[2010] This Is Groovy Indie Heavy?
Download link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/3ws35trfb79696p
Blog post: http://greekunderground.blogspot.gr/2017/06/this-is-groovy-indie-heavy.html
00:00 Sugah Galore - Whipped Cream
04:45 Biri Biri - Doze 8
11:30 Duke Abduction - One With The Mystics
15:50 Cinecod - Thoughts
19:29 Afformance - Will Teasle Hopes
22:49 Bazooka - Dedtox
25:12 Ludmila - Safe & Sorry
29:33 Semen Of The Sun - You Don't Deserve This Song
33:27 Three Way Plane - Let's Pretend You Don't Exist
35:55 Modrec - Holograms
39:12 Fingers Crossed - Welcome To The 00s
43:53 Yellow Devil Sauce - Safe Rage
46:53 Bliss - Lean On Me
53:20 Planet Of Zeus - Supernothing (Live At Eightball)
56:02 National Pornografik - GYBIOLT
1:00:12 Down & Out - Hot Dawg Boogie
1:03:08 The Dive - Billy Jean
1:05:42 Acid Baby Jesus ...
published: 24 Jun 2017
የቅባት ቀውስ / Anointing Chaos
ዛሬ ቅባት በዘመናዊዎቹ ካሪዝማውያንና ጴጤቆስጣውያን እንዲሁም የእምነት ቃል አራማጆች ዘንድ በጣም ተዛብቶ የሚነገር ቃል ነው። ቅባት የሚባለው ቃል መጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ከሚያስተምረው ትምህርት ርቆ የስሕተት ትምህርት እና ልምምድ ተፈጥሮለታል። የቅባት ቀውስ ብዬዋለሁ።
This is a short presentation (in Amharic) on the wrong teachings about anointing. In the modern day revival/renewal, word-faithn and charismatic/pentecostal circles anointing has devolved into a new and bizarre phenomenon. I call it an anointing chaos.
published: 18 Apr 2018
Охота на Гауляйтера. 10 Серия. Сериал. StarMedia. Военная Драма
Минск 1970 год. Торжественное заседание посвященное награждению комсомола Белорусской ССР особенным орденом. В президиуме на почетном месте пожилая женщина – Мария Архипова.
Открыть собрание предоставляется еще одному почетному гостю, Галине Помазан – несмотря на доблестную военную биографию - все еще эффектной, моложавой женщине.
Узнав о приезде Галины, курирующий собрание сотрудник госбезопасности приходит в панику – встреча Архиповой с Помазан крайне нежелательна.
И на самом деле, во время пафосного рассказа Галины о казни палача белорусского народа - гауляйтера Вильгельма Краубе, Архипова не смогла сдержать гнев и набросилась на докладчицу.
Очевидно, что есть еще одна неофициальная версия ликвидации гауляйтера, исполнительницами которой являлись две советские женщины, сестры по оружи...
published: 08 Mar 2017
Fabric Pumpkins DIY
Hello everyone happy October I can’t believe it’s already here! Today’s tutorial is cheap and surprisingly easy we are making fabric pumpkins from an old shirt. I hope you enjoy this tutorial and if you haven’t already please subscribe and hit the bell notification so that you know when my next video is uploaded enjoy!!!
Etsy shop:
published: 01 Oct 2019
Dominus Orchestra feat. Christine Ullorja - “Evening Song”, Jon Lord cover live performance.
Totally unprocessed audio format.
Panos Politis - Piano/Orchestration
Vangelis Stefanopoulos - Synth/Pad sounds
Violin Solo - Ludmilla Limorova
published: 18 Jun 2021
Slavoslavlje, Dvadeset i drugo, Slovo o bolesti - (KAMENI SPAVAČ - Stone Sleeper) MAK DIZDAR (032)
Mak dizdar - Kameni Spavač (za one koji ne vide ali mogu da čuju)
Mak Dizdar - Stone Sleeper (for those who do not see but may hear)
Mehmedalija "Mak" Dizdar (17 October 1917 - 16 July 1971) was one of the greatest Bosnian and
Yugoslav poets of the second half of the 20th century. Mak Dizdar was born to a Bosniak family in Stolac
Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1917. In 1936, Dizdar relocated to Sarajevo where he attended and
graduated from the Gymnasium. Dizdar spent his World War II years as a supporter of the Communist
Partisans. He moved frequently from place to place in order to avoid the NDH authorities' attention.
After the war, Dizdar was a prominent figure in the cultural life of Bosnia and Herzegovina, working as
the editor-in-chief of the daily Oslobođenje (Liberation). ...
published: 06 Nov 2013
Lineage II PvP
L2 Ludmila
published: 04 Sep 2010
Utilising Free Data Sources for Flood Risk Assessments
During this webinar we explored the various sources of freely available data that we can utilise within
XP Solutions software to help with work such as FRAs (Flood Risk Assessments) and SWMPs (Surface Water Management Plans).
published: 28 Mar 2017
Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi 👁👁 Interior do Invisível 🌀 Mensagem de Reflexão 🌾 Poesia Presente
Assista agora 👁👁!!! 🌀 Linda Mensagem de Reflexão “…ajuda a curar a alma…” de Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi Poemas - Mensagens de motivação que nos enriquecem 🎶 A vida de ser celebrada todos os dias 👯 no canal Poesia Presente
Para enviar por WhatsApp
As lindas mensagens de reflexão traçam o mapa para todos nós encontrarmos o caminho para o núcleo misterioso que dá sentido a nós e a nosso mundo, nos conduzindo carinhosamente a incríveis reflexões e transformações 💞 assim essas mensagens nos revelam grandes mistérios.
Belas mensagens agradam a todos, sem exceção! Pois nada melhor do que mensagens de motivação para vitalizar o coração e trazer leveza ao dia 🎈
Os videos de motivação enriquecem os relacionamentos com o que há de melhor, e são frequentemente compar...
published: 07 Oct 2016
Round table in Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy NASU on 50th anniversary of ISKCON Kiev August 2016
published: 05 Oct 2018
[2010] This Is Groovy Indie Heavy?
Download link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/3ws35trfb79696p
Blog post: http://greekunderground.blogspot.gr/2017/06/this-is-groovy-indie-heavy.html
Download link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/3ws35trfb79696p
Blog post: http://greekunderground.blogspot.gr/2017/06/this-is-groovy-indie-heavy.html
00:00 Sugah Galore - Whipped Cream
04:45 Biri Biri - Doze 8
11:30 Duke Abduction - One With The Mystics
15:50 Cinecod - Thoughts
19:29 Afformance - Will Teasle Hopes
22:49 Bazooka - Dedtox
25:12 Ludmila - Safe & Sorry
29:33 Semen Of The Sun - You Don't Deserve This Song
33:27 Three Way Plane - Let's Pretend You Don't Exist
35:55 Modrec - Holograms
39:12 Fingers Crossed - Welcome To The 00s
43:53 Yellow Devil Sauce - Safe Rage
46:53 Bliss - Lean On Me
53:20 Planet Of Zeus - Supernothing (Live At Eightball)
56:02 National Pornografik - GYBIOLT
1:00:12 Down & Out - Hot Dawg Boogie
1:03:08 The Dive - Billy Jean
1:05:42 Acid Baby Jesus - Mesmerized
1:08:25 Misuse - Way To The Seashore
Κυκλοφόρησε από την Spinalonga Records μέσω του bandcamp του label
Download link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/3ws35trfb79696p
Blog post: http://greekunderground.blogspot.gr/2017/06/this-is-groovy-indie-heavy.html
00:00 Sugah Galore - Whipped Cream
04:45 Biri Biri - Doze 8
11:30 Duke Abduction - One With The Mystics
15:50 Cinecod - Thoughts
19:29 Afformance - Will Teasle Hopes
22:49 Bazooka - Dedtox
25:12 Ludmila - Safe & Sorry
29:33 Semen Of The Sun - You Don't Deserve This Song
33:27 Three Way Plane - Let's Pretend You Don't Exist
35:55 Modrec - Holograms
39:12 Fingers Crossed - Welcome To The 00s
43:53 Yellow Devil Sauce - Safe Rage
46:53 Bliss - Lean On Me
53:20 Planet Of Zeus - Supernothing (Live At Eightball)
56:02 National Pornografik - GYBIOLT
1:00:12 Down & Out - Hot Dawg Boogie
1:03:08 The Dive - Billy Jean
1:05:42 Acid Baby Jesus - Mesmerized
1:08:25 Misuse - Way To The Seashore
Κυκλοφόρησε από την Spinalonga Records μέσω του bandcamp του label
- published: 24 Jun 2017
- views: 170
የቅባት ቀውስ / Anointing Chaos
ዛሬ ቅባት በዘመናዊዎቹ ካሪዝማውያንና ጴጤቆስጣውያን እንዲሁም የእምነት ቃል አራማጆች ዘንድ በጣም ተዛብቶ የሚነገር ቃል ነው። ቅባት የሚባለው ቃል መጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ከሚያስተምረው ትምህርት ርቆ የስሕተት ትምህርት እና ልምምድ ተፈጥሮለታል። የቅባት ቀውስ ብዬ...
ዛሬ ቅባት በዘመናዊዎቹ ካሪዝማውያንና ጴጤቆስጣውያን እንዲሁም የእምነት ቃል አራማጆች ዘንድ በጣም ተዛብቶ የሚነገር ቃል ነው። ቅባት የሚባለው ቃል መጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ከሚያስተምረው ትምህርት ርቆ የስሕተት ትምህርት እና ልምምድ ተፈጥሮለታል። የቅባት ቀውስ ብዬዋለሁ።
This is a short presentation (in Amharic) on the wrong teachings about anointing. In the modern day revival/renewal, word-faithn and charismatic/pentecostal circles anointing has devolved into a new and bizarre phenomenon. I call it an anointing chaos.
ዛሬ ቅባት በዘመናዊዎቹ ካሪዝማውያንና ጴጤቆስጣውያን እንዲሁም የእምነት ቃል አራማጆች ዘንድ በጣም ተዛብቶ የሚነገር ቃል ነው። ቅባት የሚባለው ቃል መጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ከሚያስተምረው ትምህርት ርቆ የስሕተት ትምህርት እና ልምምድ ተፈጥሮለታል። የቅባት ቀውስ ብዬዋለሁ።
This is a short presentation (in Amharic) on the wrong teachings about anointing. In the modern day revival/renewal, word-faithn and charismatic/pentecostal circles anointing has devolved into a new and bizarre phenomenon. I call it an anointing chaos.
- published: 18 Apr 2018
- views: 44920
Охота на Гауляйтера. 10 Серия. Сериал. StarMedia. Военная Драма
Минск 1970 год. Торжественное заседание посвященное награждению комсомола Белорусской ССР особенным орденом. В президиуме на почетном месте пожилая женщина – Ма...
Минск 1970 год. Торжественное заседание посвященное награждению комсомола Белорусской ССР особенным орденом. В президиуме на почетном месте пожилая женщина – Мария Архипова.
Открыть собрание предоставляется еще одному почетному гостю, Галине Помазан – несмотря на доблестную военную биографию - все еще эффектной, моложавой женщине.
Узнав о приезде Галины, курирующий собрание сотрудник госбезопасности приходит в панику – встреча Архиповой с Помазан крайне нежелательна.
И на самом деле, во время пафосного рассказа Галины о казни палача белорусского народа - гауляйтера Вильгельма Краубе, Архипова не смогла сдержать гнев и набросилась на докладчицу.
Очевидно, что есть еще одна неофициальная версия ликвидации гауляйтера, исполнительницами которой являлись две советские женщины, сестры по оружию, Архипова и беспартийная Помазан. Но все правдивые подробности этой операции тщательно скрываются - несомненно, на то есть серьёзные причины.
Формат: сериал
Жанр: военная драма
Год производства: 2012
Количество серий: 10
Режиссер: Олег Базилов
Сценарий: Игорь Тер-Карапетов
Художник-постановщик: Александр Холодцов
Оператор-постановщик: Сергей Павленко
Композитор: Сергей Круценко
Продюсеры: Артем Доллежаль, Влад Ряшин
В ролях: Анастасия Заворотнюк, Мария Машкова, Александр Дьяченко, Людмила Чурсина, Лариса Лужина, Ирина Бякова, Андрей Межулис, Uwe Jellinek
Смотреть онлайн бесплатно:
Охота на Гауляйтера. 10 Серия https://youtu.be/9GmMl6tnXt8
Все серии "Охота на Гауляйтера" https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhuA9d7RIOdb_9KRvXpYsRFZrUX6gWyRx
Онлайн-кинотеатр StarMedia на YouTube
Смотреть онлайн фильмы и сериалы бесплатно в хорошем качестве.
Лучшие русские фильмы и сериалы, лучшие мелодрамы, военные фильмы, новинки кино, фильмы с русскими и английскими субтитрами — смотреть онлайн бесплатно в хорошем качестве в онлайн кинотеатре StarMedia на YouTube. Приятного просмотра!
Star Media в социальных сетях:
Минск 1970 год. Торжественное заседание посвященное награждению комсомола Белорусской ССР особенным орденом. В президиуме на почетном месте пожилая женщина – Мария Архипова.
Открыть собрание предоставляется еще одному почетному гостю, Галине Помазан – несмотря на доблестную военную биографию - все еще эффектной, моложавой женщине.
Узнав о приезде Галины, курирующий собрание сотрудник госбезопасности приходит в панику – встреча Архиповой с Помазан крайне нежелательна.
И на самом деле, во время пафосного рассказа Галины о казни палача белорусского народа - гауляйтера Вильгельма Краубе, Архипова не смогла сдержать гнев и набросилась на докладчицу.
Очевидно, что есть еще одна неофициальная версия ликвидации гауляйтера, исполнительницами которой являлись две советские женщины, сестры по оружию, Архипова и беспартийная Помазан. Но все правдивые подробности этой операции тщательно скрываются - несомненно, на то есть серьёзные причины.
Формат: сериал
Жанр: военная драма
Год производства: 2012
Количество серий: 10
Режиссер: Олег Базилов
Сценарий: Игорь Тер-Карапетов
Художник-постановщик: Александр Холодцов
Оператор-постановщик: Сергей Павленко
Композитор: Сергей Круценко
Продюсеры: Артем Доллежаль, Влад Ряшин
В ролях: Анастасия Заворотнюк, Мария Машкова, Александр Дьяченко, Людмила Чурсина, Лариса Лужина, Ирина Бякова, Андрей Межулис, Uwe Jellinek
Смотреть онлайн бесплатно:
Охота на Гауляйтера. 10 Серия https://youtu.be/9GmMl6tnXt8
Все серии "Охота на Гауляйтера" https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhuA9d7RIOdb_9KRvXpYsRFZrUX6gWyRx
Онлайн-кинотеатр StarMedia на YouTube
Смотреть онлайн фильмы и сериалы бесплатно в хорошем качестве.
Лучшие русские фильмы и сериалы, лучшие мелодрамы, военные фильмы, новинки кино, фильмы с русскими и английскими субтитрами — смотреть онлайн бесплатно в хорошем качестве в онлайн кинотеатре StarMedia на YouTube. Приятного просмотра!
Star Media в социальных сетях:
- published: 08 Mar 2017
- views: 854720
Fabric Pumpkins DIY
Hello everyone happy October I can’t believe it’s already here! Today’s tutorial is cheap and surprisingly easy we are making fabric pumpkins from an old shirt....
Hello everyone happy October I can’t believe it’s already here! Today’s tutorial is cheap and surprisingly easy we are making fabric pumpkins from an old shirt. I hope you enjoy this tutorial and if you haven’t already please subscribe and hit the bell notification so that you know when my next video is uploaded enjoy!!!
Etsy shop:
Hello everyone happy October I can’t believe it’s already here! Today’s tutorial is cheap and surprisingly easy we are making fabric pumpkins from an old shirt. I hope you enjoy this tutorial and if you haven’t already please subscribe and hit the bell notification so that you know when my next video is uploaded enjoy!!!
Etsy shop:
- published: 01 Oct 2019
- views: 36
Dominus Orchestra feat. Christine Ullorja - “Evening Song”, Jon Lord cover live performance.
Totally unprocessed audio format.
Panos Politis - Piano/Orchestration
Vangelis Stefanopoulos - Synth/Pad sounds
Totally unprocessed audio format.
Panos Politis - Piano/Orchestration
Vangelis Stefanopoulos - Synth/Pad sounds
Violin Solo - Ludmilla Limorova
Totally unprocessed audio format.
Panos Politis - Piano/Orchestration
Vangelis Stefanopoulos - Synth/Pad sounds
Violin Solo - Ludmilla Limorova
- published: 18 Jun 2021
- views: 161
Slavoslavlje, Dvadeset i drugo, Slovo o bolesti - (KAMENI SPAVAČ - Stone Sleeper) MAK DIZDAR (032)
Mak dizdar - Kameni Spavač (za one koji ne vide ali mogu da čuju)
Mak Dizdar - Stone Sleeper (for those who do not see but may hear)
Mehmedalija "Mak" Dizdar (...
Mak dizdar - Kameni Spavač (za one koji ne vide ali mogu da čuju)
Mak Dizdar - Stone Sleeper (for those who do not see but may hear)
Mehmedalija "Mak" Dizdar (17 October 1917 - 16 July 1971) was one of the greatest Bosnian and
Yugoslav poets of the second half of the 20th century. Mak Dizdar was born to a Bosniak family in Stolac
Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1917. In 1936, Dizdar relocated to Sarajevo where he attended and
graduated from the Gymnasium. Dizdar spent his World War II years as a supporter of the Communist
Partisans. He moved frequently from place to place in order to avoid the NDH authorities' attention.
After the war, Dizdar was a prominent figure in the cultural life of Bosnia and Herzegovina, working as
the editor-in-chief of the daily Oslobođenje (Liberation). He served as head of a few state-sponsored
publishing houses and eventually became a professional writer and the President of the Writers' Union
of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a post he held until his death. Dizdar's two poetry collections and series of
longer poems, Kameni spavač ("Stone sleeper") (1966--1971) and Modra rijeka (1971), fused seemingly
disparate elements. He drew inspiration from pre-Ottoman Bosnian Christian culture, from the sayings of
heterodox Islamic visionary mystics, and from the 15th century Bosnian vernacular linguistic idiom. His
poetry referenced medieval Bosnian tombstones ("stećci" or "mramorovi" - marbles) and their gnomic
inscriptions on the ephemerality of life. It articulated a distinctive vision of life and death, drawing on
Christian and Muslim Gnostic sensibilities of life as a passage between "tomb and stars", expressing both
the Gnostic horror of corporeality and a sense of the blessedness of the universe. After the collapse of
Communism and following the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dizdar's poetic magnum opus has
remained the cornerstone of modern Bosnia-Herzegovina literature.
Fondacija Mak Dizdar: http://makdizdar.ba
Mak dizdar - Kameni Spavač (za one koji ne vide ali mogu da čuju)
Mak Dizdar - Stone Sleeper (for those who do not see but may hear)
Mehmedalija "Mak" Dizdar (17 October 1917 - 16 July 1971) was one of the greatest Bosnian and
Yugoslav poets of the second half of the 20th century. Mak Dizdar was born to a Bosniak family in Stolac
Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1917. In 1936, Dizdar relocated to Sarajevo where he attended and
graduated from the Gymnasium. Dizdar spent his World War II years as a supporter of the Communist
Partisans. He moved frequently from place to place in order to avoid the NDH authorities' attention.
After the war, Dizdar was a prominent figure in the cultural life of Bosnia and Herzegovina, working as
the editor-in-chief of the daily Oslobođenje (Liberation). He served as head of a few state-sponsored
publishing houses and eventually became a professional writer and the President of the Writers' Union
of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a post he held until his death. Dizdar's two poetry collections and series of
longer poems, Kameni spavač ("Stone sleeper") (1966--1971) and Modra rijeka (1971), fused seemingly
disparate elements. He drew inspiration from pre-Ottoman Bosnian Christian culture, from the sayings of
heterodox Islamic visionary mystics, and from the 15th century Bosnian vernacular linguistic idiom. His
poetry referenced medieval Bosnian tombstones ("stećci" or "mramorovi" - marbles) and their gnomic
inscriptions on the ephemerality of life. It articulated a distinctive vision of life and death, drawing on
Christian and Muslim Gnostic sensibilities of life as a passage between "tomb and stars", expressing both
the Gnostic horror of corporeality and a sense of the blessedness of the universe. After the collapse of
Communism and following the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dizdar's poetic magnum opus has
remained the cornerstone of modern Bosnia-Herzegovina literature.
Fondacija Mak Dizdar: http://makdizdar.ba
- published: 06 Nov 2013
- views: 160
Utilising Free Data Sources for Flood Risk Assessments
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During this webinar we explored the various sources of freely available data that we can utilise within
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XP Solutions software to help with work such as FRAs (Flood Risk Assessments) and SWMPs (Surface Water Management Plans).
- published: 28 Mar 2017
- views: 862
Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi 👁👁 Interior do Invisível 🌀 Mensagem de Reflexão 🌾 Poesia Presente
Assista agora 👁👁!!! 🌀 Linda Mensagem de Reflexão “…ajuda a curar a alma…” de Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi Poemas - Mensagens de motivação que nos enriquecem 🎶 A v...
Assista agora 👁👁!!! 🌀 Linda Mensagem de Reflexão “…ajuda a curar a alma…” de Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi Poemas - Mensagens de motivação que nos enriquecem 🎶 A vida de ser celebrada todos os dias 👯 no canal Poesia Presente
Para enviar por WhatsApp
As lindas mensagens de reflexão traçam o mapa para todos nós encontrarmos o caminho para o núcleo misterioso que dá sentido a nós e a nosso mundo, nos conduzindo carinhosamente a incríveis reflexões e transformações 💞 assim essas mensagens nos revelam grandes mistérios.
Belas mensagens agradam a todos, sem exceção! Pois nada melhor do que mensagens de motivação para vitalizar o coração e trazer leveza ao dia 🎈
Os videos de motivação enriquecem os relacionamentos com o que há de melhor, e são frequentemente compartilhados com amigos, parentes, e pessoas queridas. Aliás esta é uma ótima dica 🌞 não só para enviar em datas especiais, como também em dias “comuns”, como hoje. Experimente, envie agora! E compartilhe o resultado 😉
⚡ Esperamos que curtam, comentem e compartilhem esta bela mensagem.
Celebre a vida 🎊
Sobre o Autor:
As mensagens lindas de Rumi são permeadas por paixão e nos conduzem carinhosamente a liberdade interior. Em suas poesias de amor Rumi nos embala com ternura a uma renovação constante do sentir. Sua escrita é atemporal e nos concede incríveis reflexões.
Jalal Ad-Din Muhammad Rumi, mais conhecido no ocidente por Rumi. É o poeta persa mais famoso do mundo, e suas obras são largamente publicadas em varias línguas até hoje. Viveu entre 1207 e 1273. Uma de suas obras mais famosas é o livro Poemas Místicos, repleto de mensagens de reflexão e otimismo.
🌾 Leia mais em https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jalal_ad-Din_Muhammad_Rumi
O Interior do Invisível
Esquece o mundo e comanda o mundo.
Sê a lâmpada, o barco salva-vidas, a escada
Sai de tua casa e como o pastor,
ajuda a curar a alma do teu próximo.
Entra no fogo espiritual
E deixa-te queimar.
Seja o pão bem assado, seja o senhor da mesa.
Vem, sacia teus irmãos.
Tu, que tens sido a fonte da dor,
Seja agora o deleite
Viveste como uma casa sem alicerces.
Seja agora o Um que investiga o interior do invisível.
Assim que me calei,
Uma voz chegou aos meus ouvidos:
“Se te tornas isto, será aquilo”
E depois mais silêncio.
Não uses a boca para falar.
A boca é para provar dessa doçura.
Poesia Presente sua dose diária de leveza e poesia 💞
Se você gosta de mensagens lindas este canal é feito para você 🌟🎈
Inscreva-se e seja bem vindo (a) 🎉
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
🌞 Acompanhe o Poesia Presente 💞
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
→ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CanalPresente
→ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmY4CsXmwBi4fMTuthLgT2A
🦚 Créditos ✡️
⛲️Título: Interior do Invisível ∫ Inside of the Invisible
🦉Autor(a): Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi
📖 🎶 Roteiro e Voz: Carolina Caiuga 👸🏻 https://www.linkedin.com/in/carolinacaiuga
📸Fotografia: http://www.shutterstock.com
🎼Música ∫ Artista ∫ Álbum: Angelic Forest/Doug Maxwell-Media Right Productions/YouTube Audio Library
#PoemaPresente #CarolinaCaiuga #PoesiaPresente
Todos os direitos reservados a Poesia Presente e Carolina Caiuga.
Assista agora 👁👁!!! 🌀 Linda Mensagem de Reflexão “…ajuda a curar a alma…” de Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi Poemas - Mensagens de motivação que nos enriquecem 🎶 A vida de ser celebrada todos os dias 👯 no canal Poesia Presente
Para enviar por WhatsApp
As lindas mensagens de reflexão traçam o mapa para todos nós encontrarmos o caminho para o núcleo misterioso que dá sentido a nós e a nosso mundo, nos conduzindo carinhosamente a incríveis reflexões e transformações 💞 assim essas mensagens nos revelam grandes mistérios.
Belas mensagens agradam a todos, sem exceção! Pois nada melhor do que mensagens de motivação para vitalizar o coração e trazer leveza ao dia 🎈
Os videos de motivação enriquecem os relacionamentos com o que há de melhor, e são frequentemente compartilhados com amigos, parentes, e pessoas queridas. Aliás esta é uma ótima dica 🌞 não só para enviar em datas especiais, como também em dias “comuns”, como hoje. Experimente, envie agora! E compartilhe o resultado 😉
⚡ Esperamos que curtam, comentem e compartilhem esta bela mensagem.
Celebre a vida 🎊
Sobre o Autor:
As mensagens lindas de Rumi são permeadas por paixão e nos conduzem carinhosamente a liberdade interior. Em suas poesias de amor Rumi nos embala com ternura a uma renovação constante do sentir. Sua escrita é atemporal e nos concede incríveis reflexões.
Jalal Ad-Din Muhammad Rumi, mais conhecido no ocidente por Rumi. É o poeta persa mais famoso do mundo, e suas obras são largamente publicadas em varias línguas até hoje. Viveu entre 1207 e 1273. Uma de suas obras mais famosas é o livro Poemas Místicos, repleto de mensagens de reflexão e otimismo.
🌾 Leia mais em https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jalal_ad-Din_Muhammad_Rumi
O Interior do Invisível
Esquece o mundo e comanda o mundo.
Sê a lâmpada, o barco salva-vidas, a escada
Sai de tua casa e como o pastor,
ajuda a curar a alma do teu próximo.
Entra no fogo espiritual
E deixa-te queimar.
Seja o pão bem assado, seja o senhor da mesa.
Vem, sacia teus irmãos.
Tu, que tens sido a fonte da dor,
Seja agora o deleite
Viveste como uma casa sem alicerces.
Seja agora o Um que investiga o interior do invisível.
Assim que me calei,
Uma voz chegou aos meus ouvidos:
“Se te tornas isto, será aquilo”
E depois mais silêncio.
Não uses a boca para falar.
A boca é para provar dessa doçura.
Poesia Presente sua dose diária de leveza e poesia 💞
Se você gosta de mensagens lindas este canal é feito para você 🌟🎈
Inscreva-se e seja bem vindo (a) 🎉
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
🌞 Acompanhe o Poesia Presente 💞
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
→ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CanalPresente
→ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmY4CsXmwBi4fMTuthLgT2A
🦚 Créditos ✡️
⛲️Título: Interior do Invisível ∫ Inside of the Invisible
🦉Autor(a): Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi
📖 🎶 Roteiro e Voz: Carolina Caiuga 👸🏻 https://www.linkedin.com/in/carolinacaiuga
📸Fotografia: http://www.shutterstock.com
🎼Música ∫ Artista ∫ Álbum: Angelic Forest/Doug Maxwell-Media Right Productions/YouTube Audio Library
#PoemaPresente #CarolinaCaiuga #PoesiaPresente
Todos os direitos reservados a Poesia Presente e Carolina Caiuga.
- published: 07 Oct 2016
- views: 330