YUV is a color space typically used as part of a color image pipeline. It encodes a color image or video taking human perception into account, allowing reduced bandwidth for chrominance components, thereby typically enabling transmission errors or compression artifacts to be more efficiently masked by the human perception than using a "direct" RGB-representation. Other color spaces have similar properties, and the main reason to implement or investigate properties of Y'UV would be for interfacing with analog or digital television or photographic equipment that conforms to certain Y'UV standards.
The scope of the terms Y'UV, YUV, YCbCr, YPbPr, etc., is sometimes ambiguous and overlapping. Historically, the terms YUV and Y'UV were used for a specific analog encoding of color information in television systems, while YCbCr was used for digital encoding of color information suited for video and still-image compression and transmission such as MPEG and JPEG. Today, the term YUV is commonly used in the computer industry to describe file-formats that are encoded using YCbCr.
Commissioned for the Imperial Japanese Navy after the R1Y design was cancelled due to its disappointing performance estimates, the R2Y used coupled engines driving a single propeller and also featured a tricycle undercarriage.
Completed in April 1945, the prototype made a short flight on 8 May, but was destroyed in a US air raid only a few days later, thus ending development.
A proposal was also made to develop the R2Y into a turbojet-powered light bomber by replacing its piston engines with two Mitsubishi Ne-330s. Designated the R2Y2 Keiun-Kai, the prototype was begun but never completed.
You're probably familiar with the RGB color model, but there are also other models out there, with the most common one being YUV (YCbCr).
You can buy these drone from these links
1.MJX X-SERIES X905C 2.4G 4CH 6 Axis Gyro With Camera Headless Mode Mini RC Drone Quadcopter RTF
2.Eachine E10W Mini Wifi FPV 2.4G 4CH 6 Axis LED RC Drone Quadcopter With Camera RTF
3.Eachine E10WD Mini Wifi FPV with Altitude Mode 2.4G 4CH 6-axis RC Quadcopter BNF/RTF
4.Cheerson CX-10C CX10C Mini 2.4G 4CH 6 Axis RC Drone Quadcopter with Camera RTF
Email me for any queries:-
[email protected]
For contact me :- 8223923779
published: 07 Jan 2018
Nenjodu Cherthu - Yuvvh Official HD Full Song
Watch Nenjodu Cherthu Official Full Song Video from the Album Yuvvh
Song : Nenjodu Cherthu
Album : Yuvvh
Singer : Alaap Raju
Music by : Sachin and Sreejith
Starring : Nazriya nazim, Nivin Pauly
Video Directed by : Alphonse
Connect with us on
For more subscribe to our channel
published: 05 Apr 2012
YUV 422 Video Format
The 4:2:2 format is a type of chroma subsampling used in digitizing video signals, reducing colour information while maintaining luminance. In this format, for every four pixels, there are four pieces of luminance information and only two pieces of colour information for each pair of pixels. This allows for smaller file sizes without significant loss in image quality. The 4:2:2 subsampling method is visually represented by a full line of luminance values and half lines of Cb and Cr values. It's widely used in broadcast television, professional video recording, and various other applications as an efficient way to compress video data.
#rgb #displaystand #vlsi #tutorial #hardware #ُembeddedsystem #dsc #displaytechnology
published: 10 Mar 2024
Session - 10: What is YUV model? What is Chroma Subsampling?
Here, we discuss the YUV model followed by Chroma Subsampling in detail.
published: 23 Mar 2019
YUV Color Distribution
This video is part of the Udacity course "Introduction to Computer Vision". Watch the full course at https://www.udacity.com/course/ud810
published: 23 Feb 2015
Videos are NOT stored in RGB - YUV vs RGB and Digital Color Explained
A common misconception is that digital video is processed and stored as RGB data. At first glance, this might sound reasonable - after all, the input on the camera sensor is RGBG, and your display is RGB. However, this is not the case! Videos are typically stored as YUV (or technically YCbCr in the digital realm).
Why? Well, in this video, we explore digital colour and how we encode and represent images and videos on computers. To answer the why question briefly then: efficiency and legacy. YUV and YCbCr are a form of separating the luma and chroma (the brightness and colour) signal to be able to gain efficiency by lowering the quality on the colour component. It also goes back to colour TV working by adding a colour to an existing black-and-white grayscale image.
=== Timestamps ===
You're probably familiar with the RGB color model, but there are also other models out there, with the most common one being YUV (YCbCr).
You're probably familiar with the RGB color model, but there are also other models out there, with the most common one being YUV (YCbCr).
You're probably familiar with the RGB color model, but there are also other models out there, with the most common one being YUV (YCbCr).
Official music video for 'Yuve Yuve Yu' by The Hu.
The Hu Live At Glastonbury here: https://thehu.ffm.to/liveatglastonbury
Stream or Buy the new album 'The Ger...
You can buy these drone from these links
1.MJX X-SERIES X905C 2.4G 4CH 6 Axis Gyro With Camera Headless Mode Mini RC Drone Quadcopter RTF
You can buy these drone from these links
1.MJX X-SERIES X905C 2.4G 4CH 6 Axis Gyro With Camera Headless Mode Mini RC Drone Quadcopter RTF
2.Eachine E10W Mini Wifi FPV 2.4G 4CH 6 Axis LED RC Drone Quadcopter With Camera RTF
3.Eachine E10WD Mini Wifi FPV with Altitude Mode 2.4G 4CH 6-axis RC Quadcopter BNF/RTF
4.Cheerson CX-10C CX10C Mini 2.4G 4CH 6 Axis RC Drone Quadcopter with Camera RTF
Email me for any queries:-
[email protected]
For contact me :- 8223923779
You can buy these drone from these links
1.MJX X-SERIES X905C 2.4G 4CH 6 Axis Gyro With Camera Headless Mode Mini RC Drone Quadcopter RTF
2.Eachine E10W Mini Wifi FPV 2.4G 4CH 6 Axis LED RC Drone Quadcopter With Camera RTF
3.Eachine E10WD Mini Wifi FPV with Altitude Mode 2.4G 4CH 6-axis RC Quadcopter BNF/RTF
4.Cheerson CX-10C CX10C Mini 2.4G 4CH 6 Axis RC Drone Quadcopter with Camera RTF
Email me for any queries:-
[email protected]
For contact me :- 8223923779
Watch Nenjodu Cherthu Official Full Song Video from the Album Yuvvh
Song : Nenjodu Cherthu
Album : Yuvvh
Singer : Alaap Raju
Music by : Sachin and Sreejith
Watch Nenjodu Cherthu Official Full Song Video from the Album Yuvvh
Song : Nenjodu Cherthu
Album : Yuvvh
Singer : Alaap Raju
Music by : Sachin and Sreejith
Starring : Nazriya nazim, Nivin Pauly
Video Directed by : Alphonse
Connect with us on
For more subscribe to our channel
Watch Nenjodu Cherthu Official Full Song Video from the Album Yuvvh
Song : Nenjodu Cherthu
Album : Yuvvh
Singer : Alaap Raju
Music by : Sachin and Sreejith
Starring : Nazriya nazim, Nivin Pauly
Video Directed by : Alphonse
Connect with us on
For more subscribe to our channel
The 4:2:2 format is a type of chroma subsampling used in digitizing video signals, reducing colour information while maintaining luminance. In this format, for ...
The 4:2:2 format is a type of chroma subsampling used in digitizing video signals, reducing colour information while maintaining luminance. In this format, for every four pixels, there are four pieces of luminance information and only two pieces of colour information for each pair of pixels. This allows for smaller file sizes without significant loss in image quality. The 4:2:2 subsampling method is visually represented by a full line of luminance values and half lines of Cb and Cr values. It's widely used in broadcast television, professional video recording, and various other applications as an efficient way to compress video data.
#rgb #displaystand #vlsi #tutorial #hardware #ُembeddedsystem #dsc #displaytechnology
The 4:2:2 format is a type of chroma subsampling used in digitizing video signals, reducing colour information while maintaining luminance. In this format, for every four pixels, there are four pieces of luminance information and only two pieces of colour information for each pair of pixels. This allows for smaller file sizes without significant loss in image quality. The 4:2:2 subsampling method is visually represented by a full line of luminance values and half lines of Cb and Cr values. It's widely used in broadcast television, professional video recording, and various other applications as an efficient way to compress video data.
#rgb #displaystand #vlsi #tutorial #hardware #ُembeddedsystem #dsc #displaytechnology
A common misconception is that digital video is processed and stored as RGB data. At first glance, this might sound reasonable - after all, the input on the cam...
A common misconception is that digital video is processed and stored as RGB data. At first glance, this might sound reasonable - after all, the input on the camera sensor is RGBG, and your display is RGB. However, this is not the case! Videos are typically stored as YUV (or technically YCbCr in the digital realm).
Why? Well, in this video, we explore digital colour and how we encode and represent images and videos on computers. To answer the why question briefly then: efficiency and legacy. YUV and YCbCr are a form of separating the luma and chroma (the brightness and colour) signal to be able to gain efficiency by lowering the quality on the colour component. It also goes back to colour TV working by adding a colour to an existing black-and-white grayscale image.
=== Timestamps ===
00:00 - Introduction
00:21 - RGB vs YUV
01:45 - How YUV Works
04:03 - The UV Plane
06:05 - Similarity to Analog Component Video
07:23 - Why Is This More Efficient? (Chroma Subsampling)
13:04 - Does Subsampling Matter?
15:20 - Why Would We Do This?
17:18 - Conclusion
=== Helpful resources/more information ===
Fun fact: Red/Blue used by YCbCr/YUV are not the only colour planes. DSC (display stream compression) used for high refresh rate monitors over DisplayPort uses YCoCg uses green(/pink) and orange(/blue) for its two planes!
You can also totally notice chroma subsampling in the credits at the outro of @LinusTechTips videos, as they typically use coloured text on a coloured background!
=== Thanks for Watching! ===
I hope you enjoyed this video and learned something new! If you found this useful and want to see more videos like it in the future, leave a comment and consider subscribing!
You can use this video under a CC-BY-SA license. I used a lot of helpful images from WikiMedia throughout this video. They should all be credited at the corresponding points - unfortunately, descriptions are limited to 5000 characters and so I can't list them out individually here.
=== Shoutouts ===
Shoutout to Andy Roberts, Felipe Clark, Paul Janes and Mohammad Ansari from AMD Markham who answered my questions about display technologies and how stuff works. This video was filmed before my term there, but I learned a lot from them.
Also a small shoutout to Dixon Huang, Lucas Choi, and Mrugank Upadhyay who had to endure me lecture/rant about topics like this (and have me point out every time they left a display running in YUV 4:2:0 mode when testing FreeSync...)
=== Clarifications and Corrections ===
- I use YUV and YCbCr almost interchangeably in this video. I am aware they are technically different/distinct things, but my point is comparing these luminance/chrominance schemes to RGB, and they are all similar enough for that purpose.
- Why are all the text fields in the video a different typeface/colour? I edit in multiple passes, and work on multiple videos concurrently. Kdenlive defaults to using the last used settings which differ for each video and I don't change it since it's good enough. Hey, still faster than using Cinelerra...
- Color? Colour? Argue it in the comments. It doesn't matter but I'm sure I'll hear how I'm wrong from both sides.
Thanks for watching! I hope this video helped you out!
Produced by Tony Tascioglu
A common misconception is that digital video is processed and stored as RGB data. At first glance, this might sound reasonable - after all, the input on the camera sensor is RGBG, and your display is RGB. However, this is not the case! Videos are typically stored as YUV (or technically YCbCr in the digital realm).
Why? Well, in this video, we explore digital colour and how we encode and represent images and videos on computers. To answer the why question briefly then: efficiency and legacy. YUV and YCbCr are a form of separating the luma and chroma (the brightness and colour) signal to be able to gain efficiency by lowering the quality on the colour component. It also goes back to colour TV working by adding a colour to an existing black-and-white grayscale image.
=== Timestamps ===
00:00 - Introduction
00:21 - RGB vs YUV
01:45 - How YUV Works
04:03 - The UV Plane
06:05 - Similarity to Analog Component Video
07:23 - Why Is This More Efficient? (Chroma Subsampling)
13:04 - Does Subsampling Matter?
15:20 - Why Would We Do This?
17:18 - Conclusion
=== Helpful resources/more information ===
Fun fact: Red/Blue used by YCbCr/YUV are not the only colour planes. DSC (display stream compression) used for high refresh rate monitors over DisplayPort uses YCoCg uses green(/pink) and orange(/blue) for its two planes!
You can also totally notice chroma subsampling in the credits at the outro of @LinusTechTips videos, as they typically use coloured text on a coloured background!
=== Thanks for Watching! ===
I hope you enjoyed this video and learned something new! If you found this useful and want to see more videos like it in the future, leave a comment and consider subscribing!
You can use this video under a CC-BY-SA license. I used a lot of helpful images from WikiMedia throughout this video. They should all be credited at the corresponding points - unfortunately, descriptions are limited to 5000 characters and so I can't list them out individually here.
=== Shoutouts ===
Shoutout to Andy Roberts, Felipe Clark, Paul Janes and Mohammad Ansari from AMD Markham who answered my questions about display technologies and how stuff works. This video was filmed before my term there, but I learned a lot from them.
Also a small shoutout to Dixon Huang, Lucas Choi, and Mrugank Upadhyay who had to endure me lecture/rant about topics like this (and have me point out every time they left a display running in YUV 4:2:0 mode when testing FreeSync...)
=== Clarifications and Corrections ===
- I use YUV and YCbCr almost interchangeably in this video. I am aware they are technically different/distinct things, but my point is comparing these luminance/chrominance schemes to RGB, and they are all similar enough for that purpose.
- Why are all the text fields in the video a different typeface/colour? I edit in multiple passes, and work on multiple videos concurrently. Kdenlive defaults to using the last used settings which differ for each video and I don't change it since it's good enough. Hey, still faster than using Cinelerra...
- Color? Colour? Argue it in the comments. It doesn't matter but I'm sure I'll hear how I'm wrong from both sides.
Thanks for watching! I hope this video helped you out!
Produced by Tony Tascioglu
You're probably familiar with the RGB color model, but there are also other models out there, with the most common one being YUV (YCbCr).
You can buy these drone from these links
1.MJX X-SERIES X905C 2.4G 4CH 6 Axis Gyro With Camera Headless Mode Mini RC Drone Quadcopter RTF
2.Eachine E10W Mini Wifi FPV 2.4G 4CH 6 Axis LED RC Drone Quadcopter With Camera RTF
3.Eachine E10WD Mini Wifi FPV with Altitude Mode 2.4G 4CH 6-axis RC Quadcopter BNF/RTF
4.Cheerson CX-10C CX10C Mini 2.4G 4CH 6 Axis RC Drone Quadcopter with Camera RTF
Email me for any queries:-
[email protected]
For contact me :- 8223923779
Watch Nenjodu Cherthu Official Full Song Video from the Album Yuvvh
Song : Nenjodu Cherthu
Album : Yuvvh
Singer : Alaap Raju
Music by : Sachin and Sreejith
Starring : Nazriya nazim, Nivin Pauly
Video Directed by : Alphonse
Connect with us on
For more subscribe to our channel
The 4:2:2 format is a type of chroma subsampling used in digitizing video signals, reducing colour information while maintaining luminance. In this format, for every four pixels, there are four pieces of luminance information and only two pieces of colour information for each pair of pixels. This allows for smaller file sizes without significant loss in image quality. The 4:2:2 subsampling method is visually represented by a full line of luminance values and half lines of Cb and Cr values. It's widely used in broadcast television, professional video recording, and various other applications as an efficient way to compress video data.
#rgb #displaystand #vlsi #tutorial #hardware #ُembeddedsystem #dsc #displaytechnology
A common misconception is that digital video is processed and stored as RGB data. At first glance, this might sound reasonable - after all, the input on the camera sensor is RGBG, and your display is RGB. However, this is not the case! Videos are typically stored as YUV (or technically YCbCr in the digital realm).
Why? Well, in this video, we explore digital colour and how we encode and represent images and videos on computers. To answer the why question briefly then: efficiency and legacy. YUV and YCbCr are a form of separating the luma and chroma (the brightness and colour) signal to be able to gain efficiency by lowering the quality on the colour component. It also goes back to colour TV working by adding a colour to an existing black-and-white grayscale image.
=== Timestamps ===
00:00 - Introduction
00:21 - RGB vs YUV
01:45 - How YUV Works
04:03 - The UV Plane
06:05 - Similarity to Analog Component Video
07:23 - Why Is This More Efficient? (Chroma Subsampling)
13:04 - Does Subsampling Matter?
15:20 - Why Would We Do This?
17:18 - Conclusion
=== Helpful resources/more information ===
Fun fact: Red/Blue used by YCbCr/YUV are not the only colour planes. DSC (display stream compression) used for high refresh rate monitors over DisplayPort uses YCoCg uses green(/pink) and orange(/blue) for its two planes!
You can also totally notice chroma subsampling in the credits at the outro of @LinusTechTips videos, as they typically use coloured text on a coloured background!
=== Thanks for Watching! ===
I hope you enjoyed this video and learned something new! If you found this useful and want to see more videos like it in the future, leave a comment and consider subscribing!
You can use this video under a CC-BY-SA license. I used a lot of helpful images from WikiMedia throughout this video. They should all be credited at the corresponding points - unfortunately, descriptions are limited to 5000 characters and so I can't list them out individually here.
=== Shoutouts ===
Shoutout to Andy Roberts, Felipe Clark, Paul Janes and Mohammad Ansari from AMD Markham who answered my questions about display technologies and how stuff works. This video was filmed before my term there, but I learned a lot from them.
Also a small shoutout to Dixon Huang, Lucas Choi, and Mrugank Upadhyay who had to endure me lecture/rant about topics like this (and have me point out every time they left a display running in YUV 4:2:0 mode when testing FreeSync...)
=== Clarifications and Corrections ===
- I use YUV and YCbCr almost interchangeably in this video. I am aware they are technically different/distinct things, but my point is comparing these luminance/chrominance schemes to RGB, and they are all similar enough for that purpose.
- Why are all the text fields in the video a different typeface/colour? I edit in multiple passes, and work on multiple videos concurrently. Kdenlive defaults to using the last used settings which differ for each video and I don't change it since it's good enough. Hey, still faster than using Cinelerra...
- Color? Colour? Argue it in the comments. It doesn't matter but I'm sure I'll hear how I'm wrong from both sides.
Thanks for watching! I hope this video helped you out!
Produced by Tony Tascioglu
Bank Nifty TodayLive Updates. At 08.30 Bank Nifty was trading at 50860.2 (-0.18%). Today Bank Nifty has been trading in the range of 50945.55 to 50599.8 ....
PresidentJoe Biden has recently commuted death sentences to life sentences for 37 of the 40 men who are on the federal government’s death row. Those spared included child killers and mass murderers, and many showed no remorse and horribly ... .