What are Environment Variables, and how do I use them? (get,set)
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Courses ➤ https://jacobsorber.thinkific.com
Website ➤ https://www.jacobsorber.com
What are Environment Variables, and how do I use them? (get,set) // It's amazing how many new programmers don't understand environment variables, which is tragic because they can save you so much time and it's one of those topics that programmer really needs to understand. This video will show you how to get and set environment variables in your programs.
Welcome! I post videos that help you learn to program and become a more confident software developer. I cover beginner-to-advanced systems topics ranging from network programming, threads, processes, operating systems, embedded systems and others. My goal is to help you get under-the-hood and bet...
published: 15 Feb 2019
Environment Variables : Windows 10 - How it works and how to set it
Environment variables are dynamic values which affect the processes or programs on a computer. They exist in every operating system, but types may vary. Environment variables can be created, edited, saved, and deleted and give information about the system behavior.
published: 09 Jun 2022
How to Set Environment Variables in Windows 11
In this video we are going to see How to Add environment variables in Windows 11 PC or Laptop. How to Create Custom Environmental Variables in Windows 11.
This instructions in this video tutorial can be applied for laptops, desktops, computers, and tablets which run the Windows 11 operating system like Windows 11 Home, Windows 11 Professional, Windows 11 Enterprise, Windows 11 Education. This tutorial will work on all hardware manufactures, like Dell, HP, Acer, Asus, Toshiba, Lenovo, and Samsung.
#telegram #Windows11 #ProgrammingKnowledge #PC #Computer #pubg #Laptop #PUBGMobile
★★★Top Online Courses From ProgrammingKnowledge ★★★
Python Programming Course ➡️ http://bit.ly/2vsuMaS ⚫️ http://bit.ly/2GOaeQB
Java Programming Course ➡️ http://bit.ly/2GEfQMf ⚫️ http://bit.ly/2Vvjy4a
Bash S...
published: 15 Jan 2022
What are Environment Variables ? with Examples on Windows & Linux
In this video, we will learn how Environment Variables could help us to create more dynamic programs, also we will learn about System ENV Variables, and will go into detail about the PATH Environment Variable.
Also we will learn the PATH env variable, how to use it and what it does to our system
#EnvVariables #Environment #Variables
☕ Buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/jimsc
Connect with me with:
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jimshapedcoding
- E-mail: [email protected]
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- Discord : https://discord.com/invite/aMgcPD9
🔥 Comment below if you want to see more videos in that style
👍 Subscribe to start your Python Developer / DevOps Engineer journey here:
published: 27 Sep 2021
Linux for Programmers #7 | Environment Variables
In this Linux for programmers tutorial, we're going to be discussing environment variables on Linux. Environment variables are such an important thing to know as a programmer. Environment variables aren't just important for Linux, but also on Windows and Mac, and you should understand how to use them.
0:00 - Intro
0:45 - What is an environment variable
2:41 - Listing variables
3:20 - Printing specific variables
3:59 - echo command
4:42 - Creating variables
6:33 - Creating persistent user variables
9:10 - Creating persistent global variables
10:57 - Removing variables
12:07 - Outro
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published: 19 Jul 2021
How to Set Environment Variables in Windows
Follow this step by step tutorial to learn how to set environment variables from system settings in the windows operating system.
Don't forget to check out our site http://howtech.tv/ for more free how-to videos!
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In this tutorial, you will learn how to set environment variables in windows.
Operating systems require environment variables as settings and configurations for several processes. Although these variables are automatically defined or initialized during the installation of the system or specific software, in windows, to set environment variables manually is not a difficult task. That's because windows allows us to m...
published: 01 May 2013
React Environment Variables in 1 Minute
🎓 Join my learning platform for module based courses, learning exercises, and more: https://coderprep.com/
In this video I quickly go over how to create a .env file in your React application! Environment variables are constantly discussed online when using sensitive data such as API keys, so I thought I would make a quick video for anyone who wants to set up environment variables in their React application.
published: 15 Mar 2022
What are Environment Variables | Hacking?
What are environment variables?
All the source code and other material will be uploaded on https://codewithharry.com as and when available!
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Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLu0W_9lII9agrsRZjFECeFuWY5ev2pQlk
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Python[15 Hr] - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfDE2a7MKjA&list=PLu0W_9lII9ahKZ42vg2w9ERPmShYbYAB7
Python Advance[3.5 Hr] - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61a7UkDO50s&list=PLu0W_9lII9ahKZ42vg2w9ERPmShYbYAB7
Python[1 Hr] - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHJjMvHLJdg&list=PLu0W_9lII9ahKZ42vg2w9ERPmShYbYAB7
Python[2 Hr] - https://www.youtube.com/watch?...
published: 10 May 2022
We Fixed Environment Variables
GITHUB: https://github.com/t3-oss/t3-env
SITE: https://env.t3.gg/
HUGE shoutout to Julius for his hard work on this https://twitter.com/jullerino/
ALL MY VIDEOS ARE POSTED EARLY ON PATREON https://www.patreon.com/t3dotgg
Everything else (Twitch, Twitter, Discord & my blog): https://t3.gg/links
S/O Ph4seOne for the awesome edit 🙏
published: 28 Apr 2023
How to use a .env file to load environment variables in a dev container
Loading environment variables using a .env file when working with Remote - Containers or GitHub Codespaces. Check out the docs for more info https://code.visualstudio.com/remote/advancedcontainers/environment-variables?WT.mc_id=devcloud-0000-buhollan
published: 15 Sep 2021
Python Quick Tip: Hiding Passwords and Secret Keys in Environment Variables (Windows)
In this Python Programming Tutorial, we will be learning how to hide passwords and secret information within environment variables on Windows machines. Hard-coding secret information is a common mistake that beginners make when learning Python. Hiding this information within environment variables allows you to access your secret information within your code without anyone else being able to see these values from your source code. Let's get started...
The code from this video can be found at:
Python Environment Variables (Mac & Linux): https://youtu.be/5iWhQWVXosU
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published: 01 Feb 2018
{ Fixed } : Environment Variable is disabled? Can't edit environment variables in windows
hey guys, in this video, i am explaining how to fix environment variable is disabled.
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published: 19 Feb 2020
How to NOT Screw Up Firebase Environment Variables
Firebase recently added support for dotenv environment variables and secret manager in the Cloud Functions Node.js runtime.
Cloud Functions Env Docs https://firebase.google.com/docs/functions/config-env
#programming #nodejs #firebase
published: 08 Sep 2022
Add/edit PATH environment variable in Windows 10
In this tutorial, I share how to add to the PATH environment variable in Windows 10. For this example, I'm adding Python 3 to the PATH so that I may begin writing code (and executing it) using Python 3 as I had forgotten to add Python to the PATH when I installed it.
The method shared in this video can be used regardless of what you're adding to your PATH in Windows 10.
To add a directory to the PATH environment variable on Windows 10, you can follow these steps:
Right-click on the Start button and select "System" from the context menu.
In the System Properties window, click on the "Advanced" tab.
Click on the "Environment Variables" button at the bottom of the window.
Under "System Variables", scroll down and find the "Path" variable, and click on the "Edit" button.
In the Edit Environ...
published: 06 Jun 2020
What are Environment Variables, and how do I use them? (get,set)
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Courses ➤ https://jacobsorber.thinkific.com
Website ➤ https://www.jacobsorber.com
What are Environment Varia...
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Courses ➤ https://jacobsorber.thinkific.com
Website ➤ https://www.jacobsorber.com
What are Environment Variables, and how do I use them? (get,set) // It's amazing how many new programmers don't understand environment variables, which is tragic because they can save you so much time and it's one of those topics that programmer really needs to understand. This video will show you how to get and set environment variables in your programs.
Welcome! I post videos that help you learn to program and become a more confident software developer. I cover beginner-to-advanced systems topics ranging from network programming, threads, processes, operating systems, embedded systems and others. My goal is to help you get under-the-hood and better understand how computers work and how you can use them to become stronger students and more capable professional developers.
About me: I'm a computer scientist, electrical engineer, researcher, and teacher. I specialize in embedded systems, mobile computing, sensor networks, and the Internet of Things. I teach systems and networking courses at Clemson University, where I also lead the PERSIST research lab.
More about me and what I do:
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What are Environment Variables, and how do I use them? (get,set) // It's amazing how many new programmers don't understand environment variables, which is tragic because they can save you so much time and it's one of those topics that programmer really needs to understand. This video will show you how to get and set environment variables in your programs.
Welcome! I post videos that help you learn to program and become a more confident software developer. I cover beginner-to-advanced systems topics ranging from network programming, threads, processes, operating systems, embedded systems and others. My goal is to help you get under-the-hood and better understand how computers work and how you can use them to become stronger students and more capable professional developers.
About me: I'm a computer scientist, electrical engineer, researcher, and teacher. I specialize in embedded systems, mobile computing, sensor networks, and the Internet of Things. I teach systems and networking courses at Clemson University, where I also lead the PERSIST research lab.
More about me and what I do:
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Source code is also available to Patreon supporters. --- [https://jsorber-youtube-source.herokuapp.com/]
Want me to review your code?
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[email protected]. Code should be simple and in one of the following languages: C, C++, python, java, ruby. You must be the author of the code and have rights to post it. Please include the following statement in your email: "I attest that this is my code, and I hereby give Jacob Sorber the right to use, review, post, comment on, and modify this code on his videos."
You can also find more info about code reviews here.
- published: 15 Feb 2019
- views: 166155
Environment Variables : Windows 10 - How it works and how to set it
Environment variables are dynamic values which affect the processes or programs on a computer. They exist in every operating system, but types may vary. Environ...
Environment variables are dynamic values which affect the processes or programs on a computer. They exist in every operating system, but types may vary. Environment variables can be created, edited, saved, and deleted and give information about the system behavior.
Environment variables are dynamic values which affect the processes or programs on a computer. They exist in every operating system, but types may vary. Environment variables can be created, edited, saved, and deleted and give information about the system behavior.
- published: 09 Jun 2022
- views: 37048
How to Set Environment Variables in Windows 11
In this video we are going to see How to Add environment variables in Windows 11 PC or Laptop. How to Create Custom Environmental Variables in Windows 11.
In this video we are going to see How to Add environment variables in Windows 11 PC or Laptop. How to Create Custom Environmental Variables in Windows 11.
This instructions in this video tutorial can be applied for laptops, desktops, computers, and tablets which run the Windows 11 operating system like Windows 11 Home, Windows 11 Professional, Windows 11 Enterprise, Windows 11 Education. This tutorial will work on all hardware manufactures, like Dell, HP, Acer, Asus, Toshiba, Lenovo, and Samsung.
#telegram #Windows11 #ProgrammingKnowledge #PC #Computer #pubg #Laptop #PUBGMobile
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In this video we are going to see How to Add environment variables in Windows 11 PC or Laptop. How to Create Custom Environmental Variables in Windows 11.
This instructions in this video tutorial can be applied for laptops, desktops, computers, and tablets which run the Windows 11 operating system like Windows 11 Home, Windows 11 Professional, Windows 11 Enterprise, Windows 11 Education. This tutorial will work on all hardware manufactures, like Dell, HP, Acer, Asus, Toshiba, Lenovo, and Samsung.
#telegram #Windows11 #ProgrammingKnowledge #PC #Computer #pubg #Laptop #PUBGMobile
★★★Top Online Courses From ProgrammingKnowledge ★★★
Python Programming Course ➡️ http://bit.ly/2vsuMaS ⚫️ http://bit.ly/2GOaeQB
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Bash Shell Scripting Course ➡️ http://bit.ly/2DBVF0C ⚫️ http://bit.ly/2UM06vF
Linux Command Line Tutorials ➡️ http://bit.ly/2IXuil0 ⚫️ http://bit.ly/2IXukt8
C Programming Course ➡️ http://bit.ly/2GQCiD1 ⚫️ http://bit.ly/2ZGN6ej
C++ Programming Course ➡️ http://bit.ly/2V4oEVJ ⚫️ http://bit.ly/2XMvqMs
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Scala Programming Tutorial Course ➡️ http://bit.ly/2PysyA4 ⚫️ http://bit.ly/2PCaVj2
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DISCLAIMER: This video and description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. This help support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. Thank you for the support!
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- published: 15 Jan 2022
- views: 92625
What are Environment Variables ? with Examples on Windows & Linux
In this video, we will learn how Environment Variables could help us to create more dynamic programs, also we will learn about System ENV Variables, and will go...
In this video, we will learn how Environment Variables could help us to create more dynamic programs, also we will learn about System ENV Variables, and will go into detail about the PATH Environment Variable.
Also we will learn the PATH env variable, how to use it and what it does to our system
#EnvVariables #Environment #Variables
☕ Buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/jimsc
Connect with me with:
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jimshapedcoding
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[email protected]
- Twitter : https://twitter.com/jimshapedcoding
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🔥 Comment below if you want to see more videos in that style
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Timeline of the video:
00:00 - 04:51 - Environment Variables
04:52 - 07:14 - System Environment Variables on Windows
07:15 - 10:22 - PATH System Environment Variable on Windows
10:23 - 13:21 - PATH System Environment Variable on Linux
In this video, we will learn how Environment Variables could help us to create more dynamic programs, also we will learn about System ENV Variables, and will go into detail about the PATH Environment Variable.
Also we will learn the PATH env variable, how to use it and what it does to our system
#EnvVariables #Environment #Variables
☕ Buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/jimsc
Connect with me with:
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jimshapedcoding
- E-mail:
[email protected]
- Twitter : https://twitter.com/jimshapedcoding
- Discord : https://discord.com/invite/aMgcPD9
🔥 Comment below if you want to see more videos in that style
👍 Subscribe to start your Python Developer / DevOps Engineer journey here:
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Timeline of the video:
00:00 - 04:51 - Environment Variables
04:52 - 07:14 - System Environment Variables on Windows
07:15 - 10:22 - PATH System Environment Variable on Windows
10:23 - 13:21 - PATH System Environment Variable on Linux
- published: 27 Sep 2021
- views: 41453
Linux for Programmers #7 | Environment Variables
In this Linux for programmers tutorial, we're going to be discussing environment variables on Linux. Environment variables are such an important thing to know a...
In this Linux for programmers tutorial, we're going to be discussing environment variables on Linux. Environment variables are such an important thing to know as a programmer. Environment variables aren't just important for Linux, but also on Windows and Mac, and you should understand how to use them.
0:00 - Intro
0:45 - What is an environment variable
2:41 - Listing variables
3:20 - Printing specific variables
3:59 - echo command
4:42 - Creating variables
6:33 - Creating persistent user variables
9:10 - Creating persistent global variables
10:57 - Removing variables
12:07 - Outro
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Learn more about remote access → https://www.linode.com/docs/guides/remote-access/
Learn more about sysadmin basics → https://www.linode.com/docs/guides/linux-system-administration-basics/
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#Linode #AlternativeCloud #TechWithTim #Linux
Product: Linode, Linux, sysadmin; Tech With Tim;
In this Linux for programmers tutorial, we're going to be discussing environment variables on Linux. Environment variables are such an important thing to know as a programmer. Environment variables aren't just important for Linux, but also on Windows and Mac, and you should understand how to use them.
0:00 - Intro
0:45 - What is an environment variable
2:41 - Listing variables
3:20 - Printing specific variables
3:59 - echo command
4:42 - Creating variables
6:33 - Creating persistent user variables
9:10 - Creating persistent global variables
10:57 - Removing variables
12:07 - Outro
New to Cloud Computing? Get started here with a $100 credit → https://www.linode.com/lp/youtube-viewers/?ifso=linodetube&utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=SuperUser
Learn more about remote access → https://www.linode.com/docs/guides/remote-access/
Learn more about sysadmin basics → https://www.linode.com/docs/guides/linux-system-administration-basics/
Subscribe to get notified of new episodes as they come out → https://www.youtube.com/linode?sub_co...
#Linode #AlternativeCloud #TechWithTim #Linux
Product: Linode, Linux, sysadmin; Tech With Tim;
- published: 19 Jul 2021
- views: 41072
How to Set Environment Variables in Windows
Follow this step by step tutorial to learn how to set environment variables from system settings in the windows operating system.
Don't forget to check out our...
Follow this step by step tutorial to learn how to set environment variables from system settings in the windows operating system.
Don't forget to check out our site http://howtech.tv/ for more free how-to videos!
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In this tutorial, you will learn how to set environment variables in windows.
Operating systems require environment variables as settings and configurations for several processes. Although these variables are automatically defined or initialized during the installation of the system or specific software, in windows, to set environment variables manually is not a difficult task. That's because windows allows us to manually add, remove or edit environment variables through system settings according to our requirements.
Step # 1 -- Opening environment variables
In windows, to set environmental variables, you can take two paths. Either we can go to control panel, then access the system security option, and then the system option. Or we can simply right click on My Computer and select its properties.
Once we are in the system window, select the advanced system settings from the list on the left side. A new window will pop up. Over here, click on the environment variables button near the bottom of this window and you can now access the Windows environment variables.
Step # 2 -- Adding a variable
In this window there are two sets of environment variables, one is the "user variables", and the other is the "system variables". Choose the new button in the user variables section to open the "define a new variable" dialog window.
Over here, you will be required to define the variable name as anything you wish to set, such as temporary and then define its value as the path to the directory. With that done, let's complete this process by pressing OK. Your new environment variable has been created now.
Step # 3 -- Editing and removing a variable
To edit an environment variable, click on it, and then click on the edit button to open a dialog window. Here we can edit the name and value of the variable. Likewise to remove an environment variable, simply click on the variable and then click on the delete button.
Once all the definitions are complete, close the window and restart your computer to allow the operating system to load these settings on boot.
And that's basically all you need to know for how to set environment variables in windows.
Follow this step by step tutorial to learn how to set environment variables from system settings in the windows operating system.
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In this tutorial, you will learn how to set environment variables in windows.
Operating systems require environment variables as settings and configurations for several processes. Although these variables are automatically defined or initialized during the installation of the system or specific software, in windows, to set environment variables manually is not a difficult task. That's because windows allows us to manually add, remove or edit environment variables through system settings according to our requirements.
Step # 1 -- Opening environment variables
In windows, to set environmental variables, you can take two paths. Either we can go to control panel, then access the system security option, and then the system option. Or we can simply right click on My Computer and select its properties.
Once we are in the system window, select the advanced system settings from the list on the left side. A new window will pop up. Over here, click on the environment variables button near the bottom of this window and you can now access the Windows environment variables.
Step # 2 -- Adding a variable
In this window there are two sets of environment variables, one is the "user variables", and the other is the "system variables". Choose the new button in the user variables section to open the "define a new variable" dialog window.
Over here, you will be required to define the variable name as anything you wish to set, such as temporary and then define its value as the path to the directory. With that done, let's complete this process by pressing OK. Your new environment variable has been created now.
Step # 3 -- Editing and removing a variable
To edit an environment variable, click on it, and then click on the edit button to open a dialog window. Here we can edit the name and value of the variable. Likewise to remove an environment variable, simply click on the variable and then click on the delete button.
Once all the definitions are complete, close the window and restart your computer to allow the operating system to load these settings on boot.
And that's basically all you need to know for how to set environment variables in windows.
- published: 01 May 2013
- views: 312418
React Environment Variables in 1 Minute
🎓 Join my learning platform for module based courses, learning exercises, and more: https://coderprep.com/
In this video I quickly go over how to create a .env...
🎓 Join my learning platform for module based courses, learning exercises, and more: https://coderprep.com/
In this video I quickly go over how to create a .env file in your React application! Environment variables are constantly discussed online when using sensitive data such as API keys, so I thought I would make a quick video for anyone who wants to set up environment variables in their React application.
🎓 Join my learning platform for module based courses, learning exercises, and more: https://coderprep.com/
In this video I quickly go over how to create a .env file in your React application! Environment variables are constantly discussed online when using sensitive data such as API keys, so I thought I would make a quick video for anyone who wants to set up environment variables in their React application.
- published: 15 Mar 2022
- views: 67314
What are Environment Variables | Hacking?
What are environment variables?
All the source code and other material will be uploaded on https://codewithharry.com as and when available!
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What are environment variables?
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What are environment variables?
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Comment "#HarryBhai" if you read this 😉😉
- published: 10 May 2022
- views: 70744
We Fixed Environment Variables
GITHUB: https://github.com/t3-oss/t3-env
SITE: https://env.t3.gg/
HUGE shoutout to Julius for his hard work on this https://twitter.com/juller...
GITHUB: https://github.com/t3-oss/t3-env
SITE: https://env.t3.gg/
HUGE shoutout to Julius for his hard work on this https://twitter.com/jullerino/
ALL MY VIDEOS ARE POSTED EARLY ON PATREON https://www.patreon.com/t3dotgg
Everything else (Twitch, Twitter, Discord & my blog): https://t3.gg/links
S/O Ph4seOne for the awesome edit 🙏
GITHUB: https://github.com/t3-oss/t3-env
SITE: https://env.t3.gg/
HUGE shoutout to Julius for his hard work on this https://twitter.com/jullerino/
ALL MY VIDEOS ARE POSTED EARLY ON PATREON https://www.patreon.com/t3dotgg
Everything else (Twitch, Twitter, Discord & my blog): https://t3.gg/links
S/O Ph4seOne for the awesome edit 🙏
- published: 28 Apr 2023
- views: 64340
How to use a .env file to load environment variables in a dev container
Loading environment variables using a .env file when working with Remote - Containers or GitHub Codespaces. Check out the docs for more info https://code.visual...
Loading environment variables using a .env file when working with Remote - Containers or GitHub Codespaces. Check out the docs for more info https://code.visualstudio.com/remote/advancedcontainers/environment-variables?WT.mc_id=devcloud-0000-buhollan
Loading environment variables using a .env file when working with Remote - Containers or GitHub Codespaces. Check out the docs for more info https://code.visualstudio.com/remote/advancedcontainers/environment-variables?WT.mc_id=devcloud-0000-buhollan
- published: 15 Sep 2021
- views: 230955
Python Quick Tip: Hiding Passwords and Secret Keys in Environment Variables (Windows)
In this Python Programming Tutorial, we will be learning how to hide passwords and secret information within environment variables on Windows machines. Hard-cod...
In this Python Programming Tutorial, we will be learning how to hide passwords and secret information within environment variables on Windows machines. Hard-coding secret information is a common mistake that beginners make when learning Python. Hiding this information within environment variables allows you to access your secret information within your code without anyone else being able to see these values from your source code. Let's get started...
The code from this video can be found at:
Python Environment Variables (Mac & Linux): https://youtu.be/5iWhQWVXosU
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In this Python Programming Tutorial, we will be learning how to hide passwords and secret information within environment variables on Windows machines. Hard-coding secret information is a common mistake that beginners make when learning Python. Hiding this information within environment variables allows you to access your secret information within your code without anyone else being able to see these values from your source code. Let's get started...
The code from this video can be found at:
Python Environment Variables (Mac & Linux): https://youtu.be/5iWhQWVXosU
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- published: 01 Feb 2018
- views: 174651
{ Fixed } : Environment Variable is disabled? Can't edit environment variables in windows
hey guys, in this video, i am explaining how to fix environment variable is disabled.
Subscribe my channel : https://www.youtube.com/user/techpills?sub_confir...
hey guys, in this video, i am explaining how to fix environment variable is disabled.
Subscribe my channel : https://www.youtube.com/user/techpills?sub_confirmation=1
Subscribe my DiecastMahal Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLeqwoaXFOX-Ye8C62yPxpA?sub_confirmation=1
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hey guys, in this video, i am explaining how to fix environment variable is disabled.
Subscribe my channel : https://www.youtube.com/user/techpills?sub_confirmation=1
Subscribe my DiecastMahal Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLeqwoaXFOX-Ye8C62yPxpA?sub_confirmation=1
Follow Me :
Visit my blog : http://techyvicky.blogspot.com
- published: 19 Feb 2020
- views: 168057
How to NOT Screw Up Firebase Environment Variables
Firebase recently added support for dotenv environment variables and secret manager in the Cloud Functions Node.js runtime.
Cloud Functions Env Docs https://f...
Firebase recently added support for dotenv environment variables and secret manager in the Cloud Functions Node.js runtime.
Cloud Functions Env Docs https://firebase.google.com/docs/functions/config-env
#programming #nodejs #firebase
Firebase recently added support for dotenv environment variables and secret manager in the Cloud Functions Node.js runtime.
Cloud Functions Env Docs https://firebase.google.com/docs/functions/config-env
#programming #nodejs #firebase
- published: 08 Sep 2022
- views: 96978
Add/edit PATH environment variable in Windows 10
In this tutorial, I share how to add to the PATH environment variable in Windows 10. For this example, I'm adding Python 3 to the PATH so that I may begin writi...
In this tutorial, I share how to add to the PATH environment variable in Windows 10. For this example, I'm adding Python 3 to the PATH so that I may begin writing code (and executing it) using Python 3 as I had forgotten to add Python to the PATH when I installed it.
The method shared in this video can be used regardless of what you're adding to your PATH in Windows 10.
To add a directory to the PATH environment variable on Windows 10, you can follow these steps:
Right-click on the Start button and select "System" from the context menu.
In the System Properties window, click on the "Advanced" tab.
Click on the "Environment Variables" button at the bottom of the window.
Under "System Variables", scroll down and find the "Path" variable, and click on the "Edit" button.
In the Edit Environment Variable window, click on the "New" button and enter the path of the directory you want to add. Press ok.
Click on "OK" to close the Edit Environment Variable window, then "OK" again to close the Environment Variables window.
Click "OK" to close the System Properties window.
You may need to reboot your computer for the changes to take effect.
Alternatively, you can also use the command line to edit the PATH variable by running the following command:
setx PATH "%PATH%;C:\path\to\directory"
Edit "C:\path\to\directory" to be the path of the directory you want to add to the PATH variable.
Thank you for watching, I hope you've found this video helpful. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments below.
#Windows10 #technology #tutorial
In this tutorial, I share how to add to the PATH environment variable in Windows 10. For this example, I'm adding Python 3 to the PATH so that I may begin writing code (and executing it) using Python 3 as I had forgotten to add Python to the PATH when I installed it.
The method shared in this video can be used regardless of what you're adding to your PATH in Windows 10.
To add a directory to the PATH environment variable on Windows 10, you can follow these steps:
Right-click on the Start button and select "System" from the context menu.
In the System Properties window, click on the "Advanced" tab.
Click on the "Environment Variables" button at the bottom of the window.
Under "System Variables", scroll down and find the "Path" variable, and click on the "Edit" button.
In the Edit Environment Variable window, click on the "New" button and enter the path of the directory you want to add. Press ok.
Click on "OK" to close the Edit Environment Variable window, then "OK" again to close the Environment Variables window.
Click "OK" to close the System Properties window.
You may need to reboot your computer for the changes to take effect.
Alternatively, you can also use the command line to edit the PATH variable by running the following command:
setx PATH "%PATH%;C:\path\to\directory"
Edit "C:\path\to\directory" to be the path of the directory you want to add to the PATH variable.
Thank you for watching, I hope you've found this video helpful. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments below.
#Windows10 #technology #tutorial
- published: 06 Jun 2020
- views: 201945
What is Random?
There's more over on Veritasium! "What is NOT Random?": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMb00lz-IfE
My twitter: https://twitter.com/tweetsauce
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Generate random numbers using atmospheric noise: http://www.random.org/
flipping a coin until 10 heads happen in a row: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwvIGNXY21Y
rolling dice until you get a Yahtzee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiTwar7mFws
find word in YouTube video URLs with this in Google: allinurl:[your word here] site:youtu...
published: 16 Jul 2014
The Incredible Story Of Randomness
▶ Visit https://brilliant.org/NewMind to get a 30-day free trial + the first 200 people will get 20% off their annual subscription
In this comprehensive exploration of randomness, we delve into its perplexing nature, historical journey, statistical interpretations, and pivotal role in various domains, particularly cryptography. Randomness, an enigmatic concept defying intuition, manifests through seemingly unpredictable sequences like coin flips or digits of pi, yet its true nature is only indirectly inferred through statistical tests.
The historical narrative reveals humanity's earliest encounters with randomness in gaming across ancient civilizations, progressing through Greek philosophy, Roman personification, Christian teachings, and mathematical analysis by Italian scholars and lumi...
published: 23 Nov 2023
Randomness is Random - Numberphile
Featuring Simon Pampena... Check out Brilliant (and get 20% off their premium service): https://brilliant.org/numberphile (sponsor)
More links & stuff in full description below ↓↓↓
More coin-related videos: http://bit.ly/coins_videos
More videos with Simon Pampena: http://bit.ly/Pampena_Videos
Simon on Twitter: https://twitter.com/mathemaniac
Numberphile is supported by the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI): http://bit.ly/MSRINumberphile
We are also supported by Science Sandbox, a Simons Foundation initiative dedicated to engaging everyone with the process of science. https://www.simonsfoundation.org/outreach/science-sandbox/
And support from Math For America - https://www.mathforamerica.org/
Website: http://www.numberphile.com/
Numberphile on Facebook: http...
published: 18 Dec 2018
Randomness: Crash Course Statistics #17
There are a lot of events in life that we just can’t predict, but just because something is random doesn’t mean we don’t know or can’t learn anything about it. Today, we’re going to talk about how we can extract information from seemingly random events starting with the expected value or mean of a distribution and walking through the first four “moments” - the mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis.
Note: There are many formulas to calculate skewness and kurtosis (https://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/eda/section3/eda35b.htm), our formulas deal with what they have in common, their moment generating functions.
More on sheep study: http://aiweirdness.com/post/171451900302/do-neural-nets-dream-of-electric-sheep
More on fecal matter study: http://aem.asm.org/content/early/2018/02/05/A...
published: 23 May 2018
What is NOT Random?
Is the future of the universe already determined?
Vsauce tackles "What is Random?": https://youtu.be/9rIy0xY99a0
Special Thanks to: Prof Stephen Bartlett, Prof Phil Moriarty, Prof Andrea Morello, Prof Tim Bedding, Prof Michio Kaku, A/Prof Alex Argyros, Henry Reich, Vanessa Hill, Dianna Cowern, George Ruiz and Mystery Cat. Views expressed in this video are not necessarily those of the amazing experts listed above but their advice was invaluable in making this video.
Quantum simulation by PhET:
Music by
Jake Chudnow: https://soundcloud.com/jakechudnow
Amarante Music: https://soundcloud.com/amarantemusic
DNA animations by http://www.wehi.tv
Space animations by NASA
Topic inspired by The Information - a history, a theory, a flood ...
published: 16 Jul 2014
Is Anything Truly Random?
In 2012, scientists developed a system to predict what number a rolled die would land on. Is anything truly random or is it all predictable?
Can Game Theory Help A Presidential Candidate Win? - http://bit.ly/2bMqILU
Sign Up For The Seeker Newsletter Here - http://bit.ly/1UO1PxI
Read More:
On Fair And Randomness
"We investigate the relation between the behavior of non-deterministic systems under fairness constraints, and the behavior of probabilistic systems. To this end, first a framework based on computable stopping strategies is developed that provides a common foundation for describing both fair and probabilistic behavior. On the basis of stopping strategies it is then shown that fair behavior corresponds in ...
published: 30 Aug 2016
Why we see patterns in randomness | BBC Ideas
Psychologist and author Steven Pinker explores why humans are so prone to seeing patterns in randomness - and why that can be a problem. Unpick why we can fall for the 'gambler's fallacy' or the 'Texas sharpshooter fallacy' and what we can do about it.
Graphics by Michal Biazolej.
Made in collaboration with the BBC Radio 4 programme 'Think with Pinker': https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m0011s25
If you liked this video, check out our playlist on how neuroscience can help change the way you think and make you happier 👉
Subscribe to BBC Ideas 👉 https://bbc.in/2F6ipav
Do you have a curious mind? You’re in the right place.
Our aim on BBC Ideas is to feed your curiosity, to open your...
published: 23 Dec 2021
The Two Types of Random in Game Design
GMTK is powered by Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/GameMakersToolkit
From critical hits to random encounters, and from loot boxes to procedural generation, video games are stuffed to bursting with randomness. In this episode, I look at the way randomness is used in games - and why some forms are more contentious than others.
=== Sources and Resources ===
- Sources
Uncapped Look-Ahead and the Information Horizon | Keith Burgun
A Study in Transparency: How Board Games Matter | GDC Vault
GameTek Classic 183 - Input Output Randomness | Ludology
Why revealing ...
published: 14 Jan 2020
Fallout 76 🎮 Gaming with Friends & Oh the randomness! (part 1)
#CatDad Life & Gaming Adventures! 🐈 we made it a little while before the blue screen. #fallout76
published: 02 Jan 2024
Support the channel by getting Fooled by Randomness by Nassim Taleb here: https://amzn.to/2VsZKfh
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualified purchases.
5 great takeaways from Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s Fooled by Randomness – the first book in the Incerto series.
A playlist of Nassim Taleb's greatest works: http://bit.ly/2Op6AA5
Top 5 takeaways:
0:00 Intro
0:46 1. Survivorship Bias
04:12 2. The Skewness Issue
06:33 3. The Black Swan Problem
07:48 4. Pascal’s Wager
09:05 5. The 5 Traits of The Market Fool
published: 09 Apr 2019
The Most Powerful Tool Based Entirely On Randomness
We see the effects of randomness all around us on a day to day basis. In this video we’ll be discussing a couple of different techniques that scientists use to understand randomness, as well as how we can harness its power. Basically, we'll study the mathematics of randomness.
The branch of science and math that deals with such randomness is known as "stochastics". The kind of randomness we'll focus on is the kind where we can't predict the result of an experiment or measurement before we make it, but crucially we do know the probability of each possible result before we make the measurement, and this does not change over time. An example is tossing a coin. A fair coin has a 50% chance of landing on either heads or tails and this does not change regardless of the results of any previous c...
published: 06 Sep 2022
How chance affects our lives way more than you think | The mathematics of randomness
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►Books You May Be Interested In (Sources/Motivation for this video)
The Drunkards Walk: https://amzn.to/2Zms3gT
The Numbers Behind Numb3rs: https://amzn.to/2V8pqjx
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published: 18 Apr 2019
How To Predict Random Numbers Generated By Computers
In this episode we'll break the Math.random method in JavaScript with z3.
🐶 Snyk is free forever. Sign up with my link https://snyk.co/pwnfunction
⭐ Randomness Predictor: https://github.com/PwnFunction/v8-randomness-predictor
⭐ Z3 Challenges: https://github.com/PwnFunction/learn-z3
✨ Info
➜ Tools used are: https://tools.pwnfunction.com/
➜ Video Production time(Research to Output): 100-ish hours.
➜ About 2L of Almond milk & 3.5L of Gatorade were consumed during the video creation.
💬 Discord: https://discord.gg/6KKQHvgJwv
🐤 Twitter: https://twitter.com/PwnFunction
🎵 Track: Lost Sky - Dreams
NCS link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHFTHDncw0g
published: 14 Jul 2022
Quantum Randomness
How is quantum randomness anymore mysterious than the randomness of a coin flip?
You'll see.
The homework questions and extra readings are below:
The questions:
1. What if there are three slits and you only have a detector at one. What does the wavefunction of a particle that goes through look like before and after?
2. The second question is about what counts as a measurement. I kind of implied that interactions with air and light count as measurements. Do you think all interactions count?
3. What about if a machine does a measurement and then, without storing it in memory, prints the result, and burns it. Is the wavefunction still collapsed?
4. And finally one about interpretations. What do you think of quantum randomness? Do you understand why physicists had problems with it? As you...
published: 25 Feb 2015
What is Random?
There's more over on Veritasium! "What is NOT Random?": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMb00lz-IfE
My twitter: https://twitter.com/twe...
There's more over on Veritasium! "What is NOT Random?": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMb00lz-IfE
My twitter: https://twitter.com/tweetsauce
My instagram: http://instagram.com/electricpants
Generate random numbers using atmospheric noise: http://www.random.org/
flipping a coin until 10 heads happen in a row: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwvIGNXY21Y
rolling dice until you get a Yahtzee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiTwar7mFws
find word in YouTube video URLs with this in Google: allinurl:[your word here] site:youtube.com/watch
"Random" as slang:
The many sides of dice: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Dice_by_number_of_sides#D100
non-transitive dice: http://mathsgear.co.uk/products/non-transitive-grime-dice
Checking the fairness of dice:
A fancy super-fair die:
coin-flipping odds:
[PDF] http://statweb.stanford.edu/~susan/papers/headswithJ.pdf
a nickel landing on it's side:
[PDF]: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1008.4559.pdf
a book that will keep you guessing: http://www.amazon.com/Million-Random-Digits-Normal-Deviates/dp/0833030477/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top
17 'feels' random: http://scienceblogs.com/cognitivedaily/2007/02/05/is-17-the-most-random-number/
How to be random (er.. wandom): http://www.wikihow.com/Be-Random
Bell's inequality:
Bell's inequality videos:
You can't even handle how wandom and quirky I am: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STSNHeAtETM
160 Greatest Arnold Schwarzenegger Quotes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDxn0Xfqkgw
There's more over on Veritasium! "What is NOT Random?": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMb00lz-IfE
My twitter: https://twitter.com/tweetsauce
My instagram: http://instagram.com/electricpants
Generate random numbers using atmospheric noise: http://www.random.org/
flipping a coin until 10 heads happen in a row: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwvIGNXY21Y
rolling dice until you get a Yahtzee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiTwar7mFws
find word in YouTube video URLs with this in Google: allinurl:[your word here] site:youtube.com/watch
"Random" as slang:
The many sides of dice: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Dice_by_number_of_sides#D100
non-transitive dice: http://mathsgear.co.uk/products/non-transitive-grime-dice
Checking the fairness of dice:
A fancy super-fair die:
coin-flipping odds:
[PDF] http://statweb.stanford.edu/~susan/papers/headswithJ.pdf
a nickel landing on it's side:
[PDF]: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1008.4559.pdf
a book that will keep you guessing: http://www.amazon.com/Million-Random-Digits-Normal-Deviates/dp/0833030477/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top
17 'feels' random: http://scienceblogs.com/cognitivedaily/2007/02/05/is-17-the-most-random-number/
How to be random (er.. wandom): http://www.wikihow.com/Be-Random
Bell's inequality:
Bell's inequality videos:
You can't even handle how wandom and quirky I am: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STSNHeAtETM
160 Greatest Arnold Schwarzenegger Quotes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDxn0Xfqkgw
- published: 16 Jul 2014
- views: 11114257
The Incredible Story Of Randomness
▶ Visit https://brilliant.org/NewMind to get a 30-day free trial + the first 200 people will get 20% off their annual subscription
In this comprehensive explor...
▶ Visit https://brilliant.org/NewMind to get a 30-day free trial + the first 200 people will get 20% off their annual subscription
In this comprehensive exploration of randomness, we delve into its perplexing nature, historical journey, statistical interpretations, and pivotal role in various domains, particularly cryptography. Randomness, an enigmatic concept defying intuition, manifests through seemingly unpredictable sequences like coin flips or digits of pi, yet its true nature is only indirectly inferred through statistical tests.
The historical narrative reveals humanity's earliest encounters with randomness in gaming across ancient civilizations, progressing through Greek philosophy, Roman personification, Christian teachings, and mathematical analysis by Italian scholars and luminaries like Galileo, Pascal, and Fermat. Entropy, introduced in the 19th century, unveiled the limits of predictability, especially in complex systems like celestial mechanics.
Statistical randomness, derived from probability theory, relies on uniform distribution and independence of events in a sample space. However, its limitation lies in perceivable unpredictability, as exemplified by the digits of pi or coin flips, which exhibit statistical randomness yet remain reproducible given precise initial conditions.
Information theory, notably Claude Shannon's work, established entropy as a measure of uncertainty and information content, showcasing randomness as the opposite of predictability in a system. Algorithmic randomness, introduced by von Mises and refined by Kolmogorov, measures randomness through compressibility but faces challenges due to computability. Martin-Löf's work extends this notion by defining randomness based on null sets.
The integration of randomness into computer science led to the emergence of randomized algorithms, divided into Las Vegas and Monte Carlo categories, offering computational advantages. Encryption, crucial in modern communications, relies on randomness for secure key generation, facing challenges due to vulnerabilities in pseudorandom algorithms and hardware random number generators.
The evolution of cryptography, from DES to AES and asymmetric-key algorithms like RSA, emphasizes the critical role of randomness in securing digital communications. While hardware random number generators harness inherent physical unpredictability, they face challenges regarding auditability and potential vulnerabilities.
The future of randomness lies in embedded quantum random number generators, promising heightened security, while encryption algorithms adapt to counter emerging threats posed by quantum computing's properties.
This in-depth exploration captures the historical, theoretical, and practical dimensions of randomness, highlighting its significance in diverse fields and its pivotal role in securing modern communications.
▶ Visit https://brilliant.org/NewMind to get a 30-day free trial + the first 200 people will get 20% off their annual subscription
In this comprehensive exploration of randomness, we delve into its perplexing nature, historical journey, statistical interpretations, and pivotal role in various domains, particularly cryptography. Randomness, an enigmatic concept defying intuition, manifests through seemingly unpredictable sequences like coin flips or digits of pi, yet its true nature is only indirectly inferred through statistical tests.
The historical narrative reveals humanity's earliest encounters with randomness in gaming across ancient civilizations, progressing through Greek philosophy, Roman personification, Christian teachings, and mathematical analysis by Italian scholars and luminaries like Galileo, Pascal, and Fermat. Entropy, introduced in the 19th century, unveiled the limits of predictability, especially in complex systems like celestial mechanics.
Statistical randomness, derived from probability theory, relies on uniform distribution and independence of events in a sample space. However, its limitation lies in perceivable unpredictability, as exemplified by the digits of pi or coin flips, which exhibit statistical randomness yet remain reproducible given precise initial conditions.
Information theory, notably Claude Shannon's work, established entropy as a measure of uncertainty and information content, showcasing randomness as the opposite of predictability in a system. Algorithmic randomness, introduced by von Mises and refined by Kolmogorov, measures randomness through compressibility but faces challenges due to computability. Martin-Löf's work extends this notion by defining randomness based on null sets.
The integration of randomness into computer science led to the emergence of randomized algorithms, divided into Las Vegas and Monte Carlo categories, offering computational advantages. Encryption, crucial in modern communications, relies on randomness for secure key generation, facing challenges due to vulnerabilities in pseudorandom algorithms and hardware random number generators.
The evolution of cryptography, from DES to AES and asymmetric-key algorithms like RSA, emphasizes the critical role of randomness in securing digital communications. While hardware random number generators harness inherent physical unpredictability, they face challenges regarding auditability and potential vulnerabilities.
The future of randomness lies in embedded quantum random number generators, promising heightened security, while encryption algorithms adapt to counter emerging threats posed by quantum computing's properties.
This in-depth exploration captures the historical, theoretical, and practical dimensions of randomness, highlighting its significance in diverse fields and its pivotal role in securing modern communications.
- published: 23 Nov 2023
- views: 276873
Randomness is Random - Numberphile
Featuring Simon Pampena... Check out Brilliant (and get 20% off their premium service): https://brilliant.org/numberphile (sponsor)
More links & stuff in full d...
Featuring Simon Pampena... Check out Brilliant (and get 20% off their premium service): https://brilliant.org/numberphile (sponsor)
More links & stuff in full description below ↓↓↓
More coin-related videos: http://bit.ly/coins_videos
More videos with Simon Pampena: http://bit.ly/Pampena_Videos
Simon on Twitter: https://twitter.com/mathemaniac
Numberphile is supported by the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI): http://bit.ly/MSRINumberphile
We are also supported by Science Sandbox, a Simons Foundation initiative dedicated to engaging everyone with the process of science. https://www.simonsfoundation.org/outreach/science-sandbox/
And support from Math For America - https://www.mathforamerica.org/
Website: http://www.numberphile.com/
Numberphile on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/numberphile
Numberphile tweets: https://twitter.com/numberphile
Subscribe: http://bit.ly/Numberphile_Sub
Videos by Brady Haran
Animation and editing in this video by Pete McPartlan
Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/numberphile
Numberphile T-Shirts: https://teespring.com/stores/numberphile
Brady's videos subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/BradyHaran/
Brady's latest videos across all channels: http://www.bradyharanblog.com/
Sign up for (occasional) emails: http://eepurl.com/YdjL9
Featuring Simon Pampena... Check out Brilliant (and get 20% off their premium service): https://brilliant.org/numberphile (sponsor)
More links & stuff in full description below ↓↓↓
More coin-related videos: http://bit.ly/coins_videos
More videos with Simon Pampena: http://bit.ly/Pampena_Videos
Simon on Twitter: https://twitter.com/mathemaniac
Numberphile is supported by the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI): http://bit.ly/MSRINumberphile
We are also supported by Science Sandbox, a Simons Foundation initiative dedicated to engaging everyone with the process of science. https://www.simonsfoundation.org/outreach/science-sandbox/
And support from Math For America - https://www.mathforamerica.org/
Website: http://www.numberphile.com/
Numberphile on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/numberphile
Numberphile tweets: https://twitter.com/numberphile
Subscribe: http://bit.ly/Numberphile_Sub
Videos by Brady Haran
Animation and editing in this video by Pete McPartlan
Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/numberphile
Numberphile T-Shirts: https://teespring.com/stores/numberphile
Brady's videos subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/BradyHaran/
Brady's latest videos across all channels: http://www.bradyharanblog.com/
Sign up for (occasional) emails: http://eepurl.com/YdjL9
- published: 18 Dec 2018
- views: 854169
Randomness: Crash Course Statistics #17
There are a lot of events in life that we just can’t predict, but just because something is random doesn’t mean we don’t know or can’t learn anything about it. ...
There are a lot of events in life that we just can’t predict, but just because something is random doesn’t mean we don’t know or can’t learn anything about it. Today, we’re going to talk about how we can extract information from seemingly random events starting with the expected value or mean of a distribution and walking through the first four “moments” - the mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis.
Note: There are many formulas to calculate skewness and kurtosis (https://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/eda/section3/eda35b.htm), our formulas deal with what they have in common, their moment generating functions.
More on sheep study: http://aiweirdness.com/post/171451900302/do-neural-nets-dream-of-electric-sheep
More on fecal matter study: http://aem.asm.org/content/early/2018/02/05/AEM.00044-18.abstract
Crash Course is on Patreon! You can support us directly by signing up at http://www.patreon.com/crashcourse
Thanks to the following Patrons for their generous monthly contributions that help keep Crash Course free for everyone forever:
Mark Brouwer, Glenn Elliott, Justin Zingsheim, Jessica Wode, Eric Prestemon, Kathrin Benoit, Tom Trval, Jason Saslow, Nathan Taylor, Divonne Holmes à Court, Brian Thomas Gossett, Khaled El Shalakany, Indika Siriwardena, SR Foxley, Sam Ferguson, Yasenia Cruz, Eric Koslow, Caleb Weeks, Tim Curwick, Evren Türkmenoğlu, D.A. Noe, Shawn Arnold, mark austin, Ruth Perez, Malcolm Callis, Ken Penttinen, Advait Shinde, Cody Carpenter, Annamaria Herrera, William McGraw, Bader AlGhamdi, Vaso, Melissa Briski, Joey Quek, Andrei Krishkevich, Rachel Bright, Alex S, Mayumi Maeda, Kathy & Tim Philip, Montather, Jirat, Eric Kitchen, Moritz Schmidt, Ian Dundore, Chris Peters, Sandra Aft, Steve Marshall
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Support Crash Course on Patreon: http://patreon.com/crashcourse
CC Kids: http://www.youtube.com/crashcoursekids
There are a lot of events in life that we just can’t predict, but just because something is random doesn’t mean we don’t know or can’t learn anything about it. Today, we’re going to talk about how we can extract information from seemingly random events starting with the expected value or mean of a distribution and walking through the first four “moments” - the mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis.
Note: There are many formulas to calculate skewness and kurtosis (https://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/eda/section3/eda35b.htm), our formulas deal with what they have in common, their moment generating functions.
More on sheep study: http://aiweirdness.com/post/171451900302/do-neural-nets-dream-of-electric-sheep
More on fecal matter study: http://aem.asm.org/content/early/2018/02/05/AEM.00044-18.abstract
Crash Course is on Patreon! You can support us directly by signing up at http://www.patreon.com/crashcourse
Thanks to the following Patrons for their generous monthly contributions that help keep Crash Course free for everyone forever:
Mark Brouwer, Glenn Elliott, Justin Zingsheim, Jessica Wode, Eric Prestemon, Kathrin Benoit, Tom Trval, Jason Saslow, Nathan Taylor, Divonne Holmes à Court, Brian Thomas Gossett, Khaled El Shalakany, Indika Siriwardena, SR Foxley, Sam Ferguson, Yasenia Cruz, Eric Koslow, Caleb Weeks, Tim Curwick, Evren Türkmenoğlu, D.A. Noe, Shawn Arnold, mark austin, Ruth Perez, Malcolm Callis, Ken Penttinen, Advait Shinde, Cody Carpenter, Annamaria Herrera, William McGraw, Bader AlGhamdi, Vaso, Melissa Briski, Joey Quek, Andrei Krishkevich, Rachel Bright, Alex S, Mayumi Maeda, Kathy & Tim Philip, Montather, Jirat, Eric Kitchen, Moritz Schmidt, Ian Dundore, Chris Peters, Sandra Aft, Steve Marshall
Want to find Crash Course elsewhere on the internet?
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/YouTubeCrashCourse
Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/TheCrashCourse
Tumblr - http://thecrashcourse.tumblr.com
Support Crash Course on Patreon: http://patreon.com/crashcourse
CC Kids: http://www.youtube.com/crashcoursekids
- published: 23 May 2018
- views: 161782
What is NOT Random?
Is the future of the universe already determined?
Vsauce tackles "What is Random?": https://youtu.be/9rIy0xY99a0
Special Thanks to: Prof Stephen Bartlett, Prof...
Is the future of the universe already determined?
Vsauce tackles "What is Random?": https://youtu.be/9rIy0xY99a0
Special Thanks to: Prof Stephen Bartlett, Prof Phil Moriarty, Prof Andrea Morello, Prof Tim Bedding, Prof Michio Kaku, A/Prof Alex Argyros, Henry Reich, Vanessa Hill, Dianna Cowern, George Ruiz and Mystery Cat. Views expressed in this video are not necessarily those of the amazing experts listed above but their advice was invaluable in making this video.
Quantum simulation by PhET:
Music by
Jake Chudnow: https://soundcloud.com/jakechudnow
Amarante Music: https://soundcloud.com/amarantemusic
DNA animations by http://www.wehi.tv
Space animations by NASA
Topic inspired by The Information - a history, a theory, a flood by James Gleick
Filmed on location at the University of Sydney, Washington DC and LA
Is the future of the universe already determined?
Vsauce tackles "What is Random?": https://youtu.be/9rIy0xY99a0
Special Thanks to: Prof Stephen Bartlett, Prof Phil Moriarty, Prof Andrea Morello, Prof Tim Bedding, Prof Michio Kaku, A/Prof Alex Argyros, Henry Reich, Vanessa Hill, Dianna Cowern, George Ruiz and Mystery Cat. Views expressed in this video are not necessarily those of the amazing experts listed above but their advice was invaluable in making this video.
Quantum simulation by PhET:
Music by
Jake Chudnow: https://soundcloud.com/jakechudnow
Amarante Music: https://soundcloud.com/amarantemusic
DNA animations by http://www.wehi.tv
Space animations by NASA
Topic inspired by The Information - a history, a theory, a flood by James Gleick
Filmed on location at the University of Sydney, Washington DC and LA
- published: 16 Jul 2014
- views: 7482923
Is Anything Truly Random?
In 2012, scientists developed a system to predict what number a rolled die would land on. Is anything truly random or is it all predictable?
Can Game Theory ...
In 2012, scientists developed a system to predict what number a rolled die would land on. Is anything truly random or is it all predictable?
Can Game Theory Help A Presidential Candidate Win? - http://bit.ly/2bMqILU
Sign Up For The Seeker Newsletter Here - http://bit.ly/1UO1PxI
Read More:
On Fair And Randomness
"We investigate the relation between the behavior of non-deterministic systems under fairness constraints, and the behavior of probabilistic systems. To this end, first a framework based on computable stopping strategies is developed that provides a common foundation for describing both fair and probabilistic behavior. On the basis of stopping strategies it is then shown that fair behavior corresponds in a precise sense to random behavior in the sense of Martin-Löf's definition of randomness."
Predicting A Die Throw
"Vegas, Monte Carlo, and Atlantic City draw people from around the world who are willing to throw the dice and take their chances. Researchers from the Technical University of Lodz, Poland, have spotted something predictable in the seemingly random throw of the dice."
HTG Explains: How Computers Generate Random Numbers
"Computers generate random number for everything from cryptography to video games and gambling. There are two categories of random numbers - "true" random numbers and pseudorandom numbers - and the difference is important for the security of encryption systems."
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Check Jules out on Twitter: https://twitter.com/jules_su
In 2012, scientists developed a system to predict what number a rolled die would land on. Is anything truly random or is it all predictable?
Can Game Theory Help A Presidential Candidate Win? - http://bit.ly/2bMqILU
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Read More:
On Fair And Randomness
"We investigate the relation between the behavior of non-deterministic systems under fairness constraints, and the behavior of probabilistic systems. To this end, first a framework based on computable stopping strategies is developed that provides a common foundation for describing both fair and probabilistic behavior. On the basis of stopping strategies it is then shown that fair behavior corresponds in a precise sense to random behavior in the sense of Martin-Löf's definition of randomness."
Predicting A Die Throw
"Vegas, Monte Carlo, and Atlantic City draw people from around the world who are willing to throw the dice and take their chances. Researchers from the Technical University of Lodz, Poland, have spotted something predictable in the seemingly random throw of the dice."
HTG Explains: How Computers Generate Random Numbers
"Computers generate random number for everything from cryptography to video games and gambling. There are two categories of random numbers - "true" random numbers and pseudorandom numbers - and the difference is important for the security of encryption systems."
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Special thanks to Jules Suzdaltsev for hosting DNews!
Check Jules out on Twitter: https://twitter.com/jules_su
- published: 30 Aug 2016
- views: 263643
Why we see patterns in randomness | BBC Ideas
Psychologist and author Steven Pinker explores why humans are so prone to seeing patterns in randomness - and why that can be a problem. Unpick why we can fall ...
Psychologist and author Steven Pinker explores why humans are so prone to seeing patterns in randomness - and why that can be a problem. Unpick why we can fall for the 'gambler's fallacy' or the 'Texas sharpshooter fallacy' and what we can do about it.
Graphics by Michal Biazolej.
Made in collaboration with the BBC Radio 4 programme 'Think with Pinker': https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m0011s25
If you liked this video, check out our playlist on how neuroscience can help change the way you think and make you happier 👉
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#bbcideas #patterns #randomness
Psychologist and author Steven Pinker explores why humans are so prone to seeing patterns in randomness - and why that can be a problem. Unpick why we can fall for the 'gambler's fallacy' or the 'Texas sharpshooter fallacy' and what we can do about it.
Graphics by Michal Biazolej.
Made in collaboration with the BBC Radio 4 programme 'Think with Pinker': https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m0011s25
If you liked this video, check out our playlist on how neuroscience can help change the way you think and make you happier 👉
Subscribe to BBC Ideas 👉 https://bbc.in/2F6ipav
Do you have a curious mind? You’re in the right place.
Our aim on BBC Ideas is to feed your curiosity, to open your mind to new perspectives, and to leave you that little bit smarter.
So dive in. Let us know what you think. And make sure to subscribe! 👉https://bbc.in/2F6ipav
Visit our website to see all of our videos: https://www.bbc.com/ideas
And follow BBC Ideas on Twitter: https://twitter.com/bbcideas
#bbcideas #patterns #randomness
- published: 23 Dec 2021
- views: 16171
The Two Types of Random in Game Design
GMTK is powered by Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/GameMakersToolkit
From critical hits to random encounters, and from loot boxes to procedural generation, v...
GMTK is powered by Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/GameMakersToolkit
From critical hits to random encounters, and from loot boxes to procedural generation, video games are stuffed to bursting with randomness. In this episode, I look at the way randomness is used in games - and why some forms are more contentious than others.
=== Sources and Resources ===
- Sources
Uncapped Look-Ahead and the Information Horizon | Keith Burgun
A Study in Transparency: How Board Games Matter | GDC Vault
GameTek Classic 183 - Input Output Randomness | Ludology
Why revealing all is the secret of Slay The Spire's success | Rock Paper Shotgun
Crate | Spelunky Wiki
Random Generator | Tetris Wiki
Level Feeling | Spelunky Wiki
Plan Disruption | Etan Hoeppner
Fire Emblem True Hit | Serenes Forest
The Psychology of Game Design (Everything You Know Is Wrong) | GDC Vault
How Designers Engineer Luck Into Video Games | Nautilus
Roll for your life: Making randomness transparent in Tharsis | Gamasutra
12: Into the Breach with Justin Ma | The Spelunky Showlike
- Additional resources
Many faces of Procedural Generation: Determinism | Gamsutra
Why Our Brains Do Not Intuitively Grasp Probabilities | Scientific American
How classic games make smart use of random number generation | Gamasutra
=== Chapters ===
00:00 - Intro
01:28 - Why we use randomness
03:42 - The information horizon
06:06 - The two types of randomness
08:59 - How input randomness can fail
13:32 - The advantages of output randomness
17:50 - Conclusion
=== Games Shown ===
Cuphead (2017)
Enter the Gungeon (2016)
Octopath Traveler (2018)
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle (2017)
Griftlands (In Early Access)
Dicey Dungeons (2019)
Hearthstone (2014)
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth (2014)
Darkest Dungeon (2016)
Dead Cells (2018)
SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech (2019)
Into the Breach (2018)
Spelunky (2012)
Armello (2015)
Minecraft (2011)
Chasm (2018)
Downwell (2015)
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (2014)
No Man's Sky (2016)
Celeste (2018)
Fortnite (2017)
Mario Kart 8 (2014)
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U (2014)
Tekken 7 (2015)
Super Mario Party (2018)
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (2019)
Borderlands 3 (2019)
Call of Duty: WWII (2017)
Valkyria Chronicles 4 (2018)
Civilization V (2010)
Wargroove (2019)
Plants vs. Zombies (2009)
XCOM: Enemy Within (2013)
Chess Ultra (2017)
Mark of the Ninja (2012)
StarCraft II (2010)
Slay the Spire (2019)
Apex Legends (2019)
Civilization IV (2005)
XCOM 2 (2016)
Overwatch (2016)
FTL: Faster Than Light (2012)
Card of Darkness (2019)
Diablo III (2012)
Tetris 99 (2019)
Puyo Puyo Tetris (2017)
Phoenix Point (2019)
Fire Emblem: Three Houses (2019)
Tharsis (2016)
=== Credits ===
Music from Cuphead OST, by Kristofer Maddigan (https://studiomdhr.bandcamp.com/releases)
Music from Tharsis OST, Half Age EP, by Weval (https://atomnation.bandcamp.com/album/half-age-ep)
RNGesus original artwork by Dinsdale - https://twitter.com/dinsdale1978
Super Mario Party - Luigi wins by doing absolutely nothing | Nintendo Unity
Fire Emblem: Three Houses - New Game Plus Maddening Walkthrough Part 43! | MrSOAP999
Deadpool 2 © 20th Century Fox
Pandemic Card Art © Z-Man Games
=== Subtitles ===
Contribute translated subtitles - https://amara.org/en-gb/videos/C3IIn1JRUBXt/
GMTK is powered by Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/GameMakersToolkit
From critical hits to random encounters, and from loot boxes to procedural generation, video games are stuffed to bursting with randomness. In this episode, I look at the way randomness is used in games - and why some forms are more contentious than others.
=== Sources and Resources ===
- Sources
Uncapped Look-Ahead and the Information Horizon | Keith Burgun
A Study in Transparency: How Board Games Matter | GDC Vault
GameTek Classic 183 - Input Output Randomness | Ludology
Why revealing all is the secret of Slay The Spire's success | Rock Paper Shotgun
Crate | Spelunky Wiki
Random Generator | Tetris Wiki
Level Feeling | Spelunky Wiki
Plan Disruption | Etan Hoeppner
Fire Emblem True Hit | Serenes Forest
The Psychology of Game Design (Everything You Know Is Wrong) | GDC Vault
How Designers Engineer Luck Into Video Games | Nautilus
Roll for your life: Making randomness transparent in Tharsis | Gamasutra
12: Into the Breach with Justin Ma | The Spelunky Showlike
- Additional resources
Many faces of Procedural Generation: Determinism | Gamsutra
Why Our Brains Do Not Intuitively Grasp Probabilities | Scientific American
How classic games make smart use of random number generation | Gamasutra
=== Chapters ===
00:00 - Intro
01:28 - Why we use randomness
03:42 - The information horizon
06:06 - The two types of randomness
08:59 - How input randomness can fail
13:32 - The advantages of output randomness
17:50 - Conclusion
=== Games Shown ===
Cuphead (2017)
Enter the Gungeon (2016)
Octopath Traveler (2018)
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle (2017)
Griftlands (In Early Access)
Dicey Dungeons (2019)
Hearthstone (2014)
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth (2014)
Darkest Dungeon (2016)
Dead Cells (2018)
SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech (2019)
Into the Breach (2018)
Spelunky (2012)
Armello (2015)
Minecraft (2011)
Chasm (2018)
Downwell (2015)
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (2014)
No Man's Sky (2016)
Celeste (2018)
Fortnite (2017)
Mario Kart 8 (2014)
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U (2014)
Tekken 7 (2015)
Super Mario Party (2018)
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (2019)
Borderlands 3 (2019)
Call of Duty: WWII (2017)
Valkyria Chronicles 4 (2018)
Civilization V (2010)
Wargroove (2019)
Plants vs. Zombies (2009)
XCOM: Enemy Within (2013)
Chess Ultra (2017)
Mark of the Ninja (2012)
StarCraft II (2010)
Slay the Spire (2019)
Apex Legends (2019)
Civilization IV (2005)
XCOM 2 (2016)
Overwatch (2016)
FTL: Faster Than Light (2012)
Card of Darkness (2019)
Diablo III (2012)
Tetris 99 (2019)
Puyo Puyo Tetris (2017)
Phoenix Point (2019)
Fire Emblem: Three Houses (2019)
Tharsis (2016)
=== Credits ===
Music from Cuphead OST, by Kristofer Maddigan (https://studiomdhr.bandcamp.com/releases)
Music from Tharsis OST, Half Age EP, by Weval (https://atomnation.bandcamp.com/album/half-age-ep)
RNGesus original artwork by Dinsdale - https://twitter.com/dinsdale1978
Super Mario Party - Luigi wins by doing absolutely nothing | Nintendo Unity
Fire Emblem: Three Houses - New Game Plus Maddening Walkthrough Part 43! | MrSOAP999
Deadpool 2 © 20th Century Fox
Pandemic Card Art © Z-Man Games
=== Subtitles ===
Contribute translated subtitles - https://amara.org/en-gb/videos/C3IIn1JRUBXt/
- published: 14 Jan 2020
- views: 3215381
Fallout 76 🎮 Gaming with Friends & Oh the randomness! (part 1)
#CatDad Life & Gaming Adventures! 🐈 we made it a little while before the blue screen. #fallout76
#CatDad Life & Gaming Adventures! 🐈 we made it a little while before the blue screen. #fallout76
#CatDad Life & Gaming Adventures! 🐈 we made it a little while before the blue screen. #fallout76
- published: 02 Jan 2024
- views: 13
Support the channel by getting Fooled by Randomness by Nassim Taleb here: https://amzn.to/2VsZKfh
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualified purchases.
5 g...
Support the channel by getting Fooled by Randomness by Nassim Taleb here: https://amzn.to/2VsZKfh
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualified purchases.
5 great takeaways from Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s Fooled by Randomness – the first book in the Incerto series.
A playlist of Nassim Taleb's greatest works: http://bit.ly/2Op6AA5
Top 5 takeaways:
0:00 Intro
0:46 1. Survivorship Bias
04:12 2. The Skewness Issue
06:33 3. The Black Swan Problem
07:48 4. Pascal’s Wager
09:05 5. The 5 Traits of The Market Fool
Support the channel by getting Fooled by Randomness by Nassim Taleb here: https://amzn.to/2VsZKfh
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualified purchases.
5 great takeaways from Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s Fooled by Randomness – the first book in the Incerto series.
A playlist of Nassim Taleb's greatest works: http://bit.ly/2Op6AA5
Top 5 takeaways:
0:00 Intro
0:46 1. Survivorship Bias
04:12 2. The Skewness Issue
06:33 3. The Black Swan Problem
07:48 4. Pascal’s Wager
09:05 5. The 5 Traits of The Market Fool
- published: 09 Apr 2019
- views: 231268
The Most Powerful Tool Based Entirely On Randomness
We see the effects of randomness all around us on a day to day basis. In this video we’ll be discussing a couple of different techniques that scientists use to ...
We see the effects of randomness all around us on a day to day basis. In this video we’ll be discussing a couple of different techniques that scientists use to understand randomness, as well as how we can harness its power. Basically, we'll study the mathematics of randomness.
The branch of science and math that deals with such randomness is known as "stochastics". The kind of randomness we'll focus on is the kind where we can't predict the result of an experiment or measurement before we make it, but crucially we do know the probability of each possible result before we make the measurement, and this does not change over time. An example is tossing a coin. A fair coin has a 50% chance of landing on either heads or tails and this does not change regardless of the results of any previous coin flips.
We understand the difference between perceived randomness and true randomness. A coin toss is perceived to be random because we don't have any way to collect all the data we would need to predict the outcome of a coin toss. A quantum measurement is considered truly random because it relies on the collapse of the wave function.
We'll take a look at a random walk model, which works on the principle that a particle is allowed to move a fixed distance every unit time, but in varying (random) directions. In 1D, the particle can move either up or down (for example), in 2D along any direction on a flat surface, and in 3D along any direction at all.
We can use a spinner to model the "randomness" in the random walk. The direction that the spinner lands on, will determine which direction the particle moves for a given unit of time. The spinner can be spun repeatedly to model multiple steps in the random walk. The spinner has the kind of randomness we described at the beginning of this description.
The random walk model can be used to describe real life systems, such as particles undergoing Brownian motion. This involves particles jiggling around rather than staying still, due to collisions with smaller particles that are too small to be visible.
We can model randomness using a random number generator (RNG). We can get it to generate random numbers between 0 and 1, using a uniform distribution. This simple technique can be used to model both discrete and continuous systems, as well as uniform and non-uniform probability systems.
We see how to use the RNG numbers to model the random walk, by multiplying the random numbers by 360 to give the angle at which the particle moves for each time step. We also see how the RNG numbers can be used to model an unfair die, by assigning ranges between 0 and 1 to each possible die result based on the unfairness of the die.
At the moment RNGs aren't truly / perfectly random, but maybe one day they will be! And they are the key to harnessing the power of randomness.
Thanks for watching, please do check out my socials here:
Instagram - @parthvlogs
Patreon - patreon.com/parthg
Music Chanel - Parth G's Shenanigans
Merch - https://parth-gs-merch-stand.creator-spring.com/
Here are some affiliate links for things I use! I make a small commission if you make a purchase through these links.
Introduction to Elementary Particles (Griffiths) - the book used in this video: https://amzn.to/3I3ld71
Quantum Physics Book I Enjoy: https://amzn.to/3sxLlgL
My Camera: https://amzn.to/2SjZzWq
ND Filter: https://amzn.to/3qoGwHk
Microphone (Fifine): https://amzn.to/2OwyWvt
Gorillapod: https://amzn.to/3wQ0L2Q
Videos linked in cards:
1) youtu.be/Is_QH3evpXw
2) youtu.be/fBR5HQ-Ja10
Brownian Motion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brownian_motion
0:00 - The Randomness Around Us
0:49 - What Do We Mean by Randomness?
2:38 - True vs. Perceived Randomness
4:27 - The Random Walk Model
6:24 - Brownian Motion: a Real Life Random Walk
9:50 - Random Number Generator: Modelling Reality
13:42 - The Problems with an RNG
We see the effects of randomness all around us on a day to day basis. In this video we’ll be discussing a couple of different techniques that scientists use to understand randomness, as well as how we can harness its power. Basically, we'll study the mathematics of randomness.
The branch of science and math that deals with such randomness is known as "stochastics". The kind of randomness we'll focus on is the kind where we can't predict the result of an experiment or measurement before we make it, but crucially we do know the probability of each possible result before we make the measurement, and this does not change over time. An example is tossing a coin. A fair coin has a 50% chance of landing on either heads or tails and this does not change regardless of the results of any previous coin flips.
We understand the difference between perceived randomness and true randomness. A coin toss is perceived to be random because we don't have any way to collect all the data we would need to predict the outcome of a coin toss. A quantum measurement is considered truly random because it relies on the collapse of the wave function.
We'll take a look at a random walk model, which works on the principle that a particle is allowed to move a fixed distance every unit time, but in varying (random) directions. In 1D, the particle can move either up or down (for example), in 2D along any direction on a flat surface, and in 3D along any direction at all.
We can use a spinner to model the "randomness" in the random walk. The direction that the spinner lands on, will determine which direction the particle moves for a given unit of time. The spinner can be spun repeatedly to model multiple steps in the random walk. The spinner has the kind of randomness we described at the beginning of this description.
The random walk model can be used to describe real life systems, such as particles undergoing Brownian motion. This involves particles jiggling around rather than staying still, due to collisions with smaller particles that are too small to be visible.
We can model randomness using a random number generator (RNG). We can get it to generate random numbers between 0 and 1, using a uniform distribution. This simple technique can be used to model both discrete and continuous systems, as well as uniform and non-uniform probability systems.
We see how to use the RNG numbers to model the random walk, by multiplying the random numbers by 360 to give the angle at which the particle moves for each time step. We also see how the RNG numbers can be used to model an unfair die, by assigning ranges between 0 and 1 to each possible die result based on the unfairness of the die.
At the moment RNGs aren't truly / perfectly random, but maybe one day they will be! And they are the key to harnessing the power of randomness.
Thanks for watching, please do check out my socials here:
Instagram - @parthvlogs
Patreon - patreon.com/parthg
Music Chanel - Parth G's Shenanigans
Merch - https://parth-gs-merch-stand.creator-spring.com/
Here are some affiliate links for things I use! I make a small commission if you make a purchase through these links.
Introduction to Elementary Particles (Griffiths) - the book used in this video: https://amzn.to/3I3ld71
Quantum Physics Book I Enjoy: https://amzn.to/3sxLlgL
My Camera: https://amzn.to/2SjZzWq
ND Filter: https://amzn.to/3qoGwHk
Microphone (Fifine): https://amzn.to/2OwyWvt
Gorillapod: https://amzn.to/3wQ0L2Q
Videos linked in cards:
1) youtu.be/Is_QH3evpXw
2) youtu.be/fBR5HQ-Ja10
Brownian Motion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brownian_motion
0:00 - The Randomness Around Us
0:49 - What Do We Mean by Randomness?
2:38 - True vs. Perceived Randomness
4:27 - The Random Walk Model
6:24 - Brownian Motion: a Real Life Random Walk
9:50 - Random Number Generator: Modelling Reality
13:42 - The Problems with an RNG
- published: 06 Sep 2022
- views: 12637
How chance affects our lives way more than you think | The mathematics of randomness
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Create your own website for free at Wix: https://www.wix.com/go/majorprep
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►Books You May Be Interested In (Sources/Motivation for this video)
The Drunkards Walk: https://amzn.to/2Zms3gT
The Numbers Behind Numb3rs: https://amzn.to/2V8pqjx
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Space Pictures: https://amzn.to/2CC4Kqj
Magnetic Floating Globe: https://amzn.to/2VgPdn0
Camera: https://amzn.to/2RivYu5
Mic: https://amzn.to/2BLBkEj
Tripod: https://amzn.to/2RgMTNL
Equilibrium Tube: https://amzn.to/2SowDrh
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Join Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/majorprep/
►Books You May Be Interested In (Sources/Motivation for this video)
The Drunkards Walk: https://amzn.to/2Zms3gT
The Numbers Behind Numb3rs: https://amzn.to/2V8pqjx
►Support the Channel
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/zachstar
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►My Setup:
Space Pictures: https://amzn.to/2CC4Kqj
Magnetic Floating Globe: https://amzn.to/2VgPdn0
Camera: https://amzn.to/2RivYu5
Mic: https://amzn.to/2BLBkEj
Tripod: https://amzn.to/2RgMTNL
Equilibrium Tube: https://amzn.to/2SowDrh
►Check out the MajorPrep Amazon Store: https://www.amazon.com/shop/zachstar
- published: 18 Apr 2019
- views: 194434
How To Predict Random Numbers Generated By Computers
In this episode we'll break the Math.random method in JavaScript with z3.
🐶 Snyk is free forever. Sign up with my link https://snyk.co/pwnfunction
⭐ Randomnes...
In this episode we'll break the Math.random method in JavaScript with z3.
🐶 Snyk is free forever. Sign up with my link https://snyk.co/pwnfunction
⭐ Randomness Predictor: https://github.com/PwnFunction/v8-randomness-predictor
⭐ Z3 Challenges: https://github.com/PwnFunction/learn-z3
✨ Info
➜ Tools used are: https://tools.pwnfunction.com/
➜ Video Production time(Research to Output): 100-ish hours.
➜ About 2L of Almond milk & 3.5L of Gatorade were consumed during the video creation.
💬 Discord: https://discord.gg/6KKQHvgJwv
🐤 Twitter: https://twitter.com/PwnFunction
🎵 Track: Lost Sky - Dreams
NCS link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHFTHDncw0g
In this episode we'll break the Math.random method in JavaScript with z3.
🐶 Snyk is free forever. Sign up with my link https://snyk.co/pwnfunction
⭐ Randomness Predictor: https://github.com/PwnFunction/v8-randomness-predictor
⭐ Z3 Challenges: https://github.com/PwnFunction/learn-z3
✨ Info
➜ Tools used are: https://tools.pwnfunction.com/
➜ Video Production time(Research to Output): 100-ish hours.
➜ About 2L of Almond milk & 3.5L of Gatorade were consumed during the video creation.
💬 Discord: https://discord.gg/6KKQHvgJwv
🐤 Twitter: https://twitter.com/PwnFunction
🎵 Track: Lost Sky - Dreams
NCS link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHFTHDncw0g
- published: 14 Jul 2022
- views: 567972
Quantum Randomness
How is quantum randomness anymore mysterious than the randomness of a coin flip?
You'll see.
The homework questions and extra readings are below:
The questio...
How is quantum randomness anymore mysterious than the randomness of a coin flip?
You'll see.
The homework questions and extra readings are below:
The questions:
1. What if there are three slits and you only have a detector at one. What does the wavefunction of a particle that goes through look like before and after?
2. The second question is about what counts as a measurement. I kind of implied that interactions with air and light count as measurements. Do you think all interactions count?
3. What about if a machine does a measurement and then, without storing it in memory, prints the result, and burns it. Is the wavefunction still collapsed?
4. And finally one about interpretations. What do you think of quantum randomness? Do you understand why physicists had problems with it? As you may know, there are hidden variable alternatives to Quantum mechanics that don’t have true randomness does this make them more appealing? Are there any issues with hidden variables?
Citations and extra reading!
-Check out this remarkable video on the 'randomness' of coin flips: http://youtu.be/AYnJv68T3MM
-Also check out this great videos by Veritasium and Vsauce on this exact issue of apparent randomness (versus true randomness): http://youtu.be/sMb00lz-IfE and http://youtu.be/9rIy0xY99a0
-If you want to know how to do really sophisticated stuff with the ideas touched on in the video, I highly recommend Ch 3 of Vol III of the Feynman Lectures. http://www.feynmanlectures.caltech.edu/
-Einstein's quote in full is: "As I have said so many times, God doesn't play dice with the world." .... At least according to wikiquote: http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Albert_E...
How is quantum randomness anymore mysterious than the randomness of a coin flip?
You'll see.
The homework questions and extra readings are below:
The questions:
1. What if there are three slits and you only have a detector at one. What does the wavefunction of a particle that goes through look like before and after?
2. The second question is about what counts as a measurement. I kind of implied that interactions with air and light count as measurements. Do you think all interactions count?
3. What about if a machine does a measurement and then, without storing it in memory, prints the result, and burns it. Is the wavefunction still collapsed?
4. And finally one about interpretations. What do you think of quantum randomness? Do you understand why physicists had problems with it? As you may know, there are hidden variable alternatives to Quantum mechanics that don’t have true randomness does this make them more appealing? Are there any issues with hidden variables?
Citations and extra reading!
-Check out this remarkable video on the 'randomness' of coin flips: http://youtu.be/AYnJv68T3MM
-Also check out this great videos by Veritasium and Vsauce on this exact issue of apparent randomness (versus true randomness): http://youtu.be/sMb00lz-IfE and http://youtu.be/9rIy0xY99a0
-If you want to know how to do really sophisticated stuff with the ideas touched on in the video, I highly recommend Ch 3 of Vol III of the Feynman Lectures. http://www.feynmanlectures.caltech.edu/
-Einstein's quote in full is: "As I have said so many times, God doesn't play dice with the world." .... At least according to wikiquote: http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Albert_E...
- published: 25 Feb 2015
- views: 121742
Lady Sovereign - Random Official Video
published: 13 Feb 2016
Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group
Random · Lady Sovereign
Public Warning
℗ 2006 Casual Records
Released on: 2006-01-01
Producer: Danny Harrison
Producer: Arthur Smith
Studio Personnel, Mixer: Serban Ghenea
Studio Personnel, Engineer: John Hanes
Studio Personnel, Assistant Mixer: Tim Roberts
Producer, Additional Producer: Gabriel Olegavich
Composer Lyricist: Louise Harman
Composer Lyricist: Gabriel Olegavich
Composer Lyricist: Danny Harrison
Composer Lyricist: Arthur Smith
Auto-generated by YouTube.
published: 31 Jul 2018
Provided to YouTube by The Orchard Enterprises
Random · Lady Sovereign
℗ 2008 Casual Records
Released on: 2008-03-05
Auto-generated by YouTube.
published: 20 Nov 2014
Lady Sovereign Random (Music Video)
yes it is mirrored so dont be suprised ^^
published: 11 Apr 2010
Lady Sovereign - Random (Lyrics)
I didn't see any videos with lyrics to this song, so I just decided to make one. Enjoy!
No copyrights intended. All rights go to G. Olegavich & Louise Amanda Harman.
published: 18 Dec 2011
07. Lady Sovereign - Random
HELP US GET TO 50K SUBS! New content coming soon!
I do not own music rights to this song and it's intended use it to bring fans of MC3 together (in which this song is portrayed).
published: 05 Jan 2013
Random - Lady Sovereign [With Lyrics]
Yeah make way for the...
Make way for the S.O.V.
Ah Ah Yo Make way for the S.O.V.
Ah Yo Lady Sovereign time lets go.
Ha ha ha. Random.
Make way for the S.O.V
Cha ching Cha ching Cha ching.
Everybody in the club gettin tipsy,
Oh fuck that just wine like a gypsy,
Cant see straight like I got one eye,
Pop your bottle open oh my,
Lets get it started,
Move your arms around like fucked up karate,
Ohh shit my wordplays nasty,
Ohh shit dont put it past me,
Move titch get out the way,
Nar never that I'm here to staaaay,
I flow lazy I pick the pace up when i feel less hazy,
J'lo's got a batty, But you cant see mine coz I wear my trousers baggy,
Anyways, yeah...lets commence,
Everybody get random all gal dem all man dem,
Everybody get random just do something ran...
published: 28 Sep 2008
:) I couldn't find it on Youtube haha.....
published: 31 Jan 2010
Lady Sovereign - Random
respect :D
published: 19 Nov 2007
Random- Lady Sovereign
i just really like this song, and i think she is cool... so here you are.
published: 27 Nov 2007
Random RMX by Lady Sovereign featuring Riko
lady sov's random remix video
published: 22 May 2007
Lady Sovereign - Random - Vertically Challenged
lady sovereign
published: 11 Jan 2010
Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group
Random · Lady Sovereign
Public Warning
℗ 2006 Casual Records
Released on: 2006-01-01
Producer: Danny Harrison
Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group
Random · Lady Sovereign
Public Warning
℗ 2006 Casual Records
Released on: 2006-01-01
Producer: Danny Harrison
Producer: Arthur Smith
Studio Personnel, Mixer: Serban Ghenea
Studio Personnel, Engineer: John Hanes
Studio Personnel, Assistant Mixer: Tim Roberts
Producer, Additional Producer: Gabriel Olegavich
Composer Lyricist: Louise Harman
Composer Lyricist: Gabriel Olegavich
Composer Lyricist: Danny Harrison
Composer Lyricist: Arthur Smith
Auto-generated by YouTube.
Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group
Random · Lady Sovereign
Public Warning
℗ 2006 Casual Records
Released on: 2006-01-01
Producer: Danny Harrison
Producer: Arthur Smith
Studio Personnel, Mixer: Serban Ghenea
Studio Personnel, Engineer: John Hanes
Studio Personnel, Assistant Mixer: Tim Roberts
Producer, Additional Producer: Gabriel Olegavich
Composer Lyricist: Louise Harman
Composer Lyricist: Gabriel Olegavich
Composer Lyricist: Danny Harrison
Composer Lyricist: Arthur Smith
Auto-generated by YouTube.
- published: 31 Jul 2018
- views: 145489
Provided to YouTube by The Orchard Enterprises
Random · Lady Sovereign
℗ 2008 Casual Records
Released on: 2008-03-05
Auto-generated by YouTube.
Provided to YouTube by The Orchard Enterprises
Random · Lady Sovereign
℗ 2008 Casual Records
Released on: 2008-03-05
Auto-generated by YouTube.
Provided to YouTube by The Orchard Enterprises
Random · Lady Sovereign
℗ 2008 Casual Records
Released on: 2008-03-05
Auto-generated by YouTube.
- published: 20 Nov 2014
- views: 3466
Lady Sovereign - Random (Lyrics)
I didn't see any videos with lyrics to this song, so I just decided to make one. Enjoy!
No copyrights intended. All rights go to G. Olegavich & Louise Amanda...
I didn't see any videos with lyrics to this song, so I just decided to make one. Enjoy!
No copyrights intended. All rights go to G. Olegavich & Louise Amanda Harman.
I didn't see any videos with lyrics to this song, so I just decided to make one. Enjoy!
No copyrights intended. All rights go to G. Olegavich & Louise Amanda Harman.
- published: 18 Dec 2011
- views: 18589
07. Lady Sovereign - Random
HELP US GET TO 50K SUBS! New content coming soon!
I do not own music rights to this song and it's intended use it to bring fans of MC3 together (in which this s...
HELP US GET TO 50K SUBS! New content coming soon!
I do not own music rights to this song and it's intended use it to bring fans of MC3 together (in which this song is portrayed).
HELP US GET TO 50K SUBS! New content coming soon!
I do not own music rights to this song and it's intended use it to bring fans of MC3 together (in which this song is portrayed).
- published: 05 Jan 2013
- views: 305447
Random - Lady Sovereign [With Lyrics]
Yeah make way for the...
Make way for the S.O.V.
Ah Ah Yo Make way for the S.O.V.
Ah Yo Lady Sovereign time lets go.
Ha ha ha. Random.
Make way ...
Yeah make way for the...
Make way for the S.O.V.
Ah Ah Yo Make way for the S.O.V.
Ah Yo Lady Sovereign time lets go.
Ha ha ha. Random.
Make way for the S.O.V
Cha ching Cha ching Cha ching.
Everybody in the club gettin tipsy,
Oh fuck that just wine like a gypsy,
Cant see straight like I got one eye,
Pop your bottle open oh my,
Lets get it started,
Move your arms around like fucked up karate,
Ohh shit my wordplays nasty,
Ohh shit dont put it past me,
Move titch get out the way,
Nar never that I'm here to staaaay,
I flow lazy I pick the pace up when i feel less hazy,
J'lo's got a batty, But you cant see mine coz I wear my trousers baggy,
Anyways, yeah...lets commence,
Everybody get random all gal dem all man dem,
Everybody get random just do something random,
Everybody get random all gal dem all man dem,
Sovereign get random Just do something random,
Smoking kills and so do my lyrics,
If your poppin pills then trust your not with it,
Coz I got the skills and i'm over the limit,
Dishing lyrics like meals every second every minute,
Ding Dong, special delivery,
Biggest midget in the game cant get rid of me,
Gimme just a minute and ill be in your vicinity,
My words hurt you just like loosing virginity,
Well I'm right thurr, nah tell a lie coz i'm right there,
right hurr, nah right here,
now get off your churrr, i mean chair,
some english mc's gettin twisted,
start sayin cookies instead of biscuits,
Anyways yeah.. lets commence...
Just check how my flow differs,
I'm dropping lyrics like a hoe dropping knickers,
I'm on a whole never level i'm old skool like maraton prior to snickers,
This shits hot, wheres the sniffers dogs,
lets get random, zagazagazaga zog,
You wanna come test me then bring it on,
This is the new tinnnng, the new singalong....
Song and lyrics are copyright of their owner.
Yeah make way for the...
Make way for the S.O.V.
Ah Ah Yo Make way for the S.O.V.
Ah Yo Lady Sovereign time lets go.
Ha ha ha. Random.
Make way for the S.O.V
Cha ching Cha ching Cha ching.
Everybody in the club gettin tipsy,
Oh fuck that just wine like a gypsy,
Cant see straight like I got one eye,
Pop your bottle open oh my,
Lets get it started,
Move your arms around like fucked up karate,
Ohh shit my wordplays nasty,
Ohh shit dont put it past me,
Move titch get out the way,
Nar never that I'm here to staaaay,
I flow lazy I pick the pace up when i feel less hazy,
J'lo's got a batty, But you cant see mine coz I wear my trousers baggy,
Anyways, yeah...lets commence,
Everybody get random all gal dem all man dem,
Everybody get random just do something random,
Everybody get random all gal dem all man dem,
Sovereign get random Just do something random,
Smoking kills and so do my lyrics,
If your poppin pills then trust your not with it,
Coz I got the skills and i'm over the limit,
Dishing lyrics like meals every second every minute,
Ding Dong, special delivery,
Biggest midget in the game cant get rid of me,
Gimme just a minute and ill be in your vicinity,
My words hurt you just like loosing virginity,
Well I'm right thurr, nah tell a lie coz i'm right there,
right hurr, nah right here,
now get off your churrr, i mean chair,
some english mc's gettin twisted,
start sayin cookies instead of biscuits,
Anyways yeah.. lets commence...
Just check how my flow differs,
I'm dropping lyrics like a hoe dropping knickers,
I'm on a whole never level i'm old skool like maraton prior to snickers,
This shits hot, wheres the sniffers dogs,
lets get random, zagazagazaga zog,
You wanna come test me then bring it on,
This is the new tinnnng, the new singalong....
Song and lyrics are copyright of their owner.
- published: 28 Sep 2008
- views: 2368
Random- Lady Sovereign
i just really like this song, and i think she is cool... so here you are.
i just really like this song, and i think she is cool... so here you are.
i just really like this song, and i think she is cool... so here you are.
- published: 27 Nov 2007
- views: 9750