'+pages+''); $('.stream > div:odd').addClass('bgr_color'); updateHeight('#history'); }); window.activateTabArea = ensure(function(tab, areas){ var parsed = false; var parts = (areas || '').split('/'); window.fsonload = $.inArray('fs', parts) >= 0; if(fsonload){ parts.splice(parts.indexOf('fs'), 1); } var replayMode = false; if($.inArray('replay', parts)>=0){ replayMode = 'replay'; } var noSoundMode = false; if($.inArray('nosound', parts)>=0){ noSoundMode = 'nosound'; } if($.inArray('ns', parts)>=0){ noSoundMode = 'ns'; } var previewMode = null; if($.inArray('p', parts)>=0){ previewMode = 'p'; } if($.inArray('preview', parts)>=0){ previewMode = 'preview'; } if($.inArray('repeat', parts)>=0){ replayMode = 'repeat'; } if($.inArray('r', parts)>=0 || $.inArray('ro', parts)>=0){ replayMode = 'r'; } if(replayMode){ parts.splice(parts.indexOf(replayMode), 1); } if(noSoundMode){ parts.splice(parts.indexOf(noSoundMode), 1); } if(previewMode){ parts.splice(parts.indexOf(previewMode), 1); } if(previewMode){ if(!parts.length){ parts = ['1-14', '999:59']; } } var area = parts[0]; if(tab == 'history' && false){ var page = parseInt(area || '1') || 1; $.ajax({ url: 'https://login.wn.com/recent/json/?pp='+history_pp+'&skip='+history_pp*(page-1), dataType: 'jsonp', success: function(response){ $ensure(function(){ renderHistory(response, page); }); } }); return true; } if(tab == 'global_history' && false){ var page = parseInt(area || '1') || 1; globalHistory.fetchStream(page, '', function(){ updateHeight('#global_history'); }); return true; } if(tab == 'my_playlists' && false){ var page = parseInt(area || '1') || 1; myPlaylists.fetchStream(page, '', function(){ updateHeight('#my_playlists'); }); return true; } if(tab == 'my_videos' && false){ var page = parseInt(area || '1') || 1; myVideos.fetchStream(page, '', function(){ updateHeight('#my_videos'); }); return true; } if(tab == 'related_sites' && areas && matchPosition(areas)){ var seconds = parsePosition(areas); scrollRelated(seconds); return false; } if(matchPosition(area) || matchAction(area)){ parts.unshift('1'); area = parts[0]; } if(tab == 'expand' && area && area.match(/\d+/)) { var num = parseInt(area); if(num < 100){ //FIX ME. Load news page with ajax here } else if(num > 1900){ //FIX ME. Load timeline page with ajax here } } else if(tab.match(/^playlist\d+$/)){ var playerId = parseInt(tab.substring(8)); var vp = videoplayers[playerId]; window.descriptionsholder = $('.descriptionsplace'); if(!vp) return; // why? no player? if(replayMode){ $('.replaycurrent'+playerId).attr('checked', true); vp.setReplayCurrent(true); } var playQueue = []; window.playQueue = playQueue; var playQueuePosition = 0; var playShouldStart = null; var playShouldStop = null; var parseList = function(x){ var items = x.split(/;|,/g); var results = []; for (i in items){ try{ var action = parseAction(vp, items[i]); if(!action.video){ if(window.console && console.log) console.log("Warning: No video for queued entry: " + items[i]); }else{ results.push(action); } }catch(e){ if(window.console && console.log) console.log("Warning: Can''t parse queue entry: " + items[i]); } } return results; }; var scrollToPlaylistPosition = function(vp){ var ppos = vp.getPlaylistPosition(); var el = vp.playlistContainer.find('>li').eq(ppos); var par = el.closest('.playlist_scrollarea'); par.scrollTop(el.offset().top-par.height()/2); } var updateVolumeState = function(){ if(noSoundMode){ if(noSoundMode == 'turn-on'){ clog("Sound is on, vsid="+vp.vsid); vp.setVolumeUnMute(); noSoundMode = false; }else{ clog("Sound is off, vsid="+vp.vsid); vp.setVolumeMute(); noSoundMode = 'turn-on'; } } } var playQueueUpdate = function(){ var playPosition = playQueue[playQueuePosition]; vp.playFromPlaylist(playPosition.video); scrollToPlaylistPosition(vp); playShouldStart = playPosition.start; playShouldStop = playPosition.stop; }; var playQueueAdvancePosition = function(){ clog("Advancing play position..."); playQueuePosition ++; while(playQueuePosition < playQueue.length && !playQueue[playQueuePosition].video){ playQueuePosition ++; } if(playQueuePosition < playQueue.length){ playQueueUpdate(); }else if(vp.getReplayCurrent()){ playQueuePosition = 0; playQueueUpdate(); vp.seekTo(playShouldStart); vp.playVideo(); }else{ vp.pauseVideo(); playShouldStop = null; playShouldStart = null; } }; function loadMoreVideos(playerId, vp, start, finish, callback){ var playlistInfo = playlists[playerId-1]; if(playlistInfo.loading >= finish) return; playlistInfo.loading = finish; $.ajax({ url: '/api/upge/cheetah-photo-search/query_videos2', dataType: 'json', data: { query: playlistInfo.query, orderby: playlistInfo.orderby, start: start, count: finish-start }, success: function(response){ var pl = vp.getPlaylist().slice(0); pl.push.apply(pl, response); vp.setPlaylist(pl); callback(); } }); } if(parts.length == 1 && matchDash(parts[0])){ var pl = vp.getActualPlaylist(); var vids = parseDash(parts[0]); parts = []; for(var i = 0; i < vids.length; i++){ playQueue.push({ 'video': pl[vids[i]-1], 'start': 0, 'stop': null }) } if(vids.length){ if(vids[vids.length-1]-1>=pl.length){ loadMoreVideos(playerId, vp, pl.length, vids[vids.length-1], function(){ if(fsonload){ activateTabArea(tab, parts[0]+'/fs'); }else{ activateTabArea(tab, parts[0]); } var pls = vp.getPlaylist(); vp.playFromPlaylist(pls[pls.length-1]); vp.playVideo(); scrollToPlaylistPosition(vp); }); return true; } } if(playQueue){ playQueueUpdate(); vp.playVideo(); parsed = true; playShouldStart = 0; } } if(previewMode){ var vids = []; var dur = 0; var pl = vp.getActualPlaylist(); area = parts[0]; if(parts.length == 1 && matchPosition(parts[0])){ vids = parseDash('1-'+pl.length); dur = parsePosition(parts[0]); parts = []; }else if(parts.length == 1 && matchDash(parts[0])){ vids = parseDash(parts[0]); dur = parsePosition("999:59"); parts = []; } if(parts.length == 2 && matchDash(parts[0]) && matchPosition(parts[1])){ vids = parseDash(parts[0]); dur = parsePosition(parts[1]); parts = []; } for(var i = 0; i < vids.length; i++){ playQueue.push({ 'video': pl[vids[i]-1], 'start': 0, 'stop': dur }) } if(playQueue){ playQueueUpdate(); vp.playVideo(); parsed = true; } } if(parts.length>1){ for(var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++){ var sel = findMatchingVideo(vp, parts[i]); if(sel){ playQueue.push({ 'video': sel, 'start': 0, 'stop': null }) } } if(playQueue){ playQueueUpdate(); vp.playVideo(); parsed = true; } }else if(area){ var sel = findMatchingVideo(vp, area); if(sel){ vp.playFromPlaylist(sel); playShouldStart = 0; parsed = true; } } if(fsonload || replayMode){ playShouldStart = 0; } if(document.location.search.match('at=|queue=')){ var opts = document.location.search.replace(/^\?/,'').split(/&/g); for(var o in opts){ if(opts[o].match(/^at=(\d+:)?(\d+:)?\d+$/)){ playShouldStart = parsePosition(opts[o].substr(3)) } if(opts[o].match(/^queue=/)){ playQueue = parseList(opts[o].substr(6)); if(playQueue){ playQueuePosition = 0; playQueueUpdate(); } } } } if(matchPosition(parts[1])){ playShouldStart = parsePosition(parts[1]); parsed = true; } if(matchAction(parts[1])){ var action = parseAction(vp, area+'/'+parts[1]); playShouldStart = action.start; playShouldStop = action.stop; parsed = true; } if(playShouldStart !== null && !playQueue.length){ playQueue.push({ video: vp.getCurrentVideo(), start: playShouldStart, stop: playShouldStop }); } if(playShouldStart != null){ setInterval(function(){ if(playShouldStop && vp.currentPlayer && vp.currentPlayer.getCurrentTime() > playShouldStop){ playShouldStop = null; if(vp.getCurrentVideo() == playQueue[playQueuePosition].video){ playQueueAdvancePosition(); }else{ playShouldStart = null; } } }, 500); vp.playerContainer.bind('videoplayer.player.statechange', function(e, state){ if(state == 'ended'){ // advance to the next video playQueueAdvancePosition(); } }); vp.playerContainer.bind('videoplayer.player.readychange', function(e, state){ if(state){ updateVolumeState(); if(playShouldStart !== null){ vp.seekTo(playShouldStart); playShouldStart = null; }else{ playShouldStop = null; // someone started other video, stop playing from playQueue } } if(fsonload) { triggerFullscreen(playerId); fsonload = false; } }); } } else if(tab.match(/^wiki\d+$/)){ if(firstTimeActivate){ load_wiki($('#'+tab), function(){ if(area){ var areaNode = $('#'+area); if(areaNode.length>0){ $('html, body').scrollTop(areaNode.offset().top + 10); return true; } } }); } } return parsed; }) window.activateTab = ensure(function(tab, area){ window.activeArea = null; if(tab == 'import_videos'){ if(area){ import_videos(area); 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'/'+path : ''; window.lastHistory = '/'+path; } } }); $('.tabtrigger li a').live('click', ensure(function() { var tab = $(this).attr('id'); if(tab.substring(0,1) == '#'){ var name = tab.substring(1); if(name in menu_names){ name = menu_names[name][0]; } realTab = rev_names[name]; $('#'+realTab).show(); if(window.console && console.log) console.log("Triggering tab: "+name+(window.activeArea?" activeArea="+window.activeArea:'')); var path = name; if(window.activeArea){ path = path + '/' + window.activeArea; } if(tab.match(/#playlist\d+/) || tab.match(/#details\d+/)){ $('.multiple-playlists').show(); $('.related_playlist').show(); $('.longest_videos_playlist').show(); }else { $('.multiple-playlists').hide(); $('.related_playlist').hide(); $('.longest_videos_playlist').hide(); } // start the related script only when the tab is on screen showing if (tab.match(/related_sites/)) { if (mc) { mc.startCredits(); } } window.activeTab = realTab; addHistory(path); setTimeout(ensure(function(){ if(tab.match(/language--/)){ $('.tabtrigger').offscreentabs('activateTab', 'language'); } if(tab.match(/weather/)) { $('.tabtrigger').offscreentabs('activateTab', 'weather'); loadContinent(); } updateMenus(tab); updateHeight(); }), 10); } return false; })); }); -->

Conclusion (music)

In music, the conclusion is the ending of a composition and may take the form of a coda or outro.

Pieces using sonata form typically use the recapitulation to conclude a piece, providing closure through the repetition of thematic material from the exposition in the tonic key. In all musical forms other techniques include "altogether unexpected digressions just as a work is drawing to its close, followed by a return...to a consequently more emphatic confirmation of the structural relations implied in the body of the work."

For example:

  • The slow movement of Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No. 2, where a "diminished-7th chord progression interrupts the final cadence."
  • The slow movement of Symphony No. 5 by Beethoven, where, "echoing afterthoughts", follow the initial statements of the first theme and only return expanded in the coda.
  • Varèse's Density 21.5, where partitioning of the chromatic scale into (two) whole tone scales provides the missing tritone of b implied in the previously exclusive partitioning by (three) diminished seventh chords.
  • Psyence Fiction

    Psyence Fiction is the debut album by the group Unkle, released in 1998 for Mo'Wax.


    "Unreal" is an instrumental version of the song "Be There" (featuring Ian Brown), which was released a year later as a single. On some early presses of the album, instrumental versions of "Guns Blazing" and "The Knock" were added as tracks 13 and 14. On some re-releases of this album, "Be There" was added as track 13. Some versions (mainly the Japanese release, but also the US promotional copy) contain the hidden track "Intro (optional)" as "track zero", which is actually the pre-gap (index 0) of track 1. This can be accessed by "rewinding" the first track on some CD players.

    "Lonely Soul" was featured in an Assassin's Creed trailer for PS3, Xbox 360, and PC. It was also featured on the soundtrack to the film The Beach, in the first episode of Misfits and in the Person of Interest episode "Matsya Nyaya".

    Psyence Fiction reached #4 on the UK album charts, and #107 on US Billboard 200. It also debuted at #15 in Australia.

    Closing credits

    Closing credits or end credits are added at the very ending of a motion picture, television program, or video game to list the cast and crew involved in the production. They usually appear as a list of names in small type, which either flip very quickly from page to page, or move smoothly across the background or a black screen. Credits may crawl either right-to-left (which is common in U.K. and some Latin American television programs) or bottom-to-top (which is common in films and U.S. television). The term credit roll comes from the early production days when the names were literally printed on a roll of paper and wound past the camera lens. Sometimes, post-credits scenes or bloopers are added to the end of films along with the closing credits.


    The use of closing credits in film to list complete production crew and cast was not firmly established in American film until the 1970s. Before this decade, most movies were released with no closing credits at all. Films generally had opening credits only, which consisted of just major cast and crew, although sometimes the names of the cast and the characters they played would be shown at the end, as in The Wizard of Oz, Citizen Kane, Mary Poppins, Oliver! and the 1964 Fail Safe. Two of the first major films to contain extensive closing credits – but almost no opening credits – were the blockbusters Around the World in 80 Days (1956) and West Side Story (1961). West Side Story showed only the title at the beginning of the film, and Around the World in 80 Days, like many films today, had no opening credits at all.


    Low or LOW may refer to:


  • Low (band), an American indie rock group from Duluth, Minnesota
  • Albums

  • Low (David Bowie album), 1977
  • Low (Testament album), 1994
  • Low (Low EP), 1994
  • Songs

  • "Low" (Cracker song), 1993
  • "Low" (Flo Rida song), 2007
  • "Low" (Foo Fighters song), 2002
  • "Low" (Juicy J song), 2014
  • "Low" (Kelly Clarkson song), 2003
  • "Low", by Camp Mulla
  • "Low", by Coldplay from X&Y
  • "Low", by Inna from the self-titled album
  • "Low", by Marianas Trench from Fix Me
  • "Low", by R.E.M. from Out of Time
  • "Low", by Silverchair from Young Modern
  • "Low", by Sleeping with Sirens from Feel
  • "Low", by Tech N9ne from K.O.D.
  • Other uses

  • Low (surname)
  • Launch on warning (LOW)
  • Low (complexity), a concept in computational complexity theory
  • Low (computability)
  • Low (comics), an Image Comics series by Rick Remender and Greg Tocchini
  • Low, Quebec, Canada
  • Low, Utah, United States
  • LOW Festival, a cultural festival
  • Low-pressure area, a concept in meteorology
  • Lo Wu Station, a rail station, MTR code LOW
  • Louise Weiss building, the seat of the European Parliament
  • This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia - https://wn.com/Low

    Low (Flo Rida song)

    "Low" is the debut single by American rapper Flo Rida, featured on his debut studio album Mail on Sunday and also featured on the soundtrack to the 2008 film Step Up 2: The Streets. The song features fellow American rapper T-Pain and was co-written with T-Pain. There is also a remix in which the hook is sung by Flo Rida rather than T-Pain. An official remix was made which features Pitbull and T-Pain. With its catchy, up-tempo and club-oriented Southern hip hop rhythms, the song peaked at the summit of the U.S. Billboard Hot 100.

    The song was a massive success worldwide and was the longest running number-one single of 2008 in the United States. With over 6 million digital downloads, it has been certified 7× Platinum by the RIAA, and was the most downloaded single of the 2000s decade, measured by paid digital downloads. The song was named 3rd on the Billboard Hot 100 Songs of the Decade. "Low" spent ten consecutive weeks on top of the Billboard Hot 100, the longest-running number-one single of 2008.

    Low (Testament album)

    Low is the sixth studio album by American heavy metal band Testament. It was released on September 30, 1994. It was the first Testament release not to feature two of its founding members Alex Skolnick (guitar) and Louie Clemente (drums).


    Low would be Testament's last album with Atlantic Records, leading group members to create their own label Burnt Offerings Inc. as part of the change.

    The record was recorded with original band members Chuck Billy (vocals), Eric Peterson (guitar) and Greg Christian (bass). It also saw the first of two Testament album appearances by artist John Tempesta (drums), and three for artist James Murphy (guitar). Long time Testament collaborator Del James is given composer and vocal credits on the album. Additionally, a music video was filmed for the title track.


    Album cover artwork for Low was designed by Dave McKean. He would go on to do the next two Testament studio album covers Demonic (1997) and The Gathering (1999).

    Reception and legacy


    • 여름을 보내며ㅣ도쿄에서 들은 감미로운 J-POPㅣ🎥 𝟰𝗸 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭

      엔딩크레딧의 여운이 담긴 플레이리스트를 드리고자 합니다:) 〰️ 모든 배경 영상과 사진은 직접 촬영해요 🎥/📸 :) 〰️ 장소 : 도쿄, 가루이자와 일대 #도쿄여행 #jpopplaylist #가을플리

      published: 15 Sep 2024
    • 할아버지가 내려주신 느린 시간ㅣ 초록에 싸인 연주곡ㅣ🎥 𝟰𝗸 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭

      엔딩크레딧의 여운이 담긴 플레이리스트를 드리고자 합니다:) 〰️ 모든 배경 영상과 사진은 직접 촬영해요 🎥/📸 :) 〰️ 장소 : Hitofusa no Budo(한 송이의 포도), 가루이자와 #카페음악 #가을플리 #독서음악

      published: 16 Jul 2024
    • Final Credits | Meme Template

      Well, I have no idea why this is the most watched video on my channel. But, I really appreciate your support. Enjoy! :D This is the famous "Final Credits" template; I really liked sharing it, I must not regret it :') ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The rights of the video are reserved to its original authors. This video is uploaded for entertainment purposes.

      published: 27 Sep 2018
    • Ending Credit Covered by ANYUJIN

      STARSHIP SQUARE (Domestic) : https://bit.ly/3HtQ7GF STARSHIP SQUARE (Global) : https://bit.ly/3JWPxm0 IVE US EXCLUSIVE STORE : https://shop.ive-starship.com/ IVE X (Twitter) : https://twitter.com/IVEstarship : https://twitter.com/IVE_twt : https://twitter.com/IVEstarship_JP IVE Instagram : https://instagram.com/IVEstarship IVE Facebook: https://fb.me/IVEstarship IVE Fancafe: https://cafe.daum.net/IVEstarship IVE TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ive.official IVE Weibo: https://weibo.com/ivestarship #IVE #아이브 #アイヴ

      published: 11 Sep 2024
    • Closing Credits

      Provided to YouTube by Stem Disintermedia Inc. Closing Credits · MIKE Beware of the Monkey ℗ 2022 10k Released on: 2022-12-21 Producer: DJ Blackpower Writer: Michael Bonema Auto-generated by YouTube.

      published: 20 Dec 2022
    • Ending Credit

      Provided to YouTube by CJ E&M Music Ending Credit · 엄정화 Uhm Jung Hwa The Cloud Dream of the Nine - 두 번째 꿈 The 2nd Dream ℗ CJ E&M MUSIC Released on: 2017-12-13 Auto-generated by YouTube.

      published: 18 Dec 2017
    • Contact - End Credits

      As an example of how credits appear, here are the end credits from the movie Contact.

      published: 22 May 2013
    • Opeth - Ending Credits (Audio)

      Opeth - Ending Credits (Audio) Listen On Spotify - http://smarturl.it/OpethDDRemix_Spotify Buy On iTunes - http://smarturl.it/OpethDDRemix_iTunes Amazon - http://smarturl.it/OpethDDRemix_Amazon Follow Opeth Website: http://www.opeth.com/ Twitter:https://twitter.com/OfficialOpeth Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Opeth/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/officialopeth/

      published: 23 Nov 2016
    • (FAKE) Higglytown Heroes Season 1 Lost Episode - Chirp Kills Twinkle End Credits

      NOTE: It’s fake. WARNING: Tallest void sound played on the Voidy Gore logo Credit to Johnny Stewart, Mighty Jaden, Juju Shehadeh Productions and @creepy666remaker for the videos and audio, Credit to @ETYMF2003, @LostEpisode666, Spong, Dokihogs, @YTFan2024, Michael P, LEFBB2024, DragonTheAmericanVideoEditor2024 2, UandStudioC989, @YTVasquez2024, @TilesLTVVoidCr, @VladyslavBrosPicturesAlt, Dokihogs and Paulie Delgado / RGB2004CMY15 for the audios and Credit to Chace1204 and RodneyTheSystems for the images

      published: 28 Oct 2024
    • P1Harmony (피원하모니) 2024 PPP : Closing Credits

      P1Harmony (피원하모니) 2024 PPP : Closing Credits #P1Harmony_4th_Anniversary ▷OFFICIAL WEBSITE : https://www.fncent.com/P1Harmony ▷OFFICIAL WEVERSE : https://www.weverse.io/p1harmony ▷OFFICIAL X : https://x.com/P1H_official ▷OFFICIAL MEMBERS X : https://x.com/P1H_members ▷OFFICIAL INSTAGRAM : https://www.instagram.com/p1h_official ▷OFFICIAL FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/P1Harmony ▷OFFICIAL TIKTOK : https://www.tiktok.com/@p1harmony ▷OFFICIAL WEIBO : https://weibo.com/P1Harmony #P1Harmony #피원하모니 #P1H #P1ece #피스 #2024PPP

      published: 28 Oct 2024
    developed with YouTube
    여름을 보내며ㅣ도쿄에서 들은 감미로운 J-POPㅣ🎥 𝟰𝗸 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭

    여름을 보내며ㅣ도쿄에서 들은 감미로운 J-POPㅣ🎥 𝟰𝗸 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:15:02
    • Uploaded Date: 15 Sep 2024
    • views: 313172
    엔딩크레딧의 여운이 담긴 플레이리스트를 드리고자 합니다:) 〰️ 모든 배경 영상과 사진은 직접 촬영해요 🎥/📸 :) 〰️ 장소 : 도쿄, 가루이자와 일대 #도쿄여행 #jpopplaylist #가을플리
    할아버지가 내려주신 느린 시간ㅣ 초록에 싸인 연주곡ㅣ🎥 𝟰𝗸 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭

    할아버지가 내려주신 느린 시간ㅣ 초록에 싸인 연주곡ㅣ🎥 𝟰𝗸 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:12:42
    • Uploaded Date: 16 Jul 2024
    • views: 353987
    엔딩크레딧의 여운이 담긴 플레이리스트를 드리고자 합니다:) 〰️ 모든 배경 영상과 사진은 직접 촬영해요 🎥/📸 :) 〰️ 장소 : Hitofusa no Budo(한 송이의 포도), 가루이자와 #카페음악 #가을플리 #독서음악
    Final Credits | Meme Template

    Final Credits | Meme Template

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:11
    • Uploaded Date: 27 Sep 2018
    • views: 2147765
    Well, I have no idea why this is the most watched video on my channel. But, I really appreciate your support. Enjoy! :D This is the famous "Final Credits" template; I really liked sharing it, I must not regret it :') ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The rights of the video are reserved to its original authors. This video is uploaded for entertainment purposes.
    Ending Credit Covered by ANYUJIN

    Ending Credit Covered by ANYUJIN

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    • Duration: 3:10
    • Uploaded Date: 11 Sep 2024
    • views: 270698
    STARSHIP SQUARE (Domestic) : https://bit.ly/3HtQ7GF STARSHIP SQUARE (Global) : https://bit.ly/3JWPxm0 IVE US EXCLUSIVE STORE : https://shop.ive-starship.com/ IVE X (Twitter) : https://twitter.com/IVEstarship : https://twitter.com/IVE_twt : https://twitter.com/IVEstarship_JP IVE Instagram : https://instagram.com/IVEstarship IVE Facebook: https://fb.me/IVEstarship IVE Fancafe: https://cafe.daum.net/IVEstarship IVE TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ive.official IVE Weibo: https://weibo.com/ivestarship #IVE #아이브 #アイヴ
    Closing Credits

    Closing Credits

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:55
    • Uploaded Date: 20 Dec 2022
    • views: 72070
    Provided to YouTube by Stem Disintermedia Inc. Closing Credits · MIKE Beware of the Monkey ℗ 2022 10k Released on: 2022-12-21 Producer: DJ Blackpower Writer: Michael Bonema Auto-generated by YouTube.
    Ending Credit

    Ending Credit

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:22
    • Uploaded Date: 18 Dec 2017
    • views: 2917533
    Provided to YouTube by CJ E&M Music Ending Credit · 엄정화 Uhm Jung Hwa The Cloud Dream of the Nine - 두 번째 꿈 The 2nd Dream ℗ CJ E&M MUSIC Released on: 2017-12-13 Auto-generated by YouTube.
    Contact - End Credits

    Contact - End Credits

    • Order:
    • Duration: 8:00
    • Uploaded Date: 22 May 2013
    • views: 1791617
    As an example of how credits appear, here are the end credits from the movie Contact.
    Opeth - Ending Credits (Audio)

    Opeth - Ending Credits (Audio)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:38
    • Uploaded Date: 23 Nov 2016
    • views: 580970
    Opeth - Ending Credits (Audio) Listen On Spotify - http://smarturl.it/OpethDDRemix_Spotify Buy On iTunes - http://smarturl.it/OpethDDRemix_iTunes Amazon - http://smarturl.it/OpethDDRemix_Amazon Follow Opeth Website: http://www.opeth.com/ Twitter:https://twitter.com/OfficialOpeth Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Opeth/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/officialopeth/
    (FAKE) Higglytown Heroes Season 1 Lost Episode - Chirp Kills Twinkle End Credits

    (FAKE) Higglytown Heroes Season 1 Lost Episode - Chirp Kills Twinkle End Credits

    • Order:
    • Duration: 9:50
    • Uploaded Date: 28 Oct 2024
    • views: 718
    NOTE: It’s fake. WARNING: Tallest void sound played on the Voidy Gore logo Credit to Johnny Stewart, Mighty Jaden, Juju Shehadeh Productions and @creepy666remaker for the videos and audio, Credit to @ETYMF2003, @LostEpisode666, Spong, Dokihogs, @YTFan2024, Michael P, LEFBB2024, DragonTheAmericanVideoEditor2024 2, UandStudioC989, @YTVasquez2024, @TilesLTVVoidCr, @VladyslavBrosPicturesAlt, Dokihogs and Paulie Delgado / RGB2004CMY15 for the audios and Credit to Chace1204 and RodneyTheSystems for the images
    P1Harmony (피원하모니) 2024 PPP : Closing Credits

    P1Harmony (피원하모니) 2024 PPP : Closing Credits

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:42
    • Uploaded Date: 28 Oct 2024
    • views: 6031
    P1Harmony (피원하모니) 2024 PPP : Closing Credits #P1Harmony_4th_Anniversary ▷OFFICIAL WEBSITE : https://www.fncent.com/P1Harmony ▷OFFICIAL WEVERSE : https://www.weverse.io/p1harmony ▷OFFICIAL X : https://x.com/P1H_official ▷OFFICIAL MEMBERS X : https://x.com/P1H_members ▷OFFICIAL INSTAGRAM : https://www.instagram.com/p1h_official ▷OFFICIAL FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/P1Harmony ▷OFFICIAL TIKTOK : https://www.tiktok.com/@p1harmony ▷OFFICIAL WEIBO : https://weibo.com/P1Harmony #P1Harmony #피원하모니 #P1H #P1ece #피스 #2024PPP
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    여름을 보내며ㅣ도쿄에서 들은 감미로운 J-POPㅣ🎥 𝟰𝗸 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭

    엔딩크레딧의 여운이 담긴 플레이리스트를 드리고자 합니다:) 〰️ 모든 배경 영상과 사진은 직접 촬영해요 🎥/📸 :) 〰️ 장소 : 도쿄, 가루이자와 일대 #도쿄여행 #jpopplaylist #가을플리
    여름을 보내며ㅣ도쿄에서 들은 감미로운 J-POPㅣ🎥 𝟰𝗸 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
    엔딩크레딧의 여운이 담긴 플레이리스트를 드리고자 합니다:) 〰️ 모든 배경 영상과 사진은 직접 촬영해요 🎥/📸 :) 〰️ 장소 : 도쿄, 가루이자와 일대 #도...
    published: 15 Sep 2024
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    할아버지가 내려주신 느린 시간ㅣ 초록에 싸인 연주곡ㅣ🎥 𝟰𝗸 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
    엔딩크레딧의 여운이 담긴 플레이리스트를 드리고자 합니다:) 〰️ 모든 배경 영상과 사진은 직접 촬영해요 🎥/📸 :) 〰️ 장소 : Hitofusa no Budo(...
    published: 16 Jul 2024
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    Final Credits | Meme Template
    Well, I have no idea why this is the most watched video on my channel. But, I really appre...
    published: 27 Sep 2018
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    Ending Credit Covered by ANYUJIN
    STARSHIP SQUARE (Domestic) : https://bit.ly/3HtQ7GF STARSHIP SQUARE (Global) : https://bit...
    published: 11 Sep 2024
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    Closing Credits
    Provided to YouTube by Stem Disintermedia Inc. Closing Credits · MIKE Beware of the Monk...
    published: 20 Dec 2022
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    Ending Credit
    Provided to YouTube by CJ E&M Music Ending Credit · 엄정화 Uhm Jung Hwa The Cloud Dream of...
    published: 18 Dec 2017
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    Contact - End Credits
    As an example of how credits appear, here are the end credits from the movie Contact.
    published: 22 May 2013
    Play in Full Screen
    Opeth - Ending Credits (Audio)
    Opeth - Ending Credits (Audio) Listen On Spotify - http://smarturl.it/OpethDDRemix_Spotify...
    published: 23 Nov 2016
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    (FAKE) Higglytown Heroes Season 1 Lost Episode - Chirp Kills Twinkle End Credits
    NOTE: It’s fake. WARNING: Tallest void sound played on the Voidy Gore logo Credit to John...
    published: 28 Oct 2024
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    P1Harmony (피원하모니) 2024 PPP : Closing Credits
    P1Harmony (피원하모니) 2024 PPP : Closing Credits #P1Harmony_4th_Anniversary ▷OFFICIAL WEBSITE...
    published: 28 Oct 2024
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    Conclusion (music)

    In music, the conclusion is the ending of a composition and may take the form of a coda or outro.

    Pieces using sonata form typically use the recapitulation to conclude a piece, providing closure through the repetition of thematic material from the exposition in the tonic key. In all musical forms other techniques include "altogether unexpected digressions just as a work is drawing to its close, followed by a return...to a consequently more emphatic confirmation of the structural relations implied in the body of the work."

    For example:

  • The slow movement of Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No. 2, where a "diminished-7th chord progression interrupts the final cadence."
  • The slow movement of Symphony No. 5 by Beethoven, where, "echoing afterthoughts", follow the initial statements of the first theme and only return expanded in the coda.
  • Varèse's Density 21.5, where partitioning of the chromatic scale into (two) whole tone scales provides the missing tritone of b implied in the previously exclusive partitioning by (three) diminished seventh chords.
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