The Unz Review •�An Alternative Media Selection$
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Encounter Archives
Encounter •�38 Years, 424 Issues, 9,315 Articles, 41,008pp
Public Opinion
Encounter, December 1983, p. 82
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                                                          Issues of 1979 = 12 Issues, 258 Articles
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                                                          Issues of the 1980s = 10 Years, 102 Issues, 2,558 Articles
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                                                            Issues of 1980 = 11 Issues, 241 Articles
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                                                              Issues of 1981 = 11 Issues, 267 Articles
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                                                                Issues of 1982 = 10 Issues, 241 Articles
                                                                1. [+]
                                                                  Issues of 1983 = 10 Issues, 259 Articles
                                                                  1. [+]
                                                                    January 1983 Issue = 25 Articles
                                                                    1. The Apprentice (story) by Ahdaf Soueif, pp. 3-8
                                                                    2. Stormy Atlantic Weather by Alun Chalfont, pp. 9-15
                                                                    3. Poem by B.C. Leale, p. 16
                                                                    4. Cna the US Party System Be Saved? by Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., pp. 17-22
                                                                    5. Column by "M.", pp. 23-24
                                                                    6. Poem by Gerda Mayer, p. 25
                                                                    7. Poem by Peter Redgrove, p. 26
                                                                    8. Poem by Geoffrey Grigson and Raymond Tong, p. 27
                                                                    9. Why "The God That Failed"...Failed by Norman Podhoretz, pp. 28-36
                                                                    10. Pinter's Progress by Roger Scruton, pp. 37-39
                                                                    11. Poem by George Szirtes, p. 40
                                                                    12. The Philosopher as Literary Critic by Jacques Barzun, pp. 41-43
                                                                    13. The Turks, Between Law & Disorder by Andrew Mango, pp. 44-48
                                                                    14. Timerman's Long War by Conor Cruise O'Brien, pp. 49-53
                                                                    15. Poem by Gavin Ewart, p. 54
                                                                    16. Struggling Westward (I) by Malcolm Bradbury, pp. 55-59
                                                                    17. [+]
                                                                      The Modern Languages of Poetry by John Mole, pp. 60-65 - 9 Reviews
                                                                      1. The Occasions of Poetry by Thom Gunn
                                                                      2. Poems of Thirty Years by Edwin Morgan
                                                                      3. The Memory of War by James Fenton
                                                                      4. The Passages of Joy by Thom Gunn
                                                                      5. Pea Soup by Christopher Reid
                                                                      6. The Goodbyes by John Ash
                                                                      7. Standing to by U.A. Fanthorpe
                                                                      8. Ghosts at my Back by Tom Rawling
                                                                      9. Poor Butterflies by John Whitworth
                                                                    18. [+]
                                                                      Our Schools by Esmond Wright, pp. 66-70 - 1 Review
                                                                      1. The Public School Revolution by John Rae#2
                                                                    19. Poem by John Levett, p. 71
                                                                    20. Who Needs a Flag? by Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann, pp. 72-80
                                                                    21. A Sect at Law by Bryan Wilson, pp. 81-87
                                                                    22. Un-Metropolis by Jan Morris, pp. 88-91
                                                                    23. Authors, p. 92
                                                                    24. Letters, pp. 93-94
                                                                    25. Life & Letters, pp. 95-98
                                                                  2. [+]
                                                                    February 1983 Issue = 28 Articles
                                                                    1. Parachutes (story) by John McGahern, pp. 3-8
                                                                    2. Poem by Madge Hales, p. 9
                                                                    3. Religion & Ideology by George Urban and Daniel Bell, pp. 10-24
                                                                    4. In the Driver's Seat by Mary Kenny, pp. 25-29
                                                                    5. Poem by Paul Groves, p. 30
                                                                    6. Column by "M.", pp. 31-33
                                                                    7. Poem by Pete Morgan, p. 34
                                                                    8. Poem by Roy Fuller, p. 35
                                                                    9. Poem by Douglas Dunn, p. 35
                                                                    10. Duties Concerning Islands by Mary Midgley, pp. 36-43
                                                                    11. The Real Stoppard by Roger Scruton, pp. 44-46
                                                                    12. Poem by William Scammell, p. 47
                                                                    13. The Trouble with Nark's Work by David Pryce-Jones, pp. 48-49
                                                                    14. The Arable Mafia by Edward Pearce, pp. 50-52
                                                                    15. A Meeting with Robert Graves by Dannie Abse, pp. 53-55
                                                                    16. Poem by Elizabeth Smither, p. 56
                                                                    17. Struggling Westward (II) by Malcolm Bradbury, pp. 57-64
                                                                    18. [+]
                                                                      Faith & Uncertainty by A.N. Wilson, pp. 65-70 - 5 Reviews
                                                                      1. Monsignor Quixote by Graham Greene
                                                                      2. The 27th Kingdom by Alice Thomas Ellis
                                                                      3. Ancient Enemies by Elizabeth North
                                                                      4. The End of the World News by Anthony Burgess
                                                                      5. Schindler's Ark by Thomas Keneally
                                                                    19. [+]
                                                                      John Berryman by Mary Ellmann, pp. 71-72 - 2 Reviews
                                                                      1. The Life of John Berryman by John Haffenden
                                                                      2. Poets in Their Youth by Eileen Simpson
                                                                    20. Poem by Alan Brownjohn, p. 73
                                                                    21. After Binet, Back to Galton by H.J. Eysenck, pp. 74-78
                                                                    22. Poem by Felicity Napier, p. 79
                                                                    23. Arnold by John Wain, pp. 80-85
                                                                    24. Poem by Tony Harrison, p. 86
                                                                    25. A Devout Totalitarianism by W.G. Lerch, pp. 87-91
                                                                    26. Letters, pp. 92-95
                                                                    27. Authors, p. 96
                                                                    28. Life & Letters, pp. 97-98
                                                                  3. [+]
                                                                    March 1983 Issue = 25 Articles
                                                                    1. Pilgermann (extract from a novel) by Russell Hoban, pp. 3-9
                                                                    2. Poem by Geoffrey Holloway, p. 10
                                                                    3. Can There Be National Security in an Insecure Age? by Laurence Martin, pp. 11-19
                                                                    4. The Arcane Art of Kremlinology by R.V. Burks, pp. 20-29
                                                                    5. Poem by Laurence Lerner, p. 30
                                                                    6. Column by "M.", pp. 31-32
                                                                    7. Poem by David Rokeah, p. 33
                                                                    8. Poem by Jenny Joseph, p. 34
                                                                    9. Poem by Peter Porter, p. 35
                                                                    10. Noel Coward by David Cannadine, pp. 36-47
                                                                    11. Minimal Beckett by Roger Scruton, pp. 48-50
                                                                    12. Letter from Taiwan by Edward Pearce, pp. 51-53
                                                                    13. The Clash of Generations by Alain Touraine, pp. 54-57
                                                                    14. Reflections in Jerusalem by Elie Kedourie, pp. 58-61
                                                                    15. The Protests in Pushkin Square by Bohdan Nahaylo, p. 62
                                                                    16. [+]
                                                                      Film, Facts, & History by Algernon Rumbold, pp. 63-65 - 1 Review
                                                                      1. Gandhi (1982 Film) by Richard Attenborough
                                                                    17. [+]
                                                                      France's Balance-Sheet by Douglas Johnson, pp. 66-74 - 7 Reviews
                                                                      1. The Left in France by Neill Nugent and David Lowe
                                                                      2. Problems of Contemporary French Politics by Dorothy Maud Pickles
                                                                      3. Francois Mitterrand: A Political Odyssey by Denis MacShane
                                                                      4. The Wheat and the Chaff by Francois Mitterand
                                                                      5. France in the 1980's by John Ardagh
                                                                      6. The French by Theodore Zeldin
                                                                      7. Toujours Plus! by Francois de Closets
                                                                    18. [+]
                                                                      Between the Bomb & the Kremlin by Philip Towle, pp. 75-78 - 12 Reviews
                                                                      1. The Survival Option by Ivan Tyrrell
                                                                      2. War Plan UK by Duncan Campbell
                                                                      3. The Fate of the Earth by Jonathan Schell
                                                                      4. The Pursuit of Power by William Hardy McNeill
                                                                      5. Strategic Studies and Public Policy by Colin S. Gray
                                                                      6. The Birth of NATO by Nicholas Henderson
                                                                      7. Global Collective Security in the 1980s by Geoffrey Stewart-Smith
                                                                      8. The Global Politics of Arms Sales by Andrew J. Pierre
                                                                      9. The Uncertain Ally by Michael Chichester and John Wilkinson
                                                                      10. Strategic Weapons by Norman Polmar
                                                                      11. Weapons of Tomorrow by Brian Beckett
                                                                      12. War Facts Now by Christopher Campbell
                                                                    19. [+]
                                                                      Bad Times, Better Ways? by David Donnison, pp. 79-84 - 5 Reviews
                                                                      1. Britain Against Itself by Samuel H. Beer
                                                                      2. The Irrelevance of Conventional Economics by Thomas Balogh
                                                                      3. Meaning and Action by Peter Marris
                                                                      4. The Rise and Decline of Nations by Mancur Olson
                                                                      5. The Second Stage by Betty Friedan
                                                                    20. [+]
                                                                      Russian Censorship, Then & Now by Leonard Schapiro, pp. 85-87 - 1 Review
                                                                      1. Fighting Words by Charles A. Ruud
                                                                    21. [+]
                                                                      Zionists & Jews by Max Beloff, pp. 88-89 - 2 Reviews
                                                                      1. Zionism: The Formative Years by David Vital
                                                                      2. The Making of Modern Zionism by Shlomo Avineri
                                                                    22. Poem by Robert Gittings, p. 90
                                                                    23. Letters, pp. 91-95
                                                                    24. Authors, p. 96
                                                                    25. Life & Letters, pp. 97-98
                                                                  4. [+]
                                                                    April 1983 Issue = 27 Articles
                                                                    1. Rates of Exchange (extract from a novel) by Malcolm Bradbury, pp. 3-9
                                                                    2. Poem by David Galler, p. 10
                                                                    3. Is There New Hope for the Social Democrats? by David Marquand, pp. 11-17
                                                                    4. The Great Unilateralist Illusion by Alun Chalfont, pp. 18-38
                                                                    5. Column by "M.", pp. 39-41
                                                                    6. Poem by Edwin Brock, p. 42
                                                                    7. Poem by Peter Redgrove, p. 43
                                                                    8. Walls Do A Prison Make... by Edward Pearce, pp. 44-46
                                                                    9. Remembering Maurice Thorez by Francois Fejto, pp. 47-48
                                                                    10. Poem by Florence Elon, p. 49
                                                                    11. Telmah & John Dover Wilson by Terence Hawkes, pp. 50-59
                                                                    12. [+]
                                                                      Square Tales from Languedoc by John Bossy, pp. 60-62 - 1 Review
                                                                      1. Love, Death and Money in the Pays d'Oc by Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie
                                                                    13. [+]
                                                                      The Englishness of the Gentleman by John Bayley, pp. 63-68 - 1 Review
                                                                      1. The Gentleman in Trollope by Shirley Robin Letwin
                                                                    14. [+]
                                                                      New Poetry by John Mole, pp. 69-74 - 13 Reviews
                                                                      1. The Penguin Book of Contemporary British Poetry by Blake Morrison and Andrew Motion
                                                                      2. The Hunt by Night by Derek Mahon
                                                                      3. Minute by Glass Minute by Anne Stevenson
                                                                      4. Talking Back by Alistair Elliot
                                                                      5. Femmes/Hombres by Paul Verlaine
                                                                      6. More Little Ones by Gavin Ewart
                                                                      7. A Rift in Time by Patric Dickinson
                                                                      8. Letter from a Far Country by Gillian Clarke
                                                                      9. Reading Geographies by Michael Cullup
                                                                      10. The Agricultural Engineer by John Loveday
                                                                      11. Day Book by John Cotton
                                                                      12. Being Glass by Emma Rose
                                                                      13. Flags for the Occasion by Emma Rose
                                                                    15. Poem by Patrick Hare, p. 75
                                                                    16. Is "Arms Control" an Unrealistic Fiction? by Eugene V. Rostow and George Urban, pp. 76-81
                                                                    17. Poem by Deirdre Shanahan, p. 82
                                                                    18. Timerman's Long War by Patrick Seale, pp. 83-84
                                                                    19. A Reply by Conor Cruise O'Brien, p. 85
                                                                    20. Poem by Pete Morgan, p. 86
                                                                    21. A Footnote to Bias by Frank Offenbach, pp. 87-89
                                                                    22. Terrorism & the Press by Melvin J. Lasky, p. 90
                                                                    23. Poem by Jonathan Price, p. 91
                                                                    24. Poem by Ruth Silcock, p. 92
                                                                    25. Letters, pp. 93-95
                                                                    26. Authors, p. 96
                                                                    27. Life & Letters, pp. 97-98
                                                                  5. [+]
                                                                    May 1983 Issue = 25 Articles
                                                                    1. Ashes to Ashes (story) by Janette Turner Hospital, pp. 3-7
                                                                    2. Poem by Gerda Mayer, p. 8
                                                                    3. The Quest for an Assassin by Paul Henze, pp. 9-16
                                                                    4. Poem by Michael Hulse, pp. 17-18
                                                                    5. A General Theory of Sovietism by Leszek Kolakowski, pp. 19-21
                                                                    6. Poem by John Gohorry, pp. 22-23
                                                                    7. The Klagenfurt Conspiracy by Nikolai Tolstoy, pp. 24-36
                                                                    8. Poem by Gavin Ewart, p. 37
                                                                    9. Column by "M.", pp. 38-39
                                                                    10. Poem by Robin Fulton, p. 40
                                                                    11. Ibn Taymiyya by Emmanuel Sivan, pp. 41-49
                                                                    12. Poem by John Latham, p. 50
                                                                    13. London Commentary by Edward Pearce, pp. 51-53
                                                                    14. Interview on the Crisis by F.A. von Hayek, pp. 54-56
                                                                    15. Poem by D.J. Enright, p. 57
                                                                    16. A Grisly Image by George Szirtes, pp. 58-61
                                                                    17. [+]
                                                                      A Gallery of Portraits by Robert Melville, pp. 62-69 - 6 Reviews
                                                                      1. Eric Gill by Malcolm Yorke
                                                                      2. Barbara Hepworth by Margaret Gardiner
                                                                      3. Edward Burra by William Chappell
                                                                      4. Graham Sutherland by Roger Berthoud
                                                                      5. Collected Words, 1953-1982 by Richard Hamilton
                                                                      6. Lucian Freud by Lawrence Gowing
                                                                    18. [+]
                                                                      Geoffrey Grigson by Alan Brownjohn, pp. 70-74 - 2 Reviews
                                                                      1. The Private Art by Geoffrey Grigson
                                                                      2. Blessings, Kicks, and Curses by Geoffrey Grigson
                                                                    19. Poem by John Mole, p. 75
                                                                    20. Prague's Cruel Spring by Richard Mayne, pp. 76-84
                                                                    21. Poem by John Miles, p. 85
                                                                    22. Charlie Chaplin by David Aberbach, pp. 86-92
                                                                    23. Letters, pp. 93-95
                                                                    24. Authors, p. 96
                                                                    25. Life & Letters, pp. 97-98
                                                                  6. [+]
                                                                    June 1983 Issue = 25 Articles
                                                                    1. The Future Arrives Last Year (story) by John Gohorry, pp. 3-5
                                                                    2. Poem by Simon Rae, p. 6
                                                                    3. The Eagle & the Small Birds by Michael Charlton, pp. 7-28
                                                                    4. European Diary by Francois Bondy, pp. 29-33
                                                                    5. Poem by Carol Rumens, p. 34
                                                                    6. Poem by Peter Redgrove, p. 35
                                                                    7. Column by "M.", pp. 36-38
                                                                    8. On Media Blindness by Edward Pearce, pp. 39-41
                                                                    9. Are There Any Liberals in France? by Jean-Francois Revel, pp. 42-43
                                                                    10. Mitterand's Cultural Circus by Wilfried Wiegand, pp. 44-46
                                                                    11. New York's Intellectual Controversy by Peter Shaw, pp. 47-51
                                                                    12. Poem by D.J. Enright, p. 52
                                                                    13. [+]
                                                                      Mozart as Mystery by Peter Porter, pp. 53-58 - 2 Reviews
                                                                      1. Mozart by Wolfgang Hildesheimer
                                                                      2. Mozart and the Masons by H.C. Robbins Landon
                                                                    14. [+]
                                                                      John Skelton by Anthony Thwaite, pp. 59-63 - 1 Review
                                                                      1. John Skelton: The Complete English Poems by John Scattergood and John Skelton
                                                                    15. [+]
                                                                      Remembering the Future by John Bossy, pp. 64-67 - 1 Review
                                                                      1. The History Men by J.P. Kenyon
                                                                    16. [+]
                                                                      New Poetry by John Mole, pp. 68-73 - 8 Reviews
                                                                      1. Later Poems, 1972-82 by R.S. Thomas
                                                                      2. The Beautiful Inventions by John Fuller
                                                                      3. The Lie of the Land by Patricia Beer
                                                                      4. Beyond Descartes by Jenny Joseph
                                                                      5. The Indoor Park by Sean O'Brien
                                                                      6. Unpacking Mr. Jones by John Latham
                                                                      7. At the Frontier by Julian Ennis
                                                                      8. The Burning Book and Other Poems by Hal Summers
                                                                    17. Poem by Geoffrey Grigson, p. 74
                                                                    18. [+]
                                                                      Black & White Propaganda by Martin Esslin, pp. 75-78 - 1 Review
                                                                      1. The Black Game by Ellic Howe
                                                                    19. Church, State, & Bomb by Maurice Latey, pp. 79-85
                                                                    20. Poem by Alan Dewar, p. 86
                                                                    21. After Twenty-Two Years in Prison by Armando Valladares, pp. 87-89
                                                                    22. Poem by George Szirtes, p. 90
                                                                    23. Letters, pp. 91-95
                                                                    24. Authors, p. 96
                                                                    25. Life & Letters, pp. 97-98
                                                                  7. [+]
                                                                    July 1983 Issue = 22 Articles
                                                                    1. Standard Deviation (story) by Elizabeth Baines, pp. 3-8
                                                                    2. A Writer's Greatness by Raymond Aron, pp. 9-11
                                                                    3. Cold Warrior by Sidney Hook, pp. 12-15
                                                                    4. In the Defoe Tradition by Maurice Cranston, pp. 16-17
                                                                    5. Biographee by Iain Hamilton, pp. 18-22
                                                                    6. Author by Harold Harris, pp. 23-24
                                                                    7. Chess Man by David Pryce-Jones, pp. 25-27
                                                                    8. Psychologist by John Beloff, pp. 28-30
                                                                    9. Crusader by David Astor, pp. 31-32
                                                                    10. "Angel" by Mary Benson, pp. 33-35
                                                                    11. Hungarian by George Mikes, pp. 36-37
                                                                    12. Poems by David Sweetman, p. 38
                                                                    13. The Eagle & the Small Birds by Michael Charlton, pp. 39-57
                                                                    14. Column by "M.", pp. 58-60
                                                                    15. The Pearly Kings of Peace by Edward Pearce, pp. 61-64
                                                                    16. [+]
                                                                      The Darkness Beyond Words by D.J. Enright, pp. 65-71 - 5 Reviews
                                                                      1. A Social History of English by Dick Leith
                                                                      2. Orality and Literacy by Walter J. Ong
                                                                      3. Nonverbal Communication Today by Mary Ritchie Key
                                                                      4. Slips of the Tongue and Language Production by Anne Cutler
                                                                      5. Grammar and Good Taste by Dennis E. Baron
                                                                    17. The Change in Fiction by Malcolm Bradbury, pp. 72-78
                                                                    18. [+]
                                                                      Modern Metamorphoses by Bernard Bergonzi, pp. 79-82 - 6 Reviews
                                                                      1. Poetry and Metamorphosis by Charles Tomlinson
                                                                      2. Yeats, Eliot, Pound and the Politics of Poetry by Cairns Craig
                                                                      3. Pound Revised by Paul Smith
                                                                      4. The Formed Trace by Massimo Bacigalupo
                                                                      5. Pound/Ford by Brita Lindberg-Seyersted
                                                                      6. The Selected Letters of Ezra Pound, 1907-1941 by D.D. Paige and Ezra Pound
                                                                    19. [+]
                                                                      Shards & Blurred Hieroglyphs by Laurence Lerner, pp. 83-88 - 5 Reviews
                                                                      1. Poetic Traditions of the English Renaissance by Maynard Mack and George deForest Lord
                                                                      2. Poetry of the Passion by J.A.W. Bennett
                                                                      3. The Elizabethan Pamphleteers by Sandra Clark
                                                                      4. Man and the Natural World by Keith Thomas
                                                                      5. The Life of John Milton by A.N. Wilson
                                                                    20. [+]
                                                                      Eastern Approaches by Clive Sinclair, pp. 89-93 - 5 Reviews
                                                                      1. Rates of Exchange by Malcolm Bradbury
                                                                      2. The Little Drummer Girl by John le Carre
                                                                      3. Pilgermann by Russell Hoban
                                                                      4. Job: The Story of a Simple Man by Joseph Roth
                                                                      5. Ararat by D.M. Thomas
                                                                    21. Letters, pp. 94-95
                                                                    22. Authors, pp. 96-98
                                                                  8. [+]
                                                                    September/October 1983 Issue = 27 Articles
                                                                    1. Beakie (story) by Francis King, pp. 3-12
                                                                    2. Poem by John Levett, p. 13
                                                                    3. The Meaning of Mrs Thatcher's Victory by Vernon Bogdanor, pp. 14-18
                                                                    4. The Collapse of a Broad Church by Anthony Hartley, pp. 19-22
                                                                    5. III. The Eclipse of Ideology by Michael Charlton, pp. 23-38
                                                                    6. Authors, p. 39
                                                                    7. Poem by Raymond Tong, p. 40
                                                                    8. Poem by Laurence Lerner, p. 41
                                                                    9. Column by "M.", pp. 42-43
                                                                    10. The Destroyer by Michael Foot, p. 44
                                                                    11. From Diagnosis to Nightmare by John Wain, pp. 45-47
                                                                    12. Koestler's Orwell by Arthur Koestler, pp. 48-49
                                                                    13. Jew by Hyam Maccoby, p. 50
                                                                    14. On the Short List by George Steiner, pp. 51-52
                                                                    15. Parapsychologist by Brian Inglis, pp. 53-54
                                                                    16. Paris, 1947 by Mamaine Paget Koestler, pp. 55-56
                                                                    17. Micromemoirs by Arthur Koestler, pp. 57-58
                                                                    18. Remembering by Melvin J. Lasky, pp. 59-62
                                                                    19. On "Forgetting Koestler" by Arno Widmann, pp. 63-67
                                                                    20. [+]
                                                                      Infinite Mischief by Douglas Dunn, pp. 68-75 - 2 Reviews
                                                                      1. Robert Lowell: A Biography by Ian Hamilton
                                                                      2. Robert Lowell by Vereen M. Bell
                                                                    21. Shifts & Frictions by Hilary Spurling, pp. 76-79
                                                                    22. [+]
                                                                      From the Eighth Floor of the Tower by Alan Brownjohn, pp. 80-84 - 1 Review
                                                                      1. Collected Poems by Peter Porter
                                                                    23. Letter from Argentina by James Neilson#2, pp. 85-88
                                                                    24. Poem by Michael Hulse, p. 89
                                                                    25. Living with an Insult in a Mind-Free Zone by Melvin Lasky, pp. 90-94
                                                                    26. Letters, pp. 95-96
                                                                    27. Life & Letters, pp. 97-98
                                                                  9. [+]
                                                                    November 1983 Issue = 24 Articles
                                                                    1. Scriptophobia (story) by Clive Sinclair, pp. 3-8
                                                                    2. American Foreign Policy in a Cold Climate by Jeane Kirkpatrick and George Urban, pp. 9-32
                                                                    3. Poem by Gay Clifford, pp. 33-34
                                                                    4. Confessions of a Biographer by Vincent Brome, pp. 35-43
                                                                    5. Poem by Duncan Forbes, pp. 44-46
                                                                    6. Column by "M.", pp. 47-49
                                                                    7. Poem by Douglas Dunn, pp. 50-51
                                                                    8. No "Peace Movement" in France? by Wilfried Wiegand, pp. 52-53
                                                                    9. The Passing of Arthur Scargill by Edward Pearce, pp. 54-56
                                                                    10. Brown Shirts and Red Faces by Joachim Fest, pp. 57-59
                                                                    11. Meeting Mussolini by Luigi Barzini, p. 60
                                                                    12. Comrade Andropov's Basic Problem by Leo Wieland, pp. 61-64
                                                                    13. Jottings by Eugene Ionesco, p. 65
                                                                    14. Poem by David Rokeah, p. 66
                                                                    15. [+]
                                                                      Churchill as Colossus by Paul Johnson, pp. 67-69 - 3 Reviews
                                                                      1. The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill, Vol. I by William Manchester
                                                                      2. Churchill: Young Man in a Hurry, 1874-1915 by Ted Morgan
                                                                      3. Finest Hour by Martin Gilbert
                                                                    16. [+]
                                                                      The Holiness of Monarchy by John Bossy, pp. 70-72 - 5 Reviews
                                                                      1. William Rufus by Frank Barlow
                                                                      2. Henry VI by Bertram Percy Wolffe
                                                                      3. Richard III by Desmond Seward
                                                                      4. Ritual of Royalty by Michele Brown
                                                                      5. Monarchs, Rulers, Dynasties and Kingdoms of the World by R.F. Tapsell
                                                                    17. [+]
                                                                      Women in History by Marina Warner, pp. 73-78 - 9 Reviews
                                                                      1. Feminist Theory by Nannerl O. Keohane, Michelle Z. Rosaldo, and Barbara C. Gelpi, ...
                                                                      2. Mystic and Pilgrim by Clarissa W. Atkinson
                                                                      3. Eve and the New Jerusalem by Barbara Taylor
                                                                      4. Mothers and Daughters by Barbara Alpern Engel
                                                                      5. Sex and Class in Women's History by Judith L. Newton, Mary P. Ryan, and Judith R. Walkowitz, ...
                                                                      6. There's Always Been a Women's Movement This Century by Dale Spender
                                                                      7. Voices and Echoes by Joan Alexander
                                                                      8. The Appeal of One Half the Human Race, Women by William Thompson
                                                                      9. Queens, Concubines and Dowagers by Pauline Stafford
                                                                    18. Poem by David Sutton, p. 79
                                                                    19. Getting Gandhi Straight by Francis Watson, pp. 80-86
                                                                    20. Poem by Patrick Hare, p. 87
                                                                    21. Footnotes to War and Peace by Melvin J. Lasky, pp. 88-93
                                                                    22. Poem by Gavin Ewart, p. 94
                                                                    23. Life & Letters, p. 95
                                                                    24. Authors, pp. 96-98
                                                                  10. [+]
                                                                    December 1983 Issue = 31 Articles
                                                                    1. On the Day that E.M. Forster Died (story) by A.S. Byatt, pp. 3-8
                                                                    2. Poem by Geoffrey Grigson, p. 9
                                                                    3. Tragic Dilemmas of Soviet World Power by Zbigniew Brzezinski, pp. 10-16
                                                                    4. Poem by David Sutton, p. 17
                                                                    5. The Concept of Peace by Michael Howard, pp. 18-23
                                                                    6. Poem by John Levett, pp. 24-26
                                                                    7. Who Are the Conservatives? by George Watson, pp. 27-30
                                                                    8. Column by "M.", pp. 31-32
                                                                    9. Karl Jaspers by Dolf Sternberger, pp. 33-36
                                                                    10. Poem by Mary Sullivan, p. 37
                                                                    11. Poem by Peter Redgrove, p. 38
                                                                    12. Poem by Herbert Lomas, p. 39
                                                                    13. European Diary by Francois Bondy, pp. 40-43
                                                                    14. Poem by Paul Groves, p. 44
                                                                    15. [+]
                                                                      The City in History by David Cannadine, pp. 45-48 - 7 Reviews
                                                                      1. Country Towns in Pre-Industrial England by Peter Clark
                                                                      2. British Town Planning by Anthony Sutcliffe
                                                                      3. The Rise of Suburbia by F.M.L. Thompson
                                                                      4. Municipal Reform and the Industrial City by Derek Fraser
                                                                      5. The Pursuit of Urban History by Derek Fraser and Anthony Sutcliffe
                                                                      6. Business, Banking, and Urban History by Anthony Slaven and Derek Aldcroft
                                                                      7. Order in Space and Society by Thomas A. Markus
                                                                    16. [+]
                                                                      Retreat from Empire? by John Grigg, pp. 49-54 - 5 Reviews
                                                                      1. Britain, Europe and the World, 1850-1986 by Bernard Porter
                                                                      2. The Fall of the First British Empire by Robert W. Tucker and David C. Hendrickson
                                                                      3. India Britannica by Geoffrey Moorhouse
                                                                      4. The Rise and Fall of British India by Karl de Schweinitz
                                                                      5. The Eclipse of a Great Power by Keith Robbins
                                                                    17. [+]
                                                                      The Yoke of the Past by David Miles, pp. 55-59 - 11 Reviews
                                                                      1. Archaeology in Central Europe by Karel Sklenar
                                                                      2. The Identity of Man by Grahame Clark
                                                                      3. The Earliest Wheeled Transport by Stuart Piggott
                                                                      4. In Pursuit of the Past by Lewis R. Binford
                                                                      5. Hunter-Gatherer Economy in Prehistory by G.N. Bailey
                                                                      6. Early European Agriculture by M.R. Jarman, G.N. Bailey, and H.N. Jarman
                                                                      7. Ranking, Resource and Exchange by Colin Renfrew and Steven Shennan
                                                                      8. Research Objectives in British Archaeology by Charles Thomas
                                                                      9. Roman Britain from the Air by Sheppard S. Frere and J.K.S. St. Joseph
                                                                      10. The Impact of Aerial Reconnaissance on Archaeology by Gordon S. Maxwell
                                                                      11. The Mimbres People by Steven A. LeBlanc
                                                                    18. [+]
                                                                      New Poetry by John Mole, pp. 60-66 - 9 Reviews
                                                                      1. The Complete Poems by Elizabeth Bishop
                                                                      2. One Hundred Eleven Poems by Christopher Middleton
                                                                      3. Selected Poems by D.M. Thomas
                                                                      4. Anno Domini by George Barker
                                                                      5. The Mystery of the Charity of Charles Peguy by Geoffrey Hill
                                                                      6. Secret Narratives by Andrew Motion
                                                                      7. Diplopic by Peter Reading
                                                                      8. Star Whisper by Carol Rumens
                                                                      9. Changing Sides by John Levett
                                                                    19. Poem by Peter Reading, p. 67
                                                                    20. The Incredible Story of Michael Straight by Sidney Hook, pp. 68-72
                                                                    21. Poem by Neil Astley, p. 73
                                                                    22. Two Confessions from Nicaragua by Lawrence E. Harrison and Miguel Bolanos Hunter, ..., pp. 74-78
                                                                    23. The Art of Ambivalent Questions by Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann, pp. 79-81
                                                                    24. Poem by Connie Bensley, p. 82
                                                                    25. The Limits of Manipulation by H.J. Eysenck, pp. 83-85
                                                                    26. Poem by Neil Powell, p. 86
                                                                    27. From a Polish Prison by Adam Michnik, pp. 87-93
                                                                    28. Poem by John Cotton, p. 94
                                                                    29. Letters, p. 95
                                                                    30. Authors, p. 96
                                                                    31. Life & Letters, pp. 97-98
                                                                2. [+]
                                                                  Issues of 1984 = 10 Issues, 258 Articles
                                                                  1. [+]
                                                                    Issues of 1985 = 10 Issues, 254 Articles
                                                                    1. [+]
                                                                      Issues of 1986 = 10 Issues, 245 Articles
                                                                      1. [+]
                                                                        Issues of 1987 = 10 Issues, 268 Articles
                                                                        1. [+]
                                                                          Issues of 1988 = 10 Issues, 248 Articles
                                                                          1. [+]
                                                                            Issues of 1989 = 10 Issues, 277 Articles
                                                                          2. [+]
                                                                            Issues of the 1990s = 1 Year, 7 Issues, 215 Articles
                                                                            1. [+]
                                                                              Issues of 1990 = 7 Issues, 215 Articles