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Robert K. Merton

Robert King Merton (July 4, 1910 – February 23, 2003) was an American sociologist. He spent most of his career teaching at Columbia University, where he attained the rank of University Professor. In 1994 Merton won the National Medal of Science for his contributions to the field and for having founded the sociology of science. He is considered to be one of the founding fathers of modern-day sociology.

Merton developed notable concepts such as "unintended consequences", the "reference group", and "role strain" but is perhaps best known for having created the terms "role model" and "self-fulfilling prophecy". A central element of modern sociological, political and economic theory, the "self-fulfilling prophecy" is a process whereby a belief or an expectation, correct or incorrect, affects the outcome of a situation or the way a person or a group will behave. Merton's work on the "role model" first appeared in a study on the socialization of medical students at Columbia. The term grew from his theory of a reference group, or the group to which individuals compare themselves, but to which they do not necessarily belong. Social roles were a central piece of Merton's theory of social groups. Merton emphasized that, rather than a person assuming one role and one status, they have a status set in the social structure that has attached to it a whole set of expected behaviors.


  • Robert K. Merton

    Robert K. Merton interviewed by Albert K. Cohen, May 15, 1997

    published: 29 Jan 2013
  • Robert K. Merton Social theory

    Robert K. Merton Social theory @sociologylearners1835 #sociology video by Khushdil Khan Kasi Embark on a journey into the realm of sociology with our latest video, where we unravel the profound insights of Robert K. Merton's social theory. Join us as we explore key concepts such as social structure, anomie, and deviance, shedding light on the complexities of human behavior and societal dynamics. In this captivating exploration, we delve into Merton's groundbreaking theories, which offer valuable insights into the interplay between individual agency and societal structures. From understanding the patterns of social roles to examining the strain caused by societal expectations, Merton's framework provides a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms that shape human behavior. Join us...

    published: 19 Apr 2024
  • Social Thinker : Robert K. Merton - Part 1

    This Lecture talks about social thinkers : Robert K. Merton

    published: 13 Sep 2012
  • Strain Theory / Anomie by Robert K. Merton in Criminology and Sociology

    TRANSCRIPT: https://criminologyweb.com/strain-anomie-theory-in-criminology-and-sociology-by-robert-k-merton/ In this video, I explain strain and anomie theory by sociologist Robert K. Merton. Merton developed a deviance typology based on the idea that strain and anomie (lawlessness or normlessness) elicit responses in people, one of which may be to commit crime. Strain / anomie theory is Robert K. Merton’s best known contribution to sociology and criminology. The American Dream, its opportunities and lack thereof are central to the theory. I discuss the meaning and definition of anomie and strain theory as well as real life examples.

    published: 07 Mar 2023
  • ROBERT MERTON 101 Sociology Series #7

    This video is tailored to assist the teaching of GCSE Sociology specifications (both AQA and Eduqas) in the UK. FURTHER READING: Robert King Merton is best known for his development of Strain Theory, as explained in this video, which refers to the strain people feel to become materially successful and consequently leads them to partake in deviant behaviour to achieve this success. Similar to Émile Durkheim and Talcott Parsons, Merton was concerned with how well cultural and social structures were integrated into society. He applied Durkheim’s term 'anomie' to describe the contention between material and cultural goals people have and the means available for people to reach them. In 1942 Merton introduced ‘Mertonian norms’ which were essential for the ethos of modern science: 1. Commu...

    published: 18 Apr 2021
  • Robert K. Merton: Middle Range Theory, Fungsi Manifest, Latent, dan Disfungsional

    Tayangan berikut menjelaskan tentang teori Struktural Fungsional dari Robert K. Merton. Dalam teori Sosiologi nya Merton mengemukakan beberapa kritik, pengembangan,  dan revisi pada teori Struktural Fungsional dari Parson. Apa saja yang dikritik nya? Simak saja pembahasan berikut ini. =========================== Ref. -Doyle P. Johnson, Teori Sosiologi Klasik Modern 2. Jakarta: PT Gramedia, 1986. -G. Ritzer, Teori Sosiologi. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2014. =========================== Dukung channel ini dengan cara subscribe, like, share dan comment agar dapat terus berbagi pengetahuan. ========================== Host                    : Dr. Dede Syarif                                  Madihatur Rabiah Content editor    : Paelani Setia, S. Sos Data dan organisasi  : M. Akbar YT ======...

    published: 14 Mar 2021
  • La sociologie de Robert K. Merton

    Découvrez les théories révolutionnaires de Robert Merton en sociologie dans cette vidéo. Plongez dans ses concepts de structure sociale, de fonctionnalisme et d'innovation, et voyez comment ils s'appliquent à notre société moderne. Ne ratez pas cette analyse qui éclaire les dynamiques sociales actuelles !

    published: 22 Apr 2024
  • Biography of Robert K Merton, Founding father of modern sociology, Professor at Columbia University

    New StudyIQ Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@UPSCCSEStudyIQ | Subscribe Now for Exclusive Videos and Amazing Content. Enrol to StudyIQ's Flagship UPSC IAS (Pre + Mains) LIVE Foundation Batch 9. Admissions closing on 10 DEC'22 | Enrol now - https://bit.ly/upscbatch9 A time-tested focused method for clearing Prelims 2023 1. Live Classes 2. Static and Current Affairs Booklets 3. Workbook-based Test Series Join our flagship ‘UPSC IAS Live SIP+ 2023 Batch’ to prepare for prelims 2023 exam. Batch starting on 19th December, 2022 | Timing - 7:00 PM Join Now : https://bit.ly/SIP_Clear_Prelims_2023 Join our Most Requested NCERT LIVE Batch to start your UPSC Journey. Batch Starting on - 05 DEC’22| 07:00 PM Join Now - https://bit.ly/3TPej9r UPSC Civil Services Examination is the most presti...

    published: 08 Jun 2020
  • Sociology : Robert K. Merton

    This Lecture talks about Sociology : Robert K. Merton.

    published: 23 Apr 2012
  • Sociology for UPSC : ROBERT MERTON - Functional Postulates - Lecture 79

    Creating top-rankers in civil services from all the corners of the country now. We now have SINGLE-DIGIT RANK HOLDERS in UPSC & Pb, Hry, HP, UP, Assam, Guj, MP, Tripura, WB State Civil Services Exams. Latest Initiatives and Downloads: https://SleepyClasses.com/ Other Govt. Jobs: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ951Mh-BRBG3gkSAVbNdVg Contact Us: Toll Free: 1800 890 3043 Mobile: 6280133177 Email: Sleepy.Classes@gmail.com Telegram: t.me/SleepyClasses Apps: Android, iOS #UPSC #IAS #CivilServices

    published: 12 Feb 2018
Robert K. Merton

Robert K. Merton

  • Order:
  • Duration: 27:00
  • Uploaded Date: 29 Jan 2013
  • views: 36477
Robert K. Merton interviewed by Albert K. Cohen, May 15, 1997
Robert K. Merton Social theory

Robert K. Merton Social theory

  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:21
  • Uploaded Date: 19 Apr 2024
  • views: 1298
Robert K. Merton Social theory @sociologylearners1835 #sociology video by Khushdil Khan Kasi Embark on a journey into the realm of sociology with our latest video, where we unravel the profound insights of Robert K. Merton's social theory. Join us as we explore key concepts such as social structure, anomie, and deviance, shedding light on the complexities of human behavior and societal dynamics. In this captivating exploration, we delve into Merton's groundbreaking theories, which offer valuable insights into the interplay between individual agency and societal structures. From understanding the patterns of social roles to examining the strain caused by societal expectations, Merton's framework provides a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms that shape human behavior. Join us as we navigate Merton's theory of anomie and strain, exploring the disjunction between cultural goals and the means available to achieve them. Through engaging examples and insightful analysis, we examine the various modes of adaptation individuals employ in response to societal pressures, from conformity to rebellion. Furthermore, we delve into Merton's theory of deviance, which sheds light on the ways in which individuals deviate from societal norms and expectations. From minor infractions to serious criminal offenses, deviance takes various forms, each influenced by the structural constraints and opportunities present in society. Whether you're a student of sociology, a researcher, or simply curious about the complexities of human behavior, this video offers a comprehensive exploration of Robert K. Merton's social theory. Gain valuable insights into the mechanisms that shape society and understand the contemporary relevance of Merton's framework in understanding modern-day challenges. Don't miss out on this enlightening journey into the heart of sociology. Watch now and uncover the intricacies of social structure, anomie, and deviance through the lens of Robert K. Merton's visionary theory.
Social Thinker : Robert K. Merton - Part 1

Social Thinker : Robert K. Merton - Part 1

  • Order:
  • Duration: 54:13
  • Uploaded Date: 13 Sep 2012
  • views: 35166
This Lecture talks about social thinkers : Robert K. Merton
Strain Theory / Anomie by Robert K. Merton in Criminology and Sociology

Strain Theory / Anomie by Robert K. Merton in Criminology and Sociology

  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:49
  • Uploaded Date: 07 Mar 2023
  • views: 45344
TRANSCRIPT: https://criminologyweb.com/strain-anomie-theory-in-criminology-and-sociology-by-robert-k-merton/ In this video, I explain strain and anomie theory by sociologist Robert K. Merton. Merton developed a deviance typology based on the idea that strain and anomie (lawlessness or normlessness) elicit responses in people, one of which may be to commit crime. Strain / anomie theory is Robert K. Merton’s best known contribution to sociology and criminology. The American Dream, its opportunities and lack thereof are central to the theory. I discuss the meaning and definition of anomie and strain theory as well as real life examples.
ROBERT MERTON 101 Sociology Series #7

ROBERT MERTON 101 Sociology Series #7

  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:09
  • Uploaded Date: 18 Apr 2021
  • views: 28217
This video is tailored to assist the teaching of GCSE Sociology specifications (both AQA and Eduqas) in the UK. FURTHER READING: Robert King Merton is best known for his development of Strain Theory, as explained in this video, which refers to the strain people feel to become materially successful and consequently leads them to partake in deviant behaviour to achieve this success. Similar to Émile Durkheim and Talcott Parsons, Merton was concerned with how well cultural and social structures were integrated into society. He applied Durkheim’s term 'anomie' to describe the contention between material and cultural goals people have and the means available for people to reach them. In 1942 Merton introduced ‘Mertonian norms’ which were essential for the ethos of modern science: 1. Communism – scientists shouldn’t claim their intellectual property. Instead, there should be common ownership. 2. Universalism - all scientists' claims should not be influenced by personal feelings, scientists shouldn’t be restricted unless they’re incompetent. 3. Disinterestedness - scientists should be selfless and conduct research for the benefit of a common scientific goal, not simply for personal gain. 4. Organised scepticism – critical scrutiny is important for scientific research. Merton used the term ‘Matthew effect’ to describe the inequality scientists faced when it came to the recognition of their work. The Matthew effect is the idea that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. The term derives from parables within the Gospel of Matthew in the Bible. Merton however, used the term to describe how famous researchers will often get more credit than unknown researchers, even if their work is similar. Merton and has written a variety of publications including: "Social Structure and Anomie" in American Sociological Review 3 (1938) The Normative Structure of Science (1942) Social Theory and Social Structure (1949) On the Shoulders of Giants: A Shandean Postscript (1965) The Sociology of Science (1973) Sociological Ambivalence (1976) The Sociology of Science: An Episodic Memoir (1979) The Travels and Adventures of Serendipity: A Study in Sociological Semantics and the Sociology of Science (2004) Merton became the leader of structural-functional analysis in sociology and he essentially created the modern sociology of science. He is known as one of the founding fathers of modern-day sociology. He passed away in 2003, at the age of 92, just before the publication of his final book. Since 2013 he has been remembered annually at the International Network of Analytical Sociology who award writers of the best analytical paper in Sociology with the ‘Robert K Merton Award’. If you require further support revising for your Sociology GCSE or A Level please contact one of our approved tutors at https://booksmarttutors.co.uk/
Robert K. Merton: Middle Range Theory, Fungsi Manifest, Latent, dan Disfungsional

Robert K. Merton: Middle Range Theory, Fungsi Manifest, Latent, dan Disfungsional

  • Order:
  • Duration: 25:08
  • Uploaded Date: 14 Mar 2021
  • views: 9253
Tayangan berikut menjelaskan tentang teori Struktural Fungsional dari Robert K. Merton. Dalam teori Sosiologi nya Merton mengemukakan beberapa kritik, pengembangan,  dan revisi pada teori Struktural Fungsional dari Parson. Apa saja yang dikritik nya? Simak saja pembahasan berikut ini. =========================== Ref. -Doyle P. Johnson, Teori Sosiologi Klasik Modern 2. Jakarta: PT Gramedia, 1986. -G. Ritzer, Teori Sosiologi. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2014. =========================== Dukung channel ini dengan cara subscribe, like, share dan comment agar dapat terus berbagi pengetahuan. ========================== Host                    : Dr. Dede Syarif                                  Madihatur Rabiah Content editor    : Paelani Setia, S. Sos Data dan organisasi  : M. Akbar YT ========================= Follow akun PS: IG: https://instagram.com/perspektif_sosi... FB: m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100057127781894&ref=content_filter Salam, PS #fungsimanifest #latent #disfungsi #Merton #sosiologi
La sociologie de Robert K. Merton

La sociologie de Robert K. Merton

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:42
  • Uploaded Date: 22 Apr 2024
  • views: 1920
Découvrez les théories révolutionnaires de Robert Merton en sociologie dans cette vidéo. Plongez dans ses concepts de structure sociale, de fonctionnalisme et d'innovation, et voyez comment ils s'appliquent à notre société moderne. Ne ratez pas cette analyse qui éclaire les dynamiques sociales actuelles !
Biography of Robert K Merton, Founding father of modern sociology, Professor at  Columbia University

Biography of Robert K Merton, Founding father of modern sociology, Professor at Columbia University

  • Order:
  • Duration: 29:11
  • Uploaded Date: 08 Jun 2020
  • views: 24122
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Sociology : Robert K. Merton

Sociology : Robert K. Merton

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  • Duration: 53:55
  • Uploaded Date: 23 Apr 2012
  • views: 36329
This Lecture talks about Sociology : Robert K. Merton.
Sociology for UPSC : ROBERT MERTON - Functional Postulates - Lecture 79

Sociology for UPSC : ROBERT MERTON - Functional Postulates - Lecture 79

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  • Duration: 23:07
  • Uploaded Date: 12 Feb 2018
  • views: 197281
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  • Sociology for UPSC : ROBERT MERTON - Functional Postulates - Lecture 79
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Robert K. Merton

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Robert K. Merton
Robert K. Merton interviewed by Albert K. Cohen, May 15, 1997
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Strain Theory / Anomie by Robert K. Merton in Criminology and Sociology
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ROBERT MERTON 101 Sociology Series #7
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Robert K. Merton: Middle Range Theory, Fungsi Manifest, Latent, dan Disfungsional
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La sociologie de Robert K. Merton
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Biography of Robert K Merton, Founding father of modern sociology, Professor at Columbia University
New StudyIQ Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@UPSCCSEStudyIQ | Subscribe Now for Exclusi...
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Sociology : Robert K. Merton
This Lecture talks about Sociology : Robert K. Merton.
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Sociology for UPSC : ROBERT MERTON - Functional Postulates - Lecture 79
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Robert K. Merton

Robert King Merton (July 4, 1910 – February 23, 2003) was an American sociologist. He spent most of his career teaching at Columbia University, where he attained the rank of University Professor. In 1994 Merton won the National Medal of Science for his contributions to the field and for having founded the sociology of science. He is considered to be one of the founding fathers of modern-day sociology.

Merton developed notable concepts such as "unintended consequences", the "reference group", and "role strain" but is perhaps best known for having created the terms "role model" and "self-fulfilling prophecy". A central element of modern sociological, political and economic theory, the "self-fulfilling prophecy" is a process whereby a belief or an expectation, correct or incorrect, affects the outcome of a situation or the way a person or a group will behave. Merton's work on the "role model" first appeared in a study on the socialization of medical students at Columbia. The term grew from his theory of a reference group, or the group to which individuals compare themselves, but to which they do not necessarily belong. Social roles were a central piece of Merton's theory of social groups. Merton emphasized that, rather than a person assuming one role and one status, they have a status set in the social structure that has attached to it a whole set of expected behaviors.

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