルストから愛媛県道36号線→R440
7) Route 135 & Atami Beach Line / 国道135号&熱海ビーチライン
4K IZU Drive / 伊豆半島ドライブ
8) Hirayu to Norikura 雪の平湯から紅葉の乗鞍へ 33km/ 4K Japan Scenic Drive
9) 4K Japan Drive: Myoko to Nozawa Hot spring 39km / 妙高→野沢温泉 39km 国道292号線経由
10) Yamanami Highway in Yufuin, Oita / 由布院やまなみハイウェイ(大分)
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Google Maps:
11) 4K Japan Snowy Drive Matsumoto to Hirayu Hot spring 55km/ 松本IC→平湯温泉 冬の国道158号線 55km
12) 4K Mt. ASO Drive to The Active Volcanic Crater / 阿蘇パノラマライン&阿蘇山公園道路
13)UFO Line Full ver. UFOライン【瓶ヶ森林道全線フルver】/ 4K Japan Scenic Drive
14) Ikuchi Island, Hiroshima / 生口島(広島)
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Google Maps:
15) 4K Nikko to Konsei Tunnel / 日光清滝IC→中禅寺湖→金精トンネル 37km
16) Route 226 to Mt. Kaimon, Kagoshima / 開聞岳国道226号(鹿児島)
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Google Maps:
17) 4K Drive Tokyo to Hakone 116km / 東京→箱根峠(東名、西湘バイパス経由)
18) 4K Japan Scenic Drive Shibu-Toge Mt. Pass [2172m] / 日本国道最高点渋峠(草津→渋峠往復)41km
19) 4K Japan Drive: Joetsu to Myoko 30km: 名立→上越市街→妙高 30km 朝(国道8号→18号上新バイパス→292号)
20) 4K Japan Snowy Drive Fukaura to Noshiro 85km thru Route 101/国道101号五能線沿線②冬季 深浦→能代 85km【4K車載動画】
21) Yuyake-Koyake Line, Ehime / 夕やけこやけライン(愛媛)
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Google Maps:
22) Shimanami Kaido EXPWY しまなみ海道 尾道→今治北IC 54km / 4K Sunset Drive
Date: 2020
Camera: GoPo8&9
'The Miracle of Flight' [Uplifting Orchestral CC-BY] - Scott Buckley
Mt. Kaimon is a volcano that towers high from the sea at the southernmost part of the Satsuma Peninsula, Kagoshima.
The drive starts in the tea fields in the Chiran district and heads to Mt. Kaimon Trailhead. Chiran is a famous tea production area in Japan. The fans above tea fields are to sweep out cold air near the ground to prevent tea plants from damaging by frost.
Google Maps route:
00:00 Pref. Rd. 29 to Route 226
12:21 Route 226 to Sebira Nature Park (Thumbnail)
24:57 Sebira Nature Park to Mt. Kaimon Trailhead
Date: 2023/5/2
Camera: GH6 + HSA12035 & iPhone 13
Music: Swans In Flight - Asher Fulero from YouTube Audio Library
Early Thursday morning, Cornell University student Bryce Demopoulos pulled a man off of the tracks at the Third Ave, 138 St. subway station shortly before a No. 6 train arrived.
Read the full story:
Shocking! Japan Is HOLLOWING OUT a Mountain! What’s Hidden Inside Could Redefine the Universe!
Welcome to GlobeGo, your go-to spot for thrilling travel documentaries! In today’s documentary, we uncover something mind-blowing: Japan is hollowing out a mountain, and what’s hidden inside could redefine the universe! This documentary takes you deep into the heart of this shocking discovery, revealing secrets that have the potential to change everything we know. Get ready for an eye-opening journey as we dive into this fascinating documentary, filled with jaw-dropping facts and incredible visuals. Stay tuned, because what we uncover in this documentary could just blow your mind!
Please Subscribe to Our Channel💪
Key Moments:
00:39 Introducing the Setting and Problem, travel documentary.
03:05 The Scale of the Project, documentaries.
05:27 The Journey of Excavation, travel documentary.
08:03 The Main Cave and Dome Construction.
10:27 The Purpose of Ultra-Pure Water, travel documentary.
12:16 The Neutrino Connection, documentary.
15:28 How the Detector Works.
17:59 Global Implications & Ongoing Work.
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I drive on the national highway of Japan from the starting point to the ending point.
This is National Route 51.
Length: 127.6km (79.3mi)
Starting point: Chiba-shi Chiba
Ending point: Mito Ibaraki
総延長: 127.6km
起点: 千葉県千葉市
終点: 茨城県水戸市
Shooting date: 2021.4
Please note that there may be dirt and scratches on the windshield, and noise inside the car.
If you enjoy the video, please subscribe to grow my channel.
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