PHILOSOPHY - René Descartes
Rene Descartes is perhaps the world’s best known-philosopher, in large part because of his pithy statement, ‘I think therefore I am.’ He stands out as an example of what intellectual self-confidence can bring us. Please subscribe here: http://tinyurl.com/o28mut7
If you like our films take a look at our shop (we ship worldwide): http://www.theschooloflife.com/shop/all/
Brought to you by http://www.theschooloflife.com
Produced in collaboration with Mad Adam Films
http://www.madadamfilms.co.uk #TheSchoolOfLife
published: 11 Sep 2015
René Descartes - Meditation #1 - The Method of Doubt
I am writing a book! If you want to know when it is ready (and maybe win a free copy), submit your email on my website: https://www.jeffreykaplan.org/
I won’t spam you or share your email address with anyone.
This is a lecture about the first of Descartes' six Meditations on First Philosophy. It is part an introduction to philosophy course. In this meditation, Descartes explains his plan for all six meditations, then explains how his method of doubt will allow him to temporarily cease to believe all the things that he cannot know for certain, and finally executes the first part of that plan. He goes through the basic principles which underly his beliefs, doubts those basic principles, and then wipes clean all of his previous beliefs. Most notably, Descartes discusses dream skepticism, or...
published: 25 Jun 2020
Cartesian Skepticism - Neo, Meet Rene: Crash Course Philosophy #5
This week Hank introduces skepticism, exploring everything from the nature of reality through the eyes of a 17th century philosopher and, of course, The Matrix.
PBS Digital Studios wants to get to know you better! If you have 10 minutes, we'd really appreciate it AND you'll be entered for a chance to win a t-shirt! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/pbsds2016
Images and video via VideoBlocks or Wikimedia Commons, licensed under Creative Commons by 4.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
"The Matrix" stills copyright 1999 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
“Crowd with Violin Playing” by Freesound user alukahn: http://freesound.org/people/alukahn/sounds/144139/
Produced in collaboration with PBS Digital Studios: http://youtube.com/pbsdigitalstudios
Crash Course Philosop...
published: 07 Mar 2016
René Descartes - Meditation #2 - I think, therefore, I am
I am writing a book! If you want to know when it is ready (and maybe win a free copy), submit your email on my website: https://www.jeffreykaplan.org/
I won’t spam you or share your email address with anyone.
This is a lecture video from Introduction to Philosophy. The lecture is about the second of Rene Descartes' Meditations on First Philosophy, originally published in Latin in 1641. In this medition Descartes finds the first thing that he thinks he can know for certain: that he exists. The famous phrase "Cogito Ergo Sum" or "I think, therefore, I am" does not actually appear in the meditations. But this is the meditation where Descartes makes that point. After demonstrating his own existence, Descartes claims that the kind of thing that he is is a thinking thing. He then discusses the...
published: 29 Jun 2020
Three Minute Philosophy: Rene Descartes
It's back at last! Pull up a stool as I take you through another fascinating, often painful, rapid-fire journey through the history of philosophy.
published: 29 Mar 2009
René Descartes - Brasil Escola
Filósofo e matemático francês, René Descartes fundou o racionalismo, criou o plano cartesiano e estabeleceu um método para a filosofia que a aproximava da geometria. Venha saber mais sobre esse grande pensador!
Quer saber mais sobre o tema?
Brasil Escola
René Descartes - https://brasilescola.com/biografia/rene-descartes.htm
René Descartes e a dúvida hiperbólica - http://brasilescola.com/filosofia/rene-descartes-duvida-hiperbolica.htm
Filosofia - http://brasilescola.com/filosofia
Mundo Educação
Filosofia - http://mundoeducacao.com/filosofia/
Alunos Online
Filosofia - http://alunosonline.com.br/filosofia/
Brasil Escola: http://www.brasilescola.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/brasilescola/
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/brasilescolaoficial/
#Enem #BrasilEscola #Fil...
published: 01 Nov 2019
"Will Durant's Insights into the Life and Ideas of René Descartes"
Join the eminent historian and philosopher, Will Durant, on a philosophical journey through the life and ideas of René Descartes, one of the most influential figures in the history of philosophy. In this enlightening video, Durant delves into Descartes's groundbreaking contributions to modern thought, his method of radical doubt, and his enduring impact on the development of philosophy and science.
published: 25 Nov 2017
Noam Chomsky on René Descartes
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Sw15-vSY8E
published: 01 May 2017
Dieu et la science 4 Platon Descartes .. Philosophie atypique de l'avenir de l'humanité
Petites Réflexions atypiques, autistiques et extrapolées à partir de l'émission de France Culture, "avec philosophie", consacrée à l'ombre et la lumière ..
La métaphore de la lumière est-elle suffisante pour parler de la raison ?
"La lumière est souvent utilisée en philosophie pour parler de la raison : on la trouve notamment dans l'allégorie de la caverne et dans la philosophie cartésienne. Mais la métaphore de la lumière est-elle vraiment suffisante pour parler de la raison ?
Anne Merker Professeure de philosophie spécialisée en histoire de la philosophie ancienne à l'université de Strasbourg
Pierre Guenancia Professeur émérite de philosophie spécialisé en histoire de la philosophie moderne à l’université de Bourgogne
"Avec Philosophie" s'interroge cette semaine sur l'ombre et la ...
published: 11 Aug 2024
René Descartes - Meditation #3 - A Cosmological Proof of God's Existence
I am writing a book! If you want to know when it is ready (and maybe win a free copy), submit your email on my website: https://www.jeffreykaplan.org/
I won’t spam you or share your email address with anyone.
This video lecture is about Rene Descartes' third Meditation on First Philosophy. It is part of an introduction to philosophy course. In this meditation Descartes offers a cosmological proof of the existence of god. The attempted proof starts from the fact that Descartes has the idea of an all perfect being. He argues that only a creature with infinite formal reality could create an idea like this because this idea has infinite objective reality. Descartes does not himself have enough formal reality to be the source of his own idea of God. So God must exist.
Also, here is the link ...
published: 03 Jul 2020
PHILOSOPHY - René Descartes
Rene Descartes is perhaps the world’s best known-philosopher, in large part because of his pithy statement, ‘I think therefore I am.’ He stands out as an exampl...
Rene Descartes is perhaps the world’s best known-philosopher, in large part because of his pithy statement, ‘I think therefore I am.’ He stands out as an example of what intellectual self-confidence can bring us. Please subscribe here: http://tinyurl.com/o28mut7
If you like our films take a look at our shop (we ship worldwide): http://www.theschooloflife.com/shop/all/
Brought to you by http://www.theschooloflife.com
Produced in collaboration with Mad Adam Films
http://www.madadamfilms.co.uk #TheSchoolOfLife
Rene Descartes is perhaps the world’s best known-philosopher, in large part because of his pithy statement, ‘I think therefore I am.’ He stands out as an example of what intellectual self-confidence can bring us. Please subscribe here: http://tinyurl.com/o28mut7
If you like our films take a look at our shop (we ship worldwide): http://www.theschooloflife.com/shop/all/
Brought to you by http://www.theschooloflife.com
Produced in collaboration with Mad Adam Films
http://www.madadamfilms.co.uk #TheSchoolOfLife
- published: 11 Sep 2015
- views: 3119085
René Descartes - Meditation #1 - The Method of Doubt
I am writing a book! If you want to know when it is ready (and maybe win a free copy), submit your email on my website: https://www.jeffreykaplan.org/
I won’t ...
I am writing a book! If you want to know when it is ready (and maybe win a free copy), submit your email on my website: https://www.jeffreykaplan.org/
I won’t spam you or share your email address with anyone.
This is a lecture about the first of Descartes' six Meditations on First Philosophy. It is part an introduction to philosophy course. In this meditation, Descartes explains his plan for all six meditations, then explains how his method of doubt will allow him to temporarily cease to believe all the things that he cannot know for certain, and finally executes the first part of that plan. He goes through the basic principles which underly his beliefs, doubts those basic principles, and then wipes clean all of his previous beliefs. Most notably, Descartes discusses dream skepticism, or the possibility that he is dreaming, and malicious demon skepticism, or the possibility that he is being deceived by an evil genius or malicious demon.
I am writing a book! If you want to know when it is ready (and maybe win a free copy), submit your email on my website: https://www.jeffreykaplan.org/
I won’t spam you or share your email address with anyone.
This is a lecture about the first of Descartes' six Meditations on First Philosophy. It is part an introduction to philosophy course. In this meditation, Descartes explains his plan for all six meditations, then explains how his method of doubt will allow him to temporarily cease to believe all the things that he cannot know for certain, and finally executes the first part of that plan. He goes through the basic principles which underly his beliefs, doubts those basic principles, and then wipes clean all of his previous beliefs. Most notably, Descartes discusses dream skepticism, or the possibility that he is dreaming, and malicious demon skepticism, or the possibility that he is being deceived by an evil genius or malicious demon.
- published: 25 Jun 2020
- views: 232160
Cartesian Skepticism - Neo, Meet Rene: Crash Course Philosophy #5
This week Hank introduces skepticism, exploring everything from the nature of reality through the eyes of a 17th century philosopher and, of course, The Matrix....
This week Hank introduces skepticism, exploring everything from the nature of reality through the eyes of a 17th century philosopher and, of course, The Matrix.
PBS Digital Studios wants to get to know you better! If you have 10 minutes, we'd really appreciate it AND you'll be entered for a chance to win a t-shirt! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/pbsds2016
Images and video via VideoBlocks or Wikimedia Commons, licensed under Creative Commons by 4.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
"The Matrix" stills copyright 1999 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
“Crowd with Violin Playing” by Freesound user alukahn: http://freesound.org/people/alukahn/sounds/144139/
Produced in collaboration with PBS Digital Studios: http://youtube.com/pbsdigitalstudios
Crash Course Philosophy is sponsored by Squarespace.
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This week Hank introduces skepticism, exploring everything from the nature of reality through the eyes of a 17th century philosopher and, of course, The Matrix.
PBS Digital Studios wants to get to know you better! If you have 10 minutes, we'd really appreciate it AND you'll be entered for a chance to win a t-shirt! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/pbsds2016
Images and video via VideoBlocks or Wikimedia Commons, licensed under Creative Commons by 4.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
"The Matrix" stills copyright 1999 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
“Crowd with Violin Playing” by Freesound user alukahn: http://freesound.org/people/alukahn/sounds/144139/
Produced in collaboration with PBS Digital Studios: http://youtube.com/pbsdigitalstudios
Crash Course Philosophy is sponsored by Squarespace.
Want to find Crash Course elsewhere on the internet?
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Support CrashCourse on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/crashcourse
CC Kids: http://www.youtube.com/crashcoursekids
- published: 07 Mar 2016
- views: 2764228
René Descartes - Meditation #2 - I think, therefore, I am
I am writing a book! If you want to know when it is ready (and maybe win a free copy), submit your email on my website: https://www.jeffreykaplan.org/
I won’t ...
I am writing a book! If you want to know when it is ready (and maybe win a free copy), submit your email on my website: https://www.jeffreykaplan.org/
I won’t spam you or share your email address with anyone.
This is a lecture video from Introduction to Philosophy. The lecture is about the second of Rene Descartes' Meditations on First Philosophy, originally published in Latin in 1641. In this medition Descartes finds the first thing that he thinks he can know for certain: that he exists. The famous phrase "Cogito Ergo Sum" or "I think, therefore, I am" does not actually appear in the meditations. But this is the meditation where Descartes makes that point. After demonstrating his own existence, Descartes claims that the kind of thing that he is is a thinking thing. He then discusses the nature of thought, and how his view of the human mind differs from
Aristotle's conception.
For the video about the first meditation: https://youtu.be/3GaE0GmZ2OQ
For more on Aristotle's worldview: https://youtu.be/Lj-Bxx-T0GM
I am writing a book! If you want to know when it is ready (and maybe win a free copy), submit your email on my website: https://www.jeffreykaplan.org/
I won’t spam you or share your email address with anyone.
This is a lecture video from Introduction to Philosophy. The lecture is about the second of Rene Descartes' Meditations on First Philosophy, originally published in Latin in 1641. In this medition Descartes finds the first thing that he thinks he can know for certain: that he exists. The famous phrase "Cogito Ergo Sum" or "I think, therefore, I am" does not actually appear in the meditations. But this is the meditation where Descartes makes that point. After demonstrating his own existence, Descartes claims that the kind of thing that he is is a thinking thing. He then discusses the nature of thought, and how his view of the human mind differs from
Aristotle's conception.
For the video about the first meditation: https://youtu.be/3GaE0GmZ2OQ
For more on Aristotle's worldview: https://youtu.be/Lj-Bxx-T0GM
- published: 29 Jun 2020
- views: 98831
Three Minute Philosophy: Rene Descartes
It's back at last! Pull up a stool as I take you through another fascinating, often painful, rapid-fire journey through the history of philosophy.
It's back at last! Pull up a stool as I take you through another fascinating, often painful, rapid-fire journey through the history of philosophy.
It's back at last! Pull up a stool as I take you through another fascinating, often painful, rapid-fire journey through the history of philosophy.
- published: 29 Mar 2009
- views: 1168316
René Descartes - Brasil Escola
Filósofo e matemático francês, René Descartes fundou o racionalismo, criou o plano cartesiano e estabeleceu um método para a filosofia que a aproximava da geome...
Filósofo e matemático francês, René Descartes fundou o racionalismo, criou o plano cartesiano e estabeleceu um método para a filosofia que a aproximava da geometria. Venha saber mais sobre esse grande pensador!
Quer saber mais sobre o tema?
Brasil Escola
René Descartes - https://brasilescola.com/biografia/rene-descartes.htm
René Descartes e a dúvida hiperbólica - http://brasilescola.com/filosofia/rene-descartes-duvida-hiperbolica.htm
Filosofia - http://brasilescola.com/filosofia
Mundo Educação
Filosofia - http://mundoeducacao.com/filosofia/
Alunos Online
Filosofia - http://alunosonline.com.br/filosofia/
Brasil Escola: http://www.brasilescola.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/brasilescola/
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/brasilescolaoficial/
#Enem #BrasilEscola #Filosofia
Filósofo e matemático francês, René Descartes fundou o racionalismo, criou o plano cartesiano e estabeleceu um método para a filosofia que a aproximava da geometria. Venha saber mais sobre esse grande pensador!
Quer saber mais sobre o tema?
Brasil Escola
René Descartes - https://brasilescola.com/biografia/rene-descartes.htm
René Descartes e a dúvida hiperbólica - http://brasilescola.com/filosofia/rene-descartes-duvida-hiperbolica.htm
Filosofia - http://brasilescola.com/filosofia
Mundo Educação
Filosofia - http://mundoeducacao.com/filosofia/
Alunos Online
Filosofia - http://alunosonline.com.br/filosofia/
Brasil Escola: http://www.brasilescola.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/brasilescola/
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/brasilescolaoficial/
#Enem #BrasilEscola #Filosofia
- published: 01 Nov 2019
- views: 128276
"Will Durant's Insights into the Life and Ideas of René Descartes"
Join the eminent historian and philosopher, Will Durant, on a philosophical journey through the life and ideas of René Descartes, one of the most influential fi...
Join the eminent historian and philosopher, Will Durant, on a philosophical journey through the life and ideas of René Descartes, one of the most influential figures in the history of philosophy. In this enlightening video, Durant delves into Descartes's groundbreaking contributions to modern thought, his method of radical doubt, and his enduring impact on the development of philosophy and science.
Join the eminent historian and philosopher, Will Durant, on a philosophical journey through the life and ideas of René Descartes, one of the most influential figures in the history of philosophy. In this enlightening video, Durant delves into Descartes's groundbreaking contributions to modern thought, his method of radical doubt, and his enduring impact on the development of philosophy and science.
- published: 25 Nov 2017
- views: 54995
Noam Chomsky on René Descartes
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Sw15-vSY8E
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Sw15-vSY8E
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Sw15-vSY8E
- published: 01 May 2017
- views: 385022
Dieu et la science 4 Platon Descartes .. Philosophie atypique de l'avenir de l'humanité
Petites Réflexions atypiques, autistiques et extrapolées à partir de l'émission de France Culture, "avec philosophie", consacrée à l'ombre et la lumière ..
La ...
Petites Réflexions atypiques, autistiques et extrapolées à partir de l'émission de France Culture, "avec philosophie", consacrée à l'ombre et la lumière ..
La métaphore de la lumière est-elle suffisante pour parler de la raison ?
"La lumière est souvent utilisée en philosophie pour parler de la raison : on la trouve notamment dans l'allégorie de la caverne et dans la philosophie cartésienne. Mais la métaphore de la lumière est-elle vraiment suffisante pour parler de la raison ?
Anne Merker Professeure de philosophie spécialisée en histoire de la philosophie ancienne à l'université de Strasbourg
Pierre Guenancia Professeur émérite de philosophie spécialisé en histoire de la philosophie moderne à l’université de Bourgogne
"Avec Philosophie" s'interroge cette semaine sur l'ombre et la lumière. Dans ce quatrième épisode, Géraldine Muhlmann et ses invités s'intéressent à la métaphore de la lumière évoquée en philosophie pour parler de la raison.
Chez Platon, l’idée de bien éclaire notre intelligence
“Platon réaffirme que tout le monde possède l’intelligence [...] c’est donc la situation dans laquelle on se trouve qui donne l’impression que nous n'en avons pas” nous explique Anne Merker. Toutefois, elle poursuit : “La comparaison entre le soleil et le bien sert à Platon à faire comprendre que l’intelligence humaine n’est pas autonome, pas autosuffisante. L’intelligence a besoin de quelque chose en plus, elle ne disparaît pas en absence de lumière, mais elle a besoin d’un élément extérieur pour fonctionner : de même que la vue a besoin de lumière [...] de même l’intelligence a besoin d’une lumière extérieure qui provient de l’idée de bien, de bon, de bénéfique”. On retrouve cette idée dans l'allégorie de la caverne.
Chez Descartes, la clarté vient de l’esprit
“Chez les Lumières du17e siècle, il s’agit de connaître, dévoiler, plutôt que de combattre un ennemi” raconte Pierre Guenancia. “Chez Descartes, il n’y a que de la lumière dans l’entendement. S’il y a de l’ombre quelque part, elle vient de l’extérieur”. La lumière a donc une origine interne. Ainsi, “Descartes utilise un analogue : c’est tout un travail que de se défaire de ses anciennes opinions, comme si on se réveillait d’un sommeil dogmatique, se libérer de sa paresse naturelle qui est, au fond, l’état de la croyance”.
En lien avec le site https://mecaniqueuniverselle.net
Petites Réflexions atypiques, autistiques et extrapolées à partir de l'émission de France Culture, "avec philosophie", consacrée à l'ombre et la lumière ..
La métaphore de la lumière est-elle suffisante pour parler de la raison ?
"La lumière est souvent utilisée en philosophie pour parler de la raison : on la trouve notamment dans l'allégorie de la caverne et dans la philosophie cartésienne. Mais la métaphore de la lumière est-elle vraiment suffisante pour parler de la raison ?
Anne Merker Professeure de philosophie spécialisée en histoire de la philosophie ancienne à l'université de Strasbourg
Pierre Guenancia Professeur émérite de philosophie spécialisé en histoire de la philosophie moderne à l’université de Bourgogne
"Avec Philosophie" s'interroge cette semaine sur l'ombre et la lumière. Dans ce quatrième épisode, Géraldine Muhlmann et ses invités s'intéressent à la métaphore de la lumière évoquée en philosophie pour parler de la raison.
Chez Platon, l’idée de bien éclaire notre intelligence
“Platon réaffirme que tout le monde possède l’intelligence [...] c’est donc la situation dans laquelle on se trouve qui donne l’impression que nous n'en avons pas” nous explique Anne Merker. Toutefois, elle poursuit : “La comparaison entre le soleil et le bien sert à Platon à faire comprendre que l’intelligence humaine n’est pas autonome, pas autosuffisante. L’intelligence a besoin de quelque chose en plus, elle ne disparaît pas en absence de lumière, mais elle a besoin d’un élément extérieur pour fonctionner : de même que la vue a besoin de lumière [...] de même l’intelligence a besoin d’une lumière extérieure qui provient de l’idée de bien, de bon, de bénéfique”. On retrouve cette idée dans l'allégorie de la caverne.
Chez Descartes, la clarté vient de l’esprit
“Chez les Lumières du17e siècle, il s’agit de connaître, dévoiler, plutôt que de combattre un ennemi” raconte Pierre Guenancia. “Chez Descartes, il n’y a que de la lumière dans l’entendement. S’il y a de l’ombre quelque part, elle vient de l’extérieur”. La lumière a donc une origine interne. Ainsi, “Descartes utilise un analogue : c’est tout un travail que de se défaire de ses anciennes opinions, comme si on se réveillait d’un sommeil dogmatique, se libérer de sa paresse naturelle qui est, au fond, l’état de la croyance”.
En lien avec le site https://mecaniqueuniverselle.net
- published: 11 Aug 2024
- views: 27
René Descartes - Meditation #3 - A Cosmological Proof of God's Existence
I am writing a book! If you want to know when it is ready (and maybe win a free copy), submit your email on my website: https://www.jeffreykaplan.org/
I won’t ...
I am writing a book! If you want to know when it is ready (and maybe win a free copy), submit your email on my website: https://www.jeffreykaplan.org/
I won’t spam you or share your email address with anyone.
This video lecture is about Rene Descartes' third Meditation on First Philosophy. It is part of an introduction to philosophy course. In this meditation Descartes offers a cosmological proof of the existence of god. The attempted proof starts from the fact that Descartes has the idea of an all perfect being. He argues that only a creature with infinite formal reality could create an idea like this because this idea has infinite objective reality. Descartes does not himself have enough formal reality to be the source of his own idea of God. So God must exist.
Also, here is the link to the video that I mentioned where I explain the difference between arguments and conclusions: https://youtu.be/GAYn5v5E20s
And here are the videos about meditations #1: https://youtu.be/3GaE0GmZ2OQ
and meditation #2: https://youtu.be/beFeHuC_ERY
I am writing a book! If you want to know when it is ready (and maybe win a free copy), submit your email on my website: https://www.jeffreykaplan.org/
I won’t spam you or share your email address with anyone.
This video lecture is about Rene Descartes' third Meditation on First Philosophy. It is part of an introduction to philosophy course. In this meditation Descartes offers a cosmological proof of the existence of god. The attempted proof starts from the fact that Descartes has the idea of an all perfect being. He argues that only a creature with infinite formal reality could create an idea like this because this idea has infinite objective reality. Descartes does not himself have enough formal reality to be the source of his own idea of God. So God must exist.
Also, here is the link to the video that I mentioned where I explain the difference between arguments and conclusions: https://youtu.be/GAYn5v5E20s
And here are the videos about meditations #1: https://youtu.be/3GaE0GmZ2OQ
and meditation #2: https://youtu.be/beFeHuC_ERY
- published: 03 Jul 2020
- views: 100432