Paleolithic | Educational Video for Kids
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What are you waiting for? Hello friends and welcome to a new Happy Learning video. Today we are going to learn about the first stage of our prehistory, today let's look at Paleolithic.
First of all what we must understand is that prehistory is divided into three different periods…the Paleolithic, Neolithic and the Bronze age.
The Paleolithic begins with the appearance of the first human beings and ends 8000 years before Christ.
During the Paleolithic period, people were nomads meaning they didn't live in one place, no, they were constantly on the move in search of animals to hunt. As they were hunters and gatherers, they needed to foll...
published: 08 Nov 2016
Paleolithic Period
The Paleolithic Period in early human history saw the slow adoption of stone tools, increasing survival and productivity rates of hominins starting 3.3 million years ago to the end of the Pleistocene Epoch, approximately 11,650 years ago.
The Daily Dose provides microlearning history documentaries like this one delivered to your inbox daily: https://dailydosenow.com
Learn more: https://dailydosenow.com/paleolithic-age/
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#PaleolithicAge #EarlyMan #St...
published: 18 Nov 2021
Prehistory (The Paleolithic and Neolithic Ages) BEGINNINGS Ep. 1
Prehistory, also known as pre-literary history, is the period of human history between the use of the first stone tools by hominins c. 3.3 million years ago and the invention of writing systems. The use of symbols, marks, and images appears very early among humans, but the earliest known writing systems appeared c. 5000 years ago and it took thousands of years for writing systems to be widely adopted. In some human cultures, writing systems were not used until the nineteenth century and, in a few, are not even used until the present. The end of prehistory therefore came at very different dates in different places, and the term is less often used in discussing societies where prehistory ended relatively recently.
0:00 Intro
1:03 Paleolithic Era and Human Evolution
4:35 Neolithic Revolution...
published: 08 Nov 2021
Stone Age | Prehistoric age | Paleolithic | Mesolithic | Neolithic | Stone Age Humans
The Stone Age is the longest period of pre-history, which lasted from the moment of the emergence of man to the beginning of the development of metal tools by him. Do you want to learn more about the Stone Age? Well, you've come to the right place! Find out about what is the Stone Age, how long did the Stone Age last, why is it called the Stone Age, what are the three periods of the Stone Age, what were early humans like, what was life like in the Stone Age, what were Stone Age houses made from, what are cave paintings, what did cavemen wear, what did prehistoric humans eat. These Stone Age facts answer many of the common questions people ask when they're learning about the Stone Age.
#stoneage #prehistory #ancienthistory
published: 04 May 2022
Prehistory - 5 Things You Should Know - History for Kids
Educational video for children to learn many things about Prehistory, the earliest period in human history, which starts with our first human ancestors and ends with the invention of writing. Children will learn about the characteristics of each stage in Prehistory: Paleolithic Times, Neolithic Times and the Age of Metals. They will also discover interesting facts about each time period. During Paleolithic Times, humans were nomads, hunters and collectors. Neolithic Times mark the beginning of agriculture and cattle raising. Human are no longer nomads, and they become sedentary. They invent the wheel, the loom and the plough! In the Age of Metals, humans discover copper, bronze, iron and gold. They also make headway in crafts and transportation. The invention of writing marks the end of Pr...
published: 26 Mar 2020
Early Palaeolithic Age | The Stone Age | Ancient History for UPSC
Early Palaeolithic Age | The Stone Age | Ancient History for UPSC - This video is a part of Ancient History for India series for UPSC. Here we have covered categorisation of the Stone Age ( Pre historic ) - Palaeolithic Age. And have focused on Lower Palaeolithic Age. We have discussed the Climate, Settlements, Tools and many more details.
Modern History Playlist:
Indian Polity Playlist:
Ancient History Playlist:
For INDIAN POLITY Course - Download Bookstawa App
In the Animated Indian Polity Course on this App, w...
published: 20 Nov 2020
Made In Prehistory: Environment | World History Full Documentary
Made In Prehistory: Environment deals with the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods and how humans interacted and survived in their environments during the Ice Age and afterwards. A major focus is on the beginnings of agriculture all over the world. Each region has different periodization but a very rough timescale is from beginning of modern humans to around the start of the Copper Age (300k YA - 5000 BCE).
We will travel to:
0:00 Paleolithic (Africa, Epipaleolithic Near East, Europe, Asia, Oceania, Americas)
17:35 Neolithic (Neolithic Revolution, Near East, Nile Valley, Asia, Melanesia, Europe, Jomon, Archaic Americas)
Welcome to our Made In History thematic Mega-Documentaries! These standalone full documentary deep dives will focus on a certain theme all over the world within a time pe...
published: 06 Feb 2023
Paleolithic Times - 5 Things You Should Know - History for Kids
Educational video for children to learn many things about the stages of Prehistory, that is the Paleolithic and Neolithic Times. This video will answer questions like: When did Paleolithic Times begin? What does "paleolithic" mean? How was fire discovered? Were paleolithic people hunters or collectors? What is cave painting? This educational video belongs to a collection of videos related to the five things you should know about History. Excellent resource for Elementary School.
Thanks for visiting us! If you want your children to smile and learn, subscribe! :D
We only upload our own content, designed by educators so that children smile and learn while watching a video.
All of our content reinforces educational values, encouraging the use of multiple intelligences and language lear...
published: 21 Jan 2020
Daily Current Affairs | 15th November 2023 | APPSC | TSPSC | Tone Academy
Daily Current Affairs | 14th November 2023 | APPSC | TSPSC | Tone Academy
#education #toneacademy #dailycurrentaffairs #november #appsc #tspsc @TOneAcademy
any queries/doubts/information - we are just an email away - mail us @ [email protected]
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Abolition Of Zamindari Act - https://youtu.be/HUVTHaEvl-E
Seasons - https://youtu.be/FtfdJiUYVPE
Problems on Time & Work Concept – 5 Efficiency - https://youtu.be/vAFcu4jaZ9Y
Indus Valley Civilization - Society - https://youtu.be/JFo0fnVlXTk
Fundamental Rights-Protection In Respect of Conviction for Offences Part-6 - https://youtu.be/APa4KcCmGp4
Latitudes And Longitudes - https://youtu.be/rx1nYENfuoE
Problems On Time and Work - Concept-3 Leaving and Joining-Part 3 - https://youtu.be/Ud4OuneetS0...
published: 15 Nov 2023
Prehistory | Educational Video for Kids
Discover hundreds of never-before-seen resources! Create your free account at https://my.happylearning.tv/ and start learning in the most entertaining way.
What are you waiting for? Can you imagine living in prehistoric times?😲 Let’s have a look at how our ancestors used to live!
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Recommended video: The Ancient Age
Hello friends! Welcome to a new Happy Learning video.
Today, we’re going to learn about our Prehistory.
The first thing we need to know, is that our Prehistory is divided in three different periods… Paleolithic, neolithic and the metal ages.
The Paleolithic begins with the appea...
published: 30 Oct 2018
Paleolithic | Educational Video for Kids
Discover hundreds of never-before-seen resources! Create your free account at https://my.happylearning.tv/ and start learning in the most entertaining way.
Discover hundreds of never-before-seen resources! Create your free account at https://my.happylearning.tv/ and start learning in the most entertaining way.
What are you waiting for? Hello friends and welcome to a new Happy Learning video. Today we are going to learn about the first stage of our prehistory, today let's look at Paleolithic.
First of all what we must understand is that prehistory is divided into three different periods…the Paleolithic, Neolithic and the Bronze age.
The Paleolithic begins with the appearance of the first human beings and ends 8000 years before Christ.
During the Paleolithic period, people were nomads meaning they didn't live in one place, no, they were constantly on the move in search of animals to hunt. As they were hunters and gatherers, they needed to follow the animals in order to capture them and at the same time they collected wild fruits found on the way.
They lived in tribes, in small groups formed by families, and they found refuge in caves where they would paint on the wall. These paintings were done with a mixture of charcoal, earth, animal fat and water. Look here are a few examples…truth is, its absolutely fascinating to think that these first paintings, these first artistic representations, were drawn thousands of years ago. Don't you think?
Both Paleolithic men and women wore animal skins which they had hunted previously and they used tools such as an ax and spears made out of stones, wood and bones which they themselves carved.
With the passing of time, or rather centuries, these first human beings became more and more intelligent and they began to domesticate animals such as dogs, goats, sheep and pigs; they also began to cultivate plants which was then eaten. It is in these times, with the arrival of agriculture and farming, when everything changed, when man stopped being a nomad and becomes sedentary and the fist villages are made…This is when the Paleolithic period ends and the Neolithic begins but that is a different stage in prehistory which we will learn about in another video.
Did you find this voyage into the past interesting?
Well I do…so goodbye friends and don't forget to subscribe to Happy Learning.
Discover hundreds of never-before-seen resources! Create your free account at https://my.happylearning.tv/ and start learning in the most entertaining way.
What are you waiting for? Hello friends and welcome to a new Happy Learning video. Today we are going to learn about the first stage of our prehistory, today let's look at Paleolithic.
First of all what we must understand is that prehistory is divided into three different periods…the Paleolithic, Neolithic and the Bronze age.
The Paleolithic begins with the appearance of the first human beings and ends 8000 years before Christ.
During the Paleolithic period, people were nomads meaning they didn't live in one place, no, they were constantly on the move in search of animals to hunt. As they were hunters and gatherers, they needed to follow the animals in order to capture them and at the same time they collected wild fruits found on the way.
They lived in tribes, in small groups formed by families, and they found refuge in caves where they would paint on the wall. These paintings were done with a mixture of charcoal, earth, animal fat and water. Look here are a few examples…truth is, its absolutely fascinating to think that these first paintings, these first artistic representations, were drawn thousands of years ago. Don't you think?
Both Paleolithic men and women wore animal skins which they had hunted previously and they used tools such as an ax and spears made out of stones, wood and bones which they themselves carved.
With the passing of time, or rather centuries, these first human beings became more and more intelligent and they began to domesticate animals such as dogs, goats, sheep and pigs; they also began to cultivate plants which was then eaten. It is in these times, with the arrival of agriculture and farming, when everything changed, when man stopped being a nomad and becomes sedentary and the fist villages are made…This is when the Paleolithic period ends and the Neolithic begins but that is a different stage in prehistory which we will learn about in another video.
Did you find this voyage into the past interesting?
Well I do…so goodbye friends and don't forget to subscribe to Happy Learning.
- published: 08 Nov 2016
- views: 677842
Paleolithic Period
The Paleolithic Period in early human history saw the slow adoption of stone tools, increasing survival and productivity rates of hominins starting 3.3 million ...
The Paleolithic Period in early human history saw the slow adoption of stone tools, increasing survival and productivity rates of hominins starting 3.3 million years ago to the end of the Pleistocene Epoch, approximately 11,650 years ago.
The Daily Dose provides microlearning history documentaries like this one delivered to your inbox daily: https://dailydosenow.com
Learn more: https://dailydosenow.com/paleolithic-age/
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#PaleolithicAge #EarlyMan #StoneAge #Documentary #History
Today's Daily Dose short history film covers the Paleolithic Period of human prehistory. The filmmaker has included the original voice over script to further assist your understanding:
Today on The Daily Dose, The Paleolithic Period.
Sometimes referred to as the Old Stone Age, the Paleolithic Period in human prehistory saw the slow adaptation of stone tools, increasing hominins’ survival and productivity from 3.3 million years ago to the end of the Pleistocene Epoch, approximately 11,650 years ago. During the Paleolithic Period, hominins banded together in social groups, subsisting as hunter gatherers who employed stone, bone and wooden tools, along with leather and vegetable fibers to manipulate their environments.
While most of the early Paleolithic Period saw little diversity and innovation in tools and other artifacts, about 50,000 years ago, archeologists have catalogued a marked increase in the sophistication of tools, artwork and weaponry. Early Homo habilis slowly evolved into anatomically modern humans by the Upper or late Paleolithic Period, matching modern humans both in appearance and behavior, including the advent of religious or spiritual behaviors such as burying the dead, as well as rituals of supplication to mythological gods.
Climate conditions during the Paleolithic Period flippflopped several times from glacial to interglacial, triggering significant periodic fluctuations between warm and cool temperatures, causing waves of forced human migrations that peopled the earth. Approximately 45,000 years ago, the first humans reached Europe, while Australia was reached 40,000 years ago. Human Paleolithic remains in Japan date back 30,000 years ago, while Siberia and the Arctic Circle witnessed the arrival of humans some 27,000 years ago, making the Paleolithic Period an evolving, do doubt difficult time for early man.
And there you have it, The Paleolithic Period, today on The Daily Dose.
The Paleolithic Period in early human history saw the slow adoption of stone tools, increasing survival and productivity rates of hominins starting 3.3 million years ago to the end of the Pleistocene Epoch, approximately 11,650 years ago.
The Daily Dose provides microlearning history documentaries like this one delivered to your inbox daily: https://dailydosenow.com
Learn more: https://dailydosenow.com/paleolithic-age/
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#PaleolithicAge #EarlyMan #StoneAge #Documentary #History
Today's Daily Dose short history film covers the Paleolithic Period of human prehistory. The filmmaker has included the original voice over script to further assist your understanding:
Today on The Daily Dose, The Paleolithic Period.
Sometimes referred to as the Old Stone Age, the Paleolithic Period in human prehistory saw the slow adaptation of stone tools, increasing hominins’ survival and productivity from 3.3 million years ago to the end of the Pleistocene Epoch, approximately 11,650 years ago. During the Paleolithic Period, hominins banded together in social groups, subsisting as hunter gatherers who employed stone, bone and wooden tools, along with leather and vegetable fibers to manipulate their environments.
While most of the early Paleolithic Period saw little diversity and innovation in tools and other artifacts, about 50,000 years ago, archeologists have catalogued a marked increase in the sophistication of tools, artwork and weaponry. Early Homo habilis slowly evolved into anatomically modern humans by the Upper or late Paleolithic Period, matching modern humans both in appearance and behavior, including the advent of religious or spiritual behaviors such as burying the dead, as well as rituals of supplication to mythological gods.
Climate conditions during the Paleolithic Period flippflopped several times from glacial to interglacial, triggering significant periodic fluctuations between warm and cool temperatures, causing waves of forced human migrations that peopled the earth. Approximately 45,000 years ago, the first humans reached Europe, while Australia was reached 40,000 years ago. Human Paleolithic remains in Japan date back 30,000 years ago, while Siberia and the Arctic Circle witnessed the arrival of humans some 27,000 years ago, making the Paleolithic Period an evolving, do doubt difficult time for early man.
And there you have it, The Paleolithic Period, today on The Daily Dose.
- published: 18 Nov 2021
- views: 15572
Prehistory (The Paleolithic and Neolithic Ages) BEGINNINGS Ep. 1
Prehistory, also known as pre-literary history, is the period of human history between the use of the first stone tools by hominins c. 3.3 million years ago and...
Prehistory, also known as pre-literary history, is the period of human history between the use of the first stone tools by hominins c. 3.3 million years ago and the invention of writing systems. The use of symbols, marks, and images appears very early among humans, but the earliest known writing systems appeared c. 5000 years ago and it took thousands of years for writing systems to be widely adopted. In some human cultures, writing systems were not used until the nineteenth century and, in a few, are not even used until the present. The end of prehistory therefore came at very different dates in different places, and the term is less often used in discussing societies where prehistory ended relatively recently.
0:00 Intro
1:03 Paleolithic Era and Human Evolution
4:35 Neolithic Revolution and Agriculture
Chapter 1 Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaWQkkziGGfc7G_EHR49g-sDPjjANB7dX
Welcome to our new MADE IN ANCIENT HISTORY series! This new series is meant to be a deep dive into the Ancient and Classical periods all over the WORLD! This 1st Chapter is called Beginnings, and deals with the transition from the Prehistoric age into the Cradles of Civilization and other early civilizations.
3. Check out our WORLD DOCUMENTARY playlist (Long Form Documentaries):
4. Check out our playlists by PERIOD (Short Form Documentaries):
Please subscribe to Made In History for more videos! We are always trying to grow!
All images used with CC license.
Music used:
Into the Nature
Prehistory, also known as pre-literary history, is the period of human history between the use of the first stone tools by hominins c. 3.3 million years ago and the invention of writing systems. The use of symbols, marks, and images appears very early among humans, but the earliest known writing systems appeared c. 5000 years ago and it took thousands of years for writing systems to be widely adopted. In some human cultures, writing systems were not used until the nineteenth century and, in a few, are not even used until the present. The end of prehistory therefore came at very different dates in different places, and the term is less often used in discussing societies where prehistory ended relatively recently.
0:00 Intro
1:03 Paleolithic Era and Human Evolution
4:35 Neolithic Revolution and Agriculture
Chapter 1 Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaWQkkziGGfc7G_EHR49g-sDPjjANB7dX
Welcome to our new MADE IN ANCIENT HISTORY series! This new series is meant to be a deep dive into the Ancient and Classical periods all over the WORLD! This 1st Chapter is called Beginnings, and deals with the transition from the Prehistoric age into the Cradles of Civilization and other early civilizations.
3. Check out our WORLD DOCUMENTARY playlist (Long Form Documentaries):
4. Check out our playlists by PERIOD (Short Form Documentaries):
Please subscribe to Made In History for more videos! We are always trying to grow!
All images used with CC license.
Music used:
Into the Nature
- published: 08 Nov 2021
- views: 115998
Stone Age | Prehistoric age | Paleolithic | Mesolithic | Neolithic | Stone Age Humans
The Stone Age is the longest period of pre-history, which lasted from the moment of the emergence of man to the beginning of the development of metal tools by h...
The Stone Age is the longest period of pre-history, which lasted from the moment of the emergence of man to the beginning of the development of metal tools by him. Do you want to learn more about the Stone Age? Well, you've come to the right place! Find out about what is the Stone Age, how long did the Stone Age last, why is it called the Stone Age, what are the three periods of the Stone Age, what were early humans like, what was life like in the Stone Age, what were Stone Age houses made from, what are cave paintings, what did cavemen wear, what did prehistoric humans eat. These Stone Age facts answer many of the common questions people ask when they're learning about the Stone Age.
#stoneage #prehistory #ancienthistory
The Stone Age is the longest period of pre-history, which lasted from the moment of the emergence of man to the beginning of the development of metal tools by him. Do you want to learn more about the Stone Age? Well, you've come to the right place! Find out about what is the Stone Age, how long did the Stone Age last, why is it called the Stone Age, what are the three periods of the Stone Age, what were early humans like, what was life like in the Stone Age, what were Stone Age houses made from, what are cave paintings, what did cavemen wear, what did prehistoric humans eat. These Stone Age facts answer many of the common questions people ask when they're learning about the Stone Age.
#stoneage #prehistory #ancienthistory
- published: 04 May 2022
- views: 601971
Prehistory - 5 Things You Should Know - History for Kids
Educational video for children to learn many things about Prehistory, the earliest period in human history, which starts with our first human ancestors and ends...
Educational video for children to learn many things about Prehistory, the earliest period in human history, which starts with our first human ancestors and ends with the invention of writing. Children will learn about the characteristics of each stage in Prehistory: Paleolithic Times, Neolithic Times and the Age of Metals. They will also discover interesting facts about each time period. During Paleolithic Times, humans were nomads, hunters and collectors. Neolithic Times mark the beginning of agriculture and cattle raising. Human are no longer nomads, and they become sedentary. They invent the wheel, the loom and the plough! In the Age of Metals, humans discover copper, bronze, iron and gold. They also make headway in crafts and transportation. The invention of writing marks the end of Prehistory. This educational video belongs to a collection of videos about the 5 things you should know about History. Excellent resource for Elementary School.
Thanks for visiting us! If you want your children to smile and learn, subscribe! :D
We only upload our own content, designed by educators so that children smile and learn while watching a video.
All of our content reinforces educational values, encouraging the use of multiple intelligences and language learning.
If you like our videos, download Smile and Learn now. You’ll discover more than 5.000 activities for children aged 3 to 12 yeards, all designed by educators. We have 250 games and interactive stories and over 280 videos in five languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and French. Try a month for free and start the adventure!
Educational video for children to learn many things about Prehistory, the earliest period in human history, which starts with our first human ancestors and ends with the invention of writing. Children will learn about the characteristics of each stage in Prehistory: Paleolithic Times, Neolithic Times and the Age of Metals. They will also discover interesting facts about each time period. During Paleolithic Times, humans were nomads, hunters and collectors. Neolithic Times mark the beginning of agriculture and cattle raising. Human are no longer nomads, and they become sedentary. They invent the wheel, the loom and the plough! In the Age of Metals, humans discover copper, bronze, iron and gold. They also make headway in crafts and transportation. The invention of writing marks the end of Prehistory. This educational video belongs to a collection of videos about the 5 things you should know about History. Excellent resource for Elementary School.
Thanks for visiting us! If you want your children to smile and learn, subscribe! :D
We only upload our own content, designed by educators so that children smile and learn while watching a video.
All of our content reinforces educational values, encouraging the use of multiple intelligences and language learning.
If you like our videos, download Smile and Learn now. You’ll discover more than 5.000 activities for children aged 3 to 12 yeards, all designed by educators. We have 250 games and interactive stories and over 280 videos in five languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and French. Try a month for free and start the adventure!
- published: 26 Mar 2020
- views: 235386
Early Palaeolithic Age | The Stone Age | Ancient History for UPSC
Early Palaeolithic Age | The Stone Age | Ancient History for UPSC - This video is a part of Ancient History for India series for UPSC. Here we have covered cate...
Early Palaeolithic Age | The Stone Age | Ancient History for UPSC - This video is a part of Ancient History for India series for UPSC. Here we have covered categorisation of the Stone Age ( Pre historic ) - Palaeolithic Age. And have focused on Lower Palaeolithic Age. We have discussed the Climate, Settlements, Tools and many more details.
Modern History Playlist:
Indian Polity Playlist:
Ancient History Playlist:
For INDIAN POLITY Course - Download Bookstawa App
In the Animated Indian Polity Course on this App, where you will get videos, downloadable PDFs, online test and chat support for queries.
For MODERN HISTORY Course - Download Bookstawa App
Bookstawa APK link - https://storage.googleapis.com/cp-prod-projb-pub/white_label_1.4.77/15Sep23/ylnop/production/whitelabel_ylnop/8269776081150461/app-release.apk
Please go-through with the video https://youtu.be/x_SC82ZaYEc?si=XB2jT8iCQ_dBoEu6 to know how to use the APK file.
Why APK ?
Explained : https://youtu.be/SSnsy_lOsBI
Download PDFs/ Mind-maps & Prelims Booster Notes of all the modern history videos from Bookstawa App -
Bookstawa APK link - https://storage.googleapis.com/cp-prod-projb-pub/white_label_1.4.77/15Sep23/ylnop/production/whitelabel_ylnop/8269776081150461/app-release.apk
Please go-through with the video https://youtu.be/x_SC82ZaYEc?si=XB2jT8iCQ_dBoEu6 to know how to use the APK file.
Why APK ?
Explained : https://youtu.be/SSnsy_lOsBI
For Ancient History PDFs - Download Bookstawa App :
Bookstawa APK link - https://storage.googleapis.com/cp-prod-projb-pub/white_label_1.4.77/15Sep23/ylnop/production/whitelabel_ylnop/8269776081150461/app-release.apk
Please go-through with the video https://youtu.be/x_SC82ZaYEc?si=XB2jT8iCQ_dBoEu6 to know how to use the APK file.
Why APK ?
Explained : https://youtu.be/SSnsy_lOsBI
Early Palaeolithic Age | The Stone Age | Ancient History for UPSC - This video is a part of Ancient History for India series for UPSC. Here we have covered categorisation of the Stone Age ( Pre historic ) - Palaeolithic Age. And have focused on Lower Palaeolithic Age. We have discussed the Climate, Settlements, Tools and many more details.
Modern History Playlist:
Indian Polity Playlist:
Ancient History Playlist:
For INDIAN POLITY Course - Download Bookstawa App
In the Animated Indian Polity Course on this App, where you will get videos, downloadable PDFs, online test and chat support for queries.
For MODERN HISTORY Course - Download Bookstawa App
Bookstawa APK link - https://storage.googleapis.com/cp-prod-projb-pub/white_label_1.4.77/15Sep23/ylnop/production/whitelabel_ylnop/8269776081150461/app-release.apk
Please go-through with the video https://youtu.be/x_SC82ZaYEc?si=XB2jT8iCQ_dBoEu6 to know how to use the APK file.
Why APK ?
Explained : https://youtu.be/SSnsy_lOsBI
Download PDFs/ Mind-maps & Prelims Booster Notes of all the modern history videos from Bookstawa App -
Bookstawa APK link - https://storage.googleapis.com/cp-prod-projb-pub/white_label_1.4.77/15Sep23/ylnop/production/whitelabel_ylnop/8269776081150461/app-release.apk
Please go-through with the video https://youtu.be/x_SC82ZaYEc?si=XB2jT8iCQ_dBoEu6 to know how to use the APK file.
Why APK ?
Explained : https://youtu.be/SSnsy_lOsBI
For Ancient History PDFs - Download Bookstawa App :
Bookstawa APK link - https://storage.googleapis.com/cp-prod-projb-pub/white_label_1.4.77/15Sep23/ylnop/production/whitelabel_ylnop/8269776081150461/app-release.apk
Please go-through with the video https://youtu.be/x_SC82ZaYEc?si=XB2jT8iCQ_dBoEu6 to know how to use the APK file.
Why APK ?
Explained : https://youtu.be/SSnsy_lOsBI
- published: 20 Nov 2020
- views: 556187
Made In Prehistory: Environment | World History Full Documentary
Made In Prehistory: Environment deals with the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods and how humans interacted and survived in their environments during the Ice Age...
Made In Prehistory: Environment deals with the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods and how humans interacted and survived in their environments during the Ice Age and afterwards. A major focus is on the beginnings of agriculture all over the world. Each region has different periodization but a very rough timescale is from beginning of modern humans to around the start of the Copper Age (300k YA - 5000 BCE).
We will travel to:
0:00 Paleolithic (Africa, Epipaleolithic Near East, Europe, Asia, Oceania, Americas)
17:35 Neolithic (Neolithic Revolution, Near East, Nile Valley, Asia, Melanesia, Europe, Jomon, Archaic Americas)
Welcome to our Made In History thematic Mega-Documentaries! These standalone full documentary deep dives will focus on a certain theme all over the world within a time period. (ex. Early Medieval Science or Ancient Religion). If you've watched our History of the World documentary (lvl 1), and our Time Period mega-documentaries (lvl 2), this video is a perfect next step (lvl 3). If you find this time period interesting, we plan to go over every time period EACH with EIGHT themes!
Check out the Sections on our Homepage for the series we are working on:
Lvl 3: DEEP DIVES (about this period):
Prehistory: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaWQkkziGGfe8Ui5FCGGko5yAatM4Vi0k
Ancient: (coming after Prehistory)
Please subscribe to Made In History for more videos! We are always trying to grow!
All images used with CC license.
The following music was used for this media project:
Music: Ritual by Kevin MacLeod
Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/4293-ritual
License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
The following music was used for this media project:
Music: Ave Marimba by Kevin MacLeod
Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/3396-ave-marimba
License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
The following music was used for this media project:
Music: Star Citizen - Strange New Worlds by Sascha Ende
Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/10369-star-citizen-strange-new-worlds
License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
Made In Prehistory: Environment deals with the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods and how humans interacted and survived in their environments during the Ice Age and afterwards. A major focus is on the beginnings of agriculture all over the world. Each region has different periodization but a very rough timescale is from beginning of modern humans to around the start of the Copper Age (300k YA - 5000 BCE).
We will travel to:
0:00 Paleolithic (Africa, Epipaleolithic Near East, Europe, Asia, Oceania, Americas)
17:35 Neolithic (Neolithic Revolution, Near East, Nile Valley, Asia, Melanesia, Europe, Jomon, Archaic Americas)
Welcome to our Made In History thematic Mega-Documentaries! These standalone full documentary deep dives will focus on a certain theme all over the world within a time period. (ex. Early Medieval Science or Ancient Religion). If you've watched our History of the World documentary (lvl 1), and our Time Period mega-documentaries (lvl 2), this video is a perfect next step (lvl 3). If you find this time period interesting, we plan to go over every time period EACH with EIGHT themes!
Check out the Sections on our Homepage for the series we are working on:
Lvl 3: DEEP DIVES (about this period):
Prehistory: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaWQkkziGGfe8Ui5FCGGko5yAatM4Vi0k
Ancient: (coming after Prehistory)
Please subscribe to Made In History for more videos! We are always trying to grow!
All images used with CC license.
The following music was used for this media project:
Music: Ritual by Kevin MacLeod
Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/4293-ritual
License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
The following music was used for this media project:
Music: Ave Marimba by Kevin MacLeod
Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/3396-ave-marimba
License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
The following music was used for this media project:
Music: Star Citizen - Strange New Worlds by Sascha Ende
Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/10369-star-citizen-strange-new-worlds
License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
- published: 06 Feb 2023
- views: 165657
Paleolithic Times - 5 Things You Should Know - History for Kids
Educational video for children to learn many things about the stages of Prehistory, that is the Paleolithic and Neolithic Times. This video will answer question...
Educational video for children to learn many things about the stages of Prehistory, that is the Paleolithic and Neolithic Times. This video will answer questions like: When did Paleolithic Times begin? What does "paleolithic" mean? How was fire discovered? Were paleolithic people hunters or collectors? What is cave painting? This educational video belongs to a collection of videos related to the five things you should know about History. Excellent resource for Elementary School.
Thanks for visiting us! If you want your children to smile and learn, subscribe! :D
We only upload our own content, designed by educators so that children smile and learn while watching a video.
All of our content reinforces educational values, encouraging the use of multiple intelligences and language learning.
If you like our videos, download Smile and Learn now. You’ll discover more than 5.000 activities for children aged 3 to 12 years, all designed by educators. We have 250 games and interactive stories and over 280 videos in five languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and French. Try a month for free and start the adventure!
Educational video for children to learn many things about the stages of Prehistory, that is the Paleolithic and Neolithic Times. This video will answer questions like: When did Paleolithic Times begin? What does "paleolithic" mean? How was fire discovered? Were paleolithic people hunters or collectors? What is cave painting? This educational video belongs to a collection of videos related to the five things you should know about History. Excellent resource for Elementary School.
Thanks for visiting us! If you want your children to smile and learn, subscribe! :D
We only upload our own content, designed by educators so that children smile and learn while watching a video.
All of our content reinforces educational values, encouraging the use of multiple intelligences and language learning.
If you like our videos, download Smile and Learn now. You’ll discover more than 5.000 activities for children aged 3 to 12 years, all designed by educators. We have 250 games and interactive stories and over 280 videos in five languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and French. Try a month for free and start the adventure!
- published: 21 Jan 2020
- views: 214498
Daily Current Affairs | 15th November 2023 | APPSC | TSPSC | Tone Academy
Daily Current Affairs | 14th November 2023 | APPSC | TSPSC | Tone Academy
#education #toneacademy #dailycurrentaffairs #november #appsc #tspsc @TOneAcademy
Daily Current Affairs | 14th November 2023 | APPSC | TSPSC | Tone Academy
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Abolition Of Zamindari Act - https://youtu.be/HUVTHaEvl-E
Seasons - https://youtu.be/FtfdJiUYVPE
Problems on Time & Work Concept – 5 Efficiency - https://youtu.be/vAFcu4jaZ9Y
Indus Valley Civilization - Society - https://youtu.be/JFo0fnVlXTk
Fundamental Rights-Protection In Respect of Conviction for Offences Part-6 - https://youtu.be/APa4KcCmGp4
Latitudes And Longitudes - https://youtu.be/rx1nYENfuoE
Problems On Time and Work - Concept-3 Leaving and Joining-Part 3 - https://youtu.be/Ud4OuneetS0
Land Administration Under Nizams - https://youtu.be/3fEvTJpbCjw
Land Reforms- Intermediaries in Telangana - https://youtu.be/f8rjm2ATrg0
Problems On Time and Work - Concept-3 Leaving and Joining-Part 2 - https://youtu.be/eY9zz6TpxzM
Motions Of The Earth - https://youtu.be/mihO3JoifLk
Excavations & Important Findings Of Indus Valley Civilization Part-1 - https://youtu.be/27r9_Rm5q0I
Fundamental Rights – Right To Equality – Part-4 - https://youtu.be/G6ruRhL--EE
Telangana Movement - Nizam V & VI - https://youtu.be/3MXy3iZLmNA
Parts of Speech Part 2 - https://youtu.be/j_5VsY9j5YE
Problems On Time and Work - Concept-3 Leaving and Joining-Part 1 - https://youtu.be/q3Gz65C59GA
Hyderabad Jagirdhari Abolition & Regulation Act 1949 - https://youtu.be/UzbqUQZTVHA
Indus Valley Civilization- Contemporary Civilization | History - https://youtu.be/IDLw2-n1IAo
Alphabetical Test - Opposite Alphabetical Letters | Reasoning - https://youtu.be/tEYenL8tGms
Telangana Movement- 3rd and 4th Nizam | Telangana Movement - https://youtu.be/I26PRjaGDh0
Fundamental Rights – Right To Equality – Part-3 | Polity - https://youtu.be/X2ORAfEgcmk
Neolithic And Chalcolithic Age | History - https://youtu.be/Lo1LcOBo-uE
Constellation And Moon | Geography - https://youtu.be/KM7IvAh27t0
Time and Work Introduction | Quantitative Aptitude – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40flg...
Time and Work Concept 2 – https://youtu.be/KlhBIMPXyHY
Time and work Concept 1 – https://youtu.be/q3TRqMPMLqc
Introduction To Land Reforms - https://youtu.be/3N-3xn92_Zw
Preamble of Indian Constitution | Indian Polity – https://youtu.be/iEVo5dRhNZQ
THE EARTH – It's Origin and Evolution | Geography – https://youtu.be/J2H7ZJRaMis
Alphabet Test Introduction | Alphabet Reasoning Tricks In Telugu – https://youtu.be/95_yMMx9qeU
Indian History – Introduction - https://youtu.be/tC7D5764lrQ
Paleolithic Age and Mesolithic Age - https://youtu.be/WLhAE3KdPis
Parts Of Speech - https://youtu.be/3pbL1ADOcfo
Introduction To Fundamental Rights Part – 1 - https://youtu.be/TMhJwWpEHhE
Introduction To Fundamental Rights Part – 2 - https://youtu.be/_7jQsQL4-cY
Solar System - https://youtu.be/78OJHTGwYNo
Planets In Solar System - https://youtu.be/PynDzQLHXtA
Telangana Movement- 1st and 2nd Nizam - https://youtu.be/zAZHl2uhU3Q
Alphabetical Test-Place values/Positions Of Letters-Part 2 - https://youtu.be/pf_2MI_SyUo
Problems On Time And Work - Concept-3 (A+B,B+C,C+A) - https://youtu.be/xL-etne7360
Land Reform Movements And Statutory Acts - https://youtu.be/dGU1kIFMs5g
Indus Valley Civilization - Artistic Skills - https://youtu.be/WpAhAbDiKZQ
Problems based on Place Value of a Letter in Forward & Backward order position - https://youtu.be/pHAI3zbyBHw
Telangana- Castes, Vetti Practices - https://youtu.be/zsif_PAKvao
Daily Current Affairs | 14th November 2023 | APPSC | TSPSC | Tone Academy
#education #toneacademy #dailycurrentaffairs #november #appsc #tspsc @TOneAcademy
any queries/doubts/information - we are just an email away - mail us @
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Abolition Of Zamindari Act - https://youtu.be/HUVTHaEvl-E
Seasons - https://youtu.be/FtfdJiUYVPE
Problems on Time & Work Concept – 5 Efficiency - https://youtu.be/vAFcu4jaZ9Y
Indus Valley Civilization - Society - https://youtu.be/JFo0fnVlXTk
Fundamental Rights-Protection In Respect of Conviction for Offences Part-6 - https://youtu.be/APa4KcCmGp4
Latitudes And Longitudes - https://youtu.be/rx1nYENfuoE
Problems On Time and Work - Concept-3 Leaving and Joining-Part 3 - https://youtu.be/Ud4OuneetS0
Land Administration Under Nizams - https://youtu.be/3fEvTJpbCjw
Land Reforms- Intermediaries in Telangana - https://youtu.be/f8rjm2ATrg0
Problems On Time and Work - Concept-3 Leaving and Joining-Part 2 - https://youtu.be/eY9zz6TpxzM
Motions Of The Earth - https://youtu.be/mihO3JoifLk
Excavations & Important Findings Of Indus Valley Civilization Part-1 - https://youtu.be/27r9_Rm5q0I
Fundamental Rights – Right To Equality – Part-4 - https://youtu.be/G6ruRhL--EE
Telangana Movement - Nizam V & VI - https://youtu.be/3MXy3iZLmNA
Parts of Speech Part 2 - https://youtu.be/j_5VsY9j5YE
Problems On Time and Work - Concept-3 Leaving and Joining-Part 1 - https://youtu.be/q3Gz65C59GA
Hyderabad Jagirdhari Abolition & Regulation Act 1949 - https://youtu.be/UzbqUQZTVHA
Indus Valley Civilization- Contemporary Civilization | History - https://youtu.be/IDLw2-n1IAo
Alphabetical Test - Opposite Alphabetical Letters | Reasoning - https://youtu.be/tEYenL8tGms
Telangana Movement- 3rd and 4th Nizam | Telangana Movement - https://youtu.be/I26PRjaGDh0
Fundamental Rights – Right To Equality – Part-3 | Polity - https://youtu.be/X2ORAfEgcmk
Neolithic And Chalcolithic Age | History - https://youtu.be/Lo1LcOBo-uE
Constellation And Moon | Geography - https://youtu.be/KM7IvAh27t0
Time and Work Introduction | Quantitative Aptitude – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40flg...
Time and Work Concept 2 – https://youtu.be/KlhBIMPXyHY
Time and work Concept 1 – https://youtu.be/q3TRqMPMLqc
Introduction To Land Reforms - https://youtu.be/3N-3xn92_Zw
Preamble of Indian Constitution | Indian Polity – https://youtu.be/iEVo5dRhNZQ
THE EARTH – It's Origin and Evolution | Geography – https://youtu.be/J2H7ZJRaMis
Alphabet Test Introduction | Alphabet Reasoning Tricks In Telugu – https://youtu.be/95_yMMx9qeU
Indian History – Introduction - https://youtu.be/tC7D5764lrQ
Paleolithic Age and Mesolithic Age - https://youtu.be/WLhAE3KdPis
Parts Of Speech - https://youtu.be/3pbL1ADOcfo
Introduction To Fundamental Rights Part – 1 - https://youtu.be/TMhJwWpEHhE
Introduction To Fundamental Rights Part – 2 - https://youtu.be/_7jQsQL4-cY
Solar System - https://youtu.be/78OJHTGwYNo
Planets In Solar System - https://youtu.be/PynDzQLHXtA
Telangana Movement- 1st and 2nd Nizam - https://youtu.be/zAZHl2uhU3Q
Alphabetical Test-Place values/Positions Of Letters-Part 2 - https://youtu.be/pf_2MI_SyUo
Problems On Time And Work - Concept-3 (A+B,B+C,C+A) - https://youtu.be/xL-etne7360
Land Reform Movements And Statutory Acts - https://youtu.be/dGU1kIFMs5g
Indus Valley Civilization - Artistic Skills - https://youtu.be/WpAhAbDiKZQ
Problems based on Place Value of a Letter in Forward & Backward order position - https://youtu.be/pHAI3zbyBHw
Telangana- Castes, Vetti Practices - https://youtu.be/zsif_PAKvao
- published: 15 Nov 2023
- views: 102
Prehistory | Educational Video for Kids
Discover hundreds of never-before-seen resources! Create your free account at https://my.happylearning.tv/ and start learning in the most entertaining way.
Discover hundreds of never-before-seen resources! Create your free account at https://my.happylearning.tv/ and start learning in the most entertaining way.
What are you waiting for? Can you imagine living in prehistoric times?😲 Let’s have a look at how our ancestors used to live!
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Recommended video: The Ancient Age
Hello friends! Welcome to a new Happy Learning video.
Today, we’re going to learn about our Prehistory.
The first thing we need to know, is that our Prehistory is divided in three different periods… Paleolithic, neolithic and the metal ages.
The Paleolithic begins with the appearance of the first human beings and ends 8000 years before Christ.
During the Paleolithic period, people were nomads meaning they didn't live in one place, no,they were constantly on the move in search of animals to hunt. As they were hunters and gatherers, they needed to follow the animals in order to capture them and at the same time
they collected wild fruits found on the way.
They lived in tribes, in small groups formed by families, and they found refuge in caves where they would paint on the wall. These paintings were done with a mixture of charcoal, earth, animal fat and water. Look here are a few examples…truth is, its absolutely fascinating to think that these first paintings, these first artistic representations, were drawn thousands of years ago. Don’t you think?
Both Paleolithic men and women wore animal skins which they had hunted previously and they used tools such as an ax and spears made out of stones, wood and bones which they themselves carved.
With the passing of time, or rather centuries, these first human beings became more and more intelligent and they began to domesticate animals such as dogs, goats, sheep and pigs; they also began to cultivate plants which was then eaten. It is in these times, with the arrival of agriculture and farming, when everything changed, when man stopped being a nomad and becomes sedentary and the fist villages are made… This is when the Paleolithic period ends and the Neolithic begins.
The Neolithic started 8 million years before Christ, and it was then when we discovered agriculture and farming and it finishes 5.000 years before Christ with the beginning of the Metal Ages. Both men and woman in the Neolithic period were able to produce food by cultivating the land and domesticating animals. One can say they were the first farmers and agriculturalist of our history, better yet, prehistory. As they had to look after their crops and animals, they constructed small villages and began to settle in them permanently, meaning they transformed into sedentary, not like the Paleolithic who were nomads because they were constantly traveling. The first Neolithic settlements were situated in very futile lands, near rivers so that they could access water easily both needed for their crops as well as allowing their animals to drink. You know how important water is in our life! The first plants that were cultivated were cereals, such as wheat, or pulses like chickpeas…But do you know which were the first animals to be domesticated?...Well it was dogs, goats, sheep and pigs. During the Neolithic era many interesting things were invented such as ceramic and fabric but the most important invention was, without a doubt the wheel… Everything became so easy for men and women in the paleolithic. Especially, when they started using metals! This is the point where the Neolithic ended, and a new era in prehistory commenced: the metal ages! Which commenced approximately 6.500 years before Christ and finishes when the first written language was born.
During the Metal Ages, people began questioning the mysteries of life as well as death and the first religious representations arose. Constructions called megaliths were created with large blocks of Stone. Mega meaning large and liths Stone.The simplest megalith was the menhir, a large Stone riveted vertically into the ground. Dolmens were also constructed such as the ones seen in these images.The Metal Ages ended with the first written language, about 4000 years ago. And as the Metal Ages ended, Prehistory comes to an end, but then… History commences! Did you find learning about Prehistory interesting? Paleolithic, Neolithic and the Metal Ages? We definitely did! Because by getting to know our past, we understand our present, and make our future better.
Goodbye friends! See you next time! And don’t forget to subscribe to Happy Learning, Tv
Discover hundreds of never-before-seen resources! Create your free account at https://my.happylearning.tv/ and start learning in the most entertaining way.
What are you waiting for? Can you imagine living in prehistoric times?😲 Let’s have a look at how our ancestors used to live!
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Recommended video: The Ancient Age
Hello friends! Welcome to a new Happy Learning video.
Today, we’re going to learn about our Prehistory.
The first thing we need to know, is that our Prehistory is divided in three different periods… Paleolithic, neolithic and the metal ages.
The Paleolithic begins with the appearance of the first human beings and ends 8000 years before Christ.
During the Paleolithic period, people were nomads meaning they didn't live in one place, no,they were constantly on the move in search of animals to hunt. As they were hunters and gatherers, they needed to follow the animals in order to capture them and at the same time
they collected wild fruits found on the way.
They lived in tribes, in small groups formed by families, and they found refuge in caves where they would paint on the wall. These paintings were done with a mixture of charcoal, earth, animal fat and water. Look here are a few examples…truth is, its absolutely fascinating to think that these first paintings, these first artistic representations, were drawn thousands of years ago. Don’t you think?
Both Paleolithic men and women wore animal skins which they had hunted previously and they used tools such as an ax and spears made out of stones, wood and bones which they themselves carved.
With the passing of time, or rather centuries, these first human beings became more and more intelligent and they began to domesticate animals such as dogs, goats, sheep and pigs; they also began to cultivate plants which was then eaten. It is in these times, with the arrival of agriculture and farming, when everything changed, when man stopped being a nomad and becomes sedentary and the fist villages are made… This is when the Paleolithic period ends and the Neolithic begins.
The Neolithic started 8 million years before Christ, and it was then when we discovered agriculture and farming and it finishes 5.000 years before Christ with the beginning of the Metal Ages. Both men and woman in the Neolithic period were able to produce food by cultivating the land and domesticating animals. One can say they were the first farmers and agriculturalist of our history, better yet, prehistory. As they had to look after their crops and animals, they constructed small villages and began to settle in them permanently, meaning they transformed into sedentary, not like the Paleolithic who were nomads because they were constantly traveling. The first Neolithic settlements were situated in very futile lands, near rivers so that they could access water easily both needed for their crops as well as allowing their animals to drink. You know how important water is in our life! The first plants that were cultivated were cereals, such as wheat, or pulses like chickpeas…But do you know which were the first animals to be domesticated?...Well it was dogs, goats, sheep and pigs. During the Neolithic era many interesting things were invented such as ceramic and fabric but the most important invention was, without a doubt the wheel… Everything became so easy for men and women in the paleolithic. Especially, when they started using metals! This is the point where the Neolithic ended, and a new era in prehistory commenced: the metal ages! Which commenced approximately 6.500 years before Christ and finishes when the first written language was born.
During the Metal Ages, people began questioning the mysteries of life as well as death and the first religious representations arose. Constructions called megaliths were created with large blocks of Stone. Mega meaning large and liths Stone.The simplest megalith was the menhir, a large Stone riveted vertically into the ground. Dolmens were also constructed such as the ones seen in these images.The Metal Ages ended with the first written language, about 4000 years ago. And as the Metal Ages ended, Prehistory comes to an end, but then… History commences! Did you find learning about Prehistory interesting? Paleolithic, Neolithic and the Metal Ages? We definitely did! Because by getting to know our past, we understand our present, and make our future better.
Goodbye friends! See you next time! And don’t forget to subscribe to Happy Learning, Tv
- published: 30 Oct 2018
- views: 1174987