Pentagram was founded on the premise of collaborative interdisciplinary designers working together in an independently owned firm of equals. Theo Crosby claimed the structure was suggested to him by his experience of working on the seminal late-1950s exhibition This is Tomorrow: "it was my first experience at a loose, horizontal organisation of equals. We have brought it ... to a kind of practical and efficient reality at Pentagram". The firm currently comprises 19 partner-designers in 5 cities, each managing a team of designers and sharing in common overhead and staff resources. The partners in each office share incomes equally and all the partners own an equal portion of the total firm. This equality, along with the tradition of periodically inviting new members to join, renews the firm while giving even the newest members an equal footing with the partners of long standing. This 'flat' organization (there are no executive officers, CEO, CFO or board, other than the entire group) along with the self-capitalized finances of the business, allows equal participation and control of the group's destiny by the members.
Pentagram is a four piece Indian rock/electronica band started in 1994 in Mumbai, India. Regarded as one of the pioneers of original Indian independent music, the band has received major recognition.
Pentagram is fronted by Vishal Dadlani (one half of the film music producing duo Vishal-Shekhar) with Randolph Correia on guitars, Clyde D'souza on guitars, Papal Mane on bass and Shiraz Bhattacharya on drums. All of whom have recently been actively involved in the Bollywood music business.
Formation (1993-1995)
Pentagram started off in 1994, when Dadlani met drummer Shiraz Bhattacharya in a one show band called Nostalgia where Dadlani played the bass and handled vocal duties, Shekhar Ravjivani played keyboards. They decided to form their own band and roped in Clyde D’Souza as guitarist. Randolph Correia joined in on the guitars the following year and Papal Mane joined in as bassist while Dadlani focussed on Vocals. Pentagram received their initial recognition and fame by winning three major rock competitions at IIT Kanpur, IIT Delhi and IIT Bombay. Of these, Livewire, the annual band competition at Mood Indigo landed them a record deal.
Bewitched was a noise rock musical project headed by American percussionist Bob Bert. It was founded in 1986 after Bert had left the band Sonic Youth the previous year. The project began as a solo effort but morphed to incorporate several other musicians, including violinist Donna Croughn of Tiny Lights. The music was noise rock influenced with an emphasis placed on Bert's drumming. It also incorporated turntables courtesy of DJ David Cream of Wheat P, which at the time was innovative.
After drummer and percussionist Bob Bert amicably departed from Sonic Youth, he decided he wanted to pursue his own musical project. Concurrent to his involvement in the band Pussy Galore, Bert released the Chocolate Frenzy single in 1986 under the name Bewitched. It featured Suzanne Sasic performing vocals, Mark Cunningham on trumpet and Dave Rick on drums and was produced by Wharton Tiers at his Fun City studio in New York City. The music drew inspiration from Einstürzende Neubauten, Big Stick and the Butthole Surfers.
Daniel Hotový
yoyo: C3 DarkSonic & C3 Halo
song: Gold Panda - You
edit: Daniel Hotový
published: 06 Jun 2012
M. Stāde, I. Lokmane // Valoda un kultūra digitālajā laikmetā (Language and Culture in Digital Age)
Madaras Stādes un Ilzes Lokmanes priekšlasījums "Latviešu valodas leksiskais tīkls kā jauns digitālās valodas apstrādes rīks: paveiktais un iecerētais" 2022. gada 30. martā Latvijas Universitātes 80. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences sekcijā “Valoda un kultūra digitālajā laikmetā”.
"Latvian WordNet as a new digital language resource: achievements and perspectives" by Madara Stāde and Ilze Lokmane at the 80th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia in the session "Language and Culture in the Digital Age".
More info:
published: 05 Apr 2022
Top 5 Best THRILLER Movies on HBO Max Right Now!
Looking for the very best thriller movies on HBO Max? Let's count down the Top 5 Best Thriller Movies on Thriller Movies on HBO Max Right Now. All recent movies, all guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat.
Give us your own Top 5 Thriller Movies list in the comments below. What thriller movies should HBO add? What are your favorite HBO movies of all time?
Cinegold brings you weekly videos that help you find the best movies to watch on Netflix, Amazon Prime and more! Check out our channel for more videos like this one.
Posting new videos every week! Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss anything!
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Top 5 T...
published: 03 Jun 2022
Natural Language Processing With Julia - NGrams
Natural Language Processing With Julia - NGrams
In this tutorial we will be learning how to do ngrams in Julia with TextAnalysis.jl
If you liked the video don't forget to leave a like or subscribe. If you need any help just message me in the comments, you never know it might help someone else too.
published: 28 Apr 2018
What's a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)?
The first 40 minutes here introduce the necessary graph theory.
Me on the blockchain data structure:
The mentioned article on IOTA:
Jackson Palmer on 3 projects using DAGs:
published: 25 Aug 2018
Recurrent neural network (part 2): Language model examples
CS596 Machine Learning, Fall 2020
Yang Xu, Assistant Professor of Computer Science
College of Sciences
San Diego State University
published: 05 Nov 2020
A Night in the Abyss - The Human Condition
Purchase here:
Lyrics : Josh Hillier
Songwriting : Jack Higgs, Josh Hillier
Enticed in the spiraling void,
The never ending force of automation redefined.
Absent minds wander through a gulf with an aimless ambition within a false reality.
Incapable of real life perception, a warped image of perfection remains.
You are the prophet of deception.
We are the ultimate design of apprehension.
The people fall unaware to the pandemic delusion.
Everyone will seise to appreciate the disambiguation of actuality,
All authentic design, real life outside the machine.
The eternal circuit of false hope and vanity.
Rid the world of brainwash media behind your screen. ...
published: 28 Jun 2016
Should Christians Celebrate Halloween
Dr. Chris Haizlip
published: 28 Oct 2013
L11 Language Models -- guest instructor: Alec Radford (OpenAI) --- Deep Unsupervised Learning SP20
Course homepage:
Lecture Instructor: Alec Radford (OpenAI)
Course Instructors: Pieter Abbeel, Aravind Srinivas, Peter Chen, Jonathan Ho, Alex Li, Wilson Yan
CS294-158-SP20: Deep Unsupervised Learning
UC Berkeley, Spring 2020
Madaras Stādes un Ilzes Lokmanes priekšlasījums "Latviešu valodas leksiskais tīkls kā jauns digitālās valodas apstrādes rīks: paveiktais un iecerētais" 2022. ga...
Madaras Stādes un Ilzes Lokmanes priekšlasījums "Latviešu valodas leksiskais tīkls kā jauns digitālās valodas apstrādes rīks: paveiktais un iecerētais" 2022. gada 30. martā Latvijas Universitātes 80. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences sekcijā “Valoda un kultūra digitālajā laikmetā”.
"Latvian WordNet as a new digital language resource: achievements and perspectives" by Madara Stāde and Ilze Lokmane at the 80th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia in the session "Language and Culture in the Digital Age".
More info:
Madaras Stādes un Ilzes Lokmanes priekšlasījums "Latviešu valodas leksiskais tīkls kā jauns digitālās valodas apstrādes rīks: paveiktais un iecerētais" 2022. gada 30. martā Latvijas Universitātes 80. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences sekcijā “Valoda un kultūra digitālajā laikmetā”.
"Latvian WordNet as a new digital language resource: achievements and perspectives" by Madara Stāde and Ilze Lokmane at the 80th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia in the session "Language and Culture in the Digital Age".
More info:
Looking for the very best thriller movies on HBO Max? Let's count down the Top 5 Best Thriller Movies on Thriller Movies on HBO Max Right Now. All recent movie...
Looking for the very best thriller movies on HBO Max? Let's count down the Top 5 Best Thriller Movies on Thriller Movies on HBO Max Right Now. All recent movies, all guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat.
Give us your own Top 5 Thriller Movies list in the comments below. What thriller movies should HBO add? What are your favorite HBO movies of all time?
Cinegold brings you weekly videos that help you find the best movies to watch on Netflix, Amazon Prime and more! Check out our channel for more videos like this one.
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Top 5 Thriller Movies on Netflix:
Top 5 Thriller Movies on Amazon Prime:
Top 5 Thriller Movies on Hulu:
Top 7 Thriller Movies of 2021:
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Looking for the very best thriller movies on HBO Max? Let's count down the Top 5 Best Thriller Movies on Thriller Movies on HBO Max Right Now. All recent movies, all guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat.
Give us your own Top 5 Thriller Movies list in the comments below. What thriller movies should HBO add? What are your favorite HBO movies of all time?
Cinegold brings you weekly videos that help you find the best movies to watch on Netflix, Amazon Prime and more! Check out our channel for more videos like this one.
Posting new videos every week! Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss anything!
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Top 5 Thriller Movies on Netflix:
Top 5 Thriller Movies on Amazon Prime:
Top 5 Thriller Movies on Hulu:
Top 7 Thriller Movies of 2021:
Follow me on Instagram:
#hbomax #thrillermovies #bestmoviesonhbomax #besthbomaxmovies #thrillermovies #hbomaxmovies #besthbomovies #nobody #lethimgo #nightmarealley #whatmovieshouldiwatch #whatmovieshouldiwatchrightnow
Natural Language Processing With Julia - NGrams
In this tutorial we will be learning how to do ngrams in Julia with TextAnalysis.jl
Natural Language Processing With Julia - NGrams
In this tutorial we will be learning how to do ngrams in Julia with TextAnalysis.jl
If you liked the video don't forget to leave a like or subscribe. If you need any help just message me in the comments, you never know it might help someone else too.
Natural Language Processing With Julia - NGrams
In this tutorial we will be learning how to do ngrams in Julia with TextAnalysis.jl
If you liked the video don't forget to leave a like or subscribe. If you need any help just message me in the comments, you never know it might help someone else too.
The first 40 minutes here introduce the necessary graph theory.
Me on the blockchain data structure:
The mentioned article on IOTA:...
The first 40 minutes here introduce the necessary graph theory.
Me on the blockchain data structure:
The mentioned article on IOTA:
Jackson Palmer on 3 projects using DAGs:
The first 40 minutes here introduce the necessary graph theory.
Me on the blockchain data structure:
The mentioned article on IOTA:
Jackson Palmer on 3 projects using DAGs:
CS596 Machine Learning, Fall 2020
Yang Xu, Assistant Professor of Computer Science
College of Sciences
San Diego State University
CS596 Machine Learning, Fall 2020
Yang Xu, Assistant Professor of Computer Science
College of Sciences
San Diego State University
CS596 Machine Learning, Fall 2020
Yang Xu, Assistant Professor of Computer Science
College of Sciences
San Diego State University
Purchase here:
Lyrics : Josh Hillier
Songwriting : Jack Higgs, Josh Hillier
Enticed in the spiraling void,
The never ending force of automation redefined.
Absent minds wander through a gulf with an aimless ambition within a false reality.
Incapable of real life perception, a warped image of perfection remains.
You are the prophet of deception.
We are the ultimate design of apprehension.
The people fall unaware to the pandemic delusion.
Everyone will seise to appreciate the disambiguation of actuality,
All authentic design, real life outside the machine.
The eternal circuit of false hope and vanity.
Rid the world of brainwash media behind your screen.
The people search for fame by funding the, social media propaganda
With their pathetic attempt to show the world their substantial life.
Filtered pictures, and searching approval from complete strangers, that dwell behind
All of their computer screens in the dark, worshiping talentless pigs, mindlessly clicking.
Spineless cattle, worshiping idols of arrogance, and greed.
They are marching towards the inevitable end as our heroes die one by one.
The alternation continues.
The ever lasting automaton that is gaining control.
Humanity will crumble at the feet of the innominate.
Overlords that concur civilization laugh as the innocent disintegrate.
World domination, pandemic supremacy.
We are not the answer, but we can be the solution.
We may not hold the key, but we can all act as one.
Conflicting some, ineffective to former generation,
Behold modern day slavery in its finest form.
Fear what the future holds,
Anticipate calamity.
Purchase here:
Lyrics : Josh Hillier
Songwriting : Jack Higgs, Josh Hillier
Enticed in the spiraling void,
The never ending force of automation redefined.
Absent minds wander through a gulf with an aimless ambition within a false reality.
Incapable of real life perception, a warped image of perfection remains.
You are the prophet of deception.
We are the ultimate design of apprehension.
The people fall unaware to the pandemic delusion.
Everyone will seise to appreciate the disambiguation of actuality,
All authentic design, real life outside the machine.
The eternal circuit of false hope and vanity.
Rid the world of brainwash media behind your screen.
The people search for fame by funding the, social media propaganda
With their pathetic attempt to show the world their substantial life.
Filtered pictures, and searching approval from complete strangers, that dwell behind
All of their computer screens in the dark, worshiping talentless pigs, mindlessly clicking.
Spineless cattle, worshiping idols of arrogance, and greed.
They are marching towards the inevitable end as our heroes die one by one.
The alternation continues.
The ever lasting automaton that is gaining control.
Humanity will crumble at the feet of the innominate.
Overlords that concur civilization laugh as the innocent disintegrate.
World domination, pandemic supremacy.
We are not the answer, but we can be the solution.
We may not hold the key, but we can all act as one.
Conflicting some, ineffective to former generation,
Behold modern day slavery in its finest form.
Fear what the future holds,
Anticipate calamity.
Course homepage:
Lecture Instructor: Alec Radford (OpenAI)
Course Instructors: Pieter Abbeel, Aravind Srinivas, Peter Chen, Jonathan Ho, Alex Li, Wilson Yan
CS294-158-SP20: Deep Unsupervised Learning
UC Berkeley, Spring 2020
Course homepage:
Lecture Instructor: Alec Radford (OpenAI)
Course Instructors: Pieter Abbeel, Aravind Srinivas, Peter Chen, Jonathan Ho, Alex Li, Wilson Yan
CS294-158-SP20: Deep Unsupervised Learning
UC Berkeley, Spring 2020
Madaras Stādes un Ilzes Lokmanes priekšlasījums "Latviešu valodas leksiskais tīkls kā jauns digitālās valodas apstrādes rīks: paveiktais un iecerētais" 2022. gada 30. martā Latvijas Universitātes 80. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences sekcijā “Valoda un kultūra digitālajā laikmetā”.
"Latvian WordNet as a new digital language resource: achievements and perspectives" by Madara Stāde and Ilze Lokmane at the 80th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia in the session "Language and Culture in the Digital Age".
More info:
Looking for the very best thriller movies on HBO Max? Let's count down the Top 5 Best Thriller Movies on Thriller Movies on HBO Max Right Now. All recent movies, all guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat.
Give us your own Top 5 Thriller Movies list in the comments below. What thriller movies should HBO add? What are your favorite HBO movies of all time?
Cinegold brings you weekly videos that help you find the best movies to watch on Netflix, Amazon Prime and more! Check out our channel for more videos like this one.
Posting new videos every week! Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss anything!
Also check out our other videos for more!
Top 5 Thriller Movies on Netflix:
Top 5 Thriller Movies on Amazon Prime:
Top 5 Thriller Movies on Hulu:
Top 7 Thriller Movies of 2021:
Follow me on Instagram:
#hbomax #thrillermovies #bestmoviesonhbomax #besthbomaxmovies #thrillermovies #hbomaxmovies #besthbomovies #nobody #lethimgo #nightmarealley #whatmovieshouldiwatch #whatmovieshouldiwatchrightnow
Natural Language Processing With Julia - NGrams
In this tutorial we will be learning how to do ngrams in Julia with TextAnalysis.jl
If you liked the video don't forget to leave a like or subscribe. If you need any help just message me in the comments, you never know it might help someone else too.
The first 40 minutes here introduce the necessary graph theory.
Me on the blockchain data structure:
The mentioned article on IOTA:
Jackson Palmer on 3 projects using DAGs:
CS596 Machine Learning, Fall 2020
Yang Xu, Assistant Professor of Computer Science
College of Sciences
San Diego State University
Purchase here:
Lyrics : Josh Hillier
Songwriting : Jack Higgs, Josh Hillier
Enticed in the spiraling void,
The never ending force of automation redefined.
Absent minds wander through a gulf with an aimless ambition within a false reality.
Incapable of real life perception, a warped image of perfection remains.
You are the prophet of deception.
We are the ultimate design of apprehension.
The people fall unaware to the pandemic delusion.
Everyone will seise to appreciate the disambiguation of actuality,
All authentic design, real life outside the machine.
The eternal circuit of false hope and vanity.
Rid the world of brainwash media behind your screen.
The people search for fame by funding the, social media propaganda
With their pathetic attempt to show the world their substantial life.
Filtered pictures, and searching approval from complete strangers, that dwell behind
All of their computer screens in the dark, worshiping talentless pigs, mindlessly clicking.
Spineless cattle, worshiping idols of arrogance, and greed.
They are marching towards the inevitable end as our heroes die one by one.
The alternation continues.
The ever lasting automaton that is gaining control.
Humanity will crumble at the feet of the innominate.
Overlords that concur civilization laugh as the innocent disintegrate.
World domination, pandemic supremacy.
We are not the answer, but we can be the solution.
We may not hold the key, but we can all act as one.
Conflicting some, ineffective to former generation,
Behold modern day slavery in its finest form.
Fear what the future holds,
Anticipate calamity.
Course homepage:
Lecture Instructor: Alec Radford (OpenAI)
Course Instructors: Pieter Abbeel, Aravind Srinivas, Peter Chen, Jonathan Ho, Alex Li, Wilson Yan
CS294-158-SP20: Deep Unsupervised Learning
UC Berkeley, Spring 2020
Pentagram was founded on the premise of collaborative interdisciplinary designers working together in an independently owned firm of equals. Theo Crosby claimed the structure was suggested to him by his experience of working on the seminal late-1950s exhibition This is Tomorrow: "it was my first experience at a loose, horizontal organisation of equals. We have brought it ... to a kind of practical and efficient reality at Pentagram". The firm currently comprises 19 partner-designers in 5 cities, each managing a team of designers and sharing in common overhead and staff resources. The partners in each office share incomes equally and all the partners own an equal portion of the total firm. This equality, along with the tradition of periodically inviting new members to join, renews the firm while giving even the newest members an equal footing with the partners of long standing. This 'flat' organization (there are no executive officers, CEO, CFO or board, other than the entire group) along with the self-capitalized finances of the business, allows equal participation and control of the group's destiny by the members.